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11.00 am Worship5:40 pm Prayer Meeting6:00 pm Worship

Sunday School. 11.00 am. (during the service)

Ladies' Meeting(monthly)

Monday, begins in October(to be announced)

Men's Meeting(monthly)

Tuesday, begins in October(to be announced)

Prayer Meeting and Bible Study.

Wednesday 7:30 pm.

Ladies' Bible Study

Thursday at 2.30 pm.(Cornerstone)

Friday Club Friday 7:00 - 8.15 pm.(Cornerstone), begins on 6th September

Minister Rev. Angus MacRae(caretaker minister)

Free Church Manse,Firthview, Dingwall, IV15 9PF.

Tel: 01349 862183



Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believesin me shall never die.(John 11: 25, 26 ESV)

Chapel Road,EVANTON,Ross-shire.IV16 9YF

It has been some time since we have contacted you with a newsletter. Here is an update of things in Kiltearn Free Church.

We are still without a pastor and have reduced numbers attending worship. There is a strong possibility we are getting too small to exist as a congregation within the community. We feel that would be a sad loss to Evanton.

What do you have to lose in becoming a believer in an eternal and Holy God? As the French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623-62) put it in his famous "Wager":

No one loses by choosing to be a Christian. Whenyou die if it is not true you lose nothing, but you probably have been happier than your non-believing friends. If, however, there is a God and Heaven, and a Hell, then you gain Heaven but your sceptical friends will lose everything in Hell.

We have chosen to believe that God exists and meet together to study the Bible and learn more about Him. This is part of what we call worship.

Maybe it is some years since you have attended church. Why not come again? Maybe you have never experienced worship. Why not give it a try?

It might be an idea to attend a less formal meeting to start with. There are the Ladies' Meetings, the Ladies' Bible studies, the Men's Meetings, or for children the Friday Club.

We intend to run these meetings over the autumn/winter period. The Ladies' and Men's Meetings have a short talk delivered by a guest speaker on some topic of interest whilst sharing alight snack. There is no cost to any of these activities.

We do thank the parents who have allowed their children to attend the Friday Club. We feel as if we are establishing helpful relationships with you and your children.

The Rev. Mark Cary, an American missionary in the Czeck Republic, will be staying in the manse and leading the worship for the next few weeks.

Please join us in worship to discover this great God and to believe in His son Jesus Christ.

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Scottish Charity Number : SC004880
