Just To Let You Know


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Just To Let You Know... Reception

Friday 23rd April

Dear Parents,

We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. The weather was gorgeous and we’ve heard that you got up to lots of exciting things! We are really glad to be back in school.

This week, the highlight has certainly been playing outside as a year group bubble. The children have been able to mix between the classes and make new friends. It really has been brilliant for them!

This term we’re going to be doing lots of planting, and we’re hoping to be able to fill lots of our out-side spaces with plants. However, we need lots of resources! If you have any spare gardening bits (especially compost, seeds or veg plants) that you’d like to donate, please do get in touch with us. We’re looking forward to starting our Sunflow-er Challenge next week in school.

Have a fantastic weekend! Love, the Reception team x

A few back to school reminders:

Name labels:

Children may have grown over the last few weeks and so have some new clothing or new water bottles. Please make sure everything that your child owns is labelled clearly with their name, especially HTPD bobble hats! Even if you know you’ve labelled everything, please check it to make sure the label is still clear!


Please keep reading with your child at home. This is the most valuable way that you can support your child at home. Our book change days are now Monday, Wednesday and Fri-day. Please send your child in with their book on these days whether they need chang-ing or not so that we can read with them also. Do continue to use Rising Stars to read with your child. If you need new books uploaded onto Rising Stars then email either Catherine or Claire.

Wild Place:

We will continue to visit the Wild Place on a Wednesday morning.

Sun Cream:

As the weather gets warmer, please make sure you apply sun cream to the children before they come to school. Our outdoor area is al-ways open, so children spend lots of the day playing in the sunshine!

This week…

Phonics: We’ve been reviewing the sounds ‘ai’, ‘ee’, ‘igh’ and ‘oa’. Next week we’ll be learning new sounds.

Maths: We have looked at a beautiful book by Clare Thompson called ‘The Visitors’ and had a go at making our own art using dried petals and leaves from the garden. We have also read ‘One is a Snail, and Ten is a Crab’ (a feet counting book!) and have thought about different combinations of ani-mals to make different total numbers of feet, e.g. a crab and a snail would be 11. This has helped us to think more about teen numbers, which has been our focus for the week!

PE Days!

Willow have PE on Monday and Friday.

Hazel have PE on Monday and Thursday.
