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Ketopia 10-Day Reset Program Guide

Your Guide To Achieving Nutritional Ketosis & Weight Loss

KetopiaIntroductionThe Ketopia Program is not just about losing weight, it’s about adopting a healthier lifestyle.

This Exclusive Ketopia Guide will provide you with a list of foods and meal plans to follow during your 10-Day Reset Program. This guide will also provide you with some basic buying instructions for different foods like meats, vegetables, and fats.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, student, athlete, medical professional, or stay-at-home mom, virtually everyone who implements this program correctly can reap the benefits.

Below is a list of tips and advice to follow when you do your grocery shopping. We’ve also included some criteria to review when selecting certain foods.

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Ketopia Overall Program Tips

Eliminate Refined SugarsStay away from sugary food and drinks (no soft drinks).

Increase Healthy FatsThe majority of your fat intake should come from healthy sources.

Get A Good Nights SleepRest is important, make it a goal to go to bed before 11pm.

Drink Lots of WaterIt is recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces each day.

Eat Your Last Meal Before 8PM To achieve the best results try to avoid eating after 8pm.

Eliminate Processed FoodsAvoid any foods containing preservatives and artificial coloring.







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Ketopia Exercise TipsOne of the many benefits of a ketogenic diet, is that it’s one of the few safe ways that you can effectively lose weight without exercising. When your body is in ketosis, every unit of energy you use comes from fat meaning that even at rest, your body fat stores are being used up making you slimmer. This is good news for people who are too severely overweight to safely start an exercise program just yet, or for people who are disabled or recovering from an injury.

However, if you do exercise you will be able to achieve even faster and better results during your 10-Day Ketopia Reset Program.

If you are new to exercise, you can begin with just thirty minutes of easy cardio like walking around your neighborhood or swimming, three times a week, and add some resistance training to further improve your lean muscle mass. As you get lighter and fitter, you can increase how much you do or the intensity of your workouts.

If you are already quite fit and exercise regularly, you may want to consider a targeted ketogenic diet plan, which involves eating some extra carbs before you work out so you have enough carbs in your body to see you through your higher impact workouts.

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Ketopia Grocery Shopping Tips

• Shop around the perimeter of the store where most of the fresh, organic and non-gmo foods will be. This also eliminates impulsive buying of low quality foods from the center aisles.

• If possible do as much of your shopping through farmers markets and farms where you can find the highest quality foods.

• If it comes in a can, box, or bag, be cautious because it’s probably toxic.

• Don’t shop when you’re hungry, you’ll be more tempted to buy junk food.

• Buying grass-fed and wild animal sources is optimal.

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Tips For Buying Meat Products

• 100% Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished is optimal.

• Grass-fed (grain-finished before slaughter) is a big step down, but is better than conventional meat.

• Pastured doesn’t mean anything unless it’s also grass-fed.

• Organic meat is better than conventional. .

• Extremely lean conventional meats (factory raised) are better than no meat at all.

• Aim for organic and pasture raised eggs. In a pinch, eggs can be factory raised because hens filter out many of the toxins that would damage their offspring. Never, ever eat “omega 3” eggs.

• Farmed salmon/fish = bad. You’re better off eating fat-free factory meat and

Tips For Buying Vegetables and Fruit

• Shop at Farmers Markets or find a good local organic fruits and vegetables source.

• Use your freezer, usually the organic frozen produce section at the store is cheaper than fresh especially if the fruit or vegetable is out of season.

• Buy in season, this not only ensures you get the biggest bang for your buck, it also means your produce will taste as it should full of flavor and perfectly ripe.

• Don’t buy canned, dried, candied, or preserved stuff.

Tips For Buying Fats & Oils

• Avoid all vegetable oils including corn, cottonseed, canola, soy, and sunflower.

• Only cook with butter, ghee, or coconut oil.

• Avoid anything that says “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated.”

• Avoid spreads, butter replacements and low fat butter products.

• Olive oil is only healthy when you do not heat or cook it, use in moderation.

Tips For Buying Dairy

With the exception of grass-fed butter and ghee, it’s best to avoid dairy during your 10-Day Reset Program. Many people have a reaction to the proteins in dairy, which is why grass-fed butter or ghee is tolerated by many (but not all).

If you do decide to consume dairy, here is what it should be:

• Raw, unpasteurized, and untreated. • Grass-fed/Grass-finished• Full Fat

Foods To Avoid• All Grains • Processed Foods • Factory Farmed Pork and Fish • Artificial Sweeteners • Refined Fats and Oils • Low Fat, Low Carb, and Zero Carb Products • Alcohol/Sweet Drinks

Ketopia 10-Day DinnerMeal Plans

Ingredients for the dressing

• 1 tablespoons of olive oil• 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar• 1 teaspoon of lemon juice• 1 teaspoon of Dijon Mustard• A little bit of garlic (optional)• Salt and pepper to taste

Ingredients for the Salad

• 4 cherry tomatoes• 30 grams of blue cheese (optional) • 2 hard-boiled eggs• 2 cups of romaine lettuce coarsely chopped• ½ avocado diced• 8 ounces (2 cups) organic turkey breast• 2 slices of bacon


1. Hard boil the eggs. (use a pre-programmed steamer or the regular method)

2. Slice the bacon in to strips and heat them in a non-stick skillet sprayed with olive oil for 3-5 minutes;

3. Slice the hard-boiled eggs;

4. Put the lettuce in the bottom of the bowl;

5. Put the halved cherry tomatoes, avocadoes, blue cheese, ham, eggs and turkey bacon in rows next to each other like shown in the picture;

6. Evenly spread the dressing over.

COBB SALADThis is a simple and flavorful salad to prepare loaded with healthy fats, protein and a small amount of carbohydrates.

Next Recipe > Grass-Fed Beef Meatballs

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These delicious meatballs are great by themselves for dinner with a vegetable side dish of your choice. Play around by adding chopped fresh herbs (basil, parsley, mint, oregano, sage, or rosemary) to see which you like best.


• 1 pastured whole egg• 1⁄4 cup ground almonds or almond butter• 1 tablespoon C8 MCt oil• 1 teaspoon ground turmeric• 1 teaspoon chili powder• 1 pound grass-fed ground beef • Pink Himalayan Sea Salt


1. Preheat the oven to 320 F.

2. Combine the egg, nuts, 1⁄2 teaspoon salt, oil, turmeric, and chili powder and mix into the meat by hand to thoroughly combine.

3. Form the meat into small balls the size of a ping-pong ball and place them on a rimmed baking sheet lined with foil.

4. Sprinkle salt on the meatballs before placing them in the oven.

5. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, depending on the size of the meatball.


Next Recipe > Lemon and Rosemary Grilled Chicken

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Ingredients for the dressing

• 2 Free Range Chicken Breasts

• Juice of 1 lemon

• 2 tsp fresh rosemary (chopped)

• 1 teaspoon dry mustard powder

• 1⁄4 cup each chopped fresh basil,

thyme, and oregano

• Sea Salt to taste

• 2 tablespoons ghee


1. Wash and dry the chicken breasts and set


2. Combine the lemon juice, dry mustard,

herbs, and salt. in a baking dish, drizzle the

lemon juice mixture over the chicken breast

and place back in the fridge for 1 hour.

3. Place 1 tablespoon ghee on top of each


4. Preheat the oven to 320F. Bake the chicken

for 45 minutes or until cooked through.


Next Recipe > Beef Taco Salad

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• Organic Taco Mix

• 1 Pound Grass-Fed Ground Beef

• 2 tablespoons Grass-Fed Unsalted

Butter or Ghee

• 1/2 Fresh Lime, squeezed

• 1 Tablespoon Cayenne Powder

• 1 teaspoon Dried Oregano

• 1/2 Sea Salt to taste


• 1 cup spring lettuce

• 1⁄4 cup shredded red cabbage

• 2 shredded carrots

• 1 cucumber, cut into slices

• 1⁄2 avocado, sliced


Next Recipe > Fish Dinner

This salad is fresh, bright and packed with good fats that are perfect for your Ketopia meal plan.

To make the taco mix

1. In a medium pan, sauté the beef on medium-low until cooked gently but thoroughly. Your goal is not to brown the meat but to heat it enough that it’s cooked through. Burned, caramelized meat tastes good, but it causes food cravings.

2. Drain the excess liquid.

3. Add the butter or ghee, lime juice, cayenne powder, oregano, and salt. Add more seasoning if you wish and play around with flavors!

To make the salad

1. Lay a bed with all of the salad ingredients, starting with the lettuce.

2. Add a suitable portion of beef on top and then drizzle with dressing.

3. For all of the dressings below, combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Try them on salads, cooked vegetables, and even baked sweet potatoes.

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Next Recipe > Salmon With Creamy Spinach

Fast and simple to make here is an excellent dinner idea if time is a factor.


• Cod - steamed or boiled • Pinch of Organic Seasoning • 1 tablespoon of Grass Fed-Butter


1. Simply steam or boil the cod, season with spices and top with avocado.

2. Pair with a simple salad or green beans and enjoy!

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• 1 Wild Caught Salmon Fillet

• Fresh Spinach

• 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream (or coconut milk)

• 2 tbsp ghee, coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil

• 1 serving Hollandaise sauce (see recipe below)

• Freshly ground black pepper

• Pinch salt or more to taste


Next Recipe > Grass-Fed Burger with Bacon and Avacado

This is another simple dinner that is packed full of omega-3 fatty acids, which are an essential fatty acids that the body doesn’t naturally make.


1. Brush Salmon with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with dill.

2. Bake 350F for 25 min.

3. Serve with steamed brussel sprouts, spinach and avocado salad.

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• 1½ pounds of grass-fed ground beef

(make six ¼lb burgers)

• 1 teaspoon of sea salt

• 1 teaspoon of pepper

• 1 teaspoon of garlic powder

• 2 tablespoons of coconut oil

• 2 small onions, thinly sliced

• 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar

• 1 tomato, sliced into 6 thick slices

• 3 avocados


Next Recipe > Teriyaki Stir Fry

These burgers are super easy to make, full of flavor, and can be done and on your table in less than 30 minutes.


1. Lightly season both sides with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

2. Heat a large skillet to medium-high heat. Add in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.

3. Place the burgers in the skillet and saute each side for 5-8 minutes {depending on your desired doneness}.

4. Remove from skillet and let sit for 1 minute.

5. Assemble burgers.

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• 2 tablespoon coconut oil

• 2 garlic cloves, minced

• 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated

• ½ cup coconut aminos

• 3 tablespoons honey

• 1 teaspoon sesame oil

• ½ teaspoon fish sauce

• 2 tablespoons arrowroot powder, divided

• 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced

• 1 orange bell pepper, thinly sliced

• ½ yellow onion, thinly sliced

• 1 cup sliced button mushrooms

• 1 pound flank steak, thinly sliced

against the grain

• salt and pepper, to taste

• chopped green onions, to garnish


Next Recipe > Italian Meatloaf

This stir-fry is simple to throw together, and like all stir-fries, it’s an easy way of using up any vegetable odds and ends you might find in the fridge.


1. Place a large pan or wok over medium heat. Add coconut oil along with minced garlic and grated ginger.

2. When garlic becomes fragrant, turn heat on low then add coconut aminos. Be sure that the pan has cooled down a bit before to keep the coconut aminos from splattering everywhere.Once coconut aminos have been added, increase heat to medium-low and add honey, sesame oil and fish sauce.

3. Bring sauce to a slow boil, then add 1 tablespoon of arrowroot powder, 1 teaspoon at a time and whisking to incorporate into the sauce. Meaning you will add 3 teaspoons total, whisking each teaspoon in at a time.

4. Once sauce has become think, add peppers, onion and sliced mushrooms to the sauce and coat in sauce. Let cook down for about 6-8 minutes or until onion is soft.

5. After the vegetables have cooked through, use a slotted spoon to remove the vegetable and set aside in a bowl.

6. Increase heat to medium-high temperature and add thinly sliced flank steak to the pan. Cook steak on both sides for 2-3 minutes, until barely any pink remains.

7. Add vegetables back into the pan and incorporate with the meat.Since the meat will render some liquid, add the remaining tablespoons arrowroot powder into the mixture, teaspoon at a time, whisking the powder in with the mixture.

8. Top stir fry off with chopped green onions.

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Ingredients for meatloaf

• 1lb grass fed ground beef

• 1 yellow onion, diced

• 1 roasted red pepper, diced

• ¼ cup tomato sauce

• 1 egg, whisked

• ¾ cup almond flour

• 1 teaspoon dried basil

• 1 teaspoon dried thyme

• 1 teaspoon dried parsley

• salt and pepper, to taste

• olive oil, for sauteing

Ingredients for the sauce

• ¾ cup tomato sauce

• 1 teaspoon dried basil

• 1 teaspoon dried thyme

• 1 teaspoon dried parsley

• salt and pepper, to taste

• fresh basil, chopped (to top-optional)


Next Recipe > Salad Dressings & Sauces

This meatloaf recipe is quite filling by itself so it can simply be served with a light and simple salad on the side.


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2. Place a medium skillet over medium heat and add a tablespoon or two of olive oil. Then add your onions and roasted red pepper to the pan. Cook until onions have become soft and translucent.

3. Once they are done cooking, add them to a bowl along with the rest of the ingredients for your meatloaf and use your hands to mix it all together.

4. Press ingredients into a bread pan and bake for 35-40 minutes.

5. Once your meatloaf is almost done cooking, add your sauce ingredients to a saucepan to heat up until slightly bubbly.

6. Let meatloaf cool slightly then add sauce on top. Top with some fresh basil. Then eat it all up!

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Creamy Avacado Dressing

• 1⁄2 avocado

• 1 to 2 tablespoons MCT oil

• 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

• 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

• 1 cup sliced cucumber

• 1⁄4 cup chopped fresh cilantro

• Sea salt to taste

Creamy Basil Vinegerette

• 1⁄2 avocado

• 1⁄4 cup extra virgin olive oil

• 2 tablespoons C8 MCT oil

• 1⁄4 cup apple cider vinegar small

handful fresh basil leaves


• 1 large egg

• 3⁄4 cup extra light olive oil

• 1⁄4 cup MCT oil

• 2 to 3 teaspoons lemon or lime juice

(fresh squeezed)

• Pinch of sea salt

Honey Mustard Vinegerette

• 1⁄4 cup apple cider vinegar

• 1⁄8 cup extra virgin olive oil

• 1⁄8 cup MCT oil

• 1 tablespoon mustard

• 2 tablespoons raw honey

Ranch Dressing

• 1 cup bulletproof Mayonnaise (see below)

• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill

• 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

• 2 cloves garlic, minced together with sea salt

to taste


• 2 pastured egg yolks

• 1 tablespoon lemon juice

• 1⁄2 cup melted grass-fed unsalted

butter or ghee

• Pinch sea salt

• Dash cayenne powder (optional)

• Fresh parsley (optional)


For all of the Ketopia approved dressings below, combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Try them on salads, cooked vegetables, and even baked sweet potatoes.

1. Place the egg yolks, lemon juice, salt, and cayenne pepper (if using) in a high-powered blender. start the blender on low and run it for about 30 seconds.

2. Slowly drizzle the melted butter or ghee into the blender. You must pour slowly to aid the emulsion. once all the butter or ghee is added and the hollandaise has thickened, it’s done. Top with parsley if you choose.

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KetopiaSnack Ideas

A small portion of nuts

Hard boiled egg

1/2 Avocado with pink himalayan salt

1 cup of bone broth



Brazil Nuts


Macadamia Nuts



Pine Nuts

Flax Seeds

Chia Seeds

Nuts and Seeds

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Green beans




Sirloin steaks





Ground beef



Pink Himalayan Salt (or Sea


Ground turmeric

Apple cider vinegar

Chili powder


Lemon juice




Ground ginger

Almond flour


Grass fed butter

(Kerrygold is the best)


MCT oil

Olive Oil

Organic coconut oil

Ketopia GroceryShopping List

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Recommended Websites for Additional Ketogenic Recipes
