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OedipusPart 1

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What crisis is Thebes battling when the play opens?

Terrible plague

What two emotions does a tragedy trigger within an


Pity and fear

What character represents the search for knowledge?


In what way does Oedipus symbolize the protagonist of a tragedy?

He is the son of a king.

T/F A central idea in Oedipus concerns the difficulty for

humans to see the truth about themselves.


T/F A central issue in Oedipus concerns the acceptance of



What personality traits determine Oedipus’ actions

throughout the play?

Stubbornness and perseverance

Define “tragic flaw”.

A character’s weakness that causes his downfall

What does “Oedipus” mean?

Swollen foot

What was terrorizing Thebes when Oedipus first


A sphinx

What was the answer to the sphinx’s riddle?


Whom did Oedipus murder. (give name)


Why is the plague terrorizing Thebes?Laius’ murder has gone unsolved and the murderer un punished.

With which god is the chorus most distressed?


Why did Oedipus summon Lord Teiresias?

He wants Teiresias to reveal the name of Laius’ murderer.

According to Teiresias, who is the murderer?


Who makes up the chorus?

A group of old men

What does the chorus ask for in order to know who the

true murderer is?proof

Which two people do Oedipus accuse of killing Laius?

Teiresias and Creon

What reason does Oedipus give for accusing Creon of

killing Laius?

Creon wanted the throne.

Give one reason why Creon doesn’t want the throne.

1. He wants the privileges but not the responsibility.2. He doesn’t want to go against what the people want,

which kings often have to do.3. Everyone likes him already.

How does Oedipus want to punish Creon?

Oedipus wants to kill Creon.

According to Jocasta, what does the oracle say would

happen to Laius?He’d die at the hands of his son.

What physical ailment afflicts Teiresias?

He’s blind.

What two reasons does Oedipus give for wanting to

find Laius’s murderer?

1.To end the plague2. to avoid Laius’ fate
