Its the Bankers or us!



It’s the Bankers or us! What you need to know as the international bankers crash the world’s economy.Here is an interactive magazine called It’s the Bankers or Us! featuring insightful documentaries and in-depth, non-mainstream news articles to help you understand the perils of the real banking and financial system. This is a crash course uncovering the chicanery of the private Federal Reserve Bank, the United Nations and Agenda 21, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (that track the hidden wealth of government), Wall Street, and the Corporation Nation. This is jaw dropping information that you won’t find on TV or in your newspaper. You will discover how the mainstream media is completely owned and controlled by the "international elite", and that they do not report any meaningful news and are fully engaged in mind control and propaganda. It is time to learn the truth of what America is really facing. Get storable food and emergency supplies while you still can and prepare for a total economic collapse. Download this free magazine and share it with your friends.

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