January 26 - St. Michael's Episcopal Church...2nd by Donna Lockhart. Approved. Meeting was...


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Annual Meeting

January 26





Call to order and declaration of quorum

Appointment of Secretary for the meeting

Review and acceptance of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting, 2019

Review and acceptance by title of Ministry Reports

Presentation of Financial Report

Election of Officers and Vestrypersons

Recognition and thanks for retiring Officer and Vestrypersons

Nominations for Diocesan Convention Delegates and Alternates

Questions and Answers?

Motion to Adjourn, Closing Prayer, Blessing & Dismissal, Hymn


Annual Meeting Minutes, January 27, 2019

In the Church

1. Call to Order and Opening Prayer The meeting was called to order at 11:18 a.m.

The opening prayer was said by all.

2. Appointment of secretary

Laurie Wood was appointed by Rev. Maryjane Peck

3. Acceptance of minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting, January 28, 2018

Motion to accept the minutes was made by Fran Twiddy. 2nd by Peter

Groschner. Motion approved.

4. Election of the new vestry members The nominated candidates are: Don Ludlow, Gail McQueen, Martha Miller, and

Cheryl MacDonald. There were no nominations from the floor. All approved.

Rev. Maryjane adjourned the meeting at 11:21 a.m.

In Yeoman Hall 1. Call to Order

The meeting was called back to order by Rev. Maryjane at 11:58 a.m.


2. Recognition of Retiring Vestry Members

Janice Graham, Meg Krawczyk, Barb Pappas, and Liz Schmitt-Matzen were

recognized for their service and received a gift.

3. Ministry Reports The committee chairs and committee members stood and were recognized for

their service.

4. Nomination and voting for Convention Delegates

The vestry nominations for delegates and alternates were presented.

The delegate nominees are: Kathie Groschner, Cheryl MacDonald, and

Dale Scrace. The alternate nominees are: Barb Barringer and Laurie Wood.

A motion was made by Fran Twiddy to accept the nominations.

2nd by Martha Miller. All approved.

5. Financial Reports 2018 Year End Report was presented by Cheryl MacDonald

2019 Budget presented by Cheryl MacDonald

Questions were taken after each section was presented.

A motion was made by Dale Scrace to accept the 2019 budget as

presented. 2nd by Peter Groschner. Discussion followed. Approved.

6. Update on Rector Search

Thanks were given to the Profile Committee who met A LOT to work on the

profile and complete the 13 questions. The communications committee helped a

lot too. The questions, profile, budget, and narrative are completed. The bishop is

looking over the materials. As soon as they are approved by him, all materials will be placed on the online national search site for 45 days. Names of

applicants will be given to the search committee after that. Next steps and beginning tasks for the search committee were shared. 7. Closing Prayer and Dismissal

Closing prayer was given by Peter Groschner.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was given by Liz Schmitt-Matzen.

2nd by Donna Lockhart. Approved.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm


Vestry Members: Elaine Backhurst, Barbara Barringer, Bill Ball, Bill Davenport, Pat Dyble, Kathie Groschner (Senior Warden), Don Ludlow (Junior Warden), Cheryl

MacDonald (Treasurer), Karen McCarthy, Gail McQueen, Martha Miller, Laurie Wood (Secretary).

The theme of our 2019 Annual Meeting was a line borrowed from an old Motown tune: “…gettin’ ready cuz here we come…”. This lyric was chosen because it described where

we were as a congregation – we had renewed hope for the future, deepening


fellowship, commitment to fulfilling our stated mission and most importantly an

increasing awareness of the Holy Spirit moving within our church family.

The Vestry did spend 2019 “gettin’ ready” for St. Michael’s future in key areas:

Informed and timely decisions during Vestry meetings due to efficiencies integrated

into the conduct of church business

Support of the Rector Search Process through selection of Search Committee

members, participation in the Search Process by 4 members (Bill Ball, Barb

Barringer, Don Ludlow, Martha Miller), completion of the terms for the Covenant of

Call (Employment Agreement), participation in meetings with the final two Rector

candidates, prayer and discussion of the Search Committee’s selection

recommendation, joy-filled call of Fr. Michael Bradley as our next Rector and final

negotiation of the Covenant of Call

Decision to improve building cleanliness by selecting and hiring a professional

cleaning service

Leadership of the “thank you and good-by” celebration for Rev. Maryjane Peck and

of parish management for the 7 months prior to Fr. Bradley’s arrival

We are grateful for the wonderful support of Parish Administrator Holly Babiarz and

Bookkeeper Michael Rothgery; our work would not have been possible without their commitment and skills.

We are also grateful for the commitment, talents, energy and good humor of all of the committees and individuals who help in every aspect of parish life and without which

our parish community would be seriously compromised.

All in all, 2019 was a very good year for St. Michael’s. Now, it’s time to add the next line to that old Motown song: “…gettin’ ready cuz here we come, we’re on our


Respectfully Submitted,

Kathie Groschner, Senior Warden


A sermon preached by the Rev. Michael L. Bradley, on January 19, 2020; the Second

Sunday after the Epiphany; at St. Michael’s Church, Grosse Pointe Woods.

And Jesus said to those following him, “What are you looking for?” And they replied, “Teacher, where are you staying?” Jesus said, “Come, and see.”

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There are two themes that fill our imagery during this Epiphany season. You will hear

them many times during these next several Sundays. Both capture movement, change and growth. They are metaphors for mission and ministry, the very work of

the church, what we all are called to be and do as people of the way.


One image is light, the coming into the world of the light that enlightens us all, the

true light of God. The cycle of light, the change of seasons, the lengthening of days in this hemisphere brings this image closer to our experience. There is something about

light that captivates us. I have noticed, more than any other change about my move to Michigan (except for the Michigan left turn), is the difference in the light here in

this other side of the time zone. So dark still in the morning, but so much lighter in the afternoon. The growing light compels us to move from the darkest part of the

year, and the darker parts of our lives, toward new life, new birth, and the coming of spring.

The other image, related to the coming of Gospel light, is discipleship. Following our Lord Jesus. Becoming not just believers but people of the Way, as the early Christians

were called. When we become disciples, we are called to that life. It is a deeper connection than just nodding yes to a suggestion or an idea. It like the difference

between an avocation – something we enjoy doing because it brings us pleasure or distraction, like a hobby – and a vocation, which means literally a call, a response to a

voice. A vocation is our answer to an urging, an inner activity of God that draws us to

a new way of life.

The diocese has a clergy group that meets every month or so. Called “Fresh Start”, it

gathers those pastors newly-called to their congregations for support and conversation. This model of collegiality helps us get to know one another and the

wider church throughout the diocese. My first meeting was a week or so ago and of course introductions circled around the table. Inevitably I was asked the question,

“So, why did you decide to come to Michigan? What made you leave New Hampshire and make this big move?” I had to think about my response. I had not set out one

morning to find a church in Michigan, or any other specific place, for that matter. Nothing really was making me leave where I was planted and rooted, other than an

urging for a new ministry. So I answered, “Well, the folks at St. Michael’s asked me if I would come. They called me, and their call was so genuine and heartfelt that I

couldn’t refuse. So that’s why I’m here.”

God’s call to us, to be disciples, is a profound and deep invitation. It is not like filling out a job application, or responding to help-wanted ads. It begins with God. God’s

call is all through Scripture, all through Epiphany, and all through the readings this morning.

Isaiah – The Lord called me before I was born, while I was in my mother’s womb he called me. He said, You are my servant, in whom I will be glorified. I am honored in

the sight of God.

First Corinthians – Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus – To the Church that is

in Corinth, called to be saints. God is faithful, by Him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ, the Lord.

Our Christian faith, Christianity, the Way, began at a certain time in history, just over 2,000 years ago. We forget that, I think, because we have been part of this heritage

for so long that we need to be reminded that there was a beginning, there was a


starting point, a conversion point, a first person. One person, the power of one.

John’s Gospel gives us a clue. The day after Jesus’s baptism, John the Baptist sees Jesus and proclaims, “Here is the Lamb of God. This is He, the one who ranks ahead

of me.” Maybe John was talking to himself, maybe no one was around to hear. But convinced that God had called him, the next day John tells two other people, “Here is

the Lamb of God.” They are curious, they want to come and see Jesus. So now there are two disciples. One of those two is Andrew, Simon’s brother. Andrew goes to his

brother and tells him what they have seen in Jesus. Simon joins in, the same Simon who is renamed Peter. So now there is Jesus and three disciples, along with John the

Baptist, who got the ball rolling in the first place. Soon those four followers will call others, there will be eight, then 16, then 32, etc. I’ll leave it to your algebraic skills to

continue the power of exponential growth. The multiplier effect of people who call people who call people to be in and with Christ.

Bart Ehrman, writing in his book, “The Triumph of Christianity – How a Forbidden Religion Swept the World”, answers that very question. How did Christianity begin?

How did discipleship sweep over the known world of the Roman Empire? How did

people who witnessed the tragedy of a convicted and crucified leader come to believe that he overcame death and would be with them forever? By discipleship, by

witnessing to a new life in Christ, by gracious invitation to come and see. Each one of those early followers was called by someone into a new relationship; who called

others, who called others, who called others, to come and see. The power of one, the power of exponential growth.

Kathleen Norris writes, “John calls Jesus the Lamb of God, while the disciples name him Rabbi or Teacher, but soon are calling him something more: Messiah, the

Anointed One. Jesus returns the favor, declaring that Simon is now to be known as Cephas, or Peter. As any Native American could tell you, naming ceremonies are

important. They signify a new creation, in this case the church, full of those flawed people who will bear the name of Christian. And the psalmist asks: Did you ever find

the strength to sing a new song when you were in the pit? Or perhaps you were standing on the banks of a muddy stream and there discovered the river of life. What

has come into the world to make that happen? It is not answers that matter here, but

the invitation that we can only hope we have the grace to hear: Come, and see.”

You and I together have been called to follow Jesus and to serve God in this time and

in this place called St. Michael’s Church. We have responded to God’s gracious invitation to come and see. And so we have. Now our task, our further response to

that call, is to find new ways and new expressions of that call. How will we proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to those around us? How will we bring the light of

Christ to those who do not see any light in their lives? How will we continue to honor the dignity of every human being? Who will we invite to join us in our journey? Who

will we share our call with, so that they in turn can know God’s call to them? And if it is up to us, then how do we begin?

Come, and see. Come, and see.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


ALTAR GUILD In 2019 Altar Guild members Elaine Backhurst, Genny Davenport, Jan Graham, Mary Lou Isenberg, Karen McLeod, Laurie Wood, Phylis Wood and Jim Zink

continued to care for God’s Table. St. Michael’s is blessed to have such devoted and conscientious altar members, members who generously step in to help wherever

needed. Along with our regular altar members, we would like to thank Dianne and Dale Pegg for helping with special services.

This year a bowl paten was purchased with the funds from the Memorials and Special

Gifts Fund. Interim Rector, Rev. Mary Jane Peck, requested a larger paten with sides, this paten to be used for services, such as funerals, that have a large communion

attendance. Kathy Zmyslowski (chair), along with her Memorials and Special Gift Committee graciously granted our request.

The Altar Guild looks forward to working with our new rector Fr. Michael Bradley. Fr. Michael has a wonderful knowledge of our Episcopal heritage and reasons behind our

altar practices, which makes working with him a joy. Fr. Michael also brings new and creative ideas, as with the interactive communion warmly introduced at the Christmas

Eve Family Service.

Altar Guild is always open to new members. You do not need any prior experience.

We are more than happy to have you join us. Elaine Backhurst and Karen McLeod, Co-chairs


St. Michael’s is blessed with a devoted group of people who assist both me and the People of God whenever we gather for worship. In addition, our eucharistic ministers

provide sacramental outreach and pastoral care to those who cannot attend our regular services. I look forward to supporting all these persons in their ministry to St.

Michael’s Church.

The Rev. Michael Bradley


During this last year we had many regulars who served at the 8:00am services. This included Jim Zink, Donna Lockhart, Liz Schmidt-Matzen, Cheryl Mac Donald, Martha

Miller, Ray Rhein, Jan Rein, Gail McQueen and Don Ludlow. We appreciate their early arrival and all they do to ready the worship space for our services in addition to



Two groups of lay people who assist the clergy at services are the Lectors and Lay

Eucharistic Ministers (LEMS). The Lectors read the lessons or lead the Psalms and Prayers of the People. The Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy during the

administration of the cup at the Eucharist. A schedule, based on individual availability, is made up periodically through the year.


St. Michael’s is grateful that the following people served as lectors during the past

year: Bill Davenport, Stacey Fischer-Lewis, Grant Gilezan, Sally Graham, Kathie Groschner, Chuck Hakim, Cheryl MacDonald, Gail McQueen, Martha Miller, Dianne

Pegg, Jan Rhein, Ray Rhein, Richard Simonds, Elizabeth Birmingham, Elly Garzel, Laura Gaskin, Meg Krawczyk, Donna Lockhart, Sara Molnar, Brian Payton, Liz Schmitt-

Matzen, Tom Casey, Daniel McGrew, Fran Twiddy and Jim Zink. This ministry is open to anyone; if you would like to become a lector, please see The Rev. Michael Bradley

or Fran Twiddy.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers complete a training course, and are licensed by the Bishop.

St. Michael’s thanks go to the following people who served this year as Eucharistic Ministers: Bill Davenport, Stacey Fischer-Lewis, Sally Graham, Kathie Groschner,

Donna Lockhart, Liz Schmitt-Matzen, Don Ludlow, Cheryl Mac Donald, Martha Miller, Dianne Pegg, Jan Rhein, Ray Rhein and Jim Zink. Those wishing to participate in this

ministry should contact The Rev. Michael Bradley or Fran Twiddy.

Respectfully submitted by Fran Twiddy, Coordinator

ECW (Episcopal Church Women)

The women of St. Michael's have completed another successful year. The ECW is open to all women who are parishioners. The Little Thrift Shop is our major source of funds

to carry forth our projects. We strive to give about half our proceeds to organizations outside our walls. They are: Alternatives for Girls, Brain and Behavior Research

Foundation (NARSAD), Cass Community Social Services, Crossroads of Michigan, Coalition on Temporary Shelter, Episcopal Relief and Development, Gleaners

Community Food Bank of SE MI, Mariner's Inn, Opportunity Resource Fund, The Record, The Salvation Army, Services for Older Citizens (now The Helm), Turning

Point Inc., Warm Hearts Foundation, Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries, and Sanctum House.

We had another successful Sweet Noels holiday treat sale chaired by Mary Scrace and

Sally Graham. Those proceed were used this year for window treatment for the choir room and finance room windows, mugs with the new logo and mission statement, and

the purchase and installation of high-rise toilets for the women's restrooms. Thanks to everyone who helped plan, bake and sell for us.

Our guilds meet monthly to worship, study and socialize. They plan and prepare luncheons for our larger membership including men and guests. This year we enjoyed

Maryjane Peck's relaying her adventures of her trip to Africa. Matthew Luken described his ministry at Canterbury House in Ann Arbor. John Bates, president of the

Grosse Pointe War Memorial Veteran's Club spoke and showed a video of the "Unsung Heroes" featuring women of World War II. In May we had a field trip to the back-

stage workings of the Grosse Pointe Theatre. In October we visited the Second Baptist Church in Detroit for a presentation on the Underground Railroad.

I would like to thank the members of the ECW board who make my life easy. They

are Gayle Peller, Kathie Groschner, Marylou Isenberg, Rosemary Berger, Barbara Malley, Margaret Hakim, Genny Davenport, Mary Scrace, Margaret Rogers, Sally


Graham, Mary Bamford, and Deborah Cooper. In addition I would like to thank Karen

McCarthy, Brian Payton and Holly Babiarz for their expert assistance.

Respectfully submitted, Elly Garzel


The Communications Group “gets the word out” about what’s going on at St.

Michael’s. Current contributors are Holly Babiarz, Kathy Zmyslowski, Deborah Cooper, Fran Twiddy, Brian Payton, Jan Rhein, Kate Colborn, Laurie Wood, Kathie Groschner

and Karen McCarthy.

The members of this group do a lot of things independently to spread the word about

St. Michael’s: writing newsletter notes, taking pictures, creating graphics, managing the publicity schedule and coming up with new ideas. Many tasks can be done away

from the church at the doer’s convenience.

2019 activities and accomplishments:

• Assisted in creating the 2019 Parish Profile

• Parish Administrator Holly Babiarz assumed responsibility for our Facebook and

Instagram accounts…and she’s doing an amazing job!

• The parish welcome brochure was updated twice

• Weekly ads in the Grosse Pointe News all year, thanks to a parishioner gift

• Event notices were published in the GP News, Weekly Connection, GP Patch, C&G


• Website theme updated; increased content and features

• Worked with Property/Technology to create documentation and procedures for the

electronic devices and network.

• Published new parish directory and created new name tags

Plans for 2020:

• Update the Episcopal Asset Map (online, maintained by the diocese)

• Develop a communication calendar to schedule publicity

• Create intentional newspaper ads to feature parish opportunities, events and


• Submit feature articles for publication in GP News

• Photo task force: sort, curate, tag, archive photos for others to use

• Work with Technology to create digital photo storage with designated user access

There are opportunities for everyone! Call me or contact anyone in the group to

explore the possibilities!

Respectfully submitted, Karen McCarthy



It is important to create a welcoming and friendly environment at St. Michael's for our current parishioners and for those who may be visiting or new to our

church. Greeters are asked to be at the entrance from the parking lot at least 15 to 20 minutes before every 10:30 service. Thank you to all who have served so


This year the greeters were Genny and Bill Davenport, Marylou Isenberg, Jan Graham, Judy and Bob Sheehy, Elly Garzel, Barbara Malley, Mary Bamford and Meg Krawczyk.

Respectfully submitted, Elly Garzel


The Memorial Fund was established at St. Michael’s to receive memorials and gifts given by parishioners, their families, and friends. In August of 2006 the Memorials

and Special Gifts Committee was formed to develop guidelines for future gifts. These standards for giving were originally approved by the Vestry in January, 2007 and

recently updated in early 2018. The Memorials and Special Gifts Guidelines assist the Memorials and Special Gifts Committee in making recommendations to the Vestry for

appropriately funding and recognizing memorials and special gifts at all levels.

The Memorial Fund began 2019 with a balance of $52,516.21. During 2019, donors gave $13,283.87 to the Memorial Fund in memory of Jack

Manko, Suzanne Clogg, Deacon Chere Bates, Elizabeth Palen, Sandy Eklund, Doreen Bodycombe, Dorothy Steiger, and Margaret McCarthy. In addition, 2019 revenue

from reinvested funds and investment gains was $6,978.33. Total Memorial Fund revenue in 2019 was $20,262.20.

Expenditures from the Memorial Fund in 2019 totaled $24,514.23 and included the following:

Funeral related expenses $ 909.51 Bamford Adult Education Fund $ 625.00

Silver Plated Paten Bowl $ 308.25 Conference Room Renovation $22,671.47

The Memorial Fund balance as of December 31, 2019 was $48,264.18. Special thanks go to Committee members Dianne Pegg and Carolyn, Skaff, and Meg

Krawczyk for their time and effort. We also appreciate Michael Rothgery and many

others who contributed to the work of this Committee.

Respectfully Submitted,Kathy Zmyslowski

Chair, Memorials and Special Gifts Committee OUTREACH

The Outreach Committee’s mission is to “Reach out to those who are in need, carrying

out Christ’s work in our community and around the world.” St. Michael’s has a long history of participation in outreach projects. Since our founding we have supported

activities at home and abroad with monetary gifts and with the personal involvement of our parishioners. In this way we share the servant ministry of our Lord. In addition,


Outreach provides good fellowship, an opportunity to use our special gifts, and joyful



Preparing and serving a lunch at Spirit of Hope Soup Kitchen four times a

year. Collecting non-perishable food items for Crossroads every Sunday.

Participating with other Grosse Pointe Churches in Grosse Pointe Partners,

working with Habitat for Humanity and other non-profit organizations to provide

decent, affordable housing in the Greater Detroit Area.

Providing a meal at Crossroads Soup Kitchen on the July Fourth weekend for

as many as 800 guests, a project which involves over 30 St. Michael’s members.

Sponsoring an Easter party for about 80 children at Crossroads with Easter

baskets and bags, provided by St. Michael’s parishioners.

Joining with Mariners Inn in their Adopt-a-Family celebration, where St.

Michael’s members were able to provide Christmas Gifts for nine families (32

individuals). Providing financial support to Grosse Pointe Habitat Partners, Crossroads,

Mariners Inn and Episcopal Relief and Development. In addition to the committee’s activities, a gift from the Brown Fund was sent to Friends of the

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem to further their work in the Middle East.

The Outreach Committee, whose members are Elizabeth and Erik Birmingham, Ed Brown, Ted Colborn, Pat Dyble, Donna Lockhart, Gail McQueen, Tracie Peller, Liz

Schmitt-Matzen and Bill Davenport, extend their thanks to the entire parish for the support provided, by hands-on and financial commitment to St. Michael’s.

Respectfully Submitted by Bill Davenport, Chair


Christ has no body now on earth but yours; You are the eyes with which He looks with compassion on the world:

Yours are the feet with which He goes forth To do good: Yours are the hands by which He blesses now.

---St. Teresa of Avila

The Pastoral Care Committee responds to the pastoral needs of St. Michael’s

parishioners. The Committee’s goal is to help uplift the spirit and is dedicated to the help of those among us that may have a need for help either short term or long term. Prayer Works! This committee is part of the Pastoral Care team. This group is headed by Elly Garzel,

George Solomon, Ed Bailey, Meg Krawczyk, Dianne Pegg, and Cheryl Mac Donald. Its purpose is to reach out to the homebound among us and offer of prayers to help

healing and comfort. A postcard is sent along with a follow up telephone call from a

member to relay the message. In 2019 the Prayer Works! Group sent out 181 postcards to homebound and ill

parishioners. They also send out birthday cards, get well cards, sympathy cards,


flowers at Christmas and Easter as well as prayer shawls when the occasion arises.

The weekly bulletin is also mailed to the homebound. The support from the congregation for this group has been over whelming. Many

cards and stamps have been noted to help keep the group supplied with the means to accomplish all that they do.

Eucharist Visitors The eucharistic visitors serve communion to the homebound. In 2019 there were 19

visits to the homebound. They also visit Shorepointe Assisted Living the first Tuesday of each month for Morning Prayer Servicer. Eucharist is offered after Morning Prayer.

One of the biggest concerns of the Pastoral Care Committee is to identify the needs of the people that could best be served.

Many thanks to all the serve and help the St. Michael’s Community.

Respectfully Submitted, Cheryl Mac Donald


The 2019 Property Committee was made up of Ray Rhein, Don Ludlow, Brian Payton,

Bill Ball, Erik Birmingham, Donna Lockhart, Barb Barringer, Dale Pegg and Kathie Groschner. This wonderful group put in many hours to keep St. Michael’s in good

working order. Working in three subcommittees, Buildings, Grounds and Technology, we have accomplished many wonderful projects this year.

Here are some highlights of the work of the Property Committee:

Patch, repair and sealcoat, restripe the parking lot

Plan and construct a total renovation of the conference room funded through

Memorial and Special Gifts Fund

Working with donor funding replace a significant portion of the main sidewalk off

the parking lot and several additional repairs to walks and curbs

Replace the commercial dishwasher in the kitchen

Work with various groups to develop and implement a plan to unclutter the attic

and develop a bin storage system to better organize the attic

Working with donor funding develop and implement a program for the courtyard

to weed, fertilize and do a major pruning

Continue to repair, service and replace as necessary plumbing, electrical and

mechanical items to keep thing running in good shape

Working with Don Ludlow, my Co-Chair we have tackled many projects for the greater

good of St. Michael’s in 2019.

Dale N. Scrace and Don Ludlow, Co-Chairs


The newly formed Technology Subcommittee of the Property Committee was busy this

year. By volunteer, or association with other technology projects, we are Bill Ball, Holly Babiarz, Elaine Backhurst, Erik Birmingham, Karen McCarthy, Barb Pappas, Brian

Payton (chair), and Dale Pegg, combining technology project creators, implementers,


and users to provide good solutions for the parish. Feel free to join our fellowship

group if you have any interest improving or learning more about the technology of St. Michaels.

Updated the TV cart for movies and presentations from laptops, DVDs/Blu-ray, and online. The picture is larger and clearer, the sound is better and the

interface is much simpler than before. Cleared confusing equipment from the projector cart to provide the same

simple interface as the TV cart. Recycled a stereo amplifier and donated speakers from Ray Rhein for sound. Added and secured converters for the

HDMI conversion for the projector. St. Elizabeth’s Guild funded a Bluetooth speaker for portable ambient sound

for gatherings at St. Michaels. Added automatic church service recording to simplify the current process that

uses a memory card recorder on the pulpit. This ability is key should we decide to live stream services from the web servers.

Waiting for an estimate for a permanently mounted camera to record

services to identify the funding required and choose if this project should complete.

Added Grosse Pointe Geeks as support for our computer systems. The increased energy in the parish has increased the workload and dependency

on our computers to the extent volunteer support is insufficient.

Thank you to all involved with the above projects, the users of the technology, and all

commenters improving the technology at St. Michaels.

Faithfully submitted, Brian Payton


Spiritual Pathway Committee focuses on activities and adult education in three

main areas: Jane’s Walk Labyrinth, St. Michael’s Book Group and Adult Education Study Series.

Committee Members for 2019 were Rev. Mary Jane Peck, Elaine Backhurst, Kate Colborn, Kathie and Peter Groschner, Meg Krawczyk, Karen McCarthy, Laura

O’Connor, Richard Simonds, Pam Stanley, Fran Twiddy and Laurie Wood.



Jane’s Walk Labyrinth The purpose of Jane’s Walk Labyrinth is to provide our community with a place to find

peace and spiritual receiving; a place to ease the mind and refresh the spirit, one step at a time.

The committee hosted a Corned Beast Feast in March. The proceeds are used for maintenance of the labyrinth along with accessories and promotion for events that will

encourage more people to use the labyrinth.


On Saturday, October 26th St. Michael’s hosted a small group from the Lake House.

Their facilitator was interested in using our labyrinth as part of their silent retreat. The Lake House is an organization that helps those with cancer or touched by cancer.

Thank you to Pam Stanley and Karen McCarthy for this connection.

St. Michael’s Book Group: Books we read for discussion in 2019 -

Leaving Church by Barbara Brown Taylor The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis The Dry by Jane Harper Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott

Adult Education Study Series - Lenten Study: Into the Night: Portraits of Life and Death. This DVD film series

brought us eight men and women who come from all walks, all ages, the dying and the healthy, believers and skeptics, who tell their history and view on death. This was

a fascinating five week study led by Richard Simonds. Each viewing and discussion was preceded by a simple soup and bread supper.

Summer Study Series: Embracing an Adult Faith. Marcus Borg in his DVD series

shares, along with his panel, his views on God, Jesus, Salvation, Practice, and Community. An interesting discussion following each DVD viewing was led by Richard

Simonds over five Thursday evenings.

Fall Study Series: The Meaning of Life and What Matters. Author and poet Kathleen

Norris covers, in a five part DVD series, the topics of Belief Matters, The Bible Matters, Community Matters, Place Matters, WE Matter. Our lively discussions following each

DVD showing were led by Richard Simonds.

Respectfully submitted, Elaine Backhurst and Kate Colborn


The goal of the Stewardship Committee is to focus the Community on the real purpose

of our duty as Christians, to spread the good news, to remind each of us our Christian duty to be the light in a world full of darkness. The Stewardship Committees hosted two main events this year; Spirit and Sandals and St. Michael’s Feast [Festival] Day. Both events were huge successes. Spirit and

Sandals was well attended and enjoyed by all. The food, fun, and fellowship were overflowing. We started our annual Stewardship Campaign on St. Michael’s Feast Day

with fun new games, a parish sing-along, a cake walk and pot-luck with Stewardship providing the main entre. The support of all the Church groups that participated in the

basket raffle was a huge success and contributed greatly in keeping the event

financially sound. There were explanations of what the different ministries do, the day(s) and time they meet, and contact information for becoming involved.

In keeping with a ministry focused campaign, the theme of the Stewardship campaign was “Shining the Light.” During the following weeks the Committee provided

reflection inserts in the weekly service bulletin as well as reflective questions in the newsletter. We also implemented a gratitude sharing board(s) focusing the

congregation on why they are grateful to be members of St. Michael’s. We continued the campaign with a continental breakfast, explanation of the Narrative Budget, and


distribution and collection of the pledge cards at both services. Further calls and

letters were sent to raise the pledges needed to meet and surpass the Keeping the Faith Budget. The results of this year’s Stewardship Campaign to date are; pledges

received 81, and dollar of pledged monies, $235,304. Pledges are still being received.

Discussion and work for the coming year focuses on implementing new ideas taken

from the Diocesan Stewardship Day Workshop. Including but not limited to are, use of our time, talent, and treasures in working with our community and focusing on

outreach opportunities geared towards raising interest in ways Stewardship can help to continue building our congregation. In shining the light into to 2020, we are all

excited for the involvement of Father Bradley.

The Stewardship Committee consists of Gail McQueen, Fran Twiddy, Grant Gilezan,

Pam Stanley, Debbie Deloof, Cheryl Mac Donald, Tracie Peller; Kate Colborn and Donna Lockhart Co-Chair. THE LITTLE THRIFT SHOP

The Thrift Shop had another successful year. The profit for our fiscal year of January

1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 was $25,902.84 which includes the profit of $1,500.00 from the Christmas Boutique.

Our entire profit is given to St. Michael’s E.C.W., which disbursed $14,000.00 to St. Michael’s General Fund (4800.00 more than the previous year) and the rest to

charitable organizations (see E.C.W. report). Any items that can be used at St. Michael’s are donated to the church.

All items not sold are given to many charities such as Crossroads, Crossroads East, Vets Returning Home, Grace Centers of Hope, to individuals as needed in the

community, Shoes to Haiti thru the Kiwanis Club and finally to the Salvation Army. You can see that the Thrift Shop is a very large contributor to the Outreach Program

at St. Michael’s.

Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and occasional other days, week after week, year after year, you will find Thrift Shop Workers there working very hard. We

give many thanks to these 42 parishioners. It does give you a great feeling of satisfaction helping people in so many ways, COME JOIN US - - we have lots of

laughter and wonderful companionship to share.

Genny Davenport – Rosemary Berger, Co-Managers USHERS 8:00 A.M.

The 8:00 A.M. Sunday worship service is blessed with a devoted group of

parishioners, their dedication and willingness to do whatever is necessary to assure the service is a meaningful and enjoyable worship experience is appreciated. We are

privileged each Sunday to celebrate "God's Love" following Rite 1. The people listed below invite you to join us for an early start to your Sunday at St.



Elizabeth Schmidt-Matzen, David Schmidt-Matzen, Pat Gibson, David Backhurst, Ann

Grayr, Gale McQueen,Dale Pegg, Diane Pegg, Martha Miller, Cheryl Mac Donald, Elaine Backhurst.

Submitted by George Solomon

USHERS 10:30 A.M.

Brian and I enjoyed the pleasure of serving as the Co-Head Ushers for the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service. Our crew consists of up to eighteen full-time, regular ushers divided

across four teams of men and women dedicated to serving our St. Michael's community. In addition to the 10:30 Sunday service, we provide ushers for special

services during the Easter and Christmas seasons. We also provide ushers for funeral services when the need arises. We joyfully serve at the 10:30 a.m. service and are

excited for others to join our fellowship. There is plenty of room, opportunity and flexibility to become an usher and we invite you to come and serve with us in the

coming year.

We will miss our long time usher Bob Sheehy.

Respectfully Submitted, Brian Payton and Pat Dyble, Co-Head Ushers


The St. Michael's music program made significant strides in 2019, and I am very happy with the tremendous work by the choir, their dedication, and passion for

wanting to be the best that they can be. Several sections meet outside of our normal practice times, singers are always asking for music in advance, and our choristers are

always enthusiastic about rehearsals and contributing to our worship.

We started 2019 with 9 singers in the choir. By December, that number had grown to

17. We were very fortunate to receive a sizeable financial gift to secure staff singers,

which have helped fill in various sections of the choir. This has allowed us to take on more challenging and complex music. I will discuss with the finance committee and

Father Michael how we might continue in the coming year our paid singers. The choir supported all major feast days, Sunday morning worship services, and Lessons &

Carols this year, and I look forward to adding Compline and Evensong to the list of services in 2020. I would like to extend a wholehearted thanks to the members of the

Parish Choir: Laura Gaskin, Stacey Fischer - Lewis, Carolyn Skaff, Barbara Pappas, Julie Bierman, Margaret Hakim, Chuck Hakim, Fran Twiddy, Randa Ball, Deborah

DeLoof, Ted Colborn, Peggy Braden, Stephanie Dean, Dominik Belavy, Daniel McGrew, Karen McCarthy, & Marcy Osborne.

With respect to children and music, we have received approval from the Vestry to commence with the creation of a Choir School, which would provide unique choral

training opportunities for children. The Choir School would follow the rich tradition of the cathedral schools in the United Kingdom, using elements of the Royal School of

Church Music curriculum and advancement opportunities similar to those of the Boy

and Girl Scouts. A parishioner has offered to fund this new initiative, for which we are truly grateful. The program will commence in the Summer, with a Summer camp and


opportunity for kids to come in and learn about the church. After the Summer, we

will launch the Choir School and you'll see the young choristers singing with the Parish Choir on a regular basis after that.

We will continue to explore new and innovative ways to deliver music in a variety of settings at St. Michael's as 2020 progresses. Please feel free to share insights on

what types of musical offerings you would be interested in hearing and we'll see what we can do.

God's Peace & Blessings, Christian Schoen, Organist & Choirmaster

YAYA (Friday night at Mike’s, Youth Group)

The Youth and Young Adult Ministry encompasses the Church School program, Youth Group, Acolyte scheduling, Confirmation, and our monthly Movie Night at Mike’s

parish event.

Church School:

The Sunday morning church school curriculum for High School and Middle School students consists of a video series with follow-up discussions based on the worship

readings of the week.

We do not currently have any enrolled younger students but we do have curriculum

options available to serve them when our elementary population rebounds.

There were no confirmations at St. Michael’s in 2019.

Youth Group:

The Youth Group did not hold monthly activities in 2019 but did participate in a couple of youth parties, including our Youth Group Christmas party, where we were happy to

have the opportunity to welcome Father Bradley to our parish.

Youth Group also continued their Good Samaritan ministry (chaired by Laurie Wood),

contributing continuing support to Avalon Elementary School, including the purchase of library books, and supporting the Church at Crossroads with a donation of fleece


Movie Night @ Mike’s and Parish-wide Parties:

The Youth and Young Adult Ministry hosts a monthly parish-wide Movie Night in the Lounge followed by a lively discussion about the film we’ve seen. This event is free

and open to the public. We are hoping to reach even more people in our wider

community in 2020 to join us for these evenings and see some of what St. Michael’s has to offer. Snacks and drinks are provided at no charge.

We have also continued to host occasional parish-wide parties, such as this year’s Christmas in July party and Halloween party. These events are multi-generational

gatherings that give our parishioners an opportunity to spend time together in a social setting, bringing together individuals and families to engage in community building

and fellowship. We hope to see more of these parties in 2020.



Several projects were completed. Karen headed one that got the Library painted and both Library and Rector’s office carpeted. Mary managed the new Parish Mugs for us.

Gayle managed the window treatments that were ordered and delivered and up! Meg did a clock in the Conference room. A fan was also acquired for that room for those

large summer meetings. In addition, we were gifted with furniture and kitchen utensils from Dottie Steiger’s estate. Karen arranged delivery of these gifts to the


For next year, we have page two of our project list. Laurie and Karen have already begun work on church entrance and parking lot signage. Pieces of furniture from the

Steiger estate await placement and the committee hopes to further arrange the Youth Room. The ladies Restroom (nearest the sanctuary) has some modest funds set aside

for renovation but is in need of more funds. In discussion with Fr. Michael, he suggested decluttering several rooms of crowded furnishings that are out of date and

no longer useful. With this energetic committee, progress should be of no concern.

Members are Barbara Barringer, Sally Graham, Karen McCarthy, Gayle Peller, Mary

Scrace, Laurie Wood, and Meg Krawczyk, Chair.

Respectfully submitted by Meg Krawczyk, Chair


Leadership 2019

Rector The Reverend Michael L. Bradley

Senior Warden K. Groschner Junior Warden D. Ludlow

Vestry Secretary L. Wood

Treasurer C. Mac Donald Outreach B. Davenport

YaYa B. Pappas Property D. Scrace, D. Ludlow

Finance C. Mac Donald Stewardship K. Colborn, D. Lockhart

Vestry Members 2019

Elaine Backhurst, Bill Ball, Barb Barringer, Bill Davenport, Pat Dyble, Kathie Groschner, Don Ludlow, Cheryl Mac Donald, Martha Miller,

Karen McCarthy, Gail McQueen, Laurie Wood



My name is Tracie Peller. I have been part of St. Michael’s family for over 20 years.

In 2018 I completed my bachelors of social work degree at

Wayne State University. My academic focus was on community outreach, and as part of my degree, I interned with six different

non-profit organizations throughout the city of Detroit, each having its own unique clientele. My outreach work at the

Cathedral of St. Paul was especially rewarding to me. Here I participated in the Community Homeless Interprofessional

Program. At St Michael’s I have served on the Outreach and Stewardship

Committees. I have taken the training to become a Eucharistic Visitor and have completed my safe church training course. I have participated in the Thursday

evening Bible Study group, the Book Group, and a few other small projects.

My goal as a Vestry member is to actively work on fulfilling our mission statement of "sharing the light of Christ by actively loving and serving our neighbors in the world."

My name is Jeanne Flynn. I have been a member of St. Michael’s since I moved to Grosse Pointe Woods in 2002. Most recently, I have served on

the Rector Search Committee and Welcoming Committee. I am also a member of the Worship Committee, Music Committee, and

Good Samaritan Group. In the past, I was President of St. Margaret’s Guild of the ECW, and served as the Recording

Secretary on the ECW Board. I would like to serve at this time in order to assist in providing continuity from the search process to

the new ministry we share with Fr. Bradley.

My name is Dale Scrace. Over 40 years ago, when Mary and I were looking for a

church, St. Michael’s welcomed us. Since then, it has truly become our church home. Like a home, I’ve tried my best to help

take care of it. I’ve served on the vestry twice before as Junior

and Senior Warden. I’ve chaired and/or participated on the Property and Finance Committees and serve as an usher. I am

currently in my second term as a Trustee of the Diocese of Michigan working on several committees. I’d like to offer my

assistance to help envision and facilitate the new directions we will be taking with Fr. Michael in the years ahead.


My name is Deborah Cooper. Soon after joining St. Michael’s in 1983, I became

involved in St. Michael’s Church School, first as a preschool teacher and then, after a few years, as the Christian Education

coordinator, a half-time job. In 2012, upon retiring from the Church School assignment, I began volunteering in The Little

Thrift Shop and continue to find that job, in the company of all the other volunteers to be rewarding. The underlying

foundation of my work at St. Michael’s is the church itself and its commitment to serve God in our community and the world.

This seems to be the right time for me to serve the congregation through vestry service.


Worship for Annual Meeting

January 26, 2020

Blessed be God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And blessed be God’s kingdom, now and forever. Amen.

There is one Body and one Spirit; There is one hope in God’s call to us. One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism. One God and Father of all.

Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy Immortal One; Have mercy upon us.

Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy Immortal One; Have mercy upon us. Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy Immortal One; Have mercy upon us.

The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. Let us pray.

Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and

proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with you and the

Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

A Reading from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians (2:13-22)

In Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has

broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us. He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, so that he might create in himself one

new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, and might reconcile both groups to God in one body through the cross, thus putting to death that hostility

through it. So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the

Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the

saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. In him the whole

structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling-place for God.

Here what the Spirit is saying to God’s People. Thanks be to God.

Psalm 67, said responsively:

May God be merciful to us and bless us, show us the light of his countenance and come to us.

Let your ways be known upon earth, your saving health among all nations.

Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you.

Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with

equity and guide all the nations upon earth.


Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you.

The earth has brought forth her increase; may God, our own God, give us his blessing.

May God give us his blessing, and may all the ends of the earth stand in awe of him.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. The Holy Gospel of our Lord and savior,

Jesus Christ, according to Matthew Glory to you, Lord Christ.

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed

them. When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go

therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Christ

Fr. Bradley and Everyone: What Does God Have in Mind for St. Michael’s Church?

Offertory Hymn Alleluia, Alleluia! Give thanks to the Risen Lord.

Alleluia, alleluia! Give praise to his Name. (repeat)

Jesus is Lord of all the earth.

He is the King of creation. (refrain)

Spread the good news o’er all the earth:

Jesus has died and has risen. (refrain)

We have been raised in life to Christ, Now we shall live for ever. (refrain)

Come, let us praise the living God, Joyfully sing to our Savior. (refrain)

Litany for the Renewal of the Church

Realizing that God has begun a good work in us and continues to strengthen our faith;

We promise to honor the dignity of every human being.

Since God has provided us with so many blessings;

We present ourselves as living sacrifices to God for service and ministry.

With a sense of responsibility to share the Gospel with every person we meet;

We dedicate ourselves to evangelism, missions and ministry to all people.


Because we are sent into the world to express God’s grace, love and mercy;

We let our lights shine so that all might see our good works and glorify God our Creator.

In gratitude for the labors of all who love and serve this Church, in loving remembrance of all those who have finished their labors, in hope of eternal life

through Jesus Christ our Lord;

We consecrate ourselves to the cause of Christ and his Church, to support

and build it up through the stewardship of our time, abilities, spiritual gifts, prayers, and resources. Grateful for our heritage, thankful for our privileges,

and aware of our responsibility, we now dedicate ourselves again to the worship of God in Spirit and in Truth, to the salvation brought us by Jesus

Christ, and by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, to being the Body of Christ in the world. Amen.

The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up

to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give God thanks and praise. Promising God, at Christmas . . . who join in your hymn of

unending praise:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might. Heaven and earth are full of

your glory, hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Therefore we proclaim the mystery of faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. . . . ever one God, world without end. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer and Invitation to Communion

A Prayer to Open the Annual Meeting Gracious Father, we pray for thy holy Catholic Church. Fill it with all truth, in

all truth with all peace. Where it is corrupt, purify it; where it is in error,

direct it; where in any thing it is amiss, reform it. Where it is right, strengthen it; where it is in want, provide for it; where it is divided, reunite

it; for the sake of Jesus Christ thy Son our Savior. Amen.

A Prayer to Close the Annual Meeting

O God, you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth, and sent your blessed Son to preach peace to those who are far off and to those who

are near: Grant that people everywhere may seek after you and find you, bring the nations into your fold, pour out your Spirit upon all flesh, and

hasten the coming of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.




Our Mission: We share the light of Christ

by actively loving and serving

our neighbors in the world



PH: 313-884-4820 FAX: 313-884-4821




