Islam / Africa / Imperialism Review Compared to many Polytheistic religions that came before Judaism...


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Islam / Africa / Imperialism


Compared to many Polytheistic religions that came before Judaism and Catholicism, both are significantly different because they are _____________ religions.Monotheistic

Another two word phrase used to describe The Gospels is…

Good News

Twelve close followers of Jesus were called …

The Apostles

The word Islam means what in Arabic?




Islam has two major subgroups, they are :

Sunni : Which accounts for the great majority of Muslims

Shi’ite : Concentrated in Iran and Iraq

What are the Five Pillars of Islam?

Profession of Faith


Almsgiving (zakat)

Fasting (sawm)

Pilgrimage (hajj)

Muslim Mosques always face what direction?

Toward MECCA

Martin Luther’s main complaint that started the Protestant Reformation was…


Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have this “one” thing in common?


The founding prophet of Islam was…


The Arabic name for God is…


The word “Judaism” means God’s…

Chosen People

Muslims look to religious law on :(Name these four things)

•Family Life




Muslims believe that Jesus was…

A prophet

Both Hinduism and Buddhism believe in Karma, Dharma, and a cycle of rebirth. (true or false)


John Calvin preached that God had decided who would be saved a long time ago, also known as…


What is the main religious book of Islam?

The Koran

The essential religious duties required of every adult Muslim who is mentally able is referred to as… The Five Pillars of Islam

In comparison to the Old Testament and the New Testament, Muslims believe that the Qur’an is a perfect representation of Gods words. (true or false)


In Judaism, the main body of religious text is called…

The Torah

Legalized segregation in S. Africa between 1948 and 1994 was know as:


1884 meeting that set up rules for taking land in Africa was called:

Berlin Conference

King who began the “Scramble for Africa”

Leopold II

List 3 goals of imperialism:

1. Access to Natural Resources2. Social Darwinism3. Expanded Markets4. Nationalism5. Business Opportunities6. Outlet for Europe’s Population7. Spread of Christianity 8. Spread of Western Civilization 9. Fueling Bases

First freely elected black South African president. Served as a symbol of freedom and struggle to achieve equality.

Nelson Mandela

The domination of one country over the political, economic, and cultural life of another is called:


An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading rights is called:

Sphere of Influence

Territory settled and controlled by people from a foreign land is known as a:


A country that maintains it own government but must submit to the will of a foreign power is called:

