Kansas Division of Early Childhood February 24, 2005


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Kansas Division of Early


February 24, 2005

Family Outcomes: Policy & Practice

Jean Ann SummersPhD, Beach Center on Disability

Nina Zuna Doctoral Student, Beach Center on Disability

Kerry LidaDoctoral Student, Beach Center on Disability

Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004)

Number of children served (7/04) 679,212

Number of children served (7/04) 272,454


PART BAppropriations 384,597,408

Appropriations 440,808,096

Signed into law on December 3, 2004

(down from 2004)

(up from 2004)

What’s NEW in the IFSP….

Description of transition services

“measurable results” or outcomes

Pre-literacy & language skills

EI services based upon peer-reviewed research

Initiation, “length”, duration, &“frequency” of services must be


IFSP supports family outcomes through…

Services to assist families in meeting child needs

Measurable results of child and family progress

Services in the natural environment

Family directed assessment of

resources, priorities, and concerns

What’s NEW in the IEP….

IEP team shall consider the academic, developmental & “functional needs” of the child.

Elimination of short-term objectives andbenchmarks except for children who takethe alternate assessments


Include present levels of academic achievement and “functional performance”

What’s NEW in the IEP CONT….

Statement of measurable annual goals (academic and fxl)

Statement of sped and related services and supplementary aids, based upon peer-reviewed research.

Amendments or modifications after IEP isdeveloped can be made w/o convening ameeting if agreed upon by LEA and parents.

IEP supports family outcomes through…

Reports to Congress

Section 619 funds

Including concerns of parents in the their child’s education

Use of PBS interventions when appropriate

Consider the IFSP to serve as IEP

IDEA Family Services/Supports Part C

Family trainingCounseling& home visits

Family trainingCounseling& home visits

Special InstructionSpecial




Social Work Services

Social Work Services








Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology

IDEA Family Services/Supports Part B

Family trainingCounseling& home visits

Family trainingCounseling& home visits

Psychological services

Psychological services

Social Work Services

Social Work Services

Audiology Services

Audiology Services

Speech Language Services

Speech Language Services

Orientation & Mobility Services

Orientation & Mobility Services

IDEA Program Evaluation-Part C

Government Performance and Results Act (1993)Government Performance and Results Act (1993)

APR Program goal: Enhance the development of infants and toddlers (0-3) with disabilities and support their families in meeting their special needs

APR Program goal: Enhance the development of infants and toddlers (0-3) with disabilities and support their families in meeting their special needs

1 Family Indicator: The percentage of families participating in Part C that report early intervention services increased their capacity to enhance their child’s development.

1 Family Indicator: The percentage of families participating in Part C that report early intervention services increased their capacity to enhance their child’s development.

(NEILS data 1998-72% & 2001 73%)

IDEA Program Evaluation-Part B

Government Performance and Results Act (1993)Government Performance and Results Act (1993)

APR- Program Goal: Preschool children with disabilities ready to enter school & succeed….APR- Program Goal: Preschool children with disabilities ready to enter school & succeed….

There are NO specific family indicators!!!

through assisting states in providing special education & related servicesthrough assisting states in providing special education & related services

There are two childIndicators and one teacher certificateindicators


Federal Legislation

Program Assessment Rating tool (2002)

Evaluates agencies in 4 areas:

Program Assessment Rating tool (2002)

Evaluates agencies in 4 areas:

Program purpose and design 100%Program purpose and design 100%

Program Management 44%Program Management 44%

Strategic Planning 29%Strategic Planning 29%

Program Results -0%Program Results -0%?

Office of Special Education Responds….

Initiates focus groups around child/family outcomesInitiates focus groups around child/family outcomes

Funds Early Childhood Outcome CenterFunds Early Childhood Outcome Center

Funds G-SEG (General Supervisory Enhancement Grants)to study the implementation of child/family outcomes

KSDE was awarded a grant to study child outcomes

Funds G-SEG (General Supervisory Enhancement Grants)to study the implementation of child/family outcomes

KSDE was awarded a grant to study child outcomes

Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Center

Funded by OSEP to develop child & family outcomesFunded by OSEP to develop child & family outcomes

Serves as a technical resource to statesServes as a technical resource to states

Conducts researchConducts research

Collaborates with families, researchers, community

members on development of outcomes

Collaborates with families, researchers, community

members on development of outcomes

ECO Family Outcomes

Understand child’s strengths/abilities/needsUnderstand child’s strengths/abilities/needs

Know rights/communicate child’s needsKnow rights/communicate child’s needs

Help child learn and developHelp child learn and develop

Feel they have adequate social supportFeel they have adequate social support

Able to access services/activities in their communityAble to access services/activities in their community

Family Outcomes: Voices from FamiliesNational Center on Outcome Resources - ncor.org



A “normal” lifeA “normal” life


Connection to the communityConnection to the community

Importance in the communityImportance in the community

Quotes from NCOR focus groups

“How I define quality is in terms of how I define

my family relationship, my family role,

and how I define what fulfils our need

as a family in the community.”

Quotes cont-

When you are going to bring supports into my house, into my family, please make them non-invasive…we want to feel like a normal family as much as possible.”

Quotes cont-

Parents should be the ones

defining what inclusion means.”

Quotes cont-

“High quality service does not mean a program…

it means building support for the individual…

from co-workers, neighbors, people who work in the stores…

all the people that my son lives and works

with and interacts with every day.”

Beach Center on DisabilityFamily Outcomes

“Family Quality of Life (Park, et. al, 2003)

Parent/Professional Partnerships (Blue-Banning, Summers, Frankland, Nelson, & Beegle, 2004)

“Family Community Integration

Family Comments: Preliminary results from FCI

“…my husband would like to participate on sports teams,

but he doesn’t want to leave me with the kids

…so he doesn’t.”

FCI: Family Comments

“…she knows people are staring at her and I had to say something…”

FCI: Family Comments

“I couldn’t find one [a church] that would accept my child;

I had to drive 18 miles to get this service.”

FCI: Family Comments

“A lot of times my older son can not join

hobby-based clubs because

of my other son’s therapy needs”.

FCI: Family Comments

“…finding someone to work with our child

with behavior issues is tricky…”

FCI: Family Comments

“…a lot of people (referring to other parents of kids with disabilities) don’t like to leave the house because it is way too hard for their child to handle the situation, so instead they have friends over.”

FCI: Family Comments

“..nobody right now can do this

(attend education courses];

we are interested,

but trying to figure it out;

there is no solution now.”

FCI: Family Comments

“…spending time together as a family is important.”

FCI: Family Comments

“..going to dinner at a fancy restaurant would be nice; too many behavior issues now.”

FCI: Family Comments

“..just having a break to go shopping

or to the movies by myself would be nice..”


Impact of policy on Family Outcomes

Impact of practice through IFSP and IEP design and delivery

Implications of families’ voices on policy and practice

Family and Professional Networks

