john's stuff


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8/12/2019 john's stuff 1/2

1. Birth/Home/Ordinary World- Santiago is a boy who's life is that of a Shepherds.

He comes from a poor farming family from Andalusia of Spain, He likes books to the

point where is likes to pretend they are his stories (pg.17).

2. Call to Adventure- Santiago brings himself to a woman (whom reminded him of

Gypsies) who is able to interpret dreams. He does this because he has had anreoccurring dream (twice now) about a young girl that plays with his sheep, and

then transports Santiago and herself to the Egyptian Pyramids and say's to him "If

you come here, you will find a hidden treasure" then disappears before the location

is revealed to him by her.

3. Refusal of The Call- Santiago leaves the woman’s house feeling disappointed af ter

not gaining the answer he wanted to where the treasure he seeks is more than what

he already knew. (Pg.15)

4. Meeting Of the Mentor- Santiago is reading a book waiting for the Merchant whom

he deals with to be available when an old man approaches him and begins askingquestions, This Old man identifies himself as the "King of Salem" and later reveals

his name as Melchizdek. Santiago ignores him at first then when he realizes the man

knows how to read he gains his attention, furthermore the old man writes the

names of his family and the girl he has a crush on in the sand. He wears a heavy gold

breastplate that has 2 stones imbedded in the center that he gives to Santiago, and

tells him they are called "Urim and Thumim". The black and white stones mean yes

and no and can help him read Omens if Santiago cannot.

5. Crossing the First Threshold- Santiago is sitting in a bar in a bar in Tangier

(Africa) a Spanish speaking man begins asking him questions and Santiago begins

telling him of his intentions of going to the Pyramids, this man ask if he has themoney to get there, which leads to him taking Santiago's money after saying he

could get him Camel's for the journey, The theft gets away from Santiago in the busy

market and is left with nothing. This incident sparks Santiago's thrill for adventure

and begins to fill himself with positive thoughts of himself as being an adventure

seeking treasure and leaves behind his well-known life of being a shepherd.

6. Tests, Allies, and Enemies- Allies- The King of Salem-Teaches him about "Personal

Legends", " The great truth of the world and Lie, The principle of favourability, The

Crystal Merchant- The saying "Maktub" meaning it is written. Learned how to speak

Arabic. The caravan driver taught him how to read the signs of the desert, and how

the soul of the caravan speaks to the soul of the desert. The Englishman's book had a

repeating phrase that "all things are manifestations of one thing only". The

Alchemist teaches the boy about the importance of ones personal legend, listen to

your heart. Seldom is one believed when they say they possess great treasure.

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