JOURNAL Choose 3 items below to contrast: a.Vascular vs. nonvascular b.Seed vs. seedless...


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Choose 3 items below to contrast:

a. Vascular vs. nonvascular

b. Seed vs. seedless

c. Angiosperm vs. gymnosperm

d. Monocot vs. dicot

e. Bryophyte vs. tracheophyte


What is the function of the flower?

* the reproductive organ of the plant

What are the external features of flowers?

a. Petals- colored portion of the flower (corolla- all petals)

b. Sepals- small, leaf-like, protect developing flower. (calyx- all sepals)

1. Pistil (carpel): female parts

a. Stigma- sticky top of pistil traps pollen

b. Style- stalk connecting stigma to ovary

c. Ovary- contains ovule, where eggs are found

d. Ovule- will become seeds if fertilized

What are the internal parts of flower?

2. Stamen- male parts

a. Anther- top of stamen, releases pollen

b. Filament- stalk attaching anther to stem

1. Complete flowers- contain sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils

2. Incomplete flowers- lacking 1 or more organs, may have separately sexed flowers

What is the difference between complete & incomplete flowers?

1.Perfect flowers- have both male & female parts

2.Imperfect flowers- have either male OR female parts

a.Staminate- only male parts

b.Pistilate- only female parts

What is the difference between perfect & imperfect flowers?

Define Pollination: transfer of pollen from one plant to another

What are some methods of pollination?

a. animals: usually brightly colored flowers, produce nectar, sweet smell

b. Wind: usually small, non-fragrant flowers

c. water

How does fertilization occur?

1. Pollen grain reaches stigma, begins growing a pollen tube.

2. Pollen develops into a sperm which fertilizes ovules in ovary.

3. After fertilization, flower parts die & seed develops

What is a Fruit?

A fruit is a ripened ovary containing seeds

What is the function of a fruit?

1. protect seed while developing

2. Attract animals to disperse seeds

What are some types of fruits?

1. Simple- formed from single ovary:

EX: apple, pear

2. aggregate:- formed from flowers with many ovaries; EX: blackberry

3. Multiple: formed from many fused flowers;

EX: pineapple

What are the textures of fruits?

1. Dry- not juicy; hard tissue throughout

EX: green beans, rice, corn, wheat, peas

2. Fleshy- juicy; soft tissue throughout

EX: tomatoes, grapes, bananas



What is a seed?

1. Function to start new generations

2. Dispersal by

1. Animals

• eat fruits & redeposit seeds

• Attach to fur & fall off elsewhere

2. Wind

3. water

Seed Germination: sprouting of seed

1. Seed coat splits

2. cotyledon provides energy source for growth

3. radicle is first plant part to emerge, grows down, & develops into primary root

4. hypocotyl lengthens as root grows

5. as growth continues, cotyledon & hypocotyl emerge from soil

6. leaves & stems eventually turns green & begins to photosynthesize

Why are seeds a good adaptation for land plants?

1. Protect embryo from physical injury

2. Protects from harsh environments- winter

3. Retains moisture

4. Adaptations aid in seed dispersal so young plants do not compete with adult plants.
