KOL SHALOM · heard “We Shall Overcome” in Hebrew, so that, too, was a beautiful experience for...


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KOL SHALOM January 2020













2 Kol Shalom January 2020

Inside this edition…

Letter from the Editor 2

From Our Rabbi: MLK Shabbat 3

Board of Director’s Update 4

From Our Cantor: Chanukah Recap 5

Kochavim 6

Joy of Music 7

This and That 8 & 9

In Our Congregation 10 &11

Yahrzeits 11 &12

Mission to Cuba 12

Contributions 13 & 14

Community Bowl Night 15

In the Community 16 & 18

Calendar of Events 19

Consider going green…

visit the CBS website to

access this edition of the

Kol Shalom online.


A Whole New Decade

On December 18, I had a call with a partnering business that administers my company’s customer satisfaction program. After exchanging a few pleasantries, we noticed that the calendar year 2019 was coming to an end. Yet, just as we said those words, we quickly realized that it was also nearing the end of another decade. Let’s let that sit in for a moment—the end of another decade. That means come January 1, 2020, we start a whole new decade. As you ponder your resolutions, your dreams and aspirations for the year ahead, did you think what resolutions, dreams, and aspirations you have for the next decade? Do you have goals and objectives that you want to see happen? Do you have hopes and desires that you want to see fulfilled? Do you have thoughts that keep you up at night? Do you have regrets for things you wish you could have done? A lot can happen in ten years, both positively and negatively. Looking back at the last decade, there were many things I initially saw as negative and yet today I see them as positive. Of course, the corollary is also true—there are some things I saw as positive, which, sadly, have become negative. But, on the whole, I see the positive things that came out of this last ten years and I wouldn’t want to miss those events and simchas and celebrations. Here’s to the next ten years. A whole new decade for us to create, to build, to grow, to explore, to challenge, to push, to ignite, to unite, to love, to champion, and just to do. May this decade be full of health, prosperity, good cheer, and lots of opportunities. May this decade open your heart to see all the good things ahead and be comforted memories for blessings of the past. May this decade offer you a road to travel and many lands to dream upon. Welcome to 2020! B’Shalom, Hayim Weiss, Editor

Plan to attend Shabbat services

on Friday, January 17, 2020

beginning at 6:30pm. During

this special service, we will

highlight the relationship

between the Late Dr. Martin

Luther King, Jr. and his

colleague and friend, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

of blessed memory. Complete details will be sent via

email as we get closer to the date.

January 2020 Congregation Beth Shalom 3

MLK Birthday Shabbat Rabbi Michael Beals

Another thing that I would like to mention is that I have heard “We Shall Overcome” probably more than I have heard any other song over the last few years. It is something of the theme song of our struggle, but tonight was the first time that I ever heard “We Shall Overcome” in Hebrew, so that, too, was a beautiful experience for me, to hear that great song in Hebrew.

-transcript from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s address before the 68th Annual Convention of the Rabbinical Assembly (RA) of Conservative Rabbis, March 26, 1968.

Imagine my surprise when I heard none-other-than Vice President Joe Biden reference this King and the RA story at activist Sonia Sloane’s (z”l) funeral on October 24 at Congregation Beth Emeth! I knew this reference intimately because I have included it, every year, in my Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Shabbat celebration, going back to my days as a rabbi in Los Angeles in 1998. During Biden’s eulogy, he used the reference to illustrate how Sloane had been a real bridge between the Jewish community and social action issues near-and-dear to Biden’s heart (e.g. “We Shall Overcome” in Hebrew).

Marc Schneier, a modern Orthodox rabbi and President of Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, wrote the definitive book on Dr. King’s relationship with the Jewish community 20 years ago: Shared Dreams: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Jewish Community (Jewish Lights, VT: 1999). In describing our need for such a book, Rabbi Schneier said: “The African American community has no clue as to Dr. King’s involvement with the Jewish community, the State of Israel, the plight of Soviet Jews, his many references to the Holocaust, and his condemnation of anti- Semitism, especially when the virus erupted among African Americans.” Shared Dreams was endorsed by none other than Dr. King’s own son. In the forward, Martin Luther III writes, “In Shared Dreams Rabbi Schneier reiterates our commonality, as upheld by Martin Luther King, Jr., and fuels the reader to continue to work for the advancement of race relations among all God’s people.”

When I first became a rabbi, back in 1997 and assumed my first pulpit at B’nai Tikvah Congregation in Los Angeles, I was dismayed by the lack of significance embodied in the celebration of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, signed into law by President Ronald Regan, on the third Monday of January. I locked myself for days on end, in the library of nearby Loyola Marymount University in the Westchester neighborhood of Los Angeles, pouring over Dr. King’s writings regarding the Jewish community. As Rabbi Schneier alludes to in his book, I learned about the deep relationship and affinity Dr. King had with the Jewish community. In cross-referencing the writings of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, whose 70th birthday Dr. King was honoring in the “We Shall Overcome” in Hebrew reference before the RA, I learned how much mutual affection both leaders had for one another. In fact, although many rabbis supported Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement, King gave the honorific “my rabbi” only to Heschel. Both Reverend King and Coretta Scott King had already accepted their very first Passover seder invitation with the Heschel family set for April 16, 1968, when Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis on April 4, just 12 days earlier. I often imagine what that seder would have done to propel Black-Jewish relations had it been allowed to happen. All these references and more appear in the script, which I have co-presented with Dr. Reverend Clifford Johnson of Shiloh Baptist Church for more than a decade. Speaking of Reverend Johnson, while sharing his pulpit at the recent Ninth Ward Interfaith Coalition Thanksgiving Celebration as the keynote speaker, I asked him if he would like to do something musical with his church choir at our Friday, January 17 MLK Birthday Shabbat service at 6:30pm. As plans develop, I will be sure to share them with you in e-blasts. On Monday, January 20, at 7 pm, the Ninth Ward Interfaith Coalition will hold an MLK Service in one of our local houses of worship. As soon as a location is secured, I will share with you via e-blast as well.

4 Kol Shalom January 2020



Director of Administration MATTHIA MCCRACKEN OFFICERS


VP Administration EDWARD SOBEL VP Member Engagement FAITH SILVER VP Fundraising LORI BARBANEL VP Education & Youth Engagement JERRY SIMONOWITS VP Programming CINDI VIVIANO

Treasurer LORI BARBANEL Assistant Treasurer JILL DOWNARD


Immediate Past President JODIE PEZZNER













Nominations are Now Open Jodie Pezzner

As the Immediate Past President, I am the Chair of the Nominating Committee whose task it is to annually nominate a slate of Officers and Board of Directors for our congregation as noted in our Bylaws.

Article VII, Section 2.

The Board of Directors (BOD) shall consist of not less than 15 nor more than 24 Directors. At each Annual Congregational meeting, one-third of the Directors shall be elected for a period of three years. Terms shall overlap in such a manner that each year the terms of office of approximately one-third of the Directors shall expire.

Any person who is a member in good standing of the Congregation and of the Jewish faith, is eligible for election to the BOD.

Article X, Section 1.

The Nominating Committee shall nominate a slate of Officers and Directors annually and the list shall be circulated with the notice of the Annual Meeting. The Committee shall solicit suggestions from the membership regarding nominations.

If you would like to be considered for a Board position or to help on a committee please contact Jodie Pezzner, jpezzner@cbswilmde.org or 302.502.3067 by February 3, 2020.

Officers serve one year positions and Directors serve three year positions. Board of Directors serve as greeters for Shabbat Services, ushers for the High Holy Days and support major fundraisers at CBS. Election to and acceptance of membership on the Board of Directors shall be viewed as an acceptance of a sacred responsibility.

The Kol Shalom is Going GREEN Beginning in March 2020, we will no longer be producing and mailing copies of the Kol Shalom unless you specifically request it. Call the office, 302.654.4462, or look for this green flower on our website, www.bethshalomwilmington.org, to request that you receive a print copy. Otherwise, we will go ahead and start producing the Kol Shalom as a green newsletter.

We will continue to let you know how we are progressing in the coming months.

AKSE|CBS Update Barney Kantar

Since early 2019, we have had the mitzvah to welcome the Adas Kodesch Shel Emeth (AKSE) congregation as a tenant in our building, while they search for a permanent home. Of course there have been some challenges to accommodate the needs of both shuls, but this relationship has afforded many opportunities for joint fellowship and celebration.

As presented to our members beforehand, the agreement with AKSE was for one year, with an option to extend the term. Though AKSE is aggressively searching for a new location, they have not yet identified one and they have asked CBS to extend the term. Therefore, we will negotiate various provisions of the extension, including its duration, subject to approval by our Board in a future meeting.

We thank you all for being gracious hosts and we will keep you informed of the progress.

January 2020 Congregation Beth Shalom 5

Chanukah Festivities by Cantor Elisa Abrams Cohn

Our students celebrated Chanukah as a school on Sunday, December 15th! Students studied Chanukah in their classes and rotated around stations planned and prepared by our teachers. Students engaged in interactive games, projects, song, and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) activities. Upon dismissal, students enjoyed sufganiyot (jelly donuts) and levivot (latkes) sponsored by our incredible Men’s Club. The school-wide Chanukah celebration served as a fun and hands-on assessment of the learning that took place in classes during the month leading up as well as an opportunity for students and parents to enjoy some Chanukah fun together.

Two days later, Tuesday, December 17th , the Hebrew School spent the afternoon singing for Kutz Home and Lodge Lane residents. They delivered hand-made blankets and cards and brought Chanukah joy. Following this, students took part in an annual dramatic reading of Eric Kimmel’s “Hershel and the Chanukah Goblins” and enjoyed sufganiyot and levivot with residents. Thank you to all our teachers and volunteers who helped to plan our Chanukah celebration and Kutz Home/Lodge Lane visit. Your support and energy are invaluable!


If you enjoy lunch after Shabbat Services, kibitzing with your shul friends over rugelach, or simply catching up on the latest, we would love your help to host a kiddush or festive oneg. Contact Sue Midanek, sue@umttr.org, for more information and available dates.


6 Kol Shalom January 2020

January 2020 Congregation Beth Shalom 7

The joy of music is exemplified by Cantor Elisa, truly a gift to Congregation Beth Shalom. Cantor Elisa and the music committee meet several times a year to plan programs of interest to our congregation, and they are always open to the public to attend.

Music is a wonderful source of bonding, bringing people together in good and bad times. Music can lift our spirits in times of sadness and impact joyful times as well. Personally, I find that attending Shabbat Koleinu services is good for the soul and therapeutic. The melodies orchestrated by Cantor Elisa are meaningful, joyful, uplifting and bring back a Jewish connection to me.

Karen Moss’s daughter Jessica attended services recently and was very moved by Cantor Elisa’s version of Aleinu. It brought tears to her eyes thinking back to the Jewish retreats she had attended many years ago. Jessica mentioned to me she never thought she would ever get that feeling back here in Delaware and that she was very grateful to the Cantor for that. I feel that is a result of Rabbi Michael and Cantor Elisa, who bring so much to our congregation.

By the time you read this, Jazz Piano Shabbat on December 6th and Shabbat Koleinu on December 20th that will have an element of Chanukah to it, sponsored by Jerry Simonowits and Terry Moore in memory of Terry’s parents Willy and Ruby Moore will be over, but my hope is that they were well attended.

On January 12th there will be Tefilat HaNefesh: Restorative Service for the Soul (this is our healing service). This is not just focused on physical ailments. Come for emotional and spiritual lifting and support.

On February 7th – a Camp Style Shabbat Service with Guitar to be held in the social hall, popsicles and s’mores will be served following services!

On April 5th our Second Annual Jewish World Music Concert will be held here. We have not made a decision on the program at this time, but will inform you when we do. Please save the date!

As you can see the Cantor and the Music Committee have worked very hard to provide several enhanced Friday night Shabbat programs and The Jewish World Music Concert that will appeal to you and your friends. I hope you take the time to attend these special programs. It may make a difference in your life. I know it has for me.

The Joy of Music by Hershey Schloss

8 Kol Shalom January 2020

Men’s Club Brunch

Speaker Series Welcomes

Myron Sugerman

Co-Sponsored with the

Kraft Educational


On Sunday, February 23, at 10:00am hear Myron Sugerman tell how the history of the Mob and the history of Jews in America are intertwined. It’s a history that Myron Sugerman, author of the book “The Last Jewish Gangster from Meyer to Myron,” traces from the earliest days of the Mafia to the present day. Sugerman tells the Mob story from a Jewish viewpoint, with stories gleaned from his firsthand experiences and family connections with some of the most infamous Jewish mobsters. Free to the entire community; RSVP online by February 14—https://tinyurl.com/rbf8hlj.

CBS Book Club

Begins 2020 with

“We Were the Lucky

Ones” a Novel by

Georgia Hunter

Later this year, the Rabbi Jacob Kraft Educational Foundation will be bringing noted New York Times best-selling author, Georgia Hunter to Congregation Beth Shalom. In anticipation of her arrival, the CBS Book Club will be discussing her book “We Were the Luck Ones” at the next Book Club gathering on Sunday, January 26 beginning at 10:00am. The CBS Book Club is open to all members of the CBS community. For more information, contact Lori Barbanel, bookclub@cbswilmde.org.

January 2020 Congregation Beth Shalom 9

Life Transitions Support Group

To Start in January

Our Life Transitions Support Group will be meeting in January 2020. New members as well as former members are welcome. This group explores the grief and loss associated with a wide variety of life changes including the death of a loved one, loss of a job, divorce, and changes in life situations such as children leaving home, aging, and retiring. We will explore the feelings associated with these life transitions, share experiences, and learn healing and coping techniques. This group has been meeting at CBS for several years. The group will meet at Congregation Beth Shalom once a month on Sunday mornings for 90 minutes beginning at 10:00am. There is no cost to participate. If you would like to learn more about this group or are interested in joining, please contact Renée Felder. Renée is a licensed clinical social worker with a private psychotherapy practice in Chadds Ford, PA and is a member of CBS. Her phone number is 484-798-7511. Dates for the group meetings will be: Sunday, January 12 Sunday, February 9 Sunday March 8 Sunday April 5t Sunday, May 3 Sunday June 14

Now that

Chanukah is


Purim is

Around the Corner! Purim is around the corner and will be here before we know it! We are busy setting up the system we use for Purim contributions, the website provided by Happy Purim. More on this next month, but note that all Purim contributions must go through the Happy Purim system to be properly credited. If you are having a bank send your contribution in directly to CBS, we need you to fill out a paper form so that we can properly credit you as you specify. Paper forms will be in the February Kol Shalom or can be mailed or e-mailed upon request. Stay tuned for specifics next month!

10 Kol Shalom January 2020

Congregants’ Birthday Celebrations

8) Ron and Diana Helmer

16) Ron and Celina Riebman

17) Bob and Debbie Berman

18) Henry and Tina Heiman

23) Les and Elaine Morganstein

We wish a Happy Birthday to all of the following congregants who are celebrating their January birthdays:

1) Larry Klein, 3) Elaine Mendelson, Bette Neuman,

Shulamith Shafer, 4) Ronald Cohen, 5) Eddi Chaikin,

Barry Diznoff, 6) Karen Klein, Elena Norman,

Jerry Simonowits, Adir Barzilay, 8) Betty Diznoff, Roger Levy,

Karolin Lipman, Arthur Inden, 9) Renee Felder, 10) Janet Bailis,

Steven Biener, 11) Jody Bernstein, Michelle Kerzner, 13)

Thomas Martin, 14) Roland Obstfeld, Ashley Pezzner,

Erica Erbeck, 15) Lawrence Goldstein, John Walls, Ester Balick,

17) Meredith Weiss, 18) Deborah Harris, Ellen Pell,

David Blumberg, Samantha Fruchtman, 19) Merle Cohen,

Barbara Yalisove, 20) Myra Goldberg, Gregg Goldstein,

Nicole Neaton, 21) Robert Dressler, 24) Gladys Butt,

25) Lillian Waxman Balick, 26) Jean Winnick, Sherry Olicker,

Andrew Sherman, 27) Paul Imber, 29) Florence Budovitch,

30) Josephine Fisher, Robert Silber, 31) Debbie Nachlis, and

Tayler Bolton.



Mazel Tov

To Liza Lewis, daughter of Jeffery and Judith Lewis, on her engagement to Michael Chatlin of Bethesda Maryland.

To Michael Sigman, on being selected to serve on the Board of Directors of Delaware Public Media.

To Hayim Weiss, on being selected to serve on the Board of Directors of the Kutz Senior Life Campus.

Do you have a mazel to share? If so, send it to kolshalom@cbswilmde.org with the subject: Mazel Tov

and we will gladly add your mazel tov to our list. Thank you and Mazel Tov!

An Apology

In the past few months, we have become aware of names appearing in our Birthdays and Anniversaries, only to later learn that the individual is no longer a member, passed way, parted ways, or simply that the individual wished not to be recognized. We regret our mistake and apologize for any hurt or discomfort our posting may have caused. If you wish not to have your name printed in our Kol Shalom, please call the office.

Respectfully, Hayim Weiss, Editor of the Kol Shalom Matthia McCracken, Director of Administration

Todah Rabbah

Jeannie Winnick thanks the community for the memorial service of her beloved fiancé, Arie Ben-Bassat.

January 2020 Congregation Beth Shalom 11

Men's Club Shabbat: Saturday, February 2, 9:30am

The men of the Men's Club will give the clergy a break and lead the entire service and sponsor the kiddush lunch (prepared by our Sisterhood).

If interested in participating in the service with an English or Hebrew part, please contact Ethan Solomon ebsolo0611@yahoo.com. We look forward to seeing you here!

Join the Revolution on Sunday, March 8, 2:00 pm. It's Coaty's Birthday and Jewish Heritage Celebration. Join the Men's Club for a fun afternoon out at the 76ers Fieldhouse cheering on the Delaware Blue Coats vs. the Lakeland Magic. See future NBA stars up close and personal. Tickets for everyone over the age of 2 only $12.50. Complete details on the CBS Men’s Club Webpage!

Youth Programming

Our youth programming is gearing up for another exciting semester of

social and educational programs mixed with some community service

for good measure. Brian Abramson, our youth advisor, has been

actively working with our youth and engaging them in activities that

not only enrich their minds,

but, keep them interested in

synagogue life.

Coming up later this month,

Shalom Corps will be meeting on

January 12 and January 26 at

10:00am in Club Kef; and on January

20, our Hebrew School, Shalom Corps,

and Atid Students will collaborate with

the Jewish Federation of Delaware and

local synagogues in a day long

community service tribute to the late,

Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

More details to come in email.

For more information on any of these

and future programs, please contact Bryan at

babramson@cbswilmde.org or 302.588.0509.



FEBRUARY 28—MARCH 1, 2020!

12 Kol Shalom January 2020

May Their Memories Be For a Blessing With Reverence We Record the Following Yahrzeits

1/2/2020 (5 Tevet 5780) Judith Baker Bertha Sutton

1/3/2020 (6 Tevet 5780) Martin Lubaroff

1/4/2020 (7 Tevet 5780) Samuel Kowlowitz Janet Ratner Martin Yalisove

1/5/2020 (8 Tevet 5780) Molly Harris Leonard Karel

1/6/2020 (9 Tevet 5780) Steven Alexander Louis Entel

1/7/2020 (10 Tevet 5780) Mitchell Budovitch Isaac Sutton

1/8/2020 (11 Tevet 5780) Esther Harad Sara Kopecka Joseph Maline Steven Rothschild Sammy Sommer

1/9/2020 (12 Tevet 5780) Louis Klastorin Ruth Waxman Lescaud

1/10/2020 (13 Tevet 5780) Zachary Stein

1/11/2020 (14 Tevet 5780) Renée Covin Marvin Levin Martin Roth

1/12/2020 (15 Tevet 5780) Milton Brooks Albert Glick Ruth Guzik

1/13/2020 (16 Tevet 5780) Stephen Cohen Leon Fruchtman Harry Remsen Joan Ryder Anna Sherman

1/14/2020 (17 Tevet 5780) Myra Grossman

1/15/2020 (18 Tevet 5780) Blanche Sitkoff

1/16/2020 (19 Tevet 5780) Thelma Anapol Herbert Haber Jacob Kellem Elsie Kishner Sara Levine Beatrice Milner

1/17/2020 (20 Tevet 5780) Morris Berger Charles Blatnick Max Brandt Judith Harowitz Leah Kraft Louis Sitkoff

1/18/2020 (21 Tevet 5780) Stanley Langerman Harriet Lipschultz George Weiner

1/19/2020 (22 Tevet 5780) Henrietta Dombchik Edgar Rothschild

1/20/2020 (23 Tevet 5780) Estelle Berg William Malloy Dora Montag-Farkas Albert Rubin

We Lovingly Recall we remember those who departed us too soon

Congregation Beth Shalom expresses condolences to the families and friends of

Norman Ertel on the death of his wife Barbara (Bobbi) Ertel,

who passed away on December 3, 2019

Including Norman, she is survived by three children—Wendy, Emily (Bruce), and Adam, sister, Ronni, and four beloved grandchildren.

Annette Aerenson on the death of her father, Bernie Spiegel who passed away on December 2, 2019

Including Annette, he is survived by two children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

Hamakom yenachem etchem b'toch she'ar aveley Tzion v'Yerushalayim

May the Lord comfort and sustain you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

January 2020 Congregation Beth Shalom 13

May Their

Memories Be

For a Blessing

1/21/2020 (24 Tevet 5780) Morris Milner Harriet Hank Schnoll Herbert Sherr Sara Stein

1/23/2020 (26 Tevet 5780) Sylvia Friedman Abe Friedman Gerrit Gosler Sylvia Pell Joe Tammer

1/24/2020 (27 Tevet 5780) Gussie Golden Rose Gosler Tas Lydia S. Keil Beatrice Schuster Feyga Simmens Adolph Simon Katie Tobin

1/25/2020 (28 Tevet 5780) Ann Hollett Aaron Weissman

1/26/2020 (29 Tevet 5780) Sheila Bernstein Mark Feigen Walter Greenbaum Roberta Platt Ruth Silver

1/27/2020 (1 Shevat 5780) Jean (John) Parent 1/28/2020 (2 Shevat 5780) Shirley Goldberg Pauline Ann Hass Florence Rothman Stuart Schwartz Paul Zucker

1/29/2020 (3 Shevat 5780) Esther Chaikin Hyman Hochheiser

1/30/2020 (4 Shevat 5780) Vera Gitlovitz Rose Remsen

1/31/2020 (5 Shevat 5780) John Bassett Warren Grad Bernard P. Heiman Anna Kurfirst Sidney Minushkin Fannie Waxman

Jewish Communities in Cuba

Need Your Assistance

Four Wilmingtonians will join members of the Seaside Jewish Community of Rehoboth Beach in a humanitarian mission bringing much needed aid to several struggling Jewish communities in Cuba. Mission delegates are collecting donations and household goods to distribute in late January. A box has been set up in front of the office for donations of the following:

• New dish towels • Fabric or other re-usable shopping bags • Ziploc bags • Dental supplies-toothbrushes, floss, etc. (consider asking your

dentist for extra samples) • Visine and artificial tears drops • Multivitamins • Vitamin B12 We are also accepting monetary donations. These will be used to purchase numerous miscellaneous items desperately needed by these communities. Please make checks out to Seaside Jewish Community (write “Cuba mission” on the memo line) and mail to SJC, P.O. Box 1472, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971.

The story of the Jews of Cuba is all at once tragic and triumphant. There were approximately 15,000 Jews in Cuba prior to the Cuban Revolution in 1959. Jewish merchants from around the world had come to the island to make their fortunes in tobacco, rum, textiles and sugar cane. They built magnificent synagogues in Havana: Beth Shalom, the Patronato Jewish Community Center, The Sephardic Synagogue and Adath Israel, the Orthodox synagogue which today houses a beautiful upstairs museum sanctuary.

Today, the Jewish population has dwindled to roughly 1,500, and is quite poor; those who could afford to leave, fled to the United States before the Revolution. For decades, the community has faltered and struggled to keep their Jewish roots vibrant and alive.

Today, Jewish communities from around the world visit Cuba in order to assist and bring aid to the growing numbers of faithful Jews around the island. Thank you for being a part of this aid effort!

For further information about donations, contact Karen Moss at mossaz@verizon.net. For information about the Cuban mission, contact Reb Lisa Levine, spiritual leader of Seaside Jewish Community and Cuba Mission leader, at reblisa@yahoo.com. A donation box is outside the CBS Administrative Office to drop off your donations.

14 Kol Shalom January 2020

Al Berlin Minyan Fund In appreciation of Hayim Weiss for High Holy Days Barney & Claire Kantar

Sharon Rosengarten for High Holy Days Barney & Claire Kantar

In honor of Meri & Hayim Weiss on Simchat Torah Barney & Claire Kantar

Renee & Tom Felder's new grandchild, Hudson Panock. Barney & Claire Kantar

Samuel’s First Birthday Matthia McCracken

In memory of Anne Abramov Robert & Elaine Cohen Clara Sperber Jordon & Sharon Rosen David Goldman Beth Goldman Harriet Bleier Alan Bleier Joseph Abramov Robert & Elaine Cohen Morris Davidoff Martin & Estelle Glick Nathan Epstein Edward & Anita Sobel Ralph Friedberg Barney & Claire Kantar Ruby Moore Barney & Claire Kantar

Building Fund In honor of Meri & Hayim Weiss on Simchat Torah Robert & Ellen Meyer Mazel Tov to Arlene & Robert Davis on grandson Jacob's Bar Mitzvah Robert & Ellen Meyer

Capital Campaign In memory of Hyman Katz Phyliss Katz

Capital Maintenance In memory of Eric Dolinger Judith Dolinger Lolo Heitlinger Vivian & Elias Mamberg Max Hochman Moses & Rona Hochman

Chesed Committee In memory of Zachary Slomovitz Laura Michelle Kaplan

Congregation Fund In appreciation of High Holy Days Honor Eva & Howard Weissman

In honor of Meri and Hayim Weiss on Simchat Torah Eva & Howard Weissman Mazel Tov to Judy & Jeff Lewis on the engagement of daughter Liza Barry & Betty Diznoff Debbie Grossman Steven & Stacey Colton Kathy & Seth Bloom on the birth of their granddaughter Warren Butt & Elaine Schmerling Ruth & Martin Hochheiser on grandson Brandon Weaver's Bar Mitzvah Paul & Faith Silver

In memory of Arie Ben-Bassat Faith & Paul Silver Martin & Ruth Hochheiser Melvin & Sherry Olicker Goldy Portnoy Stuart & Marilyn Cooper Herbert Cohen Barry & Shelley Kanofsky Howard Barton Stuart & Suzanne Grant James Arieff Estate of Hannah Braunstein Norman Grant Suzanne & Stuart Grant Paul Seidenstat Linda Seidenstat Ralph Friedberg Warren Butt & Elaine Schmerling Bruce Stargatt Barbara Stargatt Ruth Siegal Harriet & Jay Harowitz

Linda Goldstein Fund In appreciation of Rabbi Michael for her support of Brandon During His Bar Mitzvah Training Stacy & Jacob Weaver Cantor Elisa for her support of Brandon During His Bar Mitzvah Training Stacy & Jacob Weaver In memory of Betty Slomowitz Martin & Ruth Hochheiser Miriam April Marlene & Lawrence Ornston

Hebrew School Fund In honor of Brandon Weaver’s Bar Mitzvah Jason & Bethany Kutz

Congregation Beth Shalom raises funds to support synagogue activities, programs and projects. To make a donation to any of our existing funds, please email or call our synagogue office, 302.654.4462. The minimum contribution to receive a tribute card is $12. To establish a new fund or learn more about contributory opportunities, please speak with our President, Barney Kantar, or our Director of Administration, Matthia McCracken. We appreciate your generosity.


January 2020 Congregation Beth Shalom 15

In memory of Betty Geller Linda & Michael Sigman Morris Brodsky Esther Schaffer Paul Cohen Linda & Michael Sigman

Jonathan Morris Fund In memory of Henrietta Levenson Alan Levenson & Karen Morris

Kraft Educational Foundation In memory of Harold Levy Ellen & Steven Weingart Paul Cohen Jason & Bethany Kutz

Lewis-Greenbaum Fund In memory of Bessie Lewis Jeffery & Judy Lewis

Prayer Book Fund In memory of Barbara Bernard Norma Pressman Jacob Garfen Norma Pressman

Shabbat Koleinu In memory of Phyllis Wilkins Frances Stein

Tikkun Olam In memory of Paul Cohen Mark & Karolin Lipman

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In honor of Celina Riebman's birthday Donald & Barbara Goldberg

In memory of Paul Cohen Susan Rosenstock & James Midanek Ralph Friedberg Susan Rosenstock & James Midanek All donations listed are based on donations received and processed from November 1 to November 30. If a donation has been made between these dates and not noted, please call the office to correct our records.




16 Kol Shalom January 2020

January 2020 Congregation Beth Shalom 17

18 Kol Shalom January 2020

Join Us!

Wednesday, January 8 at 6:00pm at Lodge Lane for a Mobile Minyan followed by Parsha and Pizza…


Wednesday, January 15,

Wednesday, January 22,


Wednesday, January 29

at 6:00pm at

Congregation Beth

Shalom for Parsha and



An Afternoon of Jewish Learning

Sunday, January 19, 2020 from 2:00 to 5:00pm

The community is invited to participate in an afternoon of Jewish

learning and light refreshments in Adas Kodesch Shel Emeth's

transitional home at 1801 Baynard Boulevard. Choose one class

from each of three sessions. Guest instructors will teach classes on a

variety of engaging subjects, including “Growing Up Jewish in the

South” (Harriet Jacobs), “Jews in Baseball” (Joel Panitz), “Jewish

Attrition” (Richard Plotzker), “Magic in Judaism” (Karen Moss),

“When Your Child Lives in Israel” (Dianne and Jeff Seidel), and

“Judaism and Medical Marijuana” (Lisa Elliott). Cost: $10 if reserved

by 1/16, $12 at the door. Please call the AKSE office at

302.762.2705 for more information and advance registration.

SCHEDULE Session 1:

When Your Child Lives in Israel (Dianne and Jeff Seidel) or

Magic in Judaism (Karen Moss)

Session 2:

Growing Up Jewish in the South (Harriet Jacobs) or

My current religion is NONE. Perspectives on Jewish Attrition (Richard Plotzker)

Session 3:

Judaism and Medical Marijuana (Lisa Elliott) or

Jews in Baseball (Joel Panitz )

January 2020 Congregation Beth Shalom 19


PAID Wilmington, DE Permit No. 77

CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM 1801 Baynard Blvd • Wilmington, DE 19802 Phone: (302) 654.4462 / Fax: (302) 543.7150 www.bethshalomwilmington.org



IS DECEMBER 5, 2019 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Kol Shalom is the newsletter of Congregation Beth Shalom, an egalitarian-Conservative congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. To submit articles, photos, and announcements, please e-mail: kolshalom@cbswilmde.org or mail them to the address noted above. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

RABBI Rabbi Michael S. Beals rabbimichael@cbswilmde.org


EDUCATION DIRECTOR Cantor Elisa Abrams Cohn cantorelisa@cbswilmde.org


ADMINISTRATION Matthia McCracken mmccracken@cbswilmde.org

PRESIDENT Barney Kantar president@cbswilmde.org


WILMINGTON, DE 19802 302.764.2393
