La roux digi




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q=Shooting+Star&FORM=RESTAB#view=detail&id=3BA36BE7E03EC892B68DAA45687A8AD2CB674D1C&selectedIndex= 2 44


Do, do, do your dirty words come out to play when you are hurt? There's certain things that should be left unsaidTick, tick, tick, tick on the watch And life's too short for me to stop Oh baby, your time is running outI won't let you turn around And tell me now I'm much too proud All you do is fill me up

This time, baby, I'll be bulletproof This time, baby, I'll be bulletproof This time, baby, I'll be bulletproof This time, baby, I'll be bulletproofThis time I'll be bulletproof This time I'll be bulletproofThis time, baby, I'll be bulletproof This time, baby, I'll be bulletproof This time, baby, I'll be bulletproof

Love, love is like a stubborn youth That you'd rather just deny I'm walking on a broken roof While I'm looking at the skyIt's all false love and affection You don't want me you just like the attention Yes It's all false love and affection You don't like me you just want the attentionI'm not your toy This isn't another girl meets boy [repeat 2x]Love, love hides in a smoky light I can never find the truth Boy, your touches leave me mystified I wish I could believe in you

Yes It's all false love and affection You don't want me you just like the attention Yes It's all false love and affection You don't like me you just want the attentionI'm not your toy This isn't another girl meets boy [repeat 3x]

It's all false love and affection You don't want me you just like the attention Yes It's all false love and affection You don't like me you just want the attention[Instrumental Break]I'm not your toy This isn't another girl meets boy [repeat 4x]

Primary source

Tonight out on the streets I'm gonna follow you Tell you all about a scene that you would kill for You're gonna love what's burning right in front of you But you won't see it by the light of the sunCome out Tiger lily, you're caressing me I'll take you up, I'll turn you on, I'll take your apathy I wouldn't lie to you blossom, won't you let it go? I'm gonna give you all you want and don't you know That you, I know you better than this I could be here when you call, I'll make you top of the list And in the crush of the dark I'll be your light in the mist I can see you burning with desire for a kiss

Lurking in the dark, there's someone who breathes you night and day There's a friend who wants so much more And if they can't have you they'll never let you walk awayAnd in the crush of the dark I'll be your light in the mist I can see you burning with desire for a kiss And in the crush of the dark I'll be your light in the mist I can see you burning with desire for a kiss Psychobabble all upon your lips But our communication is telepathy


Tonight out on the streets I'm gonna follow you Tell you all about a scene that you would kill for You're gonna love what's burning right in front of you But you won't see it by the light of the sunCome out Tiger lily, you're caressing me I'll take you up, I'll turn you on, I'll take your apathy I wouldn't lie to you blossom, won't you let it go? I'm gonna give you all you want and don't you know That you, I know you better than this I could be here when you call, I'll make you top of the list And in the crush of the dark I'll be your light in the mist I can see you burning with desire for a kiss

Lurking in the dark, there's someone who breathes you night and day There's a friend who wants so much more And if they can't have you they'll never let you walk awayAnd in the crush of the dark I'll be your light in the mist I can see you burning with desire for a kiss And in the crush of the dark I'll be your light in the mist I can see you burning with desire for a kiss Psychobabble all upon your lips But our communication is telepathy

No wonder I'm scared to look in your eyes

You've turned me away so many times

You can take it away at any given moment

It's hard to believe while you're in this disguiseSo would you hold me please?

I'm trying hard to breath

I'm just surviving

So would you hold me please?

I'm trying hard to breath

(It's just a little sacrifice)

You don't need to worry about the others (It's all in your mind) so would you hold me please?

I'm trying hard to breath

I'm just surviving

So would you hold me please?

I'm trying hard to breath

Stop me from crying

When I see you walking with her

No wonder I'm scared to look in your eyes

You've turned me away so many times

You can take it away at any given moment

It's hard to believe while you're in this disguiseSo would you hold me please?

I'm trying hard to breath

I'm just surviving

So would you hold me please?

I'm trying hard to breath

(It's just a little sacrifice)

You don't need to worry about the others (It's all in your mind) so would you hold me please?

I'm trying hard to breath

I'm just surviving

So would you hold me please?

I'm trying hard to breath

Stop me from crying

When I see you walking with her

Emerging from my worldImagine living in a boxAnd I won't come outUntil I've broken all the locks

Slurring all my wordsUntil something sticksBut in this smoky universeMy mind keeps playing tricks

And although

And although

You're the only home I'll ever know

As if by Magic

Thoughts of you are gone

And now I'm keeping my head in the clouds

And it's not so tragic

If I don't look down

Emerging from my worldImagine living in a boxAnd I won't come outUntil I've broken all the locks

Slurring all my wordsUntil something sticksBut in this smoky universeMy mind keeps playing tricks

And although

And although

You're the only home I'll ever know

As if by Magic

Thoughts of you are gone

And now I'm keeping my head in the clouds

And it's not so tragic

If I don't look down

How much hair product do you think you use a month to get hair as awesome as yours?

Oh, wow, I don’t know. In a month, usually one can of mousse, intense mousse. You don’t need much wax but there’s that, and also very strong hairspray.

You’re an electronic powerhouse now, but you used to be more inclined to folk music when you first started out.

It wasn’t like we decided to electronic music out of the blue or anything. It just happened really naturally. My dad taught me guitar from the age of 6 and I was introduced to all music: rock and blues, folk. As a kid I liked Joni Mitchell a lot. I guess it was just kind of natural to write in that style. I wrote songs from the age of 12 and that’s where I pulled inspiration from. If you think about it, Paul Simon is pretty synthy — and you can quote me on that — people like Stevie Wonder also can fall into this. When I met Ben I’d written a lot of songs in a folk kind of area, and the more we wrote together, it just became a bit passé to us and we took it out of the tracks to start to go more dance.

For you, where is the line between creating original content and paying tribute?

I think there is a bit of both in what we do. It’s kind of annoyed me when people have taken the 50s or the 60s [to incorporate into their music], and people don’t bat an eyelid, but when you put the 80s in, people go, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I mean, you weren’t there in the 50s, and then the counter is “But don’t you like rock and roll?” It’s like the 80s have this tainted thing on it. There is a lot of the revival of the leggings and spandex and American Apparel going on, but there was a classy cool romantic appeal that we’re appealing to, not the neon part. More Tears For Fears side.

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In an interview with NME the Bulletproof star said: "It's a lot cheekier. Not 'Touch my Bum' cheeky or Carry On cheeky - just slightly suggestive."

So why has it taken so long to the follow up the hit single Bulletproof?

"I'm proud of that record, but what's the point in rushing the follow-up? I would rather it was amazing."

And with all the great chart toppers at the moment, surely they feel pressure to create an even better record than their debut?

"I'm not going to lie, I felt lots of pressure," she said. "What we did on the first record was great. If it was s**t it would have been like, 'Oh it doesn't matter what we do because it's going to be better'

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Everyone is so excited to hear some new material.So am I actually. It’s weird because it’s difficult to talk about it as when you make a record so many things change over the course of making it. I could say now ‘It’s a bit like this and it’s a bit like that’ but then in a few months’ time it could be completely different. But I think we are nearing settling on a style but there’s still a lot of work to do. We have written a few things but I’m about to go on holiday so that will put it on hold for a bit. I’m not telling anyone where I’m going just in case as I really, really want to be left alone! We’ve been in the studio on and off for a bit but we only finished touring at Christmas and I’ve been taking some time out as I’ve got loads of things to do to my house as it needs renovating. In order to write a record about anything real I kind of need to have a life again. Obviously I have a great time when I’m working but who wants to hear an album about me being in a tour bus or having some hummus in a dressing room? Of course there are stresses with being on tour as you do get tired and you do get homesick but I don’t want to f**king write about it at all. It’s just not something that I want to write about. So I’ve got that element of figuring out what the subject matter of the album is and there’s definitely more of a sexual element.

What do you mean – is La Roux going to become La Raunchy?!It’s difficult to explain it and I’m scared that if it gets edited down then it’s going to sound like I’m writing a sex album! Basically I think I’ve come across in the past as almost as if I don’t like that kind of sexual element to music or entertainment. But I do. I do like a sexual element side to a lot of things but I don’t like it to be in an overtly kind of obvious way. I think the sexiest things about people – and it’s obviously people that we’re talking about as that’s where sex comes from – are the subtitles about them and the mysteries about things that you don’t know. The thing that makes you attracted to somebody is when you don’t know what’s going on. If someone comes up to you, straddles you and says ‘I want to f**k now’ that isn’t sexy, not that I’ve ever had it happen to me! There may be some blokes out there that find that sexy but I certainly f**king don’t. I just think the way sex is portrayed in a lot of songs and a lot of music videos make it very unsexy. I don’t necessarily have a massive problem with it apart from when it’s being marketed to eight-year-olds and then I sort-of do. I want the sound of the record to be a lot sexier but not in an ‘I’m going to f**k you in a club’ sort of way. I want it to be old-fashioned sex and old-fashioned sexy – a bit of mystery and a bit of a smoky kind-of slickness. Also with my voice I want it to be a lot deeper and a lot sexier as well because there’s an area of my voice which has opened up recently and I never knew I had it. I think it’s going to be more like that than me talking about sex. I also

want to get in an element of a lot of things that I have seen over the last couple of years that aren’t to do with work – like character traits in people that you begin to notice as you get older and begin to know more people. There is a lot of character traits that you never thought would apply to you or that would apply to your friends or that you would ever justify in anyone – like how the darker side of your mind works. Or if you are about to do something that you know you shouldn’t do but yet you do it anyway and it’s the thought process that leads to that. It will mean singing songs about observational stories where I’ve seen people go and do things where you can tell they don’t feel right about it – like going and having an affair – and it’s that thought process which leads you there and makes you justify it. Hopefully it should be good.

When do you expect to finish up the record and get it released?We have got a way to go yet so I wouldn’t expect anything this side of Christmas. The first record took us a long time as we didn’t rush and we were very, very happy with the results and the rest of our fans seem to have been as well. I literally don’t believe in, or buy into this whole rush culture of if you don’t have something out this year then no-one will f**king buy it. It’s a load of b*****ks. People bought our record when they had never heard who we were before. There are people there and they want to hear the music. If the music is s**t then of course no-one will buy it but if it’s a great record and a really good progression then I do believe people will buy it. All I need to do is make sure that it is good.

Do you have a wish-list of anyone you would like to work with on the record?I wouldn’t like to work with anyone. Obviously we have done a couple of collaborations that I wouldn’t necessarily have thought I would do and they have been good for whatever reasons and it’s nice to meet other musicians. But I think when it comes to your own record there shouldn’t be collaborations on there. It’s different for rap artists because they need a singer or a singer needs a rapper in a verse so I’m not saying I’m totally against it but for us we write everything that we do and there isn’t really a necessity for it. I don’t really think there is anyone right that would work for what we do either or for what we are about to do. I think it can look a bit unfocused as well. I think if you have about ten rappers on an album you can look it and think ‘Hang on, how much of it is really you?’

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You first came to a lot of people’s attention when you placed fifth in the BBC’s “Sound Of 2009” poll at the start of the year. At that stage, you had one limited edition single and a couple of songs on MySpace, and you hadn’t yet played live. So how did all these tipsters find out about you?

I think it was just an industry buzz. That BBC poll was based on 130 people in the music industry – and that is pretty much most of the music industry, to be honest. People in the music industry had known about me for about a year, so it wasn’t that shocking. We didn’t know if we would definitely be in it – but to be honest, I really don’t care. I know that’s really bad. You know, I’m not dissing the BBC or anything…

But you were glad of it? You didn’t think: oh shit, I’m not ready yet, stop?

Not at all – it came at the perfect moment. And it was the perfect position. I wouldn’t have wanted to be any higher. If you’re at Number One in that poll, you deserve a fuck of a lot of expectation. You’ve got to have your album ready, then you’ve got to come back with a whole load of press – a whole load of bang, bang, and bang – or people forget.

I think being at Number Five is a nice thing, because it’s slow and gradual. But I don’t think it makes any fucking difference whatsoever. Yeah, it’s important, and we wouldn’t have had as much awareness without that poll. But in terms of meaning anything real, it’s not going to affect record sales or anything like that. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in the poll not; if you’ve got strong songs and a good label behind you and good management, it’s going to work.

Do you still keep tabs on what people are saying about you in the press, or is that a bad idea at this stage? Do you Google yourself, for instance?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Do you know what? I have absolutely no interest. I don’t go on YouTube. I check my front page messages on MySpace, but that is literally it. You only have to read one nasty thing about you on the Internet to make you never want to look for it again. It’s just not worth it. For every five people who like you, there’s going to be five people who don’t like you.

And anyway, it’s all losers on the Internet. Anyone who’s got enough time to fucking sit there and comment and slag people off… It’s nice to write positive things, and if people feel compelled to write positive things, that are different. I don’t think that means you’re a loser or anything…

It’s easy to hate…

How much of a sad bastard have you got to be to fucking sit there and slag people off on the Internet all day? Get a life, seriously!

What stage are you at with the album?

Oh, the album’s finished. It’s all done. It’s out in June. We’ve been writing it for four years.

Is that four years as a duo with Ben [Langmaid]?

Yeah. It was essentially a solo act, until we realized that it wasn’t a solo act – in that it’s not just a producer/singer situation. We produce together, and we write the lyrics together, and so it was more of a Goldfrapp thing. The songs are all about my life, and I’m the front woman, and I am “La Roux” – but in the studio, we are a band and it’s like Goldfrapp.

[Ben] doesn’t come out live or anything. He’s just not really interested, and I am the “face”, as it were, of La Roux.

I mean, I am La Roux – but we are La Roux at the same time. It’s kind of confusing. ( )
