Kitchissippi Times | October 15, 2015



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Citation preview The Spirit of Kitchissippi October 15, 2015

Jeff LeiperCity CouncillorConseiller municipal

jeff leiper - councillor ad.indd 1 15-01-12 8:13 PM

By Bhavana Gopinath

Kathy Armstrong’s life beats to the rhythm of Ghanaian drums. Armstrong has trained as a classical percussionist and music educator, receiving her BMus. and MMus. degrees from the University of Toronto, and is presently research-ing drumming as music therapy. In the 80s, Toronto was a hotspot for

world music, with Peter Gabriel’s WOMAD Festival (the first outside the UK). Exposed to several influ-ences, Armstrong found herself drawn to Ghanaian drumming.

Unlike traditional Western classi-cal percussion, Ghanaian drumming doesn’t have a downbeat. Rather than acting as an anchor, the drum-beats form a perpetual cycle that moves all the time. Different

rhythms emerge; patterns overlap and shift. Performers need to be confident about their part in the overall sequence, and also fit in to form a cohesive whole. The music pulls in the audience, so the lines between audience and performer become blurry. The performers’ experiences as they play permeate into the audience.

Continued on page 3

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Kathy Armstrong established the Baobab Community in 1990 to teach West African drumming, dancing, and singing. This year marks Baobab’s 20th anniversary. Photo by Kate Settle

A toll booth on Richmond Road? You’d

better believe it. PAGE 5

The beat goes on Five things you should know about Kathy Armstrong The Spirit of Kitchissippi October 15, 2015

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PAGE 9 @Kitchissippi kitchissippitimes • October 15, 2015

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Armstrong says that with its ebbs and flows, a Ghanaian drum performance is a met-aphor for life.

Armstrong realized that she couldn’t approach Ghanaian drums with a classical music mindset. She had to involve her whole body and mind, and comprehend the music within its own cultural context. Seeking an immer-sive experience, she first visited Ghana in 1990 and trained with the master drummer Kwasi Dunyo.

“Rhythm is a basic human element,” she explains. “Certain cultures pay more attention to rhythm.”

As she immersed herself in the music, she felt deeply that music was just the ker-nel, a “vehicle for amazing things to happen.”

She and her husband Rory Magill established the Baobab Community in 1990 to teach West African drumming, dancing, and singing, and for those “amazing things” to occur. At Baobab, kids and adults appreciate the participato-ry and layered approach. Children love the tactile satisfaction of playing on the drums, and the calm-ing repetition of the sound patterns. “Kids operate from their bodies, while adults have preconceived notions about their music abilities,” Armstrong points out. The act of drumming in a group also provides a lens for stu-dents to view and under-stand one another as well as another culture.

Baobab celebrates its 20th year in 2015. There are several events planned over the next few months, including youth-led pop-up events, and a guest per-formance by Armstrong’s mentor, Kwasi Dunyo. For more information, visit,

email, or call (613) 729 0987.

Armstrong and Baobab have been part of life in Kitchissippi for two decades, but here are five things you may not know about Kathy Armstrong:

She doesn’t know why she loves Ghanaian

drumming. Armstrong has been study-ing and teaching percus-sion for decades now, but she still cannot explain why the sound of Ghanaian drums tugs at her soul. “I’m Scottish, I should be playing the bagpipes, but here I am!” she marvels. After a performance in Oregon, a woman from the audience told her that she’d sensed a black man standing over her shoulder as she drummed – when there was actually no one there. To this day, Armstrong is not sure how that happened, and specu-lates jokingly that she must have been Ghanaian in a previous birth.

She loves funk music. Given her classical

training, one wouldn’t expect funk to be her first choice for any non-Ghana-ian music, but “I love funk!” she exclaims. She listens to Bumpin’ Binary and D’angelo. “I love D’angelo’s fatter groove and looser sense of time,” she enthuses. She loves to dance, so anything with a

dance beat is good too — her go-to is Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine.

She is terrifiedof snakes.

“I’ve dealt with giant spi-ders and hippos in Africa,” Armstrong says matter-of-factly. But snakes terrify her with good reason. A four-foot long Massassauga rattler once confronted her at a music camp in Ontario. Panic and screams ensued. Afterwards, when every-one had calmed down enough to laugh about it, her friends and co-teachers at the camp ribbed Armstrong about her reac-tion. They even wrote, in her honour, a Maritime-style folk song, “The Ballad of Snake Hill.”

She is anavid gardener.

Gardening is Armstrong’s favourite summer activity. “I love the physical aspect of working with soil. It is a creative outlet and is very relaxing.”

She is a TypeA personality.

“People are surprised when they hear that,” she says. “They assume that because of what I do, I must be a very laid-back kind of per-son.” Her everyday involvement with drum-ming calms, grounds, and soothes her. “Drumming is my meditation.”

Five things about Kathy ArmstrongContinued from page 1






Armstrong says that with its ebbs and flows, a Ghanaiandrum performance is a metaphor for life. Photo by Kate Settle @Kitchissippi kitchissippitimes • October 15, 2015


250 City Centre Ave., Suite 500Ottawa ON

Kitchissippi, meaning “the Grand River,” is the former Algonquin name for the Ottawa River. The name now identifi es the urban community to the west of

downtown Ottawa. Newswest is a not-for-profi t community-owned publication that is distributed 12 times per year inside the

Kitchissippi Times.

EditorAndrea Tomkins

Contributors Dave Allston, Sarah Banks,

Judith van Berkom, Ellen Bond, Joseph Hutt, Bhavana Gopinath, Craig Lord

ProofreaderJudith van Berkom

Vice-president of SalesDon Mersereau

Advertising Sales Lori Sharpe 613-238-1818 x274

Donna Roney 613-238-1818

PublisherMark Sutcliffe

Creative DirectorTanya Connolly-Holmes

ProductionRegan Van Dusen


Advertising 613-238-1818 x268

Finance Jackie Whalen


All other enquiries613-238-1818 x230

DistributionA minimum of 17,600 copies distributed from the Ottawa

River to Carling Avenue between the O-Train tracks

and Woodroffe Avenue. Most residents in this area will receive the Kitchissippi Times directly to their door through Ottawa Citizen or Flyer Force.

If you did not receive your copy, or would like additional copies,

please contact us and we’ll deliver to you. Bulk copies

delivered to multi-unit dwellings and retail locations. Copies

available at Dovercourt Recre-ation Centre and Hintonburg

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613-238-1818 x248

Tips and ideasWe want to hear from you about what’s happening in

our community. Contact the Editor.

The Kitchissippi Times is published by


Mark Sutcliffe


Michael Curran

The next issue of your Kitchissippi Times:

October 29

Advertising deadline:Reserve by October 21

“We have lived in Kitchissippi for 10 years, Ottawa for 20 years, and moved here after being born and raised in Montreal. We have three children, and four grandchildren. We moved here because of Jerry’s job at a local clothing company. Jerry retired three years ago from the original job, and then worked for an additional two years, retiring July 13 at 80 years of age. He now runs a small business out of our home converting old media to DVD’s. Lois retired ten years ago, and has since spent a lot of time volunteering at Tamir, a community living environment

for the developmentally delayed. This is a personal commitment, as our 51-year-old son lives there. She spends a part of every day there with our son, and with others who live there.

We have places on our bucket list that we would both like to visit in the future. We would both love to visit Israel and explore that part of our heritage. Lois would love to visit southern Italy, and Portugal some day. We spend four days a week at the gym: walking on the treadmill, swimming. We each work with a trainer. It keeps us active and healthy.

The best thing about Jerry is that he has a happy soul, he’s kind, he’s very good to our son, where other couples have many troubles when dealing with a special needs child. I’ve been with him for 55 years, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The best thing about Lois is she is “a mitzvah,” which is a Jewish blessing. My wife lives by this. She is always doing good for others. I have lots of friends, but she is truly my best friend. My life is so much better with her in it, and I would be lost without her. She makes me get up and move, and I have a great life because of her love.”

Humans of Kitchissippi is a special street photography project designed to introduce readers to some of the people who live, work, and play in Kitchissippi. Each instalment of HOK contains three elements: a photo, a name, and a quote from the subject that reveals a little bit about who they are. Go to to view our ongoing collection of humans.


Collected by Ellen Bond

MeetJerry and Lois Nudelman

Kitchissippi times October 15, 2015 • 5



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The O’Neil family home represents a bygone era

The original “landmark” building of Wellington St.By Dave Allston

One of Kitchissippi’s most important intersections is nearing 100 years in age, and its future is unclear as a battle between develop-er and community design plan goes into what may be its final round.

The OMB will be considering allowing the construction of a 12-storey tower – which contravenes the CDP – by way of a loophole offered if the developer (Mizrahi) creates a “landmark” building at the corner of Island Park Drive and Wellington/Richmond. The term “gateway” is being used to describe this dividing point between Westboro and Wellington Village, and in the coming weeks, it will be decided whether this condo building will become its new focal point.

A lot of history exists here, and while some of this corner has become a bit of an eyesore, it wasn’t always this way. John Newcombe has done excellent work in preserving his Esso station on the southeast corner which dates back to 1938. Through the efforts of artist and historian Andrew King and others, Ottawa’s oldest gas station structure, the 1934-built “cottage” on the southwest corner has recently been saved. But the northeast corner is perhaps the most historic, and worthy of exploring.

In 1893, Robert Cowley created a new subdivision

“Ottawa West” on his family’s farm, years before most development had begun west of Parkdale. Ottawa West was a small plan situated between Richmond and Scott, bordered by Western and Rockhurst.

One of the first structures to be built in the subdivision was actually a toll house. Richmond Road from 1853 until 1920 was a toll road operated by the Bytown and Nepean Road Company, and those travelling west from the city limits of Ottawa into Nepean Township were required to pay in order to use it. Up until 1895, the eastern toll house was

situated within Hintonburg (the western toll house was in Bells Corners). The Company purchased a lot at the western edge of Cowley’s subdivision (there was no intersection at the time; Island Park Drive was still 28 years

away), and constructed a modest house for the tollgate keeper, who operated the gate at all times. A small office was constructed in front of the house, extending onto the roadway, and a large bar stretched across Richmond Road to ensure travellers would stop and pay the required toll, which would vary depending on the time of year, the number of horses, and whether the driver was on horseback or in a carriage.

Many injuries were suffered when tollgate keepers forgot to raise the bar at night. Fast-moving riders (and their horses) would run headfirst into the heavy bar.

By 1920, automobiles became prevalent, private road ownership was being eliminated, and the Road Company could no longer keep up with the road maintenance required (road conditions had


“Many injuries were suffered when

tollgate keepers forgot to raise the

bar at night. Fast-moving riders (and

their horses) would run headfirst into

the heavy bar.”

Continued on page 6

Bella’s Bistro is Wellington Street’s oldest surviving

building in Wellington Village. It was built in 1896. This is what

it looked like in the 1920s. Photo courtesy of Liz Corrigan @Kitchissippi kitchissippitimes • October 15, 2015



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become extremely poor during the Company’s final days). Thus the road was sold to municipal government. The toll house remained for a few years as a home. Adjoining it was the new Island Park Driveway, which opened for traffic in 1923; and to the east another house, which had been built by the toll keeper in 1910.

Both houses remained standing until 1929, when the lots were sold to the Cities Service Oil Company. Cities demolished the homes and constructed a gas station to service the growing Wellington Village community and popular Driveway route. This original gas station was a 1 1/2 storey wood-framed structure set back from Wellington Street parallel to the road. It was replaced in the mid-1950s with the diagonally-angled shop that exists today (the office portion was added on in 1973).

By the 1940s, the intersection actually featured gas stations operating on all four corners.

In 1964, BP purchased the station, and kept it in operation until 1973, when it was purchased by Frisby Tire. Frisby lasted for just less than a year. Joe’s Car Radio Sales Ltd. purchased the building in 1974, removed the gas pumps and tanks in 1975, and remained in business for over 30 years. In

2007, Benny and his successful Proshine Car Wash business became the old station’s final occupant.

Just as significantly, the proud old brick home next door has stood the test of time. Built in 1896, Bella’s Bistro is Wellington Street’s oldest surviving building in Wellington Village (and one of the three oldest houses built in the Ottawa West subdivision still standing). It was built by Joseph O’Neil, a 34-year-old millwright for his wife Mary Ann, their seven children (including two sets of twins), his brother and sister-in-law, and their two children.

Joseph O’Neil (who also built the old stone house on Churchill, now the office of law firm Farber-Robillard-Leith) died of appendicitis just seven years later while helping build a sawmill near Parry Sound. His widow Mary Ann remained in the home and raised her children by being very resourceful and taking whatever jobs she could. In the evenings she cleaned offices on Parliament Hill and took in sewing and washing at home during the day. Apparently she even helped take tolls at the toll house next door when the gatekeeper inevitably required a short break. She died in 1953 at the age of 91, after a full and eventful life.

When it was first built, the

house was 2 1/2-storeys and 10 rooms. The brickwork which remains today is original. A long workshed was attached at the rear, and at the back of the property was a chicken coop (these additions were replaced during the 1930s). The house was made into a duplex around this time by Mary Ann’s son Clarence, who remained in the home for almost his entire life.

The O’Neil’s granddaughter, Heather Backs, who kindly provided stories about her family for this column, including the great photograph from the 1920s, has wonderful memories of the home. She and other family members still visit on occasion, and she remarks how little the interior has changed over time.

In 1982, the house was converted to a French restaurant, Chez Soi, which later became Pasquale’s in 1987 (operated by Pasquale Valente, patriarch of the family that now operates the popular Fratelli’s restaurants). It became Bella’s Bistro Italiano mid-1990s.

Sadly, this beautiful 120-year old building – a house that has seen the neighbourhood grow from vast open farmland to the busy and bustling community that it is today – is doomed to become a victim of the development of Wellington Street. The O’Neil family home is a symbol of the Richmond Road of long ago; of farmers delivering their produce to the

city each morning; of Ottawa’s first cars travelling along a dusty, bumpy road; and of a neighbourhood born almost overnight in the excitement and optimism after each of the world wars. The street has transformed from a boulevard of villas and grand homes in the countryside, to a lively commercial street where even this house had to acquiesce and become a restaurant to survive. Indeed it has thrived, from the days when it truly was the gateway entrance to Ottawa, and exists as a true landmark building, one destined

to be razed to make way for a “landmark” that will only be artificial in comparison.

Dave Allston is a local history buff who researches and writes house histories and also publishes a popular blog called The Kitchissippi Museum ( His family has lived in Kitchissippi for six generations. Do you have any early memories to share? We’d love to hear them! Send your email to See the web version this story at for more photos.

Continued from page 5

KT EARLY DAYS … and here it is today.Photo by Andrea Tomkins

A Bytown and Nepean Road Company ticket from circa 1915.

Image courtesy of theCity of Ottawa Archives

KITCHISSIPPI TIMES October 15, 2015 • 7

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Joyce Owen AD_Kissippi 2015-05-05 11:53 AM Page 2

There is no buying or selling in this Facebook groupThe “buy nothing” economyBy Sarah Banks

Take a look around your home and there’s a very good chance you will find something you could live without. And there’s an even better chance that someone else in your com-munity would benefit from having that some-thing.

Perhaps it’s a slow cooker that you’ve only used twice in the five years you’ve owned it. Or an unopened box of Lego – your son received two of the same at his birthday this year. Maybe there’s three gallons of unopened primer sitting in your garage and you have no plans to use it.

Now think about what would happen if you offered these items at no cost to the people who live in your community. No strings attached, no money exchanged and no expectation of bartering. Bottom line, you give a gift to your neighbour.

This is the premise behind Buy Nothing, an international movement that has its very own chapter in Britannia/Westboro (serving residents of Tunney’s Pasture, Island Park, Lincoln Fields, Carlingwood, Bayshore, Westboro and Britannia).

Administered by Jodi McIntosh and Steph Godard, the Buy Nothing Britannia/Westboro group is hosted on Facebook ( and has close to 300 members. Recent items made available have included baby formula, a coffee maker, blank art canvasses, and a dresser.

According to Steph Godard, the movement is grounded in two fundamental ideas – first, that we should do our best as a society to combat consumerism and reduce

landfill by focusing on reusing and recycling. Second, and perhaps most important, is that we should connect and engage with our fellow community members in a meaningful way.

“In the past year, I’ve made so many friends and connections that I otherwise wouldn’t have, were it not for Buy Nothing,” says Godard. “At the end of the day, an exchange of free goods or services is made richer by the people I’ve met as a result.”

And yes, in case you were wondering, free services are part of the mix as well. Snow shoveling, tutoring, resume drafting and cooking are all examples of services that would be warmly welcomed on the Buy Nothing network. One member recently offered a free batch of cupcakes.

When it comes to determining just who will

be the lucky recipient of a good or service, there’s no set formula but there are a few rules. Not to be confused with a charity or community bulletin board, Buy Nothing is a “hyper-local gift economy.”

There is no buying, selling, bartering or soliciting. When a member posts a good or service, those interested are discouraged from posting sob stories of need. The decision is up to the gifter and can be as simple as a name draw or a more thoughtful process based on the posts of those who have expressed interest and shared their reasons for hoping to be the lucky recipient.

“No matter how the

free good or service ends up in someone’s hands, we just hope that it is done face-to-face and connections are made,” says Godard. “We discourage porch pick-ups because it defeats our key purpose of connecting people in a positive and giving way.”

When asked what her own personal experience with Buy Nothing has been like, Godard is effusive. “I’ve gifted and been gifted so many times. It’s been amazing. One time I gave away a breadmaker and the woman was so thrilled. She said she was going to go home and make pizza dough with it. I couldn’t use it but she definitely could. It felt great.”

Trash or treasure?The City of Ottawa Giveaway Weekend is taking place Saturday, October 24 and Sunday, October 25. Place unwanted items out at the curb on Giveaway Weekend with a sign on it with the word “FREE.” Items could include: books, CDs, DVDs, old furniture and small appliances, kitchen gadgets, dishes, cutlery, pots and pans, unwanted gifts. Please note, the Consumer Product Safety Bureau of Health Canada advises that used children’s items such as baby walkers, cribs, car seats, strollers, playpens, bath seats, mattresses, blinds, toys and other child-related items should not be placed at the curb for Giveaway Weekend. Make sure at the end of the day, bring any uncollected items back to your home.

Morgan Banister says “Buy Nothing” Facebook group posts encompass a wide variety of items ranging from magazines to flatscreen TVs.Photos by Andrea Tomkins

Marieke Bergman is a teacher who has been the recipientof some useful items for her classroom. She also says it’san ideal concept for anyone who is moving and needsto get rid of things quickly. @Kitchissippi kitchissippitimes • October 15, 2015

October is International Walk to School monthDo you walk to school?By Bhavana Gopinath

October is International Walk to School month, an annual event to remind parents and children about the benefits of walking or biking to school. Many schools hold activities to reinforce the benefits of active transportation.

We know that active transportation confers significant benefits: kids get a daily dose of exercise, learn to navigate roads safely, and develop independence and self-confidence. More kids walking to school also means less traffic congestion and is the greener alternative. And the best thing about walking? It’s free and accessible. Barring a limiting physical disability, any child can walk.

And yet, fewer kids walk or bike even within the schools’ designated Walk Zones. According to a 2013 Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth, 58% of parents walked to school when they were kids, only 28% of their children walk to school today.

Wallace Beaton, the School Program Coordinator for Active & Safe Routes, says that this decline in walking has several causes. For instance, modern suburbs and communities are not designed to be pedestrian-friendly, with many streets lacking sidewalks, or without direct walking/biking connections to schools.

Also, mornings are more rushed today when both parents work outside the home so it is often convenient to drive kids to school rather than walk them. Furthermore, parents are increasingly concerned about speeding cars and pedestrian safety and deem it safer to drive their kids.

As parents see fewer students walking or biking, they become more reluctant to have their own kids do the same. This has become the new norm.

There are ways to reverse this trend. Organizations such as Active & Safe Routes to School, in consultation with schools and community stakeholders are developing School Travel Planning programs. These provide analyses of the obstacles to walking

faced by each school, and develop plans to make it safe for kids to walk.

These initiatives are slowly influencing how parents and schools view this issue. Kitchissippi-area schools such as Broadview Public School, Churchill Alternative School, Elmdale Public School, and Devonshire Community Public School have collaborated with Active & Safe Routes to promote active transport. They have tried various tools to improve the walking environment—using more adult crossing guards, re-routing traffic patterns, improving signage, to name a few.

The rebuild of Broadview went further: inputs were sought from Active & Safe Routes at the conception stage. The new school design will have more access points to help kids enter school, more bike racks, and the main building will open to Dovercourt Avenue. This will encourage walkers and bikers.

Ottawa School Transport Authority is also piloting a Walking School Bus program. Each WSB

has a screened, trained, and paid leader, who walks with a group of students with specific routes and schedules.

Jeff Leiper, the Councillor for Kitchissippi Ward, is concerned about drivers speeding and disobeying traffic rules. To help pedestrians, he supports reducing the default speed limit on Ottawa’s residential streets to 40 km/h from the current 50 km/h. The City has put up traffic-calming measures including Flexi-Posts (as seen on Broadview and Dovercourt Avenue) to remind drivers to stay within the speed limit.

While Councillor Leiper sympathizes with parents of young children worried about their kids’ safety when they walk to school, he says, it is safer than parents think it is.

“Parents can organize their own walking school bus, send their kids in groups, and teach them the rules of the road,” says Leiper. “For every parent who sends their kid walking to school, it makes the streets safer for everyone.”

WANT TO LEARN MORE?For some useful resourcesabout active transportation, check out:


Wallace Beaton, the School Program Coordinator for Active & Safe Routes, pictured at Connaught PS. where a Walking School Bus was recently implemented and has already provento be very popular. Photo by Andrea Tomkins

Kitchissippi times October 15, 2015 • 9

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Westfest finds a new home in MechanicsvilleOff to greener pasturesBy Craig Lord

The 2016 installment of Westfest is moving from the streets of Westboro to the grassy fields of Laroche Park, the festi-val announced in a press release on Oct.8.

Westfest producer, Elaina Martin, says the Kitchissippi Park has been “overlooked” in the past, and notes that the original intent of Westfest was to reinvigorate an unappreciated city space. Her discussions with the Mechanicsville Community Association that manages the park sealed the deal.

“We get this feel from them that they really wanted to bring people in and celebrate in their park,” Martin says. “We realized this is a really great fit. Because that’s what we do: we bring stimulus to areas that are overlooked.”

The positive response from members of the community she’s spoken with has reaffirmed Martin’s decision.

“That’s music to my ears. I want to go somewhere where they want us.”

Martin says she is excited by the potential of the location. Laroche Park is one block off of Scott Street, with the Ottawa River and Trans Canada Trail just to the north. The site also

features transit access from Bayview Station and parking on neighbouring streets and at the nearby Tunney’s Pasture lots.

“We can now invite people to come down with their families, their blankets, and their lawnchairs – their coolers, even. This will be a community celebration like nothing we’ve ever been able to house,” says Martin.

Westfest was put in a bind in July when the Westboro Village BIA decided to opt out if its title sponsorship in order to pursue other initiatives, including a more cost-efficient Westboro festival. Since then, Martin has been searching for a location and new title sponsors.

Sheba Schmidt, owner of West End Kids in Westboro, was at odds with the Westboro BIA’s decision, organizing petitions to change the board’s minds.

Though she’s disappointed that Westfest will no longer be at her doorstep, she’s happy Martin is keeping the festival’s momentum going.

“It’s been a really emotional ride for all of us. … I’m very happy for her that she was able to salvage,” Schmidt says.

The Westboro BIA recently issued a request for proposals for its new summer festival, pricing the 2016 budget for the event at $100,000, $25,000 less than what Martin had to run Westfest in 2015.

“That’s not a lot of money. … It’s something I’m going to be very vocal about at the [Annual General Meeting],” says Schmidt.

For Martin, who has been constantly “jumping through hoops” to resolve Westfest’s woes, it’s a relief to have the location finally nailed down.

“It has been a hard summer. I

was very sad and depressed when I first got that news. It was a shock. But I’m a survivor,” she says.

“I was able to, with the strength of the community behind me, pull up my big girl pants and make this happen… The future looks bright for this festival.”

The 13th edition of Westfest will run June 10-12, 2016.

“I was able to, with the strength of the

community behind me, pull up my big girl

pants and make this happen… The future

looks bright for this festival.”

Elaina Martin, the founder and producer of Westfest, says the popular festival’s new location will be a “stimulus” to the area. File photo by Ted Simpson @Kitchissippi kitchissippitimes • October 15, 2015

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Je veux devenir votre députée parce que je pense qu’il est possible de faire mieux. Avec mon équipe, j’ai frappé à plus de 80 000 portes pour écouter et encourager la participation de mes concitoyens. Je sais qu’ils veulent voir des progrès et des résultats sur les enjeux locaux. Les priorités nationales du Parti libéral vont contribuer à améliorer le Canada pour nous tous, et mon plan de traiter des questions locales va contribuer à améliorer la vie dans notre collectivité.

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Votez pour de nouveaux emplois et pour des investissements dans notre économie Votez pour la protection de notre environnement

Votez pour des idées et des visées pour Ottawa-Centre

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Authorized by the Official Agent for Catherine McKenna .

Autorisé par l’agent officiel de Catherine McKenna.




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Girls’ program seen as a ‘foundation for life’

Canadian Girls in Trainingcelebrates special milestoneBy Judith van Berkom

Cherish health, Seek truth, Know God, and Serve others – these were the principles that genera-tions of women grew up embracing as they attend-ed CGIT (Canadian Girls in Training), organized through local Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian and Methodist churches across Canada from 1915 to the present.

Born out of the ‘restless eagerness of teenage girls to be of service’ CGIT became a mid-week prac-tical extension of what was learned in Sunday school. Small groups of 8 to 10 girls, between the ages of 12 and 17, met on a weekly basis over a five-year period with an under-standing leader who placed responsibility on the girls.

The likes of Flora MacDonald, Sheila Rogers, Kathleen Wynne, Maud Barlow, Jean Pigot – all graduated from CGIT whose purpose was “to become with his help the girls God would have them be.”

“Nine times out of ten if you meet a woman you admire,” explains Carol Ann Joiner, whose mother and daughter both attend-ed CGIT, “they are CGIT graduates.”

Joiner “served others” after graduating, earning her 25-year volunteer pin several years ago. Her daughter attended the last class here in Ottawa in 2012.

Distinguished by their uniform – a fashionable ‘middy’ in 1915 – with either a white or blue skirt, whose length went up or down according to

fashion, or the white or blue shorts worn in sum-mer at Camp Kallala on the Quebec side, the middy is only worn today for special occasions such as formal initiation, Vesper service, fund-rais-ing events and gradua-tion.

“CGIT is the core of who I am,” says Joiner. “Everything I do – cherish health – I watch what I eat, exercise regularly; when there are things going on at work I ‘seek truth’ or times are tough in life and I’m flounder-ing, I struggle to know God.”

Joiner went through a divorce and remarried in her life. Her daughter is adopted. The program bills itself as “a founda-tion for life.”

“Because you’re in a small group every week with other struggling girls, all grappling with life’s decisions, you build life-long friendships,’ says Joiner. “You’re with the same leader for five years, someone who loves you, is interested in you and lis-tens to you. They become your role models.”

In some ways similar to Girl Guides, CGIT girls earn their lanyards, badg-es and pins. After three years, they receive a white lanyard to be worn on their middies. A World Friendship Badge, earned after completing a four-week intensive mission study, involved research-ing a project, presenting a report, raising funds.

“My girls said it was the highlight of their year,” says Joiner. Joiner was one of six senior girls invited to attend a leader-ship camp.

At the CGIT Centennial Celebration Tea, to be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 470 Roosevelt Ave. on Saturday, October 17, 2015, it is expected that over 100 ‘girls’ will be attending, some coming from as far away as Vancouver, the UK, and Southern Ontario.

Doreen Hewlett’s lead-er, now a woman of 86 years of age, will be in attendance. This repre-sents a momentous oppor-tunity to celebrate a movement that has had a positive effect on the lives of many women in our society today. It’s a chance to renew life-long friend-ships, to wear ‘middies’ with a real sense of pride in all that represents.

Carol Ann Joiner’s motherwith Doreen Hewlett, age 16,in their summer shorts with their middies. Canadian Girlsin Training will be celebrating 100 years on October 17, 2015 at Westminster Presbyterian Church on Roosevelt Avenuein Westboro. @Kitchissippi kitchissippitimes • October 15, 2015

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Local podcaster offers unique session at the Westboro BraineryThe Kingcast, liveStory and photoby Andrea Tomkins

Many of us have probably read a Stephen King novel or two, but a local resident and “super fan” is offering the opportunity to examine the political motivations behind Stephen King’s work with a two-hour ses-sion at the Westboro Brainery on October 27.

The Westboro Brainery, supported by the Dovercourt Recreation Centre, was originally inspired by the Brooklyn Brainery and the Rochester Brainery in the United States. The Brainery facili-tates short and inexpensive workshops on a unique range of subjects usually not found anywhere else in Ottawa.

Bob LeDrew is a little shy about calling himself a Stephen King “expert,” but he admits he might know a bit more about the author than the average person.

LeDrew is a local writer, broadcaster, teacher, and communications profes-sional. For the past 4 ½ years he has produced a weekly Stephen King pod-cast called The King Cast.

LeDrew estimates he’s done 80 hours worth of podcasting about King. (The full archive of epi-sodes is available on his website at

“I’m trying to thread this needle between fandom and criticism,” says LeDrew of his podcast. “It’s informed, enthusiastic, crit-icism that doesn’t take as a given that everything that King has written is great.”

So why Stephen King? LeDrew’s interest began when he was a teenager in the 1970s.

“A lot of kids around that time... got into science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

That was the case for me,” says LeDrew. His first “sci-ence fiction crush” was Ray Bradbury, especially his ear-lier, darker material. “He was the gateway for me,” says LeDrew. (LeDrew wrote him a fan letter and actually received a letter in response, which is now framed).

LeDrew thinks the first book he picked up of King’s was Salem’s Lot. “That’s the one that hooked me,” he says, and he still has that first copy. After Salem’s Lot, Stephen King novels became an easy Christmas gift and he slowly amassed a collection.

King’s books are not exactly considered to be high literature. LeDrew credits Elizabeth Boardmore, a university professor at what is now Cape Breton University, for encouraging a deeper look at the popular author.

“One of the things she taught me was to love liter-ature that has a sense of place. That to me, is one of King’s great strengths,” he says.

If there’s one thing many would agree upon, it’s that King’s books are immensely readable.

“I have always felt like if you can only read a book once, it’s not much of a book… A really good book is one you can go back to multiple times and find some discovery in it,” says LeDrew.

LeDrew points out how King’s life path has in many ways mirrored the people – and the fears – of his age, the baby boomers.

“Everything [Stephen King] has done has a con-text, whether it’s sociologi-cal, psychological, or politi-cal. He’s a writer of his times.”

Take Firestarter for

example: “It’s essentially a story about a government gone rogue, a shadow gov-ernment. It’s a story about people who have great power and no accountabil-ity.”

Although Stephen King is not commonly known for his political writings, LeDrew’s session promises to provide an evocative look at a side of the author

that most people do not consider.

“He’s a deeply political man who writes about stuff in a very allegorical way. If you choose to read it.”

To register for Bob LeDrew’s session go to wes tborobra . LeDrew’s website and archive of podcasts can be found at

Kitchissippi resident and popular podcaster Bob LeDrew is inviting residents to take a closer look at one of the most popular authors of our time at the Westboro Brainery on October 27.

PREP FOR CLASSWorkshop participants can do some advance reading (or re-reading) beforehand. LeDrew’s recommended pre-class fi lm viewing includes Dead Zone, Firestarter, and The Stand. See the entire list online at



KITCHISSIPPI TIMES October 15, 2015 • 13

PUBLIC CONSULTATIONPolicy Update for Pupil Accommodation Review Process

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board currently undertakes school accommodation reviews in accordance with Policy P118.PLG, School Accommodation Studies.

The Ministry of Education has recently released an updated Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (March 2015) and requires school boards to amend their policy documents to incorporate the requirements of the new guideline. These changes came about as a result of comments provided to the Ministry of Education from parents, schools/communities and school boards.

In an effort to develop a more streamlined and efficient accommodation review process, policy amendments include minimum standards required to ensure that valuable school and community input is heard when addressing the need for the movement of students, relocation of programming and/or the consolidation of facilities.

Details about this consultation can be found on the OCDSB website at: may be submitted to:

The consultation will be web- based and will take place until October 28, 2015. We look forward to your consideration of the updated material and feedback.

Who’s your favouriteKitchissippi Instagrammer?

We are compiling a list of the best Kitchissippi-area Instagram accounts for our new websiteat Send an email with your suggestions.Or tag us on Instagram! We’re @kitchissippitimes. @Kitchissippi kitchissippitimes • October 15, 2015

Find us at

Got a great photo to share? Tag us! You may see your photo in the

Kitchissippi Times.

Follow KT on Instagram for a special glimpse into our community.



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Artists and community collaborate to keep our waters cleanFour perspectives, one goal Story and photo by Joseph Hutt

Keeping the Ottawa River safe and clean is no small task for The Ottawa Riverkeeper (TOR), but a local art gallery has decid-ed to lend a hand in pre-serving this community resource. On October 8, the Wall Space Gallery launched Point of View, a fundraising exhibit put together in collaboration with TOR and the Canadian Art Collective (CAC).

“When we set out to develop this gallery in the heart of Westboro Village, we had envisioned a proj-ect-driven space and an opportunity to support the community in which we live,” Gallery Director Patricia Barr explains.

Knowing how impor-tant a community resource the Ottawa River is, and how much TOR relies on community support, Barr worked to set this collabo-ration in motion. The first step was bringing together TOR Development Director, Ruth McKlusky, and CAC artist, David Lidbetter.

“Lidbetter has been painting the Ottawa River all his life,” Barr says. “This was a natural pair-ing.”

Lidbetter could not agree more. “I love the Ottawa River,” he says. “I have canoed it, camped along it, swam in it, fished it and painted it from Temiscaming to Montebello in all four sea-

sons over the past 20 years.”

If it means preserving the river for generations to come, Lidbetter claims, “I personally will do whatev-er I can to help [TOR] in their efforts.”

“Collaborative efforts like this are fantastic,” McKlusky affirms on behalf of TOR. “A big important piece of loving the [Ottawa] River involves art and culture,” and using these cultural aspects “to connect people to the water.” This is exactly what the Point of View exhibit endeavors to do.

Point of View features four unique paintings and perspectives of the Ottawa River, crafted and donated by CAC artists Lidbetter, Laurie de Camillis, Peter Rotter, and Stewart Jones.

“We decided on the title ‘Point of View’,” Lidbetter explains, “to illustrate our love of the Canadian land-scape and how each of us has a different way of see-ing and interpreting it… I hope people visiting the gallery will feel this pas-sion.”

TOR representatives were also present during the launch to share their perspectives of the Ottawa River. With a handful of presentations, they offered an interesting element of context to this artistic eve-ning.

Proceeds from the launch and the sale of this body of works (the latter totaling $6400) will be donated to TOR. This

donation, McKlusky says, “will enable us to continue to raise awareness and work together for a healthy and accessible river, and for a watershed where we can safely swim, drink, and fish our local waters.”

While this event has highlighted how well this group can work together, it should come as no surprise that this is not the first time that they have collab-orated. On August 21, Lidbetter, TOR, and Wall Space Gallery took over Winston Square to host a day of activities meant to entertain and educate the community about the Ottawa River and its role in the community.

As McKlusky explains,

“We all realize that it takes a watershed to protect a river. Our river supports life and brings health and happiness to our commu-nities.”

The group recently wel-comed the Clocktower Brew Pub into this collabo-ration as well. As more people come to acknowl-edge the importance of what they are trying to preserve, this collaborative effort will only continue to grow.

The paintings will be on display at Wall Space Gallery (358 Richmond Rd.) until Saturday October 31. For more information go to

David Lidbetter’s Little Chaudiere Rapids is partof a fundraising exhibit put together in collaborationwith The Ottawa Riverkeeper and the Canadian Art Collective.

Left to right: Patricia Barr, Laurie de Camillis, Meredith Brown, Stewart

Jones, Peter Rotter, Ruth McKlusky, David Lidbetter, and Tom Barr.

OCTOBER 15 - MINDFULNESS IN EVERYDAY LIFEJoin Dr. Kathy Nathan at 2 p.m. for this intro-duction to the practice of mindfulness at the Carlingwood branch of the Ottawa Public Library. You will look at both formal and infor-mal mindfulness practices as they relate to your well-being and the cultivation of a balanced, contented and meaningful life.For more information go

OCTOBER 16 - FALL RUMMAGE SALE Friday October 16 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday October 17 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Kitchissippi United Church (630 Island Park Dr.). Clothes, books, toys, kitchenware, small appliances, boutique specials and more! Call 613-722-7254 for info.

OCTOBER 17 - SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE AT THE WESTBORO LEGIONLive music provided by Marlene Fawcett & Mountain Breeze, upstairs 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. For more information visit or call 613-725-3475.

OCTOBER 17 - KIWANIS CLUB OF OTTAWA WATCH-IT SHRED-IT DAYGet rid of old documents in a safe and secure way, and help raise money for Kiwanis at the same time. Hampton Park Plaza (Carling & Kirkwood) from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cost is $8.00 per box. Box should be about the size of a banker’s box (12x16x12) or any size that you can carry. For more information email

OCTOBER 19 – AUTHOR VISITJoin author Jennifer Robson at 6:30 p.m at the Carlingwood branch of the Ottawa Public Library as she discusses Somewhere in France and After the War is Over, her popular historical novels set during and after the Great War. Registration recommended. For more informa-tion go to

OCTOBER 22 - WESTBORO COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGAttend the 2015 annual general meeting and Board elections. Hosted by Councillor Jeff Leiper, there will be presentations by: Big Trees Kitchissippi, Clare Gardens Park volunteers, Wild Westboro garage sale, development and infill activities. 7 p.m. at the Churchill Seniors Center. For more information contact Norm 613-729-8263 normmorrison

OCTOBER 24 - WOODROFFE UNITED CHURCH FALL BAZAAR Items available include china, books, bake table, silent auction, toys,jewellery, used furniture, and much more. 207 Woodroffe Ave.from 9 a.m to 1 p.m. Refreshments and lunch available. For more information, please contact the Woodroffe United Church at 613-722-9250.


Live music provided by Gord Barnes, upstairs 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. For more information visit or call 613-725-3475.

OCTOBER 25 - COUNTRY MUSIC APPRECIATION EVENT AT THE WESTBORO LEGIONCelebrate the country music genre with other fans in the downstairs hall of the Legion from 1:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Live music will be per-formed by Country Mile and other special guests. Doors open at 1:00 p.m., tickets are $15. All proceeds will help support the artists, the Westboro Legion, and the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP). For additional information, including how to pur-chase tickets, visit or call 613-725-3475.

OCTOBER 26 - ESTATE PLANNINGThis workshop is for those who need to create a plan to distribute assets during life or upon death. At the Carlingwood Branch of the Ottawa Public Library on Monday, October 26 at 6:30 p.m. Presented in partnership with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada. Registration recommended. For more information go to

OCTOBER 29 - ENRICHED BREAD ARTISTS ANNUAL OPEN STUDIO OPENING NIGHTThe Enriched Bread Arists (951 Gladstone Ave.) is an art collective. EBA artists work in all media and originate from all over the world. The Annual Open Studio is a prime time to share their work and vision with Ottawa. The studios will be open over two weekends, beginning with the Opening Night on Thursday, October 29, from 6-9 p.m. It continues through that weekend to Sunday, November 1, and reopens the follow-ing weekend from November 6 to the 8. The times are Friday evenings from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free. For details visit EBA’s website at

OCTOBER 30 - ARTS NIGHTFirst Unitarian Church, 30 Cleary Ave (off Richmond Rd.) at 7:30 p.m. This month’s guests will include Margaret Southall, author; Valerie Hennigar, doll collector and Kenny Hayes, musi-cian, singer & actor. Admission is $5. For more information call 613-725-1066.

OCTOBER 31 -HALLOWEEN DANCE AT THE WESTBORO LEGIONLive music provided by Doug and Pam Champagne, upstairs 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. For information visit or call 613-725-3475.

OCTOBER 31 – FLEA MARKETClothing, jewelry, collectables, household items, toys and books. Refreshments available. St. Matthias Church (555 Parkdale at the Queensway) from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more information call 613-728-3996.

NOVEMBER 5 - PLAY READING WITH LOUISE HAYDENRead aloud and laugh out loud at Play Reading! We read the parts and discuss the themes, back-ground, and historical context, as well as share our own evaluations of the work at Carlingwood Library Thursday, November 5 at 6:30 p.m. No theatre experience necessary. Registration is rec-ommended. For more information go to

NOVEMBER 9 - LEGAL SERVICES & TENANT RIGHTSDo you have questions about legal services and your rights as a tenant? Join us for this interactive session with the Community Legal Education and Outreach Division of the University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic at Carlingwood Library on Monday, November 9 at 2 p.m. Registration is recommended. For more informa-tion go to

NOVEMBER 14 - FOOD BAZAARSt. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church (579 Parkdale Ave.) will be holding its annual Food Bazaar on Saturday November 14 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Drop by for deli, frozen foods, candy, baking, Christmas table and coffee shop.

NOVEMBER 14 - GRAND MARKETPLACEChurchill Seniors’ Centre (345 Richmond Rd.) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hosted by 11 Grandmother Groups. High quality, gently used goods; hand-made crafts and goodies; homemade lunch at the Sweet & Savoury Café. All proceeds go to the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, in support of African Grandmothers raising their grandchil-dren orphaned by AIDS.

NOVEMBER 14 - FALL FAIR AT FIRSTVisit the popular Fall Fair at First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa (Cleary Avenue – one stoplight east of Woodroffe and Richmond). Silent auction (including valuable art), clothes, collectables, flea market, home made lunches. Great deals on gently used clothes, books, and timeless treasures! Newly knitted items, jewel-lery, stamps and coins, electronics, CDs, DVDs. 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. For information go to or call 613-725-1066.

NOVEMBER 21 – SNOW FESTMEC is throwing a party to welcome winter. Join your neighbours for a flurry of activities and con-nect with your local outdoor community. There will be activities and clinics for people of all ages and skill levels, in winter cycling, winter running, winter camping, and basic ski waxing. At MEC (366 Richmond Rd.) from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

NOVEMBER 21 - FAMILY DANCE WITH LIVE MUSIC Do you love to dance with your kids? Ottawa Contra Dance is hosting a Family Dance from 3:30 to 5 p.m. on Saturday November 21 at the Churchill Seniors Centre (345 Richmond Rd.). This is a community dance experience with live

music and a caller. All dances are taught and fam-ily friendly. Recommended for ages 3+. Under 16s are free, $10 for anyone over 16. For more information go to

BINGO AT THE LEGIONBingo every Wednesday night at the Westboro Legion. Doors open at 4 p.m. and games begin at 6:30 p.m. For more information visit or call 613-725-3475.

PAINTERS CIRCLE Come and join a group of friendly peers to paint together, share ideas, and encourage each other. The Painters’ Circle meets on Tuesday mornings in Westboro. All media welcome including oils. All levels are welcome but this is not a class so experience is necessary. For details, contact Clea Derwent at 613-695-0505 or email

YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONSFor up-to-date news on your neighbourhood, stay in touch with your community association.

Champlain Park Community

Civic Hospital Neighbourhood

Hintonburg Community

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Westboro Community

KITCHISSIPPI TIMES October 15, 2015 • 15

Member – Canadian Investor Protection FundPaul Lordon | Financial Advisor |.|2301 Carling Ave. Suite 102 | Ottawa, ON K2B 7G3 | 613-721-1004 |

Your interests come first.Date: Oct 29 2015Registration at 6:45 p.m. and Presentation 7:00 - 8:00 p.m

Location: Dovercourt Recreation Centre

Franklin Templeton InvestmentsTime To Take Stock Seminar

• Paul D. W. Lordon, CFP®, CIM®

• Connie Barker CFP®

• Richard Santiago, Financial Advisor®

Richard Santiago, Financial Advisor® | 939 Carling Ave (Carling Ave & Sherwood) | Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E4 | 613-759-8094Richard Santiago, Financial Advisor® | 939 Carling Ave (Carling Ave & Sherwood) | Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E4 | 613-759-8094

Member – Canadian Investor Protection FundPaul Lordon | Financial Advisor |.|2301 Carling Ave. Suite 102 | Ottawa, ON K2B 7G3 | 613-721-1004 |

Your interests come first.Member – Canadian Investor Protection FundPaul Lordon | Financial Advisor |.|2301 Carling Ave. Suite 102 | Ottawa, ON K2B 7G3 | 613-721-1004 |

Your interests come first.RSVP your seat today at 613-759-8094

7:00 - 8:00 p.m• Richard Santiago, Financial Advisor

To place a Classifi edor Marketplace ad, please call


Deadline for submissions:October 21

editor@kitchissippi.comPlease include “Community Calendar” in

the subject line of your email.

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