KTF Newsletter - February 2011



KTF's efforts to proliferate the internet. Also this month, find out the latest on "Christian Music Videos" television series, "The Wartleys" cartoon and comic series, the "Rezin Dramatic Audio Series", "Hardcore Christianity" audio podcast series, and the "Search With Me" online video series.

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February 2011I’ve been really busy preparing for this month. I’m excited to

have represented, five KTF projects, and I hope to continue sharing episodes from these productions every month this year.

With 4 episodes of “Christian Music Videos”, 4 episodes of “Rezin”, 2 postings from “The Wartleys”, 1 episode of “Hardcore Christianity” and 1 episode of “Search With Me”, I feel that I’ve been able to do it all! If out of these projects there is one you’ve never seen, I encourage you to give it a look. As of late, God has freed up time for me to work on KTF, and I want to take advantage of it! I hope you like what you see this month, and that in it all, God is glorified!

-David M. EvansKTF President

KTF PRODUCTIONSKTF On The WebAccess new sites hosting KTF videos and materials

Last month, I received communication from “LiveStream”, a live internet streaming site, asking if they could include one of our Africa 2009 Missionary videos on one of their shows called, “Missionaries on the Battlefield”. Every time I get a request like this, I jump at it. It has always been our mission to get the videos and materials that we make out to as many people as possible, and I’m always honored when someone sees our material and believes that it is good enough to include on their site. There have been several such requests and every time I receive one, I answer back with an enthusiastic “yes”. I would only say “no” if they were making money off of the video, or if their site or publication proves contrary to what we believe. So far, it has been smooth sailing. At the writing of this article, final details about when the video(s) will air and whether they would like to use more of our materials have yet to be determined. So as much as I’d like to tell you to tune in,

I don’t yet know when it will happen myself.

I recently learned about a free site that hosts audio files called Soundcloud. The site claims that it is for audio, what video is to YouTube. Though there seems to be no file size limits, there does seem to be space limits - which I have already maxed out. I’ve been waiting for a site like this for some time. If you’ve been keeping up with the newsletters, you’ll know that I recently began putting the “Rezin Dramatic Audio Series” audio files on YouTube, even though YouTube wasn’t originally created for audio. If there were a site like this when I began creating the clips for YouTube, I may have done this instead. As of this writing, I have 5 episodes of “Hardcore Christianity” on the site and 12 audio episodes of the “Rezin Audio Series”. Be sure to visit our channel if you get a chance.


KTF has hosted videos on Vimeo for quite some time. Vimeo is much like YouTube, but more professional in nature and in my opinion, offers a higher quality video presentation. If


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you’ve seen episodes of “The Wartleys” on our website, then you were watching them as embedded videos from Vimeo. Over time, I’d like to have all of our video projects on Vimeo and present them on our site as embedded videos (embedded = videos appearing on KTF’s site instead of a link sending you to Vimeo). One reason I like Vimeo is that it doesn’t add a lot of extraneous text or elements to the play window. I have it so that only the video with a play button shows. Also, video seems to play better on Vimeo than it does on YouTube, GodTube or other sites. Lastly, videos on Vimeo can be easily downloaded so viewers, if they really like a video, can download it to own and share.

Last month, I began the process of creating HD video compressions of the recent “Search With Me” reboot. The plan is to have episodes 44 and beyond appear on the KTF site as embedded Vimeo clips. Several of the clips on KTF’s site have been converted, but there are several others to that need to be done. At this writing, we have posted and embedded episodes 61-65, and now have to go back and do the same for clips 44-60 as well as new episodes that come along. If you’re unfamiliar with what I’m talking about, drop by the “Search With Me” portion of the site to check it out.

We post “The Wartleys” cartoons and comic strips on “The Wartleys” facebook page. However, what I’ll be doing beginning this month is also posting images of the online puzzles. I don’t plan to go back and post the single frame comic images from our older puzzles, but beginning with the puzzles that will were posted last month, I’ll continue posting those images as well. For some time I was reluctant to post the images because I thought that it might giveaway what the finished puzzle will look like. But I began to realize that when a puzzle is purchased from a store, one is able to see what the puzzle looks like before assembling it. So I figure nothing is lost in sharing what the image will look like before the image is assembled.

As compared to the rest of the internet world, YouTube hosts more videos from KTF than anyone else (except our own site, of course). For the past two months, I have been creating video equivalents of the “Rezin Dramatic Audio Series” webisodes. Since most of the webisodes are in the form of audio files, I needed to make a video template for each webisode before placing it on the site. I’ve finally completed creating video versions of all Rezin webisodes to date. Now along with listening to and watching each webisode on our

site at ktfproductions.com, or on iTunes, each webisode can be seen and heard on YouTube. Now with it’s own channel, fans of YouTube can access every webisode directly from YouTube.



Next month, I will be headed to Haiti for the 6th time. The last time I was there was right before the earthquake in January, 2010. We will not be volunteering with “New Missions”, as I have done in the past. But a group of us, including KTF Executive Producer, Jeannene Evans, will be ministering with “Brent Gamble Ministries”. While there, we plan to produce 6-8 episodes of “Christian Music Videos”. If you’ve followed CMV over the years, you’ll know that for the past 5 years, we shot episodes on location there. You may have even met our little sponsored child, Gaelle. I’ll keep you up-to-date as to when those episodes will air.


Last month, KTF Productions was commissioned to create a series of PSAs for the Kalamazoo Literary Council. Production begins later this month, and the series is expected to be completed in early April. All proceeds go back into the projects of KTF.


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Be sure to watch all four new episodes of “Christian Music Videos” this month! We start things off, the week of February 7th, as Surgeon spreads the message that Jesus was spreading when He walked the earth. That is His mandate to us, and this episode serves as a reminder (just in case you forgot). The week of February 14th, Surgeon reminds us that the Bible gives us a few guidelines on how to pray. So if you kneel down to pray and nothing really comes to mind, follow the simple guidelines laid out in the Bible. In week three, the week of February 21st, Surgeon helps us to take a step back to see the forest for the trees. Sometimes we need to put things in perspective. Rounding out the month, the week of February 28th, Surgeon tries to encourage you to do something that he struggles with from time to time... to have patience. We need to wait on God. That’s

what the Bible says. Remember, God never waits on anyone.

Within these episodes of CMV this month, there are several music videos that are debuting for the very first time. See new videos from House of Heroes, Nina Llopis, Britt Nicole, An Epic No Less, David Crowder Band, Andrew Peterson, The Museum and What Happens After The Cross!

New Indie Artist

We’re also looking forward to receiving two new music videos from B-SHOC. I love to see artists whose sole purpose for glorifying Christ with music. B-SHOC sings for the glory of Christ. I’m not saying that other Christian artists sing for other reasons. I know that there are several artists who appear on CMV that present the right motives and proclaim Jesus as Lord without shame. But there is a special place in my heart for independent artists because their motives seem clear. I haven’t received the videos yet, but I’ve seen them. You can get a sneak peek as well. Check out his music videos “Christ-Like Cruisin’” and “Jesus Lean” both on YouTube. And see them in future episodes of CMV! You can also check out his website at www.B-SHOC.com.

“Preach This Message”

“How To Pray”



This Month on “Christian Music Videos”


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Prayer Requests?If you have a prayer request and would like Surgeon to pray for you, just email writecmv@hotmail.com and he will be happy to pray for you. No request is too big or too small. If it is important to you, then it is important to God. Be sure to put “Prayer Request” in the subject line so that we don’t miss it. I know that we try to put the call out to you in every episode of CMV, but I want you to know that we’re always willing to pray for you - any time. It never hurts to have another person agreeing with you in prayer.

FacebookBecome a fan of the series on Facebook (also known as “liking” the series). By becoming a fan of “Christian Music Videos”, you’ll get frequent updates on what’s new with the series. You can also send messages to Surgeon and Katie if you wish. And now you can watch exclusive video clips from episodes of CMV only revealed to Facebook fans. Not into Facebook? You can also email the show any of your comments, questions, or prayer requests at writecmv@hotmail.com. We’d love to hear what you think about the show!

This month, we’re giving away another free Christian CD from “Christian Music Videos”! So don’t forget to enter.

Be one of 3 people to win the CD from Shachah - Let The Light In.

For a chance to win the CD, all you need to do is enter, and its totally free. And when I say

free, I mean FREE! Just visit ktfproductions.com to find out how to enter. And remember... If you've entered before and haven't won, enter again. Even if you have won, you can enter too. There is no limit as to how many times you can win. But you can't win if you don't enter! (Please note: All entries must be from within the United States.)

Free Christian CD Giveaway

Congratulations to last months winners: Jonah S. - South Carolina

Steve S. - IdahoTamara M. - Michigan


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This month, listen to 4 new “Rezin” webisodes. That works out to be one webisode per week for the entire month of February. And hey, if you get a minute, let me know what you think of the series. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just drop me an email at writecmv@hotmail.com. This month, check out webisodes 53-56.

Webisode 53: “Sharing Information” posting Tuesday, February 1st, features the voices of Troy Kilpatrick (Jean-Claude) and Brian Woodman(Rezin).

Webisode 54: “First Contact” posting Tuesday, February 8th, includes the

voices of Kelly McMeekan (Susan), Lara Pacini (Sorsha), Justin Goodrich (Ryan), and Mark Ring (Ryan’s Henchman).

Webisode 55: “The True Target” posting Tuesday, February 15th, includes the voices of Troy Kilpatrick (Jean-Claude), Brian Woodman (Rezin), Kelly McMeekan (Susan), and Justin Goodrich (Ryan).

Webisode 56: “Welcome The C4” posting Tuesday, February 22nd, features the voices of Troy Kilpatrick (Jean-Claude) and Brian Woodman(Rezin). And as with ever audio webisode, narration is by David Evans.


Head Gear: Allows greater divination with the spirits. An artifact that when created cost several lives.

Battle Armor: Light weight, yet protective.

Agravane, infused with demons has a higher constitution than most men, and an anger disposition to match.

“Singing Sword”: Only Dominion Champions carry one, and there are only 7 in existence.

Flowing red Dominion issued robes conceal his grey skin - an unfortunate side effect. Much of Harrack’s health was traded for power.


“Rezin Dramatic Audio Series” this month

Top: Justin Goodrich (Ryan) Bottom: Lara Pacini (Sorsha)


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Until we finish the entire 40-episode cartoon series of “The Wartleys”, I hope to create at least 1 comic strip and 1 puzzle per month. This month, the comic strip (above), “Changing Times” is from the point of view of Will’s science teacher. One day, as I often do, I was reflecting on the state of our country and began to think of how different things are now than when I was in school. The strip only mentions a few things, but there are so many others like cyber-bullying and “sexting” among other things. Please join me in praying this month for our schools - especially public. I can’t imagine the challenges that kids are going through now, which I’m sure is equally challenging for the parents.

Later this month on Wednesday, February 16th, you can play the puzzle, “As For Me...” (right). About 5 years ago, we had our house remodeled. It was pretty much a total make over. Nothing was left that looked anything like our original home except the

fireplace. When the cement at the front of our KTF office was begin poured, my wife thought it would be a good idea to have a cement placard, that she bought at the Christian bookstore, sealed in the cement doorstep right in front of the

KTF door next to our garage. The Plaque says exactly what is stated in the puzzle, which is what the faithful of the Bible proclaim. I hope our household lives up to it as well.

Be sure to check back next month where I plan to have another strip and puzzle.


Last month, I began working once again on the cartoon episodes for “The

Wartleys”. Philip Stephens is in the process of modifying the characters so that I can animate the mouths so that their expressions more accurately reflect what the

“The Wartleys” this month


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characters are feeling. At present, there are four episodes that I can work on that have the character alterations needed for those episodes adjusted. The only drawback is that these episodes cannot be posted even if I finished them tomorrow because in this season, much like last season, the episodes should post in order so that the continuity of the stories remains intact. At present, I have one episode, “Comfort” finished and waiting to be posted as soon as the previous episode(s) can be created.

Last month, I began working on the episode, “Support”. This is one of the four episodes with which I have the mouth alterations to continue. Who knows, maybe when I get the play order back on track, I’ll be able to release several episodes in a row. At any rate, I do look forward to releasing these episodes just as soon as I can.


Recently, Philip Stephens, our cartoon graphics creator, designed “Raymond”, another character for me to potentially use in the future for “The Wartleys”. The woman that appeared in this months comic strip was also an original creation from Philip. He created her as a Christmas present for me. Thank you so much Philip for all of the time and talent you have donated to “The Wartleys” project. I look forward to receiving and implementing more of your

work this year as the project continues.


The best way to keep up-to-date with the latest information on “The Wartleys” is to become a fan of the show through Facebook. By becoming a fan, you’ll be updated on the latest cartoon, comic and puzzle uploads as they happen. Also, cartoons and comic strips can be viewed and downloaded directly from Facebook. Wartleys updates, photos, and

future plans are also announced first on Facebook. So if you’re into Facebook and into “The Wartleys”, consider becoming a fan of the show!

“Raymond” created by Philip Stephens

Image from the episode “Support”

Image from the episode “Support”



This month, be sure to tune in for a brand new episode of the Christian audio podcast series, “Hardcore Christianity”. On Wednesday, February 9th, listen to episode 34, “Stone Casters”, and find out how much we are like the woman caught in adultery who was about to be stoned. Surgeon looks at the story from

a perspective that you may never have. This is certainly a must-hear episode.

You can also check out every episode of “Hardcore Christianity” at our website or subscribe and download each episode through iTunes. Remember, if there is a topic you’d like to see on the show, just send Surgeon an email at: writecmv@hotmail.com.

Because in todays world we have gone so far away from what God intended that simple biblical standards are often considered, “Hardcore”.

Past 15 Episodes33 - “Far Right Politics”

32 - “Non-Glamorous Mission”

31 - “Helping Others”

30 - “Fear of the Lord”

29 - “Role Model”

28 - “Fornication”

27 - “Grace vs. Truth”

26 - “Not Alone” (with video)

25 - “False Teachers” (with video)

24 - “Creation vs. Evolution” (video)

23 - “Conditional Judging”

22 - “Sovereignty of God”

21 - “Christian Music?”

20 - “Liberal World”

19 - “Great Commission”

“Hardcore Christianity” this month

“Search With Me” is back with brand new episodes beginning this month. On Wednesday, February 23rd, watch episode 66, “Bible Super Powers” and follow along as David takes a look at a special group of people from the Bible. Join him as he looks upon these individuals in a new light. After watching the episode, feel free to join the

conversation by emailing David your comments at writecmv@hotmail.com, or responding to the online thread wherever you watched the clip.

Watch this and every episode of “Search With Me”, at our website. And remember, we are all on the road of life together. Why not try and grow together?

Past 15 Episodes65 - “Bread of Life”

64 - “The Word”

63 - “Guardian Angels”

62 - “Parable of the Talents”

61 - “The Spirit”

60 - “Spiritual Gifts”

59 - “Once Saved? Part 10”

58 - “Once Saved? Part 9”

57 - “Once Saved? Part 8”

56 - “Once Saved? Part 7”

55 - “Once Saved? Part 6”

54 - “Once Saved? Part 5”

53 - “Once Saved? Part 4”

52 - “Free From Sin”

51 - “Third Heaven”

“Search With Me” this month






CalendarWeek of February 1st, 2011

Rezin - “Sharing Info” (Feb. 1)Wartleys - “Times” (Feb. 1)

Week of February 7th, 2011

CMV - “Preach” (All Week)Rezin - “True Target” (Feb. 8)Hardcore - “Stone Cast” (Feb. 9)

Week of February 14th, 2011

CMV - “How To Pray” (All Week)Rezin - “What Have I” (Feb. 15)Wartleys - “As For Me” (Feb. 16)

Week of February 21st, 2011

CMV - “Perspective” (All Week)Rezin - “Welcome C4” (Feb. 22)Search - “Sup Powers” (Feb. 23)

Week of February 28, 2011

CMV - “Patience” (All Week)

Contact Information and Relevant Links

Christian Music Videos

Website | Facebook

The Wartleys

Website | Facebook | iTunes Webcomics Nation

Rezin Dramatic Audio Series

Website | Facebook | iTunes | YouTube

KTF Productions

Website | Youtube 1 | Youtube 2 | Tangle | TruGodTV | DoersTV | Vimeo

KTF Productions, copyright 2011

David M. EvansJeannene Evans

ADDRESSKTF ProductionsP.O. Box 1583

Portage, MI 49081



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posted. Don’t miss a single issue!

Hardcore Christianity

Website | iTunes

Search With Me

