Iris 29 - Web viewGreetings!Have you all been feeling the effects of the latest solar flare up?...


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July 27th, 2017 Issue #141 The Iris The Body Glyphix Studio


Have you all been feeling the effects of the latest solar flare up? Tiredness, crabby, emotional, headaches, achy or perhaps your cel phones are dropping calls, satellite dish problems, slow computers, brown outs or even power failures? Last week we had the most intense emission hit the earth and then the Northern lights we viewed by many. How can we help the effects of these powerful radioactive eruptions? Don’t just read about it~ join us for Yoga. The practice has been geared towards clearing the negative effects and a meditation that helps us become receivers of these solar emissions and radiation, transforming into the radiant being. See below for our Yoga Schedule.___________________________________________________________________________

Congratulations Rose!

Our Yoga Rose has worked hard and is now an internationally accredited Yoga Therapist, the highest honor a Yoga Instructor can receive. Working with the energetic body conditions can be reversed or greatly alleviated. Combine that with Rose’s Herbal and Holistic experience and you have the complete package. Medical Intuitism, Iridology, The Avana & Whitten Method certificates have taken her expertise to new heights. Call or email for your Body, Mind & Soul Consultation today.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Perseid’s Meteor Shower

Who doesn’t love spotting shooting stars? Lying on your back on a patch of grass or maybe your rooftop allows you to view the stars in a spectacular way. The Perseid meteor shower gives you the perfect opportunity to witness this beautiful natural phenomenon. This specific Comet was last seen in 1992 and will only return in 2026.

The meteor shower will have its peak between the 9th and the 13th of August. This year is expected to be even more spectacular than yet seen before.

These meteor showers are witnessed for over 2000 year already but in the year 1862 the com.t which causes this Perseid shower has been discovered. The comet was named 109P/Swift-Tuttle.

What makes us see the shooting stars? The small particles, consisting out of rocks and dust, ranging in size from grains to marbles, which the comet sheds come into our atmosphere. These particles enter with such speed (up to 100,000 miles per hour) that they heat up and turn into small bursts of light before they vaporize. It is very rare a particle actually reaches the surface of the Earth. Only when it manages to hit the ground it is called a meteorite. It will then amaze you what kind of damage such a small particle can actually do.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory predicts to see up to 100 meteors per hour during the peak of the Perseid meteor shower.

How can we witness this phenomenon the best way possible? Go to a place with the least amount of light pollution as possible. In other words, the darker the better. If you live in the city you will have to travel outside until the artificial light does not interfere anymore with the star gazing. The moment you see the stars, you will see meteor shower as well. There is no need for a telescope since the shower is visible with the naked eye. The best time to view the meteors is just after midnight. This is when you get the clearest sight.

What does seeing a meteor mean spiritually?  The symbolic meaning or significance of seeing a meteor, not to be confused with a shooting star or falling star, is that the universe is portending a drastic change in your life.  This does not mean something horribly bad or disastrous will happen to you soon.  It does mean your life will undergo tremendous, if not upside down, changes.  If may feel bad or especially hard and may last a while, but if you keep the perspective that once you get through it, the changes and desires you may have hoped for a while will take place.  When one door closes, yours is about to slam shut – hard, others will open.

Sometimes drastic changes are in order, and you ordered it, so you can continue your growth – both spiritually and mentally.  You may have been stuck in your current situation for a long time and tried to change the situation many times.  You may have been nudged several times previously by the universe.  Well, the time has come.  The easy way or soft landing time is over.  It’s going to change and change now.  No stopping it, the universe is in motion in this regards and it will change your universe completely.

Rose will be closing each class with a Savasana (supine meditation) to help us gain spiritual wisdom of viewing the powerful cosmic event.


10 Health Dangers of BromidesBromine is one of the “ides” that we need to avoid like the plague! Bromides, chloride and fluorides! Bromide is a chemical compound frequently used in flame retardants, baking ingredients, cell phones, plastic, dye, soda, and prescription drugs. Despite the warnings from the Centers for Disease Control about the serious, long-term health effects from constant exposure, use of the chemical shows no signs of slowing down. Why should you care? Because research has identified the following 10 dangers of bromine as the most damaging to human health.

1. Disrupts Thyroid FunctionExposure to bromine severely impacts the thyroid gland and causes hormonal issues. Bromine competes with iodine, an essential nutrient that supports the health of the thyroid. Bromine and iodine are absorbed in similar fashion and animal research has found that bromine exposure limits availability of iodine to the thyroid and interferes with hormone production. The flame retardant PCBE, for example, has specifically been fingered as a thyroid and endocrine disruptor. This is a HUGE problem — an impaired thyroid can lead to hypothyroidism, goiter, and hormonal imbalance.

2. Increased Risk of Preterm Birth and Birth DefectsIodine plays an integral role in conception and gestation. When bromine replaces iodine during pregnancy, expectant mothers may be at an increased risk for delivering preterm babies. Avoiding bromine can be tricky as it’s often used during water purification. One study found that mothers exposed to higher levels of bromine showed an increased risk of preterm delivery. An Australian study even reported a link between bromide exposure and birth defects. 

3. Slows Neural and Cognitive DevelopmentChildren exposed to high levels of brominated compounds (PBDEs) in flame retardants are known to suffer development issues. In one study, researchers tracked children born with high levels of PBDEs for six years. At all stages, their mental and physical development lagged behind children with lower, “acceptable” levels of PBDEs. Based on this fact alone, it’s shocking that any bromine exposure could be considered acceptable.

4. Cognitive FailureMental dysfunction related to the overexposure to bromine is so common it even has a name — bromism.  In one specific case of bromism, a patient consumed vast amounts of soda that contained brominated vegetable oil. The patient experienced problems including fatigue, headache, memory problems, and loss of muscle control. Next time you reach for a soda, check the label!

5. Contributes to Mental Illness?Psychosis, schizophrenia, and other mental health consequences, as a result of bromine exposure, has been known for decades. Nearly 30 years ago, researchers speculated that some mental illnesses, like schizophrenia, may be misdiagnosed. Why? Because in some cases, reducing bromine levels decreased or eliminated schizophrenia symptoms. Thus, many experts believe some mental conditions may simply be a symptom of an underlying nutritional problem. 

6. Skin DisordersWhen bromine comes in direct contact with the skin, it can irritate or burn. Exposure to bromine has also been linked to the development of cherry angiomas and lesions. This effect has been known for almost a century, with the term “bromine acne” noted in a text from 1926. These pus-filled eruptions and lesions were observed in individuals who took bromine for nerve conditions. 

7. DNA DamageRecent research has determined that potassium bromated, a common baking ingredient, causes oxidative damage to DNA.  To date, the research has involved animals; however, the human population consumes the

most of this compound on a daily basis and many people are extremely concerned of its negative health implications! 8. Carcinogenic PotentialThe International Agency for the Research on Cancer has identified potassium bromate (the ingredient used in bread and baking) as a known carcinogen. Although tests have only been performed on animals, the Agency states it may also behave as a carcinogen in humans. 

9. Toxic to the KidneysPotassium bromated is a known kidney toxin and has killed human embryonic kidney cells in lab tests.  Even the CDC acknowledges bromine may cause kidney damage.  Bottom line, if you prefer healthy kidneys, avoid bromine!

10. Hearing LossEars require a balance of potassium and sodium, two minerals that are helpful for promoting proper hearing. When tested on animals, potassium bromate created chemical imbalances within the inner ear. Researchers believe that an imbalance of nutrients may lead to hearing loss in humans.

Protecting Yourself from BromineBromine’s interferes with proper thyroid function, hormone synthesis, and kidney health. And those are just a few of the many problems associated with excessive bromine intake. Reducing your exposure to bromine and related chemicals, such as potassium bromate, is a key step to protecting your health.

The next step is to ensure you have adequate iodine levels, which can be accomplished by eating iodine-rich foods or supplementing with a high-quality iodine supplements. Natures Sunshine carries many great sea plant/flower remedies. Ask Rose which one works best with your energy. Certain iodines contraindicate medications. Your doctor, pharmacist or Rose will be able to help answer your simple questions.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

This Is Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People and Don’t Touch Others.

Mosquitoes are nasty, irritating insects whose presence can easily ruin an otherwise perfect time. The

way they buzz and swarm all around, waiting to land on some warm body to bite, is enough to drive

anyone insane.

The worst part about the pesky blood suckers are the diseases they carry, which they transmit straight

into your body and bloodstream when they bite. Every year worldwide almost 700 million people end up

contracting a mosquito borne illness resulting in over a million deaths. That number keeps growing and

the scary fact is what makes them the #1 killer of humans.

The current ongoing public health crisis surrounding the Zika Virus, which is spread by mosquitoes, is

causing all sorts of health issues. It’s only the latest international health threat that’s related directly to

mosquito bites and it’s in good company. Many diseases are spread mainly or exclusively by

mosquitoes including malaria, dengue, encephalitis, West Nile virus, and more. While it’s best to avoid

the flying terrors all together, that’s basically impossible because if they want to bite you they will, or die


One way to lessen the amount of bites is knowing what attracts skeeters in the first place. Basically, it

depends on how you smell and since mosquitoes have excellent scent receptors in their antennae,

they can smell any human within 100 feet easily. Unfortunately, it also comes down to genetics and

85% of the reason why mosquitoes prefer some people over others is due to their genetic makeup.

Here are some of the main factors that make someone a mosquito bite magnet:

1) Exercise and Lactic Acid Production- The sweatier and smellier a person in the more attractive they

are to a mosquito. Individuals who produce more lactic acid, which is emitted from our bodies via sweat

glands, will draw in more of the pests to their general vicinity. Also, the more perspiration and the older

it is, the greater the buildup of lactic acid, meaning you are a tasty meal. Research has proven that

fresh sweat isn’t as attractive to a mosquito as day old sweat appears to be, so taking a shower after

working hard or exercising can make a huge difference on how many bites you’ll end up getting.

2) Bacteria- Our skin is literally crawling with bacteria and it’s estimated that the average human has

about one trillion or so bacteria on their body. The types of bacteria living on our skin can vary greatly

from person to person and some varieties affect how much an individual gets bit by mosquitoes. For

example, it has been found that if someone has Staphylococcus and Variovorax present on their skin,

they’ll likely suffer more mosquito problems. The opposite is also true, other types of bacteria act to

make our skin less attractive to mosquitoes. A few of those types of bacteria include Pseudomonas,

Delftia, and Actinobacteria. You definitely want those crawling on your body!

3) Blood Type- The type of blood you have coursing through your veins factors greatly into the risk of

whether or not you’ll end up suffering from more bites than others. Studies have found that people with

Type O blood are bitten most often, followed by Type B, then Type A. In fact, Type O’s are so

appealing to mosquitoes that they’re twice as likely to suffer bites than Type A. In addition, if you

happen to be among the estimated 85% of people who emit a certain chemical that gives away your

blood type through your skin then mosquitoes will bite you long before they bite those who lack that

chemical. It’s as if the pesky insects like to know exactly what type of blood they’ll be sucking, eek!

4) Carbon Dioxide- Even just breathing is enough to attract mosquitoes because they are drawn to the

CO2 you exhale. Individuals who produce more CO2 get bit more frequently, thus pregnant women and

heavy-set people who tend to breathe heavier need to take extra precautions to keep from getting bit.

Another factor in relation to carbon monoxide is that beer drinkers have been found to get bit more

frequently because they too breathe more heavily when under the influence of a few beers.

While people commonly use bug zappers, horrible smelling chemical repellents, and mosquito nets to

try and combat the pests, they’re mostly ineffective or plain gross. Fortunately, there’s an easy and

highly effective way to keep your surroundings mosquito-free. This video shows how to make a trap to

catch the suckers using old soda bottles. It takes just a few seconds and you can make a bunch of

them for less than a couple of bucks.

Take a 2 liter soda bottle and carefully cut a third of the top part off it with a serrated knife. Place ¼ cup

of brown sugar, 1 cup warm water, and ¼ teaspoon of yeast in the bottom two thirds portion of the cut

soda bottle. Place the top of the soda bottle upside down into the bottom half of the bottle and make

sure the cap is off and that it fits tight and snug all around the sides. Place the soda bottle trap outside

near wherever you plan on sitting and let it do its magic. Mosquitoes will be attracted to the brown

sugar and yeast mixture and won’t be able to resist the sweet, sticky aroma it puts off. When they fly

down inside the bottle they become trapped and can’t escape, leaving you with a comfortable, relaxing,

mosquito-free atmosphere to enjoy and kick back in.

_____________________________________________Jewelweed Broth~ Poison Ivy Antidote

Not only is this a tasty cold soup for summertime, it is a superior remedy for poison ivy rash.Sipping 2-4 cups of jewelweed broth, hot or cold, will quell both skin and joint inflammation.

Harvest jewelweed (Impatiens pallida or canadensis) by pulling every 4th or 5th plant up by the roots. We

are using the entire plant. The redder the root, the more effective this remedy.At home, rinse your jewelweed and place it, roots and all, in a pan, pressing it down very well.

Add just enough cold water to barely cover the jewelweed and bring to a boil.Simmer, covered, until the water is orange.Cool, then refrigerate or pour into ice cube trays and freeze.

Jewelweed is the companion to poison ivy and can always be found within 25 feet of it. Should you brush against poison ivy- look for the antidote Jewelweed. God put a remedy near every problem ….

We have a couple remedies for poison ivy at the Studio…._____________________________________________________________________________________

How being an Empath can lead to Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia & Exhaustion


Come walk the labyrinth, before or after Yoga or a Consultation- or anytime that you are in the neighborhood. The Labyrinth is located just behind our Studio. It is enhanced with organic Lavender and Native Turtle Rocks which coincide with the 4 cardinal points. Feel the energies! Smell the relaxing lavender! Connect with nature!

Begin in the entrance located in the North (earth). Enter with a clear mind as you begin to walk clockwise (strengthening your convictions). Breathe in the lavender- allow it to relax your body, mind & soul. The path will change and you will move counter-clockwise (releasing negative energy). Feel the energies move through you as you spiral into the center. When you reach the center you will be facing east, invoking the fire element.  Pick or choose an intention (manifesting) here. To raise your energies, reach down and touch the Key Stone. This rock was found in our creek bed, and over time the water has spun it and shaped it almost perfectly round! It has many thousands of years of energy (prana) in it for you to access! Stop by the Wishing Well to manifest intentions and don’t forget to visit the frogs in our Buddha Fountain._________________________________________________________________________________________________

YOGA NIDRA~ Meditation

Please join Rose for a very special yoga meditation class called Yoga Nidra. This is not your typical mediation~ YN opens up doorways, releases blockages, it heals every organ, bone, muscle etc, it goes DEEP in to ALL levels of consciousness, releasing scars from traumas & abuses we have suffered from in this lifetime and more.  Your YN takes you through the veils of life, afterlife, and previous lifetimes.  We experience time travel, astro projection and it's also trippy! YN has an emphasis on health and healing where habitual thinking and thought patterns are reduced or eliminated. It also helps with insomnia and stress reduction and brings an incredible calmness, quietness, clarity and is one of the deepest of all meditations.

This meditation has a special emphasis on health and healing where habitual thinking and thought patterns are reduced or eliminated and it also helps with insomnia and stress reduction. It also brings an incredible

calmness, quietness, clarity and is one of the deepest of all meditations. Yoga Nidra means Yogic Sleep and is a state of conscious Deep Sleep. In this Meditation, you remain in the Waking state of consciousness, and gently focus the mind, while allowing thought patterns, emotions, sensations, and images to arise and go on. However, in this meditation, you leave the Waking state, go past the Dreaming state, and go to Deep Sleep, yet remain awake. While Yoga Nidra is a state that is very relaxing, it is also used by Yogis to purify the Samskaras (negative energy & thought patterns). YN is also powerful tool for manifesting. It’s also great for insomniacs and those who suffer with PTSD.

The class is being held Monday, August 7th at 7:30 PM. The fee is $12, pre-pay and registration is a must. Call 652-7805 or email for more information or registration. To pre-pay & register click on or copy and paste


9:30 am Yoga Yoga Yoga

10:00 am Yoga

6:10 pm GentleYoga

Yoga Yoga

Yoga A nice blend of Hatha, Integrative, Pilates & Foot Reflexology-geared to participants needs (Rose)Gentle Yoga Based on Yoga Therapy and Feldenkrais- powerfully healing (Rose)Yoga Nidra First Monday of the month- deep, healing meditation for all levels Life goes Om Free participation in any Yoga Class to any one with Cancer or a life threatening diseaseGroup Class fees- $12 drop in or $80 for 8 or $145 for 16 for any of the above classes

(click here for directions)

When you support Rose's work on this planet you in-turn help support thousands of people worldwide to raise their consciousness and become empowered.

PROUDLY SERVING OUR COMMUNITYwe're here to provide exceptional service

In alignment with our values here at Body Glyphix, we pride ourselves in offering an exceptional customer experience. Body Glyphix was established in 1984 by Rose and to this day is a heart-based business run by a

female spiritual entrepreneur.

The Body Glyphix StudioRose Czyrny

12377 Big Tree Road, Wales Center, NY 14169email:

website:  phone: 716.652.7805 

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