Kol Shalombnaishalomsd.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/newsletter.pdfKol Shalom page 3 A Message from...


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  • Dear Members, There was lots of Music, by Jimmy and Enrique, lots of Dancing, taught by Vera and Jose, incredible Food donated by our B’nai Shalom members and not to forget our grand birthday celebration for Joyce and Nomi. This event was a great success and we even made some gelt for B’nai Shalom. I want to thank everyone for their participation of food, drinks and physical help. Special thanks to Nomi, Bill and Fern. Thanks to Joyce and Ellen for taking care of the entrance table. Many Thanks to Lillian Wasserman who as always, kept us in stitches with her unbelievable jokes. All in all we had a blast. Rabbi Silverman lead our Second night Seder and what a fantastic Seder it was. Rabbi told the Passover story, and told us about his interesting stories of his life. We sang, we drank and drank and drank. Of course their were some who got a little shickered, but we are allowed to, on Passover.

    Thanks to our kitchen crew of Fern, Nomi, Salli and Frank. Thanks to Bill who always helps with the set up and making sure our mic system works. Thanks to Joyce and Nomi for helping with all the shopping. It is quite a task to purchase all the necessities to make our

    Seder the best in North Count of San Diego. On Saturday April 7, 2018 Rabbi Silverman will be leading services. This Shabbat will be Yiskor services so please attend to remember your loved ones who are no longer with us. We will have a Passover

    Lunch and Learn which will be sponsored by B’nai Shalom. Thanks to Joyce who has been diligently helping us make a minyan each Shabbat. Our next issue will be our summer issue which will have information on upcoming events.

    Shalom,Martin Hodes D.D.S.

    April/May 2018Volume 14, No. 2

    Inside This IssueA Message from 1 our President

    Birthdays, Anniversaries 2 and Yahrzeits

    A Message from 3 our Rabbi

    Mark Your Calendars

    Sunday, April 12Yom Hashoah

    Friday, April 16Rosh Chodesh Iyar 

    Monday, April 18Yom Hazikaron

    Thursday, April 19Yom Ha’atzmaut 

    Sunday, May 3Lag Ba’omer

    Saturday, May 13Yom Yerushalayim Mother’s Day

    Saturday, May 15Rosh Chodesh Sivan

    Friday, May 20Shavuot

    Saturday, May 28Memorial Day

    A Message from our President

    Kol ShalomB’nai Shalom | 201 East Broadway | Vista , CA 92084 | 760 659-0654 | www.bnaisha lomsd.org

    Newsletter of Congregation B’nai Shalom

    Newsletter by Email

    You can receive the Kol Shalom monthly newslet-ter by e-mail. If you would like to put your name on the e-mail list, send your request along with your e-mail address to: photomanbill1@gmail.com

  • B’nai ShalomBoard of Directors

    PresidentMartin Hodes, DDS



    Vice PresidentSylvia Cramer



    TreasurerEllen Kippel



    SecretarySalli Blakesley



    DirectorsBeth Moore

    760 525-6022


    Gary Polster



    Joyce Spiegel



    page 2 Kol Shalom

    April BirthdaysDr. Martin Hodes – 4/2Tes Mario – 4/2Allan Garry – 4/2Debby Forman – 4/8Thomas Garry – 4/10

    Month of Nissan YahrtzeitsJack Blackstone (father of Muriel Kaplan) – 16 Nissan, 4/1/18 Larry Davidson (husband of Ethel Davidson) – 17 Nissan, 4/2/18 Abraham Wicksman (father of Esme Steinberg) – 23 Nissan, 4/8/18

    Month of Iyar YahrtzeitsRose Garry (mother of Joel Garry) – 3 Iyar, 4/18/18Cadem Arditti (mother of Joyce Spiegel) – 5 Iyar, 4/20/18Mildred Blackstone (mother of Muriel Kaplan) – 20 Iyar, 5/5/18Rose Brown (mother of Arlene Bender) – 22 Iyar, 5/7/18Harold Friedman (husband of Gladys Friedman) – 27 Iyar, 5/12/18

    Month of Sivan YahrtzeitsAsher Bien-Willner (grandfather of Laura Medway) – 4 sivan, 5/18/18Betty Ann Kippel (mother of Ellen Kippel) – 5 Sivan, 5/19/18Tillie Friedman (mother of Harold Friedman) – 8 Sivan, 5/22/18

    Birthdays, Anniversaries & Yahrzeits

    May BirthdaysBobbie Silverman – 5/6Gary Polster – 5/10Richard Hartman – 5/28

    No April Anniversaries May AnniversaryLaurie & Joel Garry – 5/16

  • Kol Shalom page 3

    A Message from our RabbiShalom, Mark Twain once said, “When I was young I had such a good memory that I remembered things that never happened.” On Pesach we Jews commemorate events that did happen just as if they happened to us. As we recite in the Haggadah: “In each generation every man must regard himself as if he actually had come forth from Egyptian slavery.” Israel Zangwill pointed out that at the Seder, we Jews eat history. When we sip the four cups of wine and recite the Hallel, we feel that we are identified with all those who were among the liberated. The Exodus from Egypt is one of the great events, not only in Jewish annals, but in world history. Indeed Passover may be regarded as mankind’s oldest Independence Day. The memory of the Exodus from Egypt is indelibly branded as one of the reasons for observing the Sabbath and the commandments. Every time we chant Kiddush, we refer to our liberation from Egypt. The theme of Yetziyat Mitzrayim runs through our morning and evening prayers. Some of our noblest teachings are rooted in this historical event. For instance, “You shall love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” “Let my people go that they may serve me” introduces a new concept in the history of civilization: that of freedom under God. We acknowledge this concept every time we sing: “Our father’s God, to thee, author of liberty.” We are entitled to life and freedom, liberty and human dignity, not by right of an omnipotent state, but as a gift from God, who created every man in His own image. May the approaching Passover festival persuade us to remove the chometz not only from our homes, but from our hearts, and may we eradicate all those habits which degrade and debase man so that the holiday shall truly become Zeman Cherutenu, the season of our freedom.

    L’hitraot,Hillel E. Silverman

    B’nai Shalom

    A Big Thank You to Sylia Cramer for matching the Purim fundraiser funds!

  • B’nai Shalom
