IRWA - CH 11 - Newsltr - Oct-Nov 2014 FINAL · IRWA Courses 215 and 218, and will be presen ng...


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IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 1

October/November 2014

Executive Board Meetings:

Oct 22 and Nov 19 —12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. at the SD County Water Authority, 4677 Overland Drive, San Diego

Upcoming Events:


950 Hotel Circle North San Diego, CA

TIME: Registration: 11:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. (Buffet opens 11:45 a.m.) Luncheon: 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

COST: $25 per person for IRWA Members with RESERVATIONS $30 per person for Non-Members & All Walk-Ins NOTE: The Chapter 11 Executive Board voted to subsidize the lunch by $5.00 And Parking by $1.00

RESERVATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY 2:00 p.m. on Friday, October 10, 2014

To Lida Jimenez at

NO-SHOWS: The IRWA is billed for meals based upon your reservation whether you attend or not. Therefore, if you make a reservation and do not attend, you will be invoiced ($30) for the meal to recover costs. Thank you for your consideration.

San Diego

Chapter 11

Please Join Us For Lunch Wednesday

October 15, 2014

Acknowledging Our New Members And Welcoming  

G  S :  Fred Clark, Clark Land Resources                Fred Clark, SR/WA, Vice President and Opera ons Manager of Clark Land

Resources, will be our guest speaker. Fred will be discussing infrastructure

challenges, as they relate to pipelines. Clark Land is known for

comprehensive exper se on right‐of‐way prac ces in acquiring,

inspec ng, protec ng and managing land rights (easement and fee‐

interest), and providing related in‐house training for u lity companies and

municipali es. Fred has been a member of IRWA over 25 years, serves on

the Pipeline Commi ee and represents the Pipeline Commi ee on the

Interna onal Asset Management Commi ee. He also is an Instructor of

IRWA Courses 215 and 218, and will be presen ng Course 215 here in San

Diego in February 2015.

President’s Message 2

Education Calendar 3

Roster Corrections/Additions New Member Bulletin


“Meet Your Colleague” Feature


Chapter Calendar—2014 –2015


Nominations & Elections Committee Update


Advertising Supporters 8-10

Member Birthdays 11

August Luncheon Photos 12

Executive Board Members 14

Regional Forum Coming Up 13

Inside This Issue:

IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 2

October Message from our President Cynthia Colburn, SR/WA

Hopefully our intense summer heat is over and we can all enjoy some of the beautiful weather that makes San Diego a “Destination City”. I hope you all have our next luncheon date, Wednesday, October 15, on your calendar. For

those that need re-certification credit, the luncheon will provide 1 hour of classroom credit. Fred Clark, SR/WA and Principal of Clark Land Resources, will be discussing several topics relevant to oil and gas pipelines, such as pipeline failures and the Federal regulations addressing this increasing and critical problem. Also coming up this month, we have the IRWA Region 1 Fall Forum. The Fall Forum will be hosted by Orange County, Chapter 67 at the Santa Ana Airport Holiday Inn on Saturday October 11th, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Guests are always welcome to this event. It is an opportunity to gain an understanding of how the region governance operates. The Forum will be kicked off by the 2014 Railroad Right of Way Seminar on Friday October 10 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and then a “Meet and Greet” Social Hour from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Friday night. Details for the events can be found at: (and Page 15 herein) and I encourage you to attend. Another exciting event for our Chapter members will be the Young Professionals Happy Hour on Thursday, October 23rd, 4:30 to 6:00 PM at the Polite Provisions (4696 30th St.) in San Diego. Our newly formed Young Professionals Committee is being led by Lauren Kodama and Julie Marshall. The Young Professionals in our Chapter are the future of the organization and I hope that you will plan to attend to help make the Happy Hour a successful event. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Board Members, Committee Chairs, and Communities of Practice (CoP) Representatives that faithfully serve our Chapter every year, as well as our leaders who have taken on a new position for this year. Our volunteers help to make Chapter 11 one of the “Top Ten” Chapters in our organization. Without the hard work and dedication of all of our leaders, our membership would not be able to enjoy and benefit from all that our Chapter has to offer. I look forward to seeing you soon! Cynthia


IRWA Young Professionals’ Happy Hour: Thursday October 23, 2014, 4:30 to 6:00 P.M. Please join us for our first Young Professionals’ Event, at “Polite Provisions” 4696 30th Street, San Diego. This will

be your opportunity to meet two of the Chapter’s senior mentors who are willing to offer their advice and expertise regarding IRWA and their specific professions: Jerry Colburn, SR/WA, Program Manager for Overland, Pacific &

Cutler, Inc. and Nick Von Gymnich, SR/WA, Senior ROW Agent for the San Diego County Water Authority.

Admission is free, and one drink ticket will be provided. For more info, contact Lauren at (760) 918-9444 ext. 200, or

IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 3

Education Opportunities: November 2014—April 2015

San Diego

205—Bargaining Negotiations November 21-22, 2014 (2 days) This course provides an overview of the steps involved in bargaining negotiations, how to determine whether negotiations are progressing in a bargaining or problem-solving mode and the specific skills and attitudes required of successful bargainers. Instructor: Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA

900—Principles of Real Estate Engineering January 5-6, 2015 (2 days) This course introduces the basic principles of engineering within the right of way profession, i.e. insight into the information contained in engineering plans as well as the practical applications of engineering tools. NOTE: Course 900 is approved by BREA for 15 hours of appraiser continuing ed. Instructor: Ralph C. Brown, SR/WA

902—Property Descriptions January 7, 2015 (1 day) This course combines hands-on experience with mentoring to illuminate engineering fundamentals, the practical applications of information in engineering drawings, and how to interpret property descriptions. NOTE: Course 902 is approved by BREA for 8 hours of appraiser continuing ed. Instructor: Ralph C. Brown, SR/WA

201—Communications in Real Estate Acquisitions February 2-4, 2014 (3 days) This course provides an introduction to the skills required in order to succeed during problem-solving negotiations, utilizing self-learning exercises, role-playing and simulations of actual acquisition interviews. Instructor: Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA

215—ROW Agent’s Development Program February 5-6, 2014 (2 days) This course emphasizes areas of pipeline acquisitions and sets the stage for the entire project planning and feasibility studies and is useful for any linear right of way acquisition projects, including electric transmission lines. In addition to the topic chapters listed, participants will receive sample checklists, charts, forms, reference lists, facts sheets, glossary of pipeline related words, and sample correspondence letters, all of which are designed to help the pipeline professional. Instructor: Fred W. Clark, SR/WA

100—Principles of Land Acquisition March 2-5 2015 (4 days) This course is the thorough introduction to the right of way profession, including the basic concepts of each right of way discipline. Topics include environmental issues, acquiring and transferring title to realty, viewing engineering plans, fundamentals of property description systems, requirements of a valid contract, easements, deeds, leases, the appraisal process, successful negotiations, and relocation. NOTE: Course 100 is approved by BREA for 32 hours of appraiser continuing education (#99382C142). Instructor: Carol L. Brooks, SR/WA

600 —Environmental Awareness April 6, 2015 (1 day) This course provides basic principles of ecology, a history of the environmental movement, a review of federal/state/local legislation, and the right-of-way professional’s role in the environmental process and mitigation of environmental impacts. NOTE: Course 600 is approved by BREA for 7 hours of appraiser continuing education (#93382C140) Instructor: Fred Walasavage of Bonneville Power Administration

606 —The Environmental Process April 7, 2015 (1 day) This course describes the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other important legislation which guide the project development process, as well as the various agencies and stakeholders involved. Right of way acquisition and management are herein described as typical in construction projects (linear and non-linear), but also for other purposes such as environmental mitigation. Instructor: Fred Walasavage of Bonneville Power Administration

QUESTIONS? Contact Chapter 11 Education Chairman Hugh Rowles Phone - (619) 956-4811 Email:

IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 4


These corrections have been made to your roster: ANDERSON, William, MAI …. CATLING, Jean V. G., MAI ……..……....619-236-6311 Principal Appraiser/Valuation City of San Diego, Real Estate Assets Dept. 1200 Third Avenue, Ste. 1700 San Diego, CA 92101 ……..… GERHARDT, Robert A., SR/WA (Retired from City of San Diego) 479 Mission Hill Runn New Braunfels, TX 78132-4767 KUNKEL, Gilbert, MAI ……..… LUNDY, Debra S., SR/WA, R/W-NAC …760-839-4034 Real Property Manager, Real Property (1st Floor) City of Escondido, City Manager’s Office 201 North Broadway Escondido, CA 92021 … TREXEL, Lynn J. ………………….Cell: 858-866-6992 11255 Tierrasanta Blvd., #130 San Diego, CA 92124 ………..…… YEE, William (Bill) ……………..……….. 619-857-8922 Land Advisor, Land Services, Pipeline Safety Enhancement Plan So. Calif. Gas Co. and SDG&E 4711 Viewridge Avenue, Ste. 150 San Diego, CA 92123

Please note the following email changes for Clark Land Resources staff: CLARK, Fred W. Sr., SR/WA ………..

CLARK, Linda L. …………………..….

BUCHANAN, Danny J. ………………. BLACKMAN, Julie ……………………. DAVIS, Jeffrey K. HILLER, Rita …….. Please note the following new members’ info: HEISE, Steven A. …………..……858-514-8377, X 102 Prinicipal Land Surveyor ………… FAX 858-514-8608 Dokken Engineering Inc. 1487 Pequena Street San Diego,CA

MARISCAL, Mayra K. …………………..760-741-2111 Manager, Condemnations & Easements Realty Income Corporation …...……FAX 760-741-8674 600 La Terraza Boulevard Escondido, CA 92025 …

New Member Bulletin Steven A. Heise Principal Land Surveyor Dokken Eng. Inc. (See above for full roster listing.)

IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 5


Meet Your Colleague First, thank you to each one who volunteered to be part of this

feature. I received enough replies that I had to sort them by alphabe cal order! So, star ng with “B” this

month we hear from member Carol Brooks, ge ng to know her a bit be er through her own words. SR/

WA, IRWA Instructor, ac ve mentor and mo va onal speaker, she has been the owner of Cornerstone

Management Skills for the past four years. Here she shares some of the thoughts that occurred to her

while she contemplated our profile ques onnaire ...

What are your current job responsibili es? Speaking, wri ng, training.

What has been your favorite project you have been involved with? Mentoring college students and members of the IRWA. Second

most fascina ng is wri ng my first non‐fic on book, currently looking for a publisher.

What path did you take to arrive in the ROW industry? Like most R/W professionals, I too didn’t have a “path”. A er a project

mee ng while working at the phone company, I was invited to work in right‐of‐way by the R/W manager. I was working in marke ng

at that me.

What hobbies or ac vi es do you enjoy outside of work? Being with my grands (grandchildren), hiking, biking, kayaking, RVing,

reading, laughing with my husband.

What is your ideal vaca on des na on? I would love to visit Portugal and walk the streets and dine at fine restaurants at the Ma‐

deira Island, the homeland of my ancestors. I want to hear the laughter of their homeland, see their industry, their neighborhoods,

their families … and enjoy their pas mes.

If you could try another job for a day what would it be? A er thirty years at the phone company, I never imagined having my own

company and helping people aspire to their personal best. Really, I can’t imagine another job.

Whom do you admire and why? I admire my children. They’re grown and have families of their own now. What I admire about

them is their keen focus on family. I always believed I had the right family focus, but they have taught me differently. And now God

seems to have given me a second chance through my grands Thank you!!

Tell us about an experience you consider part of your 15 minutes of fame. Just before leaving the phone company, I was honored as

a “Star Performer.” The SoCal region of SP’s were invited to the Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel, we dined, were challenged to reach our

next level of personal best, and walked out with an armload of gi s. It is a day I’ve tucked into a special place in my heart. And, I was

recently honored by the RWIEF with the 2013 Louise L. & Y.T. Lum Award. I remember years ago when as a novice I saw David Lange,

SR/WA receive this dis nguished aware and I thought “Wow! You have to be really special to get this award.” Never in my wildest

dreams did I think I’d ever receive the highest recogni on in the IRWA for educa on. I’m s ll pinching myself.

Is there a ROW/public improvement project you would like to see developed in the region? On a recent teaching trip to Ft. Worth,

Texas, a student took me on a Texas size tour. What impressed me the most was their entrepreneurial spirit. They used the land they

had acquired and made money from it. Instead of le ng acquired property sit dormant, her company turned it into cash cows. It was

an innova ve way to accrue revenue and replenish their purses. The water district had purchased an old drive‐in movie theater as

part of a project, but that phase was deferred (no surprise for most of our project). But what was a surprise is what the water district

did. They refurbished the old drive‐in theater, painted the concession stands and playground, and opened the property up to the com‐

munity as Family Friday Night. Some mes they’d have a farmers’ market and cra faire too. It was such a huge success—

reconnec ng the community—that they’re thinking seriously about carving out this property from the project and using it as a com‐

munity outreach effort. This is only one of their progressive examples of working for the public good—thinking outside the box.

Do you have any advice to newly‐hired ROW professionals? Count your blessings. I’ve had the privilege of working in many depart‐ments in the phone company but none was as challenging and gra fying as R/W. Each job is different. The property owners differ in

(Continued on page 11)

IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 6

Luncheon and Board Meeting Calendar 2014—2015

August 13, 2014 Chapter 11 Board Meeting San Diego County Water Authority—12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. August 20 Chapter 11 Luncheon—Happy Birthday to Chapter 11 Installation of the 2014-2015 Officers Handlery Hotel & Resort—11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. September 17 Chapter 11 Board Meeting San Diego County Water Authority—12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. October 15 Chapter 11 Luncheon Recognition of New Members Handlery Hotel & Resort—11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. October 22 Chapter 11 Board Meeting San Diego County Water Authority—12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. November 19 Chapter 11 Board Meeting San Diego County Water Authority—12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. December 17 Chapter 11 Holiday Luncheon Administrative Assistants/Bosses Day and Employer and Professional of the Year Awards Handlery Hotel & Resort—11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. January 28, 2015 Chapter 11 Board Meeting San Diego County Water Authority—12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. February 18 Chapter 11 Luncheon—Bring a Guest Handlery Hotel & Resort—11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. February 25 Chapter 11 Board Meeting San Diego County Water Authority—12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. March 25 Chapter 11 Board Meeting San Diego County Water Authority—12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. April 15 Chapter 11 Luncheon Election Day—New Officers & Recognition Day—Past Presidents, SR/WAs, 25+ Year Members, and Retired Members Handlery Hotel & Resort—11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. April 22 Chapter 11 Board Meeting San Diego County Water Authority—12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. May 27 Last Board Meeting before going Dark for the Summer San Diego County Water Authority—12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 7



Don’t miss the unveiling of the recipients for the 2014 pres gious Chapter awards at the December 17 Holiday Luncheon

Three nominees have been submi ed for

Employer of the Year


Three nominees have been submi ed for

Professional of the Year

Each award recipient will receive complimentary educa on hours along with an a rac ve plaque, suitable for flaun ng!

IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 8

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Wiggans Group, Inc.


Jane Wiggans, SR/WA

Over 30 years of experience in real estate and right of way consulting

Post Office Box 210, Bonsall, CA 92003 Telephone: 760.806.1776 Fax: 760.645.6853

DBE/SBE Certified

IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 11

Happy October and November Birthday Wishes to Our Members!!!

October Jocker Alejandro Carol Brooks, SR/WA Tim Caulder, SR/WA Patric Chavez, SR/WA Lance Dore Jeff Edgren Brian D. Finkbeiner Bob Gerhardt, SR/WA Rhonda Holmes Bernard (BJ) Johnson, SR/WA, R/W-NAC, R/W-AMC Michael Keagy, MAI Lauren G. Kodama Neilia La Valle Carolyn Lee, SR/WA, RW-RAC Judith A. McDonough Patrick A. McMichael Bill Ring Roswitha Sanchez, SR/WA James Stuart Brian D. Swanson Kristin Vandenberg, ARWP David S. Warburton November David Allsbrook III Crystal J. Arellano David Bezer Timothy J. Cullen, R/W-AC, IFAS Leroy E. Gomez Ken Keagy, MAI Bill MacFarlane, SR/WA Mayra K. Mariscal April McCusker, SR/WA Lisa Murphy, SR/WA Maria C. Silva, R/W-AMC Georgia Snodgrass, SR/WA, R/W-NAC, R/W-AMC Jeffrey Sykes

Just a note … We’re sorry if we missed your October or November birthday; if we did it’s just because we don’t have that infor-mation in our records. You can update our info through Carole Herrin at … and we’ll put a candle on the cake for your next birth-day!


Just another sign of the times …..?

needs , personality and brevity. Due to the mul ‐disciplined nature of the R/W industry, there are so many opportuni es to work in different fields, i.e. acquisi on, environmental, survey, appraisal, relo, and law. The profession is for your choosing. R/W professionals make a tremendous contribu on to their community by transforming neighborhoods, roadways, u li es, etc. for the public good. There is no higher calling than to serve your community.

Finally, the finest professionals I’ve had the privilege to work with are in r/w. By virtue of their job to diligently work towards a win‐win, they are the most generous, kind, gra‐cious people I’ve ever met. I’ve been in the industry for over 20 years and s ll enjoy friendships I made back then.

September 24, 2014

Continued from page 5)

Meet Your Colleague: Carol


IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 12

August Luncheon Photos

IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 13



October 11, 2014

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Chapter No. _____________________Title: ______________________________________________

Company/Agency ___________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip ______________________________________________________________________ Office/Cell Nos. _____________________________________________________________________ E‐mail address ______________________________________________________________________

Region 1 – Meet and Greet at Holiday Inn Poolside

Friday, October 10, 2014 - 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Drinks and Hors d’ oeuvres

_____ (# Attendees) - Chapter International Directors, Region 1 Reps, Industry Committees, IEC, and Headquarters - No Charge

Region 1 – Fall Forum Business Meeting Saturday, October 11, 2014

Luncheon _____ (# Attendees) - Chapter International Directors, Region 1 Reps, Industry Committees, IEC, and Headquarters - @ $20/person = $____________ _____ (# Guests) - Guests @ $20/person = $____________ Total Enclosed for Guests & Attendees = $____________

Lunch is a “Mexican Fiesta Buffet” with tri-color tortilla chips and homemade salsa; cheese enchiladas; chicken fajitas; Spanish rice and refried beans; warm flour tortillas; cinnamon churros; and iced tea and water. Registration forms are due no later than September 15, 2014. Please make checks payable to: IRWA Chapter 67 and send to: Katrina Diaz, Esq. Nossaman LLP; 18101 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 1800; Irvine, CA 92612; (Tel. 949-833-7800) (Fax. 949-833-7878); email:

IRWA Chapter 11 San Diego Newsletter — October/November Page 14

Chapter 11 Executive Board 2014-2015 Committees and Communities of Practice (CoP)

OFFICERS: President: Cynthia Colburn, SR/WA Vice President: Rick Engstrom, SR/WA Treasurer: Mike Flanagan, SR/WA Secretary: Fred Clark, SR/WA

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER: Past President: Nick von Gymnich, SR/WA

STANDING COMMITTEES: Nominations and Elections Carol Brooks, SR/WA Professional Development Vince McCaw, SR/WA Education Hugh Rowles, SR/WA Membership Lisa Murphy, SR/WA

INDUSTRY COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Electric & Utilities: VACANT Public Agencies: Carolyn Lee, SR/WA Oil & Gas Pipeline: Linda Clark Transportation: Monica Coria

COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE (CoP) REPRESENTATIVES: Asset Management: Sue Cope Environment: Julie Marshall Relocation: VACANT Surveying & Engineering: Julie Blackman Valuation: Roger Bush

CHAPTER COMMITTEE CHAIRS & PARLIAMENTARIAN: Advertising: Dennis Alviso Budget and Finance: Cynthia Colburn Luncheon: Lida Jimenez, SR/WA Newsletter: Diane Schooler Parliamentarian: Kathleen Hider, SR/WA Roster: Carole Herrin, SR/WA Website: Nick von Gymnich, SR/WA Young Professionals: Lauren Kodama AD HOC 2015 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS: Nick von Gymnich, SR/WA Joseph Currie, SR/WA AD HOC CHAPTER 11—60TH BIRTHDAY CHAIR: Julie Blackman
