Is there a chance to find heavy neutrinos in future lepton colliders?


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1 I April 1996

EIISEVIER Physics Letters B 372 (1996) 259-264


Is there a chance to find heavy neutrinos in future lepton colliders?

J. Gluza ‘, M. Zrdek2

Department of Field Theory and Particle Physics, Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Uniwersytecka 4, PL-40-007 Katowice, Poland

and Deparhnent of Physics, Universiry of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53704, USA

Received 1 November 1995; revised manuscript received 13 January 1996 Editor: RV. Landshoff


We examine two processes, the neutrino production process e+e- + NV and the inverse neutrinoless double-/l decay - -

process e e + W-W- as possible places for discovering heavy neutrinos in future lepton linear colliders. The heavy neutrino parameters are bound from existing experimental data. We use only one important theoretical input, the lack of a Higgs triplet. As a consequence the neutrinos must have different CP parities. In such models the existing experimental bounds for mixing parameters still give a chance that heavy neutrinos can be observed in future e+e- and e-e- colliders.

The existence of heavy neutrinos is predicted by al- most all models beyond the standard one. The possi- bility of their experimental discovery depends on their masses and couplings with known leptons. There are models which predict very big masses for heavy neu- tral fermions and very small couplings with known particles. The so-called see-saw models are of this type [ 11. There are however other models too in which the lightness of the known neutrinos is predicted by a sym- metry argument [ 2.31. In such models the heavy neu- trinos need not be extremely heavy and the couplings are not connected with their masses. If such models have something to do with reality, the predicted heavy neutrinos can be potentially tested in low energy ex- periments.

’ E-mail address: * E-mail address:

As in the lepton sector, the standard model agrees very well with experimental data and it is possible to find the bounds on heavy neutrinos masses and their mixing angles. Experimental observations like the ef- fective number of neutrino species NV, lepton num- ber violation processes (p 4 ey, p -+ 3e, p + e conversion in nuclei) and neutrinoless double+ de- cay give the most stringent bounds on heavy neu- trino parameters. The precise numerical values of the bounds depend on the model which we consider. The clearest situation is in the standard model with addi- tional right-handed neutrino singlets and we consider this model as an example.

The aim of this paper is to give the precise values of the cross sections for two specific processes

e’e- + NV (1)

0370-2693/96/$12.00 @ 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PII SO370-2693 (96)00074-3

260 J. Gluza, M. Zraiek/Physics Letters B 372 (1996) 259-264

- - e e -+ w-w- (2)

at TeV energies, taking into account present existing experimental limits on model parameters. We think that in future colliders these processes can be a good place where the existence and properties of heavy neu- trinos will be tested. There are also other lepton vi- olation processes as e.g. yy --) IfI+ W- W-, e-y + v,l-l- W+( I= ,u, 7) or e-y -+ e+ W- W-, which in- dicate the existence of heavy Majorana neutrinos. But it was found [ 41 that these processes can be visible in accelerators with fi 2 4-10 TeV over much of the range of the Next Linear Collider (NLC) with fi N 0.5-2 TeV discussed up to now. Although the pro- cesses ( 1) and (2) were considered in the literature [ 5-71 the situation is not clear, as different final con- clusions are predicted. The direct production process e+e- --t NV can test production and decay of heavy neutrinos with masses up to fi independently if they are Dirac or Majorana particles. In the inverse neutri- noless double-p decay process e-e- --) W-W- Ma- jorana neutrinos are r-channel objects so we can hope to test them even if their masses exceed CM energy

(MN > Js’>*

In the lowest order the process ( 1) is described by the W-exchange diagram in I and u channels for Ma- jorana neutrinos (only the r-channel for Dirac neu- trinos) and 2 exchange in the s-channel [ 581. The appropriate diagrams are proportional to

K&. K”, (1 and u channels),

c KNI K;, ( s channel), l=e,jL,r


where KN~ is the analog of Kobayashi-Maskawa mix- ing matrix in the lepton sector. In the considered energy range fi > 0.5 TeV the s-channel exchange diagram gives only a small contribution (< 2%) [ 81 so the mixing between electron and heavy neutrino pi, willJdetermine the size of the cross section

K Ye N 1. The cross section for the process (2)) described by

neutrino exchange in t and u channels, depends on the functions [ 71

R c K2 ma

f(U) = - all neutrinos (8) ae~~pcosO+~


where /3 = dw and 0 is CM scattering an- gle. More complicated interplay between all elements

&e (a = N, v), all neutrino masses m, and energy fi determines the size of u (e-e- -+ W-W-) [ 71.

What kind of information do we have from existing experimental data?

(i) The sum

c IKN~I~ 5 K2 Weavy)


over heavy neutrinos is bounded, Different values are found: K’ < 0.015 [9], ~~ < 0.0054 [ lo]. If we use the last LEP result for the number of light neu- trino species, N,, = 2.991 f0.016 [ll], we fc2 < 0.0045.

(ii) The lack of neutrinoless double-/3 (/I&, gives the bound for light neutrinos



(6) v(light)

where K&t <1.1eV[12]or~~,,,<0.68eV[13].

(iii) From (fl/?)oy it is also possible to get the bound for heavy neutrinos (mN >> 1 GeV)

I c Ge&I < w2* N(heavy)


Now, as there is a problem with estimating the role of heavy neutrinos in (/?/?)oy, the bounds given by various authors differ very much: w2 < 5.6. 10m4 TeV-* [ 141 or w2 < 5.1O-‘TeV-t [ 1.51.

(iv) We know also that there are no neutrinos with mN < 45.5 GeV and standard model couplings to &I [ 11,161 and, if neutrinos with masses 1 GeV I mN < MZ exist, their coupling to Zc should be such that [ 171

Br(Z + NV) < 10-5. (8)

There are also some general constraints which come from theory.

(v) First of all the mixing matrix K must be unitary so

J. Gluza, hf. Zraiek/ Physics Letters B 372 (1996) 259-264 261

v(light) NC heavy)


(vi) There are also some specific constraints con- nected with the model. In gauge models the lack of Higgs triplets prevents the production of mass terms for left-handed neutrinos. Then the relation between light and heavy neutrinos follows [ 71

Alight E c K&m, = - c Kiern,v v( light) Mh.=vy)

= - -A heavy 9 (10)

which is crucial for our considerations. This is all information which we use. How big could

the cross sections a(e+e- + NY) and a(e-e- + W-W-) be if the couplings and masses satisfy the constraints (5)-( lo)? The answer depends on the number (IZR) of heavy neutrinos and their CP parities


We would like to clarify the point about CP parities of heavy neutrinos. From Eqs. ( 10) and (6) it follows that

(11) N( heavy)

A.9 K&ht is very small it is difficult to imagine any model which gives so small I KN,[ that for mN > 100 GeV the bound ( 11) is still satisfied. Even the see- saw mechanism where KN~ N 1 GeV/mN is not able to give such small coupling. So the only natural ex- planation is that there must be some cancellation in A heavy and KN~ are complex numbers. We do not want to study general CP symmetry violation. We restrict ourselves to the case of CP symmetry conservation. Then it is natural to assume that qcp purities of heavy neutrinos are not all equal, as a consequence some KN@ are pure complex numbers and ( 11) can be satis- fied even for the heavy neutrinos with mN 2 100 GeV.

First we calculated the cross section for production of heavy neutrinos a(e+e- -+ NY) with 1 GeV < mN < 1%4x using the bound (8). The cross section which for LEP I is out of range of observability, (T II 2.5 fb for mN = 1 GeV, is larger for NLC, u N 7.4 fb for fi = 500 GeV and u N 8.2 fb for fi = 1 TeV, and almost do not depend on the neutrino mass (in the calculation we use Kie z 8 - 10m5 what is equivalent to the relation (8) ) .

The contribution of the low mass 1 GeV < mN < Mz neutrinos with small coupling (8) to the e-e- ---) W-W- cross section is negligibly small (U < 2. 10e4

fb). Now we restrict ourselves to larger neutrino masses

m,%J > 100 GeV. Let us consider separately the cases with different number of heavy neutrinos.

.,&=I Taking into account relations (6) and ( 10) the cou- pling KN~ is small

&It IKNel I -

mi (12)

and the cross sections for both processes are very small. The result does not depend on rlcp of the heavy neutrino.

l nR=2 In agreement with our discussion we have to assume that both heavy neutrinos have opposite CP parities. Let us take vcp( Ni) = -r]cp(Nz) = i. If we denote KN,~ = XI, ~~~~ = ixz, ml = M, m2 = Ah4 (A > 1) then from relations (5) -( 7) couplings and masses must satisfy the inequalities

x; 5 A K2 - 6 ~+1 + S or x: 5

A2w2M - 6 AZ- 1 (13)

xi: I K2 - 6

A+1 (14)

where S = At&M. AS for masses 0.1 TeV < M < 1 TeV, ~~ >> ~‘44, the second inequalities are usu- ally stronger. The only possible way to get large xf is to assume that A --+ 1. Then the cross section for e+e- ---) NV process can be large. In Fig. 1 we de- pict cross sections for production of heavy neutrinos in the e+e- + NY process as a function of lighter neutrino mass for different values of A = mz/rnl with fi = 1 TeV. There is space for large cr but only for very small mass differences (ml N m2) .

The e-e- -+ W-W- process still remains small and out of ‘experimental interest’ (a < 10T4 fb). The functions R,(“) which determine the magnitude of the a(e-e- ---) W-W-) prefer different masses for heavy neutrinos (A > 1). In the nR = 2 case

262 J. Gluzu, M. Zrdek/ Physics Letters B 372 (1996) 259-244

* * * * *

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 M [GeV]

Fig. 1. The cross section for the e+e- 4 Nu process as a func- tion of lighter heavy neutrino mass mt = M for fi = 1 TeV in the models with two heavy neutrinos (ns = 2) for different values of A = wa2/rnl (solid line with A = 1 .OfKll, ‘0’ line with A = 1.004, dots line with A = 1.01 and ‘*’ line with A = 100). Only for very small mass difference A N 1 do existing experi- mental data leave the chance that the cross section is large, e.g. crmax (M = 100 GeV) = 275 fb. If m2 >> mt then the cross sec- tion must be small, e.g. for A = 100, crmax( M = 100 GeV) N 0.5 fb. The solid line gives dS0 ~,,,,(e+e- + NV) for fla > 2 (see the text).

the bound (7) from (pj3)ey has an important con- sequence. Without this restriction the cross section would be significantly greater [ 71.

l nR=3 We assume that q~(Nt) =77&N?) = -))cp(Ns) = i. If we denote KN,~ = xl, ~~~~ = ~2, KN,~ = kg and ml = M, rn2 = AM, m3 = BM, then relations (5)-(7) give a set of inequalities. We consider the more interesting case A > B (if A < B the mixing parameters are much smaller) in which the following inequalities are satisfied:

l+B X$+X:A+B+ (15)

X:zX:A2_B2 =A- (u2M-;) &,



X;<X:A2_B2 -A+ (u2M+;) &.


x: can be found from the relation

\I b,

Fig. 2. Sketch of the region in x:-.x: plane of still experimentally acceptable mixing parameters. We use the following denotations (see Eqs. (15)-(17) in the text):

For &ses M < 1 TeV, b2 N bi <‘l and the region is very narrow (A 40). The more shadowed region is the place where the cross sections ate the largest.

x; = f (x; + Ax; - 6) . (18)

From inequalities (15)-( 17) we can find the region in the (xf , xz) plane of still acceptable mixing param- eters. The region (which is schematically shown in Fig. 2) depends on the chosen values of M, A and B.

In Fig. 3 we depict the largest possible cross section for the e-e- + W-W- process as a function of the lightest neutrino mass M for several values of @. For each value of M we found the region in (X:,X!> plane such that values of xi, xi, xi: from this region give the biggest possible e-e- + W-W- cross section. This situation takes place for very heavy second (A >> 1) and heavier third neutrino, B N 2-10. In Fig. 3 we depict also the cross section for production of the lightest heavy neutrino with mass M in the e+e- -+ NV process, taking exactly the same mixing angle XT as for the e-e- + W-W- process (the curves do not represent the maximal cross section in this case; see later in the text). The plots presented are in some sense model independent. The only theoretical inputs are unitarity relation for K matrix (which is obvious) and lack of Higgs triplets (which is less obvious and

J. Glum M. Zrdek / Physics Letters B 372 (1996) 259-264 263

1000 I I I I I I

F05,FlO,F15,FZO:fi = 0.5,1,1.5,2 TeV




e-e- * w-w- e+e- -_) NV - .

‘, f..

‘. ‘.

. ‘., p0

.FlO . .F?5,

. . ‘,.

.. . :



500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

M [GA’]

Fig. 3. The cross sections for the efe- -+ NV and e-e- -+ W-W- processes as a function of the lightest neu- trino mass urt = M for different CM energy (the curves denoted by FIX, FIO, F15 and EL0 depicted the cross section for both processes for fi = 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 TeV respectively). The cross sections for the e-e- -+ W-W- process am chosen to be largest. For the e+e- -+ NV reaction the cross section for each of neutrino masses is calculated using the same parameters as for cr(e-e- + W-W- ) and is not the biggest one (see the text and solid line in Fig. 2 for the maximum of e+e- + NV). The solid line parallel to the M axis gives the predicted ‘discovery limit’ (B = 0.1 tb) for both processes.

model dependent). We do not use any other restriction as e.g. requirement of lack of cancellations [ 41. If we set ‘the discovery limit’ on the Q = 0.1 fb level (which with the year integrated luminosity N 80 fb-’ [4] is reasonable) we can conclude that

everywhere in the possible region of phase space the production of heavy neutrinos in the e+e- process has a greater cross section than the lepton violating

- - process e e . It is impossible to find the place in the (XT, ~9) plane where it is opposite. Large val- ues of u (e+e- --) NV) makes this process a good place for heavy neutrino searching and worth more detailed future studies (decay of heavy neutrinos, background from other channels [ 181). there are also regions of heavy neutrino masses outside the phase space region for e+e- where

--. the AL. = 2 process e e is still a possible place to look for heavy neutrinos. It is a small region lTeV<M<l.lTeVforfi=lTeV,1.5TeV< M < 2 TeV for fi = 1.5 TeV and 2TeV < M < 3.1 TeV for fi = 2 TeV where the cross section (+ (e-e-) is still above the ‘discovery limit’. There is no such place with the fi = 0.5 TeV collider. The experimental value K* (see Q. (5)) would have to be below N 0.004,~ 0.003,- 0.002 for

fi = 1,1.5,2 TeV respectively to cause these re- gions to vanish. Fortunately these results do not depend on the value of w* (Hq. (7) ) which is not well known.

If we take the other rlcp parities for heavy neutrinos our final conclusion will not change. First of all only rela- tive r)cp are important so only one additional combina- tion qe(Nt) = -_rlcp(N~) = --17cp(Ns) = i should be considered. This mean that the CP parity of the second neutrino is opposite in comparison to the case which was considered previously. The largest cross section from Fig. 3 is obtained for a very heavy sec- ond neutrino (A >> 1) . Heavy neutrinos give however a small contribution to the R,(“) function (Eq. (4)) so it is not important if their CP parities are changed.

In Fig. 3 we do not give the experimentally accept- able highest cross section for the e+e- + NV pro- cess. As we mentioned before the cr (e+e- + NV) depends only on KN,~ = x1 mixing angle. In the case no = 3 the maximum value of .x: is the same as in the no = 2 case: (XT)_ N ~*/2. So the highest possible cross section is the same as in Fig. 1 (continuous line).

l nR>3 We do not obtain quantitatively new results in this case. The freedom in mixing parameter space for nR > 3, essential for our purpose, iS the same as in the nR = 3 case. If neutrinos have different CP parities the relation


c x; I K2 (19) i=l

determines the values of u_ and still (xi)_ E

~*/2. The possible maximum values of cross sections are such as in the nR = 3 case.

In conclusion, we have found the cross sections for e+e- + NV and e-e- -+ W-W- processes using the known up-to-date experimental bounds on heavy neutrino mixing parameters. The obtained cross sec- tions are calculated in the standard model with addi- tional right-handed neutrino singlets. The only impor- tant theoretical assumption was that at the tree level the left-handed neutrinos do not produce Majorana mass terms. This had a consequences that either CP sym- metry was violated or, if it was satisfied, the CP pari- ties of neutrinos were not equal. With these theoreti- cal assumptions we have found the ‘maximal possible’

264 J. Glum M. Zrdek/Phys~cs Lerters B 372 (1996) 259-264

cross sections for production of the heavy neutrino

process (e+e- -+ NV) and for the inverse neutrino- less double-,8 decay process (e-e- --$ W-W-) in the energy range interesting for future lepton colliders (OS-2 TeV) . The upper values for the cross sections were still large enough to be interesting from an ex- perimental point of view. For the e+e- --t NV process the cross section could be as large as 275 fb for fi = 1 TeV and M = 100 GeV. The e-e- + W-W- process could give indirect indication for larger massive Ma- jorana neutrino’s existence which was not produced in e+e- scattering. We would like to stress once more that what we have found are only ‘upper bounds’ and the reality need not be so optimistic.


We would like to acknowledge the warm hospital- ity of the Institute for Elementary Particle Physics Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where part of this work was performed. This work was supported in part by Polish Committee for Scientific Researches under Grant No. PB 659/PO3/95/08, by the Curie Sklodowska grant MEN/NSF 93-145, by the U.S. Department of Energy under Grant No. DE- FG02-95ER40896 and by the University of Wiscon- sin Research Committee with funds granted by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.


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