James: Hands-On Christianity…. James 5:13-16


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James: Hands-On Christianity….

James: Hands-On Christianity….

James 5:13-16James 5:13-16

refers to the sin naturewe inherited from Adam.

“Therefore, just as sin

entered the world through

one man, and death through

sin, and

in this way death came to

all people, because all

sinned ….” [TNIV]

“Therefore, just as sin

entered the world through

one man, and death through

sin, and

in this way death came to

all people, because all

sinned ….” [TNIV]

James 5:12….James 5:12….

is the daily disobedience

that is spawned by our

Adamic nature.

“Original Sin” is the root.

“Personal Sin” is the


“Therefore, just as sin

entered the world through

one man, and death

through sin, and

in this way death came to all

people, because all sinned

….” [TNIV]

“Therefore, just as sin

entered the world through

one man, and death

through sin, and

in this way death came to all

people, because all sinned

….” [TNIV]

James 5:12….James 5:12….

The story of

David and

Bathshebain 2 Samuel

11 & 12….

The story of

David and

Bathshebain 2 Samuel

11 & 12….

“3 When I kept silent, my

bones wasted away through

my groaning all day long. 4

For day and night your hand

was heavy on me; my

strength was sapped as in

the heat of summer.” [TNIV]

“3 When I kept silent, my

bones wasted away through

my groaning all day long. 4

For day and night your hand

was heavy on me; my

strength was sapped as in

the heat of summer.” [TNIV]

Psalm 32:3-4….Psalm 32:3-4….

“2 …. ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this

man or his parents, that he

was born blind?’ 3 ‘Neither

this man nor his parents

sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this

happened so that the works

of God might be displayed in

him.’ ” [TNIV]

“2 …. ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this

man or his parents, that he

was born blind?’ 3 ‘Neither

this man nor his parents

sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this

happened so that the works

of God might be displayed in

him.’ ” [TNIV]

John 9:2,3….John 9:2,3….

Trophimus was sick in Miletus (2 Timothy 4:20).

Trophimus was sick in Miletus (2 Timothy 4:20).

Epaphroditus almost died while ministering to Paul(Philippians 2:25-27).

Epaphroditus almost died while ministering to Paul(Philippians 2:25-27).

Timothy, Paul’s spiritual son,

had a stomach problem and

“frequent illnesses”

(1 Timothy 5:23).

Timothy, Paul’s spiritual son,

had a stomach problem and

“frequent illnesses”

(1 Timothy 5:23).

Paul asked God 3 times to remove

his own “thorn in the flesh,”

but God said,

“My grace is

sufficient for you”(2 Corinthians 12:9)

– in other words…


Paul asked God 3 times to remove

his own “thorn in the flesh,”

but God said,

“My grace is

sufficient for you”(2 Corinthians 12:9)

– in other words…


Those who claim that “it is God’s will for everyone to be healed” base their belief upon the last

phrase of Isaiah 53:5 that says,

Those who claim that “it is God’s will for everyone to be healed” base their belief upon the last

phrase of Isaiah 53:5 that says,

“…. And by his woundswe are healed.” [TNIV]

“…. And by his woundswe are healed.” [TNIV]

However, the context ofthis verse refers to….

However, the context ofthis verse refers to….

“spiritual sickness and

healing,not physical.”

“spiritual sickness and

healing,not physical.”

“ ‘He himself bore our sins’in his body on the cross, so

that we might die to sins and

live for righteousness; ‘by his

wounds you have been

healed.’ ”[TNIV]

“ ‘He himself bore our sins’in his body on the cross, so

that we might die to sins and

live for righteousness; ‘by his

wounds you have been

healed.’ ”[TNIV]

1 Peter 2:24….1 Peter 2:24….

James’ prescriptionfor those who are

suffering, cheerful or sick.

James’ prescriptionfor those who are

suffering, cheerful or sick.

James 5:13a….James 5:13a….

“Is anyone

among you in



Let them pray.…” [TNIV]

“Is anyone

among you in



Let them pray.…” [TNIV]

“in distress” or

“to suffer trouble” …. can mean mental illness,

anxiety, or some affliction from which there is no immediate relief.

Greek, kakopatheomeans

James is exhorting us

to pray for“endurance!”

John 17:15….John 17:15….

“My prayer is not that

you take them out of the

world but that you

protect them from the

evil one.”[TNIV]

“My prayer is not that

you take them out of the

world but that you

protect them from the

evil one.”[TNIV]

James 5:13b….James 5:13b….

“Is anyone


Let them sing

songs of praise.”


“Is anyone


Let them sing

songs of praise.”


Don’t feel guilty because you’re

not experiencingthe hardships

of others.

“Let it out! Sing praises and thank God for the

blessings He has given.”

“Let it out! Sing praises and thank God for the

blessings He has given.”

James says…. James says….

James 5:14….James 5:14….

“Is anyone among you sick?

Let them call the elders of the

church to pray over them and

anoint (aleipho) them with oil

in the name of the Lord.” [TNIV]

“Is anyone among you sick?

Let them call the elders of the

church to pray over them and

anoint (aleipho) them with oil

in the name of the Lord.” [TNIV]

Greek, astheneomeans

“without strength, weak”

… is the idea of being

totally incapacitated.

“without strength, weak”

… is the idea of being

totally incapacitated.

“James did not write about ceremonial anointing at all. ….

The ordinary word for a ceremonial anointing was chrio(a cognate of christos [Christ]

the “anointed One”). ….

points out in his bookpoints out in his book

…. The word James used (aleipho), in contrast to the

word chrio (“to anoint”), usually means “to rub” or

simply “apply.”

The word aleipho was used to describe the personal

application of salves, lotions, and perfumes, which usually

had an oil base. …

…. It was even used to speak of plastering walls. …. An aleiptes

was a “trainer” who rubbed down athletes in gymnastic


Aleipho was used frequently in medical treatises. And so it turns out that what James

required by the use of oil was the use of the best medical

means of the day.

... James simply say to rub oil … on

the body, and pray. ….

In this passage he urged the treating of sickness

by medical means accompanied by prayer.

….. The two are to be used together; neither to the exclusion of the other.

So instead of teaching faith healing apart from the useof medicine, the passage teaches the opposite.”

Prayer of faith leads to 3 specific results

found in James 5:15 ….

Prayer of faith leads to 3 specific results

found in James 5:15 ….

“And the prayer offered in faith

will make them well; the Lord

will raise them up. If they have

sinned, they will be forgiven.” [TNIV]

The context clearly indicatesa person who is suffering

physically as a direct resultof personal sin.

The context clearly indicatesa person who is suffering

physically as a direct resultof personal sin.

“Remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the way of

error will save them from death and cover over a

multitude of sins.”[TNIV]

“Remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the way of

error will save them from death and cover over a

multitude of sins.”[TNIV]

means “saved”

James 5:20….James 5:20….

James 5:16….James 5:16….

“Therefore confess your sins

to each other and pray for

each other so that you may be

healed. The prayer of a

righteous person is powerful

and effective.” .”[TNIV]

“Therefore confess your sins

to each other and pray for

each other so that you may be

healed. The prayer of a

righteous person is powerful

and effective.” .”[TNIV]

Don’t let sins build up

in your life to the

point that they make

you physically ill!

Don’t let sins build up

in your life to the

point that they make

you physically ill!

“In a very real sense it is easier to confess sins to God than it is to confess them to men; and yet in sin there are two barriers to be removed – the barrier it sets up between

us and God, ….


…. and the barrier it sets up

between us and our fellow-

men. If both these barriers

are to

be removed, both kinds of

confession must be made.”

Appropriate response to your

friends’ confessions would be

to lift them up to the Lord

in prayer.

Appropriate response to your

friends’ confessions would be

to lift them up to the Lord

in prayer.

Asking others to pray for

your physical healing while

ignoring proper medical

treatment is foolish.

Asking others to pray for

your physical healing while

ignoring proper medical

treatment is foolish.

When God heals,

remember to thank

Him and give Him

the glory!

When God heals,

remember to thank

Him and give Him

the glory!

Did you notice that James

never once mentions

“faith healers?”

Did you notice that James

never once mentions

“faith healers?”

When we’re sick, we are

commanded to call for the

leaders in our local church.

When we’re sick, we are

commanded to call for the

leaders in our local church.

conclusionconclusionon this important topic…. on this important topic….

“I believe in divine healing.

I do not believe in divine

healers. I believe in faith


I do not believe in faith


There is a great difference. ….

“I believe in divine healing.

I do not believe in divine

healers. I believe in faith


I do not believe in faith


There is a great difference. ….

…. I believe that God in His sovereign grace and power will

in fact reach down in some cases and change a condition.


And I am of the conviction that God does that apart from any individual who claims to have

certain powers.”

…. I believe that God in His sovereign grace and power will

in fact reach down in some cases and change a condition.


And I am of the conviction that God does that apart from any individual who claims to have

certain powers.”
