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Kuvempu University, Dept. of Studies & Research in Economics, Shivagangotri, Davangere-577 002 Women in Dry Land and Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study ofDavangere District


General Information

1. Name

3. Village

5. Education

7 Occupation of Husband

8. Caste

10. Marital status


: SC/ST/Others



2. Age :

4. Taluk :

6. Occupation of : Respondent

9. Family type : Joint / Nucleus

11. SI. No

Demographic Profile of the Family:

Name M/F Age Education Main

Occupation Monthly Income

12. Land Holdings

Type of land

Dry land

Irrigated land


owned Leased

In Out Total operating


Kuvempu University, Dept. of Studies & Research in Economics, Shivagangotri, Davangere-577 002 Women in Dry Land and Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study ofDavangere District

13. Capital Asset of the Family

SI. No.








Buildings a. House b. Farm house c. Bullock shed d. Store house e. Harvesting yard

Machinery a. Tractor b. Power tiller c. sprayers d. threshers

Irrigation sources a. Pump sets b. tube well

Live Stocks a. Bullocks b. cows c. Buffaloes d. Goats/sheep e. Poultry birds

General a. Bullock cart b. Iron ploughs c. Wooden ploughs d. Harrows e. Seed drills

Others (specify, if any)

Qty Price Value Remarks


Kuvempu University, Dept. of Studies & Research in Economics, Shivagangotri, Davangere-577 002 Women In Dry Land and Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study of Davangere District

14. Cropping Pattern SI. No.









Crops Grown Irrigated / Dry Land

Area (acre)


14A. Dairy Activities Performed by the Respondents

SI. No














Washing the Animals

Cleaning cattle shed

Putting fodder


Selling the milk

Keeping water

Cattle grazing

Fodder harvesting & collection

Fodder transportation

Preparation of concentrate

Processing of milk

Making dung cake

Regular Occasionally Not Performed


Kuvempu University, Dept. of Studies & Research in Economics, Shivagangotri, Davangere-577 002 Women in Dry Land and Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study ofDavangere District

15. Social Participation SI. No









Gram panchayat

Taluk Panchayat

Zilla Panchayat

Mahila Mandal

Cooperative Society

Self Help Group / Sttri Shakti Sanga

Any other (a) Agriculture Dept (b) Horticulture Dept. (c) Veterinary Dept (d) Krishi Vijyan Kendra

Participated / Non participated


16. SI. No










Mass IVIedia Exposure


Reading Newspaper

Listening to Radio

Listening to Agriculture programmes

Listening hints to farmers

Watching television

Watching agricultural programmes

Watching women's programme

Reading farm magazine

Any other:

Frequency of Use Regular Occasional Never


Kuvempu University, Dept. of Studies & Research in Economics, Shivagangotri, Davangere-577 002 Women in Dry Land and Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study ofDavangere District


Have you attended any extension activities? Yes / No If Yes, (i) Regularly (ii) Occasionally

SI. No












Training Programs

Filed Day

Krishi Mela


Study tour


Crop/ Enterprise Place


Frequency of Participation

R 0 N

If No, Please indicate the reasons





* R -Regularly, O-occasionally, N-Not participating


Kuvempu University, Dept. of Studies & Research in Economics, Shivagangotri, Davangere-577 002 Women in Dry Land and Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study of Davangere District

18. Participation of respondent in agriculture activities:

SI. No



3 4







Agriculture activities

Land prq>aration

a. ploughing

b. harrowing

c. puddling

d. leveling

e. bunds formation


a. ploughing

b. fertilizer drilling

c. seedling

d. harrowing


Fertilizer application

a. Basal

b. Top dressing


Inter cultivation

PPC application



a. Cutting

b. Bundling

c. Head loading

d. Transporting

e. Threshing

d. Winnowing

e. packing


Participating on Own Field R O N

Par onO R

ticipating thers Field





Kuvempu University, Dept. of Studies & Research in Economics, Shivagangotri, Davangere-577 002 Women in Dry Land and Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study ofDavangere District

19. Daily Works Carried out by Agriculture Women in Household Activities

Category of Women: 1. Only household activities 2. Household activities + Working in own field 3. Household activities + Working in own field + Working for Wages

SI. No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32


Brooming & House Cleaning Caring poultry Cleaning Cattle Shed Stall feed livestock Milking / Purchasing milk Selling milk Preparing & Serving Tea Collecting Water Cleaning Utensils Preparing Food Preparing children for school Serving food to all Performing Pooja in morning Churning buttermilk Washing clothes Making dung cake Preparing lunch Agricultural Activities Carry food for labourers Coming from the field, taking food & rest Tailoring Making kasoti / mat / shawl /etc. Chit-chatting with fiiends Cleaning house Performing Pooja in the evening Preparing and serving tea Giving tuition to children's Milking Watching T.V. Preparing and serving food Laying beds to family members Taking dinner & Cleaning utensils

Carried out by S M O

Time Spent

* S - Self, O - Others, M - Men, NA- Not applicable


Kuvempu University, Dept. of Studies & Researcli in Economics, Shivagangotri, Davangere-577 002 Women in Dry Land and Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study ofDavangere District


SI.No 1 2 3 4 5



8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Decision making areas Selection of crop and variety Selection of labour and hiring Selection of animal breed Fixing the wages Quantity of fertilizer to be applied Number of animals to be maintained Quantity to be retained for home consumption Time of pesticide application Time of harvesting Time of marketing Purchase and sale of land Investment on land Investment on subsidiary enterprise Farm credit Saving Purchase and sale of machinery Expenditure on household articles Expenditures on ceremonies Purchase ornaments and clothes Health and hygiene Family planning Participation in SO Participation in ceremonies Children's education



: Not involved : Opinion consulted : Opinion considered : Joint decision : Final decision


Kuvempu University, Dept. of Studies & Research in Economics, Shivagangotri, Davangere-577 002 Women in Dry Land and Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study of Davangere District











Mechanized Operations


(a) Iron plough

(b) Wooden plough

(c) Tractor

Sowing / Transplanting

(a) Seed drill (manual)

(b) Transplanter (machine)

(c) Tractor / Tiller

Fertilizer Application

(a) Seed drill



(a) Kurupi (manual)

(b) Weeder (machine)

PPC Application

(a) Hnad pump

(b) Petrol pump





(a) Combine harvester

(b) Sickle



(a) Combine thresher

(b) Threshing with animal trampling

Only men

Majority Men/

Minority Women

Majority Women / Minority


Only Women


Kuvempu University, Dept. of Studies & Researcti in Economics, Shivagangotri, Davangere-577 002 Women in Dry Land and Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study ofDavangere District

22. Knowledge Level of Farm Women about Agriculture Technology

1. Name the varieties of Maize / Jowar / Paddy?

2. Mention the recommended seed rate per acre for paddy / maize /jowar?

3. Mention the recommended dose of fertiHzer per acre for paddy / maize / jowar?

4. Do you use weedicides for control of weeds? If Yes: Name- Quantity / Acre:

5. Name the cultural methods to control weeds?

6. Name fertilizer grades available in the market?

7. Mention the importance of soil testing?

8. Do you know the Inter-row spacing in paddy / maize /jowar?

9. Name the major pest and diseases of paddy / maize / jowar?

10. Do you know the last year prices of Paddy / Maize / Jowar?



Based on the research work carried out the following papers have been presented in the

conferences and published as book chapters:

1. Rekha K. H. and K. B. Rangappa "Gender and Agriculture Development in India: An

Overview", Proceedings of the 89''' Annual Conference of Indian Economic Association,

Kurukshetra University, December 27-29, 2006.

2. Rekha K. H. and K. B. Rangappa "Credit System to Rural Agriculture Women: Issues,

Opportunities and Challenges", Proceedings of the 90''' Annual Conference of Indian

Economic Association, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, October 25-27,

2007, pp.687.

3. Rekha K. H. and K. B. Rangappa "Education of Rural Women and Agriculture Development

in India: An Overview", Proceedings of the 91^' Annual Conference of Indian Economic

Association, Sukadia University, Udiapur, Rajasthan, December 27-29, 2008, pp.979. Also,

published in the book "Challenges of Education in 21^' Century" Edited by Anil Kumar

Thakur and Mohan Patel, Deep and Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010, pp.17-25.

