Lamoureux Michael


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  • 7/23/2019 Lamoureux Michael


    The mathematics of PDEs and the wave equation

    Michael P. Lamoureux

    University of Calgary

    Seismic Imaging Summer SchoolAugust 711, 2006, Calgary


    Abstract: We look at the mathematical theory of partial differential equations asapplied to the wave equation. In particular, we examine questions about existence anduniqueness of solutions, and various solution techniques.

    Supported by NSERC, MITACS and the POTSI and CREWES consortia. c2006. All rights reserved.


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    1. Lecture One: Introduction to PDEs

    Equations from physics Deriving the 1D wave equation One way wave equations Solution via characteristic curves Solution via separation of variables Helmholtz equation Classification of second order, linear PDEs Hyperbolic equations and the wave equation

    2. Lecture Two: Solutions to PDEs with boundary conditions and initial conditions

    Boundary and initial conditions Cauchy, Dirichlet, and Neumann conditions Well-posed problems Existence and uniqueness theorems DAlemberts solution to the 1D wave equation Solution to the n-dimensional wave equation

    Huygens principle

    Energy and uniqueness of solutions3. Lecture Three: Inhomogeneous solutions - source terms

    Particular solutions and boundary, initial conditions Solution via variation of parameters Fundamental solutions Greens functions, Greens theorem Why the convolution with fundamental solutions? The Fourier transform and solutions Analyticity and avoiding zeros Spatial Fourier transforms Radon transform Things we havent covered


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    1 Lecture One: Introduction to PDEs

    A partial differential equation is simply an equation that involves both a function and itspartial derivatives. In these lectures, we are mainly concerned with techniques to find a

    solution to a given partial differential equation, and to ensure good properties to that solu-tion. That is, we are interested in the mathematical theory of the existence, uniqueness, andstability of solutions to certain PDEs, in particular the wave equation in its various guises.

    Most of the equations of interest arise from physics, and we will use x, y,zas the usualspatial variables, andtfor the the time variable. Various physical quantities will be measuredby some function u = u(x,y,z,t) which could depend on all three spatial variable and time,or some subset. The partial derivatives ofu will be denoted with the following condensednotation


    x, uxx =


    x2, ut =


    t, uxt =



    and so on.1 The Laplace operator is the most physically important differential operator,which is given by

    2 = 2






    1.1 Equations from physics

    Some typical partial differential equations that arise in physics are as follows. Laplacesequation

    2u= 0which is satisfied by the temperature u = u(x,y,z) in a solid body that is in thermalequilibrium, or by the electrostatic potential u = u(x,y,z) in a region without electriccharges. The heat equation

    ut = k2uwhich is satisfied by the temperature u = u(x,y,z,t) of a physical object which conductsheat, where k is a parameter depending on the conductivity of the object. The waveequation

    utt= c22u

    which models the vibrations of a string in one dimensionu = u(x, t), the vibrations of a thinmembrane in two dimensions u = u(x,y,t) or the pressure vibrations of an acoustic wavein air u = u(x,y,z,t). The constant c gives the speed of propagation for the vibrations.Closely related to the 1D wave equation is the fourth order2 PDE for a vibrating beam,

    utt=c2uxxxx1We assume enough continuity that the order of differentiation is unimportant. This is true anyway in a

    distributional sense, but that is more detail than we need to consider.2The order of a PDE is just the highest order of derivative that appears in the equation.


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    where here the constantc2 is the ratio of the rigidity to density of the beam. An interestingnonlinear3 version of the wave equation is the Korteweg-de Vries equation

    ut+cuux+uxxx = 0

    which is a third order equation, and represents the motion of waves in shallow water, as wellas solitons in fibre optic cables.

    There are many more examples. It is worthwhile pointing out that while these equationscan be derived from a careful understanding of the physics of each problem, some intuitiveideas can help guide us. For instance, the Laplacian

    2u= 2u






    can be understood as a measure of how much a function u = u(x,y,z) differs at one point(x,y,z) from its neighbouring points. So, if

    2uis zero at some point (x,y,z), thenu(x,y,z)

    is equal to the average value of u at the neighbouring points, say in a small disk around(x,y,z). If2uis positive at that point (x,y,z), thenu(x,y,z) is smaller than the averagevalue ofu at the neighbouring points. And if2u(x,y,z) is negative, thenu(x,y,z) is largerthat the average value ofu at the neighbouring points.

    Thus, Laplaces equation2u= 0

    represents temperature equilibrium, because if the temperature u = u(x,y,z) at a particularpoint (x,y,z) is equal to the average temperature of the neighbouring points, no heat willflow. The heat equation

    ut = k2

    uis simply a statement of Newtons law of cooling, that the rate of change of temperature isproportional to the temperature difference (in this case, the difference between temperatureat point (x,y,z) and the average of its neighbours). The wave equation

    utt= c22

    is simply Newtons second law (F = ma) and Hookes law (F = kx) combined, so thatacceleration utt is proportional to the relative displacement of u(x,y,z) compared to itsneighbours. The constantc2 comes from mass density and elasticity, as expected in Newtonsand Hookes laws.

    1.2 Deriving the 1D wave equation

    Most of you have seen the derivation of the 1D wave equation from Newtons and Hookes law.The key notion is that the restoring force due to tension on the string will be proportional

    3Nonlinear because we see u multiplied by ux in the equation.


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    to the curvature at the point, as indicated in the figure. Then mass times acceleration uttshould equal that force, kuxx. Thus

    utt= c2uxx

    wherec =

    k/ turns out to be the velocity of propagation.

    Figure 1: The restoring forces on a vibrating string, proportional to curvature.

    Lets do it again, from an action integral.

    Letu = u(x, t) denote the deplacement of a string from the neutral position u0. Themass density of the string is given by = (x) and the elasticity given by k = k(x). Inparicular, in this derivation we do not assuming the the string is uniform. Consider a shortpiece of string, in the interval [x, x + x]. Its mass with be(x)x, its velocityut(x, t), and

    thus its kinetic energy, one half mass times velocity squared, isK=


    2 (ut)2x.

    The total kinetic energy for the string is given by an integral,




    (ut)2 dx.

    From Hookes law, the potential energy for a string is (k/2)y2, wherey is the length of thespring. For the stretched string, the length of the string is given by arclengthds=

    1 +u2xdx

    and so we expect a potential energy of the form

    P = L0


    (1 +u2x) dx.

    4 The action for a given function u is defined as the integral over time of the difference ofthese two energies, so

    L(u) =1




    (ut)2 k [1 + (ux)2] dxdt.4The one doesnt really need to be in there, but it doesnt matter for a potential energy.


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    Adding times a perturbation h = h(x, t) to the function u gives a new action

    L(u+h) =L(u) +



    ut ht k uxhxdxdt+ higher order in.

    The principle of least action says that in order foru to be a physical solution, the first orderterm should vanish for any perturbation h. Integration by parts (in t for the first term, inxfor the second term, and assuming h is zero on the boundary) gives

    0 =



    ( utt+k uxx+kx ux) hdxdt.

    Since this integral is zero for all choices ofh, the first factor in the integral must be zero,and we obtain the wave equation for an inhomogeneous medium,

    utt= k uxx+kx ux.

    When the elasticity k is constant, this reduces to usual two term wave equation

    utt= c2uxx

    where the velocity c=

    k/ varies for changing density.

    1.3 One way wave equations

    In the one dimensional wave equation, when c is a constant, it is interesting to observe that

    the wave operator can be factored as follows

    t2 c2



    t c


    t+ c



    We could then look for solutions that satisfy the individual first order equations

    ut cux = 0 orut+cux= 0.

    There are one way wave equations, and the general solution to the two way equation couldbe done by forming linear combinations of such solutions. The solutions of the one wave

    equations will be discussed in the next section, using characteristic lines ct x= constant,ct+x= constant.

    Another way to solve this would be to make a change of coordintates,= xct, = x+ctand observe the second order equation becomes

    u = 0

    which is easily solved.


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    In higher dimensions, one could hope to factor the second order wave equation in theform

    t2 c22


    t cD

    t+ cD


    where D is some first order partial differential operator (independent of t) which satisfies

    D2 =2.Good luck solving this one.5 The operatorD is called the Dirac operator; findingparticular Dirac operators is a major intellectual achievement of modern mathematics andphysics. The Atiyah-Singer index theorem is a deep result connecting the Dirac operatorwith the geometry of manifolds.

    1.4 Solution via characteristic curves

    One method of solution is so simple that it is often overlooked. Consider the first orderlinear equation in two variables,

    ut+cux = 0,

    which is an example of a one-way wave equation. To solve this, we notice that along the linex ct = constantk in the x, t plane, that any solution u(x, y) will be constant. For if wetake the derivative ofu along the line x= ct+k, we have,


    dtu(ct+k, t) =cux+ut = 0,

    so u is constant on this line, and only depends on the choice of parameter k. Call thisfunctional dependence f(k) and thus we may set

    u(x, t) =f(k) =f(x ct).

    That is, given any differentiable function fon the real line, we obtain a solution

    u(x, t) =f(x ct)

    and all solutions are of this form. Note this solution represents simply the waveform f(x)moving along to the right at velocity c.

    Choosing whichsolution is a question of initial conditions and boundary values. In fact,if we are given the initial values for u = u(x, 0) then this determines f, since u(x, 0) =f(x c0) =f(x). That is, the initial values foru determine the function f, and the functionfdeterminesu everywhere on the plane by following the characteristic lines.

    We note in passing that in the usual (two-way) wave equation in three dimensions,

    utt= c22u,

    5You might ask yourself, why not D =? If you dont know why not, then you are in trouble!


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    there are characteristic hyperplanes determined by constants (kx, ky, kz, ) with


    2z ) =


    It is easy to verify that given any twice-differentiable function f(x), that the functions

    u1(x,y,z,t) = f(kxx+kyy+kzz


    u2(x,y,z,t) = f(kxx+kyy+kzz+t)

    are solutions to the wave equation. Note that the vector k= (kx, ky, kz) can be interpretedas a direction of propagation of the traveling wave, and is related to temporal frequency.When f is a 1-periodic function, k is wavenumber and is frequency. Wavenumber andfrequency are related by the velocityc. Unlike the order one example above, not all solutionsare of this form, since we have many characteristic hypersurfaces. More general solutionscan be obtained by forming linear combinations of these elementary solutions. Lecture Twowill discuss how the elementary solutions can be combined to give the general solution.

    1.5 Solution by separation of variables

    This is a powerful technique that is applicable to many areas of mathematics. The idea isto look first for solutions of a particularly simple form, then combine to obtain the mostgeneral solution. In the PDE case, we look for solutions of the form

    u(x,y,z,t) =A(x)B(y)C(z)D(t).

    For instance, consider the equation for vibrations of a thin beam (with constant k = 1):



    Plugging inu = A(x)D(t), a separable function of two variables, we obtain

    A(x)D(t) =A(x)D(t),which can be rearranged into an equation with all the functions ofx on one side, all thoseoft on the other


    A(x) =D


    D(t) =

    which must therefore be a constant (independent of both x and t), which we have denotedby. Thus the problem has separated into solving for two ODEs,


    (x) =A(x) and D

    (t) =D(t)with a free parameter . These are linear, constant coefficient ODEs are easily solved usingtrig and exponential functions, so for instance we see that some elementary solutions include

    u1(x, t) = sin(x)sin(2t)

    u2(x, t) = cos(x)sin(2t)

    u3(x, t) = sinh(x)sin(2t)

    u4(x, t) = cosh(x)sin(2t)


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    where we have chosen > 0 with 4 = > 0. The fact that the temporary frequency isthe square of the spatial frequency in the oscillating solutions tells us this physical situationis very different than the wave equation. The interested reader might consider finding allpossible separable solutions.

    Notice once again we have many solutions, and more general solutions are obtained bytaking linear combinations of these solutions. We defer to Lecture Two the question of howboundary conditions, or initial conditions, restrict this smorgasbord to a unique solution.

    1.6 The Helmholtz equation

    The Helmhotz equation is a spatial PDE involving the Laplacian, and usually appears in theform

    2u+k2u= 0,

    on some domain of interest, with given boundary conditions. It arises quite naturally in theseparation of variables technique applied to solving the wave equation

    utt c22u= 0.

    If we look for solutions of the form u(x, t) = A(x)B(t), then we obtain the two separatesystems

    2A+A= 0, B +c2B= 0,whereis the separation constant. There is no apriori reason to assume this constant ispositive; however in most problems with physical boundary conditions, the only solutions

    have > 0. One usually sets k = , and = ck, to connect the temporal and spatialfrequencies, and the k2 factor appears as the parameter in the Helmhotz equation..

    The Helmhotz equation is also obtained by Fourier transforming the wave equation withrespect to the time variable alone. The utt term becomes422 times the transformedfunction. We thus have a new equation, for the transformed function v = v(x,y,z,) with

    2v+ 422v= 0,

    which is again the Helmholz equation, with k2 = 422.

    It is worth noting the Helmholtz equation is an eigenvalue problem for the Laplacian,which is an elliptic operator. This makes the problem quite elegant, from a mathematicalpoint of view. Including suitable boundary conditions (eg. Dirichlet conditions) turns thisinto a well-posed problem. For instance, if we solve the 1D wave equation via separation ofvariables, for a vibrating string with boundary conditions u(0, t) = u(L, t) = 0, we obtainthe Helmholtz problem

    A +k2A= 0 with boundary conditions A(0) =A(L) = 0.


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    The general solution to the ODE will be sums of complex exponentials; the boundary con-ditions restrict this to solutions sin(kx), with kL a multiple of. Thus the eigenfunctionsfor this problem are the functions

    An(x) = sin nx/L.

    Continuing with the separation of variables, the corresponding frequency in time is n =nc/L with eigensolutions sin nct/L and cos nct/L. The general solution to the waveequation on an interval is thus the linear combinations

    u(x, t) =

    [ansin(nct/L) +bncos(nct/L)]sin nx/L.

    Initial conditions will fix the coefficients an, bn uniquely.

    Solving the wave equation by this technique, on different domains (disks, balls, etc)lead to different eigenvalue/eigenfunction problems for the Laplace operator. The famous

    problem Can you hear the shape of a drum, posed by Marc Kac in 1966, asks whetherthe eigenvalues of the solution uniquely characterizes a planar domain, since we can hearthe corresponding frequency in the time domain. The answer was known to be negative indimension 16 (!), but it took until 1991 to find counterexamples in the plane. The figuregives an example of two different regions in the plane with the same eigenvalues for theLaplacian.

    Figure 2: Two regions with different eigenvalues for the Laplacian.

    1.7 Classification of second order, linear PDEs

    A second order linear PDE in two variables x, tis an equation of the form

    Auxx+Buxt+Cutt+Dux+Euy+F u= G,

    where the coefficientsA, B,C, D,E, F, Gare constants, or specified functions of the variablesx, t. The equation is classified into one of three types, based on the coefficients A, B,C, as

    Elliptic: ifB2 4AC

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    Parabolic: ifB2 4AC= 0; Hyperbolic: ifB2 4AC >0.

    So for instance, Laplaces equation is elliptic, the heat equation is parabolic, and the wave

    equation is hyperbolic. It is useful to classify equations because the solution techniques,and properties of the solutions are different, depending on whether the equation is elliptic,parabolic, or hyperbolic. Also, the physical nature of the corresponding problems are dif-ferent. For instance, elliptic equations often arise in steady-state and equilibrium problems;parabolic equations arise in diffusion problems; hyperbolic problems arise in wave motionand vibrational problems.

    An equation can be ofmixed type if it changes from one type to another, depending onthe value of the functions A, B,C. For instance, the equation



    = 0

    is of mixed type, for B2 4AC=4tis zero along the line t = 0 (parabolic), is positive fort 0 (elliptic).

    WhenA, B,Care constant, it is always possible to make a linear change of variables toput the equation in a canonical form. This is result is as simple as diagonalizing a 2 by 2symmetric matrix. The canonical forms as

    Elliptic: uxx+utt= G(x,y,u,ut, ux);

    Parabolic: uxx = G(x,y,u,ut, ux);; Hyperbolic: uxx utt = G(x,y,u,ut, ux) oruxt= G(x,y,u,ut, ux).

    The form B2 4AC is reminiscent of the quadratic formula, but it really should makeyou think of the determinant of the matrix

    A B/2B/2 C

    where the sign of the determinant tells you whether there are two non-zero eigenvalues ofthe same sign (elliptic), opposite sign (hyperbolic), or one zero eigenvalue (parabolic). Thisis the key to understanding the classification for linear PDEs with more variables.

    For a function u = u(x1, x2, x3, . . . , xn) of n independent variables, the general linearsecond order PDE will be of the form






    xi+Cu= D


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    where the coefficients Aij, Bi, C , D are constants or functions only of the independent vari-ables. The matrix

    A= [Aij]

    can be chosen symmetric. The equation is then classified into four types, as

    Elliptic: if all the eigenvalues ofA are nonzero, and of the same sign; Parabolic: if exactly one of the eigenvalues is zero, and the rest have the same sign; Hyperbolic: ifn 1 of the eigenvalues are of the same sign, the other of opposite sign; Ultrahyperbolic: If at least two eigenvalues are positve, at least two negative, and none

    are zero.

    This doesnt cover all cases, but it does cover most of the interesting ones. The first three

    are the typical ones that appear in physics.

    1.8 Hyperbolic equations and the wave equation

    The wave equationutt= c

    22uis an example of a hyperbolic second order linear PDE for a function u = u(x,y,z,t) of fourindependent variables. By a change of variables, any hyperbolic equation






    xi+Cu= G

    can be put into a canonical form that looks a lot like the standard wave equation

    utt=2u+G(x,y,z,t,u,ux, uy, uz, ut),

    at least locally. This is why we spend so much effort understanding the standard waveequation. Eventually we would like to examine techniques to solve the general hyperbolicequation, which will allow us to consider more realistic physical situations like nonhomoge-

    neous media, anisotropy, and so on. But that will not happen in this series of lectures.


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    2 Lecture Two: Solutions with boundary conditions

    and initial conditions

    In the first lecture, we saw several examples of partial differential equations that arise in

    physics, and ways to find many possible solutions. In most physical applications, we arelooking for the solution; that is, extra conditions are imposed on the equation to pick outa unique, useful solution For PDEs, these are usually boundary conditions and/or initialconditions. We will look at some typical boundary and initial conditions that might ensure aunique solution, and consider what it means to properly pose a mathematical question thathas a good solution. We then look at some theorems on existence and uniqueness.

    2.1 Boundary and initial conditions

    Usually we think of satisfying a PDE only in a particular region in xyzspace, for instance ina ball of some radiusR. If we denote the region by , typically it is assumed to be an open,connected set with some piecewise smooth boundary . A boundary conditionis then anadditional equation that specifies the value ofu and some of its derivatives on the set .For instance,

    u= f(x,y,z) on

    orux = g(x,y,z) on

    are boundary conditions.

    Aninitialcondition, on the other hand, specifies the value ofuand some of its derivativesat some initial time t0 (often t0= 0). So the following are examples of initial conditions:

    u(x,y,z,t0) =f(x,y,z) on

    orut(x,y,z,t0) =f(x,y,z) on .

    As an example, consider the 1D wave equation restricted to the interval [0, L]. The regionof interest is the open interval = (0, L) with boundary pointsx = 0, L. A typical physical

    problem is to solve (for u = u(x, t)) the equationutt = c

    2uxx, on the region 0< x < L, 0< t

    u(0, t) = 0, a boundary condition

    u(L, t) = 0, a boundary condition

    u(x, 0) = f(x), an initial condition, att0= 0

    ut(x, 0) = g(x), an initial condition.


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    It is routine now to solve this by separation of variables. The boundary conditions forceterms like sin(x), cos(x) to vanish at the endpoints; this kills the cosine, and puts to beinteger multiples of/L. The (unique) solution is of the form of an infinite series

    u(x, t) =

    n=1(ancos(nct/L) +bnsin(nct/L)) sin(nx/L),where the coefficients an, bn are now determined by the initial conditions. In fact, they aredetermined by the sine expansion of the functionsf(x), g(x) on the interval [0, L].6 Providedthatf , g are reasonably smooth, there always is a unique solution to this problem.

    The boundary conditionu(0, t) = 0

    is a reasonable assumption for a vibrating string where the string is fixed at the endpointx= 0. If, on the other hand, we have a free end to the string, the physical constraint couldbe expressed by the boundary condition

    ux(0, t) = 0.

    A combination of these conditions,

    au(0, t) +bux(0, t) = 0

    for given constants a, b leads to the classical Sturm-Liouville problems.

    In higher dimensions, a boundary condition

    u(x,y,z,t) = 0 on

    corresponds to a vibrating system that is fixed on the boundary. The condition that thenormal component of the gradient vanish on the boundary, say,

    u(x,y,z,t) = 0 on ,where denotes the normal to the surface, gives the physical restriction for a vibratingsystem that slides freely along a fixed surface.7

    2.2 Cauchy, Dirichlet, and Neumann conditions

    We will often hear reference to these three types of boundary/initial conditions. So letsmake it clear what it is.

    6Notice the constants. The problem is simpler if we set c = 1 and L = , but this is just a bit extraalgebra.

    7In seismic, the displacements u are vector-valued functions; the boundary conditions are determined byforcing continuity of the stress tensor. The condition for a free surface are different. But for pressure waves,as measured by hydrophones, say, then one has the vanishing condition, u = 0 on the free boundary.


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    The Cauchy condition specifies the values of u and several of its normal derivatives,along some given smooth surface in the coordinate space of all the independent variables(including time). To have any hope of getting a well-posed problem, it is important to getthe dimensions right. So, ifuis a function ofnvariables, the surfaceSshould have dimensionn

    1 (it is a hypersurface), and if the PDE is order k, the Cauchy data must specify the

    values ofu and its first k 1 derivatives along the normal to S:u= f0, u =f1, u =f2, . . . u... =fk1 onS,

    where f0, . . . , f k1 are given functions. Here u means the derivative along the normal tothe surface. Ifu is an analytic function, you can consider doing a power series expansionat points along S, using the Cauchy data and PDE to solve for the coefficients in seriesexpansion.8

    The initial value problem

    u(x,y,z, 0) = f(x,y,z) for all x, y,zut(x,y,z, 0) = g(x,y,z) for allx, y,z

    is an example of a Cauchy problem for any second order ODE, with hypersurface S ={(x,y,z,t) :t = 0}.

    It is important that the hypersurface not be a characteristic surface for the Cauchyproblem to be solvable. We wont define characteristic surface here; they come from thecoefficients of the PDE, and you would notice if you were on one!

    The Dirichlet condition specifies the value of u on the boundary of the region ofinterest. Think Dirichlet = Data on boundary.

    TheNeumanncondition specifies the value of the normal derivative, u, of the boundary. Think Neumann = Normal derivative on boundary.

    Note that is a hypersurface, and so the Dirichlet and Neumann conditions each specifyless information than the Cauchy condition for second order and higher PDEs. It is ratherremarkable that for certain elliptic problems, merely Dirichlet or Neumann data alone sufficesto solve the problem.

    The point of including boundary and initial problems is to force our solutions to beunique, and hopefully well-behaved. Lets look at what it means to pose a good mathematicalproblem.

    8If you are wondering why only the normal derivatives are specified, note that the tangential derivativesalongSare already determined by forcing u = f0 alongS.


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    2.3 Well-posed problems

    We say a mathematical problem iswell-posed 9 if it has the following three properties:

    1. ExistenceThere exists at least one solution to the problem;

    2. Uniqueness: There is at most one solution;

    3. Stability The unique solution depends in a continuous manner on the data of theproblem. A small change in the data leads to only a small changes in the solution.

    It is easy enough to illustrate these ideas with the example of solving for x a linear systemof equations

    Ax= y,

    for given matrixA and vectory. If the matrixA is singular, for some inputs y , no solutionmay exist; for others inputs y there may be multiple solutions. And ifA is close to singular,a small change in y can lead to a large change in solution x.

    To see this in a PDE context, consider the following problem of solving the 1D heatequation in the positive quadrant x, t > 0. We add some reasonable boundary and initialconditions to try to force a unique solution:

    ut = uxx, x >0, t >0

    u(x, 0) = 0, x >0, a boundary condition

    u(0, t) = 0, t >0, an initial condition.

    The boundary and initial conditions strongly suggest the solution is

    u(x, t)0,which is indeed a solution satisfying the BC and IC. But it is not the only solution; forinstance, another solution satisfiying that BC and IC is the function

    u(x, t) = x



    It is easy to check that this function satisfies the PDE in the open quadrant x, t > 0 andextends to be zero on both the positive x axis x > 0, and the positive t-axis t > 0. It is

    curious that by ignoring the behaviour of the function at the origin ( x, t) = (0, 0) somehowallows for more than one solution.10

    One might suppose this is only a mathematical oddity; perhaps one would reject thesecond solution based on physical grounds. However, keep in mind that many PDE problems

    9Hadamard came up with this definition.10In fact the function has an interesting singularity at the origin, it blows up along certain curves ap-

    proaching the origin.


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    may be solved numerically: it is unlikely that your numerical method will be smart enoughto reject non-physical solutions, without you considering these possibilities.11

    The heat equation can also be used to illustrate instability in solutions by observing thatdiffusion processes, when run backwards, tend to be chaotic. But instability can also come

    up in elliptic equations as well (which we often think of as nice). For instance, fix >0 asmall parameter and consider Laplaces equation on the upper half plane, with

    uxx+utt = 0, < x 0u(x, 0) = 0 all x, a boundary condition

    ut(x, 0) = sinx

    all x, a boundary condition.

    This has solution u(x, t) = 2 sin(x/) sinh(t/), which gets very large as 0. Comparethis with the zero solutionu0(x, t)0, which is the solution to the problem for = 0. Thuswe have an instability: the input ut(x, 0) = sin(x/) goes to zero as

    0 but the output

    does not converge to the zero solution.

    2.4 Existence and uniqueness theorems

    The first result, the Cauchy-Kowalevski Theorem, tells us that the Cauchy problem is alwayslocally solvable, if all the functions that appear are analytic 12. The result is usually statedin terms of an initial value problem; the general result follows by transforming the generalCauchy problem, locally, to an initial value problem.

    Theorem 1 (Cauchy-Kowalevski) If the functionsF, f0, f1, . . . f k1 are analytic near theorigin, then there is a neighbourhood of the origin where the following Cauchy problem (initialvalue problem) has a unique analytic solutionu= u(x,y,z,t):


    tk(x,y,z,t) = F(x,y,z,t,u,ux, uy, uz,...) a k-th order PDE

    j u

    tj(x,y,z, 0) = fj (x,y,z) for all0j < k.

    The statement means to indicate that the function Fdepends on the independent vari-ables x, y, z,t as well as u and all its partial derivatives up to order k, except for the dis-tinguished one


    . The proof amounts to chasing down some formulas with power series.Weve stated the case for (3+1) dimensons, but it is true in other dimensions as well.

    11I like to remember that the existence of the positron was predicted from some unphysical solution tocertain equations in quantum mechanics. So you never know when a non-physical solution might actuallybe real.

    12They have power series expansions that converge in some neighbourhood.


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    It is a rather odd theorem, though, because it assumes a lot of analyticity. We might ex-pect, in geophysics, certain coefficients in our wave equation to be only piecewise continuous;Cauchy-Kowalevski does not guarantee that we have a solution then.13

    The next result concerns the Laplacian, which is an elliptic operator. You can consider

    it in any dimension you like.

    Theorem 2 (Dirichlet and Neumann problems) Suppose is an open, bounded, con-nected region with smooth boundary. Then the Dirichlet problem

    2u = 0 in,u = f on

    has a unique solution for each continuous functionf on.

    The Neumann problem

    2u = 0 in,u = f on

    has a solution for continuous functionf if and only if

    f = 0. In this case, the solution

    is unique up to an additive constant.

    For simple regions (half plane, open ball), the existence is proved by constructing Greensfunctions for the Laplacian operator. For more complicated regions, the method of layerpotentials is used. The types of regions this is valid for can be expanded, to include finiteunions of the given type, or their unbounded complements. There are similar results forthe more general Laplace equation,2u= g. Notice that both the Dirichlet and Neumannproblems specify only one half of the data we expect for Cauchy problems: this is a specialfeature of elliptic problems.

    It is worthwhile to note that for more general elliptic PDEs with non-constant coefficients,there are similar existence and uniqueness results, provided the coefficients are smooth, andthe operator is coercive (a measure of just how elliptic it is). In general, for a k-th orderelliptic PDE, onlyk/2 normal derivatives need to be specified.14

    Stability is shown from explicit formulas connecting the forcing terms and boundaryconditions to the solution. Unique is often proved using an energy formula.

    13And there are some strange counterexamples to any extensions of Cauchy-Kowaleski that would dropanalyticity. Eg. the Lewy example.

    14Fork odd, this will seem like a strange requirement, but there is a way to make precise what half a dataset means.


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    2.5 DAlemberts solution to the 1D wave equation

    Separately, we look at the existence of solutions to the initial value problem (Cauchy problem)for the wave equation. In one dimension, this is called DAlemberts solution.

    From the Cauchy-Kowaleski theorem, we expect to specify u and its first time derivativealong the initial curve t = 0. Thus, we look for a solution u = u(x, t) for the 1D waveequation with initial conditions:

    utt = c2uxx for < x 0

    u(x, 0) = f(x) for < x

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    can be reduced to a 1D wave equation by integrating the wavefield u(x, t) over spheres ofradius r in the spatial variables, at least when n is odd. To summarize the derivation, wenote if = (x) is a smooth function in the spatial variablesx, then the spatial average

    M(x, r) = |y|=1 (x +ry) d(y)satisfies the the PDE

    2M(x, r) =



    n 1r


    M(x, r).

    Taking averages over a wavefield u(x, t), which depends on time t, we find that u satisfiesthe wave equation if and only if




    n 1r


    Mu(x,r ,t) =



    This PDE forMu can be converted to the 1D wave equation and solved using dAlmerberts


    Skipping a few details, we present the solution for the 3-dimensional wave equation, withc constant, which is given as

    u(x, t) = 1





    f(x +cty) d(y)





    g(x +cty) d(y).

    The integrals are simply averages over sphere of fixed radius, using the usual surface areaintegral; This has the effect of computing the value ofu(x, t) in terms of data on a ball (inspace) centered atx, with radiusct. That is, the information propagates from initial data tosolutions at exactly the speed c. This integral over the sphere corresponds to a distributionin R3 with support on the set{z R3 :|zx|2 = c2t2}. This distribution is denoted(|zx|2c2t2)/|zx|, whereis the Dirac delta distribution on the real line. The integralformulation is an equivalent formulation.

    Forn = 2, the solution is obtained from the previous formula by the method of descent;we just solve with initial conditions that depend only on two spatial variables. Again,skipping the details, we write down the solution to Cauchy problem for the 2-dimensionalwave equation as

    u(x, t) = 1


    t t|y|1f(x +cty)

    1 |y|2 dy+ t

    2 |y|1g(x +cty)

    1 |y|2 dy.In contrast to the 3-dimensional case, here the integral is over the unit disk|y| 1, so thesolution depends on data points that are within a distance ct or less. So propagation ofinformation in 2D is quite different, in particular Huygens principle is not true here.

    The solutions to the Cauchy problem in higher dimensions can be given; they are re-markably similar to the above forms. In fact, the formulas just involve some extra timederivatives in front of the integrals. (See Follands book for details.)


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    2.7 Huygens principle

    The above integrals show that in dimension 3 (and in fact, for all odd dimensions), thesolution of the wave equation at pointx0, at time t0, depends only on the initial data in aninfinitesimal neighbourhood of the sphere



    = ct0. This is a statement of Huygens

    principle. In particular, it says that information from a point source travels in the form of asphere. The wavefront is thus sharp, with a sudden onset at the start, and sudden cutoff atthe end.

    In dimension 2 (and all even dimensions), the behaviour is different. Wavefronts do havea sharp onset, but they decay with a long tail. This we see because the solution at x0, t0depends on the initial conditions on the entire disk|xx0| ct0. This behaviour can beobserved in the ripples of a pond that are formed around a pebble that falls into the pond.

    However, it is worth pointing out that although Huygens principle is not true in even

    dimensions, it is still approximately true! The integrand in solution to the Cauchy problemhas a factor of

    1 |y|2 in the denominator, which gives a hefty singularity at the surface

    of the sphere. Not as much as a delta function, but still significant.

    2.8 Energy and uniqueness of solutions

    The energy of a wavefield u(x, t) in some region of space is simply defined as the integral


    2 (ut)2 +c2 (


    2 dx.

    Why this is an energy is an interesting question. The ut term is related to a velocity, so thisa kinetic energy term; the spatial gradientxu is related to displacement, and thus to thestored energy in a stretched elastic (Hookes law), so this is a potential energy term.15

    This energy definition can be used to prove the uniqueness of solutions to the waveequation. For instance, if we fix a point x0 in space, and some timet00, consider the ballof points close enough to communicate with x0 using a travel time oft0 t0. We definethis ball as

    Bt ={x Rn :|x x0| c(t0 t)}.The energy on this shrinking ball is then defined as

    E(t) =1



    (ut)2 +c2 (xu)2 dx.

    It is an easy exercise in the divergence theorem to show that ifu satisfies the wave equation,and twice continuously differentiable, then



    15We are being a bit casual about the choice of units here.


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    If we know from initial conditions that E(0) = 0, then it follows that energy E(t) = 0 isconstant on the interval [0, t0], since by definition, the energy is a nonegative function.

    So, we get the following uniqueness theorem:

    Theorem 3 Supposeu1, u2 areC2 solutions to the wave equationutt= c

    22u whose initialdata (Cauchy data) agree on the ball

    B={(x, 0) :|x x0| ct0}.

    Then the two solutionsu1, u2 agree on the cone

    C={(x, t) :|x x0| c(t0 t)}.

    Figure 3: The cone of influence on solutions to the wave equation.

    Roughly speaking, this says that if two solutions agree on a given ball, then any distur-bances that come in to make them different must creep into the ball at no faster than thepropagation speed c.

    The proof proceeds by considering the function u = u1

    u2 which is another solution to

    the wave equation, but with zero initial values. The corresponding energy defined above (onthe shrinking balls) is thus zero, and so ut = 0, xu= 0 on the cone. Thus u is a constanton the cone, and by the initial conditions, this constant is zero. Thus u1= u2.

    Note the same analogous uniqueness theorem is true for the inhomogeneous wave equation

    utt c22u= h


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    since via the same proof, the difference functionu = u1u2is a solution to the homogeneouswave equation. Even the forcing term h for the two solutions u1, u2 could be differentfunctions, that happen to agree on the cone.

    This will be useful to remember for the next lecture, where we consider the inhomogeneous

    wave equation.


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    3 Lecture Three: Inhomogeneous solutions - source


    In this lecture we solve the inhomogeneous wave equation

    utt c22u= h

    whereh = h(x,y,z,t) is a forcing term that drives the vibrational system. One might find ita little odd that this is so important in seismic imaging, since in typical seismic experiments,the seismic source (dynamite, Vibroseis) is on the earths surface and could be treated asa boundary condition. There are not really seismic sources inside the earth, except forearthquakes. However, the reflectors within the earth (geological structures, reservoirs, etc)can be treated as a source of energy, that initiates a wave traveling back to the surface thethe earth, where the resulting wave is measured by geophones.16 For this reason we mustconsider solving the wave equation with a forcing term.

    3.1 Particular solutions and boundary, initial conditions

    Given any particular solution to the inhomogeneous equation

    utt c2u= h

    another solution can be obtained by adding any nonzero solution of the homogeneous equa-tion

    utt c2u= 0.Thus, the most general solution to the inhomogeneous equation can be written as a sum ofa homogeneous solution uH, and a particular solution uP, with solution

    u= uH +uP

    the general solution. As we saw earlier, there are many solutions to the homogeneous equa-tion, and thus again we have a situation with many different solutions.

    So, how to we set up a well-posed problem with a unique solution? Again, the approach is

    to specify boundary conditions and/or initial conditions that will pick out a unique solution.However, we have done all the necessary work in the lectures above; we dont have to do anyaddition work for the inhomogeneous case. The procedure is as follows:

    1. Fix a forcing term h and, say, Cauchy conditons u = f, ut = g att = 0;

    16Perhaps this is called the exploding reflector model.


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    2. Find any particular solution that satisfies utt c2u = h, call. ituP. Note that uPneed not satisfy the Cauchy conditions;

    3. Solve the homogeneous equation uttc22u = 0 with Cauchy condtions u = fuP, ut = guPt at t = 0. Call the solution to this homogeneous problemuH. It isunique.

    4. The unique solution to the inhomogeneous equation satisfying the Caucy conditions,isu = uH +uP.

    So, the uniqueness is assured by solving the homogeneous problem with modified Cauchyconditions.

    Im taking some pains to point out here that the particular solution uP is not unique,and so we should not really call it the solution. It is a solution to the inhomogeneousequation, and is just one of many, unless we add boundary or initial conditions or something.

    In this lecture, we will only be looking for a solution to the inhomogeneous problem. Itwould be a mistake, then, to talk about the solution obtained by Greens functions, byFourier transform, by variation of parameters, because these solutions are not unique andcan even be different particular solutions.17

    3.2 Solution via variation of parameters

    Since weve solved homogeneous wave equation with Cauchy data, it is useful to know thatthis solution can be used to solve the inhomogeneous equation using the technique of variationof parameters.

    Theorem 4 (Variation of parameters) Fix forcing termh = h(x, t). For each real num-bers, letv= v(x, t; s) be the solution to the homogeneous wave equation

    vtt c22v = 0v(x, 0; s) = 0

    vt(x, 0; s) = h(x, s).

    Thenu(x, t) = t

    0v(x, t

    s; s) ds is a solution to the inhomogeneous wave equation

    utt c22u = hu(x, 0) = 0

    ut(x, 0; s) = 0.

    17Personally, I have found this very confusing. So for instance, there is not such thing as the Greensfunction, or the fundamental solution the wave equation. There is a Greens function; in fact there areinfinitely many if we dont specify initial or boundary conditions. Personal note: try not to worry whenphysicists throw a Greens function at you and call it the Greens function.


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    For this theorem to hold, one must assume some continuity on the first few derivatives ofh. The proof proceeds simply by verifying that the functionu(x, t) so defined is a solutionas stated. So,

    u(x, 0) =



    v(x, 0 s; s) ds= 0.

    Also, by the fundamental theorem of calculus (remember to differentiate the endpoints too)

    ut(x, t) =v(x, 0; t) +


    vt(x, t s; s) ds= t0

    vt(x, t s; s) ds,

    and thusut(x, 0) = 0. Differentiating again, we have

    utt(x, t) = vt(x, 0; t) +


    vtt(x, t s; s) ds

    = h(x, t) +



    c22v(x, t s; s) ds= h(x, t) +c22u(x, t).

    So, u satisfies the required inhomogeneous wave equation. This completes the proof.

    It is sometime convenient to restate the theorem while hiding the initial time t = t0. Soif the forcing term h = h(x, t) is zero for t 0, just let v(x, t; s) be the solution to thehomogeneous problem

    vtt c22v = 0v(x, 0; s) = 0

    vt(x, 0; s) = h(x, s).

    and set u = u(x, t) = tv(x, t s; s) ds for the solution to the inhomogeneous problem,which is zero att0.3.3 Fundamental solutions

    A fundamental solutionto a linear, constant coefficient partial differential operator L is adistribution which satisfies the distributional equation

    L =0,

    where0 is the Dirac delta function at the origin (eg. a unit point mass). Note that if isa fundamental solution to the wave equation, then for any (smooth, compactly supported)functionh = h(x, t) we have

    (tt c2)(h ) =h (tt c2) = h 0= h.Thus the function u = h is a solution to the inhomogeneous wave equation

    utt c2u= h.


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    The converse is true as well; if is a distribution with the property that u = h is asolution to the inhomogeneous wave equation, for each function h, then is a fundamentalsolution.

    We already have examples of fundamental solutions for the wave equation: we simply

    reinterpret the integral solutions of the last section as convolutions, and identify the distri-bution.

    In dimension n = 1, the dAlembert solution for the variation of parameters problemgives

    v(x, t; s) = 1



    h(r, s) dr= 1



    h(x+r, s) dr

    and thus the particular solution to the homogeneous equation is

    u(x, t) = 1

    2c t

    v(x, t

    s; s) ds=


    2c t



    h(x+r, s) dr ds.

    The inner integral looks like a convolution with a boxcar function, with support of length 2 c.The outer integral looks like a convolution with a boxcar function with half-infinite support.

    With this hint, we can guess the form of the convolution, and verify that this integral issimply the convolution ofh with the function

    +(x, t) =

    0 t0;12c t >0, ctxct.

    Figure 4: The fundamental solution to the 1D wave equation.


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    That is, for this piecewise constant function +, we can express the solution u to theinhomogeneous wave equation as

    u= h +.This function + is an example of a fundamental solution to the wave equation in 1D.

    Note the cross-sections (, t) at fixed times are the boxcar functions described in Ursen-bachs lectures.

    Similarly, in dimensions 2 and 3, for each time t >0 we define spatial distributions 2t , 3t

    by the integrals

    2t , g = t



    g(cty)1 |y|2 dy

    3t , g = t



    g(cty) d(y),

    which are simply the integrals that appeared in the solution to the Cauchy problem, centeredatx= 0. The fundamental solutions to the wave equation, in dimensions two an three, aregiven by defining the space-time distribution + as

    +(x, t) =

    0 t0;nt t >0, ctxct. forn = 2, 3.

    An interesting exercise is to verify that the convolutionu = h +is exactly the solutionto the inhomogeneous wave equation we derived earlier.

    Notice the values of the solution u = h + at pointt0 depends only on the values ofhat times t t0. It is a natural choice for a solution that arises fromh driving the system.Another perfectly acceptable fundamental solution is obtained by time reversal, with

    (x, t) = +(x, t).

    In physics, these are usually called the retarded and advanced Greens functions for the waveequation.18

    3.4 Greens functions, Greens theorem

    Mr. Green was apparently a very popular man, and many things got named after him,which can be confusing for the rest of us. A fundamental solution to a (constant coefficientlinear) PDE is often called a Greens function; thus the fundamental solutions of the previoussection are called the Greens function for the wave equation. And again, there is nothing

    18In dimension three, the distribution can be expressed as (|x|2 c2t2)/|x|, scaled by 4.


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    unique about them, so they shouldnt really be called the Greens function. Also note thatthese functions are actually distributions.

    It is somewhat confusing that when we talk about the wave equation, another Greensfunction for a different PDE is often mentioned. Within the wave equation, there is the

    Laplacian operator2. The fundamental solution for the Laplacian2u= 0 is often calledthe Greens function; in dimensionn = 2 it is given by

    (x) = 1

    2log |x|,

    while in dimension n >2 it is given by

    (x) = |x|2n(2 n)n ,

    where n is a normalizing constant (the volume of the unit ball in dimension n.) This iseasily verified by confirming that2(g ) =g for any smooth function g .

    And, to be really precise, the Greens function for the Laplacian, applied to a specificbounded domain with smooth boundary, is the unique function G(x, y) such that foreach pointx in ,

    1.2y[G(x, y) (x y)] = 0;2. yG(x, y) is continuous on ;3. G(x, y) = 0 for eachx, y,

    where is the fundamental solution mentioned in the last paragraph. That is, the differencebetween the Greens function and a fundamental solution is the unique solution to theDirichlet problem on a specific domain. Note for certain domains, the solution to thisproblem could be very complicated.

    Similarly, to specify a unique Greens function, or fundamental solution, for the waveequation, one must pose some boundary and initial conditions. The answer always willinvolve a distribution, in dimensions n > 1. The examples in the last section are preciseformulations of particular distributional solutions.

    Greens theorem, on the other hand, consists of some identites Laplacian, namely:

    Theorem 5 (Greens Identities) Suppose is a bounded domain inRn whose boundary is smooth. Ifu, v are functions with continuous first derivatives, then

    vu d =

    (v2u+ v u) dx

    (vu uv) d =

    (v2u u2v) dx


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    where indicates the outward normal derivative, andd the surface area.

    The first identity is a consequence of the divergence theorem19 with vector fieldF= vu,and

    (F )d =

    ( F)dx. The second identity follows by subtracting the symmetric

    result from the first identity. They have obvious uses when computing with the Laplacian.

    3.5 Why the convolution with the fundamental solutions?

    Lets point this out specifically. There is something magical in the fact that we can solvethe inhomogeneous wave equation in the form of convolution u = h . The only reasonthis works is because we have been working with a constant coefficient PDE. Thus thefundamental solution at the origin (the one that gives the Dirac delta function at the origin)can be transported around to other points (x0, t0) simply by translation. Summing these up

    with weights h(x0, t0) results in a convolution.

    For non-constant coefficient equations, we expect something much more complicated tohappen. For instance, you might need a different fundamental solution at each point, andthen sum them up with the weighting h. This willnotbe a convolution.

    In general, one might hope to solve a non-constant coefficient PDE Lu = h with anintegral solution

    u(x) =

    (x, y)h(y) dy

    where, for eachx, the distributional mapy

    (x, y) satisfiesL(x,) =x. Looking for a

    fundamental solution at eachx could be very challenging.

    3.6 The Fourier transform and solutions

    Constant coefficient linear PDEs can also be effectively solved using the Fourier transform.The Fourier transform of a function f=f(t) of a single variable is defined as

    f() =

    Rf(t)e2it dt;

    the function is recovered from its transform using the inverse transformation,

    f(t) =


    f()e+2it d.

    19And, as I like to explain to my kids, the Divergence Theorem simply says you can measure how muchmethane gas a cow produces by either measuring how much is produced in each cubic centimeter of the cow,or simply by measuring how much leaks out its mouth and rear end, and other places on the surface of thecow.


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    The factor of 2 in the exponent is particularly convenient for normalizing this operator; italso gives useful physical units for the dual variable 20

    One should worry a bit about what kinds of function the Fourier transform is definedfor. However, it is easy to note it is well-defined on smooth functions which decay rapidly at

    infinity, faster than the reciprocal of any polynomial (Schwartz class functions). By duality,the Fourier transform is extended to all tempered distributions, and thus it behaves nicelyon a wide class of (generalized) functions.

    The Fourier transform preserves L2 norm; maps convolutions to pointwise products, andvice versa; it converts derivatives to mutliplications by polynomials in the dual variable, andvice versa.

    In higher dimensions, the Fourier transform is defined using a higher dimensional integral;similar properties hold. Since we are working with the wave equation, it is convenient toindicate the space and time variables separately. Thus, for u= u(x, t) we define its transformas

    u(k, ) =



    u(x, t)e2i(xk+t) dxdt,

    and of course the inverse transform gives

    u(x, t) =



    u(k, )e+2i(xk+t) dkd.

    To solve the inhomogeneous wave equationutt c22u= h, we simply apply the Fouriertransform to the equation to obtain






    u=hand thus

    u= 1

    42(c2|k|2 2) h.We would then recoveru via the inverse Fourier transform.

    However, there are some problems with this approach, namely because the factor 42(c2|k|22) is zero along the light cone, and dividing by zero is not well-defined. In particular, we cansay the reciprocal 1/42(c2|k|2 2) is not the Fourier transform of a tempered distribution.

    To fix things, one can define distributions


    as those distributions with Fouriertransform +(k, ) = 142(c2|k|2 ( i)2)(k, ) = 142(c2|k|2 (+i)2)20Eg. if t is time measured in seconds, then is frequency measured in Hertz. What could be more



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    and take the limits of these distributions as 0+. It can be verified that in fact, the re-tarded and advanced Greens functions (fundamental solutions) derived in the earlier sectionare these limits.21

    It is curious that the addition of an infinitesimally small, imaginary part to the temporary

    frequency frequency switches solutions from the retarded to the advanced. This gives an ideaof how bad the behaviour could be if one is not careful about those zeros.

    A closely related solution is to the the limit of distributions f, whose Fourier transformis f(k, ) = 142(c2|k|2 2 i) .The limiting distribution is called the causal Greens function, or the Feynmann propagatorf.

    3.7 Analyticity and avoiding zeros

    There is another way to avoid the zeros that comes up in the polynomial c2|k|2 2; wemention this because it works well for all constant coefficient PDEs. The key idea is thatwhen a function f(t) has compact support, then its Fourier transform

    f() =


    f(t)e2it dt

    extends to an analytic function for complex values of. This is also true in higher dimensions.

    Thus, by moving off the real line, we can avoid the zero set of any polynomials that arise.

    For the wave equation, this is easy to do. In the dual variable for time, we look atvalues +i. These will never give a zero in the characteristic polynomial, and in factc2|k|2 (+i)2 is bounded away from zero. So, rather than integrating over the real linefor , we integrate on a line in the complex plane, where Im() == 0.

    Thus, for any compactly supported forcing term h, we may define

    u(x, t) =

    Rn Im()=h(k, )





    e2(xk+t) ddk,

    where the inner integral is along a line in the complex plane which thus avoids zeros in thedenominator. Applying the wave operator, we pick up the polynomial term that cancels thedenominator, so

    utt c22u=Rn


    h(k, )e2(xk+t) ddk,

    21This would be a good exercise.


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    By analyticity of the integrand, we can deform the integral along the line Im() = tothe real line (Cauchys theorem in complex variables), and obtain the desired result, thatutt c22u= h.

    This does not reveal the fundamental solution22, but it is an effective solution technique

    for the inhomogenous wave equation. That is, it is mathematically exact, there are notapproximations or wishful ignoring of singularities. It would seem these solutions are relatedto the distributions + defined in the last section. They are close, but not the same thing.

    It is certainly worth pointing out that the factors e2(xk+t) appear to be plane waves invariablesx, t, for any fixedk, . Thus this solution looks like a sum of plane waves. However,we really do have some exponential behaviour happening, since the is actually a complexnumber in this integral formulation.

    3.8 Spatial Fourier transforms

    In this section and the next, we let u denote the Fourier transform in the spatial variablesalone, that is,

    u(k, t) =


    u(x, t)e2ixk dx.

    This transforms the initial value problem

    utt c22u= 0, u(x, 0) =f(x), ut(x, 0) =g(x)to a second order ODE in variable t, with

    utt+ 42c2|k|2u= 0, u(k, 0) = f(k), ut(k, t) = g(k).Taking into account the initial conditions, we solve this ODE as a linear combination ofcosines and sines, so

    u(k, t) = f(k)cos2c|k|t+ g(k) sin2c|k|t2c|k| .

    Thus, taking the inverse Fourier transforms, these products turn into convolutions, so wecan write the solution as

    u(, t) =f t+g t,where we use a spatial convolution. Of course, we know what these distributions t, tare, since we know their Fourier transforms23 But, it is simpler to note that t is the samedistribution that appeared in Section 3.3 on fundamental solutions, and

    t =

    t22the one that gives our convolutional results23A good exercise would be to compute these distributions by finding the inverse Fourier transform of the

    functionsc(k) = cos2c|k|tand s(k) = sin2c|k|t2c|k| .


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    is its time derivative.

    3.9 Local Fourier theory: pseudodifferential operators

    We saw that the spatial Fourier transform represents the Laplacian as multiplication by apolynomial in the Fourier dual variables k= (kx, ky, kz), with,

    2u(x) =R3

    42 k2x+k2y+k2z u(k)e2ixk dk.By the Fourier inversion formula, a linear differential operator with non-constant coefficientscan be represented by a polynomial ink with coefficients that depend on the spatial variablex. So, for instance, an inhomogeneous Laplacian can be calculated as

    a(x)uxx+b(x)uyy +c(x)uzz = R3 42



    2z u(k)e

    2ixk dk.

    Apseudodifferential operatoris a linear operator given by an Fourier integral formula asabove, but replacing a polynomial such as p(x, k) =42 a(x)k2x+b(x)k2y+c(x)k2z withan arbitrary (but given) function(x, k). We can define the corresponding operator K as

    Ku(x) =


    (x, k)u(k)e2ixk dk.

    With reasonable restrictions on the smoothness and growth of the function, the correspond-ing operator K retains many of the important properties of a real differential operators.The function is called the symbol of the operator. There is a well-developed mathematicaltheory which provides a functional calculus for combining symbols to create useful pseudod-ifferential operators. So for instance, the square root of the Laplacian can be approximatedby a pseudodifferential operator whose symbol approximates the square root of the symbolfor the Laplacian, such as

    (x, k) = 2i


    2z+ .

    In other words, this provides an approximation to the Dirac operator.

    Pseudodifferential operators provide a useful tool for working with PDEs with non-constant coefficients, such as those describing an inhomogeneous earth. These will be de-scribed in other lectures of this workshop.

    3.10 Radon transform

    There is a very elegant way of solving the Cauchy problem for the wave equation using theRadon transform. The basic idea is to consider the simple case where the initial data f, gare


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    constant along (hyper)planes, with the same normal vectork. That is, we have two functionF, G of one variable and wish to solve the Cauchy problem

    utt c22u= 0, u(x, 0) =F(x k), ut(x, 0) =G(x k).We expect the solution to have the same symmetry, and in fact the solution is obtained as

    in the dAlembert 1D solution, so we find

    u(x, t) =1

    2[F(x k +t) +F(x k ct)] + 1



    G(x k +s) ds.

    The more general solution, for more general Cauchy conditions, is to decompose the initialcondition into a sum (or integral) of functions which are constant along various hyperplanes.Thus, suppose we can write the functions f , g as integrals

    f(x) =

    SnF(x k, k) d(k), g(x) =

    SnG(x k, k) d(k).

    Then the solution to the wave equation would be

    u(x, t) =1



    F(x k +t, k) +F(x k ct, k) +1



    G(x k +s, k) ds


    where we integrate over the unit sphere of all possible direction vectors k.

    That is all there is to it: once we know how to decompose the functions f(x), g(x) interms of integrals of some functionsF(s, k), G(s, k), we have the formula for the solution tothe wave equation. So we present here how to obtain this decomposition using the Radontransform.

    This decomposition is obtained by the modified Radon transform. First, the Radontransform is defined on spatial functions f = f(x) by integrating the function over allpossible (hyper)planes xk = s. Thus, for each direction k and each displacement s, weobtain a value for the transform, with

    (Rf)(s, k) =


    f(x) dx,

    where the integral is the usual (n1) dimensional area integral. It is interesting to note thatthe Radon transform is closely related to the spatial Fourier transform; indeed, it is easy to

    check that Rf(s, k) = R

    f(k)e2is d.

    As you might expect, this transform is invertible, and the inverse can be written as an integralover pointsk in the sphere Sn and displacementss0. Integrating over the displacements,and taking care of some symmetries, gives the modified Radon transform R which satisfiesthe decomposition

    f(x) =


    Rf(x k, k) d(k).


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    Thus it is the modified Radon transform that should be used in computing the solution tothe wave equation.

    In dimension 2, the modified Radon transform involves a Hilbert transform, so it shouldbe computed with some care24. In dimension 3, we can just write it down

    R(s, k) =1


    Rf(, k)2e2is d,whereRfhere means the Fourier transform of the Radon transform Rf(s, k) with respectto the first variable s.

    3.11 Things we havent covered

    Given more time, it would have been useful for cover topics such as smoothness results, raytheory, and numerical solutions.

    For a brief summary of each:

    Smoothness: we can ask, given certain smoothness conditions on the input to a PDEproblem, how smooth will the solution be? For elliptic operators, the answer is very nice:there is no loss of smoothness. That is, if the Cauchy data is f Ck, g Ck1, then thesolution u is also Ck. For the wave equation, there is a loss of smoothness, of about ordern/2. So, for Cauchy dataf Ck+n/2, andgCk1+n/2, then the solution isu is inCk. Thiscan be thought of as the result of weak singularities colliding into other weak singularities, toproduce stronger singularities. For constant coefficient wave equations, this can only happenin a limited sense, hence the loss of only n/2 orders of derivatives. Moreover, this loss canonly happen in startup of the solution: we can loss n/2 orders of smoothness in going fromu(x, 0) tou(x, ), but after that there is no further loss moving on to any point u(x, t). Andif one usesL2 derivatives, there is no loss at all! A complete discussion of this would requirethe introduction of Sobolev spaces. And it is not clear (to me) that analogous results holdfor non-constant coefficient wave equation, because the creation of caustics can produce verybad singularities.

    Ray theory: Light travels in rays. Well, not really, but this is a useful approximation

    in geometric optics. A similar approximation can be made in seismic imaging, where oneassumes most of the energy in a seismic experiment has travelled along a ray that followsthe path of least time.25 These paths can be computed by looking at the coefficients in thewave equation, in particular in the velocity term c = c(x). In the constant velocity case, theray paths are straight lines; for non-constant velocities, they are other curves. The problem

    24Huygens principle fails in dimension 2, which is related to this problem.25Or possibly an extremal for time.


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    of computing paths of fastest travel time is a standard problem in the calculus of variations,and not so much a problem in PDEs.

    Numerical methods: There are many techniques for approximating the solution to a PDEusing numerical methods. For non-constant coefficient equations, sometimes these are the

    only known methods to finding accurate approximations to the solutions. Finite differences,finite elements, matrix solvers, filtering methods, and so on, are all useful techniques. Theseismic problem is difficult enough that the tradeoff between accuracy and speed becomesone of the most important issues in choosing a solution method.


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    4 Summary

    Here are the key points to remember from these lectures.

    First, there are many solutions to the wave equation. It is only by adding boundaryand initial conditions that we turn a question about the wave equation into a well-posedmathematical problem.

    Second, for the constant coefficient wave equation, there are many techniques for com-puting the solutions to (well-posed) problems. These included separation of variables, char-acteristic curves, variations of parameters, one-way wave equations, dAlembert and higherdimensional explicit solutions, Greens functions, Fourier and Radon transforms. A technicalfacility with these techniques will help you in solving real problems about waves.

    Finaly, for non-constant coefficient problems, we still expect many solutions to exist for

    the wave equation. Well-posedness will come from imposing boundary and initial conditions.Local solutions can always be found. We can optimistically expect that the many solutionsto the constant coefficient case can be applied, at least locally, to give methods of solutionto the more general, non-constant coefficient case.


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    5 Acknowledgments

    I would like to thank the POTSI and CREWES sponsors for their support of our researchinto the mathematics of seismic imaging, and to thank the many researchers in POTSI and

    CREWES for their continued interest and encouragement of this work.

    And many thanks to Dr. Gary Margrave, for inviting me to speak at this workshop, aswell as for his endless enthusiasm in our collaborative work.


    [1] A. Broman,Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Dover Publications, Inc, NewYork, 1989.

    [2] S. Farlow, Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, Dover Publica-tions, Inc, London, 1993.

    [3] G. Folland Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Princeton University Press,Princeton, 1995.

    [4] F. John, Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematics Series, Springer-Verlag,New York, 1982.

    [5] A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer, Discrete-time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall,New Jersey, 1998.

    [6] Xavier Saint Raymond,Elementary Introduction to the Theory of Pseudodifferential Op-erators, CRC Press, Florida, 1991.

    [7] W. A. Strauss, Partial Differential Equations, An Introduction, JOhn Wiley & Sons,U.S.A., 1992.