Keepass - Brugsebuurten€¦ · KeePass 1.x Only . Command Syntax Action {CLEARFIELD} Clears the...


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Te downloaden op • Keepass 1.15 • Portable Keepass 1.15

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• Unzippen en bestand in de keepass directory plaatsen • Bij opstarten via menu “view/Change language…” op Nederlands plaatsen

1. Opties

• Manier van minimaliseren

• Op “Windows” laten staan!

• Wis klembord na … seconden

• Keepass starten bij opstarten windows • Automatisch opslaan

• Sneltoets ctrl+alt+k • Klembord wissen bij afsluiten/minimaliseren

2. Aanmaken nieuwe database (paswoordbestand)

Menu: Bestand/Nieuw

Dit is hoofdpaswoord waarmee dat toegang verschaft tot al uw paswoorden. Verlies dit niet! Kies daarna “Bestand/opslaan”

3. Aanmaken (bestaande) account met huidig paswoord of door keepass gegenereerd paswoord

Menu “Bewerken/invoer toevoegen”

4. Aanpassingen aan URL gedrag

Auto-Type Keystroke Sequences An auto-type keystroke sequence is a one-line string that can contain placeholders and special key codes.

Above you've seen already that the default auto-type is {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}. Here, {USERNAME} and {PASSWORD} are placeholders: when auto-type is performed, these are replaced by the appropriate field values of the entry. {TAB} and {ENTER} are special key codes: these are replaced by the appropriate keypresses. Special key codes are the only way to specify special keys like Arrow-Down, Shift, Escape, etc.

Of course, keystroke sequences can also contain simple characters to be sent. For example, the following string is perfectly valid as keystroke sequence string: {USERNAME}{TAB}Some text to be sent!{ENTER}.

KeePass 1.x Only Placeholders and special key codes are case-sensitive.

KeePass supports the following placeholders:

Field Placeholder Title {TITLE} User Name {USERNAME} URL {URL} Password {PASSWORD} Notes {NOTES}

Referencing fields of other entries: See Field References. Auto-Type does dereference these links before sending keystrokes.

Special Keys: The following codes for special keys are supported:

Special Key Code Tab {TAB} Enter {ENTER} or ~ Arrow Up {UP} Arrow Down {DOWN} Arrow Left {LEFT} Arrow Right {RIGHT} Insert {INSERT} or {INS} Delete {DELETE} or {DEL} Home {HOME} End {END} Page Up {PGUP} Page Down {PGDN} Backspace {BACKSPACE}, {BS} or {BKSP}Break {BREAK} Caps-Lock {CAPSLOCK} Escape {ESC} Help {HELP} Numlock {NUMLOCK} Print Screen {PRTSC}

Scroll Lock {SCROLLLOCK} F1 - F16 {F1} - {F16} Keypad + {ADD} Keypad - {SUBTRACT} Keypad * {MULTIPLY} Keypad / {DIVIDE} Shift + Control ^ Alt % KeePass 1.x Only

Special Key Code Space {SPACE} + {PLUS} @ {AT} % {PERCENT} Apps {APPS} ^ {CARET} ~ {TILDE} {, } {LEFTBRACE}, {RIGHTBRACE}(, ) {LEFTPAREN}, {RIGHTPAREN}Windows Key: left, right {LWIN} {RWIN} Windows Key {WIN} (equ. to LWIN) Windows Key @ Numpad 0 to 9 {NUMPAD0} to {NUMPAD9}

Additionally, some special commands are supported:

Command Syntax Action

{APPDIR} Will be replaced by the current application directory path.

{DELAY X} Delays X milliseconds.

{INTERNETEXPLORER} Will be replaced by the path of Internet Explorer, if installed.

{FIREFOX} Will be replaced by the path of Mozilla Firefox, if installed.

{OPERA} Will be replaced by the path of Opera, if installed.

KeePass 1.x Only

Command Syntax Action

{CLEARFIELD} Clears the contents of the edit control that currently has the focus (only single-line edit controls).

{VKEY X} Sends the VKEY of value X.

{BEEP X Y} Beeps with a frequency of X and a duration of Y milliseconds.

{DELAY=X} Sets the default delay to X milliseconds for all following keypresses. Deprecated, use {DELAY X} instead.

{APPACTIVATE WindowTitle} Activates the window "WindowTitle".
