It’S Mine!



A lovely fable by Leo Leoni

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It’s Mine!A fable by Leo Lionni

In the middle fo a pond there was a small island.

It was covered with plants.

On the island lived a family with three little frogs named Milton,

Rupert and Lydia.

They quarrelled all the time.

‘The water is mine!,’ said Milton.

‘The earth is mine!,’ shouted Ruppert.

‘the air is mine!’ screamed Lydia.

One day a big toad appeared.

‘I live on the other side of the island and I can hear you

shouting all the time. You can’t go on like this.’

When the toad left, they started fighting again.

‘Worms are for everybody,’ they said.

But Milton croaked, ‘not this one, it’s mine!’

and the island became smaller and smaller

Suddenly, it started to rain


The frogs were scared!

But look!

The large rock was not a rock.

It was the Toad!

‘You saved us!’ said the frogs happily.

‘The water is ours!’ said MIlton

‘The earth is ours!’ said Rupert

‘The air is ours!’ said Lydia

And now, they enjoy the island together.
