KENT/UNPAD BASKETRY PROJECT Long Lameh Baru Sungai Bahau July-August 2004


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Long Lameh BaruSungai Bahau

July-August 2004

Sunset over the mountains of the Pujungan river watershed

The Bahau river in flood, fallow swiddens and mature forest

Main street in the village of Lameh Baru

Typical village houses surrounded by gardens

Swimming in the Bahau on a hot afternoon

Penan Benalui children

Ingin Ilung collects leaves used to dye rattan black

Balan returns with our favourite food, wild boar!

Sand-boarding, Penan style

Young girls with attitude

Hanging out on a hot day

Sani weaves a bukui tanyung

Johan Iskandar and teenagers talking about rattan

Raj Puri doing participant observation

Rimbo Gunawan filming Pekelet collecting clay for dye

Rattan collectors returning

Pekelet weaves a basket

Lidang splits rattan cane, packaged rattan hangs in a pot of boiling dye

Overlaying of motif and textureBukui gang

Bukui sulok


Kiva kelokong

Rak kiva, a new innovation

Blowpipe darts in a kerian

Ingin, from bamboo and rattan

Jan, for processing sago flour

Borat, a sleeping mat

Merry and his dog
