ISSUE 4: 18 – 24 JAN 2016 A COMMISSION SET UP … · organization of Cambodian tourism expo in...


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attend the World Humanitarian Summit 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey, on 23-24 May, and the Midterm Review of Istanbul Programme of Action at Antalya, Turkey, from 27 to 29 May, 2016.

Both sides also exchanged views on bilateral economic and trade cooperation, particularly the two countries’ commitment to boost the two-way trade to US$500 million by 2020, and on the exchange of visit between the two chambers of commerce, the establishment of direct flight between both countries, the organization of Cambodian tourism expo in Turkey, and so on.

The Cambodian top diplomat asked the Turkish side to consider importing Cambodian milled rice and thanked the Turkish government for having provided scholarships to nine Cambodian young diplomats.


Cambodia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation H.E. Hor Namhong received on 21 January visiting H.E. Ms. Ayse Sinirlioglu, Turkey’s G20 Sherpa Ambassador.

In the meeting, H.E. Ms. Ayse Sinirlioglu recalled the Turkish President H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s and Foreign Minister H.E. Mevlut Cavusoglu’s invitation to Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, and Foreign Minister H.E. Hor Namhong to pay a visit in Turkey this year which will open a new chapter for the strengthening and expansion of the ties of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, according to a news release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

H.E. Ms. Ayse Sinirlioglu took the opportunity to invite a high representative of Cambodia to

The Royal Government of Cambodia has established a national commission to prevent and crack down on illegal logging in the northeastern part of the country, according to a decision signed by Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen on 15 January.

The ten-member commission is headed by Gen. Sao Sokha, Deputy Commander in Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and Commander of the Royal Gendarmerie of Cambodia, with Lt. Gen. Hou Sakun, Deputy Commissioner General of National Police as the Vice Chairman.

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Cambodia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation H.E. Hor Namhong greets visiting H.E. Ms. Ayse Sinirlioglu, Turkey’s G20 Sherpa Ambassador, on 21 January, 2016.


I S S UE 4 : 1 8 – 2 4 J A N 20 16

The European Union (EU) has awarded eleven new grants for a total of over 8.2 million Euros to local and international NGOs to support their development mission in Cambodia, according to an EU’s press. The funds will be used to strengthen civil society organisations and promote human rights (political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights), accountability, good governance, and democratisation, it said, adding that the grants are awarded as part of a competitive process which attracted 77 applicants.

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Weekly publication of the Royal Embassy of Cambodia to UK, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Ethiopia and African Union


DPM HOR NAMHONG RECEIVES CAMBODIAN SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation H.E. Hor Namhong received 17 Cambodian students who have won scholarships to study in New Zealand on 19 January.

On the occasion, H.E. Hor Namhong expressed congratulations to the Cambodian scholarship winners, saying that overseas study will contribute importantly to the country’s development. Human resource training is one of the four priorities to develop Cambodia’s economy, he stressed.

The minister continued that the students on the achievements obtained by the Royal Government of Cambodia as well as the good relationship between Cambodia and New Zealand, especially New Zealand’s assistance to Cambodia in all sectors including Angkor preservation, agriculture, mine clearance, Khmer Rouge Tribunal and human resource training; and on the ASEAN-New Zealand relationship. The Cambodian top diplomat recommended them to pay high attention to their studies and to help disseminate Cambodia’s achievements and real situation to other Cambodian students and communities in New Zealand; and to strengthen the solidarity among students themselves as well as the cooperation between the two countries.

RGC PLANS THE STUDY TO CONSTRUCT NEW AIRPORT BY 2035 Royal Government of Cambodia has planned the feasibility study to construct a new international airport to meet future’s need after 2035.

According to the government’s master plan, the construction of the new airport will approximately cost around US$300 million.

Every year, there are about one million travelers passing the current Phnom Penh International Airport, highlighted to the record of the Civil Aviation Authority of Cambodia.The number of travelers increases between 5 to 6 percent every year; and the increase doubles in 15 to 20 years.

Phnom Penh International Airport can absorb only 5 million travelers. Based on the estimation, the airport cannot meet the 2035 need.

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“I am delighted that the EU, as one of the key development partners to Cambodia, is able to continue its support to civil society and their effort to promote human rights and democratic reform. We believe that these grants will directly benefit the entire nation by strengthening local governance, accountability

for their active contribution to Cambodia’s socio-economic development, particularly in the areas of commerce, economy, social affairs, good governance, and so on. The finance minister hoped that the relationship and cooperation in all sectors between the two countries will be further strengthened and expanded during H.E. William A. Heidt’s three-year diplomatic mission in Cambodia. H.E. Aun Porn Moniroth informed the U.S. diplomat of Cambodia’s economic growth, remarkable decrease of poverty rate and good public debt management; and asked him to encourage more U.S. investors to do business in Cambodia. Both sides also discussed the commercial cooperation and investment promotion between the two countries.


The United States of America will continue boosting the financial and technical cooperation with Cambodia, affirmed H.E. William A. Heidt, U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia, during the meeting with Cambodia’s Minister of Economy and Finance H.E. Aun Porn Moniroth, on 18 January.

On the occasion, H.E. William A. Heidt also appreciated Cambodia for its remarkable changes and development in all sectors.

In reply, H.E. Aun Porn Moniroth expressed thanks to the U.S. Government and people

and inclusive and sustainable growth,” said H.E. George Edgar, EU Ambassador to Cambodia.

“I am confident that these new grants will serve to further narrow the development gap for the greater benefit of Cambodians,” underlined the EU diplomat.

A COMMISSION SET UP…. Besides, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Environment, and governors of Tbaung Khmum, Kratie, Kampong Cham, Mondulkiri, Rattanakiri, and Stung Treng provinces are the members.

According to Cambodia’s Ministry of Environment announcement, it has advised all the companies granted the economic land concessions (ELCs) to respect the laws. All forest clearance, and collection and processing of forest products and sub-products have to be carried out in accordance with the laws in force, it added.

According to the Ministry of Environment, a total of 113 ELCs of 628,298.75 ha have been so far examined and evaluated, of which 81 ELCs have been submitted to the Inter-Ministerial Committee meeting.

As a result, 23 ELCs of 90,682 ha have followed the set principles and other procedures, and 4 ELCs of some 32,387 ha have been voluntarily given back to the RGC while 4 ELCs of 14,854.75 ha have been reduced to only 1,262 ha, and 18 others of 101,360 ha have been given from six months to one year to continue the necessary procedures and are under close monitoring of the Ministry of Environment.

Moreover, 16 other ELCs of 76,279 ha in total have been already examined, measured and evaluated by the Inter-Ministerial Committee whereas the remaining 32 ELCs of 216,738 ha have been already examined and evaluated by the Ministry of Environment before being submitted to the Inter-Ministerial Committee.

2015: CONSTRUCTION SECTOR ATTRACTS US$3.33 BILLION INVESTMENT Cambodia’s construction sector received over US$3.33 billion investment capital last year, according to the data released by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction. The figure shows an increase by some 33.14 per cent, from US$2.5 billion in 2014, it pointed out. About 2,305 projects on a total area of 7.7 million square meters were approved in 2015, it added. Cambodia has currently around 700 buildings from 5 to 55 floors, some of which have finished the construction while others are under construction. The major investors for Cambodia’s construction sector are China and South Korea.

ANA TO LAUNCH DIRECT FLIGHT FROM JAPAN TO CAMBODIA IN SEPTEMBER All Nippon Airways (ANA) Co., Ltd., a major Tokyo-based airlines company, will launch its daily direct flight to Cambodia on 1 September, 2016, according to H.E. Chum Sounry, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. ANA will use Boeing B787-8 (C42/Y198) for Tokyo-Phnom Penh route (10:50-15:10) and Phnom Penh-Tokyo route (22:50-06:45(+1)), said the spokesperson in a statement. This direct flight will increase the number of Japanese tourists to Cambodia and vice-versa, he underlined. Cambodia and Japan have coordinated to extend the long-term visa from 1 to 3 years for the tourists and investors, said H.E. Chum Sounry. Cambodia-Japan direct flight is an initiative of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in order to promote tourism, trade and investment between the two nations.

The head of Harihara Statue of Phnom Da from the collection of Guimet Museum of Asian Art, France, was finally reattached to its torso preserved at the National Museum of Cambodia, after some 130 years of separation, in a ceremony held on 21 January under the presidency of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers H.E. Sok An.

Speaking on the occasion, the Cambodian DPM welcomed the reunion between Harihara Statue’s head and torso, stressing that it is like giving new life to the statue.

“According to the Cambodians’ belief, this is a good symbol of reunion, reunification, harmony and strength of the Cambodian nation’s spirit, and a good omen for this new year 2016 which will bring about prosperity and new achievements to the Cambodian nation in addition to the existing ones attained by the Royal Government of Cambodia,” underlined H.E. Sok An.

The Cambodian DPM further called on other museums and art collectors around the world

Cambodia National Council for Children (CNCC) on 18 January launched a national plan of actions for child development 2016-2018 at its office in Phnom Penh. “The launch of this plan aims to build greater understanding of ministries, institutions, development partners and private sectors,” addressed H.E. Vorng Saut, Social Affairs, Veterans and Rehabilitation Minister and President of CNCC. Presided over by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection H.E. Ms Men Sam An, launch of first-ever action plan of its kind for Cambodia was attended by some 300 concerned government officials, journalists, children themselves, and representatives from like-minded development agencies. With assistance from the European Union, the Cambodia National Council for Children in cooperation with Plan International Cambodia have worked on the action plan


enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child ratified by the Royal Government of Cambodia in 2012. According to H.E. Vorng Saut, all stakeholders can use the actions in the national plan to incorporate into their own sectoral operational plan in order to further enhance and protect child rights in Cambodia. “We hope that the alignment with actions in the plan by relevant players will bring about smooth implementation and more effective and efficient results supportive and enabling for the children,” said Jan Jaap Kleinrensink of Plan International Cambodia. Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Ms. Men Sam An appreciated the achievement of CNCC in collaboration with NGOs and other counterparts, and encouraged more collaboration and initiatives to better the next generations.



CAMBODIAN LOOTED STATUE RETURNED to follow the example of returning plundered treasures to their rightful owners as part of the worldwide campaign for the protection of cultural heritage.

Between 1996 and 2014, Cambodia has received some 350 returned artifacts from the U.S., France, Thailand, Australia, Switzerland, Indonesia, the Netherlands, Japan, UK, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Canada and Taiwan.

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Visions of Cambodia is produced by the Press and Information Unit, Royal Embassy of Cambodia 64 Brondesbury Park l Willesden Green l London NW6 7AT l United Kingdom l Tel: +44(0)208 451 7850

