

KROSNO- THE OLDER THE BETTER. Geography - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GeographyKrosno is on the river Wisłok. Slovakia is about 40 kilometres south, and Ukraine is about 85 kilometres east of the city. It is located in the heartland of the Doły (Pits), and its average altitude is 310 metres above sea level although there are some hills located within the confines of the city.Neighbouring municipalities are: Korczyna, Krościenko Wyżne, Miejsce Piastowe, Chorkówka, Jedlicze, and Wojaszówka


Flag of Krosno

Crest of Krosno

Krosno- a charming town in the Podkarpacie region, founded by king

Kazimierz Wielki in the half of the 16th century. During the period of its

prosperity (At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries) it was known as

Small Cracow. Once a Hungarian wine and linen trade centre, later the

cradle of the oil industry, nowadays, the biggest production centre of

ornamental and practical glassware. Through the main attraction of the town, which have a great historical, cultural and tourist value, leads the route called The Cultural Heritage of

Krosno’s Route.

Market Square – the centre of the Old Town- is surrounded by the period houses, some of which have still retained characteristic arcades. Most of them have cellars where the wine used to be stored. Most noteworthy are:

• The Wójtowska tenement

• The Robert Wojciech Portius tenement

• Curia praetoriana

• The Wójtowska tenement

The Robert Wojciech Portius tenement

Sub- Carpathian Museum is situated in the Bishops’ palace, the Old residance of the bishops from Przemyśl. The museum has the richest collection of the kerosene lamps in Europe. Moreover, exhibit items showing the history of Krosno and Podkarpacie, production of the artists from Krosno from the 19th and 20th centuries, and the glassware from Podkarpacie are gathered here.

The Paul Cross and the monument of the John Paul

II. A monument is the lasting memory of the John

Paul’s II visit in 1997.



Based on the Old traditions of…

…winemakingThe Wine Festival- it is an event, during which the best wine brought by Hungarian winemakers can be tasted.

…glassmakingKrosno with its surroundings is the biggest glass-field in Poland. There are dozens of companies involved in production and decoration of glassware.

Glassware is the most popular kind of souvenirs bought by tourists visiting Krosno

…sportInternational Mountain Balloon Contest in Krosno

The most picturesgue event in Krosno with several dozens of balloon teams from a dozen of countries participating. The contest is accompanied by numerous concerts, artistic performances, acrobatic manoeuvres and night balloon show. Aeroplane and glider flights over the town are organised.

Something sweet for everyone…

Krosno is famous for excellent confectionary and word-famous cakes. Sweet-

smelling croissants and crunchy buns will satisfy the

appetities of the most demanding clients and the

taste of ice cream and different confectionary

delicacies will stay in your mind for a long time.


Krosno and its surroundings create perfect conditions for spending leisure time. The landscape, natural environment and cultural values decides about the year - long attractiveness of this region.


The nature reserve Prządki in Czarnorzeki. It involves a group of sandy rocks which have fanciful

shapes. In the vicinity of the nature reserve there are a few natural paths.

One of them leads up the Dział mountain, from the top of which there

is an extensive panorama of the Krośnieńska Valley.


The ruins of tha 14th century Kamieniec castle in Odrzykoń. The remains of the

greatest stronghold in South- East Poland. The events which were the inspiration for Fredro’s Zemsta took

place here.

Churches in Haczów and Blizne. Wooden gothic temples of a

framework structure, signed up on the UNESCO list of the

world’s cultural Heritage. Inside precious fragments of

polychrome are preserved.

Open-air Ethnographic Museum of the Oil Industry in Bóbrka. A

place were in 1854 Ignacy Łukasiewicz established first petroleum mine in the World.

One can see here, among many others, the oldest mineshaft

Franek from 1860 as well as oil and natural gas exploitation


Our school…

Jan Szczepanik

The End
