Jubilee Christian Center; Group Life; Living A Lifestyle



GroupLife workbook

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Lesson 1

God Is Looking for You!

Lesson Goal:This lesson will begin to unfold the profound reality that God is lookingfor a certain type of person. Yes, He’s looking for worshipers. These arepeople who desire to fellowship with Him and enjoy whom He is.

gg Watch the first DVD lesson from Pastor Dick.

1. What are the things in life that bring you the greatest joy?




2. When was the last time you really looked forward to meeting withsomeone like a friend or relative?




3. Did you ever get stood up for an appointment? How did it make youfeel?






We know that God is everywhere, knows all things, is all power-ful, sees the end from the beginning, is the Creator of all things,and knows the hearts of all mankind. Yet in His greatness and all the activity on the earth and in heaven, He is looking for a specific group of people. Yes, He’s looking for you . . . if you areindeed a worshiper! Let’s discover why God, of all the things that’s He’s involved in, would specifically want to look for wor-shipers.

1. God is looking for worshipers. (John 4:23-24)

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshiperswill worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seek-ing such to worship Him.” (John 4:23)

Our Father God is seeking or desiring us to worship Him. He’s looking for us to come to Him with worship.

Traditionally, most people would immediately think that this verse pertains to songs or hymns sung on a Sunday morningchurch service. But as we go through these lessons you’ll dis-cover that worship here is much broader and truly revolutionaryfor those who understand this verse.

What do you think of when you hear the term “worship”? Whatdoes the verse above mean to you?




2. What is worship?

For the Lord takes pleasure in His people. (Psalm 149:4)

Try to learn what pleases the Lord. (Ephesians 5:10, NewCentury Version)

Worship is essentially bringing pleasure to God. Worship is mak-ing God smile. Worship is more than singing and music. Worshipis what happens when we have fellowship with the Lord. Wor- ship results in us truly enjoying the Lord, and the Lord enjoyingbeing with us.

Whatever you do that pleases God is a form of worship. Prayer,Bible reading, sharing Christ, or even just thinking about Him is aform of worship. How can you bring joy to the Lord?






3. God is looking for us to share in His love.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave.” (John 3:16)

“I have loved you," says the LORD. (Malachi 1:2)

God can’t help but give, because He loves. Worship releasesour love to God and He, in turn, loves us back and continues togive out of all that He is.

A lifestyle of worship is a life that lives in the realm of the Father’slove. A lifestyle of worship positions you for our Father to con- tinue to do what He loves to do . . . and that is to give ofHis love and blessing to us. What is it like? When was the last time you experienced the Father’s love and joy?



4. Waiting as friend to friend.

Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses . . . as a man speaks tohis friend. (Exodus 33:11)

And the Lord said,“I will make all my goodness pass beforeyou.” (Exodus 33:19)

Moses was God’s friend. And their fellowship can be called aform of worship. Jesus called us friends, too. And our worship draws us into this friendship.

Living a lifestyle of worship places us in position where the Lorddisplays His goodness.

What’s it like to for you to experience God’s goodness and friendship?





1. What are some ways that you can bring the Lord pleasure inyour life?




2. What perceptions of worship do you have that need tochange?




3. This coming week how, when, and where are you going tospend time as a worshiper?




Write down your prayer requests for this week.







Lesson 2

Jesus Is in the House!

Lesson Goal:What would it be like for Jesus to walk into your home and fellowshipwith you? You’ll find out in this lesson! Because Jesus is indeed — in thehouse!

gg Watch the lesson from Pastor Chris and Pastor Milo.

1. Have you ever been in an place where an important person, like acelebrity or politician, was introduced? What was it like?_________________________________________________________________



2. You’ve heard the phrase,“Elvis is in this house!” What? How can thatbe? What does this mean to you?




3. How do you think our church would respond if Jesus, literally — physi-cally and in person — walked in on a Sunday morning?






God is not a God who is far away in some celestial placecalled heaven where someday we might see Him. No, ourLord is present with us and desires to live each day in our midst.But the question arises,“What is the key to having Jesus pres-ent with us all the time?” Let’s talk about it a little . . . .

1. When Jesus sits down with you.

But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel. (Psalm 22:3)

The word “enthroned” means to “sit down and dwell among.”Worship causes Jesus, by His Spirit, to enter the room and sit among us.

Do you want to bring Jesus on the scene? Begin doing that which pleases Him, and Jesus will come alongside of us.

When was the last time you truly sensed, felt, and knew that Hewas “in the room”? Did you know this is possible?



2. Jesus rocked the house.

When they prayed, the place where they were assembled . . .was shaken. (Acts 4:31)

There are many forms of God’s presence among His people.Sometimes we sense His peace or His power, and sometimes there is an overflow of His love or joy.

And there are times when things really shake. When Jesus shows up, things can really get shaken . . . all the bondages,doubt, fears, and discouragement can be shaken off!

Knowing what you know about God,what changes would youmake if He showed up? Showed up in your home, a hospital,a prison, or even a business?



3. A life-giving force.

“The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.”(John 6:63)



The words of Jesus carry life. They bring hope, encouragement,answers, promises, purpose, and an assurance of an abundantlife.

What areas in your life need an abundance of His life?



3. How to make sure He stays.

“The Holy Spirit . . . has given to those who obey Him.” (Acts 5:32)

So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy,I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him.Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him, which isthe spiritual way for you to worship. (Romans 12:1, NCV)

All too often we don’t sense God’s presence, but by faith we trust He’s with us. And to make sure He is with us we should:

• Live a lifestyle of obedience• Live a lifestyle of surrender and sacrifice

Let’s not take God’s presence for granted. It is very easy for us hu-mans to assume that God will always be there and that we canstill live any way we want. But that is not the case. An obedient,surrendered life to His will is one of the keys to make sure He stays.

What type of lifestyle should we live to ensure that the pres-ence of God continues with us wherever we go?



5. Jesus joins the choir!

I will declare Your name to My brethren; in the midst of the assembly I will praise You. (Psalm 22:22)

Jesus actually sang along with His disciples. (Mark 14:26)

As Christ is in our midst, He’ll even join in our fellowship, our work,and our daily lives; and He wants to participate with our worship.Yes, Jesus, by His Spirit wants to live with us, enjoy life together with us, and even worship with us. This is a new concept for many, having the King of kings worship “with us,” but He does.


Do you sense the Lord responding back to you in times of worship?




1. What’s the atmosphere of your house, school, or businesslife? Is there strife and unrest, or is there the peace of Christ?Why?




2. How do you bring Christ into your everyday living environ-ment? Some people meditate, some pray, some sing loudly.What do you do?




3. What are some new ways of worship that you can put intopractice this week?




Write down your prayer requests below.







Lesson 3

Bragging on God!

Lesson Goal: Praise is bragging on God. Yes, you need to brag on God. This lessonwill help us understand the power, blessings, and joy that come whenwe tell of His greatness!

gg Watch the lesson from Derrick and Eileen Deadwiler.

1. Have you ever known anyone who really bragged a lot about them-selves? What did he or she talk about?




2. What one thing God has done for you that you love telling others about?




3. Have you ever seen a parent who continually bragged on his or herkids? If you have kids or grandkids, have you bragged on them?






We titled this lesson “Bragging on God” for a reason. There are those who brag on themselves when they display an ostenta-tious and arrogant attitude. But this is quite different when we brag on or boast in God. Bragging on God is essentially boasting of Him, telling about Him, sharing about Him, talking of His goodness. And because He is perfect, there is no sense of ar-rogance with Him. Let’s look at some scriptures.

1. Hearing and believing.

Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! . . . Say to God,“How awesome are Your works!” (Psalm 66:1-3)

My soul shall make its boast in the LORD; the humble shall hear of it and be glad. (Psalm 34:2)

In God we boast all day long. (Psalm 44:8)

A lifestyle of worship is aware of the awesomeness and great-ness of God, and it tells others about Him.We tell God, heaven,and hell about the power and majesty of God. What greatthing has God done that you can tell others about?___________________________________________________________



2. Nervous in the service! (Psalm 8:2)

You have ordained strength (praise), because of Your enemies,that You may silence the enemy and the avenger. (Psalm 8:2)

Our praise torments the powers of darkness. Darkness literallygets nervous in our service to the Lord. Yes, demons tremble when you live a lifestyle of worship. In fact, the Bible tells us thata lifestyle of worship will silence the enemy.

All too often life’s pressures silence us. Instead, we are the onewho should brag on God, and, in turn, silence darkness. That’swhy the Bible says to rejoice always! Why is it so hard to wor-ship God and live in His presence at times?






3. Angels joining the party!

Praise Him, all His angels; praise Him, all His hosts! (Psalm 148:2)

When we live a lifestyle of worship, angels participate also.They have been sent to minister to believers. And when welive a lifestyle of worship, angels like to hang around, too.

Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and minis-tered to Him. (Mathew 4:11)

Look at the progession in the above verse. Jesus worshiped only God the Father, the devil left, and angels came. That’s thepattern! It still happens today. Have you ever sensed the helpor presence of angels?




4. All of creation celebrates!

Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad. Let the searoar, and all its fullness; let the field be joyful, and all that is in it.Then all the trees of the woods will rejoice. (Psalm 96:11-12)

The truth is, all of the created order yearns for God’s presence.Everything in creation is made to bring glory to God. A lifestyleof worship changes the very atmosphere and allows earth toagain sense God’s goodness. Wherever you go, look around you at creation and realize that this earth was made to wor-ship God.

But in what ways has this worship been twisted, perverted, andtainted?





1. Write down a few things that you can brag on God about.What are some of the great things that He’s done for you?




2. Are there certain voices, thoughts, or impressions that needto be silenced in your life? What are you now going to do?




3. Likewise, if you have wronged someone, perhaps uninten-tionally, and he or she approaches you, how are you to res- pond so that we/you can continue to love one another?




Write down your prayer requests below.







Lesson 4

Something Is Smelling Good!

Lesson GoalIn the Old Testament sacrifices went up and you could smell the offeringsafar off. Today, it’s you who can “smell”good before God through worship.This lesson will help you know how to have a sweet aroma before the Lord.

gg Watch the lesson from Pastor Jeff and Pastor Sandy.

1. When and where was the last time you smelled a great BBQ??




2. When was the last time you smelled something or someone whowasn’t too fragrant? What was your first thought?




3. Is your deodorant effective? Why do companies spend thousands ofdollars on deodorant commercials on TV?






You carry a fragrance before God. Yes, your life can either be a sweet aroma or a stench before God.When the Bible speaksof sacrifices, it speaks of giving off an aroma. And God smelled the aroma. It was Israel’s goal to create a sweet smell beforeGod, which indicated fragrant lives of worship from His people.

1. God “smells” our worship.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your-selves. (James 1:22)

Jesus gives a word and expects us to respond. The Bible callsit being a “doer of the word.” When you hear God’s Word,what do you do with it? Do you respond? Do you obey? Whatis so tough about doing God’s Word?




2. Hey, you’re smelling like God.

For we are to God the fragrance of Christ. (2 Corinthians 2:15)

As you live a lifestyle of worship, you, too, will carry the fragranceof Christ. Others will tell that there is something sweet, fragrant,and well pleasing about you. Will others say of you that you arekind, generous, and loving and carry the grace of our Lord? Ordo they “smell” pride, arrogance, bitterness, and anger?




3. Living a Lifestyle of Worship.

Whatever you do,do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

A lifestyle of worship is more than hymns and music. True worshipdesires to bring glory to God in all we do. We worship God whenwe do things as unto Him. You can worship God by doing your work, playing, cooking, family time, and giving. You can worshipby going to church or by going fishing . . . if it’s for God. You wor-ship as you bring tithes and offerings and serve in our local churchYou can even change a diaper and bring glory to God . . .



if you do it unto Him.

Living a lifestyle of worship says,“Whatever I do today I do to please Him even if that means mowing the lawn!” Does mowingthe lawn worship God? What else is that you do that worships God?




4. What’s your style?

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

There is no one form of worship. You can give thanks out loudor by being silent. You can sing,do hip-hop,or hum.You can givethanks by meditating, or through intellectual communicating.What do you love to do? Give thanks to God in what you do and the aroma of God’s worship can be sensed by Him and others. What is your favorite way of expressing your love to theLord?





A lifestyle of worship is more than a song; It is a life. A life devot-ed to being a living sacrifice that carries the fragrance ofChrist wherever you go and whatever you do, if it’s donebefore the Lord.





1. What are your greatest challenges to living a lifestyle of worship that is fragrant to the Lord? We know there are a lot of temptations around that don’t smell good. What’s your challenge?




2. Into which part of your everyday affairs of life can you bringinto a sacrifice that is pleasing to the Lord?




3. What areas in your life need to be “cleaned up,” so thatChrist can live through you in a greater way?




(Now lean over and let somebody smell ya . . . is it good?)

Write down your prayer requests below.







Lesson 5

Worship – I’m All In!

Lesson GoalThe purpose of this lesson is to challenge and encourage you to total-ly abandon yourself to live a lifestyle of worship.

gg Watch the lesson from Pastor Jacky and Tony.

1. Have you heard the statement above,“I’m all in!”? Where did youhear it?




2. When was the last time something totally drained you because youexerted so much energy? What were you doing?




3. Did you ever watch cops and robbers on TV? When a cop caughta bad man, he told him to raise his hands; what else did the cop say?






God gave everything! Yes, in giving His son, God the Father gave the dearest, most precious possession that He had. One man said that the Father bankrupted heaven in order to purchase us back. In other words, God’s love compelled Him to give it all. Orwe can say that the Father was “all in!”

1. Jesus wants it all – so He can be all!

Jesus said to him,“You shall love the LORD your God with allyour heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”(Matthew 22:37)

Are you all in for God? Jesus says we’re to love and worship with everything! Why? Because when we give all,we then joinin with the heart of the Father in understanding that He gave all. So, in essence, the price of living a lifestyle of worship is forall those involved to give everything. God gave everything toenjoy and fellowship with you. Now the question is, are you ready to give all to enjoy Him? What does it mean to you to love Him with all?




2. Hands up! Time to surrender! (Romans 12:1)

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life — your sleeping, eating, going-to-work,and walking-around life — and place it before God as an offering. (Romans 12:1, The Message)

Surrender! That’s one of the most difficult challenges to our American lifestyle. We want to be in control, be in charge; we want to protect ourselves. Surrendering can be a dangerous thing to do.

You can’t live a lifestyle of worship unless you commit to a life- style of surrender. In order to live a lifestyle of worship, you will need to learn total surrender. This speaks of total dependence,trust, rest, and hope in a God you can’t see. The only way to do what Jesus said in worshiping Him with everything is to totally abandon ourselves in surrender.

True surrender gives everything to God, so that He can be everything to us. A lifestyle of worship gets us out of the way and places God on the scene in everything. What would it



cost you or what would need to change in you to love Him and serve Him with every fiber and cell of your being?




3. Giving all takes all . . . promises to worshipers. (Psalm 30:1)

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness. (Psalm 30:11)

The benefit of worship is evident throughout scripture. If we give alland surrender everything in our lives to God . . . He then has theopportunity to fulfill His part of forgiving,healing,protecting,providing,and everything else that we need.

As a result of total surrender to God, we then experience His joy, His peace ,and His victory in our lives. Are there areas in your life that arenot yet surrendered to God? Do you realize that areas not surren-dered are areas where He can’t step in and bless? Why would any-one settle for less? Why would anyone hold onto ways that are nothealthy and destructive and rob themselves of God’s best?





Jesus made it very plain. God has all or He has none . . . . A life- style of worship says,“I’m all in.”“Everything that I have, am, wasand will be belongs to Him.”

Total surrender to God’s will and plan can be very painful and difficult . . . especially the trust part. But, then, after you yield to God, most people realize that the benefit far outweighs what we’re trying to hold onto in this world.


1. Take inventory of your life. Are you living a lifestyle of worship? If not,then what areas still need to be surrendered so that you,too,can be “all in”?




2.How will you know if total surrender is given and you are living alifestyle of worship?




3.This week or month, take some time to reread these notes andpray for God to reveal a lifestyle of worship and what it means in a greater way.




Write down your prayer requests below.







Lesson 6

Hanging Around the Throne!

Lesson Goal:This lesson will highlight the benefit and blessing of not only living alifestyle of worship but knowing the greatness of living in a placearound the throne of God.

gg Watch the lesson from Pastor Victor and Charlene Pons.

1. What was the most awesome place you’ve ever been to in yourlife? Was it a building, a stadium, a forest?




2. Did you ever go someplace where you knew you were not invited?What did it feel like?




3. Where is that favorite place you like to visit to get refreshed?






There is a place in God where all believers are invited. Yes,there is a realm of God where His favors rest on His people. TheBible speaks of this being the secret place of the Lord. This is a place where, in Old Testament times, the people of Israel werenot allowed except for a priest once a year. But now, in the NewTestament, Jesus made a way for all believers to enter and livein this place before God,365 days a year,24/7 around the clock.Yes, we can come to this place to worship, enjoy, and fellow-ship with the Lord.

1. The door is open and the lights are on!

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abideunder the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1)

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

The invitation has gone out . . . we can how choose to get as close to God as we desire. Although you may not sense the strength of His presence, you still have 100% access to the verythrone of God. In fact, we’re told to come boldly, not with intimidation and fear.

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.(Hebrews 4:16)

Why are we to come? In order to receive mercy and favor! It’s real simple, friends. Do you need more mercy and favor? Then head into God’s presence. When was the last time you truly knew that you were in God’s presence?




2. Enjoying the Lord!

And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. (Genesis 3:8)

“The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.” (Numbers 6:25)

God was looking and calling for Adam in the garden of Eden.Why? To enjoy fellowship with His man. What did they do togeth-er? We don’t know. But what we can safely assume is that God



wanted to be with Adam and that God smiled upon Adam.

Do you make God smile? A lifestyle of worship experiences thesmile of God. Yes, do you know that God actually will smile uponyou as you worship Him? Go ahead and make God smile!

Have you seen parents smiling over their newborn children? Have you seen a father smile at a high school or college grad-uation? Have you seen a mother or father smile at a weddingof this or her son or daughter? Have you seen a grandparentsmile over his/her new grandson or daughter? Why all the smiles? Because we enjoy, love,and get a thrill from being withthose we love and seeing them successful.

Is it hard for you to believe that the Father smiles on you whenyou are blessed?




3. Homecoming! (Revelation 21:3-4)

“God Himself will be with them and be their God.And God willwipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:3-4)

All throughout the book of Revelation we see worship and praise.And at the end of the book we see the result of those who livea lifestyle of worship . . . God brings us into the fullness of His joy.

We can experience a taste of this on earth today through a relationship with the Lord.

Today, allow the Lord to turn your mourning into His joy . . . as you choose to live a lifestyle of worship.





1. Do you see yourself as a person who can enjoy the Lord? Or has your religious experience been harsh, judgmental, and overbearing? What has been your perception of Father God?




2. What event, place, or time did you experience the greatestpresence of God in your life? What steps can you take to experience His presence like this again?




3. Where do you spend most of your time? Does your timeinclude consciously getting before His throne? When can youschedule your time this week to just hang around the throne?




Write down your prayer requests below.















