June 23, 2019 Parish Staff · 23/6/2019  · June 23, 2019. Deacon Jim’s Corner A Letter from Our...


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Sandwich Ministry: M thru F 10am - Noon

**Food Bank T & Thurs 10am - Noon

Parish Staff

Pastoral Coordinator - Deacon Jim Fish


Parish Priest - Father Martin Bourke


Deacon Mike Teskey: Pastoral Support deaconmike@visitationchurch.org

Kristen Abbananto: PA Faith Formation kristen@visitationchurch,org

Erica Minneman: Music Director erica@visitationchurch.org

Jeannine Wargo: Admin Assist / Bookkeeper calendar@visitationchurch.org

Kathy McSperitt: Bulletin Editor/Ministries Cord.



Phone (253) 474-6424 Fax (253) 474-6718


Marc Nuno: Principal nunom@visitationschool.net

Margie Mykland: Admin. Assist. myklandm@visitationschool.net

Thursday & Saturday




Sunday 8am & 10am

Rosary: Following the

8am Mass

Holy Masses

For Emergencies call (253) 473-4960

For additional information on: Sacramental Prep.

requirements, registration forms, Bulletins and more

information about us please visit our website



Phone (253) 473-4960

Fax (253) 473-8378


3314 So 58th Street

Tacoma, WA 98409

Office Hours

Mondays: All Offices CLOSED

Tues thru Fri: 10am-4pm

Closed for Lunch: 12:30pm—1:30pm

Office closed: June 27, 2019

July 4th, 2019


Thursday 9am

Saturday 9am

Monday 9am-12:30pm

Tuesday 4pm-7pm

Saturday 8-8:45am


Rosary only

Monday thru Saturday


**St. Vincent DePaul: T & Thurs 10am - Noon

By appointment only

**Proof of residence & photo ID required,

**Current Driver’s License & with matching

Car Registration required for Gas vouchers.

**Serving the 98409 zip code only.

No Utility or Rental assistance available

Ministries to the Poor

Phone: (253) 474-0835

June 23, 2019

Deacon Jim’s Corner

A Letter from Our Pastoral


June 23, 2019

May Christ’s peace, joy and hope

be with you all!

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

This last weekend, from June 14-17, I traveled south to the Trappist Abbey of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Carlton, Oregon in the Northwest hilly region of the Willamette Valley (website: http://trappistabbey.org ) to make my annual private re-treat. I’ve been making retreats there by myself/with others or like this time with a friend for over 46 years. I enjoy the quiet and the complete change from my normal life. The hospitality of the monks provides enough comfort but very little interference so that a retreatant like me can do almost what he/she wants as far as retreat time goes.

The accommodations and meals are simple but certainly enough to provide the opportunity for silence, prayer and joining the rhythm of the 19 monks who live at the Abbey. One of the priest monks is a long-time friend of mine. He just celebrated his 50th year as a Trappist at Our Lady of Guadalupe and was originally born and raised in Tacoma. I usually get a chance to speak with him and he provided my co-retreatant friend and me a tour of the interior of their residence and their work areas. It was my friend’s first visit and tour. This includes the cloister, the book bindery, the bakery where they make fruit cake and other specialty baked items as well as their 80,000 sq. feet of warehouse space that stores wine from the surrounding smaller and ever- expanding wineries.

Trappists, like most monastics, pray 5 times per day. This community of brothers celebrate mass following morning prayer c. 6:50am daily. On Sundays, Mass is celebrated at 9:15am. Retreatants and anyone from the surrounding region are welcome to join with the monks as they pray the Liturgy of the Hours and celebrate Mass. On this Sunday, June 16th, the Abbey chapel was packed with congregants. So many came that they had to bring in folding chairs to accommodate the crowd.

The Abbey always welcomes guests though they can only accommodate a few at a time. They are usually booked 2-3 months in advance, but it is always good to call ahead.

In the hectic pace of our lives, it is always wise to take time daily for longer periods of prayer and quality time with Jesus one on one. If your schedule and time allows, I urge all of you to consider making a visit or even an overnight stay of a few days to Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey. With fewer distractions, it’s indeed beneficial on occasion to have longer periods of time with Jesus to be even more grounded in our relationship with him as Catholics. These summer months are a perfect time to use for some “retreat” time even if it means staying at home, heading to a park, or the waterfront and being a little more intentional and protective of our time in personal prayer.

In God’s great love, hope and mercy,

Deacon Jim

Deacon Jim Fish, Pastoral Coordinator Visitation and Holy Rosary Parishes Archdiocese of Seattle

June 23, 2019

MONDAY, June 24

St. John the Baptist

Is 49:1-6 / Acts 13:22-26

Lk 1:57-66.80

T,UESDAY, June 25

Gn 13;2,5-18 Mt 7:6,12-14


Gn 15:1-12,17-18 Mt 7:15-20

THURSDAY, June 27 Gn 16:1-12,15-16 Mt 7:21-29

Mass Intention: Catalina

FRIDAY, June 28

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Ez 34:11-16 / Rom 5:5b-11 Lk 15:3-7


Sts. Peter and Paul

Acts 12:1-11 2Tim 4;6-8,17-18

Mt 16:13-19

Mass Intention: +Jessie Trujillo

Mick Flynn, Peter Pagano

Rose Ann Berntsen, Gene Hall, Scotty

Steffan, Bill & Jennie Bradley, Norma

Marchesini, Nicki Russell, Patty Yokes,

Joan Nyhus, Don Matthews, Rick &

Virginia Schubert, Ron & Carol Amos,

Brad Bowles, Theresa Stockwell, Sabina

Lockhard, Maxine Campbell, Theresa

Johnson, Janet Fasthund, Marta Cady,

Margaret Mitchell, Patricia Chisum,

Rosalie Burbank, Philip Stumpf,

Caesar Gatbunton., Cindy Thompkins,

Eleanor Hoffman, Marilyn Patrino,

Sherry Drake, Pam Hietpas,

Mark McBride

Our Homebound & for those whose

suffering is known only to God.

Your prayers are VERY important. If you

are unable to give monetarily, please

submit a card stating that you will pray

for the state wide campaign success.

As of June 20th: 88 of our 549 families

have pledged 81% or $28,238.00

of our $35,000 goal. Thank you!

June 24-27: Quo Vadis Days Camp

Young men 13-18 Free. Register:


June 30: Farewell Reception

after 8am Mass for Deacon Jim

June 30: Peter Pence Collection

Aug 1-3: Healing the Whole Person

Holy Cross $170.00 **

Aug 2: Day of Equipping. $50.00

Holy Cross** Registration for BOTH:


Oct 18-19: Coming Together For

Life & Justice WSCC Cornerstone

Tacoma Convention Center

Register: WACatholics.org/Cornerstone


Visitation Ministries Leaders: Please contact Kathy with all events, monthly meetings, gatherings and need for members.

As of June 16, 2019

8am Mass $ 2,331.00

10am Mass $ 1,204.00

On-line $ 520.00

Split Funds $ 50.00

Total weekly Budget amount

needed $ 6,278.49

Under Budget this week


*Fiscal Year to date Shortfall

<$ 56,357.31>

One time donations received thru 6-16-19 $6,155.00

Revised shortfall <50,202.31>

THANK YOU for your support in our Journey of Faith and meeting the needs of all that Visitation is being asked to do.

Watch for: changes to your

monthly envelope

packets and On-Line

donation options

beginning July 2019..

Need some work or services?

Check out the back page of the

Bulletin. All the advertisers through

their ads, pave the way for

Visitation to receive the Bulletin

printing free of charge.

Let’s support them!

“Dear young people, the Lord, the Church, the world are waiting for your answer to the unique call that each one

receives in life!” “I invite you to prepare yourselves with joy and

enthusiasm to participate in such a great adventure.. do you

accept the challenge?”

*Pope Francis*

Ministries of the Poor

Sandwich Ministry (MOTP)

Needed: Cup of Soup

Volunteers needed:

1. MOTP: To make and hand

out lunches, toiletry bags and be

the face of Christ to those coming

to our door. Call:

Margie Mautino (253) 686-8711

or Linda Lamb (253) 691-5988

2. Liturgy Commission:

Flower Décor

Call: Kristen Abbananto

(253) 473-4690
