Jerraganda Vol 18 No 1



Hot off the press 1st Jerraganda of new Rotary year

Citation preview

The Newsletter of Jerrabomberra Rotary RI District 9710

Volume 18 No 1

Guest Speaker

President Paul Robey

Meeting 799 – 3 July 2014


Weekly Headlines

Snowy Hydro SouthCare helicopter visits the Markets On Saturday 5th July the SouthCare helicopter flew into the Markets as a thankyou to the CRFM for their recent donation of $50,000...

..and DG Rowley was on hand to have a chat with the SouthCare CEO and staff.

District Awards for Jerrabomberra Rotary

Jerra Rotary came away from the District Changeover Lunch on Sunday 29th July with two District Awards.

President Paul accepting the District Community Service Award

from DG Maureen

President Paul accepting the District Club Bulletin Award from

DG Maureen

Further details in the Weekly Meeting Summary commencing page 2.

Editor’s Note

The Jerraganda was the

recipient of the District

Club Bulletin Award for

2013-14. While it may

not be possible to

improve on this

position, the new

editorial team aims to

try and build on the

solid foundations of the

past, and strive to

enhance the Newsletter


So please watch this

space as we

contemplate and

implement ideas over

the coming weeks.

Constructive suggestions

are always welcome.


Weekly Meeting Summary

Welcome: President Paul welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the 2014-15 Rotary year.

President Paul, being new to the role, then omitted to invite anyone to do the

Charge to Australia or the Toast to Rotary International. He instead dived

straight into the business of the night. Members noted this omission but

decided to keep quiet out of respect and save the moment for the FINES session


Apologies: New Attendance Officer Lizzie was on the ball reporting apologies from Rebecca

who was not well, and Glenn, Peter and Sue, Ian, and Past President Paul who

had other commitments.

From the Desk of the President: President Paul advised that he was looking forward to his year at the helm. Sad

news unfortunately starts the year with the passing of Robert Cooke’s mother.

President Paul has been in touch with Robert and conveyed the club’s sympathy

and Pam, as Welfare Officer, is arranging for a suitable card and flowers.

Past President Paul and Sue R attended the District Changeover lunch on Sunday

where the club was the recipient of two District Awards. The Community Service

Award was for our ongoing involvement in the organisation and delivery of the MS 24 Hour Swim,

and we shared the Club Bulletin Award with Pambula as outgoing DG Maureen could not separate

the two club bulletins which she described as professional and enjoyable reads. Both trophies were


President Paul also advised that as a club we are to host an international youth exchange student

from Germany. He thanked Paul and Sue, David and Anne, Glenn and Glenda and Bruce and Liz for

taking on the role of host families, and Peter and Sue for taking on the role of counsellors. Hannah is

expected to arrive in early to mid-August once her visa and travel arrangements are finalised.

President Paul reminded all members that they need to comply with the new NSW Working with

Children legislation, and that this is a relatively easy on-line process to obtain an application number

followed by a quick visit to Services NSW (the former NSW Transport Registry) for a proof of identity

check. There is no cost.

President circulated a postcard received from Bruce and Liz who are continuing to enjoy their

holiday in the States, and a congratulatory card form Alex and Vera, congratulating the outgoing

team for their year and welcoming the new Board.

President Paul concluded his first report with the pleasing news that we have a new membership

proposal to start the year off. Anton has proposed Marie-Claire and this proposal will be processed

by the Board and the Secretary over the coming week.


Report: Secretary

Glenn had his bags packed and was off interstate on business.

Nothing to report

Rumour has it that the secretary may make a guest appearance at next week’s meeting.

Report: Treasurer

Jon was absent

Nothing to Report

Report: Community Service:

Jan reported that members of her community service committee had been

allocated key roles. Colin and Cathy have assumed the role (jointly as the

BBQ Master/Mistress) (Editor’s note – not sure who is in charge but we

know these two will get the job done). Anton has stepped up to the role of

Market Master and will be our liaison point with Hall RC for all market

related business, roster, bags, etc. David S and Jan will coordinate community service projects.

Jan then talked about the origins of community service in Rotary and Paul Harris, and how the first

community project in rotary was to build a comfort stop (toilet) in Chicago. From that foundation has

grown the global community work now undertaken by Rotarians.

A priority for Jerrabomberra this year will be to bring the tree planting project to fruition. Also we

will have our inaugural Fun Run in November which Anton is organising. The Community Service

Committee is considering other projects and Jan will report in due course.

Editor’s Note. The Working with Children website can be access by googling “NSW Working with Children check”. Once you have the page entitled ‘New Working with Children Check’ simply follow the instructions and complete the form. In the section “Purpose for Check” select “Volunteer” and in the “Child-related sector” select “Clubs or other bodies providing services to children”. Complete the process, print out your receipt and pop into Services NSW with your driver’s licence to do your identity check.


Report: Club Service: Mez reported that her committee of Paul and Sue, Glenda, Lizzie, Chris and

Pam will be meeting next week to formalise Club Service activities.

Preliminary planning has Paul and Chris covering Communications and the

Jerraganda, Glenda developing the program, which will include mystery nights

once a month. Don’t ask what the mystery nights are, they will be a surprise.

Pam will be our welfare officer and Sue is taking on membership

coordination, with a couple of good prospects already in the wings. Lizzie has

taken on the attendance officer role, but will be away for the next 2 months, so Mez will cover this

role in the interim. The committee will also coordinate the set up for meetings and clean up

afterwards. The committee will also share the Sergeant role. Editor’s note – with the mention of the

Sergeant, President Paul suddenly remembered the Charge to Australia and the Rotary Toast, but felt

it too late to rectify and continued the meeting – Bigger FINE.

Glenda gave a brief preview of the program. Next week, with the appearance of Glenn it is planned

he will give a demo of the club’s website and the ClubRunner software we are using. This will help

members start to use the site more, as we start to exploit the software for better management of

the clubs activities and communications. On 21 August we will be taking a trip to Fyshwick for a

vocational visit to Humble House Furniture between 6.30 and 7.30pm, followed by a meal at a

location yet to be determined. DG Rowley will be visiting the club for its meeting on 31 July. In late

October we are planning a winery visit to Sutton Forrest, organised by Anton as a weekend social

function. The program will continue like last year with business nights, speaker nights and some fun

nights. 28th August will be the first club forum for this year, and once our German student settles in

we will once again enjoy German moments each week from Hannah.

Report: International and Foundation Chilly (aka Robert) reported that he will be meeting with Terry next week, and

cooking dinner, (Editor’s note – looks like the bromance is alive and well !! ), to

work out final details for the RAWCS trip to Tonga. 15 of the places are now

filled with one place remaining. In addition to our club members we have two

coming from Goulburn club, one from Pambula, one from Tuggeranong, one

from Belconnen, and two non-Rotarian friends of Terry.

Report: Youth and Vocation Service In Peter’s absence Chris circulated a hard copy of the incoming exchange

student’s application, so that anyone who had not had the chance to read the

copy circulated by email could learn a little about our forthcoming visitor.

Nothing else to report.


General Business: Lizzie tended her apologies for her absence until September. Lizzie will

be swanning (excuse the pun) it in WA with her travelling companion

Mum. While away Mez will cover the attendance officer duties, so all

apologies and meal orders should be sent to Mez by Tuesday midday.

Lizzie asked all members to record their service hours each week, so

that they can be entered into the records and reported to District as

part of the monthly club return. Lizzie advised that she records 4.5 hours for each market rostered

person, which means 13.5 hours each week. Service hours are basically any time that a member

spends on rotary related volunteer work. We use a broad definition for this including Board and

Committee meetings, project planning, BBQs, Markets, project delivery, etc.

Market Master: Anton advised that unfortunately the new Front of House stall had still not arrived.

Anton reminded everyone to note their roster days and have fun.

Colin and Cathy and Sue Roger are on duty on Saturday 5th July, which should be a

big day for the markets as the Snowy Hydro SouthCare helicopter is due to pay a

visit, as a thankyou for the recent $50,000 donation from the CRFM and Hall Rotary.



Sue R ran the evening’s joker. President Paul drew ticket 53 which belonged to Vera, who in turn drew the 3 of Diamonds. So the Joker lives for another week and the jackpot grows. Editor’s note-in the absence of advice from the treasurer it is estimated the joker value is now over $600.


SGT Fines:

Sue R was this week’s Sergeant and what a FINE job she did!! Although a hard act to follow the former Sergeant ‘s rigorous extraction of fines with no arguing and no prisoners, Sue was able to administer quite a few good fines and extract $60.35 from those present.

As reported by Mez under the Club Services report, the Sergeant’s role will be shared by the Club Services Committee members, so a different Sergeant can be expected each week. The rules introduced by Mez last year will however

continue to apply, and are reproduced (in summary) below as a reminder.


1. No talking excessively during the fine session; 2. Do not argue with the SGT, truth is a mere detail that won't get in the way of a good fine,

you argue, you pay twice; 3. Do not complain, fine sessions can be challenging, if you can do better, please feel free

to volunteer to take over from Sergeant.


Attendance Officer Lizzie advised that by her calculations attendance was 86.4%.

However if make-ups are taken into account, she believed the attendance stat

should be 91.2%. In response President Paul offered Port and Baileys for the

enjoyment of all at the end of the meeting.

Meeting Closed at 8.12pm followed by fellowship and consumption of the Presidents Port/Baileys.

Weekly Market Report – 5 July 2014

This week’s report submitted by Paul Roger

Great day at the markets on Saturday, crowds assessed by the ‘Front of House (FoH) crew’ to be a little higher in number than average. The nice sunny morning, and the fact that a lot of people seemed to stay away last week with the ‘crappy’ weather, may have contributed to the definite buzz this week. Takings were also up tending to confirm the FoH assessment. Car parking ran smoothly at both entrances, and the dog show did not present any problems.

Lost property was busy with two children losing their parents (how careless). Fortunately children tend to be claimed fairly quickly and both were reunited with their Mums without too many tears. A wallet containing a wealth of credit cards and a driver’s licence was also quickly claimed once we made an announcement over the public address system.

The SouthCare helicopter flew in at 9am and stayed until almost 11am. It naturally attracted a lot of attention and was a good addition to a very lovely day. Hall Rotarians were in abundance, including DG Rowley and PDG Len Goodwin, and everyone is looking forward to the new FoH stall when it arrives. (No pressure Anton).

On the downside we had a bad box of bags – new from the club shed, but an earlier order (April 2013). We had 8 bags returned during the morning for exchange as the handles had ripped. So for the next few weeks be prepared to make exchanges until we have used up the old stock. This issue has been previously brought to the supplier’s attention.

Hot off the Press

From next week the ATMs will be moving to a new location to encourage better movement of the patrons through the far side of the market. So if you are rostered for the coming weeks be prepared for questions from those who get confused.

5 July 2014

Cathy & Colin Sue & Paul

Tables $120.00

Bags $206.00

Water $26.00

Total $352.00


DG Rowley and PDG Len joined Sue and Colin (aka the abominable snowman) at the FoH stall to mark the final days of the ‘old FoH stand’. GD Rowley has promised to come back and have a similar photo with the ‘new FoH stand’ (again no pressure Anton)

Not wanting to be left out Market Committee Chair Vic and Paul also managed to pose for an ‘out with the old’ photo.

Where was Cathy you may ask – no photo bombing this week.

Market Roster

Date Members

12 July 2014 Peter, Sue J, and Chris

19 July 2014 Lynne, Kerry, and UNK?

26 July 2014 Mez, Anton, and Paul Robey

*Complied from the latest information provided by the Market Master


Meetings Social & Special Events Date Description Date Description

10 July Club Runner presentation – Glenn

Wahlert ?? October Wine tour

31 July DG Visit – Rowley Tompsett ?? November Inaugural Jerra Fun Run

21 August Vocational Visit – Humble House

28 August Club Forum

* Compiled from information available at the time of printing


Board of Management


CURRENT CLUB MEMBERS David Bailey, PP, PHF Bruce Miller Pam Spencer, PHF, PP

Robert Chilman Liz Mulvaney, PHF Terry Spencer, PHF, PP

Cathy Hobbs Mez Mulvaney, OAM, PHF David Stevens, PHF, PP

Colin Hobbs, PHF, PP Anton Pemmer, PHF, PP Glenda Wahlert, PP

Chris Hunter, OAM, PHF, PP Paul Robey, President Glenn Wahlert

Peter Jarvis, PHF, PP Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP Jon Wells

Sue Jarvis, PHF Paul Roger PHF, PP Rebecca Whitehouse

Lynne McPherson Sue Roger Ian Wholohan

Kerry McPherson

HONORARY MEMBERS Alex Alexander Robert Cooke

SUPPORTERS Vera Alexander Vickie Still

Club Details

Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra Incorporated

PO Box 8, Jerrabomberra NSW, 2619


Meets Thursday 6.15 for 6.30 – 8.30pm Jerrabomberra Public School (Staff Room)

Attendance & Apologies Lizzie Mulvaney by 12 Noon Tuesday T: 0448754274 E:

Newsletter Contributions Paul Roger T: 0418 786945 E:


President Paul Robey

President Elect Mez Mulvaney

Vice President Paul Roger

Secretary Glenn Wahlert

Treasurer Jon Wells

Club Service Director Mez Mulvaney

Community Service Director Jan Pettigrew

International and Foundation Director Robert Chilman

Youth and Vocational Service Director Peter Jarvis



In 1998 the Rotary Clubs of Queanbeyan and Queanbeyan West Rotary decided to sponsor a new Rotary Club based in Jerrabomberra. Bill Lilley, John Snedden and Peter Jarvis from Queanbeyan West took on the joint roll of mentoring the development of the new club. (Peter Jarvis went on to become our Charter President).

Advertising for potential members began in March 1998. After a successful campaign, the Club was chartered on 18 November 1998 with 26 members.

Initial meetings were held at the Jerrabomberra General Store—the venue was very good until we grew in numbers. We then moved to the Jerrabomberra Community Centre for a few years, and we now meet at the Jerrabomberra Public School Staff Room, on Thursdays (6.15 for 6.30 pm).

(Charter) President Peter Jarvis ran competitions to select a name for our Club Newsletter and a design for the Club banner. There were some good and some not so good suggestions. Pam Spencer suggested the winning bulletin name “Jerraganda and David Stevens was the successful designer of our club banner. The design incorporated a goose and the windmill associated with the original entrance to the estate adjacent to the Community Centre.

We continue to be a vibrant and fun loving club providing valued community service, both locally and internationally. Our motto is “Doing Good and Having Fun”

Don’t forget to let the editor know if you have

any constructive suggestions for the

enhancement of the Jerraganda.

A final thought………