January Updated 2013


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  • 7/30/2019 January Updated 2013


    Communism= revolution



    (Italian: [an t njo ram i] ) (22 January 1891 27 April 1937) was an Italian

    writer,politician, political theorist,sociologist, and linguist. He was a founding member and onetime leader

    of the Communist Party of Italy and was imprisoned by Benito Mussolini's Fascist regime.Gramsci was one of the most important Marxist thinkers in the 20th century. His writings are heavilyconcerned with the analysis of culture and political leadership and he is notable as a highly original thinkerwithin modern European thought. He is renowned for his concept ofcultural hegemony as a means ofmaintaining the state in a capitalist society.

    It is his concept of eveolving the system into communism that is ruining this country.

    Based on Social Darwinism and the belief in the perfectibility of mankind.


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    Read his article on "How to destabilizing a government.


    http://www.docstoc.com/docs/7093328/3744542-A-Synthesis-of-the-Russian-Brainwashing-Manual[1 ]

    This manual of the Communist Party should be in the hands of every loyal American, that they may be

    alerted to the fact that it is not always by armies and guns that a nation is conquered.

    Kenneth Goff






    Google: 1963 communist goalshttp://www.uhuh.com/nwo/communism/comgoals.htmB. Progressivism1. Woodrow Wilson and the roots of Modern Liberalism R.J. Perstritto2. Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek3. American Progressivism R.J. PerstrittoWell-documented and eye-opening examination of a forgotten (suppressed?) period in presidential politicsand American history. Scholarly, but not pedantic, it peels the onion-layers off of a political ideology,exposes its Hegelian historicist roots, and cogently supports Jonah Goldberg's claim that "it has happenedhere." Fascism, that is.

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    "Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules," Alinsky wrote in his 1989 bookRules forRadicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judeo-Christian moral tenet,and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system's

    failure to "live up" to its rule book can then is used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist"rule book" with a socialist one. (Courtesy Discover the Networks.orghttp://www.americanthinker.com/2009/02/the_clowardpiven_strategy_of_e.htmlhttp://www.americanthinker.com/2008/09/barack_obama_and_the_strategy.htmlhttp://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6967The Psychology Underlying "Liberalismhttp://jonjayray.tripod.com/psychlef.html

    Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky http://www.crossroad.to/Quotes/communism/alinsky.htmhttp://www.amazon.com/Rules-Radicals-Saul-Alinsky/dp/0679721134


    http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NewAge/social_change_agents.htmWhat Is A Communitarian? By Niki Raapanahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPW5rC-chDUCommunitarians/Progressives believe that all neighborhoods should be governed like Chinese collectives.They teach that mandatory volunteerism in the community is a moral obligation of all citizens, and thatintervening and reporting on your neighbors is required to maintain their individual freedom. It may soundlike two conflicting ideologies, but its not. Communitarians balances all political conflicts into onemaster, ideological solution. The obscure term was introduced to the world in the 1990s, but it wasactually created at the same time Marx and Engel drafted the anti-thesis to capitalism, called communism.

    There is an old social theory that in order to create a healthier planet, people everywhere must learn thevalue of collectivism. Its many proponents insist that individual rights and liberties pose a real threat to thehealth and safety of the "community at large. If we will just put the community before self-centeredconcerns, mankind can eliminate war and poverty. To many, it is our evolutionary destiny and our moralduty to comply with the spirit of community.

    The founders of the Communitarian Network began "shoring up the moral, social and politicalenvironment" in the early 1990s. Today the communitarian theory is the basis for hundreds of new globalrules and regulations eliminating individual rights, yet fewer than one percent of the affected population

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    knows about it.

    Communitarianism was embraced by leaders in every nation after it was financed by the internationalbanking elite. Today the theory of community influences all aspects of life: news, science, money, law, landuse, health, education, policing and employment, not to mention the arts, fashion, fundraising, causes andentertainment. Community is the buzzword on everybody's lips these days.


    The Battle ground is the schools, to separate one generation from another by belittling the parents andtheir morals. This is where the serious brainwashing takes place.Break the childrens values is what school is all about.See video of Charlotte Iserbythttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDyDtYy2I0M&list=PL07003F172CB3712B&index=1

    She has written an excellent book free on line.


    Her article below is how they use language:7 pronged forkhttp://www.newswithviews.com/iserbyt/iserbyt35.htm

    THE DEVILS SEVEN PRONG FORK consists of: Prong One: Semantic Deception, covered by George Orwellin 1984, calls for lying through the deceitful use of words. Few Americans question the innocent-soundingwords/phrases such as regionalism, consolidation, democracy free trade, public/privatepartnerships, school choice, base closures faith-based, freedom, patriot, security, prosperity,peace et al. Why has no one told the American people that regionalism, be it local, county, state,national or international, and is COMMUNISM? The regionalization (consolidation) of the world is quitesimilar to the three-stage plan outlined by Stalin at the 1936 Communist International. At that meeting,

    the official program proclaimed: "Dictatorship can be established only by a victory of socialism in differentcountries or groups of countries, after which there would be federal unions of the various groupings ofthese socialist countries, and the third stage would be an amalgamation of these regional federal unionsinto a world union of socialist nations. What Stalin called for is taking place in front of our very eyes, withthe NAU and other emerging global regional groupings, following the model of the European Union.

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    1. Educating for the New World Order by B.K .Eakman2. Cloning of the American Mind by B.K. Eakman3.Illiberal Education by Dinesh D'Souza

    4. Indoctrinate U by David Horowitz


    David H. Is a the son of parents that were Jewish American Communist who fled herefrom Russia and brought their communism with them? They had their own red school house. Now he is anadvocate for Israels interest.The Red Diaper Babies


    as they were later called, were a pivotal factor in the now-receding Sixties. AsRadosh shows, he and his friends grew up in an insular, self-protective, and besieged culture in whicheverything was politicized and ones life choices had to do with finding the best way of assisting thetriumph of communism in the United States. One of Radishs uncles fell in Spain, fighting with the (aptlynamed) Abraham Lincoln Brigade. His cousin, Jacob Abrams, a left-anarchist living in Mexico, tried to warnthe author about the drawbacks of Stalinism.

    Radosh attended an elementary school largely implicated in the Red subculture (PS 173), followed by the"little Red schoolhouse," the Elisabeth Irwin private school in the upper grades. Summers were spent atyouth camps in the Catskills, where woodcraft took second place to ideological molding, partly at the handsof the Red balladeer, Pete Seeger. Of the latter, Radosh writes: "Songs are weapons, he often said" (p. 17) and, indeed, he was right.

    Paul Robeson and Huddie Leadbelly were party heroes and the Reds were undertaking to create what TomLehrer later derided as "the folk-song army." A number of good banjoists came out of these efforts, as thecommies wished to infiltrate Bluegrass music, perhaps out of some institutional memory of coalminersstrikes combined with a paternalistic view that Appalachian whites needed an unusual amount of uplifting.So far, it is all good clean fun, except for the Stalinism, although Radoshs account suggests that JoeMcCarthy was not exactly wrong about the domestic presence of disciplined cadres of party animals. AsRadosh tells it, the ordeal of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg was a central, formative event in his circle. It isthe best part of the book that Radosh knew allthe commies the real, honest-to-Joe Stalinists and letsus in on their cultic secrets. Radosh names. Most of these people are still left of center.

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    6. T7.8.


    1. The Web Of Debt by Ellen H. Brown and Creature from Jekyll Island By G. Edward Griffin

    2.The history of The Rothschild family)


    3.The Naked Capitalist W.Cleon Skousen Also The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen4.Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution

    5. Liberal Fascism By Jonah Goldberg6. The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression by Amity Shlaed7. Blacklisted by History:The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies This brilliant,meticulous, heavily documented book by Stanton Evans is about much more than Joseph McCarthy, greatpatriot that he was, as is amply demonstrated herein and anyone who doesn't come away from this bookwith the belief that McCarthy was indeed a great warrior and patriot, hasn't bothered to read it in itsentirety.

    See video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dba9OY0QatU&list=PLbJudGu4AIwhflk3-dTnC-y-8o3XhLhyK&index=1

    See video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8cC21jB9EE&list=PLAEFD086903A70D66

    The Family Ties that link them.Behind and connecting the Freemasons and the Jews is Kabala, Illuminated Freemasonry is the oldestreligion in the world the occult""LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, theSon of the Morning! Is it hewho bears the LightDoubt it not!" Albert Pike, preeminent Masonicauthority, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 321

    I wish to make it clearly and emphatically known that I do not believe the Synagogue of Satan (S.O.S.) is

    Jewish, but, as Christ told us for a definite purpose, it is comprised of Them who say they are Jews ... andare not ... and do lie (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9). I hope I prove in this book that the Protocols, which contain the

    details of the diabolical plot Weishaupt revised and modernized between 1770 and 1776 are not those of

    the Learned Elders of Zion, but those of the Synagogue of Satan based on the Luciferian ideology designed

    to bring about a One World Government.


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    The alliences are odd, both groups want to rebuild the Temple of Solomon for very

    different reasons: Keep asking why at every turn and don't get into anti semitism both groups want a NWOfor different reasons.

    By Vicomte Leon De Poncins

    The first part of _Freemasonry and Judaism: Secret Powers Behind Revolution_ discusses the role

    Freemasonry has played in the revolutionary spirit. Freemasonry is a secret society, with varying levels of

    involvement for its members, and takes the facade of a philanthropic organization. This is to cover up its

    ulterior motive, which is to wage an occult war against Christianity and traditionalism in general. The lower

    echelons of Masonic degrees do not know about the true meaning of Masonry any more than outsiders do,

    and who the true masterminds are of Masonic intrigue remain a mystery. It appears that Freemasonry is

    founded on the doctrines of the Jewish Cabala, the precise links lost in antiquity and obscurity. Similar

    teachings and groups can be traced to ancient times with a continuation of secret organizational structure,

    occult initiation rituals and symbols. Most of the instigators of the French Revolution were Masons. The

    Revolution was not a popular uprising against the ruling establishment and the Church as it is commonly

    believed, but rather planned out by unknown personages in high places who spread propaganda and made

    it appear that it came from the bottom-up when it was actually from the top-down. The Hexagram (six

    pointed Star of David) symbolizes the six pronged attack against traditional Christian civilization:1) Religious (discredit Christianity and promote atheism and rationalism),

    2) Ethical ("corrupt morality of the northern races"),3) Aesthetic ("cult of the ugly and aberrant in art"),4) Sociological (aristocracy out, plutocracy in, ferment class war),5) Industrial and financial ("cartel and trust leading to abolition of private ownership and to state

    monopoly", a kind of communism through unbridled capitalism),6) Political ("kill patriotism and pride of race").


    Nesta Websters books are all very good.The-French-Revolution also World Revolutionary MovementsBy Nesta WebsterSecret Societies and Subversive Movements_ by the British patriot Nesta H. Webster is a fascinatingaccount of the various secret and subversive movements which have plotted against both throne and altarfrom the most ancient times to the modern day. The book relies on Webster's previous research regardingthe French revolution and the "World revolution" as well as various documents by individuals such as the

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    Abbe Barruel and Professor Robison outlining the growth and development of secret societies. The book iscleanly divided into two halves, the first focusing on the past and the second focusing on the present day(the book was written in 1924 following the horrors of the First World War). Webster's book makes forfascinating reading, explaining fully the rise of secret societies and subversive movements from their mostancient origins in various mystery cults until her time. website quote.

    BENJAMIN FREEDMAN Material http://100777.com/node/1485Now you can also listen to Benjamin H.Freedman's speech in in MP3 format. The transcript of the speech exists at

    To hear it now without first downloading, just left click "listen" for the "streaming" version.Listen

    To save it to your hard drive, right click "download" and select "save as" (clickhere for an alternativedownload site)Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century. Mr.Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City who was at one time theprincipal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-

    Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of hisconsiderable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped theUnited States. Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at thehighest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over our nation. Mr.Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, FranklinRoosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many moremovers and shakers of our times. This speech was given before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the WillardHotel in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Conde McGinley's patriotic newspaper of that time, Common Sense.Though in some minor ways this wide-ranging and extemporaneous speech has become dated, Mr.Freedman's essential message to us - his warning to the West - is more urgent than ever before. - K.A.S.The complete transcript of the speech exists at http://100777.com/jewry/freedman

    Woodrow Wilson: Americas Worst and First Fascist President


    Thomas Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, often makes the top tenin rankings of the best USpresidents. In the well-known polls taken by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. in 1948 and 1962, Wilson wasranked #4 behind Lincoln, Washington, and FDR. By the end of this post, I hope you will agree with methat he belongs in the bottom rung and was one of our worst presidents ever, if not THE worst

    One of the biggest advantages we have as New Agers is,once the occult, metaphysical and New Age terminology is removed,

    we have concepts and techniques that are very acceptable to the general public.So we can change the names... demonstrate the power...open the door to millions who normally would not be receptive."(Dick Sutphen, "Infiltrating the New Age into Society,"_New Age Activist_, Summer 1986, p.14)


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    Those in the New World Order who are in control of most of the governments of the world already todaydeclare that to become a citizen of this order will require a Luciferian oath.

    Accordingly those in the implementation stages proclaim:

    No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one willenter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.

    David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

    Amongst all the global governing changes and wars that are taking place to accommodate this New WorldOrder many are overlooking the most dominant aspect of it, its religious and occultist nature.

    The New World Order IS about religion. It is about worshipping Lucifer

    The New Age Movement and Service to the PlanThe New World Order as envisioned by the Elite is hardly a recent undertaking. Theirs is aphilosophy rooted in ancient occult traditions. Success is near, and the infiltration of society by New Ageoccultism is the reason for this success. The New World Order has never been solely about worldgovernment, rather, from the beginning its proponents have been privy to secret doctrines and it is aspiritual plan more than anything.If one failed to take into account the occult nature of the New World Order, they would beremiss. The UN and the New Age have been bed-fellows since the beginning. Americas secret destiny isthe product of Rosicrucian and Freemason forefathers. The New Atlantis as proposed in Francis Baconswork is almost at hand. The Ancient Mysteries are being studied for illumination and enlightenment by theNew World Orders elite. Not to mention the New Age gurus dutifully recruiting on behalf of the SecretBrotherhood.


    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8937919448007045479&ei=HNZeSYfkHZaEqQOC_NXhDw&q=Constance+CumbeyConstance Cumbey: Discovering the New Age Movement - 59:44 - Mar 9, 2007Constance Cumbey Author of "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" tells her story on how she discoveredthe New Age Movement. Its an exciting story to hear as the truth of the new age movement is exposedfrom the shadows it hides behind, revealing its dark purposes and satanic plot in its hope for the AntiChrist. Constance also tells her thrilling account of how she basically shattered a Benjamin Crmegathering by saying the Lords Prayer, while they were waiting for Maitreya to show... Get ready for an

    exciting time as Constance Cumbey tells her story. Filmed at the Radio Liberty 2006 conference, hosted byDr. Stanley Monteith.

    By Constance Cumbeyhttp://www.docstoc.com/docs/5796723/HIDDEN-DANGERS-AND-COVERhttp://www.docstoc.com/docs/9658173/A-PLANNED-DECEPTION---FULL-BOOK

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    The interfaith movement, which began with the 1893 Worlds Parliament of Religions in Chicago, has grownworldwide. Although this movement has been largely unknown to the public, it now provides a spiritualface for globalization, the economic and political forces leading us all from nationalism to One World.The most ambitious organization in todays interfaith movement is the United Religions Initiative (URI),founded by William Swing, the Episcopal Bishop of California. Investigative reporter Lee Penn, a Catholicex-Marxist, exhaustively documents the history and beliefs of the URI and its New Age and globalist allies,the vested interests that support these movements, and the direction they appear to be taking. Theinterfaith movement is no longer merely the province of a coterie of little-heeded religious idealists withgrandiose visions. The URIs proponents have ranged from billionaire George Soros to President George W.Bush, from the far-right Rev. Sun Myung Moon to the liberal Catholic theologian Hans Kng, and from theDalai Lama to the leaders of government-approved Protestant churches in the Peoples Republic of China.The interfaith movement, including the URI, is being promoted by globalist and New Age reformers whofavor erosion of national sovereignty, marginalization of traditional religions, establishment of globalgovernance, and creation of a new, Earth-based global spirituality in effect, a one-world religion.Therefore, the URI and the interfaith movement are poised to become the spiritual foundation of the NewWorld Order: the new civilization now proposed by Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union.In The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times, French metaphysician Ren Gunon spoke of theanti-tradition (the forces of materialism and secular humanism) finally giving way to the counter-tradition(the satanic inversion of true spirituality), leading to the regime of Antichrist. The anti-tradition weakensand dissolves traditional spiritualities, after which the counter-tradition sets up a counterfeit in their place.Since Gunons time, as is well known, anti-traditional forces have greatly advanced worldwide. It is lesswell-known that counter-traditional movements have also made great strides, and now stand closer to thecenters of global political and religious power than ever before. The counter-tradition is making inroads onthe political and cultural Right, as much as it is doing on the Left.False Dawnpainstakingly documents these trends, and speculates on their future development. In sodoing, the author takes investigative reporting to the threshold of prophecy, and gives us a stunninglyplausible picture of the global religious landscape of the 21st century.http://www.leepenn.org/


    (Paperback) by Johanna Michaelsen (Author

    by (Author) by Warren Smith

    by Warren Smith

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    by Gary E. Gilley

    by Ray Yungenby Ray Yungen

    Letter From A former Witch:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JPJDTWkuf8&list=PLbJudGu4AIwhVyHAuDeMM9L4MdKCF2ndv

    Selling ones soul can be defined as allowing ones integrity, values and moral code to be defiled in orderto obtain riches and success. Considering the occult aspect of the industry, selling ones soul can take amore literal meaning, as there exist actual ritualistic initiations and obscure secret societies working in theshadows. Some artists, who have been more or less in contact with that darker side of Hollywood, havespoken on the subject in their own words.

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    http://www.tldm.org/news/martin.htm"Jesus... said to them: 'Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name,saying, I am the Christ, and will deceive many." Matthew 24:4-5

    Two books (one new, one old) have suddenly grabbed public attention and captured the hearts ofmultitudes. One is long and instructional -- a dictation from a channeled spirit guide. The other is fictionaltestimony full of tear-jerking dialogue.A Course in Miracles(ACIM) is obviously occult, ile the more subtlemessage ofThe Shackby William P. Young has been widely accepted in postmodern churches.The two books share a common message. I saw a stark preview of it back in 1992. Skimming through amagazine called Well-Being Journal, I noticed this New Age "insight" from the authorsinner guide: Manypeople believe in evil, sin, and dark forces. It is your purpose to teach the opposite which is theTruth:

    there is no devil, no hell, no sin, and no guilt except in the creative mind of humankind. I heard similardeceptions at Gorbachev's 1997 State of the World Forum. At the time, keynote speaker MarianneWilliamson was touting the Kabala, notA Course in Miracles(ACIM).While those New Age "insights" wouldfit both, they are best expressed throughACIM, but While those New Age "insights" would fit both, theyare best expressed throughACIM, which Williamson is now popularizing through Oprah Winfrey's weeklyradio program. The Shackcalls for a similar denial of reality. Yet countless pastors and church leaders aredelighting in its message. By ignoring (or redefining) sin and guilt, they embrace an inclusive butcounterfeit "Christianity" that draws crowds but distorts the Bible. Discounting Satan as well, they weakenGod's warnings about deception. No wonder His armor for today's spiritual war became an early victim ofthis spreading assault on Truth. Roger Oakland, author ofFaith Undone, hinted at this transformation in hisarticle "My Trip to the Rethink Conference:""For nearly two thousand years, most professing Christians have seen the Bible as the foundation for the

    Christian faith. The overall view at the Rethink Conference, however, is that Christianity, as we have knownit, has run its course and must be replaced.... Speakers insisted that Christianity must be re-thought andre-invented if the name of Jesus Christ is going to survive here on planet earth."[3]No room for the historical Jesus? Must we reimagine God to make Him fit the rising universal church?

    http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/08/shack.htmBiblical originsFor we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers ofthe darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places Wherefore take unto you the wholeamour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand: Standtherefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And yourfeet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye

    shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword ofthe Spirit, which is the word of God.Recent works of fiction have regenerated interest in the Bible's origin. Many new best-sellers and best-seller hopefuls have been rushed to market in an attempt to capitalize on the interest to prove or disprovethe "facts" behind the fictional "Da Vinci Code." Know your history. I recommend the following books:

    The Canon of Scriptureby Frederick Fyvie BruceHow We Got the Bible by Neil R. Lightfoot

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    The Case for the Real Jesus: A Journalist Investigates Current Attacks on the Identity of Christby Lee StrobelThe Origin of the Bible by Frederick Fyvie BrucePaul and Jesus: The True Storyby Wenham David

    The Historical Reliability of the Gospelsby Craig L. BlombergJesus and the Gospelsby Craig L. BlombergJesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels As Eyewitness Testimonyby Richard BauckhamFabricating Jesus: How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospelsby Craig A. Evans

    Bailey's unique contribution is that he sat down with a number of trusted Palestinian nomads and listened

    carefully to their take on the cultural issues behind various parables. He contends, with some justice, thatthese groups of people have something in contact with the original culture that these parables arose in,and thus can help us understand the unstated assumptions and cultural implications of the texts. Heinvested many years in this and did it with care and precision. On top of that, he has explored the earlytranslations of the New Testament into Syrac and related languages. The result is nothing short ofstunning. His analysis of the puzzling parable of the unjust steward (Luke 16:1-13) is worth the price ofadmission alone, and even on the well-trod parable of the Good Samaritan, he has much valuable insightto share. He live in the Middle East for forty yearsJesus through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospelsby Kenneth E. Bailey

    Poet and Peasant and Through Peasant Eyes: A Literary-Cultural Approach to the Parables in Luke(Combined edition)by Kenneth E. Bailey

    The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Endersheim

    Bible History Old Testament: New Updated Edition (Hardcover)by Alfred Endersheim

    Biblical versus Cultural Christianity

    Biblical Christianity means being joined to Jesus Christ through faith in what He did for us at the cross,then allowing Him to live His life through us, so that others might know Him and see His love. (That lovemay include sharing His warnings as well as His promises with those in need.) The established Church, likeOld Testament Israel, has always tended to drift away from its devotion to God and become just otherinstitutions, subject to the same human impulses and painful consequences as the rest of the world. Pleasedont blame human evils on a "straw-man" or a convenient cultural distortion of Christianity. Consider someof the differences between Biblical faith and today's cultural deviations.http://www.crossroad.to/charts/cultural-Christianity.html

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    Ian McCormack (Part 1 of 10) (Near Death Experience)

    "Ian was night diving off the island of Mauritius when he was stung multiple times by Box Jellyfish, which

    are among the most venomous creatures in the world. His testimony relates how he clung to life while

    getting to hospital, was declared clinically dead soon afterwards, and how during this time he had an

    encounter with God, which radically changed the direction of his life."

    Near death experience


    Afshin's testimony of his conversion to Christ. Part1 and 2


    in Jerusalemby Lambert Dolphin and Michael KollenBecause of our sins we were exiled from our country and banished from our land. We cannot go up aspilgrims to worship Thee, to perform our duties in Thy chosen house, the great and Holy Temple which wascalled by Thy name, on account of the hand that was let loose on Thy sanctuary. May it be Thy will, Lordour God and God of our fathers, merciful King, in Thy abundant love again to have mercy on us and on Thysanctuary; rebuild it speedily and magnify its glory. (The Jewish Prayer Book)








    Even though the 2,000-year-old dream of building the Third Temple was postponed, the desire and theobligation to build the Israeli house of God still lives. Several movements have been born as a r...Even though the 2,000-year-old dream of building the Third Temple was postponed, the desire and theobligation to build the Israeli house of God still lives. Several movements have been born as a result of thedesire to "arise and build."

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    The Temple Mount Faithful movement was formed by Gershon Salomon. The Temple Mount Faithfulattempted to place a cornerstone on the Temple Mount in 1990 for the beginning of the temple. A riotresulted, the police came, and before order was restored, seventeen had died. Since then, GershonSalomon has not been allowed to visit the Temple Mount; nevertheless, each October, Salomon and hisfollowers conduct a symbolic cornerstone laying in an attempt to remind the people of Israel that they aremandated by God to build His house.

    The Temple Institute overlooks the Western Wall Plaza and the Temple Mount itself. The Institute hasdedicated itself to making the necessary preparations for the time when temple worship and daily sacrificescan be restored. At the present time, over 50% of the utensils and vessels needed for the templeceremonies have been recreated--duplicating as closely as possible those utilized in the First and SecondTemple eras. One of the prime activities of the Temple Institute is the training of young rabbis in theoffering of sacrifices and the performing of temple services. According to one of the Temple Institute'sofficials, the architectural drawings for the building of the Third Temple have been completed and inwaiting for some time.

    Revelation reveals the Antichrist will put a stop to the Third Temple sacrifices. No one believed Israel wouldbe reformed and no one believes a third temple is possible but the scriptures continue to be true and

    doubters exposed as scoffers.


    The 5,000 year leap by Cleon Skousen

    The Real George Washington

    The Real Thomas JeffersonThe Real Benjamin FranklinThe Making of America Cleon Skousen "The Making of Americais about the world's greatest politicalsuccess formula. In a little over a century, this formula allowed a small segment of the human family -- less

    than 6 percent -- to become the richest nation on earth. It allowed them to originate more than half of theworld's total production and enjoy the highest standard of living in the history of the world.""But Americans have more to share than their wealth. They have the world's greatest political successformula to share. In this respect they have been at fault. They have been too self-conscious about theirsystem and its accomplishments. At times they have been almost apologetic that they have had such aremarkable system when the rest of the world did not. The world needs to know this formula." - From theintroduction to the Making of AmericaIn this book you will learn the Founding Fathers' story. Much of it is told in the words of the Foundersthemselves. You will feel the power of their minds sweeping away centuries of bad government and badlaws to formulate a whole new society based on human freedom.

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    http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/rewilding-network-saving-globe-through-big-wilderness-another-un-agenda-21Perhaps the most jaw-dropping part of the rewilding plan involves reintroducing long-gone American animal

    groups back onto the North American continent. This could happen in several ways. The first would be toreintroduce former indigenous species who once roamed our landsuch as elephants and the (wooly)rhinoceros. The second, reminiscent of a sci-fi movie, would be to find DNA materials to recreate extinct animalgroups. For example, under this plan, well-preserved extinct animalssuch as glacier-bound woolly mammoths,recently disappeared passenger pigeons, or the La Brea Tarpits saber toothed cats could be raised as fetusesfrom scratch. On this Science Daily published:A Plan For Reintroducing Megafauna To North America:

    There are many articles and YouTube videos dealing with trans-human, post human, humanity plus and H+articles.

    They are not shy about posting their ideas for perfecting mankind nor their threats to those who want to

    stop them.

    We will live in communal cities modeled after a bee or ant colonies and have a hive mind as well.We will be bredfor specific jobs. Not everyone will be allowed to breed therefore the need to queer the American population,sothey don't breed.Population control 535 million will be the absolute top population for earth.


    By: Travis James Leland Published: May 24, 2012

    HTTP://hplusmagazine.com/We are the Borg And That is a Good Thing.

    Army of the future: Soldiers will be able to run at Olympic speed and won't need food or sleep with gene

    technology,Pentagon scientists researching gene manipulation to build the soldiers of tomorrow,They hope to beable to trigger the cells of injured soldiers' bodies to rebuild lost limbsRead more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2187276/U-S-Army-Soldiers-able-run-Olympic-speed-wont-need-food-sleep-gene-technology.html#ixzz2Bh6Lwyi6

    Using a commercial off-the-shelf brain-computer interface, the researchers have shown that its possible to hackyour brain, forcing you to reveal information that youd rather keep secret.HTTP://www.extremetech.com/extreme/134682-hackers-backdoor-the-human-brain-successfully-extract-sensitive-data

    4 Utilitarianism as the new code of morality For the greater Good article:

    Utilitarianism: The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number



    The hedge ofprotection is being lifted slowly and one day it will be gone..america thinks it can wing it on her ownAmerica will be brought to her knees and alot worse will happen then whats going on now. Judgement iscoming.. America has been hijacked and is being ruled by proud, arrogant, unrepentant, and habitually

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    "stiff necked people", and so is being led to our ruin, just as ancient Israel was, by the same kind ofpeople, for the same kind of reasons. America is Israel, all over again.Now, as then, all are guilty, in someway, and though all are invited, only some are repentant and are saved by God's Grace. Thank AlmightyGod for every day that His judgement has not yet come, giving us all one more chance.



