L / O 7 /M G) 5 4 c r


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Oekry ^ . , . f W ! r ^ . . . . . ^ 2 r ^ r ^ . 5 3 . . i

Dcur....L / O *7 /M G)

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5 4 c r<A

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Abort 1/ iftor tka O w p iw a* tb* N tp U w k*U la , T

.. la tmm. tba latlaaal tnaatln n— tU iM af tk* U tontw r

,aaaaaaata M t la ktal, to f m a B*tlaa*1 Oaw lttw C n r t H n , H M

f to 1— n> a MtloarU* — »1|a to M llH t Om t i l l — Itg H to M

far tb* rmBM W OUB9B.

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la 1 ( m t 4m1 tl ewpert. B a » >■*- Charter ihlak aaa ■ wlanwly *4apk*4 bj tba 3,000 tolH*toi at H f taaa.tf taw of thoaaaada of warkara aa* yaaauta Mia vara aat atOCT. tm


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I4CTU m m l gnmv from JTDWCTM t* STRENGTH~-r tba If 1 trt*—T Maaaoata hart otto It akaMartlj olaar

Mat tka 11MP ■ 1 in larolvaa mt* thaa to* lapartaat toak «f aaUaattag al«»-

ataroa far rraa4aa. tba na^alga «aaaa«a a HI** ataoriart of laadlac,

-rnlrtfrc mA U m t i ^ af tka poa^la la tkalr dax to «a? atrucsla asalaat

kratalltj aa« axploltatlaa. glaal tawaaaaly altk tka taakllat of tka

a r f t foraklaaa of tba »«a»lot tk* fra*4oa Cbartar aaat k<

alcaataraa aktalaa4 for It.

i'v-r - / .I f , • « ->• 6m

1 s-mfprn •*«!_?. is .!•'* *morkr : , " ? V - *'J. * • ' >'»>i#t be a k.: ; *"

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•y * » :v t . v, * -v• va. v ,

F*r SACTU, tba 1 W lUaa SKaatara Ca^al^a aaat ka__________aa tba aaa* baala aa that atf tka Caasrawaa. It aaat ka airnt i- laoladak th* tahlac ap af .^U proklara ooaaaralac tba

ra, aa aattar kaa lar«a or —all* I* aaat ka • caaxUn to ax- tba Obartar to th* vorkar* and to aat thaa to oadara* It. It

k* a aavaUa to toiii aion.

ar i<w •U." *f« <'f i.vi '.t.» ”•• *• •

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f* ar* aaarlaoa* tkat If all tba Caa«r*aaaa, laoladlag

«ar aaa, ra*»oad to tba nwaalga la tb* ataar *hl*k tb*y ar* a***oto4 to.

« T * a U to praatla*ll7 lulaaaatlt oar pla«ga

» ’.

- 2 -

a THE ff©t)fD £ I'AWWttW^ M M f c B tlNBON R d liD S>* a r c . b « ™ A M » u i A i - i r « k i t t f i i ) i r w r r - < . L *m*w f rvvS IS I4 ~ AW W U Alf'C aKffrteNC t * h ‘~t~r■* - ITndar the Inspiring leadership of Ray Alexander and frank

har*uard» tha m »■*>>* l n U r t af> tb* r*a* ft Canning tq*t*ra« VLnion, tha Onion, in it* l<*th year, baa t*k#j»,.iie place ,beside tha M a t alii*ant and outstanding trad* unions in th* world - and to-day - atanda out aa a l*ad~

• /> lag trada union In »auth Afrloa.' : . « ■* *

Tha 14th Annual Conference of tha Onion aaa aonewhat dlf- feran* to prevloua conferences., 9 1 th th* b*a&ip« of Coarada l*t and aaren other leading officials, thf taak of conductInc and aricaniaing the confar-

I ,.anca fall to th* aark*r«, Ttot eyan >£*. act l*g General 8aarftar», Beakyi Lao, was abla to attopd. <Ju* ^9 bar,bej*g banned fro* gathering*,

| J * -*.iirr v. ft .Vn * -n « i * . :66 delegates, representing 17 hraaabea of tha Food 4

Canning Worker*' UndUn net » rioa"Tfl»n on August 2?th and 26th. 195% hold tha ltth Annual Confaronea.

, • ‘ v v dal*g^ s'^JiMfcl*d\*H»tfeer clearly de— natratad to

..-r coutb Africa and tba aorld t M a t daaoitn. tha blow* da alt by tba GorsrnnsntI la th* renoval of lta leadera; daaplt* th* ooatly court oaeee in which It

* 'had baan inrolrad, tha TTbloh hdd lncrtkaed la' strengthj -1 tba Onion waa a living, dynsado t w o * , nevlag forward ta g n a ta r heighta.

S1VItb a pride so ingrained that no fore* could oruah It.

dalaaataa liatanad to tha writ*** aapoart of tha Aotlag Oanaral Secretary being raad. Tba report * lab or a tad on tha large number of wage acraanaota concluded since th* pfrevioui codferenfce,' on tha pragrea* of tha branchea,

‘ on tha l .C . Act, M d tha affaota of the Ketlve aettlenent of Dlamtaa Act.i _ -

Tba Confaranoa turnad lta attention to the bousing short- agaa, to Bantu Eduoatlan, the tat nataa , and K m slave conditlona of tba

„ farm labourer*, tha SuafraaaAon of Cnwaiialsa Aat. and a baart of otbar iaauaa affaotlng aorkara in all induatriaa. a

Adoption c( freedcm ClhcrlterTba rrwedca Charter waa raad to the Conference, lta

aeseage firing the imagination of all. Zta fraahnaaa aaaasd to aeep into . u\ tha very aarrow of delegate* and rip tha dark elonda esray fron tha future.

▼ha spirit of th* Charter oeoturvd tb* Conference and refuaed to laava It. Every delegate pledged hlnaalf to apVaad it« goapel!

P©§ice BnfcerrujpfcIn a shaaeful attempt to lntlaldate the delegates, thraa

Special Branch datactiv**, undar tha pretext of looking for th* banndd lead- era, lntarruptad the Coufarance. . . _

_5 * < T \ A

T J3 m t i l R B _

Purpose t

f 1® behind the course suggested h e r e ie to melee our ere acquainted vlth the bapii! feature® of t£* South African

^ t^Tn and exjlain the motive

both pas* aal TH*«aiint * * * * the Smrth Afrioan governments. . -P” ® J “ J Present • ft*Nr course is based on the view that the Affldanental motive force driving the ruling claaees in this

oount. 7 to adopt the policies they have , has been the need and

2 £ ^ ZrT^ l cheap labour - docile acquiescent and available when , where and hov wanted. The history of South Africa in

hri^'th thR hiftor^ --’bleating the .methods followed to

^ ? in *5? °rbit 0f nodarn « » * W that was ^ * * nethod choSen the dourse isthe historical one . Firstly because -the narrative forn - or story

I l ^ a d v £ 2 L T i ! t 0 S ° n Z *u Socondly . «c«t of the workers ~ " ‘

whPt i ?*£ ° g<meral fact8 of w history andJ to furnish the details and to explain the deeper

significance of these events.

, fn the Cour9e the narrative follows the pasairr of the

^So it?i#V « a°?rv, VhlCf forr\ the Juridical Structure for the pillar

C° F ■*l,OUr, Econorv • Als° th° dealsE t t e ^ S K ” ° r ° ° nCl0US s t r W " * s ° f ‘ he people at oach point

n ; ; ; j ; j ;

A* iQirgdycWrv section > i


1. a. The period prior to Union . Reasons why Europeans

becanse settlers and vent ieeper inland.

b. The Growth of the Labour problem. Boggininss . The

P i ? ? ^ ry ln the Western C«P« (Malays and Hotentots ) . The Discovery of Diamonds (l§67)

with Increased dspands for labour ; Discovery of

Gold in th® Transvaal ( Importation of Chinese labour) !

ugar Industry in Natal (Inportation of Indian Labour) ;In each case leathers rauit in icate the methods used

^ I tho econn^ • Wars , seizure oft L ’ l ^ r ^ measures ( e#g. Vagranc/ Laws in the *nrly Cape id respect of the Coloured People),

Importation of labour - to be dealt with in the relevant . • etc.

n .. The str iv in g of the people against these onslaughts .

rhit th r Ver t 19?h cer;tury Wftrs of dispossession, 'hat tho wars ware for (des ribed above) . Tho

d ! ^ \ h f lhQ ‘ th0 poople falled ^defeat th- invadeft . Ar the end of this part of the coursn

leetur~rs must Indicate the areas which the Africans

largely retreated to as a result of the wars - Ciakel

Zf i uland » Wltsieshoek .Padiland, Vfridaland,*Tongalfuid . Protactorates. * .

■ L.-

Q. The Twen tifeth tebfcury* / ” ( ‘the first 2 decades)

(a) The Boer . The reasons for the war . - struggle

over control of the tremendous resources of the

Tranvaal .between two groups of labour exploiters. The

end of the war and the Pence of Vereenigirv: 1902.

(b) Toward? Uni^a * &t&a«nA >for Union . Creation of

centrailised government over the Union would render

governnent more effective / nd cheaper ( no

duplication) would-nnit? main European groups into

strong force'to ensure continued . xploitation of country .

(c) The -jouth . Africa Act , 1909 . Instrument for Union .

Briefly explain provisions . Show how power is placed

in the hands of a parliament . Refer to Notorious

section IJ+ - the so—calle colour-bar clause . Unionbased on race ft*oir the word go.

(d) The Native Labour Regulation Act. Hie purpose of the *ct - the direction of Labour .

(e) The 1913 Land Act . The aim to consolidate or

peg the position as existing at the ond of the

wars. To create reservoirs of labour . The end of share­cropping .

tl. The Strivings of the ppople . The end of the pre-modern era in

the struggle of the Africans . . Previously the struggle

was waged by tribal armies for the protection of the tribal

economy and social structure . Thin system had failed to

protect the people against the rcodr.rn economic system . The

Bambata Rebel ion is final example of the old type warfare.(1906)

Indian Passive Resistance under Ghandi . The period of

modern political warfare begins . The use of the vote weapon

an.: the founding of political organisations . Education a3 a means of gaining freedom . The Ethiopian Church Movomtnt .

ITie provincial congresses. The Deputation of 1908 led by

Dube to protest against Union . The results thereof. Return

to Inion . The formation of the African National Congress

January 9 , 1912. Dube first President . The agitation

against the Lend Act . The 3eccnd deputation to England 1913.

The outbreak of the 1st world war. The October Revolution

and significance to all oppressed peoples. The third deputation

, aris to urge the granting of solf-d^temlnation to the African people’ s .

2he next two deoadee 1920 - 1940.

I . Tho contonuation of the slave labour policy . Tho attention

pair’ to the creation of a slave mentality among Africans, The

kin of education before 1918. Indicate how man” famous

South African European* - Chief Justice Innes , Chief Justice

Solomon went to school with Africans at Lovedale. Education

identical, for those who could.get it . After 1918 beginnings

of Native Education . The Native Affaita Act (1920)

Purpose to close yiy loopholes left hy previous legislation

with respect to legislative rights for Africans. The

first dunny lsetit^t^cne ( apart from tho Bunga in the Transkei)


created in terms of this Act*■ 9


The Native Taxation and Development Act.

l ♦ The Nativo Administration Act 1927. VWoge Act . Iha “ ati ApFretince8hip Act .

Masters and ->cr - Riotus Asserablies Act. >The Hertiog Act . Tto m o *

The striv in g of the people .

a The 1918 strikes on the Roof. ^ kot ® ^ J k° f oUndlnc of

a * strike . 1919 founding of Vhy It felled.

m u ; . " * T « r -

first time)

4 , 1029 - 1933 . The coalition./.11-Afrlcan Convention

1936. >


The post war ora.

a. Tho tronendouf °iq45 ^T h o Anti-IndianAreas ConfecUdnticn Act 1945.

lG'islr.tion .

« t :

S ^ J o l l Z t U ^ i T * * « * ^ “ct 5Bnntu Authorities etc .

_ /.in t< hind these Acts .v •

I I The stricin-*? of tho F©opl(

. ♦ v r The Indian lassive Resistance

a. The struc ' l c ^ - 5^ >«nc • r r W r ’ s Strike ; Frecdon

Struerle. The V v I f Protest. May 7th 1951. •Dny May, 1950 ; National D a v o ^



iy.rmras VUST aTO-T^-B r,;HC.: G. O'-T,.

. Thpt the structure rests on tho . 1 * 1 . pUl-r • * ^

b . r r / B - « . T ^ w s r . s fs iS i1s .’ 5 L £ le1 .«»■ prevent unit, *<’^ ' £ “ ' ^ 1 = 0 boln* resorted to nov\ Africans one! o ’ hora . l®rlball»ir.

« • S „ S ^ W T a^ U n S t^ V o f U b e r c t i in c«n vl»

e’. K y ^ t bo bn.od on people sharing .one Idea. end not on

“ S i " ’ from recent

g’ w S » ' i S “ e \ r ee .e K d W « -6 •

Collection Number: AD1812


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