Jacqueline Lee Robertson Education AwardsCompleted revision of Bioassays with Arthropods. This...


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Jacqueline Lee Robertson

Communications: Residence (707) 762-8689; FAX (707) 762-1124 EMAIL:


Education: B.A.,1969, University of California at Berkeley (Zoology, major;

History, minor); Ph.D.,1973, University of California at Berkeley (Entomology)


(1) USDA Honor Group Award for Excellence, presented to Jacqueline L.

Robertson, "For exceptional performance, creativity, and perseverance in

challenging Japan's long-standing varietal testing trade restriction within the

World Trade Organization." June 1998.

(2) C. W. Woodworth Award for outstanding accomplishments in

Entomology in the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of

America. June 1997.

(3) Outstanding Service Award, Entomological Society of America for

15 years as Editor, Journal of Economic Entomology, Entomological

Society of America, December 1996.

(4) International Union of Forestry Related Organizations (IUFRO)

Scientific Achievement Award, 1986, for application of new statistical

methods to problems in forest entomology

(5) U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Superior Service Award, May,

1981, "For significant improvements in applying statistical procedures and

laboratory bioassays, enhancing the quality and usefulness of insecticides in



(1) Animal health consultant: Mycogen Corporation,

(2) Poultry and management of insect problems in poultry houses:

Parasitix Corporation


(3) Certified equine appraiser

(4) Biometrical analyses of natural variation (Abbott Laboratories,

North Chicago, Illinois

(5) Metabolism of ecdysone agonists in codling moth (Rohm and

Haas Company, Springhouse, PA

(6) Resistance of western corn rootworm to cucurbitacin bait

(7) Analyses of the effects of cultivar on commodity treatment

(University of California, Davis)

(8) Private consultant and expert witness services for veterinary

forensics (animal cruelty cases).

Teaching Experience:

(1)1970-1972: Teaching Assistant, Entomology, 102A-102B

(2)1971-Present: Guest lectures and seminars in insect physiology

(1972) (UC Berkeley), statistical aspects of bioassay problems (UC Davis;

Lincoln University, New Zealand; editing scientific papers (Lincoln

University, New Zealand Science Information Publishing Centre 1986),

biochemical aspects of response of forest insect defoliators to pesticides

(UC Santa Cruz 1990), other miscellaneous lectures.

(3) 1999: Team-teaching instructor, UC Davis. Biology 102. (Joint course

between Entomology Dept. and Veterinary School) Statistical methods of

regression and predictive data analyses.

Graduate Student Advising/Assistance:

(1) Mir Jalil Hejazi, UC Davis Department of Entomology, Ph. Thesis

Committee, 1985 (Effects of benzoylphenylureas on Platynota sultana

Walsingham: Life table studies and ovicidal activity).

Distribution, Phenology, and Insecticide

(2) Susan P. Worner, Entomology Department, Lincoln University,

Canterbury New Zealnd (Use of models and phonological forecasting in

applied entomology). Thesis completed 1993.

(3) Moneen M. Jones, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana,

Department of Crop Sciences. Susceptibility of Oriental Fruit Moth,

Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Illinois.

Ph.D Thesis Committee 2010.


Professional Experience:

(1) Scientist, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Station, Berkeley,

CA. 1967-1996

(2) 1982-90: Lead scientist and project leader, Improved Technology for

Integrated Management of Western Forest Insects Project (PSW-2203),

USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Station, Berkeley, CA. Designed

and developed experiments to provide data for models simulating the effects

of IPM strategies used for western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir tussock

moth. Investigated physiological factors responsible for co-evolution of

mountain pine beetle and western pine beetle and their host tree species.

Designed statistical studies to ensure a firm basis for the construction and

validation of simulation or prediction models for management strategies.

Began development of population toxicology (now called eco-toxicology) as

a means to estimate effects of chemicals in the field, based on results of

laboratory data. Continued investigations of response to multiple

explanatory variables.

(3) 1990 - 1998: Project Leader and Senior Scientist, Insect Genetics,

Biochemistry, and Biometry Project (PSW-2206), US Forest Service (Pacific

Southwest Station, Albany, CA). Designed and developed basic studies of

biochemical and genetic indicators of forest insect population status,

interactions of bark beetles and defoliators with tree species, and effects of

secondary plant chemicals on success of infestation. Participated in use of

molecular-genetic methods to trace points of entry of Tomicus piniperda into

the US; initiated world-wide collections of this exotic bark beetle to identify

point(s) of origin. Initiated development of statistical definition of chemical

resistance; this investigation was essential to avoid confounding factors such

as natural variation in response for resistance to a given chemical. With

collaborators, continued development of ecotoxicology as a specialty


(4) 1997- present. As entomologist for LeOra Software, continued

development of user-friendly computer programs for biologists

whose data are collected in bioassays with one or more

explanatory variables. These programs include PoloPlus,

PoloDose, PoloMix, and PoloEncore. PoloPlus computes probit

(or logit) quantal regression analyses and conducts automatic tests


of the hypotheses of parallelism and equality. Several features

enhance the program’s use in toxicological and pharmaceutical

testing. First, lethal dose ratios are estimated for statistical

comparison of each preparation with a standard. Second,

standardized residuals are calculated. Third, residuals are

displayed in plots for identification of sources of lack-of-fit to the

probit or logit model. Fourth, a fitted response curve for each

preparation can be plotted. Finally, a Probit 9 (LD 99.9968) can be

estimated to meet the requirements of the United States

Department of Agriculture and regulatory agencies of other

nations. PoloEncore extends the methods of PoloPlus to binary

response models with multiple explanatory variables. Such models

are rather common in bioassays with chemicals such as pesticides

and pharmaceuticals. They provide an efficient means to use a

single experiment to test the significance of more than one

variable (such as dose) on response.

PoloMix uses a chi-square statistic to test the hypothesis of

independent joint action. This test is done by obtaining an

estimate for the probability of mortality p for several dose or

concentration levels of the two components and then comparing

the estimate of p with the observed proportion killed at the

corresponding dose levels. The three contributions to p are

estimated separately. First, p0 is calculated as the proportional

mortality observed in the control group. Next, p1 and p2 are

estimated from bioassays of component 1 and component 2, with

data analyzed with PoloPlus. The chi-square test statistic is then

calculated. Finally, PoloDose is a designed specifically for the

study of dose placement and sample size for any dose that would

cause mortality greater than zero and less than 100%. PoloDose

calculates the length of the confidence interval for µ0, the dose

level that produces a certain probability of response P0, where

0<P0<1. The program is written to assist in the selection of the

optimal doses to use in a bioassay that involves binary (e.g., dead

vs. alive) response. The results of the bioassay can then be

analyzed by PoloPlus.

(5) 2001-2007. Completed revision of Bioassays with Arthropods.

This second edition was described by one reviewer as the most

humorous statistical textbook ever written. In a recent review in


The Journal of Economic Entomology, Dr. Denny Bruck puts it

this way: “In the preface, Jacqueline L. Robertson outlines the

authors’ desire to write a textbook that enhances readability and

keeps readers interested in the subject matter. Mission

accomplished!” The third edition of this book (starring the same

cast and whoever else I dream up) will be completed when the

PoloTime computer program will be finished by 2013.


Entomological Society of America

Entomological Society of Canada

American Phytopathological Society

SOCIETY OFFICES: Editor, Journal of Economic Entomology, 1982-1997

Subject Editor, Journal of Economic Entomology, 1997-2007

Subject Editor, Canadian Entomologist, 1991-2000

PUBLICATIONS: One patent, 141 technical publications in print; 2 books

(1992, 2007); 2 textbooks in progress.

United States Patent:

#4,318,363; March 9, 1982; Laboratory Spray Chamber

(This device is described by Robertson, J. L., R. L. Lyon, Andrews, E. E.

Moellman, and M. Page. 1979. Moellman Chamber: versatile research tool for

laboratory bioassay. Note PSW-335, 6 pp.)

Users' Manuals for Computer Programs:

1. Robertson, J. L., R. M. Russell, and N. E. Savin. 1980. POLO: a user’s guide to

Probit Or LOgit analysis. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-38. Pacific Southwest Forest and

Range Exp. Sta., Forest Serv., USDA, Berkeley, Calif. 15 pp.

2. Russell, R. M., N. E. Savin, and J. L. Robertson. 1981. POL02: A user’s guide

for multiple probit or logit analysis (Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-55). 37 pp.

3. Smith, K.C., and J.L. Robertson. 1984. DOSESCREEN: A computer guide to


dose placement. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report. PSW-78. 12 pp.

4. Robertson, J. L. and K. C. Smith. 1989. MIX: A computer program to evaluate

interaction between chemicals. U. S. Forest Service General Technical Report

PSW-112. 9 pp.

Program Documentation:

[versions of POLO, POLO2, MIX and DoseScreen in FORTRAN IV, FORTRAN

77, and Windows including Windows Vista]

5. Savin, N. E., J. L. Robertson, and R. M. Russell. 1977. A critical evaluation of

bioassay in insecticide research: likelihood ratio tests of dose-mortality regression.

Bull. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 23: 257-66.

6. Russell, R. M., J. L. Robertson, and N. E. Savin. 1977. POLO:

A new computer program for probit analysis. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 23: 209-


7. Russell, R. M. and J. L. Robertson. 1979. Programming probit analysis. Bull.

Entomol. Soc. Amer. 25: 191-92.

8. Robertson, J. L., R. M. Russell, and N. E. Savin. 1981. POL02: A computer

program for multiple probit or logit analysis. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 27(3):


General Publications Concerning Statistics:

9. Robertson, J. L. and H. K. Preisler. 1992. Pesticide Bioassays with Arthropods.

CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 127 pp. (ISBN 0-8493-6463-9.

10. Everngam, R. L. and J. L. Robertson. 1992. Publishing with the ESA.

Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD.

11. Robertson, J. L. 1984. 2nd edition. 1985. Reporting requirements for statistical

analysis. pp. 9-10. In Publications Policies and Guide for Authors of the

Entomological Society of America. 29 pp.


Technical Publications Describing New Statistical Methods: 12. Robertson, J. L., N. E. Savin, and R. M. Russell. 1981. Weight as a variable in

the response of the western spruce budworm to insecticides. J. Econ. Entomol. 74:


14. Robertson, J. L. 1982. Effect of body weight on lethal effectiveness of a

juvenile hormone analogue applied to male and female western spruce budworm

(Choristoneura occidentalis) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae. Can. Entomol. 114: 1063-


15. Dell, T. R., J. L. Robertson, and M. I. Haverty. 1983. Estimation of cumulative

change of state with the Weibull function. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 29: 38-40.

16. Robertson, J. L. and K. C. Smith. 1984. Joint action of pyrethroids with

organophosphorous and carbamate insecticides applied to western spruce

budworm. J. Econ. Entomol. 77: 16-22.

17. Preisler, H. K. and J. L. Robertson. 1989. Analysis of

time/dose/mortality data. J. Econ. Entomol. 82: 168-172.

18. Preisler, H. K., M. A. Hoy and J. L. Robertson. 1990. Statistical

analyses of modes of inheritance for pesticide resistance. J. Econ.

Entomol. 83: 1649-1655.

19. Robertson, J. L.,

K. A. Armstrong, D. M. Suckling, and H. K. Preisler. 1990. Effects of host plants

on the toxicity of azinphosmethyl to susceptible and resistant light brown apple

moth. J. Econ. Entomol. 83: 2124-2129.

20. Hughes, G. A., J. L. Robertson and N. E. Savin. 1991. Multinomial analysis of

the effects of chemical mixtures. J. Econ. Entomol. 84: 1957-1968.

21. Robertson, J. L., K. C. Smith, N. E. Savin, and R. J. Lavigne. 1984. Effects of


dose selection and sample size on the precision of lethal dose estimates in dose-

mortality regression. J. Econ. Entomol. 77: 833-837.

22. Hughes. G. A., J. L. Robertson, and N. E. Savin. 1987. Comparison of

chemical effectiveness by the multinomial logit techniques. J. Econ. Entomol. 80:


23. Preisler, H. K. and J. L. Robertson. 1992. Estimation of treatment efficacy

when numbers of test subjects are unknown. J. Econ. Entomol. 85: 1033-1040.

24. Robertson, J. L., H. K. Preisler, E. R. Frampton and J. W. Armstrong. 1994.

Statistical analyses to estimate efficacy of disinfestation treatments. pp. 47-65.IN:

Quarantine Treatments for Pests of Food Plants. J. L. Sharp and G. J. Hallman

(eds). Westwood Press, Boulder, Colorado.

25. Robertson, J. L., H. K. Preisler and E. R. Frampton. 1994. Statistical concept

and maximum pest limit concept. pp. 47-65. IN: Insect Pests and Fresh

Horticulutral Products: Treatments and Responses., R. E. Paull and J. W.

Armstrong (eds). CAB International, London.

26. Robertson, J. L, H. K. Preisler, S. S. Ng, L.A. Hickle and W.D. Gelernter.

1995. Natural variation: A complicating factor in bioassays with chemical and

microbial insecticides. J. Econ. Entomol. 88: 1-10.

27. Chandler, L.D., J. L. Robertson and H. K. Preisler. 1995. Effects of

combinations of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin on mortality of corn earworm and

fall armyworm. Can. Entomol. 127: 25-32.

28. Preisler, H. K. and J. L. Robertson. 1995. Stochastic versus numerical models:

An example on the spread of Annosus root disease. pp. 41-43 IN Proceeding of

1994 National Convention of the Society of American Foresters.

29. Preisler, H.K. and J. L. Robertson. 1995. Examples of statistical analysis and

computing in the natural sciences. pp. 6-8 IN Proceedings of 1994 Conference of

the Palestinian Society of Mathematical Sciences. [ed.] Waleed Deeb.

30. Robertson, J. L., H. K. Preisler, S. S. Ng, L. A. Hickle, A. Berdeja and W. D.

Gelernter. 1996. Comparative effect of temperature and time on activity of Dipel


2X and MVP preparations of Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki on

diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 89: 1084-1087.

31. Robertson, J. L. and V.Y. Yokoyama. 1998. Comparison of methyl bromide

LD50s of codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on nectarine cultivars as related

to natural variation. J. Econ. Entomol. 91: 1433-1436.

Other Technical Publications of Research Results:

32. Schwartz, J. L. and R. L. Lyon. 1970. Laboratory culture of orange tortix, and

its susceptibility to four insecticides. J. Econ. Entomol. 63: 1788-1790.

33. Schwartz, J. L. and R. L. Lyon. 1971. Contact toxicity of five insecticides to

California oakworm reared on an artificial diet.

J. Econ. Entomol. 64: 146-48.

34. Schwartz, J. L. 1971. Inhibition of nerve cord metamorphosis in the western

spruce budworm Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by

juvenile hormone analogs. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 17: 293-99.

35. Lyon, R. L. and J. L. Robertson. 1971. Toxicity of stabilized and unstabilized

pyrethrins applied to western spruce budworm. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Note

PSW-255, 4 p.

36. Robertson, J. L. 1972. Toxicity of Zectran aerosol to the California oakworm, a

primary parasite, and a hyperparasite. Environ. Entomol. 1: 116-17.

37. Lyon, R. L., C. E. Richmond, J. L. Robertson, and B. A. Lucas. 1972. Rearing

diapauses and diapauses-free western spruce budworm Choristoneura occidentalis

(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on an artificial diet. Can. Entomol. 104: 417-26.

38. Lyon, R. L., S. J. Brown, and J. L. Robertson. 1972. Contact toxicity of sixteen

insecticides applied to forest tent caterpillars reared on artificial diet. J. Econ.

Entomol. 65: 928-30.

39. Robertson, J. L., R. L. Lyon, F. L. Shon, and N. L. Gillette. 1972. Contact


toxicity of 20 insecticides applied to Symmerista canicosta. J. Econ. Entomol. 65:


40. Robertson, J. L., R. L. Lyon, F. L. Shon and M. Page. 1973. Western black-

headed budworm: toxicity of five insecticides to two populations. J. Econ.

Entomol. 66: 274-275.

41. Robertson, J. L. and R. L. Lyon. 1973. Western spruce budworm:

nonresistance to Zectran. J. Econ. Entomol. 66: 801-2.

42. Robertson, J. L. and R. Pipa. 1973. Metamorphic shortening of interganglionic

connectives in Galleria mellonella: stimulation by ecdysone analogues. J. Insect

Physiol. 19: 673-79.

43. Robertson, J. L. and R. L. Lyon. 1973. Elm spanworm: contact toxicity of

insecticides applied to the larvae. J. Econ. Entomol. 66: 627-28.

44. Robertson, J.L. and N.L. Gillette. 1973. Western tent caterpillar: contact

toxicity of 10 insecticides applied to the larvae. J. Econ. Entomol. 66: 629-30.

45. Robertson, J. L. and R. L. Lyon. 1973. Douglas-fir tussock moth: contact

toxicity of 20 insecticides applied to the larvae. J. Econ. Entomol. 66: 1255-57.

46. Robertson, J.L. 1974. Galleria mellonella nerve cords in vitro: stage specific

survival and differential responsiveness to β-ecdysone. J. Insect Physiol. 20:545-


47. Robertson, J. L., M. Page, and N. L. Gillette. 1974. Calocalpe undulata:

contact toxicity of 10 insecticides to the larvae. J. Econ. Entomol. 67: 706-8.

48. Robertson. J. L., R. L. Lyon, and N. L. Gillette. 1975. Contact toxicity of 38

insecticides to pales weevil adults. J. Econ. Entomol. 68: 124-26.

49. Robertson, J. L., R. L. Lyon, and M. Page. 1975. Toxicity of selected

insecticides to pests of western hemlock. J. Econ. Entomol. 68: 192-96.

50. Robertson, J. L., N. L. Gillette, M. Look, B. A. Lucas, and R. L. Lyon. 1976.

Toxicity of selected insecticides to western spruce budworm. J. Econ. Entomol.


69: 99-104.

51. Robertson, J. L. Western black-headed budworm laboratory spray tests. 1974-

1975. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 1: 104.

52. Page, M. and J. L. Robertson. 1976. Western spruce budworm, bioactivity of

mexacarbate during storage. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 1: 104-5.

53. Robertson, J. L., L. M. Boelter, and N. L. Gillette. 1977. Laboratory tests of

insecticides on western spruce budworm 1974-76. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 2:


54. Robertson, J. L., F. L. Shon, and L. M. Boelter. 1977. Jeffrey pine needle

miner, laboratory spray tests, 1976. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 2: 117.

55. Robertson, J. L. 1978. Chilled Galleria mellonella: salivary glands may

mechnically inhibit development. J. Insect Physiol. 24: 181-86.

56. Robertson, J. L., N. L. Gillette, B. A. Lucas and R. M. Russell. 1978.

Comparative toxicity of insecticides to Choristoneura species (Lepidoptera:

Tortricidae). Can. Entomol. 110: 399-406.

57. Robertson, J. L., L. M. Boelter, R. M. Russell, and N. E. Savin. 1978.

Variation in response to insecticides by Douglas-fir tussock moth, Orgyia

pseudotsugata (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), populations. Can. Entomol. 110: 325-


58. Gillette, N. L., J. L. Robertson, and R. L. Lyon. 1978. Bioassays of TH-6038

and difluron applied to western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir tussock moth. J.

Econ. Entomol. 71: 319-22.

59. Gillette, N. L. and J. L. Robertson. 1978. Feeding toxicity of carbofuran to

mountain pine cone beetle. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 3: 148.

60. Robertson, J. L. 1978. Laboratory tests of insecticides on western spruce

budworm. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 3 :145-46.

61. Robertson, J. L. 1978. Feeding tests of insecticides to western spruce


budworm. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 3: 145.

62. Robertson, J. L. and R. Kimball. Feeding tests of insecticides to western pine

beetle. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 3: 147.

63. Robertson, J. L. and N. L. Gillette. 1978. Contact toxicity of insecticides to

western pine beetle. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 3: 147.

64. Robertson, J. L., C. E. Crisp, and M. Look. 1978. Toxicity of O,O-dimethyl

2,2,2 -trichloro-l-hydroxyethyl phosphonate and its acyloxy and vinyl derivatives.

Insecticide Acaricide Tests 3: 144-45.

65. Robertson, J. L. 1978. 6.1.2 Laboratory bioassays. In: The Douglas-fir Tussock

Moth: A Synthesis; Chapter 6 population management--chemical control. USDA-

Forest Serv. Tech. Bull. 1585, pp. 112-115.

66. Stock, M. W. and J. L. Robertson. 1978. 6.2.2. Genetic indicators of

insecticide response. In: The Douglas-fir Tussock Moth: A Synthesis in Chapter 6

- Population management--chemical control. USDA Forest Serv. Tech. Bull. 1585,

pp. 116-17.

67. Robertson, J. L., R. L. Lyon, T. L. Andrews, E. E. Moellman, and M. Page.

1979. Moellman Spray Chamber: versatile research tool for laboratory bioassay.

Res. Note PSW-335, 6 pp.

68. Robertson, J. L. 1979. Rearing the western spruce budworm. USDA Misc.

Pub., Canada/United States Spruce Budworms Program. 18 pp.

69. Robertson, J. L. and L. M. Boelter. 1979. Toxicity of insecticides to Douglas-

fir tussock moth Orgyia pseudotsugata (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae): I. Contact

and feeding toxicity. Can. Entomol. 111: 1145-59.

70. Robertson, J. L. and L. M. Boelter. 1979. Toxicity of insecticides to Douglas-

fir tussock Orgyia pseudotsugata (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae): II. Residual

activity and rainfastness. Can. Entomol. 111: 1161-75.

71. Robertson, J. L. and N. L. Rappaport. 1979. Direct, indirect, and residual


toxicities of insecticide sprays on western spruce budworm, Choristoneura

occidentalis (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Can. Entomol. 111: 1219-26.

72. Stock, M. W. and J. L. Robertson. 1979. Differential response of Douglas-fir

tussock moth, Orgyia pseudotsugata (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), populations and

sibling groups to acephate and carbaryl: toxicological and genetic analyses. Can.

Entomol. 111: 1231-39.

73. Robertson, J. L. and R. A. Kimball. 1979. Laboratory test of the effect of molt

inhibitors and an insect growth regulator on fertility and fecundity of western

spruce budworm, 1978. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 4: 218.

74. Robertson, J. L. and R. A. Kimball. 1979. Toxicities of topically applied

insecticides to western spruce budworm, 1977. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 4: 174.

75. Robertson, J. L. and R. A. Kimball 1979. Effects of insect growth regulators on

the western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis) (Lepidoptera:

Tortricidae): I. Lethal effects of the last instar treatments. Can. Entomol. 111:


76. Robertson, J. L. and R. A. Kimball. 1979. Effects of insect growth regulators

on the western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis) (Lepidoptera:

Tortricidae): II. Fecundity and fertility reduction following last instar treatments.

Can. Entomol. 111: 1369-380.

77. Robertson, J. L. 1979. Laboratory tests of IGR's on western spruce budworm.

In: Insect Growth Regulator Research on Spruce Budworm. U. Maine Life Sci.

and Agric. Exp. Sta. Misc. Report 219, pp. 2-9.

78. Robertson, J. L. and R. A. Kimball. 1980. Toxicities of topically applied

insecticides to western spruce budworm, 1979. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 5: 203.

79. Robertson, J. L. and R. A. Kimball. 1980. Toxicities of topically applied

insecticides to Douglas-fir tussock moth, 1979. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 5: 202.

80. Granett, J., J. Robertson, and A. Retnakaran. 1980. Metabolic basis for

differential susceptibility of two forest lepidopterans to diflubenzuron.


Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 28: 295-300.

81. Retnakaran, A., J. Granett, and J. Robertson. 1980. Possible physiological

mechanisms for the differential susceptibility of two forest Lepidoptera to

diflubenzuron. J. Insect Physiol. 26: 285-90.

82. Robertson, J. L. 1980. Contact and feeding toxicities of acephate and carbaryl

to larval stages of the western spruce budworm, Choristoneura occidentalis.

(Lepidoptera :Tortricidae) Can. Entomol. 112: 1001-6.

83. Robertson, J. L. and T. R. Dell. 1980. Interaction of chilling and space

deprivation in delayed metamorphosis of the greater wax moth. Amer. Zool.

20(4):937. (abstract).

83. Stock, M. W. and J. L. Robertson. 1980. Inter- and intraspecific variation in

selected Choristoneura species: a toxicological and genetic survey. Can. Entomol.

112: 1019-27.

84. Rappaport, N. L. and J. l. Robertson. Lethal effects of five molt inhibitors fed

to western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis)Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

and the Douglas-fir tussock moth (Orgyia pseudotsugata [McDunnough])

(Ledipoptera: Lymantriidae). Zeitschrift fur Angewante Entomologie 91: 459-463.

85. Robertson, J. L. and M. I. Haverty. 1981. Multiphase laboratory bioassays to

select chemicals for field-testing on the western spruce budworm. J. Econ.

Entomol. 74: 148-153.

86. Robertson, J. L. and T. R. Dell. 1981. Delayed metamorphosis in Galleria

mellonella: interaction of chilling and space deprivation. J. Insect Physiol. 27: 689-


87. Robertson, J. L. and R. A. Kimball. 1981. Variables affecting the practical use

of juvenile hormone analogues for control of the western spruce budworm

(Choristoneura occidentalis)(Lepidoptera:Tortricidae). Can. Entomol.1113: 827-


88. Stock, M. W. and J. L. Robertson. 1982. Esterase polymorphism and response


to insecticides during larval development of the western spruce budworm. J. Econ.

Entomol. 75: 183-187.

89. Stock, M. W. and J. L. Robertson. 1982. Quality assessment and control in a

colony of western spruce budworm, Choristoneura occidentalis

(Lepidoptera:Tortricidae). Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 32: 28-32.

90. Haverty, M. I. and J. L. Robertson. 1982. Laboratory bioassays for selecting

candidate insecticides and application rates for field tests on forest defoliators. J.

Econ. Entomol. 75: 179-182.

91. Stock, M. W. and J. L. Robertson. 1982. Genetic aspects of insecticide

response in forest defoliators. In: Stock, M. W., ed. Application of genetics and

cytology in insect systematics and evolution. Proc. Symp. National Meeting

Entomological Soc. of America, Dec. 1-2, 1980. Forest Wildl. and Range Exp.

Sta., Univ. of Idaho, Moscow. 152 pp.

92. Robertson, J. L. and M. I. Haverty. 1982. Estimation of rates and times of

application for selected insect growth regulator formulations applied to western

spruce budworm. J. Ga. Entomol. Soc. 17: 297-307.

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94. Force, J. E., J. L. Robertson, M. W. Stock, and C. B. Williams. 1982. A

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95. Robertson, J. L. 1982. Toxicity of experimental molt inhibitors to western

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96. Robertson, J. L. and M. Look. 1982. Toxicity of isothiourea lepidoptericides to

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97. Williams, C. B. and J. L. Robertson. 1983. Spray volume measurement as an

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98. Shapiro, M., J. L. Robertson, M. G. Injac, K. Katagiri, and R. A. Bell. 1984.

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99. Robertson, J. L. 1984. Methods for rearing the Douglas-fir tussock moth and

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100. Robertson, J. L. 1984. Methods for rearing the western spruce budworm and

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101. Robertson, J. L., K. C. Smith, J. Granett, and A. Retnakaran. 1984. Joint

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102. Robertson, J. L. 1984. Toxicities of molt inhibitors ingested by western

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103. Robertson, J. L. 1984. Toxicity of Orthene 75S to pandora moth. Insecticide

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105. Stock, M. W. and J. L. Robertson. 1984. Predicting response of forest

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Control. U. S. Forest Service Gen. Tech. Report NE-90. 95 pp.

106. Robertson, J. L. and M. W. Stock. 1984. Differential population

characteristics of western spruce budworm. pp. 7-12. In M. M. Harris and A. M.


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107. Robertson, J. L. and K. C. Smith. 1984. Western spruce budworm: joint

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108. Robertson, J. L. and M. W. Stock. 1984. Toxicological and electrophoretic

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(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Can. Entomol.117: 57-65.

109. Schmidt, C. D., S. E. Kunz, and J. L. Robertson. 1984. Susceptibility of horn

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110. Robertson, J. L. and M. W. Stock. 1984. Comparative toxicological and

electrophoretic characteristics of two sympatric forest defoliators. J. Ga. Entomol.

Soc. 19: 446-453.

112. Sturgeon, K. B. and J. L. Robertson. 1985. Microsomal polysubstrate

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Scolytidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 78: 1-4.

113. Robertson, J. L., C. E. Richmond, and H. K. Preisler. 1985. Lethal and

sublethal effects of Avermectin B1 on the western spruce budworm. J. Econ.

Entomol. 78: 1129-1132.

114. Robertson, J. L. and J. A. McLean. 1985. Correspondence of the LC50 for

arsenic trioxide in a diet-incorporation experiment and the quantity of arsenic

ingested as measured by x-ray energy-dispersive spectrometry. J. Econ. Entomol.

78: 1035-1036.

115. Smith, K. C., J. L. Robertson, and N. E. Savin. 1985. Maximum likelihood vs.

minimum chi-square. Response. Biometrics 41: 781-783.

116. Shapiro, M., J. L. Robertson and R. A. Bell. 1986. Quantitative and

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117. Schmidt, C. D. and J. L. Robertson. 1986. Effects of treatment techniques on

response of horn flies (Diptera: Muscidae) to permethrin at different temperatures.

J. Econ. Entomol. 79: 684-687.

118. Robertson J. L. and H. K. Preisler. 1986. XRD-473: Rates optimal time of

application to western spruce budworm. J. Entomological Science 21: 16-20.

119. Robertson, J. L. and M. W. Stock. 1986. Computer prediction of insecticide

efficacy for western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir tussock moth. PSW Gen.

Tech. Report PSW-89.

120. Shapiro, M. and J. L. Robertson. 1987. Yield and activity of gypsy moth

(Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) nucleopolyhedrosis virus recovered from survivors of

viral challenge. J. Econ. Entomol. 80: 901-905.

121. Shapiro, M., H.K. Preisler and J.L. Robertson. 1987. Enhancement of gypsy

moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) nucleopolyhedrosis virus by chitinase. J. Econ.

Entomol. 80: 1113-1116.

122. Bentz, B. J., R. N. Coulson, P. E. Pulley, M. W. Stock, J. L. Robertson, and

C. W. Schaefer 1987. Publications of the Entomological Society of America: A

descriptive study of patterns of use. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 33: 230-238.

123. Robertson, J. L. and H. K. Preisler. 1988. Effects of moisture before and after

application of insecticides to western spruce budworm. J. Econ. Entomol. 81:


124. Robertson, J. L. and H. K. Preisler. 1988. Laboratory evaluation of phosalone

for control of western spruce budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). J. Entomol. Sci.

23: 364-378.

125. Anderson, T. E., A. E. Hajek, D. W. Roberts, H. K. Preisler, and J. L.

Robertson. 1989. Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): Effects of

combinations of Beauveria bassiana with insecticides. J. Econ. Entomol. 82: 83-89.


126. Robertson, J. L., S. P. Worner and H. K. Preisler. 1989. Comparative optimal

times of application of benzoylphenylureas to western spruce budworm,

Choristoneura occidentalis (Lepidoptera:

Tortricidae). Can. Entomol. 121: 75-79.

127. Robertson, J. L. and S. P. Worner. 1990. Population toxicology: Suggestions

for more predictive laboratory bioassays. J. Econ. Entomol.(Forum) 83: 8-12.

128. Shapiro, M. and J.L. Robertson. 1990. Tests of dyes as ultraviolet screens for

use with gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) nucleopolyhedrosis virus. J.

Econ. Entomol. 83: 168-172.

129. Shapiro, M. and J. L. Robertson. 1992. Enhancement of gypsy moth

(Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) baculovirus by optical brighteners. J. Econ.

Entomomol. 85: 1120-1124.

130. Wadleigh, R. W., P. G. Koehler, H. K. Preisler, R. L. Patterson and J. L.

Robertson. 1992. Effect of temperature on the toxicities of ten pyrethroids to

German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 84: 1433-1436.

131. Hayes, J. L. and J. L. Robertson. 1992. A (biased) view of bark beetle

genetics and some thoughts about future needs. pp. 102. IN: Proceedings of Bark

Beetle Genetics Workshop. USFS, GTR-PSW-138. 35 pp.

132. Alosi, M. C. and J. L. Robertson. 1992. Biochemical indicators of population

status of mountain pine beetle in central Oregon. p. 4 IN: Proceedings of Bark

Beetle Genetics Workshop. USFS, GTR-PSW-118. 35 pp.

133. Hayes, J. L. and J. L. Robertson. 1992. Bark beetle genetics an overview. p.

iii IN: Proceedings of Bark Beetle Genetics Workshop. USFS, GTR-PSW-118. 35


134. Shelton, A. M., J. L. Robertson, J. D. Tang, C. Perez, S. D. Eigenbrode, H. K.

Preisler, W. T. Wilsey and R. J. Cooley. 1993. Resistance in diamondback moth

(Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) to Bacillus thuringiensis in the field. J. Econ. Entomol.

86: 706-711.


135.Nigg, H.N., L.L. Mallory, S. Fraser, S.E. Siv, J. L. Robertson, J.A. Attaway,

S. B. Carr, and R.E. Brown. 1994. Test procols and toxicities of

organopnosphorous insecticides to Caribbean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae). J.

Econ. Entomol. 87: 589-595.

136. Shapiro, M., J. L. Robertson and R. E. Webb. 1994. Effect of neem extract

upon the gypsy moth (Lepidopera: Lymantriidae) and its nuclear polyhedrosis

virus. J. Econ. Entmol. 87: 356-360.

137. Brun, L.O., D.M. Suckling, R. T Roush, V. Gaudichon, H. Preisler and J. L

Robertson. 1995. Genetics of endosulfan resistance in Hypothenemus hampei

(Coleoptera: Scolytidae) : Implications for mode of sex determination. J. Econ.

Entomol. 88: 470-474.

138. Cilgi, T., S.D. Wratten, J.L. Robertson, D.E. Turner, J.M. Holland and G.K.

Frampton. 1995. Residual toxicities of three insecticides to four predatory species

(Coleoptera: Carbabiidae) of aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae). Can. Entomol. 127:


139. Alosi-Carter, M. C., J. L. Robertson, R. A. Haack, R. K. Lawrence and J. L.

Hayes. 1996. Genetic relatedness of North American populations of Tomicus

piniperda (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) . J. Econ. Entomol. 89: 1345-1353.

140. McCutchen, B.F., K. Hoover, H. K. Preisler, M.D. Betana, R. Herrman, J.L.

Robertson and B. D. Hammock. 1997. Interactions of recombinant and wild-type

baculoviruses with classical insecticides in pyrethroid-resistant tobacco budworm

{Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 90: 1170-1180.

141. Wheeler, M., W. Fadel, J. Robertson and A.J. Bailer, 2007. Confidence

interval construction for relative toxicity endpoints such as LD50 or LD90 ratios. J.

Econ. Entomol. 100: 1945-49.

In Process:

Bioassays with Arthropods, 3rd



At least 3 reports about susceptibility and resistance patterns in Oriental fruit moth

exposed to reduced risk insecticides (senior author, Moneen M. Jones)
