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Jasmine Johnson6th hour

December 17 ,2012

Baylor UniversityPhone Number: (254) 710-10111311 South 5th Street, Waco, TX 76706

Baylor University The founders of this

University was James Huckins, William M. Tryon, and Judge R. E. B. Baylor.

Baylor University was founded in 1845.

Baylor University is the oldest university in Texas but, the first educational institutions west of the Mississippi River.

How much it costs….Tuition per semester hour

( 12 hours more)-15,293 ( 12 hours less)-1,274

Chapel Fee- 60.00,Vehicle registration fee-

225.0016 meal plan- $2,065.82Installment payment

plan- $60.00Laboratory/Course Fee,

(minimum) varies per course -$50.00

Degrees offered…Bachelor's Master's Doctoral First Professional

Schooling…I will ultimately get my degree in nursing but while in school I will be studying health science.

Minoring in English and small math.

Majors Requirements..Degree Requirements - minimum 124 semester hrs.

Minimum ...... 36 hrs. advanced total with at least 18 hrs

Minimum ........ 60 hrs. in residence including the last 30 hrs.

Celebrities…. Nancy Barrett – American actressWilliam Bennett Bizzell - former President

of the University of Oklahoma Benjamin Becker- German professional

playerReggie Witherspoon-Winner of a gold

medal at the Summer Olympics of 2008

Why out the state?

Want to branch out to another state.Get better opportunities in other

states.Less distractionsDifferent learning environment.Start a new life