Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


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  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome



    We suggest:

    Lancme follow a differentiated market coverage

    strategy by introducing Lancme Hyp.

    Lancme change consumers perceptions and

    preferences for higher quality consultation service and a

    wider product line, while only changing consumers to

    prefer higher innovative technologies.

    The Problem Solving Format allowed us to analyze Lancme's current business

    plan. We determined that Lancme should switch from an undifferentiated market

    coverage strategy to a differentiated strategy. This differentiated approach will

    potentially increase consumer preferences for wider product lines, higher

    consultation quality and innovative technologies. Lancme will accomplish this by

    focusing on advertising and promotional campaigns that address the product and

    brand benefits described in the core benefit proposition. In addition, our

    recommended MAGIC strategy will help Lancme defend itself strongly against


  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome



    Overall Market: Cosmetics and Skin care

    Focus Market: Skin care

    We began our Lancme analysis by defining the market which is cosmetics and

    skin care. This market can be further divided into the following categories: body

    care, makeup, hair care, and fragrances. Since Lancme focuses on keeping

    women looking healthy and young, we chose skin care as the focus market, which

    enables us to eliminate brands that are not substitutes for skin care, such as L'Oreal

    and Almay. Within this skin care focus market, Lancme's main competitors are

    Clinique, Perscriptives, Mac, Estee Lauder, Olay, Neutrogena, Clearasil and Clean

    and Clear. These competitors act as substitutes to our Lancme brand.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Segmentation Variables

    Benefits SoughtSpecial / Regular

    Marketing Mix Sensitivity

    Price Sensitivity



    In order to determine our market coverage strategy, we must first consider variables

    that can segment our focus market. Any company could potentially use these

    segmentation variables to segment the skin care market. We believe the relevant

    segmentation variables are: benefits sought, demographics, and marketing mix


    We believe that women seek the benefits of both intensive skin treatments and less

    intensive, basic skin care products. Older and younger women are becoming

    increasingly interested in anti-aging products, while many still prefer basic skin care.

    The skin care market can also be segmented based on marketing mix sensitivity.

    With price sensitivity, consumers reactions to various levels of price are taken into

    consideration. Demographics, in terms of age, is another way to segment the skincare market by considering both older and younger women.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Segmentation Circle

    High Price


    Low Price










    After dividing the focus market into segments, we developed a segmentation circle

    that visually depicts how this market can be segmented for all competitors. These

    segmentation variables not only help determine how to segment the market, but

    also help formulate a company's market coverage strategy.

    There are three possible market coverage strategies: undifferentiated, differentiated

    and concentrated. With an undifferentiated market coverage strategy, a company

    offers a single brand to satisfy all market segments. A differentiated market

    coverage strategy offers multiple brands to satisfy all consumers in the market. A

    concentrated market coverage strategy uses one brand to satisfy one particular

    market segment.

    After analyzing our segmentation circle, we can determine which market coverage

    strategy is most applicable for Lancme to implement.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Actual and Recommended Market

    Coverage Strategy

    Lancme is currently using an Undifferentiated Market

    Coverage Strategy

    All Lancme products are sold under one brand name for all


    We recommend Lancme use a Differentiated Market

    Coverage Strategy

    Extend the Lancme product line by developing Lancome Hyp

    Lancme currently uses an undifferentiated market coverage strategy as they

    ignore segmentation variables and sell to the whole market with one brand. Based

    on our segmentation circle, Lancme should use a differentiated market coverage

    strategy. We recommend switching from an an undifferentiated to a differentiated

    one to effectively widen our product line and improve service quality. We feel a

    differentiated strategy may benefit Lancme as they can extend this line by diving

    into a new younger market which we like to refer to as Lancme Hyp. A

    differentiated strategy will also allow Lancme to operate in both the older and

    younger skin care markets with a new Lancme product extension. This new

    strategy will pull in new customers and increase profits.

    The market coverage strategy defines the target market by describing to whichconsumers the Lancme brand caters. With a differentiated strategy, Lancme will

    address the needs and wants of its entire market with the use of two product lines.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Target Market

    With a new Differentiated Market Coverage Strategy,Lancme focuses on both older and younger womenwithin the skin care market.


    Appeals to women that seek more intensive skin products(anti-aging, wrinkle release)

    Lancome Product Extension: Lancme Hyp:

    Appeals to women, mostly younger, who seek less

    intensive proactive skin care products.

    With this new differentiated market coverage strategy, Lancme establishes its

    target market. Rather than focusing simply on older women skin care needs, this

    new strategy enables Lancme to target a younger skin care market as well. The

    original Lancme product line appeals to women that seek more intensive skin care

    products such as anti-aging and wrinkle release formulas. Lancmes product line

    extension, Lancme Hyp, will appeal to women seeking less intensive, proactive skin

    care products. We believe this wider market will give Lancme the opportunity for

    growth as they will satisfy more consumers skin care needs and wants.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Price Hypoallergenic

    Quality of Ingredients

    Dermatologist Recommended

    Variety of Product Lines

    Stock Availability


    Consultation Quality

    Innovative Technology Packaging

    Needs and Wants of the

    Target Market

    The needs and wants of consumers in the skin care market can be used to

    understand consumers purchasing decisions. Our skin care target market is a

    segment of the whole cosmetics and skin care market. Thus the needs and wants

    of our target market are more specific than the needs and wants of the whole

    market. Lancme must focus on the target markets needs and wants in order to

    establish which are most important to consumers. This will allow Lancme to

    position its brands more effectively.

    Price is important to consumers as many make purchasing decisions

    based on price.

    Consumers with more sensitive skin types value the safe ingredients

    of hypoallergenic formulas.

    Consumers value quality of ingredients as skin care products are

    used on sensitive areas.

    People value dermatologist recommended products as it provides

    consumers with confidence and trust in brands.

    Consumers like choice when picking out skin care products including

    intensity levels, colors, etc.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Price Hypoallergenic

    Quality of Ingredients

    Dermatologist Recommended

    Variety of Product Lines

    Stock Availability


    Consultation Quality

    Innovative Technology Packaging

    Needs and Wants of the

    Target Market

    Needs and Wants Continued

    Consumers want the convenience of onsite stock availability as it

    provides consumers with quick and easy purchases.

    Promotions appeal to consumers because people like free samplesand also like getting more for their money.

    Consumers value professional consultation assistance whenpurchasing skin care products as it ensures product satisfaction.

    Innovative technologies are important to consumers because people

    value new trends.

    Consumers value product packaging as they like having choices interms of size and product package groupings.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Buyer Behavior Flow ChartNeed for Skin Care

    Skin Care Intensity High Low

    Price High Medium Low High Medium Low

    Stock Availability Low High Low High

    Quality of Ingredients High Low High Low

    Variety of Product Line Wide Narrow Wide Narrow

    Innovative Technology High Medium Low High Medium Low

    Consultation Quality Great Poor Great Poor

    In order to understand how consumers in the target market make purchase

    decisions for skin care, we carefully examined our target markets needs and wants.

    This chart demonstrates the different possible routes a consumer can take when

    choosing a line of skin care. The evaluative dimensions at the top of the buyer

    behavior flow chart are the decisions most important to consumers. The bottom

    three dimensions most important to Lancme positioning, which can ultimately

    make a difference in brand choice.

    Our flow chart begins with a need for skin care. Once this need is established,

    consumers decide on the intensity of skin care needed. Price, ranging from high to

    low, is the second most important evaluative dimension to consumers followed by

    low or high stock availability. Quality of ingredients follows stock availability and isviewed as high and low quality. Consumers next buyer behavior step focuses on

    variety of product lines as some people like having many options whereas others

    are not as picky. Depending on how selective consumers are in choosing skin care

    products, customers may or may not prefer innovative technologies. The final

    decision made by consumers is whether they prefer great or poor consultation


  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Evaluative Dimensions

    Skin Care Intensity Price

    Stock Availability

    Quality of Ingredients

    Variety of Product Line

    Innovative Technology

    Consultation Quality

    From the buyer behavior flow chart, we were able to distinguish seven evaluative

    dimensions consumers use to choose skin care products. Skin care intensity, price,

    stock availability, quality of ingredients, variety of product line, innovative

    technology, and consultation quality are the factors consumers take into

    consideration when choosing a particular brand in the skin care market. We will

    focus on the last three dimensions (variety of product line, innovative technology,

    and consultation quality), which will ultimately form Lancme's position against its


  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Positioning Map

    Variety of Product Line vs. Innovative Technology

    Innovative Technology vs. Consultation Quality

    Variety of Product Line vs. Consultation Quality

    We decided to analyze three different positioning maps covering our last three

    evaluative dimensions: variety of product line, innovative technology, and

    consultation quality. These positioning maps will allow us to determine Lancme's

    current market position, where we feel Lancme should be positioned in the future,

    and determine how we are going to get Lancme to this new position. We mapped

    variety of product line vs. innovative technology, innovative technology vs.

    consultation quality, and variety of product line vs. consultation quality.

    The purpose of the positioning maps is to develop a better understanding of where

    consumers perceive Lancme within the market, compared to its competitors. Each

    map is formulated with company logos, green circles, and green and/or yellow

    arrows. The logos represent current consumers perception of companypositionings within the market, based on the compared evaluative dimensions. The

    green circles represent consumer preferences of skin care products within the focus

    market; the darker green gradients represent more heavily populated preferences.

    The green arrows signify our desired directional shift in consumer preferences. The

    yellow arrows signify the desired shift in consumer perceptions of Lancme's

    position within the market.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Positioning Map OneVariety of Product Line vs. Innovative Technology

    Innovative Technology

    Variety of

    Product Line




    For the first positioning map, we chose to compare the evaluative dimensions of

    variety of product line and innovative technology. Lancme's main competitors are

    Clinique, Prescriptives, Estee Lauder, MAC, Olay, Neutrogena, Clean and Clear,

    and Clearasil. Using these two dimensions, we found that there was a general

    preference for cheaper drug store brands and a general preference for pricier

    department store sold brands.

    We feel that more consumers prefer the brands found in the lower right hand

    quadrant; therefore, we believe it is important to change consumers preferences to

    above Lancmes current position, represented by the green arrow. Although

    Lancme is perceived as having a wide variety product line and high innovative

    technology, they are currently perceived as similar to Clinique and Prescriptives.We feel the best position to differentiate Lancme from this competition within this

    quadrant is to move farther out on the evaluative dimension of product line variety,

    represented by the yellow arrow.

    These actions will help Lancme gain more customers by convincing consumers

    that variety of product line is important and Lancme can supply them with the

    products they need.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Positioning Map One Logic

    Preferences Skin care consumers currently prefer more narrow variety of

    products with lower innovative technologies.

    We want consumers to prefer just the opposite a wider variety ofproducts with higher innovative technologies.


    Skin care consumers currently perceive Lancme as having a widevariety of products, but we want consumers to view our company ashaving an even wider product line.

    Lancme does not need to change consumers perception on itsinnovative technologies as consumers already perceive Lancmeas having high innovative technologies.

    The first positioning map provides us with an understanding of where preferences

    lie in the skin care market, based on the comparison of variety of product line and

    innovative technology. According to the map there are two distinct preference


    Although Lancme currently sits in a successful position, we feel they can create a

    stronger position by altering consumer preferences and perceptions. Through

    variety of product line and innovative technologies, we hope consumers will prefer

    higher quality skin care products and thus move to the upper left hand quadrant in

    the positioning map. Changing consumer perceptions by extending the evaluative

    dimension of product line variety, we hope consumers will perceive Lancme as the

    better skin care brand.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Conjoint Analysis OnePerception of

    Wide VarietyProduct Line

    10 15 30

    Quantity of

    Products in


    We performed a conjoint analysis to illustrate our plan to increase consumers

    perceptions that Lancme has a wide variety of products. This positive relationship

    represents that the more products a company offers, the more consumers will view

    the company as having a wider variety product line within the skin care market.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Positioning Map TwoInnovative Technology vs. Consultation Quality

    Consultation Quality










    The second positioning map compares the evaluative dimensions of innovative

    technology and consultation quality. With these two dimensions, we found that

    there is a general preference for cheaper drug store brands, and a general

    preference for pricier department store sold brands.

    We feel that more consumers prefer the brands found in the lower right hand

    quadrant; therefore, we believe it is important to change consumers preferences to

    above Lancme's current position, represented by the green arrow. Although

    Lancme is perceived as having great consultation quality and high innovative

    technology, they are however in a position similar to Clinique and Prescriptives. For

    Lancme to differentiate itself from this competition, we feel they should change

    consumer perceptions so that Lancme is seen as having an even greaterconsultation quality, represented by the yellow arrow.

    These changes will help Lancme gain more customers by convincing them that

    there will be higher skin care product satisfaction in experiencing greater

    consultation quality.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Positioning Map Two Logic

    Preferences Skin care consumers currently prefer lower consultation quality

    and lower innovative technologies.

    We want consumers to prefer higher quality consultation qualityand higher innovative technologies.

    Perceptions Skin care consumers currently perceive Lancme as having above

    average consultation quality, but we want consumers to viewLancme as having outstanding quality.

    Lancme does not need to change consumer perceptions forinnovative technology because consumers already perceiveLancme's technologies as highly innovative.

    The second positioning map provides us with a better understanding of where

    preferences lie in the skin care market, in terms of innovative technology and

    consultation quality. According to the positioning map there are two distinct

    preference circles.

    Even though Lancme currently is successfully positioned within the skin care

    market, we feel they can create an even stronger position by changing consumer

    preferences and perceptions. Through innovative technologies and consultation

    quality, we would like consumers to prefer brands that have high levels of innovative

    technology and great consultation quality by moving to the upper left hand quadrant

    in the positioning map. Changing consumer perceptions by extending the

    evaluative dimension of consultation quality, we hope consumers will perceiveLancme as the better skin care brand.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Conjoint Analysis Two

    Perception of




    15 30 45+

    Time in


    We performed a second conjoint analysis to illustrate our plan to increase

    consumers perceptions that Lancme has great consultation quality. This graph

    shows that the more time spent with a professional consultant, the more consumers

    perceive Lancme as having great consultation quality. Even though there is a

    positive relationship, consumers perception of consultation quality will begin to

    plateau as time spent continues to increase.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Positioning Map Three Logic


    Skin care consumers currently prefer a more narrow variety of

    products and lower consultation quality.

    We want consumers to prefer a much wider variety of products and

    greater consultation quality.


    Skin care consumers currently perceive Lancme as having a wide

    variety of products, but we want consumers to perceive our

    company as offering an even wider variety of products.

    Skin care consumers currently perceive Lancme as having above

    average consultation quality, but we want consumers to viewLancme as having outstanding quality.

    The third positioning map provides us with a greater understanding of where

    preferences lie in the skin care market, considering variety of product line and

    consultation quality. This positioning map shows two distinct preference circles.

    Lancme is presently in a successful position within the skin care market; however,

    we feel they can establish an even stronger position by changing consumer

    preferences and perceptions. Through variety of product line and consultation

    quality, we hope consumers will prefer higher quality skin care products with respect

    to both these evaluative dimensions and thus move to the upper left hand quadrant

    in the positioning map. Changing consumer perceptions by extending the

    evaluative dimensions of both product line variety and consultation quality, we hope

    consumers will perceive Lancme as a better skin care brand. This change inperception will help to differentiate Lancme from Clinique and Prescriptives.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Conjoint Analysis Three

    Perception of

    Wide Variety

    Product Line


    Marketing of


    Product Line



    of Wide

    Product Line


    Advertising and

    Promotion of Wide

    Product Line

    We performed two conjoint analyses for this particular positioning map in order to

    graphically illustrate that both a wide variety of product line and great consultation

    quality have the greatest effect on consumer perceptions. This particular analysis

    shows that by increasing advertising and promotion while focusing solely on the

    benefit of Lancme's wide variety product line, consumers will then perceive that

    Lancme does in fact offer a wide variety of product line within the skin care market.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Preference Analysis

    Preference of Individual for Lancme = (Importance of attribute)*(Individual Perception of Lancme & Lancme Hip)

    Current Preference

    = (Weight of Consultation Quality) 4 * 7 (Perception of Consultation Quality)

    + (Weight of Variety Product Line) 4 * 7 (Perception of Variety Product Line)

    + (Weight of Innovative Tech) 3 * 7 (Perception of Innovative Tech)

    = 77

    Future Preference

    = (Weight of Consultation Quality) 6 * 9 (Perception of Consultation Quality)

    + (Weight of Variety Product Line) 7 * 9 (Perception of Variety Product Line)+ (Weight of Innovative Tech) 4 * 7 (Perception of Innovative Tech)

    = 153

    Based on our positioning maps, we recommend that Lancme increase consumers

    future perceptions of its consultation quality and variety of product line. In order to

    represent such a rise in preferences for Lancme products, we increased the

    weights on both of these evaluative dimensions. In changing these weights, we

    performed two conjoint analyses that could change consumers perceptions from

    medium-high (7) to high (9), through an increase in advertising and promoting

    Lancme's wide variety product line and greater consultation quality service time.

    We do not plan to change the perception of Lancme's innovative technology

    (remain at 7) since consumers already perceive Lancme as having innovative

    technologies; yet we plan to slightly increase the weight from 3 to 4 as we feel it will

    enhance future preferences for Lancme as a whole.

    We recommend that Lancme take actions to enhance consumers importance level

    of wide variety product line and great consultation quality that will result in

    increasing consumers preferences for Lancme by approximately 75%.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Core Benefit Proposition

    Lancme carries a wide variety of products

    through innovative technologies that are

    sold with the personal assistance of a

    professional consultant.

    After analyzing our three positioning maps, we are able to create Lancme's core

    benefit proposition. This statement includes Lancme's position on all three

    evaluative dimensions: wide variety of products, innovative technologies, and

    consultation quality. Our core benefit proposition summarizes Lancomes consumer

    focus in terms of skin care needs: Lancme carries a wide variety of products

    through innovative technologies that are sold with the personal assistance of a

    professional consultant.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    3 Ps Price

    Skimming: Charge more for better products and higher quality services.

    Placement Selective Distribution Strategy: Lancme owned boutiques and

    large department stores worldwide, but not drugstores or grocery stores.

    Promotion Pull Strategy:

    Magazine ads and television commercials

    Promotions and direct mail

    Push Strategy: Lancme consultants personally selling

    Department in-store displays

    Lancme's product strategy is simply based on its core benefit proposition. From

    this, we derived the marketing mix variables of price, placement and promotion,

    which will benefit Lancme's strategic positioning. We suggest Lancme use price

    skimming as Lancme offers a wide variety of products that cater to women of all

    skin types and provide professional consultants through higher quality services.

    This allows Lancme to price its product slightly above its competitors as

    consumers will receive better products and services.

    We also recommend Lancme use a selective distribution strategy to successfully

    place its products. Through selling in Lancme-owned boutiques and distributing in

    large department stores, Lancme can utilize their consultants to sell and provide

    high service to customers. Selling in grocery and drug stores would only hurtLancme's image as these store types would not allow Lancme to sell products

    through consultants.

    Lancme should use a pull/push promotion strategy to increase demand that

    incorporates Lancme's core benefit proposition. Magazine ads, TV commercials,

    promotions, and direct mail are a means to gain consumer awareness. Through

    personal consultations, Lancme consultants can utilize its benefit of high quality

    services and increase consumers knowledge of the Lancome brand. In-store

    displays throughout department stores help promote wide variety product line, great

    consultation quality, and innovative technologies.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Message of Pull Promotion

    To introduce a more youthful product line to new andreturning Lancme consumers.

    To inform consumers that Lancme provides avariety of innovative skincare products, which aresold by professional consultants specially trained tomeet all types of skin needs.

    Lancme's message for pull promotion should convey the core benefit proposition

    to consumers. The message should also communicate to the consumer that

    Lancme provides a wide variety of skin care products through both Lancme and

    Lancme Hyp. Lancmes products are all formulated with the latest innovative

    technologies and are sold by professional consultants trained to provide consumers

    with high quality service. Lancme should use different promotions, direct mail

    campaigns, beauty magazines, along with other media advertising to convey this

    message and to stress the importance of Lancmes benefits in meeting all skin

    care needs.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Business Model

    Lancme will always produce new, trendyinnovative skincare products at highmargins.

    By staying on top of skin care trends, Lancmewill be able to: demand



    Lancmes business model is based on the price and placement marketing

    variables combined with profit margins. Lancmes skimming price strategy and

    selective distribution strategy allows them to always produce new, trendy innovative

    skin care products at high margins. This business model will potentially increase

    Lancmes profits by meeting consumers unmet needs and wants, thus increasing

    high-margin sales.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Recommended MAGIC Strategy

    Actions that Probably will not be Matched Lancme Boutiques

    Personal Consultation Opportunities

    Actions that Cannot be Matched Lancme continually advertises upcoming product lines

    and its enhanced technologies.

    Trademark Lancme Hyp

    In order for Lancme to protect their marketing plan from competitors, they should

    utilize a marketing strategy that probably will not be matched and one that cannot

    be matched. The opening of Lancme-owned boutiques can be considered an

    action that probably will not be matched under the subcategory that of developing a

    promotion for its products that is inconsistent with competitors promotion tactics.

    Currently no competing skin care brands sell products and high quality services in

    this independent and focused fashion. Lancme offers consumers one-on-one

    consultation opportunities that consist of skin type and coloring tests, a final full-face

    makeover, and a gift bag of free samples. These consultation opportunities

    differentiate Lancme from other skin care consultants as Lancomes professionals

    must be beauty school trained.

    Lancmes Web site to offer specific pages solely to inform consumers aboutupcoming product lines, seasonal trends and enhanced technologies. No other skin

    care brand currently utilizes the Internet to inform consumers of such future

    products; therefore making this an action that cannot be matched. Finally, another

    action that cannot be matched is to trademark the brand name Lancme Hyp, with

    all of its connotations.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    Recommended MAGIC Strategy

    Actions that Probably will not be Matched

    Lancme should push consumer opportunity for more

    one-on-one skincare assistance at their Boutique


    Advertising will help create a consumer desire for more

    personal skincare consultations.

    After analyzing Lancmes current MAGIC strategies, we recommend they also

    implement an action that probably will not be matched by competitors. Lancme-

    owned boutiques pamper customers in a quieter, more personal atmosphere. This

    new MAGIC strategy with additional advertising, differentiates Lancme from other

    skin care brands by making people believe that the more personal time and help

    with a professional consultant, the more satisfied they will be with the overall

    Lancme experience.

  • 8/10/2019 Lancome Notesncomencomencomencome


    ConclusionLancme Should:

    Change to a differentiated market coverage strategy.

    Create a product extension: Lancme Hyp

    Increase consumer preference and perception that Lancme has awide variety of products and great quality consultations.

    Increase consumer preference for higher innovative technologies.

    Promote the value in one-on-one professional assistance at

    Lancome boutiques.

    After utilizing the Problem Solving Format, we conclude that Lancme should switch

    from an undifferentiated market coverage strategy to a differentiated strategy

    through selective distribution. This new strategy includes Lancme extending its

    current product line to a younger market through Lancme Hyp. Lancme should

    attempt to increase consumer preferences and perceptions that Lancme offers a

    wide variety of product line and great consultation quality. Lancme is already

    perceived as having high innovative technologies; therefore Lancme should focus

    on increasing consumer preferences for higher innovative technologies. These

    changes to Lancmes strategy are brought together as they will increase

    advertising and promotions on the value of personal, professional services at their

    new boutiques and on all aspects of their core benefit proposition.
