Jeff Joiner, President Jeff Joiner Training July 15, 2014 ... · reach your goals It will make your...


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Toot Your Own Horn (Without Blowing It)

Jeff Joiner, President Jeff Joiner Training

July 15, 2014

2:15 PM

Learning Objectives

1. Attendees will learn how to develop a brief Capability Statement, telling people what their team does and how it benefits children and the community.

2. Attendees will learn that bragging about their Child Nutrition program is not an act of arrogance, but an act of authenticity.

3. Attendees will learn to align the way they market their program with the goals of parents and administrators.


1) Why

2) How

(simple, huh?)

Why You Need to Toot Your Own Horn

Because if you don’t, no one else will

It’s your responsibility as a leader

The battle between positive and negative

You will be far more likely to reach your goals

It will make your life easier

“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” - Mark Twain

Let’s Debunk a Few Myths

“If we just do a great job, people will notice. We let our work speak for itself.”

Let’s Debunk a Few Myths

“As long as our numbers and budget look good, people will leave us alone.”

“What we do is no big deal. We’re just doing our jobs. I don’t want to brag about it.” “Our current marketing efforts are pretty good.”

Why You Need to Toot Your Own Horn

Because if you don’t, no one else will

It’s your responsibility as a leader

Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of

individuals to achieve a common goal

Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of

individuals to achieve a common goal

Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of

individuals to achieve a common goal

Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of

individuals to achieve a common goal

Why You Need to Toot Your Own Horn

Because if you don’t, no one else will

It’s your responsibility as a leader

The battle between positive and negative

You will be far more likely to reach your goals

It will make your life easier

Horn-Tooting Strategies

Think like an entrepreneur

One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.

A person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.

My favorite definition of Entrepreneurship:

“Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.” - Howard Stevenson Harvard Business School

Horn-Tooting Strategies

Think like an entrepreneur

Develop alliances






Horn-Tooting Strategies

Think like an entrepreneur

Develop alliances

Get creative with your marketing

Amy Corle Cherryvale-Thayer Public Schools

“I was on facebook and ran onto a school foodservice that was posting pictures of food art that they do EVERY day for their students. I thought that was an interesting ides so I began doing some of my own food art and the kids love it. So did my principal who has me taking pictures every time I have some new food art and forwarding it to other staff in our district. Facebook has become a huge part of tooting our own horn or sometimes it is totally the opposite when parents have gotten on it and totally hated on us. That did open up some discussion for us to explain where we are at with the new regs and solving some issues where a student is showing a parent a picture of three things on their plate but then we can explain what was REALLY offered that day for lunch. We take pictures of our serving lines and post on facebook and our school facebook page. Of course social media once again is a great way to toot our horn!! A lot of times we don't have to toot our own horn at our school. We have some great staff and students who toot it for us!”

What I have found to work for promoting the program is through ‘home made advertising’ I pretty up our information boards and make bright colored black boards and place them around with things on them that make people hungry! I also send emails out on days I know I have a little extra, inviting staff to come and eat a healthy lunch that is cheaper than going to McDonald's and better than for there health! I usually get a pretty good response to that, I think if teachers come in and eat it shows the kids that the food must be alright! As for the parents, anytime I have a parent voice there opinion I first ask if they have came and ate with there students (they usually so no) then I get really excited and I invite them to eat with us! Sometimes they come, some don't but they all get more positive, knowing we have nothing to hide and we are proud! :) Jennifer Blair Kitchen Manager Hutchinson Public Schools

Horn-Tooting Strategies

Think like an entrepreneur

Develop alliances

Get creative with your marketing

Take advantage of SNA resources

Horn-Tooting Strategies

Think like an entrepreneur

Develop alliances

Get creative with your marketing

Take advantage of SNA resources

Be proactive

Adjective Creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after.

• The ability to set goals and work towards achieving them

• Creating opportunities, not waiting for them to come your way

• Taking conscious control of your life • Understanding the choice you have in

engineering your life • Applying your own personal principles and

core values in making decisions • Having imagination and creativity to explore

possible alternatives

Habits of Proactive People

“If you’re proactive, you don’t have to wait for circumstances or other people to create perspective expanding experiences. You can consciously create your own.” - Stephen Covey

Horn-Tooting Strategies

Think like an entrepreneur

Develop alliances

Get creative with your marketing

Take advantage of SNA resources

Be proactive

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