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OAKBANK Sixth Form Magazine

ISSUE 2 - JULY 2010

The Year at a Glance


The mob descends

Dear Readers,

Voilà! I present to you the new Sixth Form Magazine! With much typing, nagging and working,

it was finally put together, hurrah! This issue contains the usual selection of music, games and

film reviews alongside the new fashion page, author profile and a few other miscellaneous arti-

cles. Also included, is an article that I‟m sure every student can associate with; the subject being

mornings. I think that this month‟s calendar will be taken over by the World Cup; as I type Eng-

land is playing USA , c‟mon England?!

It feels so strange to be writing this instead of Kerry, but I'd like to applaud her for being the

steady leader of the magazine for the year. I‟d also like to thank the OSFM team for this

month... Ploughing on through the exam period was definitely mad, but we did it! So well done


I hope that you enjoy the Issue, feedback is always welcome.

Your New Editor,

Jasmine Camm.

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 02

03 - The New Website!

04 - AS Exams Enlightenment

05 - Snoozzzzzzze

06 - Confectionary Conclusions

07 - It‟s a Breeze

08 - Summer fashion 2010

09 - Author Profile: Pratchett

10 - Internet Picks of the Month

11 - Things to Do

12 - Things to Own

13 - 4 Years Later

13 - Gig Reviews

15 - Music

16 - Film

16 - Games

17 - Random Facts

18 - June Open Days

19 - Contact Us

(Click a page title to be taken to it!)

"And since all this loveliness can not be

Heaven, I know in my heart it is June."

– Abba Goold Woolson (1838–1921)

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 03

The New Website! By Kieran Clayton

>> www.osfm.co.nr << The new official Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine website offers plenty of

new things. It has a new style and layout which allows easy navigation

across the whole site. (Without an ad to be seen!). The new site will display

much of what can be found in the magazine, but there is also content exclu-

sive to the website; examples being articles published randomly by the

team which means that you won‟t miss anything!

Not only that, but there is now a whole section for the Sixth Form Team.

Mary and both Rachels currently have an account. In this section they will

be able to post instant updates and information just like the stuff that you

get through emails; the difference being that it is all stored in one place and

won‟t ever be „exceeding the storage limit‟. You could even ask questions

and comment on the articles using the simple comment form.

What sort of Content can I find on the site I hear you ask?

Well, we have:

A list of tutor periods - something that normally circulates by word of


Useful links to UCAS and other handy websites that will make your

time at Oakbank easier.

A list of Open Days, provided by Rachel Gallagher, which will be up-

dated whenever we are informed of a new open day!

The ability to download the latest issue of OSFM, you can also view it

online in the style of a real magazine!

You can even submit your own article by using the simple submit

form, the article will be sent straight to the Editor‟s email and you

might even end up in the next issue of OSFM.

The new website is just a great way of keeping in the know about what's

going on in Sixth Form, whether this be Fundraising or important meetings

in the common room, it will all be in one place, www.osfm.co.nr.

We‟d encourage both students and teachers to get involved.

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 04

AS Exams Enlightening By Nicola Langthorne Closing of Exams for AS.

Now that you've have jumped the hurdle of exams it's time to take a breather, it‟s also a great op-

portunity to make the best of your time. Here are a few suggestions!

I t's highly recommended that we invest some time doing voluntary work. This could be at

Manorlands through the connections we have at Oakbank - a wonderful organisation to help and

be a part of. Other options are as part of the vInvolved volunteering award, which you can sign

up for on the 28th June Period 2! These are great opportunities in which you can selflessly help

others and feel great about, with another plus side of it being helpful on UCAS and job applica-


A good plan would be to look at UCAS and career websites, researching the possible options

you have for University and jobs for the near future. From here, you could look at how you could

link any voluntary work or hobbies to the subject which you wish to study. Also, beginning your

CV's and Personal Statements is a great idea; the latter of course will be a main subject in tutor

periods. The better you can make them, the better your chances!

Something that would be beneficial for the nearing A2 year is looking for extra work. AS stu-

dents can begin to look into extra work to get a head start in your subjects. This could be from

wider reading for English to visiting museums for Art! Look into your options, and also what you

can do over the summer. This is a wonderful chance and you will reap the benefits.

Finally, make the most of Enrichment Week, and most importantly have some fun!

By Jasmine Camm Top 5 Things that AS exams have taught me:

Set up a revision timetable earlier. Admittedly, we were told again and again to set up those time tables; but who waited until the last

few weeks of exam mania to draw up their calendar? From what I've gathered, quite a number. The

exams seemed to sneak up on us, no matter what we were told. Ah, It‟s a lesson learnt. Point:

Don‟t wait until there is so much stress that revising becomes a mixture of panic (of the time you

have left to revise) and crammed knowledge.

Read through notes after lessons. Again, it was advised and yet the exams seemed to be so far away that it seemed rather strange to

do that so soon. The transition from GCSE exams to AS exams was massive, as was the work load

and thus the need for revision.

Point: The earlier you start, the more comfortable you‟ll be with the subject, the less nervous you‟ll

be when it comes to the exam.

How to revise. After trying stacks of techniques and advice given to me, it was only in the past month or so in

which I finally found a way that works for me! This was the most valuable thing that I learnt from

the exams, at least now I have the technique sorted and so i‟m comfortable with how I can improve.

Point: It‟s pointless revising if the technique isn‟t suit-

able for you.

Avoid panicking people. Just before an exam there is chaos. Basically, it‟s some-

what contagious and should be avoided at all costs. If

you end up panicking in the exam, then it will muddle

your brain, calm down.

Point: Don‟t cram, don‟t have joint panic attacks with

people, and be calm. You‟ve done all you can.

“Told you so”

I‟m sure that many of us are cursing ourselves for lis-

tening, but not putting into action, the advice which we

had been given by both teachers and students at the

beginning of the year.

Point: Cringeworthy... „listen to what we are told‟.

Also, don't worry after exams. What's done is done, wor-

rying will do nothing to help, take Nicola's advice above

and fill your time with things that will help.

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 05

“OH NO! Its 8 o‟clock, my bus is in

10 minutes!”

By Kieran Clayton

Snooze, the first word most of us read in a morning. There is no doubt that we all love it - such

a handy tool. I‟m sure you all agree with me when I say that getting out of bed in the morning is

one of life‟s greatest challenges; given the chance I think we would all rather stay there for a few

more hours and roll into school at the hour that pleases us best.

Waking up in the morning and getting out of bed really shouldn‟t be a chore; what excuses do

we have? Too tired? It‟s warm in here... I‟ve got too much to do! Getting up in the morning

should be a good thing - you are waking from, on average, 8 hours of sleep; a new day has begun

and it shouldn‟t be taken for granted. In this article I will give you some tips on how to get out of

bed fast and begin your days! As well as others‟ methods of getting up...

Tips on how to make it easier to get out of bed in a morning:

Be organised! - Having to pick out what to wear and gather your books together in the

morning is all too confusing when you‟ve just woken up, so do it the night before. Spend

10 minutes before you go to bed putting your books for the next day in your bag and get

your clothes out, or at least pick them.

But what do I have to get up for?! – Think of the benefits of getting up... some that

spring to mind for me are; I won‟t miss the bus, I‟ll have time for breakfast, Mary won‟t

kill me! I can start a new day - who knows what might happen!

Think of the dangers... – A classic mistake is when the alarm sounds like an air raid

siren; in a tired dash to stop the ear splitting noise, instead of hitting snooze you hit turn

off... then you fall back to sleep. OH NO! Its 8 o‟clock, my bus is in 10 minutes! You will

never make it, so just think... if you‟d have gotten out of bed pronto then you would be

able to stroll to the bus stop instead or running half dressed.

Now here are other people’s methods, the

weird and the wonderful:

“I get my mum to come in and put Queen on LOUD; I

have big speakers!”

“Wash your hair the night before.” – Courtesy of Year 12

History class.

“I set about 5 alarms before I go to bed; phones, radio,

clock... they all go off about 5 minutes after each other”

“I use my phone alarms, so I set two; the second one goes

off 30 minutes after the first so when I snooze the first

one, they start going off randomly and that really starts to

annoy me”

If you still can‟t get out of bed after reading this then you need

to go to bed earlier... seriously.

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 06

Confectionary Conclusions By Jasmine Camm

After undertaking a number of food experiments that had successful and not-quite-successful re-

sults, I decided that they‟d be interesting to share - at least the successful ones. You may be wonder-

ing what on earth confectionary has got to do with school? To be perfectly honest, I would say that it

hasn‟t got much to do with school. If I had to pick an argument, I‟d say that food is essential to good

learning (albeit, healthy food) and that relaxation is crucial to coursework - This is how I relax, wel-


Sweet Successes

The Somewhat Soufflé

Mini Muffins

Contents: Victoria sponge mix (with cocoa), chilli chocolate, double cream and some


This is something that I discovered on a lazy day. I wanted something chocolate and quick.

After cooking the chocolate cupcakes (either in a ramekin or as usual), make some ganache

by pouring almost boiling cream into a bowl of equal amounts of chopped chocolate, I used

chilli chocolate. Then mix. Cut the cakes as you would do a butterfly bun, but make the cut

deeper, then fill the gap with the ganache, place in the oven again to heat the whole thing to the same tempera-

ture. This recipe is ready to eat in less than half an hour so it‟s perfect for those chocolate urges or pajama days.

Depending on your tastes, I‟d suggest eating with raspberries, black cherries or shortbread. I am in love with

this snack, it‟s quick, it‟s easy and it tastes amazing.

Contents: Victoria sponge mix, food colouring, buttercream and smarties.

These were purely and simply, ace. Due to the minute bun cases that the cupcakes

were cooked in peeling away, we resorted to this is order to make them presentable

for a party. A tiny amount of buttercream in between the mirroring cupcakes sticks

them together and then the swirl of buttercream on the top adds flavour and texture

to the whole thing. They tasted like a compact version of a butterly bun, and looked

really quite fictional, they reminded me of a children‟s fairytale. The downside? They are gone in one bite.

Sweet Disasters The Cardiac Cake

Contents: An awful lot of butter, sugar and chocolate. Improvise.

Sure, it doesn‟t look like much, but after only a few bites you‟ll soon find yourself wondering

just exactly how much chocolate is in the cake. The recipe is practically butter, sugar and

chocolate with a sprinkle of flour and egg. It was coated with a thick layer of Cadbury‟s ga-

nache as we made too much for such a small cake - with Cadbury‟s chocolate, the ganache

tastes very caramel-ish, very sickly. Even the largest Chocoholic I know couldn‟t handle an-

other slice. Although the general flavour exceeded expectations, that aspect of the cake was also its downfall;

everyone feared for their blood-sugar levels that day, we couldn‟t stomach any junk food, how sad...

Gummy Bear Genocide

Contents: Victoria sponge mix, food colouring and gummy bears.

This was purely experimental...The analysis? Gummy bears + Cake mixture = Ex-

plosion. The rating was given for prettiness and the sheer addictive nature of these

colourful creations, stars were taken off because they are sickly and really quite

revolting. As you can see in the picture, the pink was the most delightfully cute

thing, which boosted the rating a lot. Otherwise, the buns are like extra strong toffee

to the teeth, as the melted gummy bears refuse to release their grip on anything they

touch. They were certainly unusual, and the gummy bears gave the sponge a very sweet flavour, they may have

even been nice if there was a higher sponge : gummy bear ratio. Overall, they were fun to make, fun to watch as

the gummy bears explode in the oven but really not fun to bite.

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 07

By Rhianna Jones

Discounts With Breeze Cards you can get great discounts, free gifts and gain entry to special events all

around the Leeds area!

Some of the many events include:

Young Peoples Film Festival

Middleton Railway Trust (£1 off adult return, 50p off additional Breeze Card holders. Saturdays

only) Freedom Divers (20% off all try dive sessions)

Swimming (Discounts vary with age)


Fitness Classes

Breezereads Book Discounts (15% off selected books at Borders)

Karate International Black Belt Schools (Discount of £15 per person)

Leeds Wall (10% off pre-booked sessions)

Breeze Cards double up as a library card

Jumbo Records (5% off all full priced merchandise)

Breeze on Tour!

Breeze International Youth Festival 2010

Breeze Breaks Out!

It‟s a Breeze Are you 19 and under?

Do you want great discounts on

sports and entertainment?

Could a Breeze Card be for you?

Breeze on Tour This five week tour gives you the chance to get outside and have a laugh with your friends.

Aimed at 8-18 year olds the Breeze Tour travels to different locations holding many activities

that Breeze Card holders can access for free!

Some activities at Breeze on Tour:


Arts + Crafts




Movie Making

Performances from locally formed bands


www.breezeleeds.org (Click above to be taken to site)

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 08

Fashion By Olivia Sayer & Michaela Johns

With the summer holidays within our grasp, we‟ll all be jetting off to sunny destinations for a

few weeks. In this issue, holiday wear is the main focus: bright print swimwear, hats, sunnies,

kaftan cover-ups and statement sandals.

Trend 1 – Swimwear Trend 2 – Beach jewellery Trend 3 – Sandals

All From
















Trend 4 – Cover-ups













Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 08

Fashion Something for the guys














For the festival go-ers…

There‟s a great range of festival wear in Fat Face at the moment, whether it‟s in the sale or full

price. Since I work there, I can give you a 20% discount on full price items!




And Elsewhere...




Sir Terry Pratchett, OBE, was born in Buck-

inghamshire in 1948. He is an extremely suc-

cessful fantasy writer, having sold over 55

million books worldwide. He was given an

OBE for services to literature in 1998, was

knighted in the Queen‟s 2009 New Year Hon-

ours, and has received 8 honorary doctorates.

He was diagnosed with Alzheimer‟s disease in

2007, and has since made large donations to

help find a cure; he has also presented a TV

programme to help raise awareness. He pub-

lished his first story at the age of 13, The Hades Business (in his school magazine!), which was

later published commercially.

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 09

Author Profile: Pratchett

By Ruby Whelan


The Discworld series is his most prolific series, and follows the stories of the inhabitants of the

Discworld – a parallel world to our own, where the world is (as the name suggests) a large disc.

However, as the name definitely doesn‟t suggest, it is also carried on the back of four elephants,

who ride on the back of a giant turtle. The first Discworld book – The Colour of Magic, was

published in 1985, and he has since published a further 36. Pratchett‟s works feature a great

amount of parody, on subjects as varied as Shakespeare, to fairytales, great battles and Holly-


The majority of the books are set in Ankh-Morpork, the Disc‟s largest and most… interesting

city (smell-wise, anyway), ruled by benevolent tyrant Havelock Vetinari. The books don‟t fol-

low any one character, but instead follow groups of people; the City Watch (led by cynical and

street-smart Sam Vimes, also known as “Vetinari‟s terrier”), the Wizards and the Witches. Or

specific people, for example Rincewind the wizard, Death (wonderfully anthropomorphically

portrayed), Susan Sto Helit (Death‟s granddaughter), and Moist von Lipwig (a con artist, saved

from the gallows (post-hanging) and forced to re-vamp the post office). There are also stand-

alone novels, which follow different characters, though these usually feature the series regulars

in some way or another.

Interesting Facts

He has a greenhouse full of carnivorous plants in his


He credits his local library for his education, rather

than his school.

He came top of the country in the exams for the Na-

tional council for the Training of Journalists Course.

He has a great interest in astronomy and had an ob-

servatory built in his back garden for that very purpose.

He‟s a trustee of the Orang-utan Foundation UK –

one of his most popular characters, the Unseen Univer-

sity‟s Librarian, is an orang-utan. He says, on the subject of writing, that you must “make

grammar, punctuation and spelling a part of your life”,

(which makes me very happy indeed).

Name: Terry Pratchett

Born: 28 April 1948

Location: Salisbury,


Genre: Fantasy

“In the beginning there was nothing,

which exploded”

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 10

Internet picks of the month By Ruby Whelan


Want to keep up with the news, but also fulfil your

daily satire quotient? This website is for you! The

site basically takes news stories and re-writes them

with more of a mickey-taking slant. According to

the website; “We strongly believe that all news sto-

ries should be considered A Remarkable Special

Event (ARSE), and as such each and every story we

cover is treated like ARSE.” News ARSE – because

they never let the truth get in the way of a funny


I don‟t know what I like most about The Oatmeal;

the crazy artwork, the silly comics or the fact that it

manages to make learning about grammar both in-

formative and ridiculous! The website consists of

comics on various subjects, such as “How to choose

a banshee” and “How to tell if your cat is plotting

to kill you”; quizzes, such as “How many Justin

Beibers could you take in a fight?” and “How long

you could survive on the surface of the sun?”; and

other miscellany, which is basically The Oatmeal‟s ramblings. My favourites have got to be the

collection of dumb jokes, and the many grammar-related comics – they greatly appeal to my

grammar-Nazi side. Updates are fairly random, and I doubt there is any kind of schedule.


Now, as a person who enjoys cake and doesn‟t make a

bad cake herself, this site is most definitely cringe-

worthy (and therefore hilarious). Think of all the ways a

cake could be ruined by a professional baker, double it,

and you have come somewhat close to the amazing

level of stupidity that is humorously showcased on this

website. From misspellings (and OH, there are thou-

sands. Who knew you could spell “birthday” in so

many ways?!), to shoddy craftsmanship, to just plain

weird designs, this website pokes fun at them all. How-

ever, it‟s not all bad – check out Sunday Sweets for

some wonderfully made, truly gorgeous cakes.


This ever humorous and ever slightly insane webcomic

is the baby of Jeph Jaques – he started it on August 1st

2003 and since then he‟s quite his job and lives entirely

from merchandise sales – a pretty cool thing to do with

your life. It follows the lives of a group of friends (it

was just 3 people and a robot to begin with, and now I

can‟t even count the regular characters), who usually

hang out at Coffee of Doom – think Starbucks, but more

badass. It updates every weekday, and has done for

some time – if you want to catch up with the story (which I did) be warned, as there are over

1700 comics to get though. Alternatively, you could just read the wikipedia page and be lazy,

yeah! It‟s also interesting to see how the artwork improves over time – shows what 7 years of

practise can do!


Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 11

Things to do By Jasmine Camm

Victorian Sports


People‟s Park,


June, 1pm -

4pm, Free.

If you‟re looking for a unique thing to do with

your time then this may be for you! It sounds

quite hilarious - Victorian costumes, egg and

spoon races, whip and top? Hilarity is sure to en-

sue. Of course, it isn‟t imperative that you dress

the part, but why not? Refreshments are also


A Tour with

Anne Lister

Shibden Hall,

Lister‟s Road,


13th June/11th

July, 2pm, Usual


Following the release of BBC‟s „The Secret Dia-

ries of Anne Lister‟, the tour at Shibden Hall al-

lows you to find out more about the life and loca-

tion of this fascinating woman, the first modern

Lesbian and mistress of the Hall in the 19th cen-

tury, and to have a refreshing walk around some

awesome rooms and grounds. You could even go

on the mini-train or the rowing boats afterwards if

you were feeling particularly child-like.

Calderdale Pride. Piece Hall, Hali-


19th June, 2pm

- 8pm, Free.

Once again the Piece Hall has the pleasure of

hosting the celebration of diversity in Calderdale.

Everyone is welcome to bring picnics, blankets

and friends to enjoy the day. In the Hall there will

be a variety of eating places, a bar, a full pro-

gramme of live entertainment, and „quality DJ‟s,

artists, bands, and speakers‟. Not much missing is


1960‟s Weekend. Haworth Main


19th/20th June,


If you enjoyed the vintage feel of the 1940‟s

weekend, why not indulge yourself in another era

of iconic things? Take yourself back to the days

of fashion from that of Mary Quant‟s miniskirt

and Doris Day‟s feminine gowns to Bardot‟s bee-

hive hairstyles and Hepburn‟s skinny jeans. The

most popular style associated with the 1960‟s is

that created by those who prompted sexual libera-

tion and „peace, love and freedom‟. Groovy...

The Bridge

Birthday Bash.

Hebden Bridge. 19th June,

1:30pm start,


A medieval festival celebrating the 500th anni-

versary of the Bridge. There‟ll be a packhorse

procession over the bridge, medieval music,

dance and Jesters. It‟s a chance to learn truly fas-

cinating facts and fiction about bridges; some to

„fascinate even the unfascinatable‟.

Leeds Loves



Square, Leeds.

1st - 4th July,

Free for brows-


A festival which shows off the range and the

quality of the food in Leeds, including events and

promotions. The four day spread of events has a

packed calender which can be viewed online.

There‟s no shortage of food, as the choice varies

from BBQ, picnics and Mexican dishes to the

smoothies, the Mad Hatter‟s Tea Party and a se-

lection of master-classes. If food isn‟t your thing,

then Angel‟s Share Vintage Fair on the 3rd July

may give you a break from the mass amount of

edibles. See http://www.leedslovesfood.com/ for

specific times and dates.

OSFM, Issue 2 Oakbank School/


17th July The next issue of Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine is

released, just as we say bye bye for summer!

Event Location Times Further Information



„To make walking rainy days fun‟, at least

until you get run over by the car that you

never saw because you were too busy staring up at your umbrella screen. It contains a built-in

camera and allows photo-sharing, so you can upload the photo‟s that you take via a wireless

Internet connection. Obviously, this is something every umberella needs - who cares about keep-

ing dry? It also has the function of a birds eye 3D map, this could be useful; however, its pur-

pose is described as being for the user „to compare the 3D views to real sights‟. Perhaps this is

just me, but doesn‟t the physical sight erase the need for a 3D view? I admit that it‟s creative, but

I fail to comprehend WHY somebody looked at an umbrella and thought that it was necessary to

add the Internet. I know that it is the „Age of the Internet‟ and such, but surely this is a little ex-


Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 12

Things to own

By Kieran Clayton

This Months Essential Item!

There is no doubting that we

are all hyped for the release

of Toy Story 3 in UK cine-

mas 23 July 2010. So, why not re-cap on the

gang‟s shenanigans in the much loved child-

hood classics, Toy story and Toy story 2, to-

gether in this new boxset!

Toy Story 1 & 2 Boxset

This handy little gadget will help

with that ever so daunting task of

revising. With the Sound Asleep

pillow you don‟t even have to open

a book, all you need to do it SLEEP! Simply plug in

your mp3 player, and listen to pre-recorded lectures or

class notes whilst you sleep, experts say it works...

Sound Asleep Pillow,



We have all been caught out by our mobile

or mp3 battery whilst on the move; it has to

be one of the most annoying things that can

happen! The Freeloader Solar Charger will

charge up any mobile device including; iPods, phones and even

portable games consoles, just from the power of the sun, any-

where! It would come in handy for festivals and camping trips

this summer.

A lot of us don‟t eat breakfast in a

morning even though we are told time

and time again that we will perform

better throughout the day. This may

look like your average cereal bowl however it has a built in shelf

which stops the milk coming into contact with all the cereal. In-

stead it releases a little bit of milk onto a small section of the ce-

real, keeping it crunchier for longer! YUM!

EatMeCrunchy Cereal Bowl,



Freeloader Solar Charger,



Editors Pick

Pileus: The Internet Umbrella!,



Leeds Fest 2010 is something that a lot

of you are looking forward to, for me though it

was one of the heats for the FutureSound compe-

tition in which the winner of each heat gets to

play at Leeds Fest that got me excited. The par-

ticular heat I attended was on Monday 5th July at

the Cockpit in Leeds and I was going full out on

support for Hail Animator; a fantastic, indie-

rock, Leeds band. Even going to the extent of

producing a t-shirt using an old poster from one

of their previous gigs and a pritstick, which I had

to take with me for maintenance.

Before the music began we ended up meeting

a few of the band as they wondering the room

and of course ventured to the bar; I must say they

were all very much in favor of the t-shirt and

were all genuinely grateful for our support. We

stood at the back of the room for the first band,

after all it was a competition and we didn't want

to seem too keen on the other acts, although we

still applauded... quietly. The first band, Afraid

Like You, had a good sounds and lots of energy,

but I felt like I'd seen them before, or at least the

lead singer.

We managed to make our way to the front for

the second act, just to guarantee a position there

for when Hail Animator took to the stage. This

was a bad move though, the room got hotter and

hotter the closer you got to the stage, and I felt

like I should have been singing along or at least

acknowledging that I knew the songs of the sec-

ond act, when in fact I'd never heard of them in

my life... BangBangRomeo. This interesting

band had real variety in their act, starting with a

acoustic song that really complimented the lead

singers voice, and as the act progressed the

songs were ranging from Rock to something

about more dancy, at times. One thing catching

my eye on the stage was the backcombed beauty

of a hairstyle that was bobbing round in front of

me, complete with colorful feathers and probably

a whole lot of hairspray, this really was a hair-do

to be desired, 5 stars.

Introducing... Band Name: Hail Animator

Band Members: Richard // Adam // Bradley // Ste

Based in: Leeds

Genre: Indie

The suspense built for Hail Animator as they set up their

equipment on stage, we were all very much possessed with

excitement, and we also found that one of the band mem-

bers names is actually easy to chant unlike to the band

name! The band opened with a track from their recently

released EP – „We Live In Boxes‟ – „what you did‟ got the

crowd limbering up and beginning to pull out the moves, it

was time to make some noise! The band seemed on top

form and hopeful about the competition even though the

other band had masses of marked supporters (All wearing

the same t-shirt… how embarrassing!), let‟s not forget, Hail

animator had one too!

After several tracks from their EP, including that track

containing the line “we live in boxes” (Easier Said Than

Done), we got to the new stuff, a nice way to end the set.

Although, the night still managed to get better with the in-

troduction to the first new song, „Are you Gonna‟, it in-

cluded a dedication to “the guy down front with the home-

made Hail Animator t-shirt” – making the t-shirt, I‟m sure,

very much worth his while! The new material including the

last song, „Start A Fire‟, definitely had the Hail Animator

feel but it continues to be fresh and have something about it

that sets it apart from the rest.

After their set we resorted to the back of the room where

we met the band again, had pictures and a good chat, mak-

ing me very excited for the next gig!

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 13

By Kieran Clayton

Afraid Like You


Hail Animator

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 15


'California Gurls' is the first

single to be released from

Katy's new album "Teenage

Dream" and it proves that

Katy Perry is one of the best

performers in this day and

age. With Snoop Dogg's open-

ing, "Greetings loved ones,

let's take a journey," we are

transported to a California of

beaches, bikinis, and the sun

so hot it "will melt your pop-

sicle." The song is little more

than light, frothy pop, but that

may be exactly what you need

today when dreaming about

the summer and a few months

from now, baking happily in

the sunshine.

Katy Perry - California


B.O.B ft Hayley Williams -


What I love about this song is

the moving lyrics. Hitting

number 2 after only a couple

of weeks, it is loved so many

others. Anchored by a power-

ful, haunting pop chorus,

B.o.B. dips into something

much deeper and complex

than his debut #1 smash

"Nothin' On You." Hayley

Williams, lead vocalist of Pa-

ramore is brought in to deliver

the chorus with a slightly frag-

ile, longing beauty, matching

the lyrics with perfection. Part

II of the song also features a

rap from Eminem that only

complicates the subject mat-

ter. In my opinion, this is one

of the most intensely emo-

tional hit singles of the year so


Eminem - Recovery


After his flop last year with his

album “Relapse”, Eminem defi-

nitely needed a recovery with a

new album. Personally, I think

he‟s made a great comeback with

this album. He even admits to fans

that Relapse was mediocre: 'And

to the fans, I’ll never let you down

again, I’m back/I promise to never

go back on that promise, in fact/

Let’s be honest, that last Relapse

CD was eh/Perhaps I ran them

accents into the ground/Relax, I

ain’t going back to that now.' With

fresh beats, and appearances from

the likes of Rihanna, Lil’ Wayne

and Pink, I believe Eminem has

found his feet again and given us

a fresh perspective on his music

and bars. He proves that he is 'not

afraid to take a stand.'

Lady Gaga - Alejandro

Gaga sets standards high with her catchy dance-pop tunes she's been blasting

through our ears for the past year. However this song is a minor slip up for her. I do

agree that it is a good song, just not as good as the get-up-and-go tunes she's pro-

vided us with previously. I admire Gaga for her clever lyrics in the song and the

beat is quite good, but I do feel that she has done better. Maybe it is also the music

video she's done for the video that lowers standards too. It's great in a Gaga way,

but I did get a bit bored whilst watching the mini-movie of a music video; it was slightly odd and dark,

and I am definitely not a fan of her new bowl cut! Video aside, I do like the song, but I expect a little


www.bobatl.com www.eminemworld.com/

By Michaela Johns By Michaela Johns

By Michaela Johns

By Michaela Johns


This month we shall not be reviewing any games, instead we shall give

an overview of a few of the most anticipated releases which everyone is waiting for.

First up is Call of Duty: Black Ops:

This follows on from the previous Call of Duty in the series. However, it is a totally different

storyline set in Vietnam. The Gamplay trailer gives the impression that the game is rather explo-

sive as you fly around in an Apache helicopter with no goal. My thoughts? I think that there has

been too much hype about it, and it's unlikely to be as well received as it's predecessor, Call of

Duty: Modern Warfare II.

Secondly, Crisis II:

This is the second instalment, as the name would suggest, that is set in a world where aliens have

taken over and humans struggle to survive. One 'lone wolf' possesses a suit of armour that in-

creases the strength, agility and cloaks of the owner. Obviously, this helps him battle it out with

the alien threat. At first glance, the game appears to be a replica of Crisis I... not too sure about

what the future holds for this one, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see!

Finally, Fallout: New Vegas.

Quite predictably, the game is located in the post Apocalyptic world of Fallout... But Vegas has

been left unscathed. Not much information is available, but I can tell you that the game begins for

you lying in a ditch, dead, after being shot twice in the head.

I recommend buying all of these games, or at least renting

to experiment. Such hype and build-up must mean some-


I absolutely loved this film! It‟s really funny and ex-

tremely entertaining. I saw it in 3-D and I would defi-

nitely recommend paying that little bit extra for it (it's

worth it). Rumpelstiltskin tricks Shrek into signing a pact so that he may re-

live his old bachelor/Ogre lifestyle for one day; for the small price of one of

his childhood days. But crafty Rumpelstiltskin takes a rather important day -

the day that Shrek was born. Thus, Shrek is thrown into a twisted reality of

Far Far Away, where Rumpelstiltskin is king, Ogres are hunted and Shrek

and Fiona never met. Shrek turns himself into Rumpelstiltskin, and in return

demands that all Ogres are set free, but as Fiona is only half Ogre she is im-

prisoned, along with Shrek. About to be eaten by Dragon (Donkeys' Wife),

Puss, Donkey and the other Ogres arrive just in time to save the day! Together they all

defeat Rumpelstiltskin and his forces. Shrek and Fiona have 'true loves kiss', and her curse is bro-

ken once more. All is well, but will Shrek return to his designated reality? You'll have to watch it

and see!

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 16

Film & Games Film

Long ago in land far, far away, there once rose a em-

pire that stretched from the steps of China to the

shores of the Mediterranean. The film opens to a land

plagued by war as the empire struggles to expand. It's set in built up areas

which adds to the excitement, by making sure that all of the fights that

occur are intertwined. I didn't expect the film to be true to the games that

it was based on, but it was surprisingly full of free running action and ac-

robatics that made the games so great. The film itself has a gripping story-

line and twisting plot which always keeps the viewer on the edge of their

seats, wondering what will happen next.


By Joss Cope-Smith

The Prince of Persia

By Joss Cope-Smith

Shrek Forever After

By Christina Cooper

- Apocolocynposis is the fear of turning into

a pumpkin. (Been reading a bit too much

Cinderella here?)

- A cockroach can live for nine days without its


- The number of people dreaming in black and

white decreased after the spread of colour televi-


- New Zealand is home to 70 million sheep and only 4 million people.

- ‟Stewardesses‟ is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.

- In ancient Greece teachers were paid higher wages than skilled craftsman. They also received gifts

from citizens.

- The average person walks the equivalent of twice around the world in their life.

- If the gherkin in a McDonalds burger was taken out, then the burger would then be classed as a des-

sert due to its extreme sugar content.

-A British law was implemented in 1732 which restricted the manufacturing of hats. This was done in

order to protect the fibre industry in England. (No hats?!)

- The blessing of those who sneeze started when the great plague took hold of Europe. The Pope

therefore passed a law requiring people to bless the sneezer.

- The phrase „in the dead of the night‟ was first recorded in 1548. Meaning the 'darkest time of night'

and was used in Edward Halls‟ "Chronicle".

- Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary. - Explanations for the meaning of this rhyme differ. From „pretty

maids‟ and „silver bells‟ being colloquialisms for instruments of torture used under the reign of Mary

I; to relating to Mary Queen of Scots and her unfaithful husband.

- Bal du moulin de la Galette is fifth on the list of most expensive paintings ever sold. Painted by Pi-

erre-Auguste Renoir, it was sold at over £86 million in 2009.

- Le Louvre was originally constructed as the fortress of King Phillippe Auguste in 1190.

- Deterioration over the years has revealed that a portrait of Elizabeth I holding a bunch of flowers

originally saw her clasping a snake. Although, it is not fully understood whether the original painting

was a portrait of the Queen, and why the snake was replaced.

- The largest gathering of people

to wear underpants is 116 - By

Pants to Poverty in London.

- A mysterious race of ancient

Britons who had much in common

with people today but belonged to

another human species lived in

Norfolk almost a million years

ago, scientists believe.

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 16

Random Facts

By Jasmine Camm

A chimpanzee can learn to

recognize itself in a mirror,

but a monkey cannot.

Fact of the Month

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 18

August Open Days 20 08 10 Askham Bryan College – Drop in Day

21 08 10 University of Central Lancashire

21 08 10 University of Sunderland

21 08 10 York St John

25 08 10 York St John

25 08 10 Lancaster University

31 08 10 University of Aberdeen

Seminars, Conferences, Workshops

If your university isn‟t here, check the Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine Website for a full list of

University open days.

And some for September...

10 09 10 University of Derby

10 09 10 University of Liverpool

11 09 10 University of Birmingham

11 09 10 York St John

15 09 10 Aberystwyth University

16 09 10 University of Glamorgan

17 09 10 St Anne‟s College, Oxford-University Information


18 09 10 Lancaster University

18 09 10 Newnham College, Cambridge

22 09 10 Harper Adams University College, Shropshire

22 09 10 Aston University

26 09 10 University of Central Lancashire

And a few for October...

02 10 10 University of Lincoln

02 10 10 Newcastle University

02 10 10 University of Reading

Oakbank Sixth Form Magazine 19

Contact Us Have anything you‟d like to say? Read anything that you

want more information on? Or do you have a story you‟d

like to tell?

Feel free to get in touch!

Editor: Jasmine Camm

Email: Jasmine.Camm@student.oakbank.org.uk

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