KLT Analysis


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  • 7/28/2019 KLT Analysis


    A. Title of Experiment : Compound Extraction, Separation, and

    Purification Technique

    B. Date of Experiment : Wednesday, 13rd March 2013

    C. Finish of Experiment : Wednesday, 13rd March 2013

    D. Objective of Experiment :

    1) Selecting the tools that is needed correspond to the experiment

    2) Selecting materials that is needed correspond to the experiment

    3) Doing the isolation technique correctly

    4) Selecting the appropriate solvent to conduct the separation

    5) Doing the separation technique correctly

    6) Purifying the compound and doing recristalyzing technique

    7) Operating IR Instrument correctly

    8) Identifying compound through functional group interpretation using

    IR spectra

    E. Basic Theory :

    Basic separation of the TLC is the difference in migration velocity

    between stationary phases is a solid and mobile phase is a mixture

    of solvent (eluen), which is also known as the mixed solvent developer.

    Type of eluent used depends on the type of sample to be separated.

    Eluent causes the entire stain spots on the plate rises to the upper limit

    of the plate without any separation, is said to be too polar. On the

    contrary, if the stain spots did not move, meaning the less polar eluent.

    The way that used to determine the exact type of eluent is

    concentrated ring method. Results obtained compared with the following


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    Chromatographic separations are accomplished by continuously

    passing one sample-free phase, called a mobile phase, over a second

    sample-free phase that remains fixed, or stationary. The sample is injected,

    or placed, into the mobile phase. As it moves with the mobile phase, the

    samples components partition themselves between the mobile and

    stationary phases. Those components whose distribution ratio favors the

    stationary phase require a longer time to pass through the system. Given

    sufficient time, and sufficient stationary and mobile phase, solutes with

    similar distribution ratios can be separated. The history of modern

    chromatography can be traced to the turn of the century when the Russian

    botanist Mikhail Tswett (18721919) used a column packed with a

    stationary phase of calcium carbonate to separate colored pigments from

    plant extracts. The sample was placed at the top of the column and carried

    through the stationary phase using a mobile phase of petroleum ether. As

    the sample moved through the column, the pigments in the plant extract

    separated into individual colored bands. Once the pigments were

    adequately separated, the calcium carbonate was removed from the

    column, sectioned, and the pigments recovered by extraction. Tswett

    named the technique chromatography, combining the Greek words for

    color and to write. There was little interest in Tswetts technique until

    1931 when chromatography was reintroduced as an analytical technique

    for biochemical separations. Pioneering work by Martin and Synge in

    19412 established the importance of liquidliquid partition

    chromatography and led to the development of a theory for

    chromatographic separations; they were awarded the 1952 Nobel Prize inchemistry for this work. Since then, chromatography in its many forms has

    become the most important and widely used separation technique. Other

    separation methods, such as electrophoresis, effect a separation without the

    use of a stationary phase.

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    Thin Layer Chromatography

    Thin layer chromatography is done exactly as it says - using a thin,

    uniform layer of silica gel or alumina coated onto a piece of glass, metal or

    rigid plastic. The silica gel (or the alumina) is the stationary phase. The

    stationary phase for thin layer chromatography also often contains a

    substance which fluoresces in UV light - for reasons you will see later. The

    mobile phase is a suitable liquid solvent or mixture of solvents.

    A pencil line is drawn near the bottom of the plate and a small drop

    of a solution of the dye mixture is placed on it. Any labelling on the plate

    to show the original position of the drop must also be in pencil. If any of

    this was done in ink, dyes from the ink would also move as the

    chromatogram developed.

    When the spot of mixture is dry, the plate is stood in a shallow

    layer of solvent in a covered beaker. It is important that the solvent level is

    below the line with the spot on it.The reason for covering the beaker is to make sure that the

    atmosphere in the beaker is saturated with solvent vapour. To help this, the

    beaker is often lined with some filter paper soaked in solvent. Saturating

    the atmosphere in the beaker with vapour stops the solvent from

    evaporating as it rises up the plate.

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    As the solvent slowly travels up the plate, the different components

    of the dye mixture travel at different rates and the mixture is separated into

    different coloured spots. The solvent is allowed to rise until it almost

    reaches the top of the plate. That will give the maximum separation of the

    dye components for this particular combination of solvent and stationary


    Stationary phase on a thin layer plate often has a substance added

    to it which will fluoresce when exposed to UV light. That means that if it

    shined UV light on it, it will glow. That glow is masked at the position

    where the spots are on the final chromatogram - even if those spots are

    invisible to the eye. That means that if you shine UV light on the plate, it

    will all glow apart from where the spots are. The spots show up as darker


    While the UV is still shining on the plate, you obviously have to

    mark the positions of the spots by drawing a pencil circle around them. As

    soon as you switch off the UV source, the spots will disappear again.

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    As the solvent begins to soak up the plate, it first dissolves the

    compounds in the spot that you have put on the base line. The compounds

    present will then tend to get carried up the chromatography plate as the

    solvent continues to move upwards.

    How fast the compounds get carried up the plate depends on two


    How soluble the compound is in the solvent. This will depend on

    how much attraction there is between the molecules of the

    compound and those of the solvent.

    How much the compound sticks to the stationary phase - the silica

    get, for example. This will depend on how much attraction there is

    between the molecules of the compound and the silica gel.

    Infrared spectroscopy is a technique based on the vibrations of the

    atoms of a molecule. An infrared spectrum is commonly obtained by

    passing infrared radiation through a sample and determining what fraction

    of the incident radiation is absorbed at a particular energy. The energy at

    which any peak in an absorption spectrum appears corresponds to the

    frequency of a vibration of a part of a sample molecule. In this

    introductory chapter, the basic ideas and definitions associated with

    infrared spectroscopy will be described. The vibrations of molecules will

    be looked at here, as these are crucial to the interpretation of infrared


    The visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum is, by definition,

    radiation visible to the human eye. Other detection systems reveal

    radiation beyond the visible regions of the spectrum and these areclassified as radiowave, microwave,

    The infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is usually

    divided into three regions; the near-, mid- and far- infrared, named for

    their relation to the visible spectrum. The higher-energy near-IR,

    approximately 140004000 cm1 (0.82.5 m wavelength) can excite

    overtone or harmonic vibrations. The mid-infrared, approximately 4000

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    400 cm1 (2.525 m) may be used to study the fundamental vibrations

    and associated rotational-vibrational structure. The far-infrared,

    approximately 40010 cm1 (251000 m), lying adjacent to the

    microwave region, has low energy and may be used for rotational

    spectroscopy. The names and classifications of these subregions are

    conventions, and are only loosely based on the relative molecular or

    electromagnetic properties.

    The role and scheme of IR

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    Alkanes contain only CH and CC bonds, but there is plenty of

    information to be obtained from the infrared spectra of these molecules.

    The most useful are those arising from CH stretching and CH bending.

    CH stretching bands in aliphatic hydrocarbons appear in the 30002800

    cm1 range and the CH stretching bands of methyl groups and methylene

    groups are readily differentiated. For methyl groups, asymmetric CH

    stretching occurs at 2870 cm1, while symmetric CH stretching occurs at

    2960 cm1. By comparison, methylene groups show asymmetric

    stretching at 2930 cm1 and symmetric stretching at 2850 cm1. CH

    bending gives rise to bands in the region below 1500 cm1. Methyl groups

    produce two bending bands, i.e. a symmetrical band at 1380 cm1 and an

    asymmetrical band at 1475 cm1. Methylene groups give rise to four

    bending vibrations: scissoring (1465 cm1), rocking (720 cm1), wagging

    (1305 cm1) and twisting (1300 cm1). The intensity of the methylene

    CH2 rocking band is useful as four or more CH2 groups are required in a

    chain to produce a distinct band near 720 cm1. Shorter chains show a

    more variable band, for instance, the CH2 rocking band for C4H10 is near

    734 cm1. Although these are the main characteristic bands associated

    with aliphatic hydrocarbons, there are a number of bands that appear in the

    spectra of such compounds as there is a wide range of structures possible.

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    F. Tools and Materials :


    Capillary Pipe

    Filter Paper

    Vial bottle 5 mL




    Graduated Cylinder 10 mL

    Beaker Glass 50 mL & 100 mL

    UV lamp






    TLC Plat

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    IR instrument



    TLC Plat

    Stirrer Rod

    UV lamp

    G. Procedure :

    Sample Preparation

    Eluent Preparation


    Is diluted with 2

    mL of methanol

    Solution of sample

    14 mL of hexane + 4 mL of chloroform + 2 mL of


    Is Mixed into a


    Is Closed

    Eluent for sample

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    TLC Plat Preparation

    Sample Separation

    Plat of TLC (4cm x 20cm)

    Is drawn a line 0.3cm from top

    of plat and 1.0cm from bottom

    of plat

    Is spotted in bottom line with

    0.5cm from each spot

    Plat of TLC after being drawn

    Is spotted with sample

    until it is run out

    Plat of TLC after being spotted by sample

    Is put into a chamber containing eluent

    Is let until eluent reaches limit of topline of

    TLC plat

    Is taken slowly

    Is let until dry in 1 minutePlat of TLC after being dried

    Is put on UV lamp to observe spots

    Is dredged by using spatula

    Is washed by using 2mL of methanolFiltrate

    Is tested with


    spectroscopyIR Data of sample

    Is hot plated

    Crystal of sample

    Plat of TLC after being drawn

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    H. Observation

    Procedure Result Hypothesis/Reaction Conclusion



    Sample: white crystal

    Methanol: colorless

    Sample + methanol:

    colorless solution

    Hexane + chloroform

    + methanol: colorless

    Sample + CH3OH

    sample (aq)

    Functional group that may

    be contained:









    The compound (sample) is

    a polar compound because

    the solvent (eluent) that is

    used is methanol and

    Sample can be

    separated by using

    eluent that is mixture

    of 10 mL of hexane, 8

    mL of chloroform, 2

    mL of methanol

    Sample can be

    recrystallized after

    being filtrated to the

    same crystal.

    Sample can be

    predicted by using IR


    10mg of sample

    Is diluted with

    2mL of


    Solution of sample

    10mL of hexane + 8mL of chloroform +

    2mL of methanol

    Is mixed into a


    Is closed

    Effluent for sample

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    Procedure Result Hypothesis/Reaction Conclusion


    Sample on TLC plat in

    UV light: purple

    Sample after dredging:

    white powder

    Filtrate: colorless

    Crystal of sample after

    recrystallization: white



    Plat of TLC (4cm x 20cm)

    Is drawn a line 0.3cm from top of

    plat and 1.0cm from bottom ofplat

    Is spotted in bottom line with

    0.5cm from each spotPlat of TLC after being drawn

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    Procedure Result Hypothesis/Reaction Conclusion


    Is spotted with

    sample until it is

    run out

    Plat of TLC after being spotted by


    Is put into a chamber containing


    Is let until effluent reaches limit of

    topline of TLC plat

    Is taken slowly by using pinset

    Is let until dry in 1 minutePlat of TLC after being


    Plat of TLC after being


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    Procedure Result Hypothesis/Reaction Conclusion

    Is tested with IR





    Crystal of sample

    Is put on UV lamp to

    observe spots

    Is dredged by using


    Is washed by using 2mL

    of methanol


    IR Data of


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    I. Analysis

    In this experiment of extraction technique, separation and

    purification with thin layer chromatography (TLC) technique. Thin layer

    Chromatography is a method of qualitative and quantitative that involve 2

    changing, those are properties of stationary phase and properties of mobile


    Thin layer chromatography is performed on a sheet of glass, plastic

    or aluminium foil which is coated with thin layer of adsorbent material,

    usually silica gel, aluminium oxide or cellulose (blotter paper). Silica gel

    or aluminium oxide is a stationary phase, and eluent is mobile phase that

    has important act in elusion process for feed solution to pass stationary

    phase (adsorbent). Interaction between adsorbent with eluent determine the

    occurrence of component separation.

    Preparing sample

    An unknown sample is white crystal in the solid state is diluted

    with 2 ml of methanol until the mixture perfectly dissolve. After that is

    preparing TLC plate that will spotted with the sample solution. The size of

    TLC plate is 4cm x 20 cm, then make the side line above and below, the

    side line in the above is 0.3 cm and below is 1 cm. Then making spot in

    the TLC with distance 0.5 cm of each spot. It is done by using pencil, if we

    make it with pen, the dye of the pen will move with chromatogram that is

    formed. So will make accumulation of spot that make sample spot not

    detected. The purpose of making side line in TLC plat is to show the initial

    position of eluent and the final position of eluent that movement.And then preparing the eluent from mixture of n-hexane, CHCl3

    (chlorofom) and methanol. The comparison that used is 10:8:2. After that

    entered the eluent in to chamber. The chamber must be closed is to make

    sure that the condition in chamber is saturated with the vapour of solvent.

    Saturated condition in chamber with the vapour can prevent the

    vaporization of solvent. Because of solvent move slowly in TLC plat, the

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    different component in the mixture will move with different speed and will

    show the differences of spot colour in the plate. The eluent let to move

    until the above side line and the TCL plat must be taken from the chamber.

    In the plat that have spot with sample give the similar colour of the spot

    with the colour of TLC plat so to see the spot that formed is using UV

    light. The light of UV light is purple. After put below the UV light, the

    spot movement is clearly to see and then the spot that formed give sign by

    using pencil. After that the area that signed is dredging using metal ruler.

    The result of dredging on TLC plat collected in filter paper that

    have been arranged on funnel, then dissolve with 2 ml of methanol and

    filtered. The filtrate is collected in the vial glass.


    After that to get crystal from the filtrate that has collected in vial

    glass we do recrystallization. The result that taken from the spot in TLC

    plat dissolve using methanol as solute. In this experiment, the

    recrystallization do from sample. To get the crystal from sample, filtrate

    heated by using hot plate, the solution evaporate and the crystal is formed.

    The colour of crystal is white, After that the crystal that we got is process

    by using IR to identified the compound from sample by interpretation of

    functional group.

    Identification the Functional group by Using IR Spectrometry

    Crystal that we got before analyze using IR spectrometry. Sample

    that will test firstly start with make pellet, we make pellet with mix the

    crystal with KBr. KBr as alkyl halide that used as window materials that

    has transparent character until 385 cm


    and will not reat in wavelength IR.The sample refined with KBr use mortar until homogenous then the

    sample pressing so that form pellet. Pellet that formed cant broke because

    the influence cluster tops that read by IR instrument. Pellet putted into IR

    instrument to analyze the cluster function.

    From the spectrum that is got from IR instrument, the wavenumber

    range of the sample is between 4000 600 cm-1. This range include in the

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    mid-infrared region. The mid infrared region is 4000 - 400 cm-1. The mid-

    infrared region can be approximately divided into four regions and the

    nature of a group frequency may generally be determined by the region in

    which it is located. The regions are generalized as follows: the XH

    stretching region (40002500 cm1), the triple-bond region (25002000

    cm1), the double-bond region (20001500 cm)and the fingerprint region

    (1500600 cm1). The sample that is tested include four regions, they are

    stretching region, the triple-bond region, double region, and fingerprint


    From the analysis, we got peaks with frequency that is:

    Sample frequency


    Theoretical frequency

    (cm-1)Molecular Motion

    3792.2 ~3650 or 3400-3300 O-H stretch (alcohol)




    1633.6 1690-1630 C=C stretch (alkenes)



    1390.3 1600-1530&1390-1300 -NO2 (aliphatic)


    1243.5 1320-1210 C-O stretch (carboxylic acids)

    1149.8 1200-1025 C-N Stretch (amines)



    898.7 950850 Third overtone CH stretching


    797.5 750-850 NH2 wagging and twisting

    681.3 785-540 C-Cl stretch (alkyl halides)


    From the frequency that we got, we estimate the sample include in

    carboxylic acid group. This estimation strength with founded frequency of

    O-H stretch in region 3400-3300 cm-1; C=C stretch in alkenes in region

    1690-1630 cm-1; -NO2 (aliphatic) in region 1600-1530&1390-1300 cm-1;

    C-O stretch in carboxylic acids in region 1320-1210 cm-1; C-N stretch in

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    amines in region 1200-1025 cm-1; Third overtone CH stretching in region

    950850 cm-1; NH2 wagging and twisting in region 750-850 cm-1; and C-Cl

    stretch in region 785-540 cm-1. In our spectrum we cant found the

    molecular motion in frequency 1993.4 cm-1, it may be a pengotor. In our

    spectrum there is so many pollutant.

    In sample we cant determine the compound that contain in the

    sample with using IR spectrometry, because IR spectrometry only can

    know the functional group that contain in the compound. To know exactly

    the compound that contain in sample should identify with using other


    J. Conclusion

    1. The sample also shown N-N stretching, the sample can be separated by

    TLC method.

    2. The sample is polar compound because the solve that is used is polar

    solvent. It is methanol solution.

    3. The sample can be purified again by using recrystalization

    3. The sample can be identify by using IR spectrometry.4. The sample is identify as the compound that have boron group, ester

    group, amine group, nitrate group and amide group.

    K. Answer of Question

    1. - Extraction is a technique often used when organic compounds

    (mostly hydrophobic) dissolved or dispersed in water. Appropriate

    solvent (enough for dissolved organic compounds; should not

    hydrophobic) was added to the phase solution in water, the mixture

    was stirred well so that the organic compound extracted well. The

    organic compound layer and the water will be separated with a

    separating funnel, and the organic compounds can be taken back

    from the organic layer by removing the solvent.

    - Separation and purification be done by purpose to get the substance

    purely from a substance that has been contaminated or mixed. To

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    obtain a substance pure, we must separate it from the mixture, is

    done a system that can be separate pure substance and

    contaminated substance in a mixture that is separating and

    purifying. Separating and purifying compound can be done with

    method like filtration, decantation, sublimation, crystallization,

    distillation, adsorptions and extraction.

    2. Chromatography is used to separate the mixture into its component

    substances. All forms of chromatography works on this principle.

    Chromatography is a separation technique based on a mixture of speed

    difference propagation components in a particular medium. In

    chromatography, components are separated between two phases,

    namely the stationary phase and mobile phase. Stationary phase will

    hold a blending component while phase will dissolve substance

    mixture components. Components are easily retained on the stationary

    phase will behind. While the component soluble in the mobile phase

    will move faster. Used preparative TLC separation in order to obtain a

    stable quality of organic compounds in the sample. It is appropriate

    that the KLT-P is used absorbent (stationary phase) with a thickness

    of 0.5 - 2 mm of silica gel or aluminum oxide and a large plate (size

    20x20 cm and 20x40 cm

    3. Eluent is the mobile phase plays an important role in the process of

    elution for the feed solution to pass through the stationary phase

    (adsorbent). Type of solvent used as eluent is hexane, chloroform,


    4. Purification performed to separate pure substances with impurities orits contaminated substances. The basic principle of recrystallization:

    a. The crystallization process starts by adding the compound to be

    purified with hot solvent to the solubility of these compounds at the

    level of super saturated. In these circumstances, if the solution is

    cooled, the molecules soluble compounds will stick together, grow

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    into crystals will settle to the bottom of the container. While the

    dissolved dirt does not come settles.

    b. The formation of the crystal itself consists of two stages. The first

    stage is the nucleation primary or core formation, the stage in

    which crystals begin to grow but not yet settled. This stage requires

    a supersaturated state of the solute. When the solution is cooled, the

    solvent can not "hold" all the substance dissolved, resulting

    molecules are separated from the solvent sticking together, and

    began to grow into the core crystal. The more cores are joined, the

    sooner will the crystal growth.

    c. The second phase after the primary nucleation is secondary

    nucleation. At this stage the growth of crystal faster, which is

    characterized by mutual attachment cores become solid crystals.

    5. Equipment / IR spectrophotometer instrument is an instrument that

    records the infrared spectrum traded and easy to use on a regular basis.

    Infrared spectrophotometry very important in modern chemistry, a major

    in the field of organic. Were instrumental in the discovery of functional

    groups, the introduction of the compound analysis of mixtures.

    6. These compounds can not be identified because the tool can only IR

    instrument identify the functional groups only.

    L. Refferences

    Syarief, Sri Hidayati dkk. 2013 .Penuntun Praktikum Kimia Organik II.Surabaya : UNESA

    Fessenden, Fessenden.1982.Kimia Organik Jilid 2.Edisi


    Stuart, Barbara. Infrared Spectroscopy:Fundamentals and

    Apllication._.Analytical Techniques in the Sciences


    ssed on 19 March 2013


    /recrystallization.html. accessed on 19 March 2013

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    M. Attachment

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  • 7/28/2019 KLT Analysis
