KOLEINU B’nai Tikvah


Citation preview

Leonard Gordon Josh Grossman Loel Weiss Rabbi Cantor Rabbi Emeritus

Our Fresh, New Voice

KOLEINU B’nai Tikvah South Area Jewish Congregation


1301 Washington St., Canton, MA 02021

Av - Elul August 2021

Social Action 10-


September Holidays


Mazal Tov 13

Israel Lectures


Yahrzeit 15

Ads 16

We Care 17

Using Credit Cards


Amazon Smile


President’s Message


Rabbi’s Reflections


Holiday in a Box


Selihot Night


Hyperlinks 9

Build the Sukkah


Torah Fund Cards


Points of Interest

Just click on page numbers.

ANTISEMITISM AND YOU Social Action Committee Survey

Please take a minute of your time to fill out the survey

at the link below. We are seeking as many responses

as possible to better inform B'nai Tikvah's Social Action

Committee regarding its educational resources and

programming concerning antisemitism. Please

complete by August 15th.

Please click on the link below:

Antisemitism and You (google.com)

Thank you in advance!

Shabbat Friday Night Services

with Rabbinic Intern

Lisa Feld

August 13 & 27 at 6pm

She will be joining

us for the High

Holidays plus Lisa

will be our Hebrew

College Rabbinic

Intern from

September through

June. More details

coming in the

September issue.

2 Koleinu click here to return to front page August 2021

Executive Board President Natalie Weinberg

VP of Strategy & Communications Janice Halpern

VP of Education Melanie Greitzer

VP of Community Cindy Lurie

Treasurer Sherry Rosen-Brown

Secretary OPEN

House Steve Bernstein

Past President Leslie Pearlstein

Planning/Strategy Debbie Gladstone

Ritual Dena Kaufman & Ellie Sirk

Communication Linda Silverstein

Board of Directors Parliamentarian Wayne Gray

Membership Sam & Christine Evans

Fundraising Howard Cooper

Youth Melissa Charnitsky

Adult Education Robin Zoll & Janet Silberberg

School Committee Andrea Woolner & Amy Peterson

Social Action Ann Hartstein & Phyl Hewson

Brotherhood Stan Zoll

Sisterhood Jane Silver

At-Large Karen Reiser

At-Large Marshall Myers

At-Large Marc Silver

At-Large Andrew Baizen

Other Committees Bulletin Jodi Rome-Avrus

Israel Affairs Stan Zoll & Marvin Wolfert

Judaic Gift Shop Heidi Wortzman

Library Harriet Lavine, Wendy Lustbader, & Stan Zoll

Scrip Janet Silberberg

Special Gifts Phyllis Moore

We are looking for new


Know any business that wants to

advertise here, please let the

bulletin editor know.

Jodi Rome-Avrus


Staff is Available by

Phone & Email at



Office Manager: Adrea Gerber

Administrative Assistant: Donna Blumenthal

Bookkeeper: Harvey Weisthal

Did you know... Amazon will make a donation to B'nai Tikvah for every purchase you make.

www.smile.amazon.com will take you to your Amazon main page to

donate to B'nai Tikvah! Just find us in the charitable organization drop

down and shop to your 's content!

There is more than one B'nai Tikvah so please be sure to choose the correct address.

MINYAN Congregants commemorating a yahrzeit may wish to honor that event by leading some portion of the evening’s service. It might be as small as leading a prayer or could be leading all of Mincha or Ma’ariv.

If you are interested in taking this honor, please call Joe Doniger at 781-910-7601 or email us at MinyanRangers@bnaitikvahma.org at least two

days in advance and we’ll help make arrangements with that night’s minyan leader.

Due to the pandemic, as many people are

observing a virtual Shiva week, if you inform the leader, a third Mourners' Kaddish will be included

as is done in a shiva house.

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4 Koleinu click here to return to front page August 2021

Chai-lights August In-person & via Zoom



Exec. BOD Mtg 9:30am


BH Mtg 7:15pm





Shabbat Services 6pm

Candles 7:40pm

7 Shabbat Services –in-person & Zoom 10am




BOD Mtg 7pm


SH Board Mtg 8pm




Shabbat Services

With Rabbinic Intern Lisa Feld 6pm

Candles 7:31pm

14 Shabbat Services 10am




Ritual Mtg 8pm





Shabbat Services 6pm

Candles 7:20pm

21 Shabbat Services - in-person & Zoom 10am

Soul Stroll 10am





Social Action Mtg 7:00pm




Shabbat Services

With Rabbinic Intern Lisa Feld 6pm

Candles 7:09pm


Shabbat Services 10am


Selihot Night Live with Rabbincal Assembly 8:30pm

29 30



2 3

Shabbat Services 6pm

Candles 6:57pm


Shabbat Services 10am


Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm

Family Table

Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm

Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm

Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm

Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm Minyan 7:30pm

August 2021 click here to return to front page Koleinu 5

Words From Our Temple President Natalie Weinberg njwteach@aol.com


I can’t believe how quickly summer is speeding by. For the past few months, I’ve been asking you what kinds of things would you like to do for B’nai Tikvah. What will it be? Are you going to join the Adult Education Committee? They think of wonderful programs and are always looking for more ideas. Call Janet Silberberg or Robin Zoll.

Want to get involved in the Road Race? It’s October 24. We need sponsorships, gift certificates, runners, and lots of workers. Call Karen Reiser to get involved.

Want to participate in services? Contact Cantor Grossman. He’d love to find Torah and Haftorah readers.

The holidays are coming. Want to volunteer to usher. Just let Adrea know in the office. She’ll add you to the growing list.

Would you like a music program? Make a suggestion, chair it, and we’ll help. It’s not hard. We’re going to have a Chanukah celebration. We need you to bring your ideas and excitement. Contact Michelle Langmead.

We’re having a Mitzvah Day on August 1st. Come to B’nai

Tikvah and help. Join us with your friends. We can accomplish something AND have some fun. Besides we can all use a mitzvah or two these days.

The High Holidays are fast approaching. You’ve received a great deal of information that you must be considering. Have you bought your seats? Remember you must be vaccinated.

Have you put your name in the High Holiday Card? Have you put your family names in the Yizkor book? Have you been thinking of your High Holiday Pledge amount?

I know this concept is difficult for some and maybe a little uncomfortable for others but I would be remiss not to remind you that there are many ways to keep this community functioning at all levels. There are everyday events that keep us close to B’nai Tikvah: some events are small, some are big, some are joyous, some unfortunately are sad. For each event, it’s important that we are there for each other - a hand to reach out, a shoulder to lean on, a smile to share.


B’shalom, Natalie

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Rabbinic Reflections from Rabbi Gordon rabbi@bnaitikvahma.org

Rosh Hashanah is always the same date (Tishrei I) but it comes early this year. The eve of the New Year is celebrated on Monday night,

September 6, the end of Labor Day Weekend. As a result our communal preparation for the holiday is a bit truncated and the month of Elul, the time of introspection, coincides with our final weeks of summer this month. To help you begin the process of preparing for a meaningful holiday season, I offer some short texts and thought questions to guide your reflections. Please consider printing this out and bringing it with you when you join us for services in person or on ZOOM. May our services bring both the comfort of the familiar and new challenges as we think together about how to make 5782 a year of health and safety, growing prosperity in our community and families and peace in America, Israel and our world.

Evaluating our own sins and those of others

* Aesop’s Fable: the Front and Back Pack

It happened long, long ago,

When God made the first humans.

Already at that time it was clear:

There would be not only good acts,

bad behavior was also to be expected.

Therefore God prepared one pouch and another pouch. One was hung on each person’s front and one on the back.

The backpack filled up quickly with all the bad things the person had done.

The frontpack filled up immediately – but with bad things that one’s neighbor had done: sins, crimes, and lies of other people.

Ever since, our eyes perceive clearly every sin perpetrated by others.

But we cannot distinguish our own sins because they accumulate behind us, hanging behind our backs.

* From: New Minyan Siddur

Remember every hurt ever done unto you and you will never again be able to smile.

Remember every painful experience of your life and the burden of memory will be oppressive beyond measure.

A midrash teaches us that God granted Adam and Eve an all-important blessing as they were about to leave the Garden of Eden:

“I give you,” God said, “the gift of forgetfulness.” Simcha, which means happiness, is spelled in Hebrew with the consonants SH-M-CH –Heh. They can be read

as Simcha (happiness) or as She- Macha (the one who wipes away) based on the verse form the prophet Isaiah 25:8: “Adonai will wipe away (Macha) the tears from all our faces.”

Everyone has moments of hurt and pain. We differ only in our abilities to forgive-and-forget or to forever harbor hatreds and grudges, thus destroying ourselves in the process.

* Some questions to consider at the turning of the year

Was there a time in the year of the COVID lockdown that you were able to more clearly see someone else’s faults than your own?

How might you work on being more attuned to your own mis-steps?

What effect does holding on to pain, anger and grudges have on you?

Finding our paths

A person had been wandering about in the forest for several days, unable to find a way out. Finally in the distance he saw another person approaching him and his heart filled with joy. He thought to himself: “Now surely I shall find a way out of the forest.” When they neared each other, he asked the other person, “Brother, will you please tell me the way out of the forest?”

The other replied: “Brother, I also do not know the way out, for I too have been wandering about here for many days. But this much I can tell you. Do not go the way I have gone, for I know that is not the way. Now come, let us search for the way out together.”

-Adapted from S.Y. Agnon, Days of Awe

How do we find our Parent who is in Heaven?

By good deeds and the study of Torah.

How does the Blessed Holy One find us – through love, through fellowship, through respect, through companionship, through truth, through peace, through bending the knee, through humility, through more study, through less commerce, through the personal service to our teachers, through discussion among the students, through a good heart, through decency, through No that is really No, and through Yes that is really Yes.

-Midrash Seder Eliyahu Rabbah 23

Continued on next page

Preparing for (Early) High Holidays

August 2021 click here to return to front page Koleinu 7

Some Questions to consider at the turning of the Year:

In the past year, did you work with others to find the right path together?

Who were your guides during the COVID lockdown?

What kind of choices might direct you towards a better path?

Might accepting imperfection (in yourself and in others) lead you to better relationships?

How can teshuvah/turning/repentance help you to start

this year in a better light?


For those seeking some books to read as you think about the High Holidays, I would recommend:

Mahzor Lev Shalem. I was honored to serve for 12 years on the editorial committee that produced the Conservative movement’s new prayer book for the High Holidays. The mahzor is filled with alternative readings, introductions and accessible poetry. The translations are all new and reflect the Hebrew. Read around in it, consider it a resource and not only a libretto for our service.

Gail Twersky Reimer and Judith A. Kates, Beginning Anew: A Woman’s Companion to the High Holidays (Touchstone) offers an anthology of interpretations of core prayers and Torah readings.

Rabbi Alan Lew (z”l), This is Real and You are Completely Unprepared (Little, Brown), treats the High Holidays in the contexts of the full cycle of the

Dear Friend,

This Rosh Hashanah, your community is collaborating to lend a hand to members in need. Combined Jewish Philan-

thropies (CJP), Jewish Family Service of Metrowest (JFS), Jewish Family & Children’s Service (JF&CS), Yad Chessed,

and Yachad are all working together to provide complimentary, home-delivered meal boxes that will contain two

kosher meals to help celebrate the Jewish New Year with a sense of joy and nourishment.

As we observe Rosh Hashanah, we are hoping for an end to the pandemic, even as we are aware of its lingering

presence. We will concentrate our attention, funds, and efforts on providing celebratory meals to the many commu-

nity members facing hardship.

Households must live within the CJP catchment area to receive meals, which will be delivered by volunteers from

our participating partners. We regret that delivery cannot be provided outside of this area.

You or other leadership may use this link to sign up one or multiple households. This link may also be shared di-

rectly with appropriate households so that they can sign themselves up. Please do not post this link to your website

or share it in any group newsletters or emails to your community. Please note that the deadline to submit the

form is Monday, August 16.

Please reach out to us if you have questions.


Amanda Hadad Rabbi Andy Kastner

Associate Vice President, Vice President, Jewish Life

Caring and Social Justice

Sign up for one or more households

8 Koleinu click here to return to front page August 2021

Saturday, August 28 from 8:30 PM - 1:00 AM ET

Selihot Night Live is right around the corner! This year, there will be just ONE Zoom link – sponsoring organizations will have access to that Zoom. Otherwise, we welcome you to watch the livestream on our YouTube channel.

This year as some communities are gathering in-person, while some prefer to stay home, we are also curating a list of online Selihot services that are open to the public and we will share this list widely. Please click here to share the information about your service.

Selihot Learning Schedule:

Times are listed in ET.

8:30-8:40pm Cantor Luis Cattan Havdalah & Welcome

8:40-9:10pm Chancellor Shuly Rubin Schwartz

What's Love Got to Do With It? Reflections on the Yamim Noraim

9:10-9:40pm Rabbi Ben Herman Living with the Unknown

9:40-10:10pm Rabbi Elie Kaunfer The Deeper Meaning of Avinu Malkeinu

10:10-10:40pm Rabbi Cantor Lilly Kaufman Learning from God’s Blessing at the End of the Akedah Story

10:40-11:10pm Rabbi Paul Kerbel Casting Away Your Sins: Tashlich in the Jewish Tradition

11:10pm-12:00am Rabbis Adam Kligfeld, Rebecca Schatz, and Friends Havdalah and Niggun & Nourishment

12-12:30am Rabbi Ari Saks Did God Only Choose the Jews?

12:30-1am Rabbi Amy Levin To Whom Do We Pray?

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Ritually Speaking ritual@BnaiTikvahMA.org Ellie Sirk & Dena Kaufman, Co-Chairs

A Novel Group

Book group meets on Zoom on the 3rd Monday of the month at

8:00 p.m.. Chai Lights provides the link on Sunday.

We are not meeting in September.

October 18 – Florence Adler Swims Forever by Rachel

Beanlan. Discussion led by Sherry Alpert.

November 15—The Sweetness of Forgetting by Kristin

Harmel. Discussion led by Susan Lipsitt.

For details and more information, contact

Harriet Lavine at


ZOOM INFO: Id: 858 2848 9213

Password: 183618

The month of Elul is a month of preparation for Rosh

Hashanah and Yom Kippur. That’s why Jews blow the

shofar (almost) every day of the month.

Why Blow the Shofar?

For lots of reasons. Here’s one you might not know:

Blowing the shofar—which is actually a Rosh Hashanah

activity—for a month in advance confuses the

prosecuting angel, who now has no idea what day is

the real Rosh Hashanah.

Huh? How is blowing the shofar for a month going to

confuse the prosecuting angel? Nobody ever delivered

a Jewish calendar to his door? Wouldn’t the crafty

angel catch on after a few hundred years?

The Rebbe has a wonderful insight into this:

First of all, this isn’t the only time we’re out to

befuddle the prosecution. On Rosh Hashanah we blow

the shofar more than necessary, the Talmud tells us,

“to confuse the prosecuting angel.” On that Talmudic

passage, Rashi explains: When the prosecutor sees

how we cherish G‑d’s commandments—going far

beyond the strict requirements—he simply has nothing

to say.

Something similar happens

when we blow the shofar for

an entire month before Rosh

Hashanah. By doing so,

inevitably we’ll feel remorse

over past misdeeds and set ourselves upon a fresh

new path. If so, the case is already sealed—and we

won. G‑d has already inscribed us in the book of life

for the coming year—even before Rosh Hashanah. This

leaves the prosecutor confused. What’s left for him to

do when the trial date finally arrives?

That’s the meaning of “not knowing what day is Rosh

Hashanah”—he can no longer tell when the judgment

occurs. Because we proactively took care of the whole

thing on our own accord—sort of a backroom deal

between us and G‑d.

This is also why we do not blow on the day before

Rosh Hashanah: By that point we are so confident that

G‑d has accepted our sincere repentance during the

first 29 days that we do not even need to blow on the

last day of the month.

And the prosecution is out of a job.

Blowing the Shofar During Elul From Rabbi Menachem Posner at Chabad.org Clipart from Walder Education

Hear Ye Hear Ye


Have you clicked on any links?

All the page numbers listed on the

front page are links that take you

directly to those pages.

Links on the bottom of all pages that

bring you back to the front page.

Links inside articles, on the calendar,

and on some flyer.

10 Koleinu click here to return to front page August 2021

Pictures from building the sukkah in 2019. Everyone is welcome to join us,

regardless of skills.

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Torah Fund Cards are available.

Call Janet Silberberg at 781-961-1384

Hunger doesn’t take

time off!



If you want to make a local food

donation, call Ann to arrange a

safe pick-up.

Ann Hartstein at 617-763-


JF&CS welcomes cash donations

through their website to JF&CS

so they can purchase the food





B’nai Tikvah is a community grounded in Jewish values acting together to change the world in a positive

way. We provide members of all ages and abilities with opportunities to carry out the mitzvah of Tikkun

Olam, repairing the world through actions that make the world a better place. All congregants are invited to

participate in our social action and social advocacy endeavors.

Social action projects include: social action Shabbats, an annual Mitzvah Day, voter registration drives,

collecting personal care items for women’s/homeless shelters in the area, food drives for Canton and

Randolph Food Pantries, and serving as the South Area distribution site for Jewish Family Table, the only kosher

food pantry in the area.

Due to the increase in world-wide antisemitism, we will be offering programming and resources to help

fight against this evil scourge. Opportunities will include actions we can take as individuals and as a

community so we can be effective in addressing this issue locally.

In our resolve to be more welcoming to all, we will also be implementing training on inclusion. Reaching

out as well as looking inward will help us become a stronger and more diverse community.

Anyone who is interested in receiving further information on our work, or would like to join the Social

Action Committee or participate in any of our endeavors, please contact co-chairs using info on page header.

12 Koleinu click here to return to front page August 2021

Autumn Holiday Dates - September

Times & details will follow in the next bulletin issue.

Monday, 6th Erev Rosh Hashana Evening services

Tuesday, 7th Rosh Hashana Day 1 Morning & Evening services

Wednesday, 8th Rosh Hashana Day 2 Morning services

Wednesday, 15th Erev Yom Kippur Evening services

Thursday, 16th Yom Kippur Morning & Evening services

Monday, 20th Erev Sukkot Evening services

Tuesday, 21st Sukkot Day 1 Morning & Evening services

Wednesday, 22nd Sukkot Day 2 Morning services

Monday, 27th Sukkot Day 7 Morning services

Tuesday, 28th Shmini Atzeret Morning & Evening services

Wednesday, 29th Simchat Torah Morning & Evening services

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School Happenings Michelle Langmead, Lead Teacher

Mazal Tov

Cindy Lurie on the birth of her granddaughter & Bea Spiro on the birth of her great-granddaughter

Louise Damren Lurie. Mazal tov to proud parents Robert & Danielle

Lurie and big sister Phoebe Douglas.

Phyllis Hewson on the upcoming wedding of her daughter, Sheri, to Cantor

Jonathan Shultz.

While our students are at summer camps, dance classes, and at home relaxing, our teachers are busy at work getting ready for our new year.

The teachers and some of our L'dor V'dor tutors have been taking classes at the NEWCAJE annual conference. This is a three-week conference that has over 300 classes, workshops, and events for teachers. We are learning new ideas and ways to teach Hebrew, Holidays, and Torah. We are getting to meet teachers from all over the country and hear how they run their programs.

Once a week, I have been meeting with other principals and administrators about what works in their communities. I have learned something valuable: we are very fortunate! Our school may be small in size, but our ruah (spirit) shines. Our students enjoy coming to school and enjoy learning. Our teachers are open to learning new ideas and using them with our students. Our parents are involved in our school and bring their families to events. Our community supports us both financially (thank you to Brotherhood for your generous grants and scholarships) and by sharing feedback on how nice it is to see our students involved. I have described our religious school as mishpacha (family). Our students not only associate with the children in their grade, but they help and socialize with all the students. They enjoy talking to the rest of the community and respect their temple family. It takes a village, and each one of you are part of our religious school village.

A lot of exciting programs are in the works for this coming year. We have new students that will be joining us. As long as our covid numbers stay low and the students are in public school, we will be in person this year.

Most of our family programs and Sunday Fundays will be in-person. We may still be having programs and cooking classes on Zoom. We will be offering programs for not only our enrolled families, but also for grandparents so they can bring their grandchildren to our community for learning experiences.

A new teen program for our students in grades 8-12 will be offered. This program will give our teens the opportunity to interact with others and learn about higher level Jewish ideas. Cantor Josh and I will be leading the program that will be beginning after the High Holidays. Parents who have not yet registered their students please do so. This is a free program.

We will have High Holiday programs in-person and if parents want to join us for our abbreviated service, they are welcome to attend. Our playroom for young children 5 and under will be available, for parents to have a time to play with their children using High Holiday themed materials. Our teens will have a room available if they need a break from the adult services.

I am excited for this year and anticipate we will be able to do great things as we will now be together again.

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B'nai Tikvah sponsored 2 lectures via Zoom in June to

educate temple members and other attendees about

Israel and to encourage people to commit to taking

the trip to Israel this fall being led by Rabbi Gordon.

Dr. Elan Ezrachi, a consultant who teaches at Hafia

University, spoke on "My Jerusalem" (June 6) which

traced the changing political controls over various

parts of Jerusalem and the demographic changes

within the city from the end of the British Mandate

over the country to the current date. Dr. Ezrachi

mentioned the relative speed in which the IDF

liberated East Jerusalem from the Jordanians during

the 6 Day War in June 1967 giving the Israelis

access to holy sites including the Western Wall , plus

access to Mt. Olives & Mt. Scopus (where the Hebrew

University & Hadassah Hospital original sites were

located). Prior to that war the IDF had to protect

those sites on Mt. Scopus as they were surrounded

by enemy territory. Additional campuses of these 2

institutions were built within the secure borders of

Israel. Much rebuilding and cleanups were needed in

East Jerusalem after the end of the '67 war as the

Jordanians did not maintain that area well Since then

commercial technological and residential growth has

been substantial. Dr. Ezrachi's book on this topic

should be available soon in English translation.

Israel Lecture Recaps By Stan Zoll

Prof Guy Ben Porat of Ben

Gurion University of the

Negev spoke on Religious

Pluralism and Israeli Politics

(June 13). He traced the

history of the Orthodox establishment over religious

courts and regulations over life ceremonial events

and over religion-related business

activities resulting from the fact that the orthodox

religious parties were part of the ruling government

coalition for most of Israel's existence regardless of

which party led the coalition. Yet by the 1980s

demographic and socio-economic. changes within

Israel's population as well as globalization influences

started a trend toward more secularization within the

population. Some previous governing coalition

attempts to force young Haredim to serve in the IDF

as other young Israelis were required to do indicate a

willingness to consider a change in these regulations.

Prof. Ben-Porat's research findings on this topic can

be found in his book "Between State & Synagogue.

Recordings of both lectures are accessible via link in

June 6 Chai Lights so you can see and hear more

comprehensive information.

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Yahrzeit Observances

August 1

Blanche Berenson Mother of Karen Harsfield

Rose Schneider Mother of Helene Frank

August 2

Janice Leavitt Sister of Eleanor Borr

August 3

Braina Lan Grandmother of Simeon Korisky

August 4

Rebecca Singer Mother-in-law of Beverly Singer

Thelma Hahn Mother of Patty Weiss

August 5

Ruth Allen Grandmother of Marci Shaw

August 6

Henry Fine Father-in-law of Harvey Malin

Joseph Davis Grandfather of Elyse Cohen

August 7

Sadie Weiss Mother of Selma Blacker

August 9

Harry Singer Father-in-law of Beverly Singer

Harry Shainker Father of Elaine Paisner

Abraham Godes Father of Michael Godes

Harry Dressler Grandfather of Brenda Kessel

August 10

Frances "Fay" Brooks Mother of Donna Blumenthal

Leon Finkel Uncle of Enid Cherenson

August 11

Ethel Novick Grandmother of Enid Cherenson

Irving Levy Father-in-law of Estelle Levy

Rose Sheinfeld Smolker Aunt of Judy Freedman

August 12

Elsa Menis Mother of Lillian Goldberg

August 13

Paul Litman Brother-in-law of Marjorie Litman

Nellie Lennick Mother-in-law of Dorothy Lennick

Macey Matisoff Second Husband of Elaine Matisoff

August 15

Samuel Silver Father of Anita Podolsky

Sarah R Kadish Grandmother of Michael Widrow

Benjamin (Max) Baron Uncle of Herbert Baron

August 16

Shirley Gluck Mother of Jason Gluck

Sally Sohn Mother of Nancy Swartz

August 17

Ernest Strauss Father of Ellen Shapiro

August 18

Fannie Simons Mother of Herbert Simons

August 19

Isadore Bloom Brother-in-law of Roberta Bloom

Irving H. Weinstein Brother-in-law of Simeon Korisky

Alfred DeBrave Husband of Ruby Debrave

August 20

Harold Shoenig Brother-in-law of Nili Shoenig

Joel Shapiro Brother of Martin Shapiro

Esther Romsey Mother of Roberta Bloom

Myer Itzkowitz Uncle of Roberta Bloom

August 21

Edward Finer Father of Stanley Finer

Edward Finer Grandfather of Howard Finer

Sadie Rosengard Mother of Judy Freedman

Jeri Godes Wife of Michael Godes

August 22

Mordechai Kohen Father of Shira Fishbon

August 23

Daniel Swart Stepfather of Marilynn Grosky

Eleanor Roos Mother of Dr. Peter Roos

Ruth Karras Mother of Linda Perlin

Peter Miller Husband of Susan Miller

Isidore Feldman Father-in-law of Judith Feldman

Ann Cutler Grandmother of Andrew Baizen

Hyman Rossen Husband of Harriet Rossen

August 24

Sarah Levine Grandmother of Roberta Bloom

Gerald Feldman Husband of Judith Feldman

Mildred Summerfield Mother of Bonnie Doniger

Lena Shapiro Great-Grandmother of Karen Reiser

August 25

Robert Lurie Father-in-law of Cindy Lurie

Selma Cooperband Sister of Clifford Seresky

Eli Sokolove Father of Robert Sokolove

August 26

Anna Packer Mother of Marty Packer

Anna Packer Mother of Sheila Bogan

Harry Weiner Father-in-law of Edith Weiner

Lorraine Wolrich Mother of Elyse Cohen

Etta Gertrude Goldman Aunt of Phyllis Lerner

August 27

Harry Cooper father of Arlene Saperstein

Michael Saks Father of Alan Saks

August 28

Costance (Connie) Stern Mother of Cathy Stern

August 29

Rosalyn B. Wolfe Mother -in-law of Robert Sokolove

August 30

Eve Steinberg Mother of Harriet Saks

Philip Zilman Father of Carol Bernstein

Alice Helen Weiner Mother-in-law of Bernice Weiner

Etta Bychman Aunt of Stanley Bychman

August 31

Louis Shoenig Father-in-law of Nili Shoenig

Michael Jonathan Burak Brother of Michelle Langmead

Michael Jonathan Burak Son of Harriet Burak

Dorothy "Honey" Shapiro Great Aunt of Elyse Cohen

Bessie C. Miller Mother of Eleanor Borr

16 Koleinu click here to return to front page August 2021

Contact Rabbi


if interested in


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