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  • 8/14/2019 L313


  • 8/14/2019 L313




    popular bar. How do you say Which bar is the most popular? in Chinese.

    Y: You can ask:

    R: nei3 jian1 jiu3 ba1 bi3 jiao4 you3 ming2?

    Y: nei3, colloquial pronunciation for na3, it means which or what,

    R: nei3,

    Y: jian1 is the measure word for bar,

    R: jian1,

    Y: bar in Chinese is jiu3 ba1, as jiu3 stands for alcohol,

    R: jiu3 ba1,

    Y: bi3 jiao4, relatively or comparatively,

    R: bi3 jiao4,

    Y: you3 ming2, well-known,

    R: you3 ming2,

    Y: nei3 jian1 jiu3 ba1 bi3 jiao4 you3 ming2?

    R: nei3 jian1 jiu3 ba1 bi3 jiao4 you3 ming2? Which bar is the most popular?

    Conversation 2



    R: Oh ya, after all that dancing my feet need massaging. Do you do good massages?

    Y: Oh no. Im not going anywhere near your feet, but I guess we can get massages because

    of all that hard work dancing.R: Yea that sounds like a good idea. Ill have some massage on my feet. How do you say that

    in Chinese?

    Y: wo3 yao4 zuo4 ge4 zu2 di3 an4 mo2.

    R: wo3 yao4 zuo4 ge4 zu2 di3 an4 mo2.

    Y: wo3 yao4, I want to do,

    R: wo3 yao4,

    Y: zuo4 an4 mo2, to have a massage,

    R: zuo4 an4 mo2,

    Y: zu2 di3, feet,

    R: zu2 di3,

    Y: an4 mo2, a massage,

    R: an4 mo2,

    Y: wo3 yao4 zuo4 ge4 zu2 di3 an4 mo2.

    R: wo3 yao4 zuo4 ge4 zu2 di3 an4 mo2. Id like to have a foot massage.

    Conversation 3



    A: 200

  • 8/14/2019 L313




    Y: Well that wraps up todays Chinese studio. Hope you can go out, start dancing, and start

    getting massages.

    R: And while we are busy getting our massages, here is the quiz of the day. How do you say

    Id like to have a foot massage. in Chinese? Were giving away a very handy book on

    Chinese Idioms.
