Item Specifications Template


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Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

1 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Subject Area: CCSS: English Language Arts Strand: Reading Standards for Informational Text Cluster: Craft and Structure Standard: LACC.910.RI.2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language of a court opinion differs from that of a newspaper.) Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should relate to personal fitness activities. Items may include selection of appropriate ideas or written expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may include a passage that includes unknown words related to personal fitness. Stimulus may require determining the meaning of words or phrases through context clues in a text. Stimulus may require making comparisons among two or more texts. Response Attributes:

Responses may include incorrect or incorrect definitions of unknown words. Responses may include comparisons of the impact of specific word choices’ on meaning and

tone in two or more texts. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

2 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Read the passage below: In the past, the word “fitness” was used to describe normal daily physical activities. However, as TV, computers, and video games have become a large part of daily life, the daily physical activity of many individuals has decreased. Instead of playing football, many remain sedentary, sitting on the couch and watching other people play football on TV. Others spend a majority of their day sitting at a computer, rarely taking opportunities to stand up and walk around. These individuals are at a higher risk of developing hypokinetic diseases than others who live a more active lifestyle.

What is a hypokinetic disease as used in the passage above? * A. disease that occurs from lack of sufficient movement B. disease that occurs from playing video games C. disease that occurs from walking too much D. disease that occurs from playing football

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

3 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Subject Area: CCSS: English Language Arts Strand: Reading Standards for Literacy in Technical Subjects 6-12 Cluster: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Standard: LACC.1112.RST.3.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should include information related to physical fitness activities. Items may include selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may include pictures, charts, or passages. Stimulus may include scenarios that describe a problem to be solved by integrating and evaluating multiple sources of information. Stimulus may include examples or descriptions of information presented in different media formats. Stimulus may include real world scenarios related to personal fitness.

Response Attributes:

Responses may include different types of advertisements in regards to equipment, training principles, or nutrition.

Responses may include multiple sources of information such as marketing, advertisements, or personal experiences.

Responses may include an evaluation of multiple sources of information used to make a decision. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

4 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: Julia wants her parents to purchase a treadmill for the family to use. Her parents do not see the value in buying a treadmill, but they have told Julia that if she can convince them that it is a worthwhile purchase, they will do so. Julia knows she needs to do some research and found the following sources:

A. a classified advertisement in the newspaper for someone selling his old treadmill at a discounted price

B. a peer-reviewed journal article from 1960 about the health benefits of regular exercise C. an online video clip of a personal trainer demonstrating different treadmill workouts D. a book written by a doctor about running injuries and how to prevent them E. a newspaper article citing a recent research study that links ownership of fitness equipment to

reduced rates of cardiovascular diseases. F. an interview with one of her teachers who owns a treadmill G. a chart in a fitness magazine that compares the cost of a gym membership to the cost of owning

a treadmill, concluding that the in-home treadmill is cheaper in the long term

Evaluate each of the sources and select three sources that Julia should use to support her argument for buying a treadmill. In an essay, explain the criteria you used to select these sources. Tell why these were the best sources for Julia to include. Support your selection with specific examples and details. Rubric: 4 Points The response is an essay which identifies the three best sources to support Julia’s argument for buying a treadmill. The essay provides a thorough explanation of the criteria used to select each source. The criteria includes: the authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and relevancy of each of the sources. The response includes specific examples and details. 3 Points The response is an essay which identifies three sources to support Julia’s argument for buying a treadmill. The sources are generally appropriate, but one source may not be the best choice. The essay provides an explanation of the criteria used to select each source. The criteria may include most of the following: the authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and relevancy of each of the sources. The response may include some details or examples. 2 Points The response is an essay which identifies three sources to support Julia’s argument for buying a treadmill. Two of the sources selected are not appropriate. The essay provides an explanation of the criteria used to select each course. The criteria may include a few of the following: the authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and relevancy of each of the sources. The response may include few details or examples. 1 Point The response is an essay which includes fewer than three sources. The sources included may not be appropriate. The criteria used for selecting sources is generally not applicable. The response includes limited or no details or examples.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

5 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Subject Area: CCSS: English Language Arts Strand: Writing Standards 6–12

Cluster: Production and Distribution of Writing Standard: LACC.910.W.2.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High complexity Item Types: Constructed Response, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should address personal fitness concepts and the use of technology. Items may include demonstration of appropriate behavior or written/oral evidence of individual or shared writing products. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may require the production of written material and sharing it using the Internet or other form of technology.

Stimulus may include a scenario related to using technology to work collaboratively on a writing project.

Response Attributes: Responses may be demonstrations of the use of technology.

Responses may include a written product shared in a dynamic and flexible manner, including billboards, Internet, or other methods. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

6 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Task: Using word processing software, create a weekly personal fitness program that includes a balance of the components of health-related physical fitness. Upload your personal fitness program to the class website. Create hyperlinks to other personal fitness websites. Rubric: 4 Points Student has created a comprehensive personal fitness plan in the correct format, and it

was correctly uploaded to the class website. A balance of all components of health-related fitness is included in the fitness plan. Hyperlinks are included.

3 Points Student has created a personal fitness plan in the correct format, and it was correctly

uploaded to the class website, with minor inaccuracies. Some of the components of health-related fitness are missing. Hyperlinks are included.

2 Points Student has created a personal fitness plan in an incorrect format and left out many

components of health-related fitness. The file was uploaded to the website but may not include any hyperlinks.

1 Point Student has not created a personal fitness plan in any format or has left out major

components of health-related fitness. No hyperlinks are included or the plan was not uploaded to the website.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

7 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Subject Area: CCSS: English Language Arts Strand: Standards for Speaking and Listening Cluster: Comprehension and Collaboration Standard: LACC.910.SL.1.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should address communication related to personal fitness. Items can require the student to identify examples of effective communication or to demonstrate effective communication. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus should be related to physical activities or discussions that might occur regarding

personal fitness. Stimulus may include examples of activities or discussions that might occur in a personal fitness

class. Stimulus may include scenarios that should include a diverse group of participants. Response Attributes: Responses may include statements related to personal fitness activities. Responses should not be racially, ethnically or gender offensive. Responses may include performance of collaborative discussions in class. Responses should include positive communication skills. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

8 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Task: Think about your favorite physical fitness activity. What do you like about that activity? What are its benefits for your health? Why is it important to be physically fit? Participate in a discussion about the benefits of fitness on your mind, body, and emotions. Demonstrate active listening, “I statements,” and turn-taking. Speak clearly, build on others’ ideas and express your own ideas persuasively. Rubric: 4 Points Student demonstrates a thorough understanding of appropriate communication skills in

a group discussion. Student displays active listening skills and is engaged throughout the conversation. The student uses appropriate nonverbal communication skills to convey engagement. The student’s participation is balanced, and the student does not monopolize the conversation. Student waits for one’s turn, clearly expresses his/her opinions with supporting evidence, and uses “I statements.” Student’s participation is effective.

3 Points Student demonstrates an understanding of appropriate communication skills in a group discussion. Student demonstrates some active listening skills and is engaged through most of the conversation. The student uses mostly appropriate nonverbal communication skills to convey engagement. The student’s participation is balanced for the most part, and the student does not monopolize the conversation. In most cases, student waits for one’s turn, expresses his/her opinions, and uses “I statements.” Student’s participation is mostly effective.

2 Points Student demonstrates a partial understanding of appropriate communication skills in a group discussion. Student displays few active listening skills and is engaged at only certain parts of the conversation. The student uses few appropriate nonverbal communication skills to convey engagement, or uses some inappropriate nonverbal communication skills. Student sometimes monopolizes the conversation or conversely, participates sporadically. Student interrupts others occasionally. Student expresses his/her opinions with some clarity. Student’s participation is somewhat effective.

1 Point Student demonstrates incomplete or weak understanding of appropriate communication skills in a group discussion. Student displays few active listening skills and lacks engagement throughout the conversation. The student does not demonstrate understanding of appropriate nonverbal communication skills or frequently uses inappropriate nonverbal communication skills. Student monopolizes the conversation or conversely, participates sporadically, if at all. Student may interrupt others when speaking, and ideas may not be clearly expressed. Student’s participation is not effective.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

9 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Subject Area: CCSS: English Language Arts Strand: Language Standards Cluster: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Standard: LACC.910.L.3.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 9–10 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address personal fitness activities and content that is relevant and age appropriate. Items may include selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may include a passage that includes unknown words and words or phrases that have multiple meanings related to personal fitness. Stimulus may describe strategies for determining unknown words/phrases.

Response Attributes:

Responses may include definitions or examples of unknown or multiple-meaning words. Responses may include strategies to determine meanings of unknown words. Responses may include clarification statements. Responses may include strategies for finding meaning of unknown words.

Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

10 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

The humerus bone serves as a connection between the scapula and the elbow. The top end of the humerus bone is comprised of a rounded head, two necks, and several tuberosities. The nearly spherical top associates with the ball-and-socket shoulder joint. The upper portion of the bone is cylindrical, while the bone becomes more prismatic near the lower end. The lower extremity consists of 2 epicondyles, 2 processes, and 3 fossae. The bottommost end of the humerus bone associates with the elbow joint. Here, the radius bone and the ulna bone interact with the humerus bone for making the elbow joint.

According to the passage, which letter shows the location of the humerus bone?

A. A * B. B C. C D. D

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

11 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Sample Item 2: Read the passage below: Two students are overweight, and they want to develop personal fitness plans that help them lose weight. One student is motivated and has a strong sense of self-efficacy. She believes that she has the ability within herself to meet her goals. Through hard work and dedication, she strives to meet the goals of her personal fitness plan. The other student always complains about the barriers preventing her from meeting her fitness goals, and unfortunately continues to lead an unhealthy life. Based on this passage, what does self-efficacy mean? A. acting independently B. committed to a fitness plan C. working efficiently to meet an important goal * D. believing in one’s own ability to make change

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

12 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Subject Area: CCSS: English Language Arts Strand: Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects Cluster: Craft and Structure

Standard: LACC.1112.RST.2.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 11–12 texts and topics.

Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address personal health related content that is relevant and age appropriate. Items may include selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may include scientific or technical text related to personal fitness topics. Stimulus may include symbols.

Response Attributes:

Responses will include personal fitness and health related terms including but not limited to: aerobic, anaerobic, blood pooling, target heart rate, resting and maximum heart rate.

Responses may include symbols. Responses may include definitions of technical terms.

Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

13 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Read the passage. There are several types of fiber that function differently and provide distinctive health benefits. Soluble fibers bind with fatty acids and slow digestion so blood sugars are released more slowly into the body. These fibers help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and help regulate blood sugar levels for people with diabetes. Insoluble fibers help move waste through the intestines and control the pH levels in the intestines. Adapted from WebMD. (2010). Types of Fiber and Their Health Benefits. Retrieved April, 2012, from What is the BEST meaning of the word soluble as used in the passage? A. increase digestion * B. able to dissolve C. control pH levels D. transport wastes

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

14 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Subject Area: CCSS: Mathematics Domain: Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data Cluster: Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable. Standard: MACC.912.S-ID.1.2 Use statistics appropriate to the shape of the data distribution to compare center (median, mean) and spread (interquartile range, standard deviation) of two or more different data sets. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address data supported by measurement in the form of graphs, statistics, etc., as related to personal fitness topics. Items may require the selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus must include at least two different data groups. Stimulus may include statistics for comparison. Stimulus may include a chart, graph, or table. Response Attributes: Responses may include correct or incorrect interpretations or applications of data. Responses may include statistics or titles. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

15 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

According to the chart showing Zander’s measurements, which is the MOST accurate statement about Zander’s high school weight?

Zander Smith’s High School Average Weight

Year Mean

Weight Weight Standard

Deviation Freshman 170 2.5 Sophomore 165 3.8 Junior 160 6.8 Senior 155 7.6

A. Zander lost weight through high school and his weight was stable during the school year. B. Zander gained weight while in high school and maintained a steady weight throughout each school year. * C. Zander lost weight while in high school but his weight fluctuated more as his weight dropped.

D. Zander had an increase in his weight, and it was consistent throughout each high school year.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

16 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Concepts Standard: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical principles, safety considerations, and strategies/tactics regarding movement. Benchmark: HE.912.C.1.1 Predict how healthy behaviors can affect health status. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address healthy behaviors, the decision-making model, and health risks associated with personal fitness. Items may include selection of appropriate behaviors or oral/written expression of behaviors. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may include scenarios that describe healthy behaviors that relate to personal fitness. Stimulus may include scenarios, which may analyze information, describe decision-making skills, risks and benefits. Stimulus may include charts or graphs. Stimulus may require predicting outcomes or non-outcomes of healthy behavior.

Response Attributes:

Responses may include correct or incorrect consequences of healthy behaviors related to stimulus scenario. Responses may describe how behaviors affect health status.

Sample Item: Allison is overweight and leads a generally inactive lifestyle. She has Type 2 diabetes and her doctor told her she is at risk for heart disease. Her doctor recommended that she begin a fitness program three days a week. Predict how incorporating healthy behavior such as a fitness program might affect her health status. A. It will improve quickly because she is changing her lifestyle completely. * B. It will improve over time if she follows the doctor’s recommendations. C. It will take a long time to improve because she was so sick. D. It will not improve because her conditions are irreversible.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

17 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Cognitive Ability Standard: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical principles, safety considerations, and strategies/tactics regarding movement. Benchmark: PE.912.C.1.15 Calculate individual target heart rate zone and analyze how to adjust intensity level to stay within the desired range. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address personal fitness activities and calculation of target heart rate. Items may require selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may include a description of how to calculate individual target heart rate zone.

Stimulus may address the calculation of the target heart rate zone, percentiles, or intensity. Stimulus may include descriptions of strategies for staying within the desired range. Stimulus may include a formula or calculations.

Response Attributes: Responses may include target, maximum and resting heart rates, or the overload principle.

Responses may include an analysis of strategies for adjusting intensity levels to stay within the desired range.

Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

18 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: After beginning a personal fitness program, June decides that she would like to analyze her intensity level during exercise. June is 18 years old. She has been exercising for 30 minutes and her heart rate is 130. Calculate June’s target heart rate zone. Analyze her current level of intensity as it relates to her target hear rate zone. Determine at least three modifications she should make to her current activity so that her heart rate is in the desired range. Use the following formulas: Maximum Heart Rate = 220 – Age Target Heart Rate Zone: Lower end= 65% of Maximum Heart Rate Higher end= 80% of Maximum Heart Rate Calculations:

Target Heart Rate Zone: _______________________ Modifications needed:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

19 9/6/2012 11:59 AM


4 Points The calculation for target heart rate zone is accurate. The student analyzes June’s current heart rate, compares it to the target heart rate zone and identifies at least three accurate modifications June could make to ensure her intensity level stays stay within her desired range.

3 Points The calculation for target heart rate zone is accurate. The student analyzes June’s current heart rate, compares it to the target heart rate zone, and identifies at least two accurate modifications June could make to ensure her intensity level stays within the desired range.

2 Points The calculation for target heart rate zone is incomplete and/or inaccurate. The student analyzes June’s current heart rate, compares it to the target heart rate zone, and identifies at least one accurate modification June could make to ensure her intensity level stays within the desired range.

1 Point The calculation for target heart rate zone is incomplete and/or inaccurate. The student fails to identify at least one accurate modification June could make to ensure her intensity level stays within the desired range.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

20 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Cognitive Ability Standard: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical principles, safety considerations, and strategies/tactics regarding movement. Benchmark: PE.912.C.1.16 Explain the methods of monitoring levels of intensity during aerobic activity. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address aerobic activities in personal fitness plans. Items may include selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may include a scenario describing aerobic activity.

Stimulus may ask for proper methods for monitoring levels of intensity, including but not limited to the points to check for a pulse, names of major arteries, how many seconds to count, or reading/using heart monitors. Stimulus may include diagrams, charts, graphs, or tables.

Response Attributes: Responses may include how and where to check for a pulse, describing things like carotid artery

(neck), radial artery (wrist), finger placement, or heart monitors. Responses may include a description of proper ways of monitoring levels of intensity during

aerobic activity. Responses may include diagrams, charts, tables, or graphs. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

21 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: Timothy is taking a group fitness class at his gym. He wants to monitor his level of intensity throughout the class, so that he stays in his target heart rate zone. In a paragraph, explain at least three methods he could use to monitor his level of intensity during the class. Be specific. Rubric: 4 Points Student provides a thorough explanation of methods for monitoring intensity during

aerobic activity. Student has identified at least three accurate things Timothy could do to monitor his intensity.

3 Points Student provides an explanation of methods for monitoring intensity during aerobic

activity. Student has identified two accurate things Timothy could do to monitor his intensity.

2 Points Student provides a partial explanation of methods for monitoring intensity during

aerobic activity. Student has identified one accurate thing Timothy could do to monitor his intensity.

1 Point Student provides a poor explanation of methods for monitoring intensity during aerobic activity. Student does not identify any appropriate ways for monitoring


Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

22 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Cognitive Abilities Standard: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical principles, safety considerations, and strategies/tactics regarding movement. Benchmark: PE.912.C.1.17 Assess physiological effects of exercise during and after physical activity. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item Types: Constructed Response, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should address the physiological effects of exercise during and after physical activity. Items may require the selection of appropriate effect or demonstration of the assessment. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may include descriptions of physical activity and/or the physiological effects after that activity.

Stimulus may describe different stages of exercise, such as warm up, high intensity, or cool down. Stimulus may include a scenario that includes individuals participating in exercise.

Response Attributes: Responses may be physiological effects of exercise. Responses may be correct or incorrect reasons to complete warm up or cool down and the possible consequences of performing these incorrectly. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

23 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: Part 1: Run the mile as part of standard physical fitness testing. Throughout the mile, self-assess the physiological effects of this exercise. Use your self-assessment to ensure you are running at the appropriate level of intensity. Use any of the following methods (or a combination of methods). Check Your Pace: Try to go faster than your first mile run of the year. Check Your Heart Rate: Are you in your target heart rate zone? Determine Perceived Exertion: For this activity, you should be at an 8 on a 1-to-10 scale (a comfortable effort would be a 5; racing would be close to a 10) Do The Talk Test: A question like "Is this pace okay?" should be possible, but conversation won't be. Part 2: At the end of the run, write a one page reflection describing the methods you used to monitor and assess the physiological effects of running the mile. Include an explanation of how you used the self-assessment to make adjustments to your run. Rubric:

4 Points Student self-assesses intensity regularly throughout the workout, using most of the different methods. Student clearly adjusts intensity based on assessment. Adjustment to the workout is accurate.

3 Points Student self-assesses intensity at some points during the workout. Student may not use all of the methods. Student adjusts intensity accurately for the most part.

2 Points Student self-assesses intensity a few times throughout the workout. Student only uses one method to monitor intensity. Student sometimes adjusts intensity accurately.

1 Point Student rarely self-assesses or does not assess at all. Student does not adjust intensity accurately.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

24 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Cognitive Abilities

Standard: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical principles, safety considerations, and strategies/tactics regarding movement. Benchmark: PE.912.C.1.18 Differentiate between fact and fallacy as it relates to consumer physical fitness products and programs. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address fitness facilities, exercise equipment, nutrition and supplements. Items may include selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may include scenarios related to consumer physical fitness products and programs.

Stimulus may describe fitness claims of a product or program. Stimulus may include pictures or diagrams and advertisements (print or video). Response Attributes

Responses may include analyses of advertisements for consumer physical fitness products and programs. Responses may identify fact and fallacy in consumer physical fitness products and programs. Responses may require categorization of fact and fallacies as they relate to consumer physical fitness products and programs.

Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

25 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: Using the following advertisement, determine whether or not the physical fitness product advertised is the most effective way to lose weight. Create a T-chart which distinguishes the facts from the fallacies in this advertisement. Then, write a paragraph explaining at least three effective ways to lose weight.


4 Points The response correctly identifies at least two fallacies in the advertisement. The student writes a comprehensive paragraph which includes three accurate and effective ways to lose weight.

3 Points The response correctly identifies at least two fallacies in the advertisement. The student writes a paragraph which includes two accurate and effective ways to lose weight.

2 Points The response correctly identifies one fallacy in the advertisement. The student only identifies one accurate and effective way to lose weight.

1 Point The response does not correctly identify any fallacies in the advertisement. The response may not include any accurate or effective ways to lose weight.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

26 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Cognitive Abilities

Standard: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical principles, safety considerations, and strategies/tactics regarding movement. Benchmark: PE.912.C.1.22 Explain the skill-related components of balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, power, and speed and how they enhance performance levels. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, power, and speed, and how these items increase performance. An explanation may include the selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may include performance levels of activities and how the skill-related components of physical fitness may enhance performance levels. Stimulus should be restricted to weight training activities/topics, nutrition, and health and skill related components of physical fitness.

Stimulus may include scenarios that demonstrate enhanced performance levels as a result of a focus on improving skills such as balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, power, and speed. Stimulus may include descriptions of balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, power, and/or speed.

Response Attributes: Responses may include potential ways the skill-related components of fitness correctly or incorrectly enhance performance levels. Responses may include explanations of the skill-related components of fitness. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

27 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: Select three skill-related components of fitness. Explain what these components are and describe how these components could enhance one’s personal fitness. Skill related components How it could enhance one’s personal fitness 1. 2. 3. Rubric: 4 Points Three skill-related components were addressed and explained accurately and

comprehensively. 3 Points Two skill-related components were addressed and explained accurately and

comprehensively. 2 Points One skill-related component was addressed and explained accurately and

comprehensively. 1 Point Skill-related components were addressed, but the explanations were inaccurate.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

28 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Cognitive Abilities Standard: Identify, analyze, and evaluate movement concepts, mechanical principles, safety considerations, and strategies/tactics regarding movement. Benchmark: PE.912.C.1.23 Apply appropriate technology and analyze data to evaluate, monitor, and/or improve performance. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should address personal fitness activities and common technology used to analyze fitness data. A performance may include selection of appropriate behaviors or a demonstration of appropriate behaviors. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may include scenarios that describe settings in which technology may be used in fitness activities. Stimulus may include a variety of technical devices that can evaluate performance.

Stimulus may include graphs, charts, tables, and diagrams to present data. Stimulus should not require the computation of data. Stimulus may include the comparison of performance data. Response Attributes: Responses should not include correct or incorrect computations. Responses may include correct and incorrect data interpretations. Responses may include the application of correct and incorrect technical devices commonly

used in fitness activities. Responses may include names of different technologies. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

29 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: All of the students in Jessica’s Personal Fitness class ran the mile in the first week of the semester to assess their current fitness level. The class will run it again at the end of the semester, hoping to improve their times, an indication of a higher level of fitness. Jessica wants to be in the Healthy Fitness Zone, so she practices running the mile every week. She would like to run a 9:00 mile or faster. Using her watch, she captures her mile pace, and records it in a chart each week. Here is her data so far.

Jessica’s Mile Pace Week 1 9:30 Week 2 9:23 Week 3 9:25 Week 4 9:15 Week 5 9:17 Week 6 9:20 Jessica has completed one-third of the semester. In two to three paragraphs, analyze the data and evaluate her progress towards her personal fitness goal and the standards for the Healthy Fitness Zone. Provide at least three suggestions on how Jessica might reach her goal. Rubric: 4 Points Student provides a thorough and accurate analysis and evaluation of Jessica’s

performance. Student provides at least three accurate suggestions for how Jessica might reach her goal and meet the standard for the Healthy Fitness Zone.

3 Points Student provides a mostly accurate analysis and evaluation of Jessica’s performance.

Student provides two accurate suggestions for how Jessica might reach her goal and meet the standard for the Healthy Fitness Zone.

2 Points Student provides a partially accurate analysis and evaluation of Jessica’s performance.

Student provides one accurate suggestion for how Jessica might reach her goal and meet the standard for the Healthy Fitness Zone.

1 Point Student provides a poor analysis and evaluation of Jessica’s performance. Student provides no accurate suggestions for how Jessica might reach her goal and meet the standard for the Healthy Fitness Zone.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

30 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Lifetime Fitness Standard: Participate regularly in physical activity. Benchmark: PE.912.L.1.1 Participate in a variety of physical activities to meet the recommended number of minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) beyond physical education on five or more days of the week. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should be limited to information based on physical fitness standards. Participation may include selection of appropriate behaviors or completing the required behaviors. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus should address knowledge of a variety of activities that provide moderate to vigorous

physical exertion and the necessary amount of time spent engaged in such. Response Attributes:

Responses may include logs, journals, or other evidence of participation. Responses should include MVPA, aerobic activities, 20-30 minutes per session.

Incorrect responses should include low physical activities that are reasonable answers. Responses may be proof of participation in MVPA five or more days per week. Response may include demonstration of participants. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

31 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Task: Using the daily calendar provided, list the moderate to vigorous physical activities you participated in daily. Complete the chart including the duration and your heart rate before, during, and after the activity. Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



Target HR

HR Before

HR During

HR After


4 Points The student participates in a variety of physical activities to meet the recommended 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) beyond physical education on five or more days of the week.

3 Points The student participates in a variety of physical activities to meet the recommended 60

minutes of MVPA beyond physical education on three or four days of the week.

2 Points The student participates in a variety of physical activities to meet the recommended 60 minutes of MVPA beyond physical education class on one or two days of the week.

1 Point The student fails to participate in a variety of physical activities to meet the recommended 60 minutes of MVPA beyond physical education class or fails to have a variety of activities.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

32 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Lifetime Fitness Standard: Participate regularly in physical activity. Benchmark: PE.912.L.1.2 Participate in a variety of activities that promote cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address health-related physical fitness within recreational activities that include health-related physical fitness, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Participation may include selection of appropriate behaviors or demonstrating appropriate behavior. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus should be related to recreational activities related to personal fitness. Stimulus may include scenarios that describe participation in a variety of activities related to physical fitness.

Response Attributes:

Responses should include the components of health-related fitness. Responses may include evidence that student has participated in a variety of activities that promote cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition.

Sample Item: Lisa decided to train for a triathlon, which includes a quarter-mile swim, a 15 mile bike, and a 3.1 mile run. Her weakest leg is the open-water swim. Lisa gets very winded after swimming for half of the distance. What component of fitness must Lisa improve to finish the swimming leg? A. flexibility B. body composition C. muscular strength * D. cardiovascular endurance

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

33 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Sample Item 2:

Stimulus: In the attached calendar for one month, record the different fitness activities in which you participate. For each day you complete an activity, record the name of the activity, how long you did the activity, and which component of fitness (cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength/endurance, flexibility, or body composition) it addresses.


Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

34 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Rubric: 4 Points Calendar is thoroughly completed. Response includes representation of all four health-

related fitness categories each week. 3 Points Calendar is mostly completed. Response includes representation of three of the four

health-related fitness categories each week. 2 Points Calendar is partially completed. Response includes representation of two of the four

health-related fitness categories each week. 1 Point Calendar is incomplete. The response includes representation of only one of the four

health-related fitness categories each week.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

35 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Lifetime Fitness Standard: Participate regularly in physical activity. Benchmark: PE.912.L.1.3 Participate in a variety of activities that promote effective stress management. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should address physical fitness and/or fitness related activities that promote stress management. Participation may include a selection of appropriate ideas or demonstration of appropriate ideas or demonstration of appropriate behavior. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may require participation in activities that promote effective stress management. Stimulus may ask for identification of activities that promote effective stress management. Response Attributes:

Responses may identify correct or incorrect activities that promote stress management. Responses may be proof of participation in activities that promote stress management. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

36 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Task: Stress can affect your performance in school, as well as other areas of your life. It is important to take action to manage your stress levels. Keep a log of the physical activities that you participate in that promote effective stress management. Write the name of the physical activity, the duration of the physical activity, and comment on your stress levels before and after you participate. Participate in at least three activities a week for at least 30 minutes each.

Example Log:

Day of week Stress

Management Activity

Number of Minutes

Stress level before activity

Stress level after activity








Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

37 9/6/2012 11:59 AM


4 Points The student’s log shows regular participation in a variety of stress relieving physical activities three or more times per week, and the duration is 30 minutes or longer for each entry. The log includes appropriate stress relieving activities, the duration of the activity, and comments of his/her stress levels before and after the activity.

3 Points The student’s log shows some participation in a variety of stress relieving physical activities. The student has participated in stress relieving physical activities up to three times per week, and the duration is 20 minutes or longer for each entry. The log includes appropriate stress relieving activities, the duration of the activity, and comments about his/her stress levels before and after the activity.

2 Points The student’s log shows irregular participation in a variety of stress relieving physical activities. The student has participated in stress relieving physical activities at least two times per week, and the duration is 15 minutes or longer for each entry. The log includes a few appropriate stress relieving activities, the duration of the activity, and comments on his/her stress levels before or after the activity.

1 Point The student’s log shows rare participation in a variety of stress relieving physical activities. The student has participated in a stress relieving physical activity on one occasion. The student may comment on the duration of the activity and on his/her stress levels before or after the activity.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

38 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Lifetime Fitness Standard: Participate regularly in physical activity. Benchmark: PE.912.L.1.6 Utilize knowledge of the risks and safety factors that may affect physical activity throughout life. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address safety and risk factors associated with personal fitness. Items may require selection of appropriate behavior or written or written/oral expression of behavior. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may address characteristics of exercise routines that protect from risks. Stimulus may describe characteristics of exercise routines that are risk factors. Stimulus may include scenarios or video clips that show correct or incorrect examples of risk and

safety factors in a physical fitness activity. Response Attributes:

Responses may describe the risks and safety factors that may affect physical activity through life. Responses may include warm-up, cool-down, overtraining and hydration.

Responses may include correct or incorrect safety or risk factors. Responses may include steps to mitigate potential risks that may affect physical activity. Sample Item: The first segment of any physical activity should be the * A. warm-up. B. cool-down. C. workout. D. weight lifting. Sample Item 2: Why should the first segment of any physical activity be the warm-up? * A. it raises the muscle temperature to prevent injury B. it mentally prepares you for your event C. it activates muscle memory D. it stretches the muscles

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

39 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Lifetime Fitness Standard: Develop and implement a personal fitness program to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Benchmark: PE.912.L.2.1 Demonstrate achievement and maintenance of a health-enhancing level of personal fitness by designing, implementing, self-assessing, and modifying a personal fitness program.

Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity Item Types: Constructed Response, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should be related to personal fitness activities. A demonstration may include the selection of appropriate behaviors or performance of appropriate behaviors. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may ask about any aspect of the designing, implementing, self-assessing, or modifying of a personal fitness program. Stimulus may include a chart. Stimulus may include example personal fitness programs.

Stimulus may include a scenario that describes an individual’s current physical fitness level and that individual’s physical fitness goals.

Stimulus may require the production of a personal fitness program. Response Attributes

Responses may be explanations of the components of a personal fitness plan. Responses may demonstrate the achievement and maintenance of a health enhancing level of personal fitness.

Responses may include the designing, implementing, self-assessing, and modifying of a personal fitness program. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

40 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: Part 1: Design a personal fitness program, applying concepts learned in the Personal Fitness course. When writing your program, include a log or area to document the implementation of the program. Part 2: Implement your personal fitness program, and document the implementation. Part 3: Assess your fitness levels before, during, and after implementing your fitness program. Part 4: Modify your fitness program based on how successful it was in helping you meet your fitness goals. Rubric: 4 Points Student accurately completes all four parts of the task. The response includes completion of the following parts: 1) a personal fitness program that is appropriate for the student and incorporates concepts learned in the Personal Fitness course; 2) evidence of the implemented personal fitness program; 3) assessment data from his/her fitness assessments before, during, and after implementing the fitness program; 4) a modified fitness program, with appropriate modifications based on the success of the original fitness program. After implementation of the personal fitness program, the student has achieved a health-enhancing level of personal fitness. 3 Points Student accurately completes three of the four parts of the task. The response includes completion of three of the following parts: 1) a personal fitness program that is appropriate for the student and incorporates concepts learned in the Personal Fitness course; 2) evidence of the implemented personal fitness program; 3) assessment data from his/her fitness assessments before, during, and after implementing the fitness program; 4) a modified fitness program, with appropriate modifications based on the success of the original fitness program. After implementation of the personal fitness program, the student has achieved a health-enhancing level of personal fitness. 2 Points Student accurately completes two of the parts of the task. The response includes completion of two of the following parts: 1) a personal fitness program that is appropriate for the student and incorporates concepts learned in the Personal Fitness course; 2) evidence of the implemented personal fitness program; 3) assessment data from his/her fitness assessments before, during, and after implementing the fitness program; 4) a modified fitness program, with appropriate modifications based on the success of the original fitness program. After implementation of the personal fitness program, the student may have achieved a health-enhancing level of personal fitness. 1 Point Student accurately completes one part of the task. The response includes completion of one or none of the following parts: 1) a personal fitness program that is appropriate for the student and incorporates concepts learned in the Personal Fitness course; 2) evidence of the implemented personal fitness program; 3) assessment data from his/her fitness assessments before, during, and after implementing the fitness program; 4) a modified fitness program, with appropriate modifications based on the success of the original fitness program. The student may not have achieved a health- enhancing level of fitness.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

41 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Lifetime Fitness Standard: Develop and implement a personal fitness program to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Benchmark: PE.912.L.2.2 Demonstrate program planning skills by setting goals, devising strategies, and making timelines for a personal fitness program Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity Item Types: Constructed Response, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should be restricted to personal fitness activities / topics, nutrition, and health and skill-related components of physical fitness. A demonstration may include selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may include a scenario which describes an individual’s fitness goals and desires to start a fitness program. Stimulus should be related to the demonstration of setting goals, devising strategies, and

making timelines for a personal fitness program. Stimulus may include a variety of personal fitness goals, which may or may not be “good” fitness goals. Stimulus may include descriptions of strategies for meeting goals.

Response Attributes: Responses may include personal fitness goals, strategies, and/or timelines for meeting goals.

Responses may describe the components of a personal fitness plan. Responses may be a personal fitness program that includes goals, strategies, and timelines. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

42 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: A student approaches you and asks for help designing a personal fitness program. She would like to improve her overall fitness levels, and would like increase her strength and flexibility. Design a personal fitness program for this student which includes goals, strategies for meeting the goals, and an appropriate timeline for the program. Rubric: 4 Points The response is a well-designed personal fitness program. The personal fitness program is appropriate for the student. The program addresses the student’s goals to increase strength and flexibility. The program includes specific strategies that are appropriate for increasing one’s strength and flexibility. The program includes a realistic timeline. 3 Points The response is a personal fitness program that is generally appropriate for the student requesting it. The program addresses the student’s goals and includes some specific strategies that are appropriate for increasing one’s strength and flexibility. The plan may include several strategies that are irrelevant or not related to the student’s goals. The program includes a realistic timeline. 2 Points The response is a personal fitness program that is somewhat appropriate for the student requesting it. The program addresses the student’s goals, but only includes a few strategies that are appropriate for increasing one’s strength and flexibility. The plan may be very general, and better suited for someone with different fitness goals. The program may not include a realistic timeline. 1 Point The response is an incomplete or inappropriate personal fitness program. The plan may not address the student’s goals. The program may be generic or unsuitable for the student requesting it. The program may not include a realistic timeline.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

43 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Lifetime Fitness Standard: Develop and implement a personal fitness program to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Benchmark: PE.912.L.2.3 Use a variety of resources including available technology to assess, design, and evaluate their personal physical activity plan. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address personal activity plans and any technology used to enhance those plans. Items may require the selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may include scenarios that utilize a variety of technology devices including low and high tech.

Stimulus may include examples of a physical activity plan. Stimulus may include scenarios that describe criteria for a personal physical activity plan. Stimulus should not require the computation. Stimulus may include charts, graphs, or diagrams. Response Attributes:

Responses may include correct and incorrect interpretations of charts or diagrams. Responses may include student-generated responses to a scenario. Responses may include the selection of alternative activities or plans. Responses may include correct and incorrect outcomes of personal fitness plans. Responses may include correct and incorrect uses of technology to assess personal fitness plans. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

44 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: Design a personal fitness plan for yourself, using technology. Then, implement the plan. Assess and evaluate your plan after implementing it. Turn in the following: a) your fitness plan that was created using technology, b) documentation of implementation of the plan, c) assessment data, and d) a typed paragraph evaluating your personal fitness plan. Include relevant details and examples.


4 Points The response includes a fitness plan created using technology, documentation of implementation of the plan, assessment data and a typed evaluation of the personal fitness plan. Each component is thoroughly and appropriately completed.

3 Points The response includes three of the following: a fitness plan created using technology, documentation of implementation of the plan, assessment data and a typed evaluation of the personal fitness plan. Each component is thoroughly and appropriately completed.

2 Points The response includes two of the following: a fitness plan created using technology, documentation of implementation of the plan, assessment data and a typed evaluation of the personal fitness plan. Both component are thoroughly and appropriately completed.

1 Point The response includes one of the following: a fitness plan created using technology, documentation of implementation of the plan, assessment data and a typed evaluation of the personal fitness plan. The component turned in is thoroughly and appropriately completed.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

45 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Lifetime Fitness Standard: Develop and implement a personal fitness program to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Benchmark: PE.912.L.2.4 Apply the principles of training and conditioning in accordance with personal goals. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should address the principles of training and how they apply to personal weight training and conditioning goals. A performance may include selection of appropriate behaviors or demonstrating appropriate behaviors. Stimulus Attribute:

Stimulus may include scenarios related to the principles of training and how they are applied to a personal goal in a weight training program.

Stimulus may include a scenario that compares the principles of training. Stimulus may include a scenario that addresses the benefits of each principle. Stimulus may include graphs and charts. Response Attributes:

Responses may include principles of training. Responses may include non-examples of the training principles. Responses may include how the principles apply to personal training goals. Responses may include how an individual can apply the principles of training to achieve a goal. Responses may include applications of the principles of training and conditioning. Sample Item: Lexi wants to focus on developing her bicep muscles. What principle of training should she apply? A. frequency B. intensity * C. specificity D. time

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

46 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Sample Item 2: Johanna has a goal to run a marathon. She is creating a comprehensive plan that will help her feel prepared for her race, while preventing overtraining and injury. How should Johanna apply the FITT principles of training to create her training plan? A. She should make sure that she runs long distances all the time. * B. She should make sure she has a balance of long runs, short runs, and recovery time. C. She should make sure that at least 90% of her workouts are at high intensity. D. She should make sure that she incorporates only running into her plan.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

47 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Lifetime Fitness Standard: Develop and implement a personal fitness program to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Benchmark: PE.912.L.2.5 Assess and evaluate the use of a variety of physical activities in developing a personal fitness program.

Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item Types: Constructed Response Content Limits: Items are limited to various physical activities that may be included in a personal fitness program. Items may include a selection of appropriate ideas or written expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus should be related to the assessment and evaluation of physical activities associated with a personal fitness program. Stimulus may present an example personal fitness program. Stimulus may include descriptions of physical activities.

Stimulus may include scenarios that describe an individual or individuals participating in a variety of physical activities

Response Attributes:

Responses may be an assessment of the various activities included in a personal fitness program. Responses may describe a variety of physical activities which may be included in a personal fitness program.

Responses may include a personal fitness program designed with a variety of physical activities designed to achieve a common goal. Responses may include suggestions for additions or revisions to a physical fitness program. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

48 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: Jasmer wants to create a personal fitness program that will help him lose weight. He is deciding which activities to include in his personal fitness program. He has two options: Option A: weight training, yoga, and exergaming Option B: running, playing tennis, and weight training Evaluate the options and then decide which physical activities will be best to use in his personal fitness program so that he meets his goals. Write one or two paragraphs explaining why you made your selection. If you disagree with both of his options, identify three physical activities for him to include in his program, and explain why these activities would be the best to include. Rubric: 4 Points Student selects appropriate activities for Jasmer to include in his personal fitness program. The response includes a thorough and accurate explanation as to why these selected activities are the best for Jasmer to include in his plan. The response includes many relevant details and examples. 3 Points Student selects appropriate activities for Jasmer to include in his personal fitness program. The response includes a generally accurate explanation as to why these selected activities are the best for Jasmer to include in his plan. The response may include a few inaccuracies. The response includes some relevant details and examples. 2 Points Student selects appropriate activities for Jasmer to include in his personal fitness program. The response includes an explanation as to why these selected activities are the best for Jasmer to include in his plan. The explanation includes many inaccuracies. The response includes few details or examples. 1 Point Student does not select appropriate activities for Jasmer to include in his personal fitness program. The student may write an explanation, but the explanation is not accurate.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

49 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Lifetime Fitness Standard: Develop and implement a personal fitness program to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Benchmark: PE.912.L.2.6 Analyze health-related problems associated with inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should be restricted to personal fitness activities/topics, nutrition, and health-related components of physical fitness. Items should contain common health-related problems. Items may require selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may include descriptions of health-related problems associated with inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Stimulus may include scenarios that describe an individual or individual’s current personal fitness or health status, including one’s cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Stimulus may include graphics, charts, diagrams, tables, or graphs.

Response Attributes: Responses should be related to the knowledge of health-related problems associated with inadequate levels of physical fitness. Responses may include analyses of health-related problems. Responses may include identifications of causes of health-related problems. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

50 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: There are many health problems associated with inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Low Back Pain Syndrome is one of these health problems and it affects many Americans. Analyze the effects of Low Back Pain Syndrome on an individual and on society. Write one to two paragraphs describing the consequences of inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Generate at least three detailed solutions to this societal problem and include them in your answer. Rubric: 4 Points The response is a thorough analysis of the effects of Low Back Pain Syndrome on an

individual and on society. The response includes an accurate description of the consequences of inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. The response includes at least three appropriate solutions to this societal problem.

3 Points The response is an analysis of the effects of Low Back Pain Syndrome on an individual

and on society. The response includes a partially accurate description of the consequences of inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. The response includes at least two appropriate solutions to this societal problem.

2 Points The response is a partial analysis of the effects of Low Back Pain Syndrome on an

individual and on society. The response includes a description of the consequences of inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. However, the description includes some inaccuracies. The response includes at least one appropriate solution to this societal problem.

1 Point The response contains little or no analysis of the effects of Low Back Pain Syndrome on

an individual and on society. The response includes an inaccurate description of the consequences of inadequate levels of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. The response may not include any appropriate solutions to this societal problem.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

51 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Lifetime Fitness Standard: Develop and implement a personal fitness program to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Benchmark: PE.912.L.2.7 Evaluate how to make changes in an individual wellness plan as lifestyle changes occur. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item Types: Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address fitness activities, topics, or issues and results of participation as lifestyles change. Items may require selection of appropriate ideas or written oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may address modifications to a wellness plan. Stimulus may address why making changes in an individual wellness plan is important. Stimulus may include an example of an individual wellness plan. Stimulus may include a scenario that describes one’s lifestyle changes.

Response Attributes:

Responses may include goals, wellness plans, regular check-ups, exercise logs, and fitness evaluation.

Responses may include evaluations of changes made to a wellness plan. Responses may include descriptions of changes necessary for participation in physical activity as lifestyle changes occur.

Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

52 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: Emily’s current wellness plan includes four days of running to help her maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Her wellness plan also includes some pilates and yoga, to strengthen her core and help her relieve stress. Recently, Emily sprained her ankle, and the doctor gave her strict orders not to run or do any high-impact exercises. In a paragraph, evaluate how Emily should make changes to her individual wellness plan based on her new circumstances. Provide at least three examples of modifications she could make. Rubric: 4 Points The response is a thorough evaluation of how Emily should make changes to her individual wellness plan based on her new circumstances. The response includes at least three appropriate and realistic examples of modifications she could make. 3 Points The response is an evaluation of how Emily should make changes to her individual wellness plan based on her new circumstances. The response includes at least two appropriate and realistic examples of modifications she could make. 2 Points The response is a partial evaluation of how Emily should make changes to her individual wellness plan based on her new circumstances. The response includes at least one appropriate and realistic example of a modification she could make. 1 Point The response is a poor evaluation of how Emily should make changes to her individual wellness plan based on her new circumstances. The response includes no appropriate or realistic examples of modifications Emily could make.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

53 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Movement Competency Standard: Demonstrate competency in many and proficiency in a few movement forms from a variety of categories (aquatics, dance, extreme sports, fitness education, gymnastics, individual/dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, team sports). Benchmark: PE.912.M.1.5 Apply strategies for self-improvement based on individual strengths and needs. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity Item Types: Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address fitness strategies for self-improvement. Items may include selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may include a scenario describing one’s strengths, weaknesses, and/or goals. Stimulus may include strategies for self-improvement. Response Attributes:

Responses may describe strategies for self-improvement. Responses may include the application of strategies for self-improvement. Responses may include goals, present fitness level, fitness education, or principle of progression.

Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

54 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: Jessica wants to improve her muscular endurance so that she can be a better swimmer. In a paragraph, describe how she could apply various strategies to improve her muscular endurance. Provide at least three strategies that she can use. Rubric: 4 Points The response explains at least three accurate strategies Jessica can use to help improve her muscular endurance so that she can be a better swimmer. Response provides details and examples to support the explanation. 3 Points The response explains two accurate strategies Jessica can use to help improve her

muscular endurance so that she can be a better swimmer. Response provides some details and examples to support the explanation.

2 Points The response explains one accurate strategy Jessica can use to help improve her

muscular endurance so that she can be a better swimmer. Response provides limited details and examples to support the explanation.

1 Point The response does not explain any accurate strategies Jessica can use to help improve her muscular endurance so that she can be a better swimmer.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

55 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Movement Competency Standard: Demonstrate competency in many and proficiency in a few movement forms from a variety of categories (aquatics, dance, extreme sports, fitness education, gymnastics, individual/dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, team sports). Benchmark: PE.912.M.1.12 Select and perform complex movements using a variety of equipment which lead to improved or maintained muscular strength and endurance. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should address the fitness components of muscular strength and endurance and the various equipment used in basic weight training and specific exercise. A performance may include selection of appropriate behavior or demonstration of appropriate behavior. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may include scenarios that describe specific weight training exercises that will improve or maintain the health-related fitness components of muscular strength and endurance.

Stimulus may include various weight training equipment or techniques. Stimulus may include diagrams, images, or video clips. Stimulus may compare techniques or equipment in relation to strength and endurance outcomes. Stimulus may present criteria necessary for the selection of appropriate muscular exercise. Response Attributes:

Responses may include the health-related fitness components of physical fitness. Responses may include correct or incorrect exercises or techniques related to question stimulus. Responses may include equipment.

Responses may include descriptions, demonstrations, diagrams, or examples of various complex movements. Responses may include image or video clips.

Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

56 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Task: Imagine you are a swimmer and you want to strengthen your latissimus dorsi. Identify three latissimus dorsi exercises which use different equipment. Demonstrate these exercises. While demonstrating, explain how to complete the exercise. Rubric: 4 Points Student shows a thorough understanding of exercises to build latissimus dorsi by

selecting appropriate exercises and demonstrating the exercises accurately. Exercises are done with proper technique. During the exercise, student provides an accurate explanation of what he/she is doing.

3 Points Student shows a partial understanding of exercises to build latissimus dorsi by selecting mostly appropriate exercises and demonstrating the exercises accurately. Exercises are done with mostly proper technique. During the exercise, the student provides a mostly accurate explanation.

2 Points Student shows a limited understanding of exercises to build latissimus dorsi by selecting two or fewer appropriate exercises and demonstrating the exercises somewhat accurately. Student uses partially correct technique and does not explain what he/she is doing, or explains it incorrectly.

1 Point Student shows a poor understanding of exercises to build latissimus dorsi by selecting incorrect exercises. Exercises are not performed correctly.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

57 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Movement Competency Standard: Demonstrate competency in many and proficiency in a few movement forms from a variety of categories (aquatics, dance, extreme sports, fitness education, gymnastics, individual/dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, team sports). Benchmark: PE.912.M.1.13 Perform a student designed cardiorespiratory enhancing workout. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item types: Multiple Choice, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should be restricted to physical fitness activities/topics, nutrition, and health and skill related components of physical fitness. Items address various basic large muscle groups, cardio-respiratory/muscular endurance building activities, and demonstrating knowledge of workout design. A performance may include selection of appropriate behavior or demonstration of appropriate behavior. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may require the performance of a student designed cardiorespiratory enhancing workout.

Stimulus may include a scenario which describes a cardiorespiratory enhancing workout. Stimulus should be related to the ability to design and perform a cardiorespiratory enhancing workout. Stimulus may include workout design, including choice of exercise, order of exercise, resistance use, training volume, rest intervals, repetition velocity, and training frequency. Response Attributes: Responses may include a performance of student designed cardiorespiratory enhancing workout. Responses may include workout design elements. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

58 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Task: Create and perform a 20-minute cardiorespiratory enhancing workout that can be taught to the class. The workout must include at least five separate exercises or components. Lead the class in a performance of the workout. Give clear instructions to your classmates. Rubric: 4 Points The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of a cardiorespiratory enhancing

workout. An appropriate warm-up and cool-down are included as well as five appropriate exercises that benefit the cardiorespiratory system.

3 Points The student demonstrates a partial understanding of a cardiorespiratory enhancing

workout. A warm-up and cool-down may not have been included but there were five appropriate exercises that benefit the cardiorespiratory system.

2 Points The student demonstrates a minimal understanding of a cardiorespiratory enhancing

workout. A warm-up and cool-down may not been included. There were three appropriate exercises that benefit the cardiorespiratory system.

1 Point The student demonstrates a poor understanding of a cardiorespiratory enhancing

workout. A warm-up and cool-down may not have been included. There were less than three exercises that benefit the cardiorespiratory system.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

59 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Movement Competencies Standard: Demonstrate competency in many and proficiency in a few movement forms from a variety of categories (aquatics, dance, extreme sports, fitness education, gymnastics, individual/dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, team sports). Benchmark: PE.912.M.1.14 Utilize selected technology to assess, enhance, and maintain health and skill-related fitness levels. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity Item Types: Constructed Response, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should be restricted to physical fitness activities/topics, nutrition, and health and skill related components of physical fitness. A performance may include selection of appropriate behaviors or demonstration of appropriate behaviors. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may describe fitness related technology. Stimulus should be related to the ability to identify, assess, enhance, and maintain health and

skill-related fitness levels. Stimulus may present a fitness-related scenario which requires the selection of technology to help assess, enhance, or maintain health and skill-related fitness levels.

Response Attributes:

Responses may be a demonstration of how to use a selected type of technology. Responses should be related to the knowledge and identification of various physical fitness

activities that are related to health and skill related components. Responses may be examples of technology.

Responses may describe how appropriate technology aids in assessing, enhancing, and maintaining health and skill-related fitness levels.

Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

60 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Task: Demonstrate how to use a heart rate monitor. Put it on and show how you can use the heart rate monitor during a workout to assess, enhance, and adjust your intensity so that you are exercising at 80% of your maximum heart rate for 20 minutes. Orally explain how regularly using this technology will help you maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness. Rubric: 4 Points Student demonstrates a thorough understanding how to use a heart rate monitor to

assess, enhance, and adjust his/her workout’s intensity to stay at the intended level. The student makes no mistakes in the demonstration. The student also accurately explains how the technology can be used to maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness.

3 Points Student demonstrates an understanding of how to use a heart rate monitor to assess,

enhance and adjust his/her workout’s intensity to stay at the intended level. Student may make minor errors in utilizing the technology for the defined purpose. The student provides a somewhat accurate explanation of how the technology can be used to maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness.

2 Points Student demonstrates a partial understanding of how to use a heart rate monitor to

assess, enhance, and adjust his/her workout’s intensity. Student makes errors in utilizing the technology for the defined purpose. The student provides an explanation of how the technology can be used to maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness, but the explanation includes many inaccuracies.

1 Point Student demonstrates an incomplete or incorrect understanding of how to use a heart

rate monitor to assess, enhance and adjust his/her workout’s intensity. Student makes many errors in utilizing the technology for the defined purpose. The student may not include an explanation of how the technology can be used to maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

61 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Movement Competencies Standard: Demonstrate competency in many and proficiency in a few movement forms from a variety of categories (aquatics, dance, extreme sports, fitness education, gymnastics, individual/dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, team sports). Benchmark: PE.912.M.1.15 Select and apply sports/activity specific warm-up and cool-down techniques. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity Item Types: Constructed Response, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should be restricted to physical fitness activities/topics, nutrition, and health and skill related components of physical fitness. Items should relate to warm up and cool down activities. A performance may include selection of appropriate behavior or demonstrating appropriate behavior. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may describe a sport or activity.

Stimulus may describe specific warm up and/or cool down techniques. Stimulus may include video clips, diagrams, or images. Stimulus may include charts, graphs, or tables.

Response Attributes:

Responses may include names, descriptions, or examples of specific warm-up and cool-down activities. Responses may include sport-specific vocabulary such as: static, dynamic, and ballistic stretching or PNF.

Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

62 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Task: Of the following, select the BEST dynamic exercise to include in a warm up before running.

• walking • butt kicks • hamstring stretch • calf raises

Apply this dynamic exercise to your warm-up before you run. Rubric: 4 Points Student selects the best dynamic exercise to include in a warm up before running (butt kicks). The student appropriately applies this exercise to his/her warm up before running. 3 Points Student selects the best dynamic exercise to include in a warm up before running (butt kicks). The student applies this exercise to his/her warm up before running, but makes a few errors in the application. 2 Points Student does not select the best dynamic exercise to include in a warm up before running (butt kicks); however the student demonstrates and applies the selected exercise appropriately. 1 Point Student does not select the best dynamic exercise nor does the student apply it appropriately.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

63 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Movement Competencies Standard: Demonstrate competency in many and proficiency in a few movement forms from a variety of categories (aquatics, dance, extreme sports, fitness education, gymnastics, individual/dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, team sports). Benchmark: PE.912.M.1.19 Use correct body alignment, strength, flexibility, and coordination in the performance of technical movements. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should be restricted to physical fitness activities/topics, and health and skill related components of physical fitness. A performance may include selection of appropriate behaviors or demonstration of appropriate behaviors. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus should be related to using correct body alignment, strength, flexibility, and coordination in the performance of technical movements associated with weight training activities. Stimulus may describe correct or incorrect techniques in performing movements. Stimulus may include images or video clips of technical movements.

Response Attributes: Responses should be related to using correct body alignment, strength, flexibility, and coordination in the performance of technical movements associated with weight training activities. Responses may include correct or incorrect techniques in performing movements. Sample Item: What body alignment fault should you avoid while performing the leg extension in weight training? A. toes rotating forward B. toes rotating outward * C. locking the knees

D. keeping the head neutral

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

64 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Sample Item 2: Task: Perform a set of fifteen leg extensions. Utilize proper body alignment, strength, flexibility, and coordination. Rubric: 4 Points Student demonstration shows thorough understanding of proper body alignment,

strength, flexibility and coordination in the performance of a set of leg extensions. During the exercise, the student keeps abdominals tight, chest up, and his/her back straight. The student selects the appropriate amount of weight for his/her strength. The student demonstrates flexibility as he/she moves through the motion fluidly (not jerking) and with coordination. The student completed the leg extension set with no teacher assistance.

3 Points Student demonstration shows an understanding of proper body alignment, strength,

flexibility and coordination in the performance of a set of leg extensions. While performing the exercise, the student does two of the following: 1) maintains proper body alignment by keeping abdominals tight, chest up, and his/her back straight; 2) selects the appropriate amount of weight for his/her strength; 3) moves through the motion fluidly and with coordination. The student performs the set with minor errors or required minimal teacher assistance.

2 Points Student demonstration shows a partial understanding of proper body alignment,

strength, flexibility and coordination in the performance of a set of leg extensions. While performing the exercise, the student does one of the following: 1) maintains proper body alignment by keeping abdominals tight, chest up, and his/her back straight; 2) selects the appropriate amount of weight for his/her strength; 3) moves through the motion fluidly and with coordination. Student performs the set with some errors or required teacher assistance.

1 Point Student demonstration shows a poor understanding of proper body alignment,

strength, flexibility and coordination in the performance of a set of leg extensions. While performing the exercise, the student does none of the following: 1) maintains proper body alignment by keeping abdominals tight, chest up, and his/her back straight; 2) selects the appropriate amount of weight for his/her strength; 3) moves through the motion fluidly and with coordination. Student performs set with many errors or required extensive teacher assistance.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

65 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Movement Competency Standard: Demonstrate competency in many and proficiency in a few movement forms from a variety of categories (aquatics, dance, extreme sports, fitness education, gymnastics, individual/dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, team sports). Benchmark: PE.912.M.1.34 Demonstrate use of the mechanical principles as they apply to specific course activities. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity Item Types: Performance Task Content Limits: Items may include physical fitness activities/topics and various health and skill-related components of fitness. A demonstration may include the selection of appropriate behaviors or performance of behaviors. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may describe mechanical principles utilized in the Personal Fitness course. Stimulus may include specific mechanical movement for various physical fitness activities.

Stimulus may include a physical fitness activity. Stimulus may include images, graphics, or video clips. Response Attributes:

Responses may include correct and incorrect mechanical movements, such as exercise form and technique, in specific weight training activities. Responses may include correct and incorrect mechanical techniques in specific physical fitness activities. Responses may include images, graphics, or diagrams. Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

66 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Task: Demonstrate a set of eight lunges with a Bosu ball on each leg. Use the appropriate mechanics in your demonstration. Rubric: 4 Points Student shows a thorough understanding of appropriate mechanics for doing lunges

with a Bosu ball. The student has appropriate body alignment and balance during the exercise. The student lowers to 90 degrees. The student’s front knee does not extend in front of the ankle.

3 Points Student shows an understanding of appropriate mechanics for doing lunges with a Bosu

ball. For most of the lunges, the student has appropriate body alignment and balance during the exercise. The student may have a few instances of instability or lack of balance. The student lowers to 90 degrees. The student’s front knee does not extend in front of the ankle.

2 Points Student shows a partial understanding of appropriate mechanics for doing lunges with a

Bosu ball. For some of the lunches, the student has appropriate body alignment and balance, but the student falls a few times. The student may lower too far or not enough. The student has a few instances where the front knee extends in front of the ankle.

1 Point Student shows little to no understanding of appropriate mechanics for doing lunges with

a Bosu ball. The student struggles to complete the sets of lunges due to poor body alignment and balance. The lunges that the student is able to complete have poor mechanics.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

67 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Movement Competency Standard: Demonstrate competency in many and proficiency in a few movement forms from a variety of categories (aquatics, dance, extreme sports, fitness education, gymnastics, individual/dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, team sports). Benchmark: PE.912.M.1.35 Select proper equipment and apply all appropriate safety procedures necessary for participation. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address equipment necessary for a variety of fitness activities and safety factors considered during such activities. Items may require selection of appropriate ideas/behaviors or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may describe fitness or weights equipment. Stimulus may include a scenario that describes an individual or individuals using equipment and utilizing or not utilizing appropriate safety procedures. Stimulus may include descriptions of safety procedures related to participation in a fitness activity. Stimulus may describe a situation which requires the selection of proper equipment. Stimulus may include image or video clips.

Response Attributes: Responses may include examples of, descriptions of, or images of equipment. Responses may include examples of the application of proper safety procedures including proper attire, footwear, steps, bands, mats, weights, warm-up, cool-down, and other safety procedures. Responses my include images or video clips.

Sample Item: Your Personal Fitness course teacher tells the class that they are going to do pushups in class today. Jorge is very strong and wants to make the pushups more challenging. What piece of equipment should he use to accomplish this, and how can he use it safely? A. He should use an aerobics step, planting his hands firmly on it. B. He should use a Bosu ball, placed under his feet with the rounded side down. * C. He should use a stability ball, balancing his legs on it. D. He should use a steeply declined bench, placing his hands in a wide stance.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

68 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Responsible Behaviors and Values Standard: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. Benchmark: PE.912.R.1.2 Develop strategies for including persons of diverse backgrounds and abilities while participating in a variety of physical activities. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address inclusion during fitness activities. Items may require the selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expression of ideas. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may include scenarios that describe groups of individuals of diverse backgrounds or abilities participating in a variety of physical activities. Stimulus may address modifications or other strategies for including diverse abilities or backgrounds to physical activities.

Response Attributes: Responses may describe strategies for including persons of many different backgrounds and

abilities while participating in various fitness activities. Responses may address inclusion, accommodations and modifications when participating in

fitness activities.

Sample Item:

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

69 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Stimulus: Juanetta uses a wheelchair and is enrolled in a Personal Fitness class. The students in the class are asked to create three different aerobic routines and to present the routines to the class. Develop and explain strategies which would allow Juanetta to actively participate. Rubric: 4 Points The response shows a thorough understanding of strategies for including persons of

diverse backgrounds and abilities while participating in a variety of physical activities. Student provides appropriate suggestions for how the student in the wheelchair may actively participate in each of the aerobics routines.

3 Points The response shows an understanding of strategies for including persons of diverse

backgrounds and abilities while participating in a variety of physical activities. Student provides mostly appropriate suggestions for how the student in the wheelchair may actively participate in the aerobics routines.

2 Points The response shows a partial understanding of strategies for including persons of

diverse backgrounds and abilities while participating in a variety of physical activities. Student provides many inappropriate suggestions for actively including the student in the wheelchair in each of the aerobics routines.

1 Point The response shows little or no understanding of strategies for including persons of

diverse backgrounds and abilities while participating in a variety of physical activities. Student provides mostly inappropriate suggestions for actively including the student in the wheelchair in each of the aerobics routines.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

70 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Responsible behaviors and values Standard: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. Benchmark: PE.912.R.1.3 Demonstrate responsible behaviors during physical activities. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Performance Task Content Limits: Items should address physical fitness activities and responsible behaviors. A demonstration may include selection of appropriate behavior or performance of appropriate behavior. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus may be related to responsible behaviors during physical activities. Stimulus may include scenarios that include individuals participating in physical activities. Individuals may or may not be demonstrating responsible behaviors. Stimulus may include video clips, images, or diagrams.

Response Attributes:

Responses may include responsible behaviors during recreational activities. Responses may address conflict resolution. Responses may reflect demonstrations of responsible behaviors during physical activities.

Sample Item: A Personal Fitness Class is having a sit up contest, to see how many sit ups each student can do in one minute. Each student has a partner to count for them and at the end of a minute, the students will announce how many sit ups they have done. Jennica and Carrie are best friends and partners for this activity. After a minute, Jennica has done 44 sit ups. What is the responsible thing for Carrie to do when it is her turn to announce how many sit ups Jennica has done? A. Add one sit up to her count to make it 45. B. Say a number that is larger than the current leader’s count. * C. Tell the class the actual number of sit ups that Jennica did. D. Announce that Jennica did 44 sit ups, including the ones she did with poor form.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

71 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Responsible Behavior Standard: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Benchmark: PE.912.R.1.5 Demonstrate appropriate etiquette, care of equipment, respect for facilities, and safe behaviors while participating in a variety of physical activities. Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address various types of fitness equipment, technique, and safety for the various activities. A demonstration may include selection of appropriate behavior or performance of appropriate behavior. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may ask about appropriate etiquette, care of equipment, respect for facilities, and safe behaviors while participating in a variety of personal fitness and weight training activities.

Stimulus may provide a scenario related to participation in physical activities. In the scenario, aspects of etiquette, care of equipment, respect for facilities, and safe behaviors may be addressed.

Response Attributes:

Responses may describe or provide examples of appropriate or inappropriate etiquette, care of equipment, respect for facilities, and safe behaviors while participating in a variety of personal fitness and weight training activities.

Sample Item: What should you do with weights after you finish using them? A. Roll the weights into the corner. B. Leave the weights on the floor. * C. Put the weights back in proper place. D. Leave the weights out for the next person.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

72 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Responsible Behavior Standard: Value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction. Benchmark: PE.912.R.2.1 Select and participate in a variety of physical activities outside of the school setting that contribute to personal enjoyment and the attainment or maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Performance Task Content Limits: Items include physical fitness activities/topics, nutrition, and health and skill-related components of physical fitness. Items may require selection of appropriate behavior or performance of appropriate behavior. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus may include descriptions of physical activities.

Stimulus may require a record of physical activities completed outside the school setting. Stimulus may ask for examples that describe how participating in physical activities outside school setting can contribute to personal enjoyment and the attainment or maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Stimulus may ask about physical activity options outside the school setting. Response Attributes:

Responses may include a record of physical activities outside the school setting. Responses may include scenarios that demonstrate personal enjoyment and the attainment or maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Responses may include opportunities for physical activities outside of school setting. Sample Item: Thalia would like to begin weight training after school to improve her health. Where could she find a weight training facility in her community? A. recreational center, city park, or mall arcade B. local gyms, library, mall, or arcade C. city park, mall arcade, or schools * D. recreation center, local gym, or schools

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

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73 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Sample Item 2: Task: Keep a log of the physical activities in which you participate outside of school. The log should demonstrate regular (five to seven days) participation in a variety (at least four) of physical activities. For each entry, comment on how the activity contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Rubric: 4 Points Student regularly (five to seven days a week) participates in a variety (more than four

different activities) of physical activities outside of the school setting, as evidenced by the student’s log. All of the activities contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The student’s comments on how the activity contributes to a healthy lifestyle are thorough, accurate and appropriate.

3 Points Student participates (three to four days a week) in a variety (three to four different

activities) of physical activities outside of the school setting, as evidenced by the student’s log. All of the activities contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The student’s comments on how the activity contributes to a healthy lifestyle are generally accurate and appropriate.

2 Points Student irregularly participates (two to three days a week) in physical activities outside

of the school setting, as evidenced by the student’s log. Activities may not show variety, but most of the activities contribute to a healthy lifestyle. A few of the student’s comments about how the activity contributes to a healthy lifestyle are accurate, but most of the comments are inaccurate or missing.

1 Point Student rarely participates (one day per week) in physical activities outside of the school

setting, as evidenced by the student’s log. The activities do not show variety nor do they contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Most, if not all of the comments are inaccurate or missing.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

74 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Responsible Behaviors and Values Standard: Value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction. Benchmark: PE.912.R.2.2 Discuss physical activities from which benefits can be derived. Depth of Knowledge: Moderate Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address fitness activities, topics, issues and results of participation. Items may require selection of appropriate ideas or written/oral expressions of ideas. Stimulus Attributes:

Stimulus should address the many opportunities available for physical fitness activities and the benefits from participation in such activities.

Response Attributes:

Responses should include but not be limited to physical fitness opportunities available that provide physical benefits to participants (aerobic activities: jogging, swimming, biking, weight training, 5K’s, intramurals, spinning, yoga, pilates).

Responses may describe how various activities benefit one’s health.

Sample Item: Stimulus: Write a paragraph discussing at least three benefits of daily stretching. Rubric: 4 Points The response shows a thorough understanding of the health benefits of daily stretching.

Response includes at least three accurate benefits that are explained with details and clarity.

3 Points The response shows an understanding of the health benefits of daily stretching.

Response includes at least two accurate benefits that are explained with some details. 2 Points The response shows partial understanding of the health benefits of daily stretching.

Response includes at least one accurate benefit that is explained with some details. 1 Point The response shows little or no understanding of the health benefits of daily stretching.

The response includes no accurate benefits.

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

Item Specifications

75 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Strand: Responsible Behavior Standard: Value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction. Benchmark: PE.912.R.2.3 Explore the role of games, sports, and/or physical activities in other cultures

Depth of Knowledge: Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity, High Complexity Item Types: Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Content Limits: Items should address physical fitness related activities and topics relating to different cultures. Stimulus Attributes: Stimulus should be related to the discussion of related activities and topics relating to different cultures. Stimulus may address a variety of physical activities from other cultures/countries. Stimulus may require a project on a game or sport and its cultural history. Stimulus may include video clips or graphics. Response Attributes: Responses should include the role of sports, and/or physical activities in other cultures. Responses may include countries or cultures. Response may be a project. Responses may include essays or group projects. Sample Item: Where did the first marathon take place? A. Spain * B. Greece C. England D. United States

Course Name: Personal Fitness Course Number: 1501300

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76 9/6/2012 11:59 AM

Sample Item 2: Stimulus: Explore the role of running in another culture. In a paragraph name the culture and describe, with details, how running is important to that specific culture. Provide at least three examples of how running is important in that culture. Rubric:

4 Points The student response shows a thorough understanding of the sport by accurately describing how running is important to the culture. The response includes three accurate examples of how running is important in that culture.

3 Points The student response shows an understanding of the sport by accurately describing the

how running is embedded into the culture. The response includes two accurate examples of how running is important in that culture.

2 Points The student response shows a partial understanding of the sport by describing how

running is embedded into the culture, with several inaccuracies. The response includes one accurate example of how running is important in that culture.

1 Point The student response shows an incomplete or incorrect understanding of how running is embedded into the culture. The response includes many inaccuracies and no examples of how running is important in that culture.
