January 13, 2019 / The Baptism of the Lord Saint George


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Photo: Bob Parks


January 13, 2019 / The Baptism of the Lord

Saint George Saint George CATHOLIC CHURCH

Rev. Oscar Martin Picos, Pastor Rev. Sébastien Sasa Nganomo Babisayone, Parochial Vicar

MASS SCHEDULE Weekends Saturday....5:00 pm, 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday .....9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm

(Spanish) Weekdays Monday - Friday 8:00 am Thursday ............ 7:00 pm (Spanish) First Saturday .... 8:00 am Holy Day of Obligation Masses 8:00 am, 6:00 pm, 8:00 pm Confessions Saturday ............ 3:30 - 4:45 pm Sunday……………7:30 - 8:30 am Or by appointment Baptism Preparation

English: Call 925-989-0510 to register Spanish: 1st & 2nd Sat., 2:00 pm (Scanlan) Baptism English: 4th Saturday at 9:00 am Spanish: 3rd Saturday at 9:00 am Marriage Preparation English: Contact the Parish Office Spanish: Contact a Deacon Anointing of the Sick First Friday during 8:00 am Mass

Call Parish Office for home/hospital


Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday - Friday......9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Last Friday of the Month, 9:00 am to

Saturday 6:00 am

Mission Churches Mass Schedule Saint Paul’s - Hurricane (171 S. Main) Mass........Every Sunday at 12:30 pm San Pablo Mission - Beryl Junction (721 S. Highway 18) Mass........Every Saturday at 6:00 pm Saint Christopher’s - Kanab (39 West 200 South) Mass...............Sunday at 9:00 am Zion Park - Springdale (Canyon Community Center, 126 Lion Blvd.) SCAP………….....Sundays at 8:00 am Palm Sunday through September 30 Church Office 157 North 200 West P.O. Box 188, St. George, UT 84771 Ph:435-673-2604 / Fax:435-688-2704 saintgeorgecatholic@hotmail.com Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed from 12 noon - 1:00 pm daily



What have been the most significant moments in your life? You probably

celebrate your birthday every year, so the day you were born must be pretty

important. How about elementary, high school, or college graduations?

Hopefully you do something special on or around your wedding anniversary if

you are married. Do you have children? The birth of each child is probably

near the top on the list of moments you will never forget. Then there are the

sad moments of life: deaths, breakups, and tragedies. As you reflect on all

these moments, you can see that you would not be who you are today without

having experienced them. Of course as a Christian, you have one moment in

time that has had an even greater impact on you and perhaps it didn't even

come to mind: your Baptism.

You might say you don't remember it because you were an infant. Perhaps you

do not even know the date it took place. You might not feel like it has had

much impact on you at all. However, it has made all the difference.

Whether you feel the difference or not, on that day you were made a new

creation in Jesus Christ. You were marked for Him with an indelible mark that

no one can remove, not even you. On that day, you inherited a tradition and

lineage of faith that has changed the face of the earth. Today, that baptismal

grace beckons you to a real and substantial relationship with the One whose

name was invoked on that day. It also calls you to respond with a stewardship way

of life, where your gifts make a difference and glorify God. If today is the day you

start taking all this seriously, you get to add a new moment to your list.

~Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS



¿Cuáles son los momentos mas significativos en su vida? Probablemente

celebre su cumpleaños cada año; ese día debe ser importante. ¿Qué tal su

educación primaria, secundaria, universitaria? Espero que sienta importancia

en su aniversario. ¿Tiene hijos? Sus nacimientos probablemente son muy

importantes. Y también hay momentos tristes: la muerte, romper con un novio/

novia y las tragedias. Cuando reflexione en todos esos momentos, puede ver

que no sería usted quien es hoy sin haber experimentado esos momentos. Por

supuesto, como cristiano, tiene un momento en su vida que es aun más

significativo que quizás no ha considerado: su bautizo.

Puede ser que no se recuerde porque era bebé. Quizá no sepa cuándo fue.

Quizá no piense ese momento tan significativo como otros. Sin embargo, hace

toda la diferencia. (continúa en la página 6)


Gratitude in Action: Our Way of Life / Gratitud en Acción: Nuestra forma de Vida

One dictionary definition of expectation is “a strong belief

that something will happen or be the case in the future”. It

is also defined as “a belief that someone will or should

achieve something”. Words synonymous with expectation

are supposition, assumption, presumption, conjecture,

surmise, hope and more.

I sought to give up the word assumption, and any subsequent

action related to an assumption, a long time ago! Assuming

anything can be risky and lead us down a path of being wrong

about whomever or whatever we made the assumption.

Presumption can be equally challenging.

Assuming something about another person, especially if it is a

negative assumption, can be hurtful to that person.

Assumptions can lead to false accusations and conclusions.

The word hope seems to be much healthier and safer when

defining expectation. We free ourselves of error by not

relying on something to be fact, when in reality it may not

be. Expecting something to appear or happen, or expecting

something from another, can disappoint. We free ourselves

of this disappointment and feelings of disappointment in

others if we truly hope and not expect.

Hope in God and trust in His divine Will allow us to reach

beyond the realm of our own limitations and experience

the vastness of His greatness that provides beyond our

human ability to perceive. We can experience this world,

His Kingdom on this earth, in ways we never imagined.

“There is a life force flowing through the universe, and

everything exists in a single moment, forever unfolding. I

open myself to the stream. I want to be emptied and

purified so that the past is no longer my lens—so that it no

longer colors what I see. What will it be like to look

without fear or expectation, to see things with nothing in

the way? Who will I be if I am not afraid, but alive? There

is everything to experience, and the portal beyond the

darkness to know…. I am not limited to my name. I know

this now. I am more than this body. I am not defined by the

story I tell or the experiences life has given me. I have

experienced sorrow, but sorrow is not essentially who I

am. I am the small green shoot of a flower making its way

through the dark. I am the spirit experiencing what it is to

be here in this form.”1

1 Stars at Night: When Darkness Unfolds as Light by Paula


~Carole Drake

Pastoral Assistant and Community Outreach

Una definición de expectativa del diccionario es "una

fuerte creencia de que algo sucederá o será el caso en el

futuro". También se define como "la creencia de que

alguien logrará o debería lograr algo". Las palabras

sinónimo de expectativa son suposición, imaginación,

presunción, conjetura, teoría, esperanza y más.

¡Traté de abandonar la palabra suposición, y cualquier

acción posterior relacionada con una suposición, hace

mucho tiempo! Asumir algo puede ser arriesgado y

llevarnos por el camino de estar equivocados con

respecto a quien sea o lo que sea que hayamos asumido.

La presunción puede ser igualmente desafiante.

Asumir algo sobre otra persona, especialmente si es un

supuesto negativo, puede ser perjudicial para esa

persona. Los supuestos pueden llevar a falsas

acusaciones y conclusiones.

La palabra esperanza parece ser mucho más saludable y

segura al definir las expectativas. Nos liberamos del

error de no confiar en que algo sea un hecho, cuando en

realidad puede que no lo sea. Esperar que algo aparezca

o suceda, o esperar algo de otro, puede decepcionar. Nos

liberamos de esta decepción y sentimientos de decepción

en los demás si realmente esperamos y no presumimos.

La esperanza en Dios y la confianza en Su divina

Voluntad nos permiten llegar más allá del ámbito de

nuestras propias limitaciones y experimentar la

inmensidad de Su grandeza que proporciona más allá de

nuestra capacidad humana para percibir. Podemos

experimentar este mundo, Su Reino en esta tierra, de una

manera que nunca imaginamos.

“Hay una fuerza vital que fluye a través del universo, y

todo existe en un solo momento, desplegándose para

siempre. Me abro a la corriente. Quiero ser vaciado y

purificado para que el pasado ya no sea mi lente, para

que ya no coloree lo que veo. ¿Cómo sería mirar sin

miedo o expectativa, ver las cosas sin nada en el

camino? ¿Quién seré si no tengo miedo, pero vivo? Hay

todo para experimentar, y el portal más allá de la

oscuridad para saber... No estoy limitado a mi nombre.

Lo sé ahora. Soy más que este cuerpo. No estoy definido

por la historia que cuento o las experiencias que la vida

me ha dado. He experimentado el dolor, pero el dolor no

es esencialmente lo que soy. Soy el pequeño brote verde

de una flor que se abre paso en la oscuridad. Soy el

espíritu que experimenta lo que es estar aquí en esta

forma”. 1

Pastor’s Message by Father Oscar Martin Picos

The Baptism of the Lord / El Bautismo del Señor

The rhythm of the liturgical year brings us the

celebration of the Lord’s Baptism as a

continuation of Christmas and the Epiphany.

This presents the holiday from a purely

Christian mentality: the Child has been born

recently, and now we see His baptism. The

timing associates the baptism of Jesus with that of

Christian children, but its symbolism is actually very


Why was Jesus baptized? Did He have sins? Did He need

to convert?

The first Christians had great debates on this subject, with

many different explanations, but the Word describing the

Lord’s baptism can help us realize the depth of this

gesture. Jesus did not need purification, but He had to

fulfill the will of the Father.

After the advent days, John the Baptist appears again.

Now John has before him the Savior he has been

announcing. People are waiting and wondering if John

himself is the Messiah. He denies it, exalting the Lord

above his own person and activity.

In the daily life of the Christian, the work we do is like

that of John the Baptist: announcing to the alienated and

the converted the greatness of the God who awaits them.

The Messiah has come, but many have not accepted Him

in their lives. John represents the Christian who proclaims,

expresses and anticipates the future that God brings us.

Today's Gospel has a poignant air, as John the Baptist sees

before him the Savior he has announced. Something

similar will happen to us at the moment of our encounter

with eternity. In that last moment, we will see God as He

is and stand before Him as we really are. What John the

Baptist experienced was a time from heaven. He emptied

himself and completely accepted the greatness of God.

The Word tells us that, as Jesus prayed, the heavens

opened, the Holy Spirit came down and the voice of the

Father was heard. This invites us to keep our lives in

constant prayer so the Spirit can find a place within us.

We Christians are privileged. We often do not realize that

the presence of the Spirit makes us new beings, capable of

understanding and helping other people who, with or

without baptism, have not yet fully accepted God in their

lives. We must continue praying, meditating, reflecting,

and trying not to judge... leaving space inside for the Spirit

to make permanent housing in us.

El propio ritmo del año litúrgico nos trae esta fiesta

como continuación de la Navidad y de la Epifanía;

hace caer la festividad desde una mentalidad netamente

cristiana: el niño hace poco que ha nacido... ahora

vemos su bautizo... La mentalidad de la gente alejada

asocia este bautismo de Jesús con el de los niños actuales,

pero en realidad su simbolismo es totalmente otro.

¿Por qué se bautizó Jesús? ¿Acaso tenía pecados?

¿Acaso necesitaba convertirse?

Los primeros cristianos tuvieron sus grandes debates

sobre este tema. Hubo explicaciones para todos los

gustos, pero el bautismo en el Señor tiene unas

referencias que bien nos pueden servir para darnos

cuenta de la hondura de este gesto. Jesús no tenía

necesidad de purificación pero tenía que cumplir la

voluntad del Padre.

Después de los días de adviento aparece de nuevo Juan

el Bautista. Ahora tiene ante sí mismo a quien había

anunciado. La gente estaba expectante y se preguntaba

si Juan era el Mesías. Él lo desmiente exaltando al

Señor por encima de su persona y de su actividad. En

la vida diaria del cristiano la labor que hacemos es

como la de Juan el Bautista. Tenemos que estar

anunciando a los alejados y a los convertidos la

grandeza del Dios que te espera. Ha venido, pero

muchos no le han aceptado en su vida. Juan es hoy el

que proclama, el que realiza gestos, el que mira al

futuro que Dios nos trae.

El Evangelio de hoy tiene un aroma conmovedor. Juan

puede ver a quien anunció. Algo parecido nos ocurrirá

en el momento de nuestro encuentro con la eternidad.

En aquel último momento veremos a Dios tal cual es,

y, nosotros seremos ante Él tal y como realmente

somos. En el fondo lo que vivió Juan el Bautista fue un

ratito de cielo. Él se despojó de sí y aceptó la grandeza

de Dios de una manera plena.

Cuando Jesús estaba orando dice la Palabra que se

abrió el cielo y bajó el Espíritu Santo y se oyó la voz

del Padre. Este párrafo me hace una invitación a

mantener mi vida en constante oración para que el

Espíritu tenga cabida en mí.

Los cristianos somos privilegiados y muchas veces no

nos damos cuenta que la presencia del Espíritu nos

hace ser seres nuevos, capaces de entender y ayudar a

otras personas que un día recibieron o no el agua pero

que no han terminado de aceptar a Dios en sus vidas.

Me quedo orando, meditando, reflexionando. Intentaré

no quedarme juzgando... Dejaré espacio en mi interior

para que el Espíritu haga en mí su vivienda permanente...

EVENTS and MASS INTENTIONS Please visit our website for more announcements or email us at sgcc.bulletin@gmail.com for questions or submissions.


Our Sanctuary Candle

burns this week in memory of


Saturday 1/12

5:00 pm Alfred Jankus by Barbara

Wade Henderson by Alice Henderson

Maxyne Mason by Lenore

Anna & John Hnath by Kathleen Hnath

All military service personnel, living and deceased

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Sunday 1/13

9:00 am Estelle Pilney

Patti Hoffman

11:00 am Gilbert Manosalva by the Rogers

Marcela & Reynaldo Perfecta by Lidija

1:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Monday 1/14

8:00 am Joyce Cosentino

John & Faye Hnath by Kathleen Hnath

Tuesday 1/15

8:00 am Dolores Palotta

Bob Hoffman

Wednesday 1/16

8:00 am Madeleine & Marcel Beaudet

Phyllis Knight

Sr. M. Megan, O.P.

Thursday 1/17

8:00 am Lois Graham

7:00 pm (Spanish) Pro Populo

Friday 1/18

8:00 am The Holy Souls in Purgatory

Bob Kowalski

Bondad Family


Monday 7:00 pm RCIA Scanlan, FL2

3:30 pm Holy Rosary—please join us Hurricane

10:00 am Everyday God (1/14, 1/28, 2/11) Scanlan, FL2

Tuesday 9:00 am Marian Hour

12-4 pm Bridge Group Kuzy

7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way Kuzy

7:00 pm CCD Scanlan FL2

First Tuesday (third Tues. in January)

6:30 pm Women’s Group (Sept-June) Kuzy

6:30 pm Knights of Columbus (Sept-June ) Kuzy, FL2

Second Tuesday

1:30 pm Mass at Veterans Home, Ivins 160N 200E


10:30 am Bible Study Scanlan, FL3

12:00 pm Bulletin Deadline (11 days prior to publication)

6:30 pm Holy Spirit Prayer Group Kuzy, FL2

7:00 pm Clases Bíblicas Scanlan, FL3

7:00 pm Holy Hour & Benediction

Thursday 9:00 am Way of the Cross of the Unborn

Second Thursday

1:30 pm Mass at Sterling Court, St. George 324N 1680E

Third Thursday

6:30 pm 4th Degree K of C Kuzy, FL2

Friday 7:00 pm Holy Hour, Spanish

First Friday 8:00 am Anointing of the Sick at Mass

Last Friday

9:00 am Eucharistic Adoration begins

Saturday 7:00 pm Neo Catechumenal Way Kuzy

First Saturday

8:00 am Mass in Honor of Our Lady

9:15 am Walk for Life (Oct-May) Bluff & 600S

After last Friday 6:00 am Eucharistic Adoration ends with Mass

First Weekend

At all Masses - Renovation Fund Collection

Third Weekend

At all Masses - K of C Food Drive

Sunday 9:00 am CCD Scanlan, FL2

11:00 am CCD Scanlan, FL2

5:00 pm Rosary

First Weekend

At all Masses - Renovation Fund Collection

Third Weekend

At all Masses - K of C Food Drive


Pastor ....................... Rev. Oscar Martin Picos

Parochial Vicar ......... Rev. Sébastien Sasa Nganomo Babisayo

Retired……………… Rev. Glenn Dare

Office……………..673-2604 (saintgeorgecatholic@hotmail.com)

Business Manager ..... Don Drake

Bookkeeper ............... Barbara Harrison

Receptionist………...Nora Escatel


Rigoberto Aguirre ...................... 628-9107

Rogaciano Tellez ........................ 652-9219 Baptismal Preparation Registration (English)

Judy Coryell…………………....925-989-0510—call to register

Pastoral Assistant and Community Outreach

Carole Drake………668-9202 (caroledrake49@gmail.com)

Religious Education Coordinator

Mariana Lawrentz …673-2604 (sgcc.marianalawrentz@gmail.com)


Office Email….…...saintgeorgecatholic@hotmail.com

Online Giving…….saintgeorgecatholics.com (online giving link)

Bulletin Ministry…sgcc.bulletin@gmail.com

Thrift Store………673-1029

Maintenance……..Call Office (673-2604)

Weekly Collection Report

Collection (12/30)…..…..……......................$ 19,880

Capital Improvement Project (November)

Renovation and Improvement Fund ....... $ 318,308

Renovation Fund Collections …………... $ 3,898

ANNOUNCEMENTS and REPORTS Please visit our website for more announcements or email us at sgcc.bulletin@gmail.com for questions or submissions.


Jan. 14 Everyday God”, 10 am, Scanlan FL2

Jan. 21 Parish Office Closed

Jan. 26 A Taste of Carmel: Carmelite Spirituality

& YOU, 2:30—4:00 pm, Scanlan, FL2

Feb. 9 Ministers of Holy Communion Workshop

Feb. 18 Parish Office Closed

SGCWG Schedule Change for January

The Women’s Group has changed its usual meeting

and luncheon dates for January 2019 as follows:

Meeting—January 15, Kuzy Hall, 6:30 pm

Luncheon—January 22, Harmon’s Santa Clara at

1:00 pm

Meetings will resume in February on their regularly

scheduled date—the first Tuesday of the month.

“Everyday God” Spring 2019 Schedule

Please join us on Monday mornings. We meet in the

Scanlan Building, FL2, from 10 am until 12 noon.

January 14

January 28

February 11

February 25

March 11

March 25

April 8

April 22

May 6

Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast

Sunday, January 13

8:00 am to 1:00 pm in Kuzy Hall

Pancakes, Sausages, Coffee, Juice

$5 for adults, $3 for children 12 and under

Do You Have Little Free Time But Would Like To

Help Your Church?

Would you like to help your Church, but have very

little free time? Join us to count the weekly collections.

We meet at 7:45 am on Monday mornings in the

Scanlan Building. Counting the collection is a group

effort of 5 or more people and most Mondays we are

finished in about 2 hours.

We have teams established so that most volunteers

have only a once-a-month commitment. Currently, we

have a need for more volunteers on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd

Mondays of each month.

If you are good at counting money or have a

background in banking or retail, you are a perfect fit

for counting – but experience is NOT necessary.

If you would like to give it a try, please contact Shari

Gowers at (435) 773-7402 or gowers725@gmail.com

Parish Mission

Facilitated by Tracy Earl Welliver

May 12-14

“From Easter to Pentecost”

Ministers of the Word (Lectors) Formation Workshop

Saturday, January 26

10 am—1 pm in the Scanlan Building, FL2

Registration Required

Email Ruth Ann Pilney (ruthannp46@gmail.com)

Deadline: Wednesday, January 23

Scripture Readings for the Week of January 13

Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11/Ps 104:1b-2, 3-4, 24-25, 27-28, 29-30 [1]/Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7/Lk 3:15-16, 21-22

Monday: Heb 1:1-6/Ps 97:1 and 2b, 6 and 7c, 9 [cf. 7c]/Mk 1:14-20

Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12/Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9 [cf. 7]/Mk 1:21-28

Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 [8a]/Mk 1:29-39

Thursday: Heb 3:7-14/Ps 95:6-7c, 8-9, 10-11 [8]/Mk 1:40-45

Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11/Ps 78:3 and 4bc, 6c-7, 8 [cf. 7b]/Mk 2:1-12

Saturday: Heb 4:12-16/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 [cf, Jn 6:63c]/Mk 2:13-17

Next Sunday: Is 62:1-5/Ps 96:1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10 [3]/1 Cor 12:4-11/Jn 2:1-11

Observances for the Week of January 13

Sunday: The Baptism of the Lord; Thursday: Saint Anthony, Abbot; Next Sunday: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


¡El mundo necesita el Rosario!

Ven y únete a nosotros a las 5 pm todos los

domingos en la iglesia para rezar el Rosario.

Desayuno Panqueque de Caballeros de Colón

Domingo, 13 de enero

de 8:00 am a 1:00 pm en Kuzy Hall

Panqueques, salchichas, café, jugo

$5 para adultos, $3 para niños de hasta 12 años

Knights of Columbus


next weekend

We always need canned meats, cereal,

pancake mix and syrup, cooking oil, and mayonnaise.

Support the

Parish Food

Pantry Caballeros de Colón-—Recogida de

Alimentos—el próximo fin de semana

Siempre necesitamos carnes enlatadas, cereal, mezcla de panqueques, miel, aceite de cocinar y mayonesa.

(continuado desde la primera página)

Sienta una diferencia o no, ese día usted se convirtió

en una nueva creación en Jesucristo. Fue marcado

para Él con una marca que nadie le puede quitar, ni

usted. En ese día, usted heredó una tradición de fe que

ha cambiado la faz del mundo. Hoy, la gracia del

bautismo le llama a una verdadera y sustantiva

relación con Dios. También le llama a responder con

corresponsabilidad, dando de sus dones para glorificar

a Dios. Si hoy es el día que toma en serio esto, tiene

que agregar esto a la lista de momentos más

significativos de su vida.

"Yo bautizo con agua, pero ya viene otro más

poderoso que yo, a quien no merezco desatarle las

correas de sus sandalias. El los bautizará con el

Espíritu Santo y con fuego". - Lc 3, 16
