June 2012 - Performance Report



Tayside Police Monthly Performance Report - Performance Figures for June 2012

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This performance report covers a range of force performance and is available on the force web site every month. It provides an overview of local performance results and pub-lic feedback. Areas covered are:

- Dundee Local Policing Area

- Angus Local Policing Area

- Perth & Kinross Local Policing Area

The report incorporates information from local Inspectors about what they are doing to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour in your community. Results are presented at Section (local community ) level.













JUNE 2012



Policing Tayside

Policing Dundee

Policing Angus

Policing Perth & Kinross







Summary of Results 6

Introduction 3

Resources & Assets 33




B uilding public confidence and trust is how Tayside Police aims to improve satisfaction with the quality of service provided to its communities. This is achieved through the effec-tive delivery of policing services which meet the needs of local communities. It is about ease of access to services, giving the public a voice in order to influence how the force responds to is-sues that matter to them, delivering appropriate and robust interventions, working with partners, providing feedback to the public and keeping them informed of progress and improvement.

C orporate support forms an important role in ensuring that appropriate resources are in place to deliver an efficient and effective service to the public. The force uses performance indicators to gather information about performance, quality of ser-vice and public perception. These are listed below. They are derived from priorities identified through the annual strategic assessment and also include issues, such as housebreaking and vandalism, identified through public feedback. The challenging economic climate means that robust monitoring and reporting processes are instrumental in ensuring that the force is on track to deliver its objectives within the resources available.

Key Performance Indicators

1. Standards of Service

• First Contact : overall satisfaction rating

• First Contact: caller provided with the name of the call handler

• Proportion of people who received an update on the progress of their enquiry

• Overall customer experience of the service provided by the police

2. Crime and Detection Rates

• Violent Crime

• Robbery

• Vandalism

• Domestic Housebreaking

3. Road Casualties

4. Proportion of working time lost to sickness absence

In addition, a programme of regular surveys tests local public opinion on how neighbourhoods are policed in order that where action is required, it can be initiated in a timely manner.




P erformance Indicators are derived from detailed policing plans and busi-

ness plans outlining what Local Policing Ar-eas and supporting departments intend to deliver in support of the priorities set out in the three-year Tayside Policing Plan 2011-2014. These form the basis for this per-formance publication. Two community priorities: ‘Public Safety’ and ‘Public Reassurance’, underpin the policing plan . Analysis of data and context

1 with respect

to performance indicators, combined with the outputs from public consultation, pro-vide an indication of the extent to which the force is succeeding in contributing to im-proved community outcomes.

What this will tell us about performance

Tayside Police Key Performance Indicators

help the force define and measure progress

toward the achievement of standards of

service and force objectives.

Monitoring results over the longer term al-

lows the force to see where sustained im-

provement occurs, or identifies challenges

which require to be addressed.

Consulting, engaging and listening Public consultation and feedback runs as a thread throughout performance manage-ment and provides information that lets us know whether we are doing things right. ‘Customers’ include our staff. FOOTNOTE: 1.Context Indicators are not measures of performance per se; rather they provide additional background infor-mation in relation to the demands placed upon the force and the environment in which it operates.




B aselines for improvement adopt the methodology used in previous years,

incorporating the most recent three years average performance as a starting point for improvement. For some KPIs a slight adjustment is ap-plied to the three-year average target which may take account of developing trends or patterns over the last 36 months. The target may be adjusted up or down ac-cordingly to ensure that it is both challeng-ing and realistic in terms of achievement . Improvement Targets are agreed annually through a process of consultation with terri-torial commanders and heads of depart-ments. These are ratified by the Force ex-ecutive and Tayside Joint Police Board.

R esults are colour-coded against the following criteria: Results are presented as a ‘Dashboard’ for ease of viewing. Further context is pro-vided at the beginning of the document as a summary. Behind the scenes, results over time are monitored using charts, to which upper and lower control limits are applied.

P erformance reporting. Where performance is adhering to the

‘norm’, i.e. remaining within upper and lower control limits, minimal reporting takes place. Areas of concern or exceptional

performance, lying outwith the upper or lower control limits, is commented upon in the summary. In addition, areas of police business not contained within the key performance indi-cators (such as fleet, health and safety, staff development) are reported on in dashboard style, subject to data being available, with a view to producing a bal-anced view of organisational activity. This promotes the diverse range of services that support operational policing.

P ublication of Performance Results. This document is published monthly on

the force web-site in accordance with the statutory requirement under Section 13 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 2003 which covers public performance reporting in relation to the publication of performance information and evidence of continuous im-provement.

On or above target Below target


1. STANDARDS OF SERVICE Three out of four customer satisfaction targets were achieved for the quarter April to June 2012, with particular attention drawn to the ‘updating the public’ indicator where results exceeded the 2012/13 target set at 65.0% by 7.8 percentage points finalising at 72.8%. Overall satisfaction at first contact evidenced a 3.5 percentage point improvement compared to the same quarter the previous year rising from 92.1% to 95.6% and exceeded the force target set at 94.0% by 1.6 percentage points. The proportion of respondents who were provided with the name of the person dealing with their en-quiry reduced slightly from 84.7% in 2011/12 to 84.5% in 2012/13 and fell short of the increased tar-get set at 85.0% by 0.5 percentage points. Significant improvements were evident in relation to service users receiving an update on the progress of their enquiry increasing 15.1 percentage points to 72.8% compared to 57.7% in 2011/12. As previ-ously stated this result well exceeded the target set for 2012/13 of 65.0%. In addition, further analysis undertaken on this indicator highlighted that 85.5% of customers who had reported a crime were up-dated on progress with their enquiry with a lesser proportion, 48.3%, of those who had made contact for reasons other than to report a crime, confirming that they had received an update. Satisfaction with the overall service provided by Tayside Police returned an improvement of 5.0 per-centage points compared to the commensurate fig-ure the previous year, rising from 80.4% to 85.4% and again achieved the target set for 2012/13 of 85.0%.

2. CRIME Performance in relation to overall crime groups : • Violent crime (Group 1) - a decrease of 20.6% (27 crimes)

• Crimes of indecency (Group 2) - a decrease of 9.2% (10 crimes)

• Crimes of dishonesty (Group 3) - a decrease of 1.5% (35 crimes)

• Malicious mischief, vandalism etc (Group 4) - a reduction of 19.1% (305 crimes)

(Data was sourced directly from Apex crime reporting system on 3 July and may differ slightly to other published results due to some reclassification of crimes and any additional ‘no crime’ status being applied in the intervening period.)

The force achieved 5 out of 9 crime-related targets ~ violent crime and vandalism —recorded crime and detection rate plus the detection rate for robbery.

The detection rate for groups 1 to 4 crimes (45.3%) failed to achieve target by 1.2 percentage points and a further 42 detections would have been required in order to achieve target. Similarly, with domestic housebreaking, the detection rate of 30.6% failed to achieve the target of 31.0% and, tantalisingly, just one more detection would have produced an on tar-get result. Two areas of recorded crime did not achieve target; 32 robberies had occurred by the end of June 2012, 2 more than in the same period last year. 193 do-mestic housebreakings were recorded this year, 45 more than the 148 recorded at the same time last year.

3. COMMUNITY POLICING The community policing questions are replicated in both the Service Satisfaction and Public Perception surveys in order to compare perceptions of commu-nity policing from a service user perspective (those who have had direct contact with the police – Ser-vice Satisfaction survey) and as a member of the general public, who may not have had contact with the police (Public Perception survey). Comparisons of the results for these questions for both surveys are detailed later in this document under Public Per-ception – Community Policing. • 50.4% of service users thought that the cur-

rent level of police patrols in their neighbour-hood was ‘about right’ for their community needs. Conversely, 48.8% felt it was ‘too little’ and a minimal 0.8% believed that there was ‘too much’ patrolling.

• The majority of respondents, 77.3%, felt reas-sured when they witnessed an officer on patrol in their neighbourhood whilst 5.0% stated that it caused them concern.

• Three out of ten respondents, 29.0%, con-firmed that they were able to recognise their community officer either by name, sight or both. A further 15.3%, although unable to identify their local officer by sight or name, knew how to contact them should the need arise. 35.2% of residents stated that they would like to know the identify of the commu-nity officers who looked after their neighbour-hood whilst interestingly a fifth, 20.5%, did not feel there was a need for them to know their community officers.

• ‘Local newspapers’ were the preferred me-

Summary of results: April 2012 - June 2012


dium for respondents to be kept informed about actions being taken by officers in their communities.

• 70.2% of service users agreed that officers understood the issues that mattered in their neighbourhoods and 64.0% felt that officers were dealing with such matters. Overall, 71.1% of respondents had confidence in the police in their neighbourhood.

• Taking everything into account, 72.1% of ser-vice users thought that community officers were doing a ‘good’ or ‘very good’ job in their area.

4. TELEPHONE RESPONSE 3368 emergency calls were received in June and 90.5% of these were answered within 10 seconds. 18018 non-emergency calls were received and 65.7% were answered within 40 seconds

5. SICKNESS ABSENCE The absence rate for police officers was 3.2% at the end of June and met the target of 4.0%. The police staff result at 4.9% was a deterioration on the 3.5 recorded at the same time last year and failed to meet the target of 4.0%.

6. ROAD CASUALTIES Between April and the end of June 6 adult fatalities were recorded, one more than at the end of June 2011. A further 39 people were seriously injured (51 last year), three of which were children. The total number of people killed or seriously injured (45) was 11 fewer than at the same time last year. From April 2011, the force adopted the govern-ment’s Road Safety Framework Targets to the year 2020.

7. PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF CRIME Nine out of ten respondents in Tayside, 90.3%, per-ceived their neighbourhood to be a safe place to live. This indicates a slight reduction of 1.0 percent-age point compared to the same quarter the previ-ous year when 91.3% of respondents were of the same opinion. Whilst opinions remained fairly static between 2012/13 and 2011/12 in relation to those who felt

that crime levels had remained the same during the period – six out of ten respondents - a 4.9 percent-age point improvement was recorded for those who felt that crime had decreased rising from 11.4% to 16.3% and similarly, a minimal 0.4 percentage point reduction in those who felt that crime had in-creased, falling from 24.3% to 23.9%. The main issues of concern to residents when asked unprompted were ‘dangerous/careless driv-ing’, 27.7% (17.6%), followed by ‘drug dealing or drug abuse’, 19.8% (15.0%) and ‘antisocial behav-iour’, 19.8% (28.5%). This provides a similar repre-sentation of concerns as in the previous year with only ‘dangerous/careless driving’ and ‘antisocial be-haviour’ changing position. In terms of prevalence of crime in local neighbour-hoods, almost four in ten respondents, 38.1% (48.2%) said that ‘antisocial behaviour’ was a com-mon problem in their local area, closely followed by ‘vandalism/graffiti’, 37.0% (37.3%) and ‘dangerous/careless driving’, 31.1% (31.0%). This result indi-cates that opinions mirrored those of the previous year where ‘antisocial behaviour’ was deemed the most common issue blighting local communities. 37.3% (38.4%) of respondents confirmed that they were concerned at becoming a victim of crime in their area and when asked to comment on the is-sues which caused them concern, ‘housebreaking’, 46.3% (48.3%), followed by ‘antisocial behaviour’, 37.1% (45.9%), were the major issues of concern. Feelings of safety walking alone in local neighbour-hoods both during the day and after dark evidenced a decline in confidence in 2012/13 compared to 2011/12 whereby 92.0% (95.8%) of the public felt safe during the day and 55.1% (62.4%) felt safe af-ter dark. A minority 1.8% of residents stated that a fear of crime prevented them from taking part in their every-day activities. This represents a reduction of 3.5 percentage points compared to the 5.3% who pro-vided the same response in 2011/12. Service Delivery When asked to provide views on the force’s service delivery, first in terms of the importance of certain activities and then how well those activities were executed, every aspect of service delivery evi-denced an improvement in performance compared to the same quarter the previous year. This was particularly apparent for ‘providing a visible pres-ence’ which returned an improvement of 12.3 per-


centage points, rising from 41.8% in 2011/12 to 54.1% in 2012/13. The greatest disparity in opinion between impor-tance and effectiveness however still remains with visible policing and suggests that ‘providing a visible presence’ is the main area of policing which the public perceive Tayside Police should continue to improve going forward.




Tayside Land Area: 7,528 square kilometres Population: 405,720 Police Officers: 1258 Police Staff: 543 Special Constables: 172 Mid year population estimates - most recent - published by The General Register Office for Scotland on 30 June 2011 Staff profile as at 31 March 2012 and is based upon headcount - which includes full and part-time working.

Dundee Local Policing Area

Population 145,570 Land area 60 sq km

Angus Local Policing Area

Population 110,630 Land area 2,182 sq km Perth & Kinross

Local Policing Area Population 149,520

Land area 5,286 sq km


2012-13 Target

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

% / p

p Change

2012-13 Target

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Target

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Target

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

First Contact: Overall satisfaction rating for service provided at first contact

94.0% 95.6% 92.1% 3.5 94.0% 96.0% 87.1% 8.9 94.0% 97.6% 90.0% 7.6 94.0% 93.9% 97.9% -4.0

First Contact:% of respondents provided with the name of the person dealing with their enquiry

85.0% 84.5% 84.7% -0.2 85.0% 83.1% 78.0% 5.1 85.0% 87.5% 85.0% 2.5 85.0% 83.3% 90.7% -7.4

Updating the Public: Overall % of customers who received an update on the progress of their enquiry

65.0% 72.8% 57.7% 15.1 65.0% 67.5% 59.2% 8.3 65.0% 79.7% 58.6% 21.1 65.0% 72.5% 55.6% 16.9

% customers who received an update following their

contact to report a crime~ 85.5% 66.9% 18.6 ~ 77.2% 69.0% 8.2 ~ 91.7% 67.7% 24.0 ~ 88.1% 64.4% 23.7

% customers who received an update following their

contact for reasons other than to report a crime~ 48.3% 46.4% 1.9 ~ 46.2% 47.1% -0.9 ~ 52.4% 48.1% 4.3 ~ 47.6% 44.4% 3.2

Customer Experience: Overall satisfaction rating of the service provided by Tayside Police

85.0% 85.4% 80.4% 5.0 85.0% 80.9% 78.9% 2.0 85.0% 91.8% 79.4% 12.4 85.0% 84.5% 82.4% 2.1

(Response Rate)


Groups 1-4 recordedNo

target3440 3745 -8.1%


target1684 1958 -14.0%


target807 786 2.7%


target949 1001 -5.2%

- Detection rate 46.5% 45.3% 49.7% -4.4 45.5% 48.0% 48.7% -0.7 47.5% 43.5% 48.3% -4.9 48.0% 41.9% 52.6% -10.7

Violent Crime recorded 520 104 131 -20.6% 273 52 75 -30.7% 104 20 14 42.9% 143 32 42 -23.8%

- Detection rate 85.0% 91.3% 87.8% 3.6 80.0% 90.4% 82.7% 7.7 91.0% 100.0% 92.9% 7.1 93.0% 87.5% 95.2% -7.7

Robbery recorded 133 32 30 6.7% 89 16 20 -20.0% 8 1 0 *** 36 15 10 50.0%

- Detection rate 70.0% 90.6% 63.3% 27.3 62.0% 100.0% 50.0% 50.0 85.0% 100.0% 0.0% *** 85.0% 80.0% 90.0% -10.0

Vandalism recorded 4650 913 1138 -19.8% 2300 393 591 -33.5% 1250 296 276 7.2% 1100 224 271 -17.3%

- Detection rate 31.0% 32.2% 33.0% -0.8 28.0% 31.8% 30.3% 1.5 32.0% 29.7% 37.0% -7.2 34.0% 36.2% 34.7% 1.5

Domestic Housebreaking recorded 700 193 148 30.4% 445 132 90 46.7% 95 23 25 -8.0% 160 38 33 15.2%

- Detection rate 31.0% 30.6% 36.5% -5.9 28.0% 35.6% 38.9% -3.3 33.0% 13.0% 48.0% -35.0 33.0% 23.7% 21.2% 2.5

315/900 (35.0%) 101/324 (31.2%) 88/252 (34.9%) 126/324 (38.9%)



On or above 3 year averageBelow 3 year average

2012-13 Target

2012-13 R


2011-12 Result

% / p

p Change

2012-13 Target

2012-13 R


2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Target

2012-13 R


2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Target

2012-13 R


2011-12 Result

%/pp Change


People killed 26 6 5 20.0% N/A 0 0 *** N/A 3 1 200.0% N/A 3 4 -25.0%

People seriously injured 222 39 51 -23.5% N/A 9 13 -30.8% N/A 7 11 -36.4% N/A 23 27 -14.8%

Children killed 1 0 0 *** N/A 0 0 *** N/A 0 0 *** N/A 0 0 ***

Children seriously injured 25 3 9 -66.7% N/A 2 4 -50.0% N/A 0 4 -100.0% N/A 1 1 0.0%


Sickness Absence - police officers 4.0% 3.2% 3.8% -0.6 4.0% 3.8% 2.7% 1.1 4.0% 3.8% 5.7% -1.9 4.0% 2.9% 5.3% -2.4

Sickness Absence - police staff 4.0% 4.9% 3.5% 1.4 4.0% 3.4% 4.5% -1.2 4.0% 6.0% 5.1% 0.9 4.0% 4.2% 3.2% 0.9













On or above 3 year averageBelow 3 year average







number %




number %


number %




number %

GROUP 1Murder 3 3 100.0% 3 4 133.3% 0 0.0% 1 1 100.0%

Attempted Murder 20 18 90.0% 8 8 100.0% -12 -60.0% 1 1 100.0%

Culpable Homicide 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -

Serious Assault 47 43 91.5% 42 35 83.3% -5 -10.6% 13 10 76.9%

Robbery (Incl attempts) 30 19 63.3% 32 29 90.6% 2 6.7% 8 5 62.5%

Child Cruelty/Neglect 21 22 104.8% 15 16 106.7% -6 -28.6% 4 3 75.0%

Pos of Firearm with intent to endanger life 2 2 100.0% 0 0 - -2 -100.0% 0 0 -

Abduction 2 2 100.0% 1 1 100.0% -1 -50.0% 0 0 -

Threats 6 6 100.0% 2 1 50.0% -4 -66.7% 1 1 100.0%

Others 0 0 - 1 1 100.0% 1 - 0 0 -

GROUP 1 - TOTAL 131 115 87.8% 104 95 91.3% -27 -20.6% 28 21 75.0%

GROUP 2Rape 19 15 78.9% 18 10 55.6% -1 -5.3% 5 3 60.0%

Assault with intent to rape 0 0 - 2 0 0.0% 2 - 1 0 0.0%

Indecent assault 59 39 66.1% 34 34 100.0% -25 -42.4% 12 14 116.7%

Lewd & Libidinous practices 7 4 57.1% 4 10 250.0% -3 -42.9% 2 5 250.0%

Public Indecency 13 8 61.5% 11 10 90.9% -2 -15.4% 3 7 233.3%

Others 11 6 54.5% 30 25 83.3% 19 172.7% 4 2 50.0%

GROUP 2 - TOTAL 109 72 66.1% 99 89 89.9% -10 -9.2% 27 31 114.8%

GROUP 3Housebreaking ~ domestic dwelling 148 54 36.5% 193 59 30.6% 45 30.4% 42 20 47.6%

Housebreaking ~ domestic non-dwelling 67 12 17.9% 56 8 14.3% -11 -16.4% 26 5 19.2%

Housebreaking ~ commercial 69 37 53.6% 91 28 30.8% 22 31.9% 40 5 12.5%

Theft, attempt theft from locked premises/property 40 13 32.5% 71 15 21.1% 31 77.5% 36 8 22.2%

Theft, attempt theft from locked motor vehicle 126 36 28.6% 73 27 37.0% -53 -42.1% 27 2 7.4%

Theft, attempted theft of a motor vehicle 84 49 58.3% 56 26 46.4% -28 -33.3% 16 9 56.3%

Convicted thief in poss.of tools etc. w.i. to steal 3 3 100.0% 6 6 100.0% 3 100.0% 1 1 100.0%

In building with intent to steal 35 34 97.1% 36 33 91.7% 1 2.9% 10 10 100.0%

Theft 1477 862 58.4% 1361 703 51.7% -116 -7.9% 501 270 53.9%

Theft from motor vehicle 93 37 39.8% 73 4 5.5% -20 -21.5% 23 1 4.3%

Reset 15 16 106.7% 16 17 106.3% 1 6.7% 3 4 133.3%

Embezzlement 5 5 100.0% 1 1 100.0% -4 -80.0% 0 0 -

Fraud 109 89 81.7% 169 79 46.7% 60 55.0% 66 27 40.9%

Others 14 4 28.6% 48 21 43.8% 34 242.9% 19 8 42.1%

GROUP 3 - TOTAL 2285 1251 54.7% 2250 1027 45.6% -35 -1.5% 810 370 45.7%

GROUP 4Fireraising 36 12 33.3% 39 25 64.1% 3 8.3% 9 5 55.6%

Malicious Damage/Vandalism 1138 375 33.0% 913 294 32.2% -225 -19.8% 320 93 29.1%

Others 46 36 78.3% 35 28 80.0% -11 -23.9% 7 6 85.7%

GROUP 4 - TOTAL 1220 423 34.7% 987 347 35.2% -233 -19.1% 336 104 31.0%

SUB-TOTAL OF GROUPS 1 TO 4 3745 1861 49.7% 3440 1558 45.3% -305 -8.1% 1201 526 43.8%

GROUP 5Public mischief & wasting police time 30 30 100.0% 18 18 100.0% -12 -40.0% 7 7 100.0%

Escape or rescue from police custody or prison 1 1 100.0% 6 6 100.0% 5 500.0% 1 1 100.0%

Resisting arrest or obstructing police officer 76 77 101.3% 58 58 100.0% -18 -23.7% 24 24 100.0%

General attempts to pervert the course of justice 25 23 92.0% 23 24 104.3% -2 -8.0% 9 8 88.9%

Sex Offenders' register offences 1 1 100.0% 1 1 100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0 -

Bail - Fail to keep conditions 172 165 95.9% 179 175 97.8% 7 4.1% 69 66 95.7%

Possession of offensive weapons 87 84 96.6% 57 56 98.2% -30 -34.5% 22 22 100.0%

Drugs - supply, with intent to supply etc 71 69 97.2% 65 67 103.1% -6 -8.5% 25 26 104.0%

Drugs - personal possession 414 412 99.5% 429 428 99.8% 15 3.6% 135 135 100.0%

Drugs - manufacture etc 13 16 123.1% 17 16 94.1% 4 30.8% 6 6 100.0%

Others 46 38 82.6% 22 19 86.4% -24 -52.2% 9 10 111.1%

GROUP 5 - TOTAL 936 916 97.9% 875 868 99.2% -61 -6.5% 307 305 99.3%

TOTAL OF GROUPS 1 TO 5 4681 2777 59.3% 4315 2426 56.2% -366 -7.8% 1508 831 55.1%

Please Note: This document is an end of month 'snap-shot' in time and the data may vary from later publications where updates have been taken into consideration.




2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

% / p

p Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

Groups 1-4 1684 1958 -14.0% 514 529 -2.8% 441 489 -9.8% 372 498 -25.3% 357 442 -19.2%

- Detection rate 48.0% 48.7% -0.7 56.2% 59.9% -3.7 51.2% 41.9% 9.3 42.5% 47.2% -4.7 38.1% 44.6% -6.5

Violent Crime (G1) 52 75 -30.7% 15 22 -31.8% 12 17 -29.4% 17 16 6.3% 8 20 -60.0%

- Detection rate 90.4% 82.7% 7.7 86.7% 77.3% 9.4 91.7% 82.4% 9.3 94.1% 87.5% 6.6 87.5% 85.0% 2.5

Indecency (G2) 49 49 0.0% 28 19 47.4% 10 12 -16.7% 8 12 -33.3% 3 6 -50.0%

- Detection rate 100.0% 55.1% 44.9 100.0% 52.6% 47.4 90.0% 41.7% 48.3 87.5% 58.3% 29.2 166.7% 83.3% 83.4

Dishonesty (G3) 1151 1197 -3.8% 403 359 12.3% 287 312 -8.0% 215 292 -26.4% 246 234 5.1%

- Detection rate 48.0% 55.1% -7.1 55.3% 67.4% -12.1 51.6% 49.4% 2.2 40.5% 52.1% -11.6 38.6% 47.4% -8.8

Mal Mischief, vandalism (G4) 432 637 -32.2% 68 129 -47.3% 132 148 -10.8% 132 178 -25.8% 100 182 -45.1%

- Detection rate 37.0% 32.3% 4.7 36.8% 37.2% -0.4 43.9% 21.6% 22.3 36.4% 34.8% 1.6 29.0% 35.2% -6.2

Robbery 16 20 -20.0% 4 5 -20.0% 5 7 -28.6% 4 5 -20.0% 3 3 0.0%

- Detection rate 100.0% 50.0% 50 100.0% 20.0% 80 120.0% 71.4% 48.6 100.0% 80.0% 20 66.7% 0.0% 66.7

Vandalism 393 591 -33.5% 59 119 -50.4% 117 138 -15.2% 123 161 -23.6% 94 173 -45.7%

- Detection rate 31.8% 30.3% 1.5 32.2% 36.1% -3.9 36.4% 20.3% 16.1 31.7% 31.7% 0 25.5% 32.9% -7.4

Domestic Housebreaking 132 90 46.7% 28 11 154.5% 24 18 33.3% 35 21 66.7% 45 40 12.5%

- Detection rate 35.6% 38.9% -3.3 14.3% 45.5% -31.2 58.3% 33.3% 25 42.9% 42.9% 0 31.1% 37.5% -6.4


Caution! Variation in results may appear extreme due to very small numbers of crimes involved. Cells with symbol *** mean that a valid percentage change could not be calculated.




City Centre and




and Ryehill



and Hilltown


Longhaugh and

Broughty Ferry



Customer Satisfaction

2012-13 Target

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

% / p

p Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

First Contact: Overall satisfaction rating for service provided at first contact

94.0% 96.0% 87.1% 8.9 95.5% 92.3% 3.2 96.9% 87.5% 9.4 100.0% 89.3% 10.7 90.0% 80.0% 10.0

First Contact: % of respondents provided with the name of the person dealing with their


85.0% 83.1% 78.0% 5.1 78.5% 85.7% -7.2 83.3% 82.3% 1.0 93.3% 76.9% 16.4 75.0% 69.2% 5.8

Updating the Public: Overall % of customers who received an update on the

progress of their enquiry

65.0% 67.5% 59.2% 8.3 65.0% 84.6% -19.6 68.0% 63.6% 4.4 68.2% 58.3% 9.9 68.8% 35.3% 33.5

% of customers who received an update

following their contact to report a crime77.2% 69.0% 8.2 68.8% 100.0% -31.2 85.7% 58.3% 27.4 85.7% 90.9% -5.2 69.2% 41.7% 27.5

% of customers who received an update

following their contact for reasons

other than to report a crime

46.2% 47.1% -0.9 50.0% 66.7% -16.7 45.5% 70.0% -24.5 37.5% 30.8% 6.7 66.7% 20.0% 46.7

Customer Experience: Overall satisfaction rating of the service provided by Tayside Police

85.0% 80.9% 78.9% 2.0 82.6% 86.7% -4.1 87.1% 76.9% 10.2 84.7% 79.3% 5.4 63.2% 75.0% -11.8

Response Rate


20/78 (25.6%)101/324 (31.2%) 23/75 (30.7%) 32/90 (35.6%) 26/81 (32.1%)




City Centre and




and Ryehill



and Hilltown


Longhaugh and

Broughty Ferry

Caution should be exercised when interpreting the results at sectional level due to the very small sub-sample sizes.

First Contact

- A statistically significant improvement in satisfaction with service at first contact from 87.1% to 96.0%. This result exceeds the force target set at 94.0%.

- Improvement in identifying the person dealing with the enquiry from 78.0% to 83.1%.

Updating the Public

- Eight percentage point improvement in updating the public from 59.2% to 67.5%. This result achieves the force target set at 65.0%.

When analysed by reason for contact - 77.2% of those who reported a crime were updated compared to 69.0% the previous year. A slight reduction, however, was evident in

relation to those whose contact was for reasons other than to report a crime whereby 46.2% received an update compared to 47.1% in 2011.

Customer Experience

- Improvement in overall customer experience from 78.9% to 80.9%.



Public Perception

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

% / p

p Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

Crime in neighbourhood

% of residents who thought that

the crime rate in their

neighbourhood had remained

the same or improved over the

past year

70.7% 80.0% -9.3 53.8% 71.4% -17.6 80.7% 66.6% 14.1 66.7% 85.0% -18.3 70.9% 87.5% -16.6

Feelings of safety after dark

% of residents who felt safe

walking alone in their

neighbourhood after dark

51.7% 51.3% 0.4 36.4% 41.7% -5.3 40.0% 40.0% 0.0 61.9% 45.8% 16.1 64.0% 66.7% -2.7

Concerns at becoming a

victim of crime

% of residents concerned at

becoming a victim of crime in

their neighbourhood

53.2% 56.7% -3.5 69.2% 66.7% 2.5 54.5% 66.6% -12.1 50.0% 54.5% -4.5 46.1% 48.0% -1.9

Issues that cause most

concern in neighbourhoods

*Other includes:

Litter, Dog Fouling, Fly tipping


Response Rate 26/78 (33.3%)95/324 (29.3%) 13/75 (17.3%) 33/90 (36.7%) 23/81 (28.4%)

Drug dealing/drug abuse (23.1%)

Dangerous/careless driving


Antisocial behaviour (17.9%)

Housebreaking (14.1%)

Vandalism/graffiti (10.3%)

Other* (7.7%)

Motor vehicle crime (2.6%)

Assault (1.3%)

Alcohol related crime (1.3%)

Cause no concern:


Antisocial behaviour (30.8%)

Housebreaking (23.1%)

Dangerous/careless driving


Other* (15.4%)

Vandalism/graffiti (7.7%)

Drug dealing/drug abuse (7.7%)

Cause no concern:

Alcohol related crime


Motor vehicle crime


Drug dealing/drug abuse (27.6%)

Vandalism/graffiti (20.7%)

Dangerous/careless driving


Antisocial behaviour (10.3%)

Housebreaking (10.3%)

Other* (6.9%)

Assault (3.4%)

Alcohol related crime (3.4%)

Motor vehicle crime (3.4%)

Cause no concern:


Drug dealing/drug abuse (25.0%)

Dangerous/careless driving


Housebreaking (18.8%)

Antisocial behaviour (12.5%)

Other* (12.5%)

Motor vehicle crime (6.3%)

Cause no concern:

Alcohol related crime




Dangerous/careless driving


Drug dealing/drug abuse (25.0%)

Antisocial behaviour (25.0%)

Housebreaking (10.0%)

Vandalism/graffiti (5.0%)

Cause no concern:

Alcohol related crime


Motor vehicle crime







City Centre and




and Ryehill



and Hilltown


Longhaugh and

Broughty Ferry


Policing Dundee: Community Summaries ~ April to June 2012

SECTION 1: CITY CENTRE AND MARYFIELD Main areas of public concern: anti-social behav-iour, housebreaking and dangerous/careless driving

CRIME Highlights

• Reduction of 31.8% in violent crime (7 crimes).

• Reduction in vandalism of 50.4% (60 crimes)

Performance alert! • Increase in crimes of dishonesty of 12.3%

(largest increase in LPA) • Increase in crimes of domestic house-

breaking of 154.5%, from 11 to 28 DETECTION RATE Highlights

• Best detection rate across the Local Polic-ing Area (LPA) for groups 1-4 at 56.2%, 6 percentage points higher than at the end of last month

• Improvement in detection rate for violent crime from 77.3% last year to 86.7%

Performance alert! • Fall of 31.2 percentage points in detection

rate for domestic housebreaking, from 45.5% to 14.3% (lowest across the LPA).

STANDARDS OF SERVICE Performance alert!

• Reductions across all three measures relat-ing to updating the public.

• Reduction in the percentage of customers who were satisfied with the overall service provided by Tayside Police from 86.7% last year to 82.6% this year.


• A deterioration from 71.4% to 53.8% for people who thought that crime in their neighbourhood had remained the same or improved over the past year

• An increase of 2.5 percentage points from 66.7% to 69.2% in the percentage of resi-dents who expressed concern at becoming a victim of crime in their neighbourhood.

TARGETED COMMUNITY ACTIVITY Inspector Steve Main said: "All policing activity was progressed in accordance with Tayside Police Community Priorities during the first quarter of 2012-13. Section 1 performance during this reporting period was maintained at a high standard reflected in major reductions in vandalisms and improved overall de-tection rates. Domestic housebreaking remains an identified area of public concern. However, the sharp increases experienced in May were resolved following the ar-rest of two individuals as reported last month. The activity of these individuals had a detrimental effect which was reflected in an overall increase in crimes of dishonesty. In relation to Standards of Service, all supervisors still need to improve performance to ensure that members of the public are updated as soon as pos-sible or within 28 days of initial contact Policing initiatives and a proactive policing style con-tinue to be utilised to prevent crime, incidents of vio-lence and anti-social behaviour. These include: Section 1 Summer Dry Up Action Plan - aimed at tackling youth and alcohol related issues, prostitu-tion and kerb crawling Operation Centre Safe - utilised during weekend evenings to prevent incidents of violent crime, alco-hol related disorder and other forms of anti-social behaviour "

SECTION 2: LOCHEE AND RYEHILL Main areas of public concern: drug dealing/drug abuse, vandalism/graffiti and dangerous/careless driving

CRIME Highlights

• Reduction of 29.4% in crimes of violence (5 crimes)

• Reduction of 15.2% in vandalism (21 crimes)

(* Results should be viewed in conjunction with sample size. Changes in results may appear inflated due to the small number of respondents involved.)


Policing Dundee: Community Summaries ~ April to June 2012

Performance alert! • Rise in domestic housebreaking from 18 to

24 (33.3%) - this was the only measure that had deteriorated - every other result (crime recorded and detection rates) had improved.


• Improvement of 9.3 percentage points in detection rate for violent crime from 41.9% to 51.2%

• Robbery detection rate improved dramati-cally from 71.4% to over 100%

• Best detection rate in LPA (and biggest im-provement) for vandalism from 20.3% to 36.4%

• Improvement in detection rate for domestic housebreaking from 33.0% to 58.3%


• An improvement of 27.4 percentage points in the percentage of customers who re-ceived an update following their contact to report a crime from 58.3% to 85.7%

• 87.1% of customers expressed overall satis-faction with the service provided, compared to 76.9% at the same time last year.


• An improvement from 66.6% to 80.7% for residents who thought the crime rate in their neighbourhood had remained the same or improved over the past year

• 54.5% of residents said they were con-cerned at becoming a victim of crime in their neighbourhood, an improvement of 12.1 percentage points on the result at the same time last year (66.6%). This was the best improvement across the LPA.

TARGETED COMMUNITY ACTIVITY Sergeant Dave Small said: “One of my main concerns over the last few months has been the level of violent crime across the sec-tion. I have made every effort to tackle this issue and have received fantastic support from our partner agencies. The local community also assisted in pro-viding us with invaluable information. The efforts of all concerned undoubtedly contributed to the overall

reduction in violent crime. Once again, we saw a reduction in reported vandal-ism and an increase in our detection rate. My com-munity officers continue to work in conjunction with our partners in identifying areas of concern and tar-geting the individuals responsible. Looking back over the last three months, I am full of praise for my staff, partners and the communities they patrol. In order to achieve results team work is vital and this is something that is very strong throughout the section. Our overall standard of service continues to improve and this is something I shall closely monitor through-out the coming months. My main aim continues to be providing a safe environment for the people of Lochee and surrounding area.”

SECTION 3: DOWNFIELD AND HILLTOWN Main areas of public concern: drug dealing/abuse, dangerous/careless driving and house-breaking

CRIME Highlights

• Best reduction in LPA for groups 1 to 4 at 25.3% (126 fewer crimes)

• Best reduction in LPA for crimes of dishon-esty at 26.4% (77 fewer crimes)

• Reduction of 23.6% in vandalism (38 fewer crimes)

Performance alert! • Increase of 66.7% in crimes of domestic

housebreaking, from 21 to 35 DETECTION RATE Highlights

• 29.2 percentage point improvement in crimes of indecency from 58.3% to 87.5%

Performance alert! • 11.6 percentage point fall in the detection rate for crimes of dishonesty from 52.1% to 40.5%


• 100% rating from Downfield and Hilltown

(* Results should be viewed in conjunction with sample size. Changes in results may appear inflated due to the small number of respondents involved.)


Policing Dundee: Community Summaries ~ April to June 2012

residents for service provided at first contact and also for being provided with the name of the person dealing with their enquiry, for the second month in succession.

• 84.7% of customers expressed overall satis-faction with the service provided, compared to 79.3% at the same time last year.


• Only 66.7% of residents thought that the crime rate in their neighbourhood had re-mained the same or improved in the last year compared to 85.0% at the same time last year.

• An improvement from 45.8% to 61.9% for residents who felt safe walking alone in their neighbourhoods after dark


Inspector Paul McCord said:

“I am delighted that my previous statements and ef-forts to concentrate our resources in tackling crimes which affect our community the most, such as theft and vandalism as well as anti-social behaviour, have been rewarded, in the main, with excellent perform-ance results this month. The continued support of all the staff at Downfield and Hilltown has resulted in a very good performance which I am very pleased with and thank all the staff for their efforts. I am also particularly encouraged by the 100 % satis-faction rate of our customers in relation to their first impression and interaction with the police at first point of contact. It is very important to me that our officers engage with their community at all times and are positive, well mannered and inclusive in their in-teraction with individuals. We are obviously doing this and also providing reassurance to our commu-nity that we are complete professionals and there to work with them in making our area a better place to work and live.

I would once again request that the community en-gage with our officers at every opportunity and pro-vide us with any information that you believe may help us in our quest to make our communities safer.

SECTION 4: LONGHAUGH AND BROUGHTY FERRY Main areas of public concern: dangerous/

careless driving, drug dealing/drug abuse and anti-social behaviour CRIME Highlights

• Reduction of 60% in violent crime (from 20 to 8)

• 45.7% decrease in vandalism (79 crimes)

DETECTION RATE Performance alert!

• 8.8 percentage point drop in detection rate for crimes of dishonesty ~ from 47.4% to 38.6%

• Deterioration in the detection rate for van-dalism from 32.9% to 25.5%


• 68.8% of customers received an update fol-lowing their contact to report a crime com-pared to only 35.3% last year.

Performance alert! • Only 63.2%% of customers expressed over-all satisfaction with the service provided, compared to 75.0% at the same time last year.


• 70.9%% of customers thought crime in their neighbourhood had remained the same or improved over the last year compared to 87.5% last year—a deterioration of 16.6 per-centage points.

TARGETED COMMUNITY ACTIVITY Inspector Kevin Williams said: “The first quarter of the year presented numerous challenges for policing in this area and I was, there-fore, pleased to see significant reductions in violent crime, vandalisms and indeed the overall number of Group 1 - 4 crimes. We also achieved a sustained reduction in the number of housebreakings in the area after a difficult start to the period. We will work hard to maintain this reduction in crime and, hope-fully, this will filter through and lead to improved pub-lic perception."

(* Results should be viewed in conjunction with sample size. Changes in results may appear inflated due to the small number of respondents involved.)


POLICING DUNDEE: Crime in more detail

PERIOD APRIL to JUNE 2011/2012 2012/2013 June Alone




number %




number %


number %




number %


Murder 1 1 100.0% 3 3 100.0% 2 200.0% 1 1 100.0%

Attempted Murder 10 9 90.0% 4 4 100.0% -6 -60.0% 0 0 -

Culpable Homicide 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -

Serious Assault 30 26 86.7% 23 18 78.3% -7 -23.3% 7 5 71.4%

Robbery (Incl attempts) 20 10 50.0% 16 16 100.0% -4 -20.0% 2 2 100.0%

Child Cruelty/Neglect 10 12 120.0% 5 5 100.0% -5 -50.0% 2 1 50.0%

Pos of Firearm with intent to endanger life 1 1 100.0% 0 0 - -1 -100.0% 0 0 -

Abduction 2 2 100.0% 0 0 - -2 -100.0% 0 0 -

Threats 1 1 100.0% 1 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0 -

Others 0 0 - 0 1 - 0 - 0 0 -

GROUP 1 - TOTAL 75 62 82.7% 52 47 90.4% -23 -30.7% 12 9 75.0%

GROUP 2Rape 12 7 58.3% 6 7 116.7% -6 -50.0% 1 1 100.0%

Assault with intent to rape 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -

Indecent assault 20 9 45.0% 11 10 90.9% -9 -45.0% 3 2 66.7%

Lewd & Libidinous practices 4 2 50.0% 2 4 200.0% -2 -50.0% 1 2 200.0%

Public Indecency 3 3 100.0% 8 7 87.5% 5 166.7% 2 5 250.0%

Others 10 6 60.0% 22 21 95.5% 12 120.0% 2 2 100.0%

GROUP 2 - TOTAL 49 27 55.1% 49 49 100.0% 0 0.0% 9 12 133.3%

GROUP 3Housebreaking ~ domestic dwelling 90 35 38.9% 132 47 35.6% 42 46.7% 19 12 63.2%

Housebreaking ~ domestic non-dwelling 45 7 15.6% 25 5 20.0% -20 -44.4% 7 3 42.9%

Housebreaking ~ commercial 28 5 17.9% 41 12 29.3% 13 46.4% 22 3 13.6%

Theft, attempt theft from locked premises/property 11 2 18.2% 29 9 31.0% 18 163.6% 17 6 35.3%

Theft, attempt theft from locked motor vehicle 77 29 37.7% 54 21 38.9% -23 -29.9% 19 0 0.0%

Theft, attempted theft of a motor vehicle 43 21 48.8% 32 10 31.3% -11 -25.6% 8 3 37.5%

Convicted thief in poss.of tools etc. w.i. to steal 3 3 100.0% 5 5 100.0% 2 66.7% 1 1 100.0%

In building with intent to steal 18 18 100.0% 20 17 85.0% 2 11.1% 8 5 62.5%

Theft 777 475 61.1% 674 371 55.0% -103 -13.3% 243 143 58.8%

Theft from motor vehicle 39 17 43.6% 36 3 8.3% -3 -7.7% 7 1 14.3%

Reset 9 10 111.1% 12 13 108.3% 3 33.3% 2 3 150.0%

Embezzlement 3 4 133.3% 0 1 - -3 -100.0% 0 0 -

Fraud 47 33 70.2% 66 30 45.5% 19 40.4% 23 10 43.5%

Others 7 0 0.0% 25 9 36.0% 18 257.1% 6 5 83.3%

GROUP 3 - TOTAL 1197 659 55.1% 1151 553 48.0% -46 -3.8% 382 195 51.0%

GROUP 4Fireraising 19 4 21.1% 19 15 78.9% 0 0.0% 5 4 80.0%

Malicious Damage/Vandalism 591 179 30.3% 393 125 31.8% -198 -33.5% 129 39 30.2%

Others 27 23 85.2% 20 20 100.0% -7 -25.9% 3 4 133.3%

GROUP 4 - TOTAL 637 206 32.3% 432 160 37.0% -205 -32.2% 137 47 34.3%

SUB-TOTAL OF GROUPS 1 TO 4 1958 954 48.7% 1684 809 48.0% -274 -14.0% 540 263 48.7%

GROUP 5Public mischief & wasting police time 19 18 94.7% 8 8 100.0% -11 -57.9% 5 5 100.0%

Escape or rescue from police custody or prison 1 1 100.0% 3 3 100.0% 2 200.0% 0 0 -

Resisting arrest or obstructing police officer 33 34 103.0% 21 21 100.0% -12 -36.4% 10 10 100.0%

General attempts to pervert the course of justice 12 12 100.0% 11 11 100.0% -1 -8.3% 3 2 66.7%

Sex Offenders' register offences 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -

Bail - Fail to keep conditions 99 93 93.9% 85 82 96.5% -14 -14.1% 34 31 91.2%

Possession of offensive weapons 51 48 94.1% 39 36 92.3% -12 -23.5% 12 11 91.7%

Drugs - supply, with intent to supply etc 46 42 91.3% 42 42 100.0% -4 -8.7% 17 17 100.0%

Drugs - personal possession 244 243 99.6% 263 261 99.2% 19 7.8% 72 72 100.0%

Drugs - manufacture etc 8 11 137.5% 10 9 90.0% 2 25.0% 4 4 100.0%

Others 31 27 87.1% 12 11 91.7% -19 -61.3% 5 7 140.0%

GROUP 5 - TOTAL 544 529 97.2% 494 484 98.0% -50 -9.2% 162 159 98.1%

TOTAL OF GROUPS 1 TO 5 2502 1483 59.3% 2178 1293 59.4% -324 -12.9% 702 422 60.1%

Please Note: This document is an end of month 'snap-shot' in time and the data may vary from later publications where updates have been taken into consideration.




2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

% / p

p Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

Groups 1-4 807 786 2.7% 310 237 30.8% 192 188 2.1% 233 255 -8.6% 72 106 -32.1%

- Detection rate 43.5% 48.3% -4.8 41.6% 45.1% -3.5 45.3% 50.0% -4.7 49.8% 51.4% -1.6 26.4% 45.3% -18.9

Violent Crime (G1) 20 14 42.9% 8 4 100.0% 2 2 0.0% 8 6 33.3% 2 2 0.0%

- Detection rate 100.0% 92.9% 7.1 112.5% 75.0% 37.5 100.0% 100.0% 0 87.5% 100.0% -12.5 100.0% 100.0% 0

Indecency (G2) 19 32 -40.6% 6 9 -33.3% 7 3 133.3% 6 16 -62.5% 0 4 -100.0%

- Detection rate 115.8% 81.3% 34.5 83.3% 111.0% -27.7 142.9% 200.0% -57.1 83.3% 50.0% 33.3 0.0% 50.0% -50

Dishonesty (G3) 458 451 1.6% 204 140 45.7% 81 109 -25.7% 141 148 -4.7% 32 54 -40.7%

- Detection rate 47.2% 50.8% -3.6 43.1% 48.6% -5.5 55.6% 56.9% -1.3 53.9% 55.4% -1.5 21.9% 31.5% -9.6

Mal Mischief, vandalism (G4) 310 289 7.3% 92 84 9.5% 102 74 37.8% 78 85 -8.2% 38 46 -17.4%

- Detection rate 30.0% 38.8% -8.8 29.3% 31.0% -1.7 29.4% 32.4% -3 35.9% 41.2% -5.3 21.1% 58.7% -37.6

Robbery 1 0 *** 0 0 *** 0 0 *** 1 0 *** 0 0 ***

- Detection rate 100.0% 0.0% *** 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0 100.0% 0.0% *** 0.0% 0.0% 0

Vandalism 296 276 7.2% 86 82 4.9% 101 67 50.7% 74 81 -8.6% 35 46 -23.9%

- Detection rate 29.7% 37.0% -7.3 30.2% 31.7% -1.5 29.7% 28.4% 1.3 33.8% 37.0% -3.2 20.0% 58.7% -38.7

Domestic Housebreaking 23 25 -8.0% 13 9 44.4% 2 8 -75.0% 8 6 33.3% 0 2 -100.0%

- Detection rate 13.0% 12.0% 1.0 7.7% 22.2% -14.5 0.0% 62.5% -62.5 25.0% 66.7% -41.7 0.0% 50.0% ***


Caution! Variation in results may appear extreme due to very small numbers of crimes involved. Cells with symbol *** mean that a valid percentage change could not be calculated.



and Kirriemuir



and Brechin







Customer Satisfaction

2012-13 Target

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

% / p

p Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

First Contact: Overall satisfaction rating for service provided at first contact

94.0% 97.6% 90.0% 7.6 94.7% 81.3% 13.4 100.0% 100.0% 0.0 100.0% 85.7% 14.3 95.2% 90.9% 4.3

First Contact: % of respondents provided with the name of the person dealing with their


85.0% 87.5% 85.0% 2.5 76.9% 84.6% -7.7 93.3% 100.0% -6.7 93.8% 77.8% 16.0 83.3% 80.0% 3.3

Updating the Public: Overall % of customers who received an update on the

progress of their enquiry

65.0% 79.7% 58.6% 21.1 60.0% 57.1% 2.9 84.2% 29.4% 54.8 75.0% 71.4% 3.6 94.7% 84.6% 10.1

% of customers who received an update

following their contact to report a crime91.7% 67.7% 24.0 60.0% 66.7% -6.7 88.9% 50.0% 38.9 100.0% 66.7% 33.3 100.0% 87.5% 12.5

% of customers who received an update

following their contact for reasons

other than to report a crime

52.4% 48.1% 4.3 60.0% 50.0% 10.0 0.0% 11.1% -11.1 33.3% 80.0% -46.7 75.0% 80.0% -5.0

Customer Experience: Overall satisfaction rating of the service provided by Tayside Police

85.0% 91.8% 79.4% 12.4 80.0% 62.5% 17.5 90.9% 81.0% 9.9 95.6% 82.4% 13.2 100.0% 92.9% 7.1

Response Rate 21/45 (46.7%)88/252 (34.9%) 20/65 (30.8%) 22/63 (34.9%) 25/79 (31.6%)


Caution should be exercised when interpreting the results at sectional level due to the very small sub-sample sizes.

First Contact

- Improvement in satisfaction with service at first contact from 90.0% to 97.6% (an almost perfect result across the LPA). This result well exceeds the force target set at


- Improvement in identifying the person dealing with the enquiry from 85.0% to 87.5%. Again, this result exceeds the target set at 85.0%.

Updating the Public

- A statistically significant 21.1 percentage point improvement in updating the public from 58.6% to 79.7%, the highest result across the force. This result again well

exceeds the force target set at 65.0%.

When analysed by reason for contact - 91.7% of those who reported a crime were updated compared to 67.7% the previous year. A further improvement was also

evident in relation to those whose contact was for reasons other than to report a crime whereby 52.4% received an update compared to 48.1% in 2011.

Customer Experience

- A statistically significant improvement in overall customer experience from 79.4% to 91.8%, the highest result across the force.





and Kirriemuir



and Brechin







Public Perception

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

% / p

p Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

Crime in neighbourhood

% of residents who thought that

the crime rate in their

neighbourhood had remained

the same or improved over the

past year

89.3% 70.6% 18.7 92.9% 66.7% 26.2 93.7% 66.6% 27.1 80.0% 54.6% 25.4 90.9% 81.8% 9.1

Feelings of safety after dark

% of residents who felt safe

walking alone in their

neighbourhood after dark

54.5% 70.2% -15.7 53.3% 71.4% -18.1 50.0% 79.0% -29.0 55.5% 62.5% -7.0 63.7% 67.9% -4.2

Concerns at becoming a

victim of crime

% of residents concerned at

becoming a victim of crime in

their neighbourhood

21.1% 34.7% -13.6 25.0% 23.1% 1.9 25.0% 22.2% 2.8 16.7% 56.2% -39.5 15.4% 35.7% -20.3

Issues that cause most

concern in neighbourhoods

*Other includes:

Litter, Dog Fouling, Fly tipping


Response Rate


Antisocial behaviour (26.0%)

Dangerous/careless driving (24.0%)

Drug dealing/drug abuse (20.0%)

Vandalism/graffiti (12.0%)

Housebreaking (6.0%)

Other* (6.0%)

Assault (4.0%)

Alcohol related crime (2.0%)

Cause no concern:

Motor vehicle crime


Drug dealing/drug abuse (22.2%)

Antisocial behaviour (22.2%)

Dangerous/careless driving


Other* (22.2%)

Vandalism/graffiti (11.1%)

Cause no concern:

Alcohol related crime



Motor vehicle crime


Antisocial behaviour (33.3%)

Dangerous/careless driving


Vandalism/graffiti (22.2%)

Drug dealing/drug abuse (16.7%)

Cause no concern:

Alcohol related crime



Motor vehicle crime



Drug dealing/drug abuse (30.8%)

Antisocial behaviour (15.4%)

Housebreaking (15.4%)

Dangerous/careless driving


Assault (7.7%)

Alcohol related crime (7.7%)

Other* (7.7%)

Cause no concern:

Motor vehicle crime



75/252 (29.8%) 16/57 (28.1%) 25/60 (41.7%) 19/69 (27.5%) 15/66 (22.7%)

Antisocial behaviour (30.0%)

Dangerous/careless driving


Drug dealing/drug abuse (10.0%)

Housebreaking (10.0%)

Vandalism/graffiti (10.0%)

Assault (10.0%)

Cause no concern:

Alcohol related crime

Motor vehicle crime







and Kirriemuir



and Brechin






Policing Angus: Community Summaries ~ April to June 2012

SECTION 1: FORFAR AND KIRRIEMUIR Main areas of public concern: drug dealing/drug abuse, anti-social behaviour and dangerous/careless driving

CRIME Performance alert!

• Increase in crimes of dishonesty of 45.7% (64 crimes).

• Housebreaking up by 44.4% from 9 last year to 13 this year

DETECTION RATE Performance alert!

• Deterioration in the detection rate for housebreaking of 14.5 percentage points from 22.2% to 7.7%


• 80.0% of customers expressed overall sat-isfaction with the service provided, com-pared to 62.5% at the same time last year ~ a 17.5 percentage point improvement.


• 92.9% of residents thought that the crime rate in their neighbourhood had remained the same or improved over the past year compared to only 66.7% last year.

• Only 53.3% of residents said they felt safe walking alone in their neighbourhoods after dark compared to 71.4% last year at the same time, a deterioration of 18.1 percent-age points.

TARGETED COMMUNITY ACTIVITY Inspector Ally Robertson said: "The communities within this area remain safe and strong and our ethos of being highly visible and ac-tive continues. This is what the communities want and we will continue to work hard and target the ar-eas that the communities want us to concentrate upon. Crime in this community remained low but the areas

where increases were evident are being addressed, the anti-social element who are responsible will re-ceive the attention they deserve and improvements will come in due course. Although the satisfaction rates from the public demonstrate their confidence in our performance I can still see that some mem-bers of the community feel that venturing out during darkness causes them anxiety. This can only be ad-dressed by enhancing their confidence by being visi-ble on the street. This emphasis will continue throughout this year until they genuinely feel safe”.

SECTION 2: MONTROSE AND BRECHIN Main areas of public concern: anti-social behav-iour, dangerous/careless driving and vandalism/graffiti

CRIME Highlights

• Reduction in crimes of dishonesty of 25.7% (28 crimes)

• Housebreaking decreased from 8 crimes to 2

Performance alert! • 50.7% increase in vandalism from 67 to

101 DETECTION RATE Performance alert!

• 4.7 percentage point deterioration in detec-tion rate for Groups 1 to 4 from 50.0% to 45.3%


• A significant improvement of 54.8 percent-age points in the percentage of customers who received an update on the progress of their enquiry from 29.4% to 84.2%

• A 9.9% percentage point improvement on the overall customer experience from 81.0% to 90.9%


• 93.7% of residents thought that the crime rate had remained the same or improved over the past year compared to only 66.6%

(* Results should be viewed in conjunction with sample size. Changes in results may appear inflated due to the small number of respondents involved.)


Policing Angus: Community Summaries ~ April to June 2012

at the same time last year. • Only 50.0% of residents said they felt safe walking alone in their neighbourhoods after dark compared to 79.0% last year at the same time.

TARGETED COMMUNITY ACTIVITY Sergeant Hamish Gray said: The first quarter figures clearly showed that the over-all crime rate continued to fall. This was a result of the significant efforts made by those local officers who continued to be proactive in attempting to pre-vent crime and to be visible to their Community. Par-ticularly welcome was the significant decrease in crimes of dishonesty, including housebreakings. However, this was somewhat tempered by the in-crease in the number of vandalisms being committed at weekends, particularly to motor vehicles parked in the centre of Montrose, but just out of range of CCTV coverage. We intend to address this by increasing the amount of foot patrol carried out in the areas af-fected and also by the use ‘domehawk’ - a redeploy-able CCTV camera. The focus of local officers in Montrose and Brechin over the coming months will continue to be on sup-porting the victims of antisocial behaviour, as well as targeting instances of alcohol fuelled violence and disorder, in particular the sort that can occur outside licensed premises at close of business. Local officers will continue to carry out the proven and effective practise of being present outside the larger licensed premises at end of permitted hours. The customer satisfaction results for the first quarter of the year were more than satisfactory, and it was very pleasing to note the significant increases in those who reported a good overall experience when dealing with Police, and the quite inordinate increase in those who had received the very necessary subse-quent contact and updates. Section personnel will make every effort to maintain this excellent percent-age figure. While it is very satisfying to see that almost 94% of persons in the Community perceived that the crime rate either remained the same or fell, this was some-what at odds with the significant reduction in those who felt that it was safe for them to walk unaccompa-nied after dark. This does not reflect the actual pic-ture, i.e. that crime in our Community is actually fal-ling year on year, and local people have every rea-

son to feel safe. While I am satisfied that this is most likely a glitch in the figures (it certainly isn’t indicative of previous months), Section personnel will not be-come complacent, and whenever possible will con-tinue to carry out high visibility patrols in the Commu-nity. I note that local residents were also concerned about careless and dangerous driving, and to address this issue Section officers have instigated an action plan to deal with the most commonly received complaint, that being the actions of young antisocial drivers.

SECTION 3: ARBROATH Main areas of public concern: drug dealing/drug abuse, antisocial behaviour and housebreaking

CRIME Highlights

• Reduction of 62.5% in crimes of indecency from 16 to 6


• Best detection rate across the LPA for gro • ups 1-4 at 49.8%.


• 93.8% of Arbroath residents stated that they were provided with the name of the person dealing with their enquiry at initial contact, a 16 percentage point improvement on the 77.8% recorded last year and this was also the best result across the LPA

• 13.2 percentage point improvement on the overall satisfaction rating from 82.4% to 95.6%


• 80.0% of residents thought that the crime rate in their neighbourhood had remained the same or improved over the past year compared to 54.6% last year

• 16.7% of residents said they were con-cerned at becoming a victim of crime in their neighbourhood, an improvement of 39.5 percentage points on the result at the same time last year (56.2%).

(* Results should be viewed in conjunction with sample size. Changes in results may appear inflated due to the small number of respondents involved.)


TARGETED COMMUNITY ACTIVITY Inspector Adrian Robertson said: “The first quarter figures clearly showed that the overall crime rate continued to fall in Arbroath sec-tion. This is a testimony to the efforts of all local offi-cers to be proactive in attempting to prevent crime and be visible in their community. The focus of local officers in Arbroath and Friock-heim over the coming months will continue to be on supporting the victims of antisocial behaviour and targeting those responsible for committing acts of violence, often associated with drinking alcohol. Lo-cal officers will continue to conduct dedicated pa-trols in and around pubs, bars and clubs in an effort to deter alcohol related violence and disorder. The intention is to make the area even safer for those intent on using local facilities. The customer satisfaction results for the first quarter of the year demonstrated that the vast majority of the community are happy with the level of service provided by the police locally, and that more people have been regularly updated regarding their contact with the police. It is clear that we require to make more effort to ensure that persons who have con-tacted the police for reasons other than reporting a crime, are fully updated. I undertake to see an im-provement in this area in the months ahead. I am delighted that the public perception survey re-sults showed that we significantly reduced the num-ber of persons who felt concerned at becoming the victim of crime (from 56.2% to 16.7%). This reflects the actual picture - crime in this area is falling year on year, and local people have every reason to feel safe. I note that local people are also concerned about drug dealing and abuse, and in the months ahead, local officers plan to undertake a significant period of activity dealing with this issue.”

SECTION 4: CARNOUSTIE Main areas of public concern: anti-social behav-iour, dangerous/careless driving, drug dealing/drug abuse and assault

CRIME Highlights

• Reduction of 32.1% in Groups 1 to 4 (34 crimes) - best reduction across the LPA

• Reduction of 40.7% in crimes of dishonesty

(22 crimes) - best reduction across the LPA

• Reduction of 23.9% in vandalism from 46 to 35 - best reduction across the LPA

DETECTION RATE Performance alert!

• Deterioration in the detection rate for Groups 1 to 4 from 45.3% to 26.4%

• Deterioration in the detection rate for van-dalism from 58.7% to 20.0%


• An improvement of 10.1 percentage points in the percentage of customers who re-ceived an update on the progress of their enquiry from 84.6% to 94.7%


• 90.9% of respondents thought the crime rate had remained the same or improved over the past year, compared to 81.8% last year

• 15.4% of residents said they were con-cerned at becoming a victim of crime in their neighbourhood, an improvement of 20.3 percentage points on the result at the same time last year (35.7%).

TARGETED COMMUNITY ACTIVITY Inspector Fiona Jarrett said: “It was excellent to see the reduction in all groups of crime across the Carnoustie/Monifieth area which was the best in all the Angus LPA. This was due to the pro active policing style and high visible patrols when resourcing numbers allowed. The detection rates for the crimes committed can still be greatly improved upon and this will be our aim over the next few months. Any assistance with information from members of the public would be greatly appreciated. I was pleased to see from the public perception fig-ures that members of the public felt safer in their neighbourhoods and this was down to our policing style and efforts of the local officers and other agen-cies.”

Policing Angus: Community Summaries ~ April to June 2012


POLICING ANGUS: Crime in more detail PERIOD APRIL to JUNE 2011/2012 2012/2013 June Alone




number %




number %


number %




number %


Murder 1 1 100.0% 0 0 - -1 -100.0% 0 0 -

Attempted Murder 2 2 100.0% 2 2 100.0% 0 0.0% 0 0 -

Culpable Homicide 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -

Serious Assault 7 7 100.0% 10 9 90.0% 3 42.9% 3 2 66.7%

Robbery (Incl attempts) 0 0 - 1 1 100.0% 1 - 0 0 -

Child Cruelty/Neglect 3 2 66.7% 6 7 116.7% 3 100.0% 0 0 -

Pos of Firearm with intent to endanger life 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -

Abduction 0 0 - 1 1 100.0% 1 - 0 0 -

Threats 1 1 100.0% 0 0 - -1 -100.0% 0 0 -

Others 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -

GROUP 1 - TOTAL 14 13 92.9% 20 20 100.0% 6 42.9% 3 2 66.7%

GROUP 2Rape 5 5 100.0% 5 2 40.0% 0 0.0% 1 1 100.0%

Assault with intent to rape 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -

Indecent assault 24 18 75.0% 11 14 127.3% -13 -54.2% 6 9 150.0%

Lewd & Libidinous practices 1 2 200.0% 1 3 300.0% 0 0.0% 0 1 -

Public Indecency 2 1 50.0% 1 1 100.0% -1 -50.0% 1 1 100.0%

Others 0 0 - 1 2 200.0% 1 - 0 0 -

GROUP 2 - TOTAL 32 26 81.3% 19 22 115.8% -13 -40.6% 8 12 150.0%

GROUP 3Housebreaking ~ domestic dwelling 25 12 48.0% 23 3 13.0% -2 -8.0% 13 0 0.0%

Housebreaking ~ domestic non-dwelling 14 3 21.4% 11 1 9.1% -3 -21.4% 10 1 10.0%

Housebreaking ~ commercial 15 7 46.7% 20 2 10.0% 5 33.3% 9 0 0.0%

Theft, attempt theft from locked premises/property 10 5 50.0% 8 0 0.0% -2 -20.0% 1 0 0.0%

Theft, attempt theft from locked motor vehicle 17 2 11.8% 8 4 50.0% -9 -52.9% 3 1 33.3%

Theft, attempted theft of a motor vehicle 17 12 70.6% 10 9 90.0% -7 -41.2% 3 3 100.0%

Convicted thief in poss.of tools etc. w.i. to steal 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -

In building with intent to steal 9 9 100.0% 5 5 100.0% -4 -44.4% 0 0 -

Theft 298 164 55.0% 310 165 53.2% 12 4.0% 123 69 56.1%

Theft from motor vehicle 24 0 0.0% 11 0 0.0% -13 -54.2% 7 0 0.0%

Reset 1 1 100.0% 2 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 0 0 -

Embezzlement 1 0 0.0% 1 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0 -

Fraud 19 13 68.4% 38 17 44.7% 19 100.0% 17 4 23.5%

Others 1 1 100.0% 11 8 72.7% 10 1000.0% 3 1 33.3%

GROUP 3 - TOTAL 451 229 50.8% 458 216 47.2% 7 1.6% 189 79 41.8%

GROUP 4Fireraising 5 4 80.0% 9 2 22.2% 4 80.0% 3 1 33.3%

Malicious Damage/Vandalism 276 102 37.0% 296 88 29.7% 20 7.2% 113 31 27.4%

Others 8 6 75.0% 5 3 60.0% -3 -37.5% 1 0 0.0%

GROUP 4 - TOTAL 289 112 38.8% 310 93 30.0% 21 7.3% 117 32 27.4%

SUB-TOTAL OF GROUPS 1 TO 4 786 380 48.3% 807 351 43.5% 21 2.7% 317 125 39.4%

GROUP 5Public mischief & wasting police time 5 6 120.0% 6 6 100.0% 1 20.0% 0 0 -

Escape or rescue from police custody or prison 0 0 - 1 1 100.0% 1 - 0 0 -

Resisting arrest or obstructing police officer 24 24 100.0% 10 10 100.0% -14 -58.3% 3 3 100.0%

General attempts to pervert the course of justice 4 4 100.0% 6 7 116.7% 2 50.0% 2 2 100.0%

Sex Offenders' register offences 0 0 - 1 1 100.0% 1 - 0 0 -

Bail - Fail to keep conditions 38 38 100.0% 51 51 100.0% 13 34.2% 20 20 100.0%

Possession of offensive weapons 18 18 100.0% 7 8 114.3% -11 -61.1% 4 5 125.0%

Drugs - supply, with intent to supply etc 4 6 150.0% 11 12 109.1% 7 175.0% 3 3 100.0%

Drugs - personal possession 91 89 97.8% 78 78 100.0% -13 -14.3% 34 34 100.0%

Drugs - manufacture etc 3 3 100.0% 3 3 100.0% 0 0.0% 2 2 100.0%

Others 6 4 66.7% 8 7 87.5% 2 33.3% 2 2 100.0%

GROUP 5 - TOTAL 193 192 99.5% 182 184 101.1% -11 -5.7% 70 71 101.4%

TOTAL OF GROUPS 1 TO 5 979 572 58.4% 989 535 54.1% 10 1.0% 387 196 50.6%

Please Note: This document is an end of month 'snap-shot' in time and the data may vary from later publications where updates have been taken into consideration.




2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

% / p

p Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

Groups 1-4 949 1001 -5.2% 545 587 -7.2% 145 176 -17.6% 179 193 -7.3% 80 45 77.8%

- Detection rate 41.9% 52.6% -10.7 46.4% 53.5% -7.1 25.5% 51.1% -25.6 45.8% 54.9% -9.1 30.0% 37.8% -7.8

Violent Crime (G1) 32 42 -23.8% 24 29 -17.2% 1 6 -83.3% 4 6 -33.3% 3 1 200.0%

- Detection rate 87.5% 95.2% -7.7 87.5% 93.1% -5.6 0.0% 100.0% -100 100.0% 100.0% 0 100.0% 100.0% 0

Indecency (G2) 31 28 10.7% 16 9 77.8% 5 6 -16.7% 6 12 -50.0% 4 1 300.0%

- Detection rate 58.1% 67.9% -9.8 50.0% 77.8% -27.8 60.0% 66.7% -6.7 83.3% 66.7% 16.6 50.0% 100.0% -50

Dishonesty (G3) 641 637 0.6% 370 383 -3.4% 97 99 -2.0% 119 129 -7.8% 55 26 111.5%

- Detection rate 40.2% 57.0% -16.8 47.0% 58.7% -11.7 16.5% 54.5% -38 44.5% 59.7% -15.2 27.3% 26.9% 0.4

Mal Mischief, vandalism (G4) 245 294 -16.7% 135 166 -18.7% 42 65 -35.4% 50 46 8.7% 18 17 5.9%

- Detection rate 38.4% 35.7% 2.7 37.0% 33.1% 3.9 42.9% 40.0% 2.9 40.0% 32.6% 7.4 33.3% 52.9% -19.6

Robbery 15 10 50.0% 14 10 40.0% 1 0 *** 0 0 *** 0 0 ***

- Detection rate 80.0% 90.0% -10 85.7% 90.0% -4.3 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0

Vandalism 224 271 -17.3% 123 153 -19.6% 38 60 -36.7% 48 42 14.3% 15 16 -6.3%

- Detection rate 36.2% 34.7% 1.5 35.8% 32.0% 3.8 44.7% 73.3% -28.6 33.3% 31.0% 2.3 26.7% 50.0% -23.3

Domestic Housebreaking 38 33 15.2% 16 22 -27.3% 9 3 200.0% 7 7 0.0% 6 1 500.0%

- Detection rate 23.7% 21.2% 2.5 50.0% 45.5% 4.5 0.0% 0.0% 0 14.3% 42.9% -28.6 0.0% 0.0% 0


Caution! Variation in results may appear extreme due to very small numbers of crimes involved. Cells with symbol *** mean that a valid percentage change could not be calculated.




Perth City


East Perthshire


South Perthshire


North and

West Perthshire



Customer Satisfaction

2012-13 Target

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

% / p

p Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

First Contact: Overall satisfaction rating for service provided at first contact

94.0% 93.9% 97.9% -4.0 92.5% 95.5% -3.0 94.3% 100.0% -5.7 100.0% 100.0% 0.0 87.6% 100.0% -12.4

First Contact: % of respondents provided with the name of the person dealing with their


85.0% 83.3% 90.7% -7.4 79.2% 85.2% -6.0 80.8% 91.7% -10.9 94.7% 100.0% -5.3 77.8% 100.0% -22.2

Updating the Public: Overall % of customers who received an update on the

progress of their enquiry

65.0% 72.5% 55.6% 16.9 64.7% 42.1% 22.6 76.7% 73.7% 3.0 75.0% 60.0% 15.0 76.5% 75.0% 1.5

% of customers who received an update

following their contact to report a crime88.1% 64.4% 23.7 93.3% 41.2% 52.1 94.4% 83.3% 11.1 76.0% 71.4% 4.6 100.0% 100.0% 0.0

% of customers who received an update

following their contact for reasons

other than to report a crime

47.6% 44.4% 3.2 42.1% 42.9% -0.8 50.0% 57.1% -7.1 66.7% 33.3% 33.4 50.0% 50.0% 0.0

Customer Experience: Overall satisfaction rating of the service provided by Tayside Police

85.0% 84.5% 82.4% 2.1 77.5% 77.1% 0.4 86.1% 91.3% -5.2 93.1% 84.0% 9.1 83.3% 83.3% 0.0

Response Rate


18/47 (38.3%)126/324 (38.9%) 42/112 (37.5%) 36/78 (46.2%) 30/87 (34.5%)

Caution should be exercised when interpreting the results at sectional level due to the very small sub-sample sizes.

First Contact

- Reduction in satisfaction with service at first contact from 97.9% to 93.9%.

- Reduction in identifying the person dealing with the enquiry from 90.7% to 83.3%.

Updating the Public

- A statistically significant 16.9 percentage point improvement in updating the public from 55.6% to 72.5%. This result well exceeds the force target set at 65.0%.

When analysed by reason for contact - 88.1% of those who reported a crime were updated compared to 64.4% the previous year. An improvement was also evident in

relation to those whose contact was for reasons other than to report a crime whereby 47.6% received an update compared to 44.4% in 2011.

Customer Experience

- Improvement in overall customer experience from 82.4% to 84.5%.




Perth City








North &

West Perthshire



Public Perception

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

% / p

p Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

2012-13 Result

2011-12 Result

%/pp Change

Crime in neighbourhood

% of residents who thought that

the crime rate in their

neighbourhood had remained

the same or improved over the

past year

71.8% 75.9% -4.1 80.8% 73.0% 7.8 71.4% 76.0% -4.6 54.5% 72.4% -17.9 88.9% 100.0% -11.1

Feelings of safety after dark

% of residents who felt safe

walking alone in their

neighbourhood after dark

58.2% 64.8% -6.6 59.4% 61.1% -1.7 50.0% 71.0% -21.0 63.4% 60.6% 2.8 58.8% 75.0% -16.2

Concerns at becoming a

victim of crime

% of residents concerned at

becoming a victim of crime in

their neighbourhood

34.0% 28.5% 5.5 38.7% 20.0% 18.7 45.4% 35.5% 9.9 32.3% 35.3% -3.0 12.4% 12.5% -0.1

Issues that cause most

concern in neighbourhoods

*Other includes:

Litter, Dog Fouling, Fly tipping


Response Rate 17/48 (35.4%)111/324 (34.3%) 33/99 (33.3%) 25/78 (32.1%) 36/99 (36.4%)


Dangerous/careless driving


Antisocial behaviour (21.7%)

Drug dealing/drug abuse (13.0%)

Housebreaking (13.0%)

Vandalism/graffiti (4.3%)

Cause no concern:

Alcohol related crime


Motor vehicle crime



Dangerous/careless driving


Antisocial behaviour (18.2%)

Drug dealing/drug abuse (13.6%)

Housebreaking (9.1%)

Other* (9.1%)

Vandalism/graffiti (4.5%)

Alcohol related crime (4.5%)

Cause no concern:


Motor vehicle crime


Drug dealing/drug abuse (28.6%)

Dangerous/careless driving


Alcohol related crime (14.3%)

Antisocial behaviour (14.3%)

Other* (14.3%)

Cause no concern:



Motor vehicle crime



Dangerous/careless driving (36.5%)

Antisocial behaviour (17.6%)

Drug dealing/drug abuse (16.2%)

Vandalism/graffiti (9.5%)

Housebreaking (8.1%)

Alcohol related crime (6.8%)

Other* (5.4%)

Cause no concern:


Motor vehicle crime


Dangerous/careless driving


Vandalism/graffiti (25.0%)

Drug dealing/drug abuse (20.0%)

Antisocial behaviour (15.0%)

Alcohol related crime (5.0%)

Housebreaking (5.0%)

Other* (5.0%)

Cause no concern:


Motor vehicle crime





Perth City








North &

West Perthshire


Policing Perth & Kinross: Community Summaries ~ April to June 2012

(* Results should be viewed in conjunction with sample size. Changes in results may appear inflated due to the small number of respondents involved.)

SECTION 3: PERTH CITY Main areas of public concern: dangerous/careless driving, vandalism/graffiti and drug dealing/drug abuse CRIME Highlights

• Reduction of 19.6% for vandalism (30 crimes)

• Reduction of 27.3% for housebreaking (6 crimes)


• 3.8 percentage point improvement in detec-tion rate for vandalism from 32.0% to 35.8%

• 4.5 percentage point improvement in detec-tion rate for housebreaking from 45.5% to 50.0%

Performance alert! • 11.7 percentage point drop in detection rate

for crimes of dishonesty from 58.7% to 47.0%


• An improvement of 52.1 percentage points in the percentage of customers who re-ceived an update following their contact to report a crime from 41.2% to 93.3%


• 38.7% of residents said they were con-cerned at becoming a victim of crime in their neighbourhood, a deterioration of 18.7 per-centage points on the result at the same time last year (20.0%).

SECTION 5: EAST PERTHSHIRE Main areas of public concern: dangerous/careless driving, anti-social behaviour and drug dealing/abuse CRIME Highlights

• Best reduction in LPA for groups 1 to 4 of 17.6% (31 fewer crimes)

• Vandalism down by 36.7% (22 fewer crimes).

Performance alert! • Domestic housebreaking up from 3 to 9

crimes DETECTION RATE Performance alert!

• Fall in detection rate for Groups 1 to 4 from 51.1% to 25.5%

• A fall of 38 percentage points in detection rate for crimes of dishonesty from 54.5% to 16.5%


• An improvement of 11.1 percentage points in the percentage of East Perthshire cus-tomers who received an update following their contact to report a crime, rising from 83.3% to 94.4%


• Only 50.0% of residents said they felt safe walking alone in their neighbourhoods after dark compared to 71.0% last year at the same time.

• 45.4% of residents said they were con-cerned at becoming a victim of crime in their neighbourhood, a deterioration of 9.9 per-centage points on the result at the same time last year (35.5%). However, this was an improvement on last month’s result of 53.3%.

SECTION 6: SOUTH PERTHSHIRE Main areas of public concern: dangerous/careless driving, anti-social behaviour and drug dealing/abuse CRIME Highlights

• Groups 1 to 4 down by 7.3% (14 crimes) DETECTION RATE Performance alert!

• Fall in detection rate for Groups 1 to 4 from


Policing Perth & Kinross: Community Summaries ~ April to June 2012

54.9% to 45.8% • Fall in detection rate for crimes of dishon-

esty from 59.7% to 44.5% • Deterioration in detection rate for house-

breaking, one detected compared with three the previous year over the same number of crimes (7).


• An improvement of 15 percentage points in the percentage of customers who received an update on the progress of their enquiry from 60.0% to 75.0%


• Reduction of 17.9 percentage points in the percentage of residents who thought that the crime rate in their neighbourhood had remained the same or improved over the past year from 72.4% to 54.5%

TARGETED COMMUNITY ACTIVITY Inspector Iain Ward Said: “There was a general reduction in crimes across the Section, significantly, a third reduction in violent crime with a one hundred percent detection rate. Unfortunately there was a slight dip in detection rates. All supervisors have been carrying out regular reviews and dip-sampling of crimes and incidents and it was good to note that our satisfaction rates were again above 90 per cent. Respondents’ re-plies showed a marked increase in the number of victims who had been updated on the progress of reported crimes. There was also a rise in the per-centage of customers who had received an update following their contact for reasons other than to re-port a crime. South Section staff should be con-gratulated for their efforts. Nevertheless there is still some room for improvement on these results. Anti social and speeding motorists are of greatest importance to our community and, in response to this, Operation Tupelo is being organised to directly respond to their concerns. This operation will run during September with the community having the op-portunity to directly influence the operation.”

SECTION 7: NORTH AND WEST PERTHSHIRE Main areas of public concern: drug dealing/drug abuse, dangerous/careless driving and alcohol related crime CRIME Performance alert!

• Increase of 77.8% in Groups 1 to 4 from 45 to 80

• Increase of 111.5% in crimes of dishonesty from 26 to 55

• 6 housebreakings recorded this year com-pared to 1 last year

DETECTION RATE Performance alert!

• 23.3 percentage point drop in vandalism from 50.0% to 26.7%


• An improvement on updating the public on the progress of their enquiry, from 75.0% to 76.5%


• Only 58.8% of respondents stated they felt safe walking alone in their neighbourhood after dark compared to 75.0% last year

(* Results should be viewed in conjunction with sample size. Changes in results may appear inflated due to the small number of respondents involved.)


POLICING PERTH & KINROSS: Crime in more detail PERIOD APRIL to JUNE 2011/2012 2012/2013 June Alone




number %




number %


number %




number %


Murder 1 1 100.0% 0 1 - -1 -100.0% 0 0 -

Attempted Murder 8 7 87.5% 2 2 100.0% -6 -75.0% 1 1 100.0%

Culpable Homicide 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -

Serious Assault 10 10 100.0% 9 8 88.9% -1 -10.0% 3 3 100.0%

Robbery (Incl attempts) 10 9 90.0% 15 12 80.0% 5 50.0% 6 3 50.0%

Child Cruelty/Neglect 8 8 100.0% 4 4 100.0% -4 -50.0% 2 2 100.0%

Pos of Firearm with intent to endanger life 1 1 100.0% 0 0 - -1 -100.0% 0 0 -

Abduction 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 -

Threats 4 4 100.0% 1 1 100.0% -3 -75.0% 1 1 100.0%

Others 0 0 - 1 0 0.0% 1 - 0 0 -

GROUP 1 - TOTAL 42 40 95.2% 32 28 87.5% -10 -23.8% 13 10 76.9%

GROUP 2Rape 2 3 150.0% 7 1 14.3% 5 250.0% 3 1 33.3%

Assault with intent to ravish 0 0 - 2 0 0.0% 2 - 1 0 0.0%

Indecent assault 15 12 80.0% 12 10 83.3% -3 -20.0% 3 3 100.0%

Lewd & Libidinous practices 2 0 0.0% 1 3 300.0% -1 -50.0% 1 2 200.0%

Public Indecency 8 4 50.0% 2 2 100.0% -6 -75.0% 0 1 -

Others 1 0 0.0% 7 2 28.6% 6 600.0% 2 0 0.0%

GROUP 2 - TOTAL 28 19 67.9% 31 18 58.1% 3 10.7% 10 7 70.0%

GROUP 3Housebreaking ~ domestic dwelling 33 7 21.2% 38 9 23.7% 5 15.2% 10 8 80.0%

Housebreaking ~ domestic non-dwelling 8 2 25.0% 20 2 10.0% 12 150.0% 9 1 11.1%

Housebreaking ~ commercial 26 25 96.2% 30 14 46.7% 4 15.4% 9 2 22.2%

Theft, attempt theft from locked premises/property 19 6 31.6% 34 6 17.6% 15 78.9% 18 2 11.1%

Theft, attempt theft from locked motor vehicle 32 5 15.6% 11 2 18.2% -21 -65.6% 5 1 20.0%

Theft, attempted theft of a motor vehicle 24 16 66.7% 14 7 50.0% -10 -41.7% 5 3 60.0%

Convicted thief in poss.of tools etc. w.i. to steal 0 0 - 1 1 100.0% 1 - 0 0 -

In building with intent to steal 8 7 87.5% 11 11 100.0% 3 37.5% 2 5 250.0%

Theft 402 223 55.5% 377 167 44.3% -25 -6.2% 135 58 43.0%

Theft from motor vehicle 30 20 66.7% 26 1 3.8% -4 -13.3% 9 0 0.0%

Reset 5 5 100.0% 2 2 100.0% -3 -60.0% 1 1 100.0%

Embezzlement 1 1 100.0% 0 0 - -1 -100.0% 0 0 -

Fraud 43 43 100.0% 65 32 49.2% 22 51.2% 26 13 50.0%

Others 6 3 50.0% 12 4 33.3% 6 100.0% 10 2 20.0%

GROUP 3 - TOTAL 637 363 57.0% 641 258 40.2% 4 0.6% 239 96 40.2%

GROUP 4Fireraising 12 4 33.3% 11 8 72.7% -1 -8.3% 1 0 0.0%

Malicious Damage/Vandalism 271 94 34.7% 224 81 36.2% -47 -17.3% 78 23 29.5%

Others 11 7 63.6% 10 5 50.0% -1 -9.1% 3 2 66.7%

GROUP 4 - TOTAL 294 105 35.7% 245 94 38.4% -49 -16.7% 82 25 30.5%

SUB-TOTAL OF GROUPS 1 TO 4 1001 527 52.6% 949 398 41.9% -52 -5.2% 344 138 40.1%

GROUP 5Public mischief & wasting police time 6 6 100.0% 4 4 100.0% -2 -33.3% 2 2 100.0%

Escape or rescue from police custody or prison 0 0 - 2 2 100.0% 2 - 1 1 100.0%

Resisting arrest or obstructing police officer 19 19 100.0% 27 27 100.0% 8 42.1% 11 11 100.0%

General attempts to pervert the course of justice 9 7 77.8% 6 6 100.0% -3 -33.3% 4 4 100.0%

Sex Offenders' register offences 1 1 100.0% 0 0 - -1 -100.0% 0 0 -

Bail - Fail to keep conditions 35 34 97.1% 43 42 97.7% 8 22.9% 15 15 100.0%

Possession of offensive weapons 18 18 100.0% 11 12 109.1% -7 -38.9% 6 6 100.0%

Drugs - supply, with intent to supply etc 21 21 100.0% 12 13 108.3% -9 -42.9% 5 6 120.0%

Drugs - personal possession 79 80 101.3% 88 89 101.1% 9 11.4% 29 29 100.0%

Drugs - manufacture etc 2 2 100.0% 4 4 100.0% 2 100.0% 0 0 -

Others 9 7 77.8% 2 1 50.0% -7 -77.8% 2 1 50.0%

GROUP 5 - TOTAL 199 195 98.0% 199 200 100.5% 0 0.0% 75 75 100.0%

TOTAL OF GROUPS 1 TO 5 1200 722 60.2% 1148 598 52.1% -52 -4.3% 419 213 50.8%

Please Note: This document is an end of month 'snap-shot' in time and the data may vary from later publications where updates have been taken into consideration.


C orporate support forms an important role in ensuring that appropriate resources are in place to deliver an efficient and effective service to the public. The challenging economic climate means that robust monitor-ing and reporting processes are instrumental in ensuring that the force is on track to deliver its objectives within available re-sources . At the same time, the Scottish Government has set stretching environmental and energy reduction targets for Scotland. As a major employer in Tayside, Tayside Police is committed to demonstrating its contribution to this aim.




� 68 % fewer days lost through accidents and violence!


Accidents and Violent Incidents 2012/13 2011/12 Change

Accidents to Police Officers and Staff 34 11 209%

Violence to Police Officers and Staff 94 88 7%

Total 128 99 29%

Violent incidents to Police Officers resulting in lost time 0 1 -100%

Total number of incidents resulting in lost time 5 2 150%

Total number of days lost 63 196 -68%

Incidents reported to the Health & Safety Executive 1 1 0%

Causation factors 2012/13% of

Total2011/12 % of Total


pt dif f

Road Traffic collisions 5 4% 0 0% 4

Manual handling 3 2% 0 0% 2

Slips, trips and falls 4 3% 2 2% 1

Training - in house and at the Scottish Police College 5 4% 0 0% 4

Exposure to violence 54 42% 50 51% -8

Assaults 21 16% 19 19% -3

Injuries caused by sharp objects 5 4% 0 0% 4

Injuries during arrests 19 15% 19 19% -4

Others 12 9% 9 9% 0

Total 128 99



COURSES Cumulative

2012/13 Apr May Jun Apr to Jun

Number of courses held 75 135 119 329

Maximum student places available 485 932 871 2288

Total number of students attending 449 893 816 2158

Percentage of uptake 93% 96% 94% 94%

Total number of training days delivered 811 1133 813 2757


April -June


The pre-course information was …




The content of the course was …




The course itself was …






409 responses

sufficient for my objectives

Last three months

To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements

relevant to my objectives

Taking everything into consideration, the course met my expectations

received in sufficient time

appropriate and with necessary detail

clear and easily understood

well structured

easy to follow

delivered effectively

well organised

the correct length



On target Below target

Last 3 months

Community Policing Div Apr May Jun

2012 - 13 3.2% 3.2% 3.2%

2001 - 12 3.8% 3.9% 3.8%

Dundee LPA Apr May Jun

2012 - 13 3.9% 3.8% 3.8%

2001 - 12 2.4% 2.6% 2.7%

Angus LPA Apr May Jun

2012 - 13 3.9% 3.8% 3.8%

2001 - 12 5.4% 5.8% 5.7%

Perth & Kinross LPA Apr May Jun

2012 - 13 2.7% 2.8% 2.9%

2001 - 12 5.4% 5.5% 5.3%

Working Days Lost

Apr to JunAve. per


Community Policing Div Days lost

Short 788

Medium 385

Long Term 931

All Days Lost 2012-13 2104 1.7

All Days Lost 2011-12 2451 2.0

Percentage difference -14%

Dundee LPA Days lost

Short 286

Medium 165

Long Term 419

All Days Lost 2012-13 870 2.0

All Days Lost 2011-12 641 1.4

Percentage difference 36%

Angus LPA Days lost

Short 158

Medium 86

Long Term 270

All Days Lost 2012-13 514 1.9

All Days Lost 2011-12 783 2.9

Percentage difference -34%

Perth & Kinross LPA Days lost

Short 220

Medium 83

Long Term 170

All Days Lost 2012-13 473 1.5

All Days Lost 2011-12 870 2.8

Percentage difference -46%

Colour Key

Target 4%Absence Rate

POLICE OFFICERS On target Below target

Last 3 months

Community Policing Div Apr May Jun

2012 - 13 3.8% 4.6% 4.9%

2001 - 12 3.2% 3.4% 3.5%

Dundee LPA Apr May Jun

2012 - 13 3.3% 3.4% 3.4%

2001 - 12 4.5% 5.0% 4.5%

Angus LPA Apr May Jun

2012 - 13 5.3% 5.6% 6.0%

2001 - 12 5.0% 5.5% 5.1%

Perth & Kinross LPA Apr May Jun

2012 - 13 5.2% 4.9% 4.2%

2001 - 12 5.4% 3.6% 3.2%

Working Days Lost

Apr to JunAverage per


Community Policing Div Days lost

Short 347

Medium 280

Long Term 782

All Days Lost 2012-13 1409 2.7

All Days Lost 2011-12 2451 1.9

Percentage difference -43%

Dundee LPA Days lost

Short 26

Medium 9

Long Term 72

All Days Lost 2012-13 107 1.9

All Days Lost 2011-12 641 2.5

Percentage difference -83%

Angus LPA Days lost

Short 27

Medium 17

Long Term 125

All Days Lost 2012-13 169 3.3

All Days Lost 2011-12 783 2.9

Percentage difference -78%

Perth & Kinross LPA Days lost

Short 20

Medium 3

Long Term 93

All Days Lost 2012-13 116 2.3

All Days Lost 2011-12 870 1.8

Percentage difference -87%

Colour Key

Target 4%Absence Rate



FLEET Budget Position @ (month in arrears) 2012/13 2011/12


Point Change

Percentage of total spend 21.8% 24.4% -2.6

Vehicle Accident Reports

Accidental 47 45 4.4%

Body Fluid 6 5 20.0%

Mis-fuel 0 0 #DIV/0!

Unreported 14 15 -6.7%

Vandalism 2 4 -50.0%

Total 69 69 0.0%

Accidents per Local Policing Area

Dundee 15 11 36.4%

Angus 21 23 -8.7%

Perth & Kinross 17 20 -15.0%

Headquarters Division 16 15 6.7%

Total 69 69 0.0%

Fleet Mileage per Local Policing Area

Dundee 260,167.00 266,258.00 -2.3%

Angus 277,595.00 274,501.00 1.1%

Perth & Kinross 388,849.00 344,943.00 12.7%

Headquarters Division 210,881.00 227,901.00 -7.5%

Total 1,137,492 1,113,603 2.1%

Average Fuel Consumption (mpg) per LPA

Dundee 30.9 30.7 0.2

Angus 31.2 31.7 -0.5

Perth & Kinross 31.1 31.7 -0.6

Headquarters Division 33.4 31.1 2.3

Average 31.7 31.3 0.4


RANDOM DRUG TESTING A programme of testing of both police officers and police staff is carried out. This supports the pre-vention and management of substance misuse within Tayside Police in order to create and main-tain healthy staff and enhance public trust in services delivered by the Force. This programme does not prevent staff reporting concerns about suspected illegal activity by colleagues, which is acted upon.


Our plan to reduce from 6,000 ton-nes CO2 (Fiscal Year 08/09 out-put) to 4,500 tonnes by the end of 2015 is slightly ahead of target at 5,188tonnes (end of FY11 target is 5,354 tonnes).


OfficersProbationers Police Staff


ConstablesMonthly Total





Apr 8 4 1 0 13 13 0

May 0 0 0 0 0 13 0

Jun 8 4 1 0 13 26 0

2012/13 2011/12 Change (p.p/%)

Invoices processed within 15 days 43% 43% 0

Invoices processed within 30 days 94% 92% 2

Proportion of all payments made by electronic means 96% 95% 1

Invoices issued within 5 working days of receipt of request 100% 96% 4

Working days between period close and distribution of management reports 21 17 24%

Percentage of Payroll errors - related to Pay Section 100% 43% 57

Percentage of Payroll errors - related to provision of information 0% 43% -43

Percentage of Payroll unavoidable errors - related to advance payment 0% 14% -14

Total CO2 emissions from buildings, waste and transport













2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Emission (tonnes)

Emissions from building and street lights (tonnes) Emissions from transport (tonnes)Emissions from waste (tonnes) Emissions from water (tonnes)Target CO2 Emission (tonnes) Reduction




Performance and Planning Unit

0300 111 2222

Email: performanceandplanning@tayside.pnn.police.uk


Twitter: @statspolice

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Ongoing improvement depends on feedback from contributors and users and we would welcome your views. If you require further information about this re-port please use the contact below.
