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Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

H:\Development Control\CASES\Reg 3\2010\Kettering Buccleuch Academy (Reserved Matters)\9. Submitted Application\Received 09.12.2010\8. Sustainability Statement\REP-0103354-11-RCM-101203-Sustainable Energy Design Statement Rev A by WDC.doc

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Tel: +44 (0) 121 643 6331 Fax: +44 (0) 121 643 2419

Auchinleck House

Five Ways Birmingham

B15 1DP Audit Sheet

Rev. Description Prepared and checked by

Reviewed by Date

- For Planning RCM RJB 03.12.10

This report is provided for the stated purposes and for the sole use of the named Client. It will be confidential to the Client and the client’s professional advisers. Hoare Lea accepts responsibility to the Client alone that the report has been prepared with the skill, care and diligence of a competent engineer, but accepts no responsibility whatsoever to any parties other than the Client. Any such parties rely upon the report at their own risk. Neither the whole nor any part of the report nor reference to it may be included in any published document, circular or statement nor published in any way without Hoare Lea’s written approval of the form and content in which it may appear.

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

H:\Development Control\CASES\Reg 3\2010\Kettering Buccleuch Academy (Reserved Matters)\9. Submitted Application\Received 09.12.2010\8. Sustainability Statement\REP-0103354-11-RCM-101203-Sustainable Energy Design Statement Rev A by WDC.doc

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INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 4

SUSTAINABLE APPROACH................................................................................................................... 4

Passive Design Measures ................................................................................................................. 4

Active energy efficiency .................................................................................................................... 5

Low and zero-carbon technology .................................................................................................... 5

OTHER SUSTAINABLE FEATURES ...................................................................................................... 7

Adiabatic cooling ............................................................................................................................... 7

Night purge 7

Optimum stop / start algorithms ...................................................................................................... 7

BREEAM.................................................................................................................................................. 7

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

H:\Development Control\CASES\Reg 3\2010\Kettering Buccleuch Academy (Reserved Matters)\9. Submitted Application\Received 09.12.2010\8. Sustainability Statement\REP-0103354-11-RCM-101203-Sustainable Energy Design Statement Rev A by WDC.doc

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INTRODUCTION This report demonstrates how the sustainability and energy strategy for the proposed Kettering Buccleuch Academy meets the objectives of Planning Policy 14: Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Construction and the Sustainable Design Supplementary Planning Document. SUSTAINABLE APPROACH Willmott Dixon has identified the following sustainability targets for Kettering Buccleuch Academy:

Achieve a BREEAM Very Good rating.

Meet the requirements of Building Regulations 2006

Achieve the Partnership for Schools requirement of a 60% reduction in carbon emissions Willmott Dixon’s approach to sustainable design is to deliver facilities that maximise positive educational outcomes and create positive and inspiring learning environments, which help raise aspirations and attainment. Our design proposals are based on the good design practice hierarchy:

Passive Design Measures The passive design features of the proposed design for Kettering Buccleuch Academy include:

Solar-control glazing (low g value or solar transmission value amounting to <0.45 while maintaining good light transmission through the glazing LT = >60%)

The windows proportions and configurations maximise daylight penetration into the space, and provide a light and airy environment without the need for excessive artificial lighting.

Exposed concrete soffits provide thermal mass to passively temper the internal environment, reducing peak temperatures in the space.

Temperature and CO2 detectors help building occupants to maximize control of natural ventilation inlets

Teaching spaces are naturally ventilated, with mechanical assistance used when necessary.

High levels of thermal insulation and enhanced fabric reduce heat loss and heat gain

Improved U-values

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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Active energy efficiency Active energy efficiency measures include:

energy-efficient lighting throughout, with intelligent daylight dimming and presence detection

local heating and ventilation control

variable speed pumping with two port zone control, enabling zoned heating control for different occupancy times

variable-speed fan control

direct sub-metering of substantial energy uses

free cooling – where physical mechanical cooling is required, free cooling is still provided by using adiabatic cooling air handing units rather than conventional refrigeration equipment. Adiabatic cooling uses the cooling effect of water spray introduced into the air stream.

metering – all substantial energy uses are sub-metered and linked to the BEMS. In addition, metering data is provided to the virtual learning platform via interface software, and data is provided to CCC’s central monitoring.

Low and zero-carbon technology A major aspect of sustainable design is strategic fuel saving and maximising energy efficiency. The building and engineering systems ensure energy and carbon emissions are minimised. Low and zero carbon (LZC) technologies have been considered in detail. A LZC appraisal has been carried out for the plant to establish the best technology for the site. The following section discusses the LZC technologies available, and those that are suitable for the building. The LZC technologies that have been assessed are:

Biomass boilers

Bio-oil boilers

Community heating and combined heat and power (CHP)

Solar thermal collectors

Wind turbines


Ground-source heat pumps Bio-mass and bio-oil boilers have been considered, and are not the preferred solution for the client due to the requirements for fuel deliveries and ensuring a reliable guaranteed source. Community heating and CHP are not viable due to the lack of a continuous annual heating demand. Wind turbines were dismissed on planning grounds as the hub height would need to be significantly above the buildings to achieve the required yields. GSHPs were dismissed on the grounds of excessive capital costs exceeding those within the budget. The conclusion of the LZC study showed that the optimum solutions for incorporating renewable energy into the scheme would be to install a combination of photovoltaic panels and solar hot water collectors.

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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A solar hot water system uses solar collectors to trap the thermal energy from the sun and heat water. The most common application of solar collectors for providing domestic hot water.

The most efficient type of solar collector is the evacuated tube. It uses a heat pipe to collect solar energy and transfer it to water, which is then pumped to a buffer vessel where it pre-heats domestic hot water for use in the building. Solar thermal collectors are a good solution for reducing carbon emissions but can only provide a limited reduction in overall carbon due to the relatively low hot water demand within the building. It is proposed that 25m² of solar collectors shall be provided (in total) to supplement the domestic hot water load. These will be located at roof level on the new building below the level of the parapet and also located on the retained existing buildings at roof level.

Photovoltaic (PV) arrays capture energy from the sun and convert it into electricity.

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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Solid PV cells are commonly mounted in arrays either on roofs or walls. Each array must be configured so that air can circulate behind to dissipate the heat generated in the system. Any PV array would need to be carefully positioned so that it did not fall into shadows. The best option would be to position the array on the roof of the building, as it would be the only suitable location that would not be shaded. This position is also easily accessible for maintenance and suitable as an educational tool. The PV array for Buccleuch Academy would be between 75 and 150m² depending on final configuration to compliment the solar thermal technology in delivering carbon free energy to the academy. These measures have enabled the design to achieve the Partnership for Schools requirement of a 60% reduction in carbon emissions, exceed the requirements of Building Regulations and achieve a BREEAM Very Good rating. OTHER SUSTAINABLE FEATURES Sustainability is ‘designed-in’ from the onset by using the energy conservation BEMS scheme. The sustainability benefits this scheme brings are: • Daylight control of lights with automatic dimming using light-level monitoring • Temperature and CO2 detectors help building occupants to maximize control of natural ventilation inlets. • Demand-led heating and cooling strategies to ensure the heating or cooling plant is only used as needed by the school building, including free cooling for night purging. Adiabatic cooling The AHUs serving the drama, theatre and primary halls are designed to use adiabatic free cooling that uses the latent heat of evaporation to cool the supply air without the need for artificial cooling or chillers. Night purge Free cooling at night time will be used when heat loads in the buildings are high overnight. This will be achieved by running fresh air plant (with no heating or cooling) when the outside air temperature is low enough to naturally cool the internal spaces. Alternatively passive ventilation openings can be used to lower heat loads in the building at night, without the need for mechanical systems, when conditions allow. Optimum stop / start algorithms The optimum stop / start algorithm ensures the building is at the correct temperature during occupancy and appropriate comfort levels are met. The same algorithm can also be used to switch off plant early, such as under-floor heating and radiator circuits, to save energy. BREEAM This section of the report details Willmott Dixon’s envisaged means of compliance to achieve a rating of

Very Good under BREEAM Education 2008 for Buccleuch Academy.

The BREEAM Environmental & Sustainability Standard provides an authoritative means of minimising the

adverse effects of buildings on the global and local environments whilst promoting healthy and

comfortable indoor environments.

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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The BREEAM rating is based on the number of environmental credits achieved under each category

multiplied by a weighting factor. The weighting factors are applied in order to account for the relative

significance that each category has on the environmental impact of the building. The main categories

that are assessed are as follows:


Health & Wellbeing






Land Use & Ecology


The BREEAM rating is given as Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent, and Outstanding based on the

environmental and sustainability credentials of the development.

Credit compliance is demonstrated by the submission of evidence by the Design Team for review by the

licensed BREEAM Assessor, to be carried out as the design develops.

Final certification is subject to a Quality Assurance check by the BRE at both design and post

construction stage.

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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Based on an initial BREEAM pre-assessment of Buccleuch Academy, Willmott Dixon is targeting the


Score: 62%

Rating: Very Good

This score and rating is based on the achievement of the following credits:

Section Credit Name Credit





Targeted Action

Management Commissioning Man 1 2 2


Considerate Constructors Man 2 2 2 WD

Construction Site Impacts Man 3 4 4 WD

Building User Guide Man 4 1 1 WD

Site Investigation Man 5 1 1 WD

Consultation Man 6 2 1 WD / NHA

Shared Facilities Man 7 2 1 WD / NHA

Security Man 8 1 1 NHA / CHT

Publication of Building Information Man 9 1 1 CHT / NHA

Development as a Learning Resource

Man 10 1 1 CHT / NHA

Ease of Maintenance Man 11 1 1 CHT / NHA

Life Cycle Costing Man 12 2 1 WD

Health and


Daylighting Hea 1 1 0 -

View Out Hea 2 1 0 -

Glare Control Hea 3 1 0 -

High Frequency Lighting Hea 4 1 1 CHT

Internal & External Lighting Levels Hea 5 1 1 CHT

Lighting Zones & Controls Hea 6 1 1 CHT

Potential for Natural Ventilation Hea 7 1 0 -

Indoor Air Quality Hea 8 1 0 -

Volatile Organic Compounds Hea 9 1 1 WD / NHA

Thermal Comfort Hea 10 1 0 -

Thermal Zoning Hea 11 1 1 CHT

Microbial Contamination Hea 12 1 1 CHT

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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Section Credit Name Credit





Targeted Action

Acoustic Performance Hea 13 3 2 WD

Drinking Water Hea 16 1 1 NHA

Specification of Laboratory Fume Cupboards

Hea 17 1 1 CHT

Energy Reduction of CO2 Emissions Ene 1 15 6 CHT

Sub-metering of Substantial Energy Uses

Ene 2 1 1 CHT

Sub-metering of High Energy Load & Tenancy Areas

Ene 3 1 1 CHT

External Lighting Ene 4 1 1 CHT

Low or Zero Carbon Technologies Ene 5 3 0 -

Lifts Ene 8 2 2 WD

Free Cooling Ene 10 1 0 -

Energy Efficient Fume Cupboards Ene 11 1 1 CHT

Transport Provision of Public Transport Tra 1 3 2 NHA

Proximity to Amenities Tra 2 1 0 -

Cyclist Facilities Tra 3 2 1 NHA

Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Tra 4 1 0 -

Travel Plan Tra 5 1 1 WD

Deliveries and Manoeuvring Tra 8 1 0 -

Water Water Consumption Wat 1 3 2 CHT

Water Meter Wat 2 1 1 CHT

Mains Leak Detection Wat 3 1 1 CHT

Sanitary Supply Shut-Off Wat 4 1 1 CHT

Water recycling Wat 5 1 1 CHT

Irrigation Systems Wat 6 1 1 WD

Materials Materials Specification (Major Building Elements)

Mat 1 6 3 NHA

Hard Landscaping and Boundary Protection

Mat 2 1 0 -

Reuse of Building Façade Mat 3 1 0 -

Reuse of Building Structure Mat 4 1 0 -

Responsible Sourcing of Materials Mat 5 3 0 -

Insulation Mat 6 2 1 CHT / NHA

Designing for Robustness Mat 7 1 1 NHA

Waste Construction Site Waste Management

Wst 1 4 3 WD

Recycled Aggregates Wst 2 1 0 -

Recyclable Waste Storage Wst 3 2 2 NHA / WD

Land Use & Reuse of Land LE1 1 0 -

Contaminated Land LE2 1 0 -

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

H:\Development Control\CASES\Reg 3\2010\Kettering Buccleuch Academy (Reserved Matters)\9. Submitted Application\Received 09.12.2010\8. Sustainability Statement\REP-0103354-11-RCM-101203-Sustainable Energy Design Statement Rev A by WDC.doc

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Section Credit Name Credit





Targeted Action

Ecology Ecological Value of Land & Protection of Ecological Features

LE3 1 0 -

Mitigating Ecological Impact LE4 2 2 WD

Enhancing Site Ecology LE5 3 2 WD

Long Term Impact on Biodiversity LE6 2 2 WD

Consultation with Students and Staff

LE7 1 1 NHA

Local Wildlife Partnerships LE8 1 0 -

Pollution Refrigerant GWP Pol 1 1 0 -

Preventing Refrigerant Leaks Pol 2 1 0 -

NOx Emissions from Heating Source

Pol 4 3 3 CHT

Flood Risk Pol 5 3 3 WD

Minimising Watercourse Pollution Pol 6 1 1 WD

Reduction of Night Time Light Pollution

Pol 7 1 1 CHT

Noise Attenuation Pol 8 1 1 WD

Innovation Accredited Professional 2 2 HL

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

H:\Development Control\CASES\Reg 3\2010\Kettering Buccleuch Academy (Reserved Matters)\9. Submitted Application\Received 09.12.2010\8. Sustainability Statement\REP-0103354-11-RCM-101203-Sustainable Energy Design Statement Rev A by WDC.doc

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

Man 1 Commissioning The construction will be monitored to ensure commissioning is carried out in line with best practice. A specialist commissioning manager will be appointed at design stage to input into the scheme design. In addition seasonal commissioning will also be undertaken for the first year of occupation, post construction to ensure all design conditions are met throughout the winter and summer periods.

2 2 WD / CHT

Man 2 Considerate Constructors

Willmott Dixon has a commitment to go beyond best practice site management principles and endeavour to achieve a Considerate Constructors Scheme practice score of greater than 32.

2 2 WD

Man 3 Construction Site Impacts

As well as responsibly sourcing 80% of the site timber, Willmott Dixon will ensure they implement best practice polices with regards to air pollution and water pollution, and set targets for water consumption and monitor CO2 arising from site activities and transport. They will operate an environmental materials sourcing policy and also have in place an Environmental Management System.

4 4 WD

Man 4 Building User Guide

Willmott Dixon will produce a non-technical Building User Guide which will cover items such as the energy and environmental strategy, water use, transport facilities, building services information, waste management and emergency information.

1 1 WD

Man 5 Site Investigation

This credit is for the conduction of detailed site investigations to determine local conditions that will affect the design. This includes liaison with all relevant bodies including local authorities, English Heritage and Natural England to identify any buildings/areas of a historic or sensitive nature and any protection measures required. This credit is assumed to be achieved.

1 1 WD

Man 6 Consultation We are aware from the academy 2 1 WD /

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

consultations that the ULT have already undertaken meetings with the local community and building users and that their requirements have helped to form part of the original brief. This process will continue throughout the design process and Willmott Dixon would aim to set up meetings with the end users, pupils and local community.


Man 7 Shared Facilities Shared facilities, identified as a result of initial public consultation, will be provided for community use.

2 1 WD / NHA

Man 8 Security Willmott Dixon will seek and act on advice from the local Police Architectural Liaison Officer and ensure the design complies with the guidance of Secured by Design.

1 1 NHA / CHT

Man 9 Publication of Building Information

Willmott Dixon will publicise information related to the aspects of design and procurement process which will reduce the overall environmental impact of the building. This will include such information as estimated energy and water consumption, and steps taken to reduce environmental impacts.

1 1 CHT / NHA

Man 10 Development as a Learning Resource

The School’s buildings and grounds will be used as a learning resource for demonstrating environmental awareness to pupils.

1 1 CHT / NHA

Man 11 Ease of Maintenance

Willmott Dixon will carry out an appraisal covering ease of maintenance in compliance with ISO 15686. All building services will also be designed to ensure ease of maintenance in line with best practice.

1 1 CHT / NHA

Man 12 Life Cycle Costing

Willmott Dixon and their design team intend to carry out a 25 and 60 year life cycle cost analysis covering operation, construction, maintenance and end of life of the structure, envelope, services and finishes.

2 1 WD

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

Hea 1 Daylighting Although the majority of spaces will have good daylight availability, some of the internal rooms and deep plan areas will have lower average daylight factors and therefore it is unlikely that this credit will be achieved.

1 0 -

Hea 2 View Out To achieve this credit all occupied areas must be within 7m of a wall with a window. Unfortunately due to the necessity of some deep plan learning spaces this credit cannot be achieved.

1 0 -

Hea 3 Glare Control Although Willmott Dixon will provide occupant controlled blinds to areas within the school, rooflights will not have blinds and therefore this credit cannot be achieved.

1 0 -

Hea 4 High Frequency Lighting

All fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps will be fitted with high frequency ballasts to optimise the performance of the lamps and reduce health problems relating to the flicker of fluorescent lighting.

1 1 CHT

Hea 5 Internal & External Lighting Levels

All internal and external lighting will be designed to comply with all relevant CIBSE Codes, including Lighting 2006, Guide 7 for rooms with computer screens, Guide 6 for external areas, and Building Bulletin 90; Lighting Design for Schools.

1 1 CHT

Hea 6 Lighting Zones & Controls

All lighting will be designed to ensure occupants have easy control over the lighting systems. Lighting will be zoned to have separate control for teaching space and white boards and manual control will be provided for the teaching staff.

1 1 CHT

Hea 7 Potential for Natural Ventilation

Due to the deep plan nature of some of the spaces within the school the building will not be solely reliant on naturally driven ventilation, therefore this credit cannot be achieved.

1 0 -

Hea 8 Indoor Air In order for this credit to be achieved, all 1 0 -

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

Quality openable windows for natural ventilation of the classrooms must be over 10m from all sources of external pollution. The sources include, main access roads to the site, delivery/vehicle waiting bays, car park and mechanical ventilation exhausts. Mechanical air intakes must also be at least 20m away from external sources of pollution and at least 10m from the exhaust points. Due to the layout of the development it is thought that these criteria will not be able to be met.

Hea 9 Volatile Organic Compounds

The emissions of VOC's and other substances from key internal finishes and fittings will comply with best practice requirements.

1 1 WD / NHA

Hea 10 Thermal Comfort

Thermal modelling will be carried out to ensure that BB101 compliant thermal comfort levels will be achieved. However, this is likely to exceed the 60 hours a year required to achieve this credit.

1 0 -

Hea 11 Thermal Zoning All radiators will be provided with TRV's to ensure local occupant control can be provided to all areas, and that perimeter areas can be controlled separately to central areas.

1 1 CHT

Hea 12 Microbial Contamination

No humidification plant will be specified and all water systems will be designed in accordance with "Legionnaires" disease - The control of legionella bacteria in water systems, guidance 2000.

1 1 CHT

Hea 13 Acoustic Performance

The building will be designed to comply with BB93, in addition pre-completion acoustic testing will be carried out by a suitably qualified acoustician. The rainfall noise levels will exceed BB93 requirements by more than 20dB. However, the music accommodation will not be constructed to higher standards than BB93.

3 2 WD

Hea 16 Drinking Water Mains fed drinking water points will be provided by point of use water coolers for use throughout the school day

1 1 NHA

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

Hea 17 Specification of Laboratory Fume Cupboards

Fume cupboards and safety cabinets will be designed and specified in accordance with best practice guidelines and British Standards.

1 1 CHT

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

Ene 1 Reduction of CO2 Emissions

It is anticipated that Kettering BUccleuch Academy will achieve an EPC Asset Rating Score of less than 40, which equates to band B.

15 6 CHT

Ene 2 Sub-metering of Substantial Energy Uses

Willmott Dixon will provide energy sub-meters linked to the BMS to monitor the domestic hot water heating, fans, lighting, space heating, small power and cooling.

1 1 CHT

Ene 3 Sub-metering of High Energy Load & Tenancy Areas

Willmott Dixon will provide energy sub-meters to all relevant function areas and departments within the building.

1 1 CHT

Ene 4 External Lighting

All external lighting will be energy efficient and daylight linked to reduce energy consumption.

1 1 CHT

Ene 5 Low or Zero Carbon Technologies

A Low and Zero Carbon energy source report has been carried out.

3 0 -

Ene 8 Lifts Willmott Dixon will undertake a lift analysis and the energy consumption for two lift types will be reviewed and the lift with the lowest energy consumption will be specified. The lifts specified will be provided with additional best practice energy saving features to offer the greatest potential energy saving.

2 2 WD

Ene 10 Free Cooling The school will use free cooling strategies such as night time cooling and exposed thermal mass to provide adequate thermal comfort conditions in the place of mechanical refrigeration. However, there will be artificial cooling to ICT areas and therefore this credit cannot be achieved.

1 0 -

Ene 11 Energy Efficient Fume Cupboards

Willmott Dixon will carry out a study in order to determine the most efficient strategy for ventilating the fume cupboards and the one with the least energy consumption will be adopted.

1 1 CHT

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

Tra 1 Provision of Public Transport

It is estimated that 2 credits will be achieved as a result of the proximity and frequency of public transport in the area.

3 2 NHA

Tra 2 Proximity to Amenities

To award this credit the school entrance must be within a 500m safe walking distance of a grocery shop, post box and cash machine. This is not believed to be the case and as a result this credit is not targeted.

1 0 -

Tra 3 Cyclist Facilities Willmott Dixon will provide covered, secure and well-lit cycle storage facilities. 125 cycle spaces will be provided within 100m of the building entrance, which will be overlooked by the main reception area.

2 1 NHA

Tra 4 Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety

Unfortunately, as there is only one means of access to the site, the goods delivery access runs through the pedestrian and cycle access.

1 0 -

Tra 5 Travel Plan Willmott Dixon will produce a travel plan and all findings and measures will be adopted to meet the specific needs of the building users.

1 1 WD

Tra 8 Deliveries and Manoeuvring

Unfortunately, as there is only one means of access to the site, the goods delivery access runs through the pedestrian and cycle access and parking areas.

1 0 -

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

Wat 1 Water Consumption

Water consumption will be minimised by incorporating water saving sanitary fittings.

3 2 CHT

Wat 2 Water Meter Water meters will be provided for the school for each mains water supply to each building and this will be linked to the BMS system via a pulsed output.

1 1 CHT

Wat 3 Mains Leak Detection

A leak detection system will be installed on all mains water supplies by the means of out-of-range readings on the BMS system.

1 1 CHT

Wat 4 Sanitary Supply Shut-Off

Willmott Dixon will provide solenoid valves to each toilet area on each floor, controlled by infra-red detectors to enable the water supply to be isolated when not in use.

1 1 CHT

Wat 5 Water Recycling Willmott Dixon will provide a rainwater collection system to reduce the demand for potable fresh water.

1 1 CHT

Wat 6 Irrigation Systems

Willmott Dixon will reduce the consumption of potable water by installing a BREEAM compliant irrigation system.

1 1 WD

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

Mat 1 Materials Specification (Major Building Elements)

Willmott Dixon will utilise construction materials with a low environmental impact as determined by the Green Guide for the walls, windows, roof, upper floor slabs and floor finishes.

6 3 NHA

Mat 2 Hard Landscaping and Boundary Protection

It is not thought that this credit can be achieved.

1 0 -

Mat 3 Reuse of Building Façade

This credit cannot be achieved as the project is new build.

1 0 -

Mat 4 Reuse of Building Structure

This credit cannot be achieved as the project is new build.

1 0 -

Mat 5 Responsible Sourcing of Materials

This credit is not targeted. 3 0 -

Mat 6 Insulation Willmott Dixon will ensure that thermal insulation will be provided that has a low embodied environmental impact relative to it’s thermal properties.

2 1 CHT / NHA

Mat 7 Designing for Robustness

All vulnerable parts of the building, such as areas of high pedestrian traffic, vehicular and trolley movements, will be identified and protected to prevent damage.

1 1 NHA

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

Wst 1 Construction Site Waste Management

Via effective management during the construction phase, Willmott Dixon will limit the construction waste to between 9.2-12.9m

3 (4.7-6.5 tonnes) per 100m

2 of

gross internal floor area. A Site Waste Management Plan will be produced. In addition, at least 75% by weight of non-hazardous construction waste generated by the project will be diverted from.

4 3 WD

Wst 2 Recycled Aggregates

This credit is not targeted. 1 0 -

Wst 3 Recyclable Waste Storage

A central dedicated space of area 20m2

for storage of the building waste streams for recycling will be provided. This area will be within 20m of an entrance to ensure it is used by the occupants. This space will be separate from the general waste facilities. It has also been assumed that the school will operate a recycling policy which will be in place when the new building is completed to achieve the second credit.

2 2 NHA / WD

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

H:\Development Control\CASES\Reg 3\2010\Kettering Buccleuch Academy (Reserved Matters)\9. Submitted Application\Received 09.12.2010\8. Sustainability Statement\REP-0103354-11-RCM-101203-Sustainable Energy Design Statement Rev A by WDC.doc

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

LE1 Reuse of Land The majority of the building footprint is on existing playing fields and therefore this credit is not achieved.

1 0 -

LE2 Contaminated Land

The site is contaminated and therefore this credit cannot be achieved.

1 0 -

LE3 Ecological Value of Land & Protection of Ecological Features

It is believed that a number of existing trees will be removed during the construction works and therefore this credit cannot be achieved.

1 0 -

LE4 Mitigating Ecological Impact

It has been assumed that there will be no negative change in the site’s existing ecological value as a result of this development and therefore 2 credits have been targeted.

2 2 WD

LE5 Enhancing Site Ecology

Willmott Dixon will appoint an ecologist to advise and report to the team on enhancing the ecology of the site. The report’s recommendations will be implemented. It is the intention of the team to achieve 2 credits for enhancing the ecology. Therefore a positive increase in the ecological value of the site up to 6 species is targeted.

3 2 WD

LE6 Long Term Impact on Biodiversity

Willmott Dixon will appoint a suitably qualified ecologist prior to commencement of activities on site, who will confirm all relevant legislation will be complied with. A landscape and habitat management plan will be produced. In addition Willmott Dixon will appoint a Biodiversity Champion, train the site workforce on how to protect site ecology, take actions to protect biodiversity and monitor their effectiveness, create a new ecologically valuable habitat, and will minimise disturbance to wildlife by the appropriate programming of site works in line with recommendations of the ecologist.

2 2 WD

LE7 Consultation with Students and Staff

Willmott Dixon will have consultations with both staff and pupils for the design of the school grounds. The findings of these consultations will be implemented

1 1 NHA

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

H:\Development Control\CASES\Reg 3\2010\Kettering Buccleuch Academy (Reserved Matters)\9. Submitted Application\Received 09.12.2010\8. Sustainability Statement\REP-0103354-11-RCM-101203-Sustainable Energy Design Statement Rev A by WDC.doc

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

into the final design.

LE8 Local Wildlife Partnerships

His credit is not targeted. 1 0 -

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

H:\Development Control\CASES\Reg 3\2010\Kettering Buccleuch Academy (Reserved Matters)\9. Submitted Application\Received 09.12.2010\8. Sustainability Statement\REP-0103354-11-RCM-101203-Sustainable Energy Design Statement Rev A by WDC.doc

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

Pol 1 Refrigerant GWP

The server and ICT rooms will require cooling and this credit cannot be obtained.

1 0 -

Pol 2 Preventing Refrigerant Leaks

The server rooms will require cooling and these systems cannot be leak detected.

1 0 -

Pol 4 NOx Emissions from Heating Source

Very low NOx boilers will be specified

3 3 CHT

Pol 5 Flood Risk The development is to be confirmed as having a low risk of flooding by a site specific Flood Risk Assessment. Attenuation measures will be specified to

ensure that the peak rate of run-off from the is no greater for the developed site than it was for the predevelopment site.

3 3 WD

Pol 6 Minimising Watercourse Pollution

Sustainable Drainage Systems will be provided in areas with low risk of pollution. Oil separators will be specified in surface water drainage systems in areas where there is a high risk of contamination. Systems will be designed in accordance with PPG 3 and SUDS manual. In addition a drainage plan of the site will be made available for the school.

1 1 WD

Pol 7 Reduction of Night Time Light Pollution

All external lighting design will comply with the ILE Guidance notes for the reduction of obtrusive light, 2005. All lighting will be switched off between 2300hrs and 0700hrs if not required for security purposes.

1 1 CHT

Pol 8 Noise Attenuation

A noise impact assessment has been undertaken by a qualified acoustician. The buildings will be designed to ensure that the new building is equivalent to, or less than, the existing background noise level.

1 1 CHT

Kettering Buccleuch Academy Supporting Sustainable Design and Energy Statement

H:\Development Control\CASES\Reg 3\2010\Kettering Buccleuch Academy (Reserved Matters)\9. Submitted Application\Received 09.12.2010\8. Sustainability Statement\REP-0103354-11-RCM-101203-Sustainable Energy Design Statement Rev A by WDC.doc

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Credit Ref

Credit Name Description Credits

Available Credits

Targeted Action

Inn BREEAM Accredited Professional

An Accredited Professional will be involved with the scheme throughout the whole design and construction process to ensure that all of the principles and requirements of the BREEAM scheme are implemented.

2 2 HL