KYT with trn + proposal


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Identify & measure the passion for teaching

The Competency Based online Assessment for


KYT(Know Your Teachers Program)

Conventional assessment

You must have used / heard about many

methods for teachers assessment.

Now it is time to change so that you will really be able to identify and measure the competencies required in a teacher, because we do assesscompetencies, Competency mapping and competency modeling rather than the general profiling of a person.

Use ComPAS Now™ !!!

Identify & measure the passion for teaching

Many of the tools are based on a concept called DISC (Dominance, Inducement, Submission and Compliance ) or multiple intelligences (Rhythmic / musical, Visual, Verbal, Logical, Bodily kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, existential, Naturalistic) . These tools will measure limited patterns and will give a 30-40 pages generic report about a person.

With that it is difficult to match a person’s capability with the skill sets required in teaching

Teachers are not just to disseminate information to students but create and sustain a culture of learning, take the student through the best learning experiences, motivate them, identify and develop the talents in them, lead them, communicate to them powerfully, positively influence them and direct them to the right career for performance excellence .

No one is perfect. Each teacher will have these competencies in varying degree. The test will measure and reveal what needs to improve in each teacher .

Identify & measure the passion for teaching


Identify & measure the passion for teaching

Best Institution

ISCO Compliance

ComPAS Now™ supports International Standard Classification of Occupation (ISCO)

a tool for organizing jobs into a clearly defined set of groups according to the tasks and duties undertaken in the job. It is intended for use in statistical applications and in a variety of client oriented applications. Client oriented applications include the matching of job seekers with job vacancies,

What is ISCO ?

Extracted from International Labour Organization web site (

Below is a job functionality defined by ISCO

ISCO’s competency requirements for University and Higher Education

Teaching professionals extracted from


Competency Name Description

Curriculum Planning Ability to plan a sequence of learning experience, teaching methods and assessment criteria. High scorers will be able to think and develop desired learning goals to give the students an integrated and coherent learning experience. They will understand the students' learning process and performance implications, create effective teaching methodology, evolve relevant assessment criteria, and integrate them into the curriculum. They will organise a step-by-step process for the students and teachers to promote teaching and learning. .

Documentation Ability to generate focused information on teaching learning experience. High scorers will work with overviews, seek out relevant information, compile and put them forth systematically. They will benchmark the delivery, learning outcomes and assessment of expected skills to curricular standards. As teachers, they will document the needs and concerns of each student, feedback, details regarding the learning outcomes, assessment and grades.

Requirement analysis Ability to identify the needs, analyse the impact ,understand fully the consequences and avoid conflicting issues. The high scorers will be able to determine what is required to meet the needs and expectations of the stake holders, and integrate the changes. They easily understand where the problem lies and take remedial actions.

Presentation skill Ability to present and persuade the students effectively. High scorers will be able to present their ideas convincingly to all types of students in the class of varying sensory orientations, namely, visual, auditory and kinesthetic. They will exchange information meaningfully, generate and maintain the subject interest in the class and get the message across. They will focus fully on the learning goals and influence the outcome.

The final list of competencies will be as below: Please see the attachment for a detailed explanation

Competency Name Description

Continuous learning Ability to gather relevant information to enhance knowledge and capabilities.High scorers will be perpetual seekers of knowledge. They will grasp ideas faster and spend time in searching for the latest and the most relevant information in their field. They will constantly enhance their knowledge, increase own competence and give their students more than the standard curriculum.

Student Facilitation Ability to trust and support the students' beliefs that they can do well. High scorers will create an atmosphere that is open and positive, and give frequent supportive feedback to make the students feel that they can do well. They will consciously pursue certain goals for their students and work hard to make them achieve the expected outcome. They will build trust, know the needs of their students, their working habits, interests and talents, and motivate them to do their best.

Co-ordination Ability to combine and integrate different elements for smooth functioning. High scorers will work closely with students, faculty and academic departments regarding students' programmes. They will be able to advice students on various success and outreach programmes. They can put ideas and people together, communicate effectively and work systematically to complete activities and event smoothly and effectively.

Creativity Ability to create new ideas and styles to awaken student creativity. High scorers will be intuitive and be able to think out-of-the-box often, have rare insights . They will constantly seek and experiment with new ideas and try to find alternatives and improvements in their teaching methods. They will habitually ask the right questions to awaken the student creativity, and encourage them to discover and invent new answers and solutions.

Competency Name Description

Performance Monitoring Ability to monitor and keep track of the performance level of the students. High scorers will keep themselves informed of the performance progress of their students and maintain supportive contact with the them so as to improve their learning experience. They will identify the achievement goals for each student and the rate of progress s/he must make. They will monitor their performance and intervene without interference, in a teaching and learning environment, to positively affect their achievement level. The teacher may also use this information to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of her/his teaching process.

Scheduling Ability to plan, sequence and optimise the teaching and learning experience.High scorers will invest time and effort to create a suitable plan, sequencing the learning experience and teacher interactions, to be handled within a given time to optimize the academic performance. They will be able to work out details, learning objectives, teaching methods, assignments and assessment criteria, and organise them so that students can progress gradually to achieve the learning objectives.

Research skill Ability to systematically gather and interpret scientific data to gain new insights. High scorers will be interested in research and impart the same skills also to their students. They will develop theories, concepts and methodologies. They think analytically, logically and rationally. They will be objective and look for well established facts. They will exhibit a thirst for new knowledge, work methodically and manage ideas systematically.

Democratic decision making Ability to involve other stake holders in decision making process. High scorers will get fully involved in the decision making process of the university or institution. They will check for reactions and get feedback from others and evaluate solutions on a long term perspective before making decisions. They will be open to all the options available, create an opportunity for discussion on the pros and cons, and negotiate a solution that is acceptable to others.

Supervisory skill Ability to supervise work with credibility and respect to achieve institutional goals. High scorers will be able to supervise the work of students and others. They will take decisions without external influence and value justice and fairness. They will go by the rules and build long-term rapport with the students and workers in order to achieve organisational objectives.

So, The subject knowledge + the Competencies defined above complies to the international standard for teaching professionals. This can be assessed in ComPAS Now™ and adhere to the international quality of teaching

Best tool – ComPAS Now

Sample screen shot assessing all the competencies defined.

Please see the attached ‘sample report’ for more details

Identify & measure the passion for teaching

Teachers will take an online test of 20-30 minutes duration Questions are asked from the life situations. E.g.,

Q. When I have to do shopping…Ans 1: I prefer to be aloneAns 2: I prefer to be with others

Q. At work I give more importance to …Ans 1: Try out different methodsAns 2: Do things step by step

ComPAS will identify the patterns exhibited by the teacher and match it with the required competencies defined in teacher assessment job role. (if any institution wants to add more /reduce competencies, it is possible to customize so.)

Individual report can be printed immediately after the test if needed A report shall be given to the management with the competencies of all teachers

in the XL file for further analysis and graph. Based on the report, further training program can be planned.

How it works ?

Identify & measure the passion for teaching

Training - Day 1

Objective Activity/Methodology


Introduction to NLP & programme overview –Thought strusture - How Patterns, Attitudes and Competencies are created

Short interactive inputs

Tea break

Learning channels - Learning process - Helping children to remember, Creating a complete thought

short interactive inputs, case studies

Lunch break

Noticing how children think - specific ways in which the children access and store information - VAK

eye movements exercise, short interactive inputs, case studies

Tea break

Getting through to children in the class as a whole -Building trust with the children - winding up

Short interactive inputs, case study, demonstration

Identify & measure the passion for teaching

Training - Day 2

Objective Activity/Methodology

Achieving learning goals- how to motivate and influence students - installing learning strategy -learning believes (complete repeated thoughts)

Short interactive inputs, case studies, demonstrations

Tea break

Class room communication - Sustaining interest -effective use of learning channels - anchoring helpful teaching positions – Communicate effectively to all category of students

Short interactive inputs, exercise on communication channel shift for effective teaching

Lunch break

Discipline and control - Match and lead - embedded commands

Short interactive inputs, Demonstration, case studies

Tea break

Discipline and control - positive intention - winding up

Short interactive inputs, group exercise to elicit positive intention

Identify & measure the passion for teaching

Training - Day 3

Objective Activity/Methodology

Handling emotions – Anatomy of emotions - change feelings - removing mental barriers to learning, fear, exam anxiety

Short experiential inputs, demonstrations - exercise: positive self-image

Tea break

Handling emotions (contd.) Short experiential inputs, demonstrations

Lunch break

Changing unwanted habits - change the words and cancel the habits

short experiential inputs

Tea break

Anchoring success – Goal setting - empowering beliefs for teachers

Short interactive inputs, anchoring exercise

Conclusion – Q&A - feedback