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Page 149 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Assessment of student achievement is an important part of

the teaching and learning process. Given at the beginning of

a course, assessments help you know where to begin and/

or identify areas of remediation that must be addressed.

Frequent assessments during the course help you and your

students see the progress of learning and help identify prob-

lematic areas where students need more help or time. Given

at the completion of instruction, assessments tell you how

much has been learned by the end of a unit, by mid-semester,

or by the end of the term. They provide the basis for making

judgments on the grades to assign each student. This chapter

provides an overview of assessments, with a focus on tests

or examinations typically given in paper/pencil format or on

the computer.

• Types of Learning Assessments

• Paper/Pencil or Computer Examinations (Tests)

• Step-by-Step Guidelines for Creating Tests

• Constructing Performance Tests

• General Tips about Testing

• Helping Students Learn from Tests

• Using Item Analysis to Test Your Test

• Cheating on Tests

• Alternative Methods of Assessment

• Resources on Testing

Types of Learning Assessments

• Examinations

� Open-ended such as essay and short-answer.

� Limited-choice such as multiple choice, sentence


� Usually provided in pencil/paper format, sometimes

involving scan response sheets or administered

on a computer.

• Written or Constructed Student Creations

� Reports, papers, projects, products.

� Usually done outside of class and involving research

or reviews of a variety of information sources. Final

products are assembled for submission.

• Performances

� Demonstrations, events, presentations.

� Students demonstrate skills and knowledge in simu-

lated or authentic conditions. May focus on

psychomotor skills but can also heavily involve cog-

nitive skills and judgments, such as in

counseling performances.

Chapter 12 - Testing and Assessment IssuesIV. Student Assessment

Page 150 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Paper/Pencil or Computer Examinations (Tests)

Purposes of Effective Assessments

• Intended learning outcomes: Measure what stu-

dents should know and/or be able to do to show they

have mastered the learning outcomes.

• Knowledge and skills included in the instruc-

tion: Measure the amount and quality of student ability

to use information, examples, practices, and other

related activities provided during instruction.

• Enable generalization: Allow inference from skills

and knowledge tested that students have mastered the

full range of skills and knowledge and the essential or

key content points.

Alignment of Course Components

Assessments should align with the course objectives or


included in the class. The appropriate range of content

should be assessed, as well as the key points covered during

instructional activities. The assessment should allow the

student to demonstrate his or her knowledge and skill in

the subject area.

Constructing Tests

Limited-Choice vs. Open-Ended Questions

The term “limited-choice” is used here to describe test ques-

tions that require students to choose one or more given alter-

natives (multiple choice, true/false, matching), and “open-

ended” is used to refer to questions that require students to

formulate their own answers (sentence completion, short

answer, essay).

Deciding Which Type of Test Questions to Use

Whether it is better to use open-ended or limited-choice test

items depends on the circumstances and on the goals of the

test. Each type of test has its own sets of strengths and weak-

nesses. The advantages and disadvantages of the two main

categories of test items are discussed below in terms of the

various issues that are often considered when a test is

being developed.

Page 151 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Issue Limited Choice Open-Ended

Level of learning objective Recall, comprehension Problem solving, synthesiz-


Content coverage Wider sample Greater depth

Practice and reward of writing and reading skills No Yes

Reward of creativity and divergent thinking No Yes

Feedback to instructor and student Limited but fast Thorough but slow

Length of exam (time to complete) Short Long

Size of class Larger Smaller

Reliability in grading Very reliable Requires work to become


Exam construction and grading time Long/short Short/long

Test reusability High Low

Prevention of cheating Low High

Table 1 - Comparison of Limited-Choice and Open-Ended Tests

Page 152 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Level of Learning Objective

In principle, both limited-choice and open-ended items can

be used to test a wide range of learning objectives. In prac-


items to test recall and comprehension, while open-ended

items are used to test higher-level learning objectives, but

other possibilities exist. Limited-choice items that require

students to classify statements as fact or opinion go beyond

rote learning, and focused essay-questions can easily stay at

the recall level.

Related Chapter Chapter 2

Determining Learning Objectives, for discus-

sions of the different levels of learning outcomes.

Content Coverage

Since more limited-choice than open-ended items can be

used in exams of the same length, it is possible to sample

more broadly over a body of subject matter with limited-

choice items.

Scoring and Grading

Limited-choice exams allow faster and more consistent

scoring than open-ended exams. Open-ended exams re-

quire individual review and judgment of student responses

and, therefore, take longer to score and may be scored more

subjectively, even by the same reviewer. Unless graders are


and provide timely feedback in a high-enrollment course.

Exams that consist mainly of limited-choice items are usually

more practical under these circumstances.

Test Construction

Constructing good limited-choice exams takes much longer

than open-ended exams because items must contain the

pertinent information students need to answer the ques-

tion, a set of appropriate distracters, and the correct answer.

In addition, none of the information should include clues

that point to the correct answer or be written in a way that

confuses student reading and interpretation of the item.

Open-ended exams, on the other hand, may be constructed

quickly and easily because they usually consist of one or two

direct statements or questions asking students to respond in

writing. The chances of providing unwanted clues are greatly

reduced, and there is no opportunity to confuse students with

distracters that may be too close to the right answer.

Page 153 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Length of Exam and Student Response Time

Whether using limited-choice or open-ended exams, instruc-

tors should consider how much time students might need to

respond thoughtfully to the test items. One frequent com-

plaint from students is that they knew the material but there

were so many items that they could not answer every ques-

tion or could not take time to provide thoughtful answers.

Asking a colleague or a graduate student who has taken the

course to complete the test may give you some estimate of

how many items can be completed during the time provided.

Reusability of Exam Items

In general, exams consisting of a large number of limited-

choice items are easier to reuse than those consisting of only


students to remember and transmit to those who will take the

exam later (if the printed exam does not get into circulation).

If a large item bank is built and different exams can be ran-

domly generated from the same pool of questions, limited-

choice items are highly reusable.

Prevention of Cheating

Limited-choice exams provide more opportunities for cheat-

ing than do open-ended exams since single letters or num-

bers are far easier to see or hear than extensive text. Cheating

on limited-choice items can be minimized in several ways,

such as using alternative test forms and controlling students’

seating arrangements.

Writing Limited-Choice Test Questions

In the discussion of limited-choice items below, the term

“stem” is used to refer to the part of the item that asks the

question. The terms “responses,” “choices,” “options,” and

“alternatives” are used to refer to the parts of the item that

will be used to answer the question.

ExampleStem: Who is the author of Jane Eyre?

Responses: A) Emily Bronte

B) Charlotte Bronte

C) Thomas Hardy

D) George Elliot

Multiple Choice Items

Advantages - Multiple-choice items are considered to be

among the most versatile of all item types. They can be used

to test students’ ability to recall facts as well as their under-

standing and ability to apply learning. Multiple-choice items

can also provide an excellent basis for post-test discussion,

especially if the discussion addresses why the incorrect

responses were wrong as well as why the correct responses

were right.

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Disadvantages - Unfortunately, good multiple-choice items


also appear too discriminating (picky) to students, especially

when the alternatives are well constructed, and open to mis-

interpretation by students who read more into questions than

is there.

Suggestions for Constructing Multiple-Choice Items

Concerns about the general construction

of questions

• Use negatively stated items sparingly. When they are

used, it helps to underline or otherwise visually empha-

size the negative word. Never use the word “not” in a

multiple-choice question.

• Be certain there is only one best or correct response to

the stem.

• Keepthenumberofalternativesatfiveorfewer.Beyond


• Randomly distribute correct responses among the alter-

native positions so that there are no discernible patterns

to the answer sequence (e.g., ABBABBABB). Try to have

a nearly equal proportion of As, Bs, Cs, etc., as the

correct answers.

Concerns about the construction of the stem portion

of the question

• Use the stem to present the problem or question as

clearly as possible.

• Use direct questions rather than incomplete statements

for the stem.

• Include as much of the item as possible in the stem so

that alternatives can be kept brief. However, when apply-



makes the questions rather long.

Concerns about the construction of the responses or

options of the question

• List options on separate lines rather than including

them as part of the stem, so that all options can be

clearly distinguished.

• Keep all alternatives in a similar format (i.e., all phrases,

all sentences, etc.).

• Be certain that all options are plausible responses to the

stem. Poor alternatives should not be included just for

the sake of having more options.

• Check all choices for grammatical consistency with

the stem.

• Try to make alternatives for an item approximately the

same length. Making the correct response consistently

longer is a common error.

• Use misconceptions students have displayed in class, or

errors commonly made by students in the class, as the

basis for incorrect alternatives.

• Use “all of the above” and “none of the above” sparingly

since students, on the basis of incomplete knowledge,

choose these alternatives often.

Page 155 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

• Use capital letters (A, B, C, D, E) as response signs rather

than lower-case letters (“a” gets confused with “d” and

“c” with “e” if the quality of the typeface or duplication

is poor).

True/False Items

Advantages - True/false items are relatively easy to prepare

since each item comes rather directly from the content. They

offer the instructor the opportunity to write questions that

cover more content than most other item types since students

can respond to many questions in the time allowed. They are

easy to score accurately and quickly.

Disadvantages - True/false items, however, may not give a

true estimate of the students’ knowledge since students have

a 50/50 chance of guessing the correct answer. They are very

poor for diagnosing students’ strengths and weaknesses and

are generally considered to be “tricky” by students. Since

true/false questions tend to be either extremely easy or ex-


of varying ability as well as other types of questions.

Suggestions for Constructing True/False Items

• Keep language as simple and clear as possible.

• Use a relatively large number of items (75 or more when

the entire test is T/F).

• Avoid taking statements verbatim from the text.

• Be aware that extremely long or complicated statements

will test reading skill rather than content knowledge.

• Require students to circle or underline a typed “T” or “F”


This allows scorers to avoid having to interpret

confusing handwriting.

• Avoid the use of negatives, especially double negatives.

Never use “not.”

• Avoid ambiguous or tricky items.

• Be certain that the statements used are entirely true or

entirely false. Statements that are either partially true or

partially false cause unnecessary ambiguity.

• Use certain key words sparingly since they tip students

off to the correct answers. The words “all,” “always,”

“never,” “every,” “none,” and “only” usually indicate a

false statement, whereas the words “generally,” “some-

times,” “usually,” “maybe,” and “often” are frequently

used in true statements.

• Use precise terms, such as “50% of the time,” rather

than less precise terms, such as “several,” “seldom,”

and “frequently.”

• Use more false than true items, but do not exceed their

use more than 15%. False items tend to discriminate

more than true items.

• Avoid patterns in answers such as “all true,” “all false,”

or “alternation.”

Page 156 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Matching Items

Advantages - Matching items are generally quite brief

and are especially suitable for who, what, when, and where

questions. They can, however, be used to have students

discriminate among, and to apply concepts. They permit


of information to be tested. They are easy to score accurately

and quickly.

Disadvantages - Among the drawbacks of matching items


recognition of basic factual knowledge, and they are usu-

ally poor for diagnosing student strengths and weaknesses.

Matching items are appropriate in only a limited number of


information is required.

ExampleNotice the relative width of the columns in the “Cit-

ies of the World Quiz” on the following page. Also

notice that the directions tell the learner what to do

and answer possible questions about the format of

the quiz.

Page 157 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Cities of the World Quiz

Directions: A description of, or fact about, a major city in the world appears as part of the numbered question. The city

names are listed on the right. Write the capital letter corresponding to the correct city in the list on the line corresponding to

each question. You may use cities from the list more than once. Some cities may not be described at all.

___1. The Seine river divides this city into two famous banks. A. Kyoto

___2. ThisobscureRomanfortresscitysufferedfourmajorfiresonitswaytobecomingcapitalofan

empire larger than Rome.

B. Madison

C. London

___3. The capital city of the Island of Taiwan D. Paris

___4. Once a capital of the Roman empire, this city became the capital of the Eastern Orthodox faith. E. Tallahassee

___5. The tallest building in the world is located in this city. F. Chicago

___6. Called the “City of Big Shoulders,” this city was once home to the world’s largest stockyards. G. Rome

___7. Home city to the Statue of Liberty H. Lisbon

___8. Locatedonacontinentaldivide,thiscity’sbuildersreversedthedirectionofflowofwaterinthe

City’s river.

I. Moscow

J. Taipei

___9. This city was once the winter capital of Japan. K. Constantinople

___10. The Kremlin is located in this city. L. Beijing

M. New York

N. Dubai

O. Cape Town

Suggestions for Constructing Matching Items

• Use only homogeneous material in a set of matching items, i.e., dates and places should not be in the same set.

• Use the more involved expressions in the stem, and keep the responses short and simple.

• Supply directions that clearly state the basis for the matching, indicating whether a response can be used more than once

and stating where the answer should be placed.

• Be certain there are never multiple correct choices for one premise, although a choice may be used as the correct answer for

more than one premise.

Page 158 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

• Avoid giving inadvertent grammatical clues to the cor-

rect choice by checking that choices match each other in

terms of tense, number, and part of speech.

• Arrange items in the response column in some logical or-

der - alphabetical, numerical, chronological - so students


• Avoid breaking a set of items (premises and choices) over

two pages.

• Use no more than 15 items in one set.

• Provide more choices than premises to make “process-of-

elimination” guessing less effective.

• Number each premise for ease in later discussions.

• Use capital letters for the response selections rather than

lower case letters. Insist that a capital letter be written in

the area where the answer is placed.

Writing Open-Ended Test Questions

Completion Items

Advantages - Completion items are especially useful in as-


or phrase is important to know. They preclude the kind of

guessing that is possible on limited-choice items, since they


the correct answer. Because only a short answer is required,

completion items require a wide sampling of content.

Disadvantages - Completion items, however, tend to test

only rote and repetitive responses, and they may encourage a

fragmented study style since memorization of bits and pieces

of information can result in higher test scores. They are more


must be done by the test writer since more than one answer

may have to be considered correct.

Suggestions for Constructing Completion Items

• Use original questions rather than taking questions

from the text.

• Provide clear and concise cues about the

expected response.

• Use vocabulary and phrasing that comes from the text

or class presentation.

• Provide explicit directions, when possible, as to what

amount of variation will be accepted in the answers.

• Avoid using a long quote with multiple blanks

to complete.

• Require only one word or phrase in each blank.

• Facilitate scoring by having the students write their

responses online arranged in a column to the left

of the items.

• Askstudentstofillinonlyimportantterms

or expressions.

Page 159 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

• Avoid providing grammatical clues to the correct answer


• Assign much more credit for completion items than for

T/F or matching items.

Essay/Short-Answer Items

Advantages - Short-answer items, those limited to fewer


items. Essay items, on the other hand, allow expression of

both breadth and depth of learning, and encourage original-

ity, creativity, and divergent thinking. Written items offer

students the opportunity to use their own judgment, writing

styles, and vocabularies. They are less time-consuming to

prepare than any other item type.

Disadvantages - Unfortunately, tests consisting only of

written items permit only a limited sampling of content

learning due to the time required for students to respond.


facts, and they provide students more opportunity for bluff-

ing and rambling than do limited-choice items. They favor

students’ good writing skills and neatness, and they are pit-

falls for students who tend to go off on tangents or misunder-

stand the main point of the question. The main disadvantage


and are subject to biased and unreliable scoring.

Suggestions for Constructing Essay/Short-Answer Items

• Use novel problems or material whenever possible, but

only if they relate to class learning.

• Make essay questions comprehensive rather than fo-

cused on small units of content.

• Require students to demonstrate command of back-

ground information by asking them to provide support-

ing evidence for claims and assertions.

• Provide clear directions about expectations.

• Allow students an appropriate amount of time. It is help-

ful to give students some guidelines on how much time

to use on each question, as well as the desired length and

format of the response, e.g., full sentences, phrases only,

outline, and so on.

• Inform students, in advance, about the proportional

value of each item in comparison to the total grade.

• Keep grading in mind while creating the questions. Jot

down notes of what you expect to see in student answers

that help identify mastery of the subject matter.

Page 160 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Step-by-Step Guidelines for Creating Tests

• Determine which types of items are best for the testing

situation, and then write them.

• Write explicit directions for the test sections indicating

credit on each section.

• Organize the layout (group like items together; start with

easy items; number the items).

• Make the answer key.

• Review patterns of responses (avoid sequences such as


• Use alphabetic, chronological, or numerical sequences

to determine how response choices are organized, all

of which will help you avoid getting into a pattern

of responses.

• Develop a scoring method or scheme.

• Weight test points according to types of item, learning

assessed, and student effort involved.

• Score test papers anonymously.

• Observestudentconfidentiality.

• Review the final product.

• Are the items concise?

• Have inadvertent clues been avoided?

• Do the number of items written for each objective, or

topic area, represent the emphasis placed on them

during instruction?

• Dothedifficultylevelsoftheitemsseemappropriate?

• Is the length of the test appropriate?

• Are the test items readable (understandable)?

• Have spelling errors and typos been corrected?

• Ask an “outside reviewer” available to critique the test


• Makefinalchangesandthenduplicatethetest.

Constructing Performance Tests

Advantages - The truest measure of whether a learner is

able to do something is to watch the learner do it. Perfor-

mance tests provide an opportunity to make this kind of mea-

surement. As long as you are able to observe the student’s


ability is validated.

Disadvantages - While you may see a performance

successfully completed, normalcy of the performance

situations is not assured. Also, know that failure to perform

may not show what the student has done or will do in

the future.

General Guidelines

Different kinds of tests are appropriate depending upon some

of the following general guidelines.

Page 161 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

• It is important to base the test on the specific

skills or competencies that the course is pro-

moting. A course in family therapy, for example, might

include performance tests on various aspects that are

covered in the course, such as recording client data,

conducting an opening interview, and leading a therapy

session. Developing a performance test involves isolat-

ing particular demonstrable skills that have been taught

and establishing ways in which the level of skill can be

assessed for each student. For example, you might decide

that the best way a student can demonstrate counseling

skills, such as active listening, would be to have the stu-

dent play the role of therapist in a simulated session.

• Good performance tests specify criteria on

which successful performance will be judged. For


clearly, it is desirable to do so (e.g., “The student will


however, effective performance is a complex blend of art

and skill, and particular components are very subtle and

hard to isolate. In these cases, it is often useful to try to


what would constitute adequate performance.


In a test of teaching, students might be expected to

demonstrate clarity, organization, discussion skills,

reinforcement of student responses, and the like.


evaluated may be phrased like the following excerpt

from a teaching observation checklist: “Praises

student contributions - The instructor acknowledges

that s/he values student contributions by making

some agreeable verbal response to the contributions.

The instructor may say ‘That’s a good point,’ ‘Right,

well done.’ or the like.” Such information is helpful

to the student as well as the instructor who will be

rating the performance.

• Define the task as clearly as possible rather than

simply alerting students to the fact that their

performance will be observed or rated. It is help-

ful to give students precise instructions on how the test

will be structured, including how long they will have to

complete the task, the conditions under which they will

perform the task, and other factors that will allow them

to anticipate and prepare for the test. If possible, set up a

new testing situation by asking a student or colleague to

go through a trial run before using the test with

students so that unanticipated problems can be

detected and eliminated.

Page 162 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

• It is important to give the same test or same kind

of test to each student. When possible, it is best to

arrange uniform conditions surrounding a performance-

testing situation. Students can be given the same materi-

als to work with or the same task. Often, however, par-


to control the context of a performance-testing situation.

One nursing student may be evaluated while dealing

with an especially troublesome patient, while another

will be working with a helpful patient. In these situations,


on the performance is an extremely important part of

the evaluation.

In summary, the effectiveness of performance testing is

directly related to how appropriate the test is, given the


well the criteria for successful performance have been


for all students involved.

Related ChapterChapter 13

See Grading for a discussion of grading students in

a performance situation.

• Use a variety of item types.

It is often advantageous to include a mix of item types

(multiple choice, true/false, essay) on a written exam or

to mix types of exams (a performance component with

a written component). Weaknesses connected with one

kind of item or component or in students’ test taking

skills will be minimized. If a mix of item types is used on

one exam, items of the same type should be

grouped together.

• Be cautious about test banks.

You should be cautious about using tests written by

others. Items developed by a previous instructor or by a

textbook publisher can save a lot of time, but they should

be checked for accuracy and appropriateness for the

given course, and whether they are written according to

the standards of test construction.

• Test early.



dents often need a practice test to understand the format

each instructor uses and to anticipate the best way to

prepare for and take particular tests.

• Test frequently.

Frequent testing helps students avoid getting behind,

provides you with multiple sources of information to use


effect of “bad days”), and gives students regular feedback.

Page 163 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Suggestion from an instructor in Informa-

tion Management Systems, College of Business - “I

give quizzes every week. (I don’t count two of the

quizzes, giving the students a chance for a cut and

to drop their lowest grade. Some of the quizzes do

not require study or effort but they do tell me if the

students are understanding very general concepts.…)

The students studied for the quizzes, and I believe


than students in other sections of the course largely

because of the quizzes.”

• Test in proportion to the emphasis a topic was

given in class.

It is important to test various topics in proportion to the

emphasis they have been given in class. Students expect

this practice and study with this expectation.

• Show items to colleagues before

printing the test.

Written exams should be proofread with care and, when

possible, a second person should be asked to proofread

them. Tiny mistakes, such as mis-numbering the re-

sponses, can cause problems later. Also, check carefully

for missing pages after collating.

• Reuse effective test items.

If enough test items are developed and kept out of circu-

lation between tests, it is possible to develop a test item

bank from which items that are known to be effective can

be reused on multiple versions or offerings of a test. (See

Using Item Analysis to Test the Test for information on

how to determine the effectiveness of test items.)

• Do not use a series of questions in which answer-

ing successfully depends on knowing the correct

answer to a previous item.

Generally, on either a written or performance test, it is

wise to avoid having separate items or tasks depend upon

answers or skills required in previous items or tasks. A

student’s initial mistake will be perpetuated over the suc-

ceeding items or tasks, penalizing the student repeatedly

for one error.

• Pilot-test the exam.

A good way to detect test errors in advance is by pilot-

testing the exam. You can take the test yourself or ask

colleagues and/or former students to critique it.

• Be aware of the needs of special students.

It is important to anticipate special considerations that

learning- disabled students or non-native speakers may

need. You must decide whether or not these students will

be allowed the use of dictionaries, extra time, separate

testing sites, or other special conditions.

• Bring extra copies of the test to class.

Having too few copies of a written exam can be a disas-

ter. You can avoid problems by bringing more copies

of the exam than you think will be needed. Also, when

duplicating the test, be certain that no pages are miss-

ing. Missing pages can pose a serious problem unless a

contingency has been planned.

Page 164 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

• Do not interrupt students while they are taking

the exam.

Before the exam, students can be informed that they

should check the board periodically for instructions or

corrections. You can minimize interruptions during the

exam by writing on the board any instructions or correc-

tions that need to be made after the exam has begun and

then calling students’ attention to them.

Helping Students Learn from Tests

Testing’s most important function is to serve as an educa-

tional tool, not simply as a basis for grading. Not only do tests

direct students’ studying, but also provide important correc-

tive feedback for the student.

Returning Test Papers

Returning test papers promptly is appreciated by students

and conforms to traditional learning principles. However, if

you do not plan to discuss the papers, do not hand them back

at the beginning of the hour or you risk losing students’ atten-

tion for the rest of the hour.

Although students appreciate your returning examinations to

them, there may be some question as to whether you should

return multiple-choice examinations. Multiple-choice items


“get out.” However, you can return separate answer sheets so

that your marking and arithmetic can be checked. Allow stu-

dents to have copies of the examination while you go through

the test. If you follow this method, however, certain ques-

tions arise. Does such a procedure destroy the validity of the


review? These are experimental questions to which we have

only partial answers, but evidence suggests that validity is not

lost and that students do learn from their corrected papers,

even when they do not get to keep them. Although you may

not wish to spend class time quibbling over some individual

items, you should make known your willingness to discuss

the test individually with students.

Providing Feedback for Essays and Short-Answer Tests

The comments written on essays and short-answer tests are

far more important than the grade. What kinds of comments

are helpful? Look for problems that arise from a lack of ability

to see relationships, implications, or applications of material.


rather than simply noting that something is wrong.

Comments that provide correction and guidance may not

achieve their purpose if students become so discouraged that

they give up. The motivational as well as the cognitive aspects

of comments need to be considered. Misconceptions must be


and guidance for improvement should set the overall tone.

Page 165 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011


When you review an essay or short-answer test in

class, describe what you had expected in a “good”

or “satisfactory” answer, and then discuss common

inadequacies. Read an example of a good answer

(without identifying the student), and construct a

synthetic “poor” answer as a contrast.

Reviewing Limited-Choice Tests

A small-group exercise is a technique for helping students

learn from mistakes while reducing their tendency to com-

plain about the appropriateness or fairness of test items.

Instructors using this technique break the class into small



solved questions are referred to the instructor as the expert.

This method seems to permit dissipation of the aggressions

aroused and to limit arguments to points where there are

several aggrieved students.

Dealing with Special Problems


anger or with a desperate appeal for sympathy but with no

educationally valid reason for changing the test grade? First,

listen. Engaging in a debate will simply prolong the

unpleasantness. If you decide not to change the grade once

you have heard the student out, try to convert the discussion

from one of resistance to problem solving. Try to help the stu-


results. (“What can we do to help you do better next time?”)

Encourage the student to shift from blaming you or the test

toward motivation to work more effectively.

SuggestionA technique that will reduce the number of students


to ask students who have complaints about grades

to write a paragraph describing their complaint or

point of view. State your willingness to go over the

test with anyone who brings in such a paragraph.

This technique has a calming effect, resulting in

fewer unfounded complaints and more rational dis-


While these suggestions may save you some bitter

moments, they cannot substitute for the time (and it

takes lots) devoted to the construction of good tests.

Adapted with permission from: A Guidebook for University of Michigan Teaching Assistants. Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan and from: Teaching Tips: A Guidebook for the Beginning College Teacher (9th ed.) by W. J.

McKeachie (1994).

Page 166 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Using Item Analysis to Test Your Test

After a test has been administered, a good way to judge its

quality, particularly in the case of a limited-choice test, is

to perform an item analysis. It is especially important to do


doubt about students’ test results to consider dropping some


scanned test forms or software can be used for an item analy-

sis. It is possible to perform an item analysis without a com-

puter, especially if the test is short and the class size is small.

Procedures for Computing Difficulty and Discrimination Indices

• Score each test by marking correct answers and putting

the total number of correct answers on the test.

• Sort the papers in numerical order (highest to lowest)

according to the total score.

• Determine the upper, middle, and lower groups. One way

to do this is to call the top 27% (some people use the top

third) of the papers the “upper group,” the bottom 27%

(some people use the bottom third), the “lower group,”

and the remaining papers, the “middle group.”

• Summarize the number correct and number wrong for

each group.

• Calculatethedifficultyindexforeachitembyaddingthe

number of students from all groups who chose the cor-

rect response and dividing that sum by the total number



an index of less than .50 and an easy item being indicated

by an index of over .80.

• Calculatethediscriminationindexbyfirstcalculatingfor

both the upper and lower group students the percentage

of students who answered each item correctly. Subtract

the percentage of lower group students from the percent-

age of upper group students to get the index. The index

will range from -1 to +1, with discrimination over .3

being desirable and a negative index indicating a possibly


Table 2 illustrates item analysis for a simple set of scores

for 37 students on a 10-item test. The names of the 10

students (approximately 27% of the total students) with the

highest scores are listed as the upper group; the 10 students

with the lowest scores (again, approximately 27%) are listed

as the lower group; and the remaining 17 are listed as the


calculated by totaling the correct responses and dividing by

the number of students (19/37 = .51). The item appears to be


Page 167 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

The discrimination indexforthesameitemwasobtainedbyfirstcalculatingthepercentcorrectforboththeupperandlower

groups - 20% and 90% respectively - then subtracting the percentage for the lower group from that of the upper group (.20 - .90


on the exam as a whole did well on this item and the students who got the top total scores on the exam did poorly - the reverse

of what one would expect. A mistake in the answer key or some error in the question that only the more discriminating students

would catch might be the cause. If the answer key is correct, this item should be dropped from the test. Such items should be

revised before being used on a test again.

Sample Test Grid for 10 Items Item Numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Upper GroupEllen C C C C C C C C C CJohn C C C C C C C C C CAlbert W C C C C C C C C CJoanne W W C C C C C C C CMaria W C C C C C C C C CAnne W C C C C C C C C CDoris W C C C C C C C C CJoshua W C C C C C C C C CBarbara W C C C C C C C C CMichael W C C C W C C C C C# Correct 2 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10# Wrong 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Middle Group# Correct 8 12 12 13 12 13 11 11 12 12# Wrong 9 5 5 4 5 4 6 6 5 5

Page 168 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Lower GroupLucille C C C C W C W C W CJoseph C C C C W C W C C CCharles W W C C C C W C C WLeslie C C C C C C W C C WJerome C C C C C C W C C CNancy C C C C C C W W C WJudith C C W C C C W W W WRalph C W W W C C C W W WBeth C C W W W W W W W CDonald C W C C W C W W W C# Correct 9 7 7 8 6 9 1 5 5 5# Wrong 1 3 3 2 4 1 9 5 5 5

DifficultyIndex .51 .76 .78 .84 .73 .86 .59 .70 .73 .73Discrimination Index -.7 .2 .3 .2 .3 .1 .9 .5 .5 .5

C = CorrectW = Wrong

Adapted with permission from: Teaching at the Ohio State University: A Handbook. Center for Teaching Excellence (1990).

Cheating on Tests

The University has an Academic Honor Code that calls for

the coordinated efforts of faculty members and students

to uphold academic integrity and combat academic

dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism. The

Academic Honor Code includes descriptions of violations

of the code, statements of student and faculty

responsibilities for upholding the code, and explanations

of academic penalties for violating the code. A description

and information of the Academic Honor Code can be

found in the current Student Handbook.

Preventing Cheating

• Reduce the pressure.



academic atmosphere that places heavy emphasis on


course. One method to accomplish this is to provide

students with several opportunities to demonstrate their

achievement of course objectives rather than relying

upon a single examination.

Page 169 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

• Make reasonable demands.

A second way to reduce cheating is to make sensible

demands. Write fair tests and design reasonable assign-

ments. Some cheating is simply the result of frustration

and desperation arising from assignments that are too

long to be completed adequately or tests that require the

memorization of trivial information. Remember, some

students view cheating as a way of getting back at an

unreasonable instructor.

• Treat students as individuals.

Work to develop and maintain students’ sense of individ-

uality and having a personal relationship with you and

their classmates. Students are not as likely to cheat in

situations where they are known as individuals, whereas

they may be tempted to cheat in situations where they

feel they are anonymous members of a crowd. If a large

course has regular meetings in small discussion or

laboratory sections, there is likely to be less cheating if

the test is administered in these groups than if the test is

administered en masse. Moreover, if it is in their regular

classroom, they will perform better.

• Show an interest in your students.

Cheating is more likely to occur when students think the

instructor is disinterested and unconcerned. Instructors

often feel that any show of active proctoring will indicate

that they do not trust the students. However, it is pos-

sible to convey a sense of alert helpfulness while walking

between desks and watching for questions.

• Use alternate seating.

The most common form of cheating is copying from

another student’s paper. To minimize opportunities for

copying, try to recruit proctors and administer exams

in a room that is large enough to enable students to sit

in alternate seats. Before students arrive, write on the

chalkboard: “Please sit in alternate seats.”

• Use alternate test forms.

Another way to reduce cheating is to use two or more al-

ternative forms of the test. This method can be achieved

by simply scrambling the order of the test items. Instruc-

tors who want the test items to follow the order that the

material was covered in the course can scramble the

items within topic areas.

• Be careful with extra copies.



Adapted from: Teaching Tips: A Guidebook for the

Beginning College Teacher (9th ed.), by W. J. McKeachie, Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath. (1994).

Page 170 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Handling Cheating

Despite preventive measures, almost every instructor must

at some time or other face the problem of what to do about a

student who is cheating. Policies for handling cheating are set

by the University as well as by departments. FSU’s


university policy. There are assessment devices, other than

tests, that can be used to provide measures of student perfor-

mance, including:

Just as with tests, the underlying principles to keep in mind

as you introduce alternative assessment tools are validity and

reliability. A tool you use for measurement will be valid as

long as it measures student learning of goals and objectives

set for the course. The measurement will be reliable if you

expect to get similar results administering the chosen assess-

ment tool to the same group of people again. It will have the


instances, including future classes.


sessment tools. But the principle factor involved in the choice

of an assessment strategy is the overall design of the course.

Good design principles demand that the assessment strate-

gies be chosen as part of the overall instructional plan before

the course actually starts.

• Essays are written assignments in which the student

is the source of information. Essays report on things

the student knows or thinks. Reference is not a major

part of an essay. But an essay requires the student to

use high-level thinking skills. There may be preparatory

activities involved with writing an essay. For instance,

an assignment may ask a student to read several articles

from several viewpoints and then derive his own view-

point from the articles. The expectation in giving the

assignment is that the student will apply reasoning skills

and reach a conclusion that is well-reasoned. The actual

position reached is not the main value of the essay, and

should not be evaluated unless your objective is to have

students’ opinions agree with your own.

Essays expose student reasoning-processes. An as-


the course grade) near the beginning of a course gives

the instructor an idea of whether the student’s

reasoning skills are adequate for pursuing the course.

If a change in reasoning skills is a desired course

outcome, an essay assigned near the end of the course

is a good way to tell whether the desired skills have

been attained.

• Reports(andtermpapers)usuallyhaveaspecifictopic

that may be assigned by the instructor or selected by

the student. When a student reports on a set of facts or

events, accuracy of the student’s description is the main

concern. The report often includes a provision for com-

mentary by the student. The student’s commentary


• Essays• Term papers• Research reviews• Reports • Case studies • Portfolios

• Projects • Performances• Peer evaluation • Mastery • Simulations

Page 171 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

rately about the facts, events, or issues of the report.

Research on which a report is based may use a variety of

sources including experimentation and documentation.

The amount of research for a report varies. In a report

based on documentation, credit for quotations and con-

cepts should be included.

• Research reviewsaskastudenttofindoutwhat

research about a topic area has been done. Unless the

student is asked to synthesize the results of the research,

reviews offer little room for a student’s free expression

or creativity. If the same research review is assigned to a

group of students or a class, duplication of the research

found should anticipated. The assignment measures the

ability of the student to use available research tools and

the ability to judge whether articles found qualify as ap-

propriate references for the subject at hand.

• Case studies are often associated with problem-based

learning. They are used to assess a learner’s ability to

analyze, make decisions, and solve problems.

Related ChapterChapter 8

Using Active Learning in the Classroom,

provides learning through case studies is addressed.

Case studies measure depth of learning to a greater

extent than most limited choice tests, which focus on

memorization skills. Used as an assessment tool, the

instructor usually creates the case that can be con-

tained within the allocated assessment time. Like the

case studies used for learning, case-study assessments

contain a number of circumstantial descriptions that

provide guidance through the project. While there are

self-consistent solutions, there are no “perfectly right”

answers. Students look at the circumstances, bring

them into their own personalized conceptual frame-

works, and then try to provide solutions.

Consequently, answers may be phrased in various

ways, but must include all salient points and exclude

inaccurate points.

Advantages: Case studies assess the readiness of

learners to use their skills in real world contexts.

The student may expose both the process of working

through a case and the results obtained. This allows

the assessment to focus on either the process or the

product. The student should be informed ahead of

time whether process or product will receive the

greater weight. Cases are equally easy to present in

computer-based, hard-copy, or audio-based form.

They lend themselves to either collaborative efforts or

individual efforts.

Student answers to case-type problems may, with

permission of the students involved, become models

for answers to cases delivered in subsequent classes.

If prior student work is used to model poor perfor-

mance, care must be taken to keep the student’s name

and identity anonymous. It is probably better to con-

Page 172 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

struct poor examples, if they are needed, rather than

use student work.

Limitations: The cases may require considerable

effort to create or select. The tendency to collaboration


tributions to team efforts. Grading case studies take a

long time and tends to be highly subjective. Subjectivi-

ty is greatly reduced, however, by using guidelines and

rubrics that specify the features that will be assessed

in the answer.

Contextual considerations: Case studies can be

used with almost any available media. Cases can be

presented in print, audio, video, computer, or Inter-

net depending on what the learners have available.

Proposed solutions can be designed for presentation

using any of these media choices. Where the Internet

is available, using collaborative learning tools, such as

those included in Blackboard, allows tracking individ-

ual participation in collaborative activities, provided

all parties have agreed to use these tools. This means

that where cases are assigned to groups, individual

contributions to group effort can be assessed in a

limited sense. A tracking system may note the number

of contributions an individual makes to a discussion,

but rarely evaluates the quality of those contributions.

Checking samples from an archive of the discussion

often gives a truer picture of individual student efforts.

• Portfolios contain all the work that students collect

to demonstrate how their work has progressed and

developed over time. The student, over the length of

the course, will have been involved with and probably

completed several projects. In most cases, it is wise for

teachers to set standards for portfolio contents in terms

of number, quality, and size of projects to be included.

Fine Arts and Performing Arts classes are likely to in-

clude portfolios among the assessment tools used. Other

instances where tangible products result from student

efforts are also good places to use portfolios. For in-

stance, a business class may create a portfolio that

includes a business plan, some presentations, and an

implementation timeline as evidence of completion of

course objectives.

Advantages: Assessing portfolios encourages

extended thinking and reasoning. Where privacy is

an issue, sharing project contents should be strictly

controlled. The student is completely responsible for

decisions about what to include and is therefore led

to considerations of quality in what will be submitted.

Except for setting standards, teachers do not have

much to do with the construction of the portfolio and

are free to guide learners toward completion of their

portfolio projects. A wide variety of media choices

is available for the types of projects that may

be included.

Portfolios are useful in a wide range of subject areas.

Besides the arts, where it makes sense to let students

demonstrate their capability with produced work,

such areas as writing and even mathematics have

been assessed with portfolio type assessment tools.

In writing, student style and organizational skills are

demonstrated with portfolios. In mathematics, data

Page 173 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

analysis and problem solving may also be assessed

with portfolio work.

Limitations: Grading is highly subjective. The

teacher sees only the successes of the student and

leaves all failed projects out of grading considerations.

Grading portfolios can take a long time. Portfolios

can show development on a broad spectrum of work

or allow students to concentrate extensively on very


portfolio approach allows students to mask weak-

nesses in other areas. Extensive use of portfolios may

encourage students to repeat earlier successes rather

than to undertake new challenges.

Contextual considerations: Projects must be con-

structed in a media form compatible with the available

media. Mediation of the projects in the portfolio to

match delivery system capabilities may distort the val-

ue of the project. For example, a portfolio of art work

loses scale information and impact when displayed on

a computer monitor. Where such distortions are likely

to happen, the student should be made aware of them

and requested to take measures to offset the distor-

tions (through labeling, etc.). Also, handing a portfolio

physically puts a large and potentially valuable body of

student work at risk.

• Term papers are valuable to students because they pro-

vide them with an opportunity to be experts in small but


per term. Term papers are long for most students and are


should be introduced early in a course and collected near

the course’s end. It should contain some requirement

for research, and a strong indication that the student has

mastered the course material as it was presented over the

term of the course. A term paper is a type of project, and

the characteristics and recommendations for projects

apply (see next bullet).

Suggestions for making term papers more effective measures of learning:

• Ask students to write to readers other than you, such as


• Clarifywhatthefinaltermpapershoulddo:classify,

explain, summarize, demonstrate, generate, or design.

• Let students know your expectations concerning:

◊ Academic discourse conventions

◊ Level of formality

◊ Structure: introductions, bodies, conclusions, and

internal organization options

◊ Formatting instructions: length, margins, typing,

cover page, page numbering, and documentation

style. Give samples, if possible.

◊ Charts, graphics

• Assist in the writing process:

◊ Students bring in drafts and respond to each

Page 174 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

other’s work.

◊ Conduct individual conferences.

◊ Photocopy a past student’s draft and critique it

as a class.

◊ Encourage students to take their drafts to the

Writing Center.

◊ Schedule the workload.

• When grading term papers:

◊ Avoid being too directive, commenting on every

grammatical error or global problem, and avoid

making vague or generic comments.

◊ Respond to strengths and weaknesses.

• When responding, save yourself time by:

◊ Marking patterns in grammatical errors, or have


◊ Focusing on three or four major issues.

◊ Having students peer review the term papers before

turning them in.

◊ Having students visit the Writing Center.

◊ Designing your assignment carefully.

◊ Using a grading rubric.

• Projects - A teacher may request one large project or

several smaller projects during a student’s course of

study. The assessments of student performance on the

project(s) collected may make up the whole or a part of a

student’s course performance. Monitoring the student’s

ongoing progress toward completion of a project moves

the emphasis of instruction and assessment away from

outcome and toward process. Large projects create an

opportunity for the instructor and the student to work

with each other. Typically, an instructor will assign a

large project to the student, then check the student’s

progress at various stages, offering advice for changes to

be made along the way.

Advantages: Students doing projects work outside

the boundaries of the classroom. Classroom time-

constraints play a limited role in how projects turn

out. Student effort is given to organizational activities

along with problem solving. This allows the instructor

to see the student’s work at its pinnacle, much like a

portfolio. Presentation of some or all of the projects

by their creators can be a classroom enhancement

activity. Students should know in advance whether

all projects or a sample of projects will be presented.

The student-to-teacher interactivity involved in most

projects provides feedback to learners at the most ap-

propriate time in a student’s learning process - while a

project is being done. Interaction between teacher and

student helps keep the student on schedule toward

project completion.

Limitations: Since so much of the project is done


monitor what the student is doing while completing

Page 175 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

the project(s). Different levels of acceptable outside


comes from both the student and the instructor, and

consequently does not faithfully represent the stu-

dent’s own ability to set a pace. Providing feedback to

the student in a timely manner requires large amounts

of teacher time and frequent teacher check-ins.

Contextual considerations: Interactive projects

are very well suited to Internet-based teaching tools.

Tools for project interactivity over the Internet, such

as “Common Space” (for writing), are becoming read-

ily available at low cost. The use of these complex tools

greatly facilitates working with this strategy, although

there is a need to learn how to use the tools that may

take away from available contact time. Feedback on

projects must be timely, since pacing can be easily

upset by long teacher delays.

• Performances require a student to perform in a class-

room or at a special facility where performances of the

type in question are done. Typically, there will be some

measurement of the quality of the performance request-

ed. The instructor alone, the instructor and the rest of the

class, or a larger invited group, may view performances.

Advantages: Pre-established criteria help the

student by clarifying the evaluation standards, letting

students see strengths and weaknesses that they have

relative to these criteria, and demonstrating that the

grading system used is consistent.

Limitations: The number of available criteria that

can be applied to measurement of student perfor-

mance is incredibly high. No single checklist is likely

to encompass every aspect of what students do when

they are asked to perform. The richness of available

criteria, however, does not make assessment of a live

performance impossible. Instead, it makes precision

in matching the choice of included criteria to learning

objectives more critical than ever. For example, if you

were making a performance checklist for a dance per-

formance, you would almost certainly include some

criteria related to the execution of the performance.

But would you include criteria related to the chore-

ography? You would probably only include this if the

student was responsible for the choreography. Would

you include a measure for the warmth of a student’s

smile while dancing? It depends on whether your

instruction included any encouragement of the act of

smiling as something that enhances stage presence.

You want to be fair to the students as much as possible

in the checklist criteria you include. If your learning

objectives are at particular levels, the performances on

your checklist should be at the same levels. Creating

scales and rubrics provides guidance for measuring

what are often spontaneous and subjective perfor-

mances. In general, students should be aware of

the objective criteria on which performances

Page 176 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

are measured.

• Peer Evaluations: The idea behind the use of peer

evaluation as an assessment tool is that a student’s peers,

who have had to work with and contend with a student,

have a good idea of that student’s contribution level.

The higher the grade levels of the students, the more

likely this is to be the case. By asking students to review

other students’ products, results, or performances, you

can take account of experiences in which you were not

directly involved. Peer evaluation often involves the use

of a measurement instrument distributed multiple times.

This presumes that all of a student’s peers participate in

the evaluation. Sometimes, the number of instruments to

be completed and counted may be reduced through

varying both the assignment of partners and the

assignment which peers get to review. Some formula for

compiling the instrument results yields an indication of

each student’s peer evaluation score. Peer evaluation,

when used at all, should be only a part rather than the



assessment process that exists because so much of

a student’s performance is unseen. Peer evaluation

instruments, while subjective on an individual basis,

provide data through which a quantitative measure

of subjective judgments is accumulated. The feedback

of measured information to the student, in carefully

chosen circumstances, may motivate improvements

in student performance. Group dynamics are being

measured with these instruments, which is important

in environments that value active participation in col-

laborative activities.

Limitations: Peer evaluation may measure student

popularity or some phenomenon other than the one

the instructor wants to assess. Although the instru-

ments are used to gather data, the data are an

accumulation of subjective judgments. Summary of

the measurement-instrument results is time con-

suming. A set of standards should be provided and

explained to students, or students may agree among

themselves on the standards they will use in

determining peer performance.

Contextual considerations: In computer-mediat-

ed, distance-education environments, collaboration is


evaluation is the only tool that measures this collabo-

ration from the group’s point of view. The negative


students may be brought to light. Where computers

are used to mediate communication in the educational

environment, they can be used to aid in gathering and

summarizing peer evaluation data making peer evalu-

ation strategies easier to use.

• Mastery Models - When it is important that a skill be

mastered, an “all or nothing” approach, similar to pass/

fail, may be the best indicator. This is particularly true

when a skill that will see later use in the learning process

Page 177 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011


is typical to assign a project that involves the use of the

new skill, so that handing in a successfully completed

project serves as an indication of the skill having been

mastered. In many cases, the learner may take an unlim-

ited number of tries without penalty, but will pass once

mastery has been demonstrated. In essence, this model

is like pass/fail for the steps along the way to achieving

course objectives.

Advantages: Mastery models are not competitive -

everyone can and will master the skill. Such models

have high validity and reliability, and they provide a

clear and direct measure of success in reaching learn-

ing objectives. Students also have the ability to avoid

the need to relearn redundant material.

Limitations: Mastery models are only applicable in

skill-learning situations. While they measure the mas-

tery of a skill, there are different levels of mastery that

are not measured beyond the minimum competency

level. Because everyone passes eventually, mastery

leaves open the question of how to give grades. When

everyone succeeds, there needs to be a difference

between A and D, but this method incorporates no

distribution of grades that may be used for determin-

ing the difference. While applying the principles of

mastery learning helps students get through courses,

the non-competitive nature of the learning makes it


• Simulations - In an assessment that uses simulation,

students are placed into an environment that, in many


where learning will actually be applied. They are given

opportunities to perform in the simulated environment.

Some record of their performance is used as the basis

for assessment.

Advantages: The use of simulations reduces the

student’s exposure to situations that could have strong

negative consequences if performance was done

improperly in a real-world situation. A classic case of

simulated assessment is the airplane cockpit simula-

tor that monitors student performance in handling the

controls of an airplane but will not crash. Simulations

do not have to reach this level of complexity, however.

Students have learned social skills such as job inter-

viewing by playing their roles as if they were really

going through an interview process.

The simulation provides a more accurate measure

of performance than just asking students to describe

how they would do something. Simulations can be

repeated to achieve continuous improvement until a

standard level of performance is reached.

Limitations: Simulations must be designed for each

situation in which performance is being assessed. De-

signing and building the simulations is costly and time

consuming. Once a student is made aware that the

situation is a simulation, stresses associated with real


ing in an inaccurate measure of the student’s actual

capacity to perform.

Page 178 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

Contextual considerations: The simulation exercise

must be tested and calibrated at the student’s location.

Many simulations are done with computers, and this

makes their assessment results easy to pass on to other


Resources on Testing


• Anderson, P. S. (1987). The MDT innovation: Machine

scoring of fill-in-the-blank tests. (ERIC Document Re-

production Service No. ED 307 287)

• Astin, A. W. (1991). Assessment for excellence: The

philosophy and practice of assessment and evaluation

in higher education. New York: American Council on

Education/Oryx Press.

• Ben-Chiam, D., & Zoller, U. (1997). Examination-type

preferences of secondary school students and their teach-

ers in the science disciplines. Instructional Science, 25,

(5), 347-67.

• Bloom, B. S., & Madaus, G. (1981). Evaluation to im-

prove learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.

• Boaler, J. (1998). Alternative approaches to teaching,

learning and assessing mathematics. Evaluation and

Program Planning, 21 (2), 129-141

• Cashin, W. E. (1987). Improving essay tests. (Idea Paper

No. 17). Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University, Center

for Faculty Evaluation & Development.

• Clegg, V. L., & Cashin, W. E. (1986). Improving

multiple-choice test. (Idea Paper No. 16). Manhattan,

KS: Kansas State University, Center for Faculty

Evaluation & Development.

• Cooke, J. C., Drennan, J. D., & Drennan, P. (1997). Peer

evaluation as a real life-learning tool. The Technology

Teacher, 23-27

• Cross, K. P., & Angelo, T.A. (1993). Classroom assess-

ment techniques: A handbook for college teachers (2nd

ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

• Duffy, T. M., & Cunningham, D. J. (1996). Constructiv-

ism: Implications for the design and delivery of instruc-

tion. In D. H. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of research for

educational communications and technology (pp.170-

195). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

• Erwin, T. D. (1991). Assessing student learning and

development: A guide to the principles, goals and

methods of determining college outcomes. San

Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

• GLE: Grade Level Examination. Ensuring Academic

Success (1991). San Diego, CA: Tudor Publishing. (ERIC

Document Reproduction Service No. ED 363620)

• Hansen, J. D., & Dexter, L. (1997). Quality multiple-

choice test questions: Item-writing guidelines and an

analysis of auditing test banks. Journal of Education for

Business, 73 (2), 94-97.

• Jacobs, L., & Chase, C. (1992). Developing and using

tests effectively: A guide for faculty. San Francisco:


Page 179 Instruction at FSU Handbook 2011

• McKeachie, W. J. (1994). Tests and examinations. In W.

J. McKeachie (Ed.), Teaching tips: Strategies, research,

and theory for college and university teachers (9th ed.,

pp.71-93). Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath.

• LaPierre, S. D. (1992). Mastery-level measurement:

An alternative to norm-referenced intelligence testing.

Reston, VA: National Art Education Association. (ERIC

Document Reproduction Service No. ED 346 024)

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