Kenthurst Public School 2014 eBook Vol I




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Public School



Vol I

Adventure to the North Pole

Once upon a time there was a little girl asleep in her bed. She woke up and saw a train outside her window. The conductor yelled out, all aboard! The little girl decided to go on the train. Everyone was eating ice-cream and marshmallows. You can eat as much ice-cream and marshmallows. The train went to the North Pole. It is very cold in the North Pole. After that she went back on the train and headed for home.

The End

By Victoria

Upside Down World By Austin

Just for one day the world seemed to turn upside down. There was a dog that walked a man. There was a grandpa who walked a person instead of a dog. There was a grandpa pushing me in a wheelchair. I also had to wear the grandpa’s glasses. He took me somewhere. It was Antarctica. I was very cold. Antarctica is one of the coldest places in the whole entire world. My grandpa was getting young and I was getting old. Soon I could not walk. My grandpa was as smart as me. I was not smart at all. But my grandpa was smart. So we found a key. It was gold, it looked secret. I think someone hid it and did not tell anyone. Grandpa and I walked out of the cave. Then grandpa and I saw a snake so we stopped walking. It was coming closer to grandpa and I. Then we ran outside the cave. We kept on running outside of the cave. It was getting darker. At the end of the day we would die because I’m getting old, so I could not die. When we got back to the city I gave my grandpa back his glasses and wheel chair. We both became our age again and luckily we did not die. We lived happily ever after.

The Garden Gnome by Ava We have a talking garden gnome and he was very annoying. So I told my mum to get rid of him but she said “No it is too cute.” I told her that when I am playing with my friends he always has to join in and it is very annoying. So I stomped my feet and I cried. My sister came up to me she said that I should be a good girl. I told her that I am being a good girl and it was the garden gnomes fault! I told my sister that he keeps annoying me. My sister and I decided to drop him in the pool. I felt sad when I saw him in there so I jumped in to the pool to save him. It was too deep for him to swim back up even though it was the shallow end. I dived in to get him out and we swam back up. We lived happily ever after and he never annoyed me again.


Our Tree House By Bethany Inside our tree house a whole new world exists! I went to Africa and I explored everywhere. I saw a boy by himself and his name was Austin. I said hello and he waved at me but didn’t talk. I said “Come and see my tree house,” and he nodded but still didn’t talk. “Come on,” I said. He followed me. I saw a hole and I went down that hole but when I got down it was the wrong hole! Oh no it was a dark hole! I could not see! Then I woke up and it was only a dream and Austin was still there but he was just my little brother.

Isabella’s Garden By Vinny These are the seeds and the worms help them to grow in Isabella’s garden.

Isabella’s Garden Retold by Axel This is the soil all dark and deep in Isabella’s garden. These are the seeds that sleep in Isabella’s garden.

Alana’s Christmas Surprise

Once upon a time there was a little girl. The girls name is Alana. She

saw a train with no train tracks. She could not believe her eyes. So she

got on the train. The train went to the North Pole. On her trip, she

saw a pole bear, a leopard seal and a reindeer. Alana walked and walked

until she saw Santa’s village. She looked for Santa. She found Santa

and Santa gave Alana a present. After that Alana got millions and

millions of presents then she went home. Alana decided to give some

presents to her family. Her bother got a spiny toy. Her sister got a

real cat. Her mum got a beautiful shirt. Her dad got a cool hat. Alana

got a princess dress and a wand that made magic. That night Santa

came to Alana and gave her special note. It said ‘always believe’.

The End

Amy Sings under her Umbrella

I love singing in the rain.

It’s lots of fun and I put on my raincoat and my umbrella. Also I take my iPod outside and sing under my umbrella. It is so much fun.

The Wishing Well By Charlotte Gazing into the wishing well I had no idea that my wish was about to come true! My wish was to have a castle of my own and be in charge of everyone. My wish came true! Everyone had to be my slaves and they had to get me a pet unicorn. Even my parents were my slaves and they had to give me a lot of money. I was so happy but I thought I was being a bit bossy. I asked everyone and they agreed that I was being bossy. I was sad so I decided to change and be their friends but then they just ignored me, so I became bossy again. One day I had no dinner because no one brought it to me. I slammed the door and as I was running up the stairs the slaves brought me my dinner! My parents came in too and they gave me a kiss. Luckily it was a magical kiss. Everything went back to the same as it was before. I was a little girl again as the spell had been broken!

The Tunnel

By David

The tunnel was longer than I expected and led to a world I could never have imagined!

I landed in a city. Every person was frozen except me! I was very scared and it was almost night time so I went to a house but the door was locked.

Now it was night time and all the doors were locked!

Suddenly the people started to talk and they told me that I was the most important person in the Universe! One of the people said we are in a curse so I went running to the beach. I saw skulls everywhere. I found a ship and I started to sail to a volcano!

Luckily I saw three people. They were trying to get over the volcano. So I hopped out of the boat. I wondered how I could climb over the volcano.

I shouted to the three people, “How can you climb over the volcano?”

They said “Look in your pocket!”

In my pocket was a remote. I thought those people gave me that remote. They told me to press A.

The remote turned into claws and I started to climb up the volcano.

Eventually I got to the top of the volcano. The four people told me their names. The first person was called Mac. The second person was called Zack and the third person was Luck.

We realised that the volcano was about to explode! Mac jumped and he pressed E. A big bed appeared on the floor. Mac landed on the bed. He told said to us to jump too. So I did, but I was screaming. I landed on the bed followed by Zach and Luck. I ran to a city and Zach, Mac, and Luck followed me.

Zach fell down a hole so I jumped down the hole after him. Mac jumped too. But Luck kept on going. I landed on a bed and I heard someone talking. Zach ran to me and he told me that Luck is bad.

Just then Mac landed on the bed. I saw Luck and I saw a portal behind him and I pressed D and J. A shield and a sword came out. I ran to Luck, but I missed him. I fell down the portal and luckily I was back home and those bad guys were gone forever!

My Birthday Party

By Dean

On the weekend I went to my party at the pool.

We wore wrist bands.

And we swam in the water.

Then we ate the cake. It had a thong on top.

Evil Mr Jack By Isaac By the time I reached the entrance it was too late. An evil person came in. His name was Mr Jack. He had a sword and a pistol that could shoot out bombs. I had a battle with Mr Jack. I went into my castle and Mr Jack went into his castle. I fired my cannon and Mr Jack fired his cannon at the same time. The bombs went next to each other. Mr Jack’s bomb hit my castle and my bomb hit Mr Jack’s castle. Then our castles fell done. No one ever saw us again.

The Magical Calculator

By Axel

I had never noticed this button on my calculator but when I pushed it I was teleported to a magical world where I could fly.

The calculator told me what to do if I crashed into a wall. If I was going to crash it would hurt but that won’t happen because I fly. If I fly I will be able to stop in time.

I got out my calculator and pushed a button. Suddenly I was back home and everything was back to normal.

Isabella’s Garden Retold by Isaac These are the seeds that sleep in the soil all dark and deep in Isabella’s garden.

Wild Zebras

Wild zebras live in Africa.

Zebras mostly eat grass.

Zebras stand up when they sleep.

Zebras have black and white strips.

By Armaan

Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. They went on an adventure. The boy’s name was Braidy Brown and the girl’s name was Alana Stubbs. They went outside and they both saw a reindeer. They saw a sleigh. It must be Santa’s sleigh! They called out to Santa to come down from the sky. Santa came and took them for a ride. It was amazing!

The End

By Braidy

The Tooth Fairy

By Isabelle

I was not impressed when the tooth fairy did not give me anything!

The tooth fairy was only there because she was a bad tooth fairy and she wanted to steal my money and my tooth!

However she dropped her fairy dust on the ground and she couldn’t find her dust.

While she was looking for it my big brother helped me to find it.

We took it to my mum and dad. They took it to our magic mirror which was a very special mirror.

We wished away the tooth fairy and she was never seen again!

The Adventure to Mermaid Beach

Nobody else knows that when I lie in my bed it flies to magical places and this time I went to the Mermaid Beach.

I fell into the water by the evil mermaids and the nice mermaids saved me. The nice mermaids took me onto land.

I saw sparkly sandcastles that the mermaids lived in under the water and I saw sand flowers too.

They talked to me and they said “What are you and why do you have those things on your body?”

“Those are legs,” I said and “I am a human”.

I waved goodbye and they waved back. I climbed onto my bed and

flew back to my house.


A Trip To the North Pole

Once upon a time there was a little boy. His name was Jack. When he woke up he saw a long train. He hopped on the train. He went to the North Pole. Santa was at the North Pole. He saw Santa and he gave Jack a present. When he got the present he opened the present. He liked the present. Then he went back on the train to his home. The present was a telescope. He only used the telescope to look into space. When Jack wanted another present he would go back to the North Pole. He was going to ask Santa for a bow and arrow.

The End

Asian Art S1S

Koi Carp

Asian Art S1S Chinese Dragons

Watercolour and pen

Big Christmas Coming

Big Holiday Coming On Sunday, I went to go to the petrol station.

On Monday bought some warm clothes.

On Tuesday I went to the shops for some food.

On Wednesday I bought some skis and a skateboard.

On Thursday I packed my bag.

On Friday I got into the car for my trip to the snow.

On Saturday I arrived at the house in the snow.


Big snow coming On a wonderful Sunday, I went to the sunny park. We played tip with Cooper. I am really looking forward to next Sunday because I am going to the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Monday I was at home and was doing nothing because I was sick. I watched the news all day.

On Tuesday I went to school and had a wonderful lunch. I had a delicious Vegemite sandwich.

On Wednesday I was sick and did not go to school. I had a pain. I had a big stomach ache.

On Thursday I was still sick and I still had the pain. My mum said I could not go to the snow.

I was really devastated that I could not go to the snow.

On Friday I was at home. I was so upset that I could not go to the snow.

On Saturday I had soccer. I lost at soccer but I felt much better.

Finally SUNDAY came and we went to the snow. It took two hours to get there. When we got there it was very late at night. In the morning I rushed outside and felt the snow. It felt cold and soft. I made a snow angel!!!!

By Jacob

The Magic Box

By Isabella

I will put in my box…

The rushing breakers from Wet N Wild.

the horn of a rainbow unicorn,

the most memorable moment of my life.

I will put in my box….

The torn pages of old and rusty books.

the languages of ten unusual countries,

and whispers and secrets that have never been shared.

My box is fashioned from branches from a shrivelled up tree,

the doors that wait to be opened,

a key to unlock the heart of my monster

and the body of a monster staring right at you.

I will surf the waves that have never been caught before,

read a hundred books that haven’t been read before,

sit on the soft green grass and spend hours making daisy chains.

My box will lead to a world that has never been imagined before.

My box will be placed at the bed of the ocean and will be found one day.

The Magic Box

I will put in my box

The sun and moon on a starry afternoon,

A solar eclipse the colour of a rainbow,

And a single leaf of an evergreen tree.

I will put in my box

The smell of sweet cookies baking,

The sound of birds singing a song,

And a magic apple that will make you immortal.

I will put in my box

Ten pictures painted by ancient Egyptians,

The first laugh of a baby,

The death of a loved one and the cry of a relative.

My box is fashioned with walls made of the sea and corners made of the sun. The lid is made with dreams of little kids and the hinges are made of the finest silk. I will sky dive in my box and splash into the cold, wet ocean. Then I will wash up on the shore the colour of the sun. By Isabelle

King Rolling

Once upon a time there was a king. He sings in the morning all the time and his name is King Rolling. He sits on his throne. He has a big castle. He has a red coat and a red crown. Then a princess came into the castle. He gave the ring to her.

The End. By Hayley

Christmas is coming! On Sunday, I went to the shops. I ran there and bought two cookies and milk for Santa.

On Monday I went to the shops again and I bought ribbons and cake. Then I went back home.

On Tuesday I did not go to the shops.

On Wednesday it was time to hang the ribbons up and put the cake in the fridge.

On Thursday I went to buy carrots for Santa’s reindeer at the fruit shop. I bought some and then I went back home and put the carrots in the fridge. On Friday we got the carrots out of the fridge and got a plate out of the cupboard. We put the carrots on the plate. Then we put cling wrap on the cake so flies do not go on the cake. Next we hung our socks on the fire place. On Saturday we looked in our socks and we ate the cake. It was a good Christmas! John

Koi an Asian Goldfish

My class made a Koi fish using water colours, paper and crayons. It was fun.

By Alila

Black the Bat

In directed drawing I drew a bat. My bat is named Black the bat. Siena

The Icy Queen Castle

Once upon a time there was a little boy. His name was

Alex. One morning he woke up and saw a huge pile of

snow outside his window. He went outside and

touched the snow. The snow was icy as an icicle. The

snow led him to the ice queen. Then Alex’s mum

called him. The little boy quickly rushed home

and his mother said where have you been? Alex

said I’ve been on an adventure .His mum Said that is

good, just be careful. That night he dreamt about the

Queen and her icy castle.

The End

By Ivy

Gershom’s little Chicks

by Lachlan

We used paper, glitter, crayons, glue and paint. I am pretty sure it’s Sydney when they are having fireworks. When I put on the glitter it looked like a shooting star going across the city.



By Maddy

Fuggles the Ladybird

This is Fuggles my Ladybird. I drew him in Year 2. He was the first thing I drew in my directed drawing book.



Firstly you draw a koi fish. Then you use water colours to paint the fish. You then wait for it to dry. After it has dried you stick it onto a piece of blue paper. You then draw some seaweed or other fish to make it look like it is in the sea.

Koi Fish Koi Fish can be red, black, yellow, orange and white. Koi Fish have whiskers like a cat fish.

Koi Fish originate from Japan and represent love and friendship in Japanese culture.


I will put in the box

Some nail polish that makes you invisible,

Kit Kats from cats that kick,

and some fashion clothes.

Uluru Adventure Joshua

I went to Uluru with

my whole family. We

drove in the car and we

slept in the caravan.

When we got to Uluru

we saw a big rock. It

was called Ayers rock.

We had a great holiday.

One day there was a silly zebra. He was smart. A tiger was watching him. The zebra’s name was Connor and the tiger’s name was Mat. Mat chased Connor but Connor outsmarted Mat. Connor was very happy.

By Joshua

Lions Soraya

Lions are mammals. They live in Africa and in groups called prides. Lions are carnivores. They eat zebra, giraffe and buffalo. Female lions hunt for food their pride. Male lions have a mane that protects them when fighting.

Lions have sharp teeth and claws.

Their babies are called cubs. A lion’s lifespan is 10-14 years.

My Three Little Chicks. Kai

I have three little chicks. One is fluffy. The other one yellow and the last one is brown. They are cute and funny. I love them very much.

The End

Zebras live in Africa.

Zebras mostly eat grass.

Zebras have black and white strips.

By Kurtis

Emma’s Adventure to Santa’s Village

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Emma. She was sleeping and was woken by a loud noise. It was a train. She rubbed her eyes and it wasn’t a dream. It was real. When Emma got onto the train, the train began to move up the mountain. On the other side was Santa’s village. I saw lots of elves. They were very funny. The elves gave Emma some sparkling red shoes. She loved them Then she went back home. By Marlie

The End

My Weekend On the weekend, Brooke and Jessie came over to my house . We played lots of fun games like hide and seek, trouble, snap and a memory game. After all those games, we got a surprise when my rabbit had babies. She had six of them. On the 8.12.14, we will be able to hold the rabbits- the mummy rabbit and baby rabbits. Brooke, Jessie, Skye, mum, dad and me all had a good time.

Max Sings In The Rain

I like lots of rain so I can splash in the puddles.

I sing in the rain. I like to sing Gangnam Style.

It is my favourite song to sing in the rain.

My Baby Chicks

I love my three little chicks.

They are cute.

They are yellow and they go

cheep, cheep, cheep.

l love to cuddle my chicks.

By Melody

The Christmas Train

Once upon a time I woke up and the Polar Express train came. When it was

Christmas I went on the train. We went to see Santa. We saw elves. They work funny. We had hot chocolate on the Polar Express. We became friends

on the Polar Express. It was a lot of fun.

The End

By Skye
