Irish Invitational 2005 Wednesday & Thursday. Let the festivities begin!


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Irish Invitational 2005

Wednesday & Thursday

Let the festivities begin!

Great shirts Johnny!

Yeah, we figured Kate made them..

Just a little happy hour…

“Lightning in a bottle”




But not alone

Team LIAB is still ready to go!

Powering up for Texarkana

Getting to know the locals

Texarkana National Golf Club

Are ya’ll playing a 14-some?

‘cause you can!

Bet that lake has some good fish in it!

Evil goes hunting

Winner – cleanest cart

Welcome to Arkansas

And no one got pepper-sprayed!

Be the envy of your neighbors

Worlds Tallest Freestanding Saw Horse (and 2nd place)

Seeing a theme here?

Shhh. Go back to sleep…