Kindly Sponsored by - Cheshire Centre · 2020. 1. 25. · Welcome to the Summer Edition of the...


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Closing date for next edition: 31st August 2018

The Worm turns

Chairman’s Message

Finally, the sunshine has arrived on the rally field and the long, wet winter is now a distant memory. Most of our centre rallies have been full, while it keeps me busy updating the web site, it’s a great problem to have, so well done Rally Officers for your hard work and dedication. My experiences on the rally field and talking to fellow ralliers is that everyone has been enjoying themselves on the rallies, which is great to hear, long may it continue.

Eighty two Cheshire families travelled to Sledmere House, the venue for the 2018 National, over the Whitsun Bank Holiday. We were sited much closer than last time we were at this venue, only a five minute walk from the centre, which was great. The children’s sports was the first main event and our kids excelled themselves by winning the Ernie Sadler trophy.

It was an extremely proud chairman who was called forward for the presentation by the Caravan and Motorhome Club chairman, after the races, to receive the trophy. That set the scene for the rest of the weekend with our teams performing fantastically, winning many of the competitions albeit with less competition than in the past. But we can only beat who is there on the day. I even managed to win the Fun Run after a hard fought race. A truly memorable rally for Andrea and I.

The centre web site has been upgraded to a secure site. This means all communications between your browser and the website are encrypted so when you are using passwords you are now safe.

CAMC Chairman, Grenville Chamberlain Presenting Cheshire Chairman, Andy Gibbs, The Ernie Sadler Trophy At Sledmere House National.

Following the recent successful First Aid rally I would ask Rally Officers to include a

list of useful local locations and telephone numbers for use in the event of an

emergency, e.g. the local A&E, local doctor, vet, etc. on all Rally Welcome Letters as

the centre used to do. At a recent rally there was a medical emergency where the

family were in need of the nearest A&E but, as visitors to the area, were unsure where

that was. The Welcome Letter proved invaluable was the feedback I received.

Window stickers will be available shortly for those first aid trained ralliers to identify

themselves as willing to help in the event of an emergency.

While we have been enjoying ourselves we should spare a thought for some great

rallying friends who are sadly no longer with us.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Christine, Liz and Carol.

All that leaves me to do is to wish you an enjoyable summer, Andrea and I look

forward to seeing you on a rally field soon.

You may have heard that the centre is preparing to celebrate its 50th birthday.

Your committee has been busy organising a venue, Arley Hall and a date, 1 – 4 May 2020.

Things are beginning to take shape, the marquee has been ordered and Saturday

night’s entertainment booked; Trilogy – A Night Of Legends. There are a couple of pages

dedicated to the Celebration Rally on the web site that will be updated when further

planning is confirmed. So please keep an eye on those pages.

And one last request, keep the 1 – 4 May 2020 clear in your calendars as it would be great

to see you all there, let’s make this celebration rally really special.

Editor’s Spot Hi Everyone

Welcome to the Summer Edition of the Cheshire Centre Chronicle

This edition of the newsletter has been sponsored by Salop Leisure, thank

you to them, without sponsorship we would be unable to provide a colour


This edition is being distributed on the Junior rally and I am sure as always it will be

enjoyed by all who attend.

Since the last newsletter the National at Sledmere House

has taken place.

Everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves and the

weather was mostly kind, apart from Friday while siting

vans on the West Central Region block.

Martyn and Nicola Shaw were the Lead Block Marshalls.

Glenis and I along with Michelle and Mark from

Shropshire Centre were also Assistant Block Marshalls.

It is always a pleasure to work along side members

from other centres and by the time we finished siting

the vans we felt like old friends. So much so, they have

volunteered to Marshall again next year if we have the

same team.

Well done to all who represented Cheshire Centre in any of the activities. You all did

Cheshire proud.

This summer we are attending a Cheshire rally in France and are looking forward to it very

much. There are two other Cheshire Centre French holiday rallies taking place and I’m

sure they will be enjoyable. Thank you to the Rally Officers for putting these rallies on.

Wherever you go for your holidays I hope the sun shines on you and you have a great time.

Why not share your experiences with other ralliers in the next newsletter.

If you would like to contribute to the next edition, send it straight away and don’t do like I

used to do and think I’ll do it before the closing date. Closing date comes around very

quickly and before you know it, it’s only a couple of days away .

Until the Autumn edition, from Glenis and myself, safe tow and hope to see you soon on the

rally field, and most of all have fun, after all that’s what it’s all about.



Please send me articles, photos stories, tips, advice, anything for the newsletter.

What would you like to see included?

If you don’t tell me I don’t know.

If something interests you then I’m sure someone will also be interested in hearing about it.

Give me some feedback please!

Myself, Graham and Lewis would like to thank everyone for the cards, flowers and wishes of condolence sent from our Cheshire centre friends on the recent passing of Phil. We were so touched and they meant such a lot to us at such a sad time. We were also really overwhelmed with the attendance at the funeral and would like to thank everyone for attending, I cannot put into words how much it meant to us all. Love Liz


Thank you all for attending our junior rally this weekend, your support is welcomed and is

key to the ongoing presence of a Junior Committee in the rally programme. We hope you

have a fantastic weekend.

The Junior Committee have been on hand to support you all this year and we will continue

to do so as the year progresses.

Our membership increases annually and all junior ralliers are welcome to join in. You will

see us on rallies in our branded Cheshire Centre hoodies. We are often to be seen helping

out, though you will mainly relate all of us to the tuck shop!

I have been on the Junior Committee for a few years now and as the Chairman I am really

pleased at what we have delivered to the Cheshire Centre this year, I think it's really im-

portant that we keep doing this and enjoying rallying.

A massive thank you is to our parents, none of us could do this without you -,


As you all get ready for holidays, have a great time, be safe and enjoy the summer....we'll

be back in school, or college way too soon.

September and our AGM will be on the horizon. If you want to add value and get involved

with the Junior Committee now's your chance to get a nomination completed for election on

to the Junior Committee.

Thanks for everyone's support, again, it's brilliant.

James Rae

Junior Chairman


Ingredients: Juice of one orange

Soy Sauce 3 tbsp.

Runny Honey 1 tsp

Garlic clove Crushed

2 salmon fillets (Skinless)

Sesame oil 1 tsp

Sesame seeds

Stir fry greens: 3 Spring onions Finely chopped

Half Green pepper Finely diced

1 Red chilli Finely chopped

1Sweetheart (pointed) cabbage Half grated/ half chopped

Add orange juice, soy sauce, honey & garlic to a bowl

Season with salt & pepper

Add salmon to the bowl and marinate for a few minutes

Stir fry the greens

Cook salmon for 2-3 mins each side

Add 2 tbsps of marinade to greens

Pour remaining marinade around the salmon. Spoon over salmon

Reduce to a thin syrup

Put stir fry greens in centre of a plate and drizzle small amount of sesame oil over top

Place salmon on top of greens and drizzle over remaining marinade

Sprinkle sesame seeds over the salmon

This newsletter has

been kindly sponsored

by Salop Leisure

Support our sponsors, and let

them know where you saw their


G reat fun was had at the ‘Circus at Gwenymynydd ‘

Saturday night saw the arrival of circus to town.

Clowns were in abundance, one on a scooter traveling close to the speed limit!

Some were Happy, some were Sad,

some were doubling as ‘Andy Pandy’

Circus entertainers were also present from ‘Circus families’ of other centres.

Not only did they enjoy themselves and took part in circus ‘Skills’ competition.

They also won!

Thanks goodness this was not a sport at the National.

R alliers had a full rally

programme at

Gwenymynydd Village Hall

on May Day bank holiday

weekend, with three nights of

sequence and line dancing

(one with a circus theme),

card making session, prayer

and praise on Sunday morning

and all the usual rallying

fun! (Drinking?-Editor)

With visiting centres:

Buckinghamshire, Mid-

lands and South Lancs a

great time was had by all.

This was John and Valerie' s

25th rally as Rally Officers and

they now look forward to the

next 25!

John, Valerie, Alan and Pauline

would like to thank all the

ralliers for their support and

amazing fancy dresses, and

making the weekend so


Editor’s note:

I am still trying to identify the scooter riding clown.

I wish to interview him or her regarding riding a vehicle indoors while not wearing suitable Personal Protective Equipment, contrary to Club rules.

News from the Big Top

R eports have been made that Giant Pink

Rabbits invaded the Rally Field at the Easter Dalbeattie Rally.

They were described as being of various heights and sizes.

Two were wearing sunglasses.

The ring leader apparently spoke with a Scottish accent.

Regulars to the rally assured the new that there was nothing to worry about and that the rabbits have been seen before and are very friendly.

The rabbits were later seen distributing Easter eggs to all the vans.

Many ralliers commented that the Pink rabbits strangely resembled the

Rally officers, but could not be certain.

As quickly as they arrived

they disappeared and were not seen again.

Maybe they may will make an appearance next year.

Who knows!

Children in Need

Easter at Dalbeattie

The impromptu run took place on the sands in Blackpool attending the Cheshire Centre, Blackpool Hotel Weekend.

Thank you to the rally officers Trish & Jimmy and Janet & Brian

I n November 2017, the Chairman of The Cheshire

Centre, Andy Gibbs and the Chairlady of the East Kent Centre, Karen Burch agreed to do a run for Children In Need.

It was decided by the organisers that as it was Children In Need Weekend we could raise some money for this cause. The total that was raised was £131 by all attending.

Forget Nessie! Pink rabbits spotted on

Rally field !

C ongratulations Janet & Brian

McMurray on receiving their 600th multi rally plaque.


C ongratulations Trish & Jimmy Shaw on

reaching 500 Rallies.

Presented at the Easter Rally at Dalbeattie by Centre Secretary Glenis Chesterson

Also congratulations and thank you upon receiving their Silver Salver for running multiples of 25 Cheshire Centre Rallies.

C ongratulations Maureen and Dave

Millward on receiving their 300th multi rally plaque.

Presented at Siddington by Centre Chairman, Andy Gibbs.

Let’s get to know our Ralliers

The editor asked a few of our long standing ralliers a couple of questions about their rallying times. These are their answers.


What was your first rally? Bonfire Rally at Oulton Park1978

What was your first caravan? Eurocamper. It was only 9’ 6’’ long

Why did you start rallying? Good way to get to meet people

Favourite rally venue? Audlem Locks

Favourite tipple? Sue: Guinness

Most memorable moment rallying? Being first Cheshire Centre Member to be presented with the 1500 multi rally plaque.

Presented at the Easter rally at Dalbeattie by David Brown.

Are the following True or False? Answers on a following page

1. The reverse of the Nobel Peace Prize, shows three naked men, standing with their

hands on each other’s shoulders?

2. A cross between a horse and a zebra is called a Hobra?

3. All the kings in a standard deck of cards have a moustache?

4. Johnny Depp is afraid of spiders?

5. Taphephobia is the fear of losing your teeth?

6. Thomas Edison, who invented the lightbulb was afraid of the dark?

7. The can-opener was not invented until 45 years after the tin can?

8. Identical twins have the same fingerprints?

9. Elvis Presley was a black belt in Karate?

10. Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy?

11. In the film Fantasia, the Sorcerer's name was Yensid?

12. Charlie Chaplin once won first prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like contest?

13. The African Rhinoceros has two horns on it’s head?

14. In the Star Wars franchise movies, the voice of Yoda is played by the same person

who did the voices of Miss Piggy, Grover, and Cookie Monster?

An ode to Ton’s Drone (By Joan Benson)

Boy’s and their toys

What can I say

Tony asked Benno

‘Come out and play?’

An open field

Drone in hand

Up, up and away

Where did it land?

In a tall Oak tree

Well out of reach

‘Not to worry, Benno reassures Ton

I have a plan to reach the Drone

Towards the tree, the boys approach

To be greeted by a coach

The ghost bus tour has arrived

To view the race course, eyes open wide

With pole and LFC flag in hand

Benno hobbles across the land

Victorious and undefeated he hopes to be

As he looks up at the mighty tree

Soon a crowd is gathering

To watch this spectacle unfold

Benno is whipping the tree

He's going for GOLD

But the drone is not moving

We all can see

Carole to the rescue

On Ton’s shoulders she climbs

An acrobat dream team

The world has never seen

Lights Spotted over York Racecourse

The drone is steadfast

Refusing to budge

Kev Patto suggests

‘A windbreak pole might

Give it a nudge!

Donno ‘The Gaffa tape King’

Tapes the poles

And has a swing

Another valiant effort has taken place

But the drone is truly fixed in space

Super hero Martyn Shaw

Comes to save the day

He climbs the fence

Begins to sway

The pole he swipes fast

The drone is defeated, at last

It begins to tumble to the ground

Carole swoops up the LFC flag

To capture the drone safe and sound

A valiant rescue effort was made by all

To save the drone from a fateful fall

It lives to fly another day

But away from trees it must stay

W hat’s in a name: MARBURY

Marbury means "a fortified place near a lake

Cynthia & Peter Wall

When was your first rally? 1972

What was your first caravan? Willerby Cost £350 new, with a £5 deposit

Why did you start rallying? Had been caravanning for 5 years but had never attended a rally. On joining Centre we received rally book and decided to give it a go.

We turned up on rally having not booked! We apologised and said it’s our first rally.

The Rally Officer said it’s OK it’s our first rally

as Rally Officers.

Favourite rally venue? Rhos on Sea

Favourite tipple? Peter: Whisky

Most memorable moment rallying? Reaching 1000th Rally and lifting the Sports cup on

behalf of the Cheshire Centre

Raising the Liverpool Flag Martyn finally let go of the Liverpool Flag

And finally

Finally, the adults quiz was Eileen’s idea

(we can’t take credit for that one!)

Everybody had to draw a picture of the TV

Programme or Film they had been given

in their envelope, and then walk round

and guess the programme or film from the


We added in a bonus prize for the best

drawing! Martyn and I walked round to

judge the best drawing, and there were

some that were so cryptic that we couldn’t

guess, even though we had the answers!

However, we couldn’t believe, again, the

effort everybody had put into the


Best drawing

Well done to Sarah and Tom Dale for the

best drawing!

It was a very difficult decision to make –

we had a shortlist of about 15 pictures

when we got back to the van, so it was

very hard to narrow it down!

Special mention has to go to Samina, Paul,

Jasmine and Jake who managed a clean

sweep of the competition’s at flag!

Jake’s colouring got picked out of a draw

by the chairlady Glenis Chesterson;

Jasmine’s nature board was one of the

boards that was narrowed down to 2 we

couldn’t choose between, and was picked

as the winner by Harry; and Samina and

Paul were the clear winners of the adults

with only 1 answer wrong!

Well done to all other winners and thank

you all for taking part!

Nicola, Martyn and Harry Shaw


W e’d like to thank everybody that took

part in the competitions we created

for the National Follow-On at York Race-

course. We tried to come up with different

ideas (especially for the children,) and

where you couldn’t use the internet; and it

was so lovely to get so much positive feed-

back about our ideas!


9-12 was a treasure hunt – they were each

given a bag with a list of items on it that they

had to find, (Thank you to Eileen for putting

together the bags! They looked great!)

Again, the effort put into the competition

was brilliant! None of the children could

find a 4-leaf clover, but each used their

initiative and it was lovely to see their

different ideas.

One made a 4-leaf clover out of paper, one

stuck an extra leaf to a 3-leaf clover, and

one was very impressive – they had

crocheted their own 4-leaf clover during

their time on the rally.


Teenagers didn’t let us down either! We

asked them to come up with as many words

as possible out of ‘National Follow on at York

Racecourse’ – we were very impressed

when an entry came in with over 500 words,

but then the winning entry came in with

over 700 words!

Good idea to keep the teenagers quiet –

bad idea for the rally officers marking the

competitions! Ha Ha!


0-5 was a colouring competition, as being

such a young age category, it was quite

hard to think of anything else suitable.


6-8 was to collect a selection of leaves/

flowers/twigs – anything from nature they

could find during their time in York, to

create a nature board.

We had some beautiful entries, and it was

lovely to see the effort the children had put

into it. 6-8 years entries


1. True

2. False Called a Zebroid

3. False King of hearts do not

4. False He is afraid of clowns

5. False Taphephobia" comes from the Greek "taphos" meaning "grave" + "phobia" from the Greek "phobos" meaning "fear" = literally, fear of the grave, or fear of being put in the grave while still alive

6. True

7. True

8. False

9. True

10. True

11. True It’s Disney backwards

12. False But he did once come third!

13. True

14. True Frank Oz

15. True

Barbara & Allan Beard

What was your first rally? Bonfire Rally at Oulton Park 1979

What was your first caravan? Toby Fleetwind

Why did you start rallying? We were having a bad experience with camping and our brother had a caravan and introduced us to caravanning

Favourite rally venue? Beech Farm

Favourite tipple? Barbara: Gin

Most memorable moment rallying? Being presented on stage at a Celebration rally first prize in a craft competition

National Rally Sports Whitewash

A s Sports Officer I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone that took part

either in a Cheshire team or in a different team to make up numbers so games good be



Mens Volleyball – Winners

Ladies Volleyball – Winners

Under 7's Football – Runners up

8-12 Football – Winners

Over 35's Football – Winners

Walking Football – Winners

Ladies Netball – Winners

Juniour Netball – Runners up

Lawn Darts – Winners

Petanque – Runners up

Board darts – Semi finalists

Childrens Sports – Winners

Relay – Winners

Disappointingly the club withdrew the President's Trophy this year, this trophy was

awarded to the centre with the most points. We would have won this trophy too.

The National next year will be at Ragley Hall, Warwickshire 24th – 28th May 2019.

Tom Dale Sports Officer





Well done from the Senior Committee

Livin’ on a Prayer at Winnington was lots of

fun! On Friday we had tea with Auntie Sam,

Uncle Phil and Anna – we were taste testing

the new supper

for Willaston

Worm Charming

which we are

running in June.

There was a quiz

and karaoke on

Friday night... I

was very proud of Mummy getting up to


On Saturday daytime there was the Fun Run

and we all dressed up

in fancy dress for

Sophie Woolgar.

I dressed up as Elmo

and Mummy was the

Cookie Monster...

Daddy was a clown

like last weekend at


although he didn’t put the whole outfit on so

ended up looking a bit like Mr Tumble! Ha


I ran round the whole fun run by myself….

I was almost last, but Mummy and Daddy

were still so proud of me as it was a long

way for little legs, and I didn’t ask to be

picked up once! The ice-creams we were

given at the end of the

fun run were very

yummy! Thank you!

On Saturday night Bon

Jovi performed for

us... he was brilliant! I

danced on the dance

floor with him and had so much fun!

Next was the National. I love being in the

caravan, so this was brilliant, as we got to go

early on Wednesday night because Mummy

and Daddy were the lead Block Marshals.

We had a very rainy day when we were

trying to site the vans, but the rest of the

time was lovely and sunny! I had so much

fun! I helped to put the bottles of orange

juice in everybody’s goody bags.

Since the Easter edition of the newsletter, I

have been on 6 rallies with my Mummy and


I have been on Fishing and Golfing at Mar-

ton, Join the Circus at Gwernymynydd,

Livin’ on a Prayer at Winnington, The

National, The National Follow-On at York

Racecourse, and Beech Farm.

Fishing and Golfing was very relaxing for

myself and Mummy, as Daddy went Fish-

ing and I enjoyed playing on the play

park... we went for a lovely meal at Pesto on

Saturday night!

Join the Circus at Gwernymynydd was so

much fun! The weather was really hot and

sunny and it felt like a long holiday

because we had an extra day for Bank

Holiday Monday.

Mummy, Daddy and I wore matching

T-Shirts on Friday

night to announce to

everybody our

exciting news about

my baby sister being

due in October,

Saturday night we ‘went to the circus’...

everybody dressed up in fancy dress and it

was so much fun with all the silly games!

The hot dogs were

very yummy, and I

was very pleased

with my cone of

sweeties I got off Sue

Higson, as she was

celebrating her birth-

day, and I’m too

young for wine!

Daddy was very good

at the diablo, so I think he was more excited

than me when I won one for the Children’s

competition! I’ve been practicing lots to

get as good as Daddy one day!


I met Andy and Holly and

had my ‘annual photo’

with them and I went into

the Tourer Explorer tent

and took part in lots of the

free activities they put on.

I played for Cheshire in the 0-7 Football

and even won a medal for coming


I also came

Runner-Up in

t he Photo -

graphic Com-

petition in the

Youth Category

‘My Family’, with a photo I’d taken my-

self with my own camera!

I even got to hold a baby

owl and have a

trip out to the

beach with

M u m m y ,

Daddy, Nana

and Grandad.

The fun continued at The

National Follow-On at

York Racecourse, which we were Rally

Officers for with Eileen, Paul and Chloe


As well as the activities on the rally field

like the fun and games, quiz by Alan,

Music by Ron, and the

Children’s Sports;

We got to visit York a few

times and I even got to go

to the Chocolate Factory

where I tried lots of chocolate and got to

make my own chocolate lollipop. It was


Mummy spent a little bit too much money

in the shop though! Ha Ha!

Mummy, Daddy and I would like to

thank everybody on the rally for the

lovely Thank You cards and presents.

Mummy and Daddy can’t wait to spend

the voucher you got us on something

lovely for the caravan!!

I’d also like to say Thank You to Barbara

and Peter Beeston for the bubbles you

bought me! As you can tell by how

much I played with my new bubble

lawn mower that Nana and Grandad

bought me... I LOVE bubbles

It didn’t feel like

we’d been home

very long and we

were back out again

at Beech Farm. This

was a nice relaxing

rally for Mummy

and Daddy after a

busy week at The National and


The afternoon tea was yummy and a

lovely surprise! The evening quiz was

the funniest, craziest quiz I’ve ever been

to! Thank you for the Children’s sweets

at flag. I was the only child and had the

choice from a whole tin of sweeties, so I

decided to share them out with all the

ralliers at flag, whilst Brian Hale told

one of his very long jokes! He He!

I can’t wait for the rest of the rallies we have

planed this year! Our next one is Willaston

Worm Charming which we are running with

Auntie Sam, Uncle Phil and Anna, and Steph,

Ross and Ronnie.

We’ve also got a few with other centres in

the coming months too! Thank you to all the

ralliers who are sharing in the fun I have

every weekend on a rally field... it’s like

having one ginormous family! I’ll look

forward to telling you

all about where I’ve

been and what I’ve got

up to in the next edi-

tion of the newsletter.

See you all on a rally

field soon!

Harry Shaw Age 2 1/2

The Worm Turns

Wil laston Worm Charming 2018

I ’d like to start with a big thank you to the

retiring rally officers. To Trish and Jimmy, to

Bill and Chris, thank you for trusting us with

your ‘baby’

To hand over the reins after 14 years couldn’t

have been easy and we’re honoured that you

chose us to take on that role. We sincerely hope

we did you proud this year, we did our very

best and any mistakes we’ve made, well, we’ll

learn from them, as you do running rallies of this


As a team of three, we had big shoes to fill when

it came to this rally, the format worked but we

still wanted to put our own little spin on it a little.

As expected, we had the usual stuff on the Fri-

day night; flag, tea, biscuits, a chance to sign up

for worm charming whilst having a little chat

amongst friends.

Thanks to the junior committee for the tuck

shop, it was certainly appreciated by the rally


Saturday was when the real fun began.

Beautiful sunshine helped the charmer’s spirits,

especially when the worms were very elusive, a

few weeks of dry weather and lack of rain meant

that the worms were VERY few and far between.

Even as previous world worm charming

champions, we only managed to extract 1 worm

officially (although we really got 2!). It was set-

tling to find that the overall winners only

achieved 11 worms, phew, it was a tough year.

Saturday evening led to a quiz, a bit of fun and

games for all ages plus a light supper, we were

even treated to a visit from Mr Hot Dog himself.

Huge thanks must go to Tom and Jimmy for the

loan of the gazebos and to Nick for keeping the

music going all evening, filling in the gaps with

‘baby shark’ – we haven’t managed to thank you

properly for that yet!

We like to think that everyone enjoyed them-

selves and had fun joining in in the challenges.

One lucky family team managed to take part in

every activity by keeping the team small!

Sunday morning and another beautiful day.

Children’s sports on the field, followed by flag

in the glorious sunshine – I think we all got a

little sun burnt.

At flag the highly anticipated trophy giving took

place, you know that’s the bit you’ve been wait-

ing for…who won?

Well, huge congratulations must go to the Coppen/

Lane and Gifford tag team, who stole back the

Cheshire Centre trophy (Gifford’s were 2017 winners

too) with a grand total of 3 worms! We told you it was

a bumper haul this year, and, to the Inns/Hull/

Greenfield/Hall tag team who (shared with 5 other

teams, I believe) actually won the world worm charm-

ing championships heaviest worm award on the day –

a 3g worm.

They only charmed one, but, it seems one is all it

takes! Massive congratulations guys. To our winners,

don’t forget to return next year to fight to retain your

titles – if you can!

The biggest thank you of the weekend though must go

to you, the ralliers, as without you and your support,

these events and weekends wouldn’t be a part of our

annual program. As rally officers, to fill a 40 van rally

is something amazing, but to do it in our first year

running it, that’s just phenomenal – granted we know

you came to charm worms really. But honestly, thank

you all from us, you’re support and participation are

greatly appreciated.

Well, we’ve given you a quick overview of what felt

like a fun filled and jam packed program of events

with very little time for us to sit down in between,

even if two of the team were pregnant and one of the

rally officers was just a wee 3 weeks old!

At flag, we passed comment that we thought we might

run the rally again…well we’ve started enquiries with

the land owners and we’d love to have you back! So,

here’s your 12 month warning….Willaston Worm

Charming will be taking place again next year. Same

place, same rally officers, same good fun and games –

so maybe you’d like to join us?

Thank you,

Sam, Phil and Anna Shaw

Nicola, Martyn and Harry Shaw

Please stop hitting my hand with the Mallet

Please keep dogs on leads at

ALL times,

No excuses

C an we introduce this year’s youngest

charmer of the worms, Ronnie Davison,

at just 3 weeks 2 days old, he attended his

first annual worm charming championships

and also managed to run a Cheshire Centre


Not sure if this makes him the youngest rally

officer on record, but it does mean he gets a

wonderful piece of plastic to share with his

mummy and daddy. Plus we thought it’d be

unfair to let him go home without his own

terracotta worm to celebrate!

p.s. we must say a huge congratulations to

first time mummy and daddy, Steph and Ross

Davison, he’s a handsome little man and we

look forward to seeing him grow up both on

and off the rally field.

Welcome to the world little


p.p.s. Big congratulations must also go to

Jackie and Gary Thomason, now officially

Grandma and Grandad to this gorgeous

little boy. We have no doubts that he will

be spoilt rotten by you both and can

already see how besotted you are by him

– brand new grandparents!

Congratulations on your first rally as a

rally officer, Ronnie, officially only your

second ever rally! Maybe next year,

you’ll help us to charm lots more worms


Love Sam, Phil and Anna Shaw

French speed limits set to be reduced

The French Government has announced it will be reducing the speed limit on two

lane roads.

The current speed limit of 90kph (56mph) will be reduced to 80kph (50mph) in a

bid to tackle an increase in the number of road deaths.

The change in law will be introduced from 1 July this year .

Cheshire Centre Golf Society (CCGS)

Woodside Golf Club. Captain 2018 – Kev Patterson

The 2018 season is now in full flow.

Our 2018 golf season started on April 7th with a visit to Woodside Golf Club. We had 21 players for this event and it turned out to be a wonderful start to our golf season and a fantastic start for our new Captain for 2018, Kev Patterson.

The first Tee off was after lunch and it was a blessing that it was; as the weather in the morning was atrocious but, by lunchtime it had cleared up and we had reasonable weather in the after-noon. We had 7 new members joining us for this event, together with 3 guests, which was great news for the society going forward.

Everyone had a great afternoons golf, with good food to start with and some good golf played, well from some members!

The clever golfers on the day were:

In 3rd place was Mike Hardcastle, who came home with 33 points. In 2nd place was Tony Pratt, with a lovely swing, attained 34 points. In 1st Place, the winner for this event was David Hardcastle, who won with a great score of 35 points. Those very clever golfers who managed to put the ball in the hole after 2 shots were: Phil Hughes and John Gardner. The dead eye who managed to put their ball nearer the pin than anyone else on a par 3 was our Captain, Kev Patterson. The almost as good dead eye who managed to put their ball nearer the pin than anyone else after 2 shots was David Hardcastle. The muscle bound big hitter who hit the longest drive was Mike Hardcastle.

Congratulations to all those clever golfers but, we obviously need to watch out for the Hardcas-tles!!

The clever golfers at this event were:

In 3rd place was Danny Phillipson.

In 2nd place was Mike Hardcastle.

(told you we needed to watch those Hardcastle's)

In 1st Place, the winner for this event was Barry Candeland.

Walton Hall Golf Club Report

Captain 2018 - Kev Patterson

Cheshire Centre Golf society had our 2nd outing of the year at Walton Hall Golf course in War-rington on Saturday 12/5/18.

It was a rather sombre day due to recent events. A minutes silence was held for our Vice Cap-tain Phil Hughes. A well thought of member and cherished friend. We decided to carry on with today’s event after speaking with Phil's family, who insisted it was what Phil would have want-ed.

We had 19 players 16 members and 3 guests.

Congratulations to our winners today,

1st Barry Candeland

2nd Mike Hardcastle

3rd David Phillipson

Nearest the pin Tony Morrison and Danny Phillipson.

Nearest the pin in 2 Mike Hardcastle.

Longest drive Kev Patterson

Winning guest Craig Patterson.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers and messages, all have been passed on to the family.

Our next outing is on June16th 2018 at Aldersey Green Golf Club, Chester.

Thanks for your continued support

The dead eye's who managed to put their ball nearer the pin than anyone else on a

par 3 was Tony Morrison and Danny Phillipson.

The almost as good dead eye who managed to put their ball nearer the pin than any-

one else after 2 shots was Mike Hardcastle.

The muscle bound big hitter who hit the longest drive was our Captain Kev Patter-


The 'winning' guest was Craig Patterson.

Congratulations to all those players and thanks to all those attending.

We must thank everyone involved with the Society for all your prayers and messages

for Phil. All those have been passed onto Phil's family.

Our next event: Our 3rd outing will take place on June 16th at Aldersey Green Golf

Club, near Chester.

Calling all golfers, please feel free to come and join us, just get in touch with our

Secretary, Robin Byrne, his contact details are on the CCGS page of the CC website.

Aldersey Green

Captain 2018 - Kev Patterson

The Centre Golf society held our 3rd outing of the year at Aldersey Green Golf Club on Satur-day 16/6.

We had a fantastic turn out with 17 members and 7 guests, we were treated to a bacon sand-wich on arrival, the weather was good except for the last hour or so. The nearest the pins and longest drive were sponsored at this event. The results are as follows,

1st Joe Whelan 27pts

2nd Robin Byrne 27 pts

3rd Danny Phillipson 27 pts

The places had to be decided by a Card play off.

The winning guest was Ian Roberts with 31 pts.

The nearest the pin winners were Ian Hallworth, Craig Bunting and Ian Roberts.

The Longest drive was Kev Patterson.

Editor's View of the National Under 7s 5 a-side football

(Is this the cutest team ever?)

At the National rally Cheshire Centre entered a team in the under 7s 5 a-side football.

The team was inexperienced with an average age of 3 years!

They were also hampered with shirts that reached their ankles and had to be held up in a variety of inventive ways.

At half time it was not so much an orange, but a quick nappy change.

One player found it hard going in the heat, but was soon ready to go again after a Haribo sweet.

Our team fought hard, but were eventually beaten in the final and received runners up medals.

They may not have won but they were definitely the cutest!

With training from

team captain Tom,

who knows they may

win next year.

Injury Scare to ‘Senior’ Cheshire Centre footballer

Cheshire ‘Senior’ football team were rocked by an injury scare at the National.

Steve Benson was injured falling over a water pipe in the sports arena.

The Editor was assured it was not due to drink.

Like a true professional Steve rolled on the floor and shouted ‘Referee’

At the time of going to press the editor had not received any photos of the event.

Here are re enactments

After initial first aid (and much

laughter) the National

Paramedic arrived.

He examined the stricken

player and helped him to his


After a ‘Miracle Man Hug’

from the paramedic Steve

was ‘Cured’ and went on to

play for the victorious ‘Senior


For your safety, your PUP tent should be no bigger than 6’x

6’, no higher than 5’, and must be placed in the position nor-

mally occupied by the awning

W hat’s in a name: Siddington

The village has been in existence since Anglo-Saxon times. Its name is derived from the Old English words suthan and dun, denoting a place 'south of the hill'


5MPH AT ALL TIMES on the Rally field


Cadac breakie!

8 eggs in a bowl, whisk.

Chopped bacon, onion, red peppers, mushrooms into cadac pan with a couple of sprays of cooking oil.

Then add eggs and cook.

grated cheese and season

Family breakfast served

BBQ Marinate (with what you have in the 'van)

1 cup cola

1 cup ketchup

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 decent pinch of chilli powder

Mix it all up and use as a marinade or dip

Quick Pizza

1 cup greek yoghurt

1 cup self raising flour

Mix together

tomato puree

grated cheese

Oven for 20 mins / or bbq with a pizza stone

Thanks to Nick Rae for these BBQ recipies

W hat’s in a pub name: Shrewsbury Arms:

Historically the land and farm was owned by the Earl of Shrewsbury, hence the name Shrewsbury Arms.

Once the home of a small dairy herd of cows and Horses, the original cowshed and stables still sit at the side of the pub.

Jackie and Gary Thomason would like to welcome their Grandson, Cheshire Centre’s youngest member.

Ronnie Edward Davison born 31st May 2018, to proud parents Steph and Ross, who in case you don't know first met on the rally field when they were teenagers.

Grandma and Grandad look forward to rallying with you, Mummy and Daddy, start-ing with Willy Worm

Ronnie Edward Davison born 31st May 2018

Wil laston Worm Charming 2018 (aka Willie Worm)

W ell Done to Evan Gifford

for winning the 7-12

competition with your brilliant

poem about Worm Charming.

A special mention also has to go to

Macy for some great drawings

alongside your poem!

Well done to everybody that took part

in all of the competitions!

We had some lovely wiggly worms

coloured in and decorated by the chil-

dren age 0-6

The poems written by the children age 7-

12 were all very creative; and we had a

fantastic amount of entries for the

Teenagers and Adults Competitions!

Well Done to all winners and thank you

all for taking part!

W hat’s in a name: Llandegla:

The village's name is Welsh for the "Parish of Saint Tecla", which honours the patron saint of the parish


This was most probably originally dedicated to a Welsh virgin named Tegla Forwyn

("Thecla the Virgin")

Committee Report for Posting on the Website from a Meeting on

Tuesday 13th March 2018

1. Meeting started at 19.00 hours

2. Approval of minutes/précis minutes for Tuesday 13th February 2018 were agreed

3. Matters arising from 13th February 2018 Committee Meeting:

a) Equipment container repair update on-going

b)Some advertisers have still not paid

c)The centre is still looking at purchasing another shelter, this is in process

d)The form has now been amended to allow Rally Officers to give their bank details if they wish to be paid by BACS

for their rally

e)New rallier letter has been amended with the latest GLC amendments

f)Sponsorship from other suppliers is being sought

g)25 first rally plaques have been received with the new logo

h)A statement regarding photos/videos has been posted on Facebook and the website

i)The Web Master has rearranged the top bar of the webpage so that the order can be changed

j)A letter has been sent from the committee to a member of Cheshire Centre regarding a rally app

k)A discrepancy with the Juniors Accounts has now been rectified

4. Treasurers Report

All bills have been paid up to date. Final accounts from the Accountant have been received for year ending


5. Banking

Online banking is going well, new forms are being used.

6. Rally Secretary Report

86 rallies left to go in 2018, 23 are now full. 17 proposed rallies have been submitted for 2019. Rally amendments

and changes were discussed. All 4bs for 2018 have been applied for and have been approved. 8 4bs for 2019 have

been applied for. A multiple Silver Salver has been requested. The AGM was discussed and the venue has also

been booked for 2019.

7. Christmas Party

The first Christmas Party sub-committee meeting will take place in April; future meetings will follow monthly com-

mittee meetings.

8. 50th Celebration Rally

Contract has been signed and deposit paid. Further details will be publicised on Facebook and the Centres Web-


9. New Brooches

New brooches have been ordered for the Centre Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Chairman and two Past Chairmen.

10. Rally Officer Responsibilities

Questions have been raised regarding new rally officers; a discussion took place regarding how to make sure they

receive the correct information for running their first rally.

11. Officer Reports

Leisure Sales are sponsoring the Easter Newsletter

A thank you poster has been received from the Teenage Cancer Trust, this will be laminated and framed and a copy

will be passed to each of the Junior Committee.

A marquee has been donated for the junior rally, flyers will be sent out regarding this rally.

Still waiting for container to be repaired, once done it can then be painted.

Rally plaques have been reported missing; this has only affected one rally officer.

It has been requested that additional Block Marshall’s be asked for at the WCR Meeting, the CAMC have asked for

access to the Centres Website for a competition, this was granted.

Centre Web is being used well with a weekly average of 345 Hits.

12. Correspondence

Letters were read to the committee.

CAMC have created an ‘Appearance and Release Form’ for photography.

CAMC have created a new newsletter, this was discussed.

66 Cheshire Centre Ralliers have booked the National and a total of 1114 bookings have been made to date.

A letter has been received from CAMC regarding a licence for music on rallies. All rallies were music is played are


13. Rally Chairs

These were discussed and agreed.

14. Any Other Business

An issue was raised regarding returned cheques; the centre has to pay £4 per cheque ,that is returned by the bank.

Rally cheques need to be with the Treasurer three weeks prior to the rally.

Brochure folders were requested from the rally secretary.

15. Next Committee Meeting will take place on the 10/04/2018

16. Meeting closed at 21.45 hours

Committee Report for Posting on the Website from a Meeting on

Tuesday 10th April 2018

1. Meeting started at 19.30 hours

2. Approval of minutes/précis minutes for Tuesday 13th March 2018 were agreed

3. Matters arising from 13th March 2018 Committee Meeting:

a)Equipment container repair update on-going

b)All advertisers have now paid in full

c)The centre is still looking at purchasing another shelter, this is on-going

d)New brooches have been ordered for some of the Committee

e)An invitation has been sent to CAMC asking the Chairman to attend the Celebration Rally

f)Awaiting guidance regarding forms for before, during and after a rally

g)Information regarding a music licence was discussed

h)Returned rally cheques from the bank was discussed

4. Treasurers Report

All bills have been paid and are up to date. The Accounts Company has been paid. Funds regarding the junior

committee have been sorted. Online payments to rally officers are going well.

5. Rally Secretary Report

78 rallies left to go in 2018, 22 are now full. 26 proposed rallies have been submitted for 2019. A discussion

took place regarding changes to some rallies. 8 4bs for 2019 have been applied for, still waiting approval for 2.

Rally Salvers were discussed. Wilmslow New Year was discussed with regards to the cut-off date.

6. 50th Celebration Rally

A logo has now been produced and the website along with centre paperwork has been updated with this.

7. Christmas Party Fundraising

Funding needs to be sorted for the Rally in 2019. Various ideas were discussed.

8. Booking dates for Rallies

The booking of New Year rallies was discussed.

9. First Aid

First Aid training on the Stayin Alive Rally went well. The committee discussed having this on the

Celebration Rally.

10. Officer Reports

New Ralliers at Bhurtpor had a good time

Children’s Sports are now taking place on rallies

An issue with one of the boilers was reported. The rally kit is to be looked at to ensure all rallies have the

appropriate kit.

Visitors report here signs were discussed.

The junior committee have requested a change of rally gift, this was agreed.

A sponsor is required for the summer newsletter.

The webmaster provided a breakdown in statistics.

11. Correspondence

The secretary has been invited to a meeting at the National.

CAMC correspondence was discussed.

The problem regarding a Ralliers APP has now been closed.

There was an update to the National figures given.

A past Centre Chairman has requested the new style window plaque. A plaque will be ordered and presented.

12. Rally Chairs

These were discussed and agreed.

13. Any Other Business

An email to the Junior Chairman was discussed.

Communication for the committee was discussed.

One of the French rallies was discussed.

A rallier was injured at Penisa’r Mynydd, this has been reported.

The owner of Marbury Merry Park has passed away.

Chairman’s Chain of Office is now up to date.

Thank you letters have been sent with regards to the logo and chain of office.

14. Next Committee Meeting will take place on the 8th May 2018

15. Meeting closed at 22.11 hours

Committee Report for Posting on the Website from a Meeting on

Tuesday 08th May 2018

1. Meeting started at 19.30 hours

2. Approval of minutes / précis minutes for Tuesday 10th April 2018 were agreed

3. Matters arising from 10th April 2018 Committee Meeting:

a) Equipment container repair update on-going

b)The centre is still looking at purchasing another shelter, this will be purchased as and when required

c) New brooches have been ordered for some of the Committee, awaiting delivery

d)Awaiting guidance regarding forms for before, during and after a rally

e)Letter combining invoice pro-forma regarding returned cheques, this has been produced and sent out to members

f)Information regarding a music licence was discussed, music people need to purchase their own licence

g)Cost of First Aid signs and how many ralliers would be willing to act as First Aiders was discussed

h)A replacement boiler is now back in circulation following the damage of one.

i)The committee Secretary will be attending a meeting at the National, the committee did not want to put any

questions forward to CAMC

j)Past Chairman plaque has been received

4. Treasurers Report:

All bills have been paid and are up to date. Online payments are going well

5. Rally Secretary Report:

71 rallies left to go in 2018, 19 are already full. No-one has come forward to take on Wilmslow New Year and Rally

Officers will also be needed for the Penisa’r R Mynydd rally. There was a request to increase rally 24.1 to 30 vans,

this was agreed. There has been a change of Rally Officer for 5 rallies. 28 proposed rallies have been submitted for

2019. 9 4bs have been applied for. Silver salvers, multiple rally plaques and annual 12 rally plaques were


6. 50th Celebration Rally:

A marquee and waste tanks are being sourced. Siting at the venue is being looked at.

7. 2019 Rally Officer Gift:

The committee need to think of suitable suggestions for the June meeting.

8. Social Media Posting:

This was not discussed

9. GLC’s Rally Spacing Document:

Rally spacing was discussed and a letter will be sent out to all Rally Officers regarding pitch spacing.

10. Officer Reports:

An advertiser is needed for the Summer Newsletter, articles are also needed.

Junior rally now has 40 vans.

Some sports equipment has been sold. Teams are being put together for the National.

The next meet the WCR meeting will take place on the 24th June 2018.

Celebration Link has had over 30 hits in the past couple of weeks.

11. Correspondence:

CAMC have contacted some of the committee regarding GDPR training.

WCR have reported that 76 Cheshire units are booked on the National.

A thank you letter has been received from a rallier.

The person who designed the Celebration Logo has been thanked.

A rallier has put their name forward for the boules at the National.

12. Rally Chairs:

These were discussed and agreed.

13. Any Other Business:

Essential phone numbers for example: doctors, hospital, police should be included in the rally write up.

Something will be needed for the front cover of the brochure for 2019.

An issue with changes to rallies not going through committee was discussed.

Two rally couples have retired from rallying.

14. The National closing flag for Cheshire was discussed.

Next Committee Meeting will take place on the 12th June 2018

15. Meeting closed at 22.00 hours
