Jessica Paris min


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I absolutely loved studying abroad in Paris, but that's not to say that I didn't have any challenges or face any difficulties while living away from the US. In the first two weeks, I had to switch home stays because my first host family was really bizarre and wouldn't let me use their kitchen to cook my meals, among many other not-normal restrictions. Also, being so far away from my family and my friends was really hard, particularly since I missed our '14 basketball win against d00k in the Eight Days, Eight Miles saga (I watched live on my laptop at 3 am though - obviously, I would not let myself miss it completely!). Communicating effectively in French was a constant challenge for my brain. But, once I got assigned a new, amazing host family, and once I realized that my family and friends would be there when I got back no matter what, and once I understood the fact that it's okay to make mistakes when you're speaking French because all you're trying to do is get your point across, I was finally able to appreciate that I was living in Paris - the greatest city in the world - and that I was eating the most amazing food and learning things that I could never learn wrapped up in my safety blanket in the US. Despite all of the discomfort and hardship at the beginning of my spring semester in Paris, France, I look back on my study abroad experience with a completely adoring mind. I had the most wonderful, imperfect, and beautiful experience in Paris, and it wasn't just because of the cheese and the bread. I learned so much about myself. Most importantly, though, I learned that I can handle a lot more than I used to think I could, and I'm not sure that I would have understood that without my time as a Parisian. All of the difficult things that I went through paled in comparison to the happiness that glorious city brought to my life.

Study abroad! Above all else, it will make you happy.

J e ss i c a E dg a r Paris - Summer

Click here to learn more about our programs in Paris Click here to watch Jessica’s testimonial

“I had the most wonderful,

imperfect, and beautiful

experience in Paris, and it wasn't just

because of the cheese and

