January Issue #1



Radar Magazine Issue1

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On the RadaR with

tenshi Vielle

King Of gestuRes

tRistan CaReless

Rebel hOpe designs

susan RamOs

Of RamOs designs

Dancer Dallagio

Janurary 2010Isuue # 1

Dear Readers, A new year has begun and with this new year we have the chance to take charge and take a chance. Take a chance to try something new, make a change and make a difference . I had that set in my mind from about October of 2009. I wanted to change my Second Life some how,not only for me but for others as well . I decided on creating a magazine, giving light on issues and residents that contribute to the grid. Not just the same ole but the new and now. I also wanted it to be reader friendly and fun , not just the conventional interviews but with a personal touch .

I had some friends volunteer to help and they have gone above and beyond. I trib-ute this all to them and to there friends and there friends and so on . We have received great encouragement and for that we thank you all .This is our beginning and we hope you enjoy this very 1st issue of Radar Magazine.

As you read each article you may notice a reoccurring element many of our featured residents have been victims of copybotting in 2009. I made sure copybotting aware-ness was in this magazine, this issue made such an impact in 2009 we don’t want it to be the same for creators in 2010. And will like to thank the many residents who are alongside creators. Thank you creators for continuing in sharing your creations with us. Rebel Hope and Susan Ramos who are featured in this issue are proof that you can stand up and continue creating.

In this first issue we feature some of the best on the grid including Rebel Hope Designs, Susan Ramos from Ramos Designs, House of Gestures owner Tristan Careless , Baiastice Sissy Pessoa, Shopping Cart Disco owner Tenshi Vielle and much more... I want to per-sonally thank them and everyone else who allowed us to steal a portion of there time. Radar would be 2 pages if not for you lol .

I will also like to thank my staff and friends Arie, Nuck, Ame,Dancer,Liriin ,Tristan , Tiyah my wonderful husband Slappy all who have talked with me and the staff. Your love and support means so much .

I welcome you on this endeavour and wish you a Happy and joyful New Years.

Labella FarellaPublisher & Editor in Chief

of Radar Magazine

Publisher & Editor in ChiefLabella Farella

Co-FounderUncleSlappy Wylie

Managing EditorArielle Millet

Fashion DirectorAmerique Silverspar

Entertainment DirectorNuck Fackler

Executive Contributors:Dancer DallagioRory HaikuVoltaire Serpente

DesignerAtreyuLorefieldLabella Farella


Executive AssistantsLiriin AshborneTiyah TriellisTracy Rubble

StylistElla Quinsette

Marketing TeamArielle MilletTracy RubbleLabella Farella

Writers:Belladonna OHareDani HanlyKylie SabraLana RioccanSiward GlendevonSweetsmiling Mer-linTiyah TriellisTracy Rubble

Photographers:Amerique SilversparClyde SaundersEmy AkerErioxa SosaMikey BatrianiValeria Pienaar

Models:Amber QuinzetAmerique SilversparAnnette HimmelBlair RoxleyBranden2279 RunnerDancer DallagioDani HanlyElla QuinsetteImani EnzoJennaa LoireJessica GelbhardNaiya KazyanenkoRaine McCellanSeth DiabolitoSweetsmiling MerlinTonya Coppola

InterbnSusan Jeruben


Executive AssistantsLiriin AshborneTiyah TriellisTracy Rubble

StylistElla Quinsette

Marketing TeamArielle MilletTracy RubbleLabella Farella

20. King of Gestures Tristan Careless

28. Cover Story: Dancer Dallago

42. Baiastice

50. Just Naive-Leah McCullough 62. Touche

76. Rebel Hope38. Amerique Silverspar


50. Just Naive-Leah McCullough 116. Virtual Burlesque

90. Tenshi Vielle Interview

84.Suicide Centerfolds

100.Susan Ramos and Ramos Design

112. Damian Carbenell

124. Djs of Second Life

Table of ConTenTs

IntervIew wIth the KIng of gestures trIstan Carelessby labella farella

Tristan Careless King of Gestures in Second Life is not only a bold statement but can be proven. With the largest store in Second Life, I doubt anyone can look in there inventory and not find a gesture created by Mr. Careless. He is genuine in his personality and has had his share of experiences. I was happy at the op-purtunity to interview him and share his start, what he has planned for the future and a little in between with you all.

Photos by Jolee ZIlZ

How did you hear about Second Life and what was your first impression when you started?

Tristan Careless: I’m a TSO ( The Sims Online) transplant. Second Life made a huge splash at the end of 2004 and the whole TSO community talked about com-ing here. We slowly filtered in, me of course by July 05 obviously. When I first got here I thought it was retarded and I hated it

How has your first impressions changed ? Or Have they?

Tristan Careless: ha-ha Well....Yes its changed. If I didn’t think it changed and stayed here for nearly five years that would make me an idiot. The “game” it-self has definitely become more user friendly. LOTS more to do than when I first arrived. And the quality of prod-ucts made here.....Omg the difference between night and day from 05 to now. GREAT artists and talent floating around this game now compared to then. HOW-EVER...Some things never change.

So when people get to Second Life they need Lindens ...hehe How did you first start out business wise and getting to

where you are now?Tristan Careless: Well like anyone else who starts, I camped, I introduced my credit card to Linden Labs, I even considered getting a job. I’m a bit, what’s the word....Intolerable? So a job working with the pub-lic wasn’t really an option for me. I always loved ges-tures. They cracked me up. It was Blazin one day that suggested to me that we give some serious thought to making gestures and starting out own business. Get-ting where I am now? Nothing but countless hours re-cording, clipping, uploading, timing, animating, then ul-timately releasing them to the public for purchase. It was October. 2007, I believe, that I sold my first ges-ture. Making gestures isn’t a difficult thing to do. Mak-ing great gestures is. I’ve always prided myself on the attempt at perfection and impeccable quality I strive for. What have you gained so far in your experience and did it catch you off guard ?

Tristan Careless: I’ve gained a lot really. I’ve gained skills that I didn’t have when I came here. For instance, I’ve learned how to build stuff. I HATE building stuff therefore I don’t; HOWEVER, I can....And I couldn’t have when I firswt arrived on the Second Life platform. I know a little about scripting, again nothing I could have done before. I’ve learned how to cuss in 16 lan-guages as well. Not by choice on the last one :| did you know there’s 4 different ways to say AS$H*LE in Can-tonese? Did it catch me off guard..Hmm, well I wouldn’t say it caught me off guard but if I take a step back and

look at the things I new five years ago and the things I know now? Then yeah...Its a little stag-gering.

How about Second Life friendships and relation-ships do have lots of friends are you picky and how have they grown ?

Tristan Careless: hahaha um, I have a few friends. I’m very reserved about who I let get re-ally close to me. I know a lot of people, I have many acquaintances, I have a few close cho-sen friends, and even fewer still that I would en-trust my life to. I’m particular about my friends list actually...I don’t believe someone should be on a “friend” list if you don’t talk. That makes no sense to me. Like really? What’s the point? If I don’t talk to you...Are you really a friend of mine? About once a month I clean out my list. If I haven’t talk-

ed to you without a damn good reason since the last time I cleaned out my list, you’re delet-ed. Cause....Well cause it makes sense that way. They don’t call it an “acquaintance list” or “how many people can you possibly know list” its a friends list. And a friend to me is someone that is loyal and respectful. Someone that truly gives a f*ck about me and what I like and need and want and do. That’s a hard thing to find in a forum such as this but when you find a good one, one you would give edit rights to or your password, ones you let into your real life and not just your second life...You hang onto them. THOSE are the keepers ;). I have a pet peeve....Cant stand when someone friends me just because they have a question or like my hair. That’s lame. OK that’s all I will say about that or you’ll have to censor this interview

Did you have any inspiration that caused you to choose gestures as your “career”?

he doesn’t even know me. Just an entrepreneur like the rest of us, yet an inspiration to Blazin and myself.

Do you consider yourself as a SLebrity (Second Life Celebrity)?

Tristan Careless: The answer to that question has always been no....And it probably would have continued to be no until.....Very recently I was contacted by someone that I didn’t know. Telling me that she had just heard some bit*h I had banned from my store for passing out land-marks talking crap about me and that she had defended me. She proceeded to tell me that she also wanted me to know that she’s heard a lot of me over the years. That shocked me a little so I dug a little deeper and asked her what exactly shed heard. She tells me that she re-ally cant recall all of it but one thing stood out in particular. Something that she had heard at LEAST seven months prior. Upon more questioning, she enlightened me that she heard I

Tristan Careless: I’ve always liked gestures, since day one. The very first one I bought was the laugh from money pit where tom hanks about dies laughing hysterically. One of the only places to find a va-riety of gestures at that time was a store owned by Kurt Ludd. He was the original gesture king. Ill give him that respect. And it was him and his business that inspired me and Blazin to make ours. He stopped making new gestures a year ago or so I believe and has moved on to other things. That’s a guy that I will always admire and

hooked up with a girl I met here on Second Life in rl and that id caught said girl cheating on me and left her. THAT would be a rumor and extremely untrue. So if you ask me whether or not I think I’m a celebrity? Nah, not so much....HOWEVER, paparazzi and rumors running around the grid realms among people you’ve never set eyes on? I think that lends to SOME kind of notoriety....I just don’t know what kind.

What does your name say about you and your Second Life?

Tristan Careless: Careless. There’s two ways to define it careless as in I could care less OR careless as in NOT careful. Hahahaha. Its both in my case. I’m really not careful about the things I say. I’m a person that has no problem giving my opinion or telling things in black and white exactly the way they are. I’ve earned another title besides careless for that as well. Lol care less. Sometimes. I don’t start crap. I really don’t. But if its brought to me I finish it. This combined with what I said a second ago about being careless adds up to not giving a good god damn about what people think about me. I could care less. That pertains to my second life as well as my first one; and although the consequences of laying somebody out in Second Life are far less than those of rl.....I’ve been guilty more than one time.

What has the last year been like for your second life?

Tristan Careless: The last year of my personal second life has been.....Um tumultuous. Period. Tumultuous. And that’s all ill say about that.The last year of my business second life has been amazing. We have the best customers and group members. Its been one hell of a ride :)

What do you have planned for 2010? What’s your Second Life resolution?

Tristan Careless: professionally my resolution is to hit 10,000 gestures storewide with Blazin. Personally my resolution is to not go completely insane...

Photography By Amerique Silverspar

Interview with Dancer DallagioIn my time coordinating the magazine in its early stages, I considered how I wanted it to be presented. My final results were style, class, per-sonality, humble and most of all to be successful. So fittingly I was then tasked with finding a face for the cover that fitted that criteria, I had to find someone who exhibited all these attributes and I did. Dancer Dallagio model and business woman here in Second Life. Her most recent success was making the top 10 finalist of the widely pop-ular Miss Virtual World Pageant. She is both beautiful inside and out and exuberates style and class . Known for her work done with Stiletto Moody, her wonderful and humble personality is hard to come by with the amount of success she has achieved. I was happy when she accepted my offer, and I am grateful to share her beauty in this interview .

Cover Story

Labella Farella: Hello Dancer first I would like to congratulate you on making the top ten of the Miss Virtual World pageant . How would you describe your experience?Dancer Dallagio: Thank you so very much! The experience was one of learning and of having the wonderful pleasure of representing many de-signers and photographers from Second Life. The challenges were fun, and so were the shows, other than the last one which was mostly crash-ing!

Labella Farella: Was Miss Virtual World your first step into modeling ?Dancer Dallagio: I have done live TV modeling for Eshi Otawara, as well as RFL modeling for Eshi and BOSL x 2 years, plus the Maseno project x2, as well as some print work for Stiletto Moody, Baiastice, and

BehaviorBody, but this was really my first real plunge into the modeling scene, other than the wonderful Chanel show during BOSL Fashion Week.

Labella Farella: How did you feel when I asked you to be on the cover for the first is-sue of Radar Magazine?Dancer Dallagio: I was very honored and surprised!

Labella Farella: What inspires your style can you describe it for me?Dancer Dallagio: My “style” is a bit eclectic and usually not casual. I am inspired by what is currently fashionable in RL as well as what is being put out there by the amazing talents in SL.

Labella Farella: You are a very successful person here in Second Life what are some of the task you do ?Dancer Dallagio: I suppose a better question would be what do I not do here *laughs*. I work with Stiletto Moody, doing many jobs. I handle all customer ser-vice issues, do public relations, marketing, legal, design input, make things, and more.

Labella Farella: Wow customer service sounds “fun” especially here in Second Life how would you describe your experience with it?Dancer Dallagio: Well, I am often approached by customers (via e-mail, IM, note card, live) who are unhappy with something and often quite demonstrative about that unhappiness. It’s my job to make them happy, no matter what that entails. It’s very rewarding to see them leave the opposite of how they were when I approached them. :))

Labella Farella: You are one the most beautiful and successful women in SL do you have any tips on how to get noticed and reach success?Dancer Dallagio: (laughs again)

Thank you so much for saying so, Labella. I really just have tweaked my look un-til I’m happy with it and it’s “me.” I would advise anyone to keep tweaking their look until it reflects who they are, and to make sure that the inside is reflected on the outside. It really is about the person behind the avatar that counts. I know that sounds trite, but to me it’s so true.

Labella Farella: I would think your friends with the elite *laughs* How would you describe your friendships here in SL?Dancer Dallagio: *laughs* I have some very good friendships here, ones that have developed over time, as well as more recent friendships. I’m not exclusive in any way with whom I become friends with; it’s more a matter of being around other people who have similar work schedules

Labella Farella: What is the Perfect day in SL for Dancer Dallagio?Dancer Dallagio: A perfect day in SL for me is one that includes time to spend with friends relaxing and having fun after a long day of work. It’s more the company than the place.

Labella Farella: How would you describe your past year in Second LifeDancer Dallagio: The past year has involved a lot of work, deepening friendships, and branching out into more areas and talents, along with making some special new friendships along the way. It’s been a really good year and I’m very much looking forward to 2010.

Labella Farella: What’s you new years resolutions?Dancer Dallagio: My new year’s SL resolution is to sleep more!*Laughs*My 2010 Resolution : I intend to spend more time enjoying the lovely “little things” in life, and continue to explore my passions and broaden my horizons. I also in-tend to take a holiday!

Dancers favorites :Favorite RL designer?Dancer Dallagio: For clothes, that would be Karl Lagerfeld, as well as John Galliano; I also love the twist on classics that Christian LaCroix does. For shoes, Manolo Blahnik, Rene Caovilla, and Christian Louboutin.

Favorite Sl designers? Dancer Dallagio: That’s harder...There are so many talented designers here in SL, both established and new. I love Sissy Pessoa, Joy Fellini, Ap-plonia Criss, Micah Kanto, and so many more!

Favorite Shoe Designer =) Dancer Dallagio: Do you have to ask? Of course, Stiletto Moody!

Favorite Color to Wear Dancer Dallagio: I love many colors, from pink to black, and all in between.

Favorite food ?Dancer Dallagio: Dark chocolate, especially Belgian. My favorites brand is Neu-haus.

Thank you so much Dancer for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk with me.

Amerique Silverspar is one of the most dedicated, passionate and unique personalities that I have had the pleasure of

meeting in Second Life. She has established herself as a professional model, photographer and successful business wom-

an. Amerique spends her Second Life creating gorgeous photos, working as assistant manager at Lionskins as well as be-

ing a professional model. Yet somehow, she finds time to be an amazing friend, dabble in blogging and help put together

RADAR magazine.

Amerique began her Second Life journey in 2007 and since then has lived her Second Life to the full, enjoying many differ-

ent aspects of her time in-world. Amerique has one of the most bubbly, enthusiastic and friendly personalities, which makes

her an absolute pleasure to work with. Amerique has worked with some of the most recognized names in the Second Life

fashion industry, modeling and photography circles and yet she maintains a modest, level headed and charitable person-

ality. Amerique committed herself to some extensive training and has now worked as a professional model for nearly two

years. Her commitment paid dividends when she won the JCNY Model’fest in July 2008.

Amerique describes her favorite moment in SL when Ella Quinsette experienced top5 success in Miss Virtual World 2010

after using one of her creative images to enter the competition.

Amerique’s photography is like a breath of fresh air and she has photographed some of the most recognized faces in Sec-

ond Life. Her photography is extremely popular with people who are after a fresh, different look with a more realistic result.

She has a vision and an eye when it comes to photography and that is made clear after you take one look at any of her

work. Anyone can snap a picture of a model in great clothes against a dramatic backdrop, lets be honest. But without that

creative eye and direction it will fall flat and we will all just pass over it with the click of a mouse. Amerique however, has

the creativity to bring out the best in any client and knows when the moment is right to click the shutter and create a piece

of art, not just a photograph. Her photography skills are so well recognized that her company – AS Photography - was re-

cruited to take the photos for the MWV 2010 swimsuit feature, which was published in Best of SL magazine.

In a little under three years, Amerique Silverspar has established herself as a highly successful person on SL. Even though

her time and skills are in high demand, I am sure we can expect a simply awesome future for her and I am certain she will

become a household name anywhere in the fashion and photography industries.

Photography By Clyde Saunders

Amerique Silverspar is one of the most dedicated, passionate and unique personalities that I have had the pleasure of

meeting in Second Life. She has established herself as a professional model, photographer and successful business wom-

an. Amerique spends her Second Life creating gorgeous photos, working as assistant manager at Lionskins as well as be-

ing a professional model. Yet somehow, she finds time to be an amazing friend, dabble in blogging and help put together

RADAR magazine.

Amerique began her Second Life journey in 2007 and since then has lived her Second Life to the full, enjoying many differ-

ent aspects of her time in-world. Amerique has one of the most bubbly, enthusiastic and friendly personalities, which makes

her an absolute pleasure to work with. Amerique has worked with some of the most recognized names in the Second Life

fashion industry, modeling and photography circles and yet she maintains a modest, level headed and charitable person-

ality. Amerique committed herself to some extensive training and has now worked as a professional model for nearly two

years. Her commitment paid dividends when she won the JCNY Model’fest in July 2008.

Amerique describes her favorite moment in SL when Ella Quinsette experienced top5 success in Miss Virtual World 2010

after using one of her creative images to enter the competition.

Amerique’s photography is like a breath of fresh air and she has photographed some of the most recognized faces in Sec-

ond Life. Her photography is extremely popular with people who are after a fresh, different look with a more realistic result.

She has a vision and an eye when it comes to photography and that is made clear after you take one look at any of her

work. Anyone can snap a picture of a model in great clothes against a dramatic backdrop, lets be honest. But without that

creative eye and direction it will fall flat and we will all just pass over it with the click of a mouse. Amerique however, has

the creativity to bring out the best in any client and knows when the moment is right to click the shutter and create a piece

of art, not just a photograph. Her photography skills are so well recognized that her company – AS Photography - was re-

cruited to take the photos for the MWV 2010 swimsuit feature, which was published in Best of SL magazine.

In a little under three years, Amerique Silverspar has established herself as a highly successful person on SL. Even though

her time and skills are in high demand, I am sure we can expect a simply awesome future for her and I am certain she will

become a household name anywhere in the fashion and photography industries.

Radar Magazines

Fashion DirectorAmerique Silverspar

Written By Jennaa Loire

Photography By Clyde Saunders

Sissy Pessoa has been in Second Life since April

2007. Fashion is her passion in her First Life and she

began designing to bring this into her Second Life.

Her inspirations come from her favourite fashion cre-

ations in Real Life, coming from designers such as Al-

exander McQueen, John Galliano, Giorgio Armani, An-

tonio Marras and Balengiaca.

Sissy is certainly a remarkable talent and you would

be hard pushed to find something that this design-

er doesn’t do! From her origins in women’s fashion to

skins, shoes and jewellery, it is hard not to be struck

with awe at this designer’s talent.

Sissy is now expanding into the menswear market with

her new collection, which will surely cement her in the

heart of any fashion conscious man in SL.

Sissy tells RADAR that she has lots of ideas for her

spring collection and she hopes to realise all that she

has in mind.

The following spread shows some of Sissy’s gowns,

shoes and skins photographed by ERIoxA SoSA


o B

y: A






Sissy Pessoa has been in Second Life since April

2007. Fashion is her passion in her First Life and she

began designing to bring this into her Second Life.

Her inspirations come from her favourite fashion cre-

ations in Real Life, coming from designers such as Al-

exander McQueen, John Galliano, Giorgio Armani, An-

tonio Marras and Balengiaca.

Sissy is certainly a remarkable talent and you would

be hard pushed to find something that this design-

er doesn’t do! From her origins in women’s fashion to

skins, shoes and jewellery, it is hard not to be struck

with awe at this designer’s talent.

Sissy is now expanding into the menswear market with

her new collection, which will surely cement her in the

heart of any fashion conscious man in SL.

Sissy tells RADAR that she has lots of ideas for her

spring collection and she hopes to realise all that she

has in mind.

The following spread shows some of Sissy’s gowns,

shoes and skins photographed by ERIoxA SoSA

Model - Amerique Silverspar

Wearing: Red Chemistry

Jewellery- Onyx pools

Shoes- Crystal Red

Skin- Donnarama Gloss Soft

Tan 38

Left - Annette Himmel

Auti Bustiere Black

Donnarama Gloss Tan 8

Shoes- Crystal Black

Right- Ella Quinsette

Shantung Flower

Donnarama Gloss Pale 7

Shoes- Crystal Black

Photographer : Erioxa Sosa

Photographer : Erioxa Sosa

Left - Annette Himmel

Robe Noir

Donnarama Gloss Sunkiss 29

Right- Dancer Dallagio

Black Stripes mix dress

d. Casting- Peach-makeup 9

Destructural Unkleboots black

[MANDALA] Lotus Chain Bracelet/


[MANDALA] Lotus Hand Ring/White

LaGyo Chained Earrings Silver

Photographer : Erioxa Sosa

Left - Amerique SilversparDiamond DressDonnarama Gloss Soft Tan 13Shoes- Crystal White

Alienbear- Camisole Jewel-lery Set- Pink/White

Centre- Dancer Dallagio La Follie dressD. Casting-Peach-makeup 6 Fuchsia Passion_GlovesCrystal_rubelite

Paper Couture Rose-FuchsiaPaper Couture I Dream of India Earrings

Right- Ella QuinsetteNuvola - whiteDonnarama Gloss Pale 21Shoes- Crystal White

Not Innocent, Just NaiveInterview with Leah McCulloughby Sweetsmiling MerlinPhoto by Clyde Saunders

When you land at the NAIVE mainstore in Kallisto Delta you know instantly you’re in for a treat. The floodlit exterior, the wide open entrance that almost embraces you as you walk in and of course the cre-ations.It’s easy to see once you start to ponder the vendors why Leah McCullough is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with in the Second Life styling world. Her elegant mixture of sharp seperates and neat twists on style staples makes this a shop everyone needs to visit... and quick.A beautiful sweater caught my eye as soon as I walked in, with a deep elegant V neck, embellished with a scattereing of sequins. It is available with or without a modesty vest, giving the wearer the option to wear it low cut and enticing or with the under vest to keep it casual and chic.So, with her creations still fresh in my mind, I met with Leah to discuss her brand and what other treats she has in store for the RADAR readers who like the inside track on the latest innovations in second life fashion.Hi Leah, can you tell me a little about your journey so far in SL?

Well I started SL in December 2007 and I remem-ber getting freebies, as most of us have proba-bly done at some point, but then I wanted to look good and that’s when I discovered a wide variety of stores. Of course I didn’t have any money to buy pretty things so I talked to a RL friend about this, she loves fashion as much as I do, but she didn’t know how to use Photoshop, or similar, so I taught her the basics and we began to create clothing, that’s how Naive was conceived.Around August 2008 she had to leave SL but I con-tinued with the store. In between I’ve modeled for some of the most important agencies in SL, such as Avenue, Metro, Modavia and Timeless. I’ve participated in several charity events which gave me the amazing chance to help others while doing one of the things I love the most in SL! I’ve had the honor to write for several well-known magazines, such as Runway, The Best of Second Life and InStyle. I’ve also worked as a photogra-pher and have the opportunity of meeting amaz-

ing designers and content creators! All in all, I think my Second Life has been pretty busy and quite a ride! But I’ve enjoyed every second of it!

Can you tell me who you have in mind when you cre-ate your clothing?

Well most of the times I create what I want to wear, or my friends tell me what they want and cant find. But sometimes I see a pretty dress or a cool T-shirts in RL and that inspires me to create something here.

Does your modelling inspire your creations?

I don’t know if inspired would be the word, but it gave me a lot of experience on how the fashion business works, how models and agencies can help in your marketing plan. It helped me meet people in the busi-ness and make great friends along the way.

Who are your greatest Real Life inspirations?

Well in RL I’m pretty casual, you would probably see me wearing jeans and a cool T-shirt, or long skirts with

girlie tops. So I’m not going to say that oh yeah Ar-mani inspires me or stuff like that, because it wont

be true. I think people around me, in the street, at my job and on the tv inspire me the most. I like to create things that people would like to wear, and feel beautiful by doing so. I believe you should wear what makes you happy and things that express your identity, not just be-cause it’s fashionable.

Who would you like to credit with helping you on your journey?

There are lots of people that have helped me along the way.First it was Abbie, my RL friend with whom I began Naive. And then and in no particu-lar order... Lillian, Flori, Persephone, Clear, SerinaJane, Jonmi, Mainit, Ted, Matt, Mouse, Wena, Zoe, Arianrhod, Aya, Cayce, Helke, Mor-gen, Samsara... LOL.. That’s a lot of people!! But they all have been part of my SL.. :)

What’s your Ultimate aim in SL?

Be happy... And have fun!

If you had choose another place on earth to live, where would it be and why?

Probably UK.. Or Italy... Or somewhere in Eu-rope. I’m from a small country called Uruguay, it’s an immigrant country because when the Spanish got to America, they killed all the na-tives. I’m part Italian and part Spanish and I’ve always been fascinated with cities and places where history goes back hundreds of years. Places where you can feel the history in the walls, on the floor and in the air. I’ve also loved British culture since I started studying English plus, they have one of my weakness-es... Castles!!! All over the country!! I’m one of those girls who’d love to be the princess and live in a castle... Along with my prince charm-ing of course!

What’s been your biggest fashion mistake?

Wearing bling!!! To a fashion casting and having my set-tings sooo low that I didn’t realize until I got home and turned them on again... I thought I would die of shame!

Whats been your proudest moment in SL?

Seeing the Naive name on the list of stores in the RFL Clothing Fair, being able to participate and help the cause was simply the best!

Why should RADAR readers come visit your store in the next months?

Well I’m planning lots of new stuff to be released soon and also I’m learning how to do animations. At Naive you can always find pretty things, at very low prices (except for fat packs) most of my stuff is under or around 100L as I like to give my customers the chance to buy things they like with-out having to spend all their money on one single item.

OK..Now instinctive answers please and no conferring *grins*

Horror Films or Chick Flicks?Chick flicks all the way!

Skinny Dipping or Dancing naked in the rain?Mm good one... Skinny Dipping

Love or Money?Love

Miss Virtual World crown or SL Designer of the Year?SL designer.

Snowy mountains or Steamy beaches?Steamy beaches

We ended the interview there and I am came away with a warm feeling. It’s nice to meet such a genuine and enthu-siastic designer and model who loves to create for all the right reasons.

photo supplied by leah Mccullough

Photographer: Mikey Batriani

Mikey BatrianiTed Shirt in BlackGreen Cords

SweetSmiling MerlinClaire Dress

Seth DiabolitoTed Shirt in RedBlack Cords

Tonya CoppolaJeans Esrampados Dark Blue (pink trims via menu)Wool Scarf Dark BlueBasic Polo + Tee Pink

Blair RoxleyBolero Gitana White Wool Scarf Pale PinkStreet Jeans Black

Photographer: Mikey Batriani

Left to Right(Back)Blair RoxleySaquito 3/4 WhiteDeidreAnkle Socks Yellow

SweetSmiling MerlinKaete Dress YellowCutie Socks Sky

Tonya CoppolaSaquito Lulu BlackMia Skirt BlackCutie Socks Blackw/white dots & lacesWhite Long Sleeve Tee

(Front)Mikey BatrianiSweater22 Brown Grunge Jeans Black

Seth DiabolitoMovement Black 02Jean Shorts Grey

Photo By Treble Freenote

Treble Freenote Owner of Touche

Treble was first introduced to Second Life by her older sister back in 2007. Treble Freenote start-ed designing in late 2007, self teaching herself Photoshop. She is definitely one to look out for in 2010, she just released her first skin line and has a men line in the works. Her are a few of her quates and lovely designs photographed by Amerique Silverspar.

When asked why she started started Treble responded: “I started designing in Second Life because it was a great way for me to express my creativity”

“My inspirations for my designs is simply ColoR!”

“I found lots of stuff to fit my style, for me it is about creativity and making second life more colorful”.

Photographed by Amerique Silverspar

Jewelry by Jacon Cortes of Los Texanos Beaux

Photography By Erioxa Sosa

Model: Annette HimmelJewelry: Empress Jane Topaz Set

Model: Dancer DallagioJewelry: Winter Sea Jewelry Set Platinum Diamond

Model: Ella QuinsetteJewelry: Lady Klarissa PinkTourmaline

Rebel Hope DesignsBy Amerique Silverspar

Photo provided by Rebel Hope

Rebel Hope is a veteran in Second Life, having recently celebrated her 5th Rezzday. After being “dragged by her hair” to SL in 2004, Rebel has carved out a career for herself as a top designer, constantly impressing with the level of detail possessed by each and every cre-ation.

Rebel began designing after she found that she sought a wider range of clothing than Sec-ond Life already had to offer and having always wanted to start a business of her own, she decided to sell the items that she made.

She tells me that the inspiration for her designs can come from areas of the media such as fashion magazines but she always loves to give her own unique take on each creation. She is a fan of simplicity and says of her elegant designs, “I don’t feel that a woman’s beau-ty should be overshadowed by an overwhelming gown.” It is this kind of admirable attitude that attracts so many avatars to her store, searching for the perfect dress.Each of her gowns contains beautiful hand drawn details, with her wedding dresses among the most sought after in Second Life. Rebel considers Vera Wang, Marchesa, Robert Danes and Christina Wu among her favor-ite First life designers and it is not difficult to see why this is, considering the refined appeal of her gowns.

As well as producing beautiful dresses, Rebel provides something for the men. The Signature Tuxedo featured in the following spread will never fail to amaze with the intricacy with which it has been created. The tux includes a pocket watch which was created by Rebel’s partner, RH Engel of RH Engel Jewelry. Their partnership has shaped the evolution of Rebel Hope Designs, with RH’s jewelry cre-ations perfectly complimenting Rebel’s compositions.

Having previously been a victim of content theft, Rebel understands all too well the huge problem that this is in this world and she hopes to work towards eliminating this obstacle.

When I asked Rebel about what we can expect to see in 2010, she tells me that she hopes to return to her origins of “true formals”. She says, “I hope to do more and gear it toward formal elegance and timeless pieces that women love for their formal affairs here.”Here’s hoping that there are many more Rebel Hope pieces to come.

In the following pages, our models show some of Rebel’s most recent creations with the look completed by jewelry by RH. Styling details are provided.

Visit http://rebelhope.com/ for more details on Rebel Hope DesignsOr visit Rebel Hopes Designs http://slurl.com/secondlife/Monarch%20Bay/204/58/22

Model- Amerique Silverspar Rebel Hope - Ginger Ocean Mist & Rebel Hope Ginger Ocean Mist Jewelry

Photography By Amerique Silverspar

Model- Jennaa LoireRebel Hope - Kate Dress Juicy Grapes

RH- Premonition Necklace & Earrings in Amethyst

Model- Raine McCellanRebel Hope - Kate Dress Heart of The

OceanRH- Premonition Necklace & Earrings in


Model- Imani Enzo Rebel Hope - Kate Dress in Fresh Grass RH- Premonition Necklace and Earrings

in EmeraldPhotography By Amerique Silverspar

Photography By Amerique Silverspar

Model- Ella QuinsetteRebel Hope - Madeline with Madeline Veil LargeRH Ginger Platinum/Diamond JewelrySamantha Bridal Pumps

Model- Branden2279 RunnerRebel Hope - Signature Tuxedo Tails Black.

Photography By Amerique Silverspar

Content theft has been a problem since the very start of Second Life, with every ava-

tar being affected in some way. Barely a week goes by without another report hitting the

metaverse, and many more cases are never made public knowledge.

Yet still, many people are uneducated on how to recognise and report stolen content.

Artists Voice wants to change this fact. So we caught up with the founder of Artists

Voice and Editor at Shopping Cart Disco (SCD), Tenshi Vielle to find out how the

group are doing.

On THE RADAR wiTH;TEnSHi ViELLEOwner & Blogger of Shopping Cart Discoand An Artist’s Voice Council MemberbyTracy Rubble

Photography By Emy Aker

Content theft has been a problem since the very start of Second Life, with every ava-

tar being affected in some way. Barely a week goes by without another report hitting the

metaverse, and many more cases are never made public knowledge.

Yet still, many people are uneducated on how to recognise and report stolen content.

Artists Voice wants to change this fact. So we caught up with the founder of Artists

Voice and Editor at Shopping Cart Disco (SCD), Tenshi Vielle to find out how the

group are doing.

Radar: Hi Tenshi. So, the best place to start is with a little background. In your time with Artists Voice and SCD you’ve had a lot of involvement in reporting content theft. Where did this all start?

Tenshi: It actually start-ed long before SCD, on my personal SL blog when I still had it.I covered someone that had used copybot to steal Elka Lehane’s shoes and it really up-set me. I wrote a piece about it to raise aware-ness, and stop other people being victim-ized in the same way. Eventually I decided to move the posts about content theft to SCD, which has always been for creators.

Radar: Was that your first experience of con-tent theft?

Tenshi: No. I had run into it a few times be-fore, but there are far too many instances to remember each one. At one point there were so many that we tried to split content theft onto its own blog,

away from SCD. But two blogs became too much for me to handle, so it ended up back on SCD.

Radar: SCD does cov-er the vast majority of thefts, both big cases and small. Which ones have affected you the most?

Tenshi: I believe the “Rezzable Builderbot” fi-asco (which is still pend-ing release) really caught my attention. As did a certain skin theft case, where the person was caught red handed, but continues to have a large, successful store to this day. I am also personally both-ered by the countless false DMCA’s some resi-dents’ file just to elimi-nate the competition.

Radar: Wow! That really happens? Have many big stores closed because of false filing?

Tenshi: None that I know of, but many larger stores have stopped new stores from getting start-ed because of instanta-neous DMCA filing. There was a time that one new store opened, sent out a new release, and a larger skin store had filed a DMCA less than 24 hours later. It freaked me out. The new person was legit, but had (photo) sourced the skins. Skin sourcing is a bit of a problem with DMCA’s and I’m sure it results in a lot of lost time for the legal depart-ment.

Radar: You have obvi-ously kept a close eye on businesses and theft. Artists Voice was set up to educate people. What did you want from the project when it first started?

Tenshi: It’s the same thing I still want - to create bet-ter grid-wide awareness about content theft and copyright violation. It’s a serious problem. Thieves are not “sticking it to the man” by stealing from other people. They’re ac-tually hurting legitimate artists.

Radar: Did you expect the group to get discussed as much as it has been and are you happy with the press, both good and bad, that it has been receiving?

Tenshi: Press is press. It means people are talking. If people are talking, then maybe Artists Voice is ac-complishing what it was meant for.

Radar: Artists Voice is only a couple of months old, and a lot of its work has been behind the scenes.

What sort of things have they done so far?

Tenshi: Artists Voices’ members are indeed doing a lot of work behind the scenes. In addition to working on DMCA, copyright, and rights educa-tional resources, they have been at-tending Linden Lab “Brown Bag” meetings and conferences with the Lindens on content theft, organiz-ing sales, and educating their friends about content theft, spreading the word.

Radar: What do you have planned for the future? Are there any big projects that you can tell us about?

Tenshi: There’s a fantastic fair coming up in the beginning of 2010 which is still in its planning stages. It’s going to be huge, so watch this space. I also encourage everyone to keep up with the web site for happenings that may come in-between.

Radar: Can anyone get involved? Is there any selection process to become a member?

Tenshi: We encourage anyone to sup-port AV in its efforts to create content theft awareness and they can follow 24/7 at theartistsvoice.org. Membership to the AV group is by application, but only because AV is a zero-tolerance group and new mem-bers, both consumer and creator, are given the once-over just to double check that they are free of content theft and copyright violation.

Info Box – DMCAA DMCA is a notification under the Digi-tal Millennium Copyright Act. You can find more information on DMCA’s and Second Life here : http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php

If you are interested in joining Artists Voice, you can apply at one of the fol-lowing addresses. http://theartistsvoice.org/consumers/http://theartistsvoice.org/creators/

You can keep up with latest Artists Voice news at their sitehttp://theartistsvoice.org/

10 Questions we ask everybody (just for fun hehe)

Panties or Boxers? – Panties

Summer or Winter? - Winter

Hot n Spicy or Sweet? - Tough choice. Sweet.

Favorite Movie – The Mummy

Favorite Song – Anything by Glee.

Funniest SL Memory - Probably the time my Second Life Herald article about unicorn sex got picked up nationally by many, many places - BoingBoing, Ko-taku, even some Dutch newspaper printed it

Favorite SL Designer - It’s probably still Annyka Beckers of Blowpop, but I do have a hard affection for Nylon Pinkney.

Favorite item in your inventory – My Shape

Anything else you’d like to mention? - Yes. Contrary to popular belief, I actu-ally do own a pair of balls. They are silver, and are polished daily at Shopping Cart Disco. Also, HI EVERYONE! *waves*

Susan Ramos & Ramos Designs

by Sweetsmiling Merlin

Ramos Designs is one of the leading in furniture and home designs in Second Life. With an enviable product range and a long-standing customer support base. Radar got a chance to talk with SuSan Ra-moS to find out more about this perfect partnership.

Photos Provided by Ramos Designs

Can you give us a brief history of your Second Life before you began your busi-ness? xTrojan Ramos (my partner) and I came to Second Life in early February 2004. We were playing Sims Online and I was a DJ for a radio station. The owner wanted DJs for Second Life so we decided to give it a try. At that time there was not much to Second Life, not like we have today. Af-ter a week or two of exploring we began to teach ourselves how to use the edit menu and played around with shapes, then just started building.

Can you explain how you met and decided to start a business? We entered Second Life together. We soon became addicted to making things and our friends would joke that we should live in the sandbox because we were always there. The first full piece of furniture I created was a bed and a friend jokingly suggested we open a store. So we did on a small 512 meter lot in February 2004 with a couch, a bed, and a couple of bars for sale. It was never our intention to have a business. We just en-joyed building and practiced a lot. We began with furniture, moved into jewelry because at the time we started the jewelry line there was not much available. Our cake line be-gan because a friend of ours was getting married and I couldn’t find a cake I liked so I made one. Everyone loved it and thought it would be fun to make cakes and party sup-plies so we added the bakery. We just started making houses commercially in 2007. We were building houses for ourselves and it just seemed like a natural progression. We have also always had our holiday collections for Halloween and Christmas. When

Photos Provided by Ramos Designs

we first started creating for the holidays, there was not much available in Second Life aside from cutout trees. We wanted something more 3-D and that you could decorate so we were the first store in Second Life to carry a tree that wasn’t just a flat texture. Our main passion has always been our furniture store though. How long does it take to create a home/item of furniture? It takes about a month to make a house from start to finish. Furniture takes a couple of days to a couple of weeks depending on how big the set is. Textures take the most time since we don’t use any in-game textures and make our own. Items like our play-able games take months to complete.

What would you say was your best or most unusual creation?

I would have to say our playable games are one of our best items. Ramos Designs has pool tables, dart boards, and air hockey tables. They are all fully scripted by our third partner on the games, DuStin Gilman. The textures, style, build, and scripting is very high quality. The games have several features included and because there is so much involved in the creation of each game, I would have to say they are the most unusual item we sell.

Did you have to create something never seen or used before in Second Life in order to achieve this? There were other playable games in Second Life but they were different from what we

created. Our pool tables, which were our first playable project, were scaled for houses and had several features other tables did not offer such as multiple choices of games and being able to walk around the table instead of sitting at it. Did you have any real life design or architectural training? No, xTrojan and I taught ourselves how to build, design, and texture as our stores grew. What is the hardest thing to learn when you begin building and what would your advice be to new creators? The only thing I can remember that was being really difficult in the beginning that we couldn’t figure out was how to link prims together. I know that sounds silly now but that was the only thing I had to go to an outside source to figure out lol. The only advice I can give is just to keep practicing. The more you do something, the better you get. I also would not build for the intention of having a business but for the fun of it. You were the victims of copybots in Second Life, what steps have you since instigated to reduce the risk of this happening again? Copybots are an unfortunate reality in Second Life. We have implemented features into our items to help protect us against people using copybots on our items such as watermarking and name stamps to help prove items were copied if xTrojan or I are not listed as the creator. We also use security features in the store and just try to spread awareness of the problems. The more customers understand what to look for and how to assist in catching thieves, the better off everyone is. I believe that support of each other as creators and support from our customers is the most valuable tool we have to stop this from happening.

If your items were rezzed in real life, which shop would you love to see them sold in? I would hope to see our furniture line in a store like Ethan Allen. I think our style is main-ly modern comfort. More of an everyday style you would see in rl. We create things we like and can live with and hope others will find items they can enjoy as well.

What items can radar readers look forward to seeing in your shop in 2010? We have plans for new houses and goodies to go with them, more playable games and other detailed scripted items, and of course new furniture.

Your product range is pretty diverse, is there any other field you would like to further di-versify into? I don’t think we have the time or energy for another product line lol. We have fooled with trying to create clothing and other items found in Second Life over the years but

we have our niche and we will just keep perfecting that. I just wanted to thank the magazine staff for the chance to do this interview and thank our customers for the continued support over the years. Ramos Designs has grown from our hard work and time and it is really appreciated that our customers have been there for us for so many years. Without the support we wouldn’t have this. It means a lot to both xTrojan and I.

Ramos Designs OwnersxTrojan Ramos and Susan Ramos

Looking for some fun

Live Music

Hot Djs


And Much More...

Visit the House Of Blues : http://slurl.com/secondlife/


Were you always comfortable performing on stage ?

Damian: Pretty much yes when its on the computer. A real stage is a different story, its hard to get me up on a real stage.

Do you remember your first singing debut?

Damian:Yes, I Sang in my school talent show when I was in 1st grade. My grandfather played guitar for me while I sang Let There Be Peace On Earth. This was right in the middle of the times when Dessert Storm was going on so it was a real tear jerker from what I’ve been told.

What made you want to sing in SL? Damian: I was talked into it lol

Guitarist/vocalist Damian Carbenell picked up the guitar at age ten and added the keyboards soon after. He began to write his own music at age 15 and now has a nice collection of originals and cover songs under his belt. A typical Damian performance might include Jason Mraz, Green Day, Jack Johnson , Bon Jovi, John Mayer, Rob Thomas, Billy Joel or even Garth Brooks. Randy Travis and Brad Paisley. Radar Magazine had a chance to have one of Damians followers to ask him a few questions.

Photo By Gabrielle Sinatra

Photo By Gabrielle Sinatra

How has it impacted your SL?Damian: It is my SL. Lol I didn’t play SL before I started singing and its been my whole experience for the most part aside from a few other things.

I know your group is a very outstanding size with fans...How does it feel making such a good impression on so many people?Damian: Its remarkable. I still don’t understand why everybody wants to listen to me. Lol But I’m very thankful and those guys are the reason I keep singing every day

You have a CD out in SL, How has that been going? When is your next?Damian: Sales isn’t very important to me as far as the money aspect of the CD. I don’t even keep track. I just want people to hear my music, and so far a lot of people have gotten the CD so I’ve been very humbled by that and very grateful that people are interested in hearing me on their iPods and stuff lol As far as when the next Album is coming, well, you’ll just have to wait and see. Im not giving that one away just yet lol

You have a few originals that you have written yourself and sang in SL ...what inspires you to write music?Damian: My life. Experiences, people in my life, everything around me.

Who is your favorite artist in RL and why?Damian: Jason Mraz. He’s amazing

If there is one song you could pick that is fun to perform/sing, what song would it be?Damian: That’s too tough to answer. I love most of the songs I sing. Maybe Heartless, or Walking In Mem-phis? I don’t know

Have you ever received any odd song requests? If so, which song?Damian: People have asked me to sing some of the craziest things you can imagine. Lol Somebody even asked for the Barney Song at one point.

Do you sing locally where you live in RL? And have you ever thought about taking your singing to the next level and venture out more?Damian: Not very often, no. SL music keeps me pretty busy. I’ve thought about it a few times, but no, I don’t think ill ever go forward in the Music Industry. Im not a fan of the Industry at large and how they operate. Don’t get me started tho lol

I have been to a few shows where your RL brothers have joined in singing with you in SL, what do they think of SL (And you all sound great together, btw!)? Damian: They think its a bit odd lol

What are you plans for 2010? Damian: You’ll have to wait and see lol

Is there anything you would like to tell your supporters/fans?Damian: Thank you guys so much for supporting me and continuing to listen to my music. You all inspire me to keep going forward, writing more songs, and playing as much as I can. You all are amazing!

Want a change from the usual club? Gen-

tlemen, pull out your best suit and take

your best girl out for a memorable eve-

ning. Lead her up the gracious spiral stair-

case and into the warm glow of red velvet,

pressed tin ceilings, mahogany bar and inti-

mate tables for two. Treat her to an evening

of live entertainment where you aren’t be-

ing solicited non-stop by dancers begging

for your attention and your money. Bur-

lesque. Now there’s a word we haven’t used

a lot lately. What is it anyway? Dancer,

Virtual BurlesqueBy Kylie saBra

Madison Pinelli, explains, “Burlesque is not like typical stripping, it is an art form.”

And art is what you will witness at E&S Burlesque. The dancers aren’t just beautiful, they are rich-

ly talented. Each act carries you into a new fantasy, complete with elaborate backdrops and props. “I

love seeing the creative aspect in the sets and the story telling that accompanies it,” says patron Sonic


Owners Ellie Criss and Slappy Doobie opened E&S Burlesque in August of this year with crystal vi-

Photography by Kylie Sabra and provided by Slappy Doobie

sion. They wanted to bring realism to the Sec-

ond Life stage. Criss says, “We want our cus-

tomers to feel like they actually went to a show,

not just 2 hours of emoting dancers.” Criss and

Doobie are not only owners and show produc-

ers, they also perform. Criss compels us to en-

ter every man’s fantasy; a beautiful woman on

top not just one, but two beautiful cars. The

curtain opens to find her robed in black and

white, astride two C-Class Mercedes one black

one white. Set against the backdrop of a rainy

city street, a glow with traffic lights; you can

almost hear the shouted “GO” beckoning the

cars to start their elicit, late-night drag race.

Then Criss begins her dance seductive, teasing.

The cars fade slowly into background noise as you

fine tune your attention to her undulating body. Her

eyes caress you, draw you deeper into her dream.

Just as you think you’ve left this world far behind

you, the scene changes and a new fantasy begins. It

would simply be too much for the senses to handle one

fantasy superimposed over the next relentlessly leading you from one dream to another. Realizing this

“We Want our customers to feel like they actually Went to a shoW, not just 2 hours of emoting dancers.”

Criss and Doobie give you a rest about half way through the show.

On this night, we were treated to Clarice Kanu. Kanu’s voice enfolds you in an exquisite fur coat

warm, rich, and heavy that you’re just not quite ready to take off when her set ends. Custom-

ers showed their appreciation and loyalty with generous tips; for which she, in turn, gives gracious

thanks; acknowledging each benefactor by name.

The show comes to a climactic close with The Warrior, performed by Madison Pinelli. The stage un-

dergoes a dramatic transformation as post-apocalyptic fire and brimstone replace the elegant red car-

pet. The crowd grows quiet. Anticipation weighs heavily on the air. The music carries a sense of

growing dread and hopelessness, until Pinelli takes the stage.

She is none other but the warrior queen. Although come to save us, we are indeed enslaved to her

sensuous beauty. How can we not place all our hopes and dreams in her?

Each dancer brings creative technical as well as artistic expertise to their act. Dance, music, sets all

combine in a harmonious symphony for the senses. Not all acts are covered in this article. It would be

cruel to lift the veil on this incredible gem that awaits you. Ready for something new and different?

Virtual Burlesque is pure entertainment!

DJsofsecond life

by nuck fackler

We found four djs within secondlife and

got the inside scoop on the life of a dj. all

four djs cater to different genres but got

asked the same questions.

Name:UncleSlappy Wylie AKA DJ WylieSL AGE:? 2yrs HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A DJ ? 2yrs in SL and over 7 in RL WHAT GENRE DO YOU PLAY?Top 40/Trance

FAV.TUNE TO PLAY ? Fast and Upbeat


WHAT SONG MAKES THE CROWD GESTUREBATE? Anything to do with sex FAV.PLACE TO HANG OUT IN SL ?Anywhere that is fun

BEST EMOTE HEARD DURING A GIG?Really There are to many..lol

HAVE YOU EVER HOOKED UP WITH A GROUPIEBESIDES DJ’ING?Well no ...but are you asking me to hook up? What about your man? LOLOL The answer is NO...I have a great partner and she is the bomb

WHAT IS YOUR OTHER FAV THING TO DO ON SL? I like to build and just hang and watch movies

WHAT IS THE CRAZIEST IM YOU HAVE EVER HAD DURING A GIG?Can you play me a song that will make my women cry and leave me.



WORST PICKUP LINE EVER HEARD? Can you spin me like a record baby?










Name:Howl HowleySL AGE: 842 days

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A DJ ? Just over two years

WHAT GENRE DO YOU PLAY? Mixed dance and Rock

FAV.TUNE TO PLAYTheory of a dead man - Bad Girlfriend WHAT SONG MAKES THE CROWD GESTUREBATEBuckcherry - Crazy bitch

FAV.PLACE TO HANG OUT IN SL Club Hype/my home/The Cove

BEST EMOTE HEARD DURING A GIGToo many to count... most perverted



WHAT IS THE CRAZIEST IM YOU HAVE EVER HAD DUR-ING A GIG?I have at least once crazy one per gig..... I think the crazi-est though was a IM I shouldn’t have gotten... OMD the guy on the receiving end was one lucky SOB

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN GRIEFED DURING A GIGYes.... I solved thatBEST PICKUP LINE YOU HAVE HEARD ummmm I’m not telling.... I still use it!


Name: Spud NirvanaSL AGE: 2/1/09

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A DJ ?Had my Radio Station for 4 years

WHAT GENRE DO YOU PLAY? Everything I love it all

FAV.TUNE TO PLAY Thats tough question I would say this old heart of mine by the Isley Brothers

FAV. ARTIST TO PLAY Muddy waters


FAV.PLACE TO HANG OUT IN SL; At Home with my Sewwt Gypsy

BEST EMOTE HEARD DURING A GIG; I wanna have your children lol

HAVE YOU EVER HOOKED UP WITH A GROUPIE No i have been with the same lady for years



HAVE YOU EVER BEEN GRIEFED DURING A GIG aint we all lolololBEST PICKUP LINE YOU HAVE HEARD wanna help me spend my lottery winnings?

WORST PICKUP LINE EVER HEARD you remind me of my mother


WON AND WHY; Well they try i am devoted to my sweet gyp-sy my muse best friend and love of my life

Special Thanks To

Amerique SilversparDamian CarbenellDancer Dallagio

Ellie CrissErus DemoniaHowl HowleyJacon Cortes

Leah McCulloughRebel HopeSissy Pessoa

Slappy DoobieSpud NirvanaSusan RamosTenshi Vielle

Treble FreenoteTristan Careless

UncleSlappy Wylie

xTrojan Ramos

Friends and Staff

Special Thanks toPhotographer Boe Cortes